Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 16

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What You Want
Loans on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock or Any Other
Security You May Have.
Before Making a Loan See Us.
We Will Bring the Money to You.
Nebraska Loan Co,
Opposite Postoffice Corner lGth and Capitol Ave.
Both Phones: Bell Doug. 135G; Ind. A-135G.
Business Strictly Confidential
HULSH HIEPEN, funeral director no- AUTOMOBILES,
ctuori 10 Hauy ii. Davia. JU 8. lttlh oU (( ontlnued.)
SIGN PAINT1NO-8. U. Cole. 1303 Dougla FOR BALE-Taxlcal. Chalmrrs-nptrolt
80 chasls; taxicab body build by Hlddle A
DAVID COLE Creamery Co. Sharp of Amebury, Mann. This cab was
put In service In March and I practically
REMOVAL sale monument. 1417 8. 11th. new. A cab company In a 1'aclflc coast city
, . bought more cabs than for which there la
OLIVER A. HALL, architect A engineer. Immediate use and will sell one or two
N. V. Life; designer of modern building, taxlcabs at a sacrifice. Original cost,
U.'M. Submit your offer. Address, T 336,
UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau, 20t Old care Bee.
Bo? ion Store Id. Musio Indexing cebl- , , ,
"oLha Mirror -ntfArt Ulaa Co., art BARTER AND EXCHANGE
glues mure cutting, beveling mirrors of TRADES If you have anything to trade,
all kinds, resllverlng and 1 framing, office wrlte UB. We can mtch anything. Our
and factory 1M4 Cuiulng M. Both phones. nBt ls Imrge, Dean-Andrews Co.. 422 N.
UIIOKS called for and delivered frie. ' L' ,
fctandaru Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Far nam. pDR SALE Stock or general merchan-
; ; dlse, for cash at small discount, or will
F. D. A.N PELT, the Omaha auctioneer, trade for good Nebraska farm. Write J.
1614 Farnam St. p. Cerveny. Crete, Neb.
to SHOES for $2.50. Alexander, Paxton WE WANT TO "KNOW WHAT YOU
-lock. WANT? We have farms. ranches,
HOMES IN OMAHA We will trade with
K. W. F1TT. mechanical and consulting; you. Come In and see us. Nowata Land
engineer, drawing, designing, estimates. Sill and Lot Co., suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg..
Bee bldg. 'Phone Red 1S19. Omaha. Neb. Open
. evenings.
Missouri filters made and sold, 1310 How.
. TO TRADE 040 acres choice western Ne-
"FOR GOOD TAILORING" go to J. A. braska land for small farm In eastern Ne
Kervan, 0 Brandela Bdlg. Tel. Red 7374. braska, Missouri or Iowa. George Herring,
Owner, Kearney, Neb.
xvvyoi-i o Bt- Framing at about half SELL everything at auction. See F. D.
the price others charge.' Van Pelt, the auctioneer.
1.617 COUPLES have been married by the URTnC 'RTTCTV POId T)T rCir
Uev. C. W. liuvldge. and he ls praying to JiVlL,lV mJli.&& ULiULlV
marry 2,000. If you want lilm to marry you . Rents for $.V) per mo., to exchange for
call Webster 3444 or B-1430. horses, mules or other good property. Ad-
dress E 110, care Bee.
r BOX AT THE OMAHA SAFE DE- ' rnn Fvrtuvnp . .. 7. :
US POSIT VAULTS, Is burglar and fire- , UK EXCHANGE A $1,200 equity In a
3J proof. Better be safe thaS sorry, TtWTJ aa; Cn'
...emcm Omaha Nat l bank. 210 A 13th St. toT a vacltnt lot' Addrel" Care Bee.
t'OMBS, 1520, Douglas, epert,cy, fitting. N. .creTnTt!
HATS cleaned and reblocked. Schmarsea f.VL' " ".a' fr rent, for first-
Hat Factory, 605 N. loth St. Tel. p. tooO. Ceo'r RapldS. 2. Mather A Co..
THAT PRESCRIPTION will be filled and
delivered promptly, same as everything
else In the drug Hue, by Schaefer's. 'Phone
146 Douglas or 747 Douglas, Omaha, or 1 or
11 South omaha. It you live in that Maglo
WHEN tired and thirsty and you feel
like enjoying a good, wholesome, clean
drink at a soda fountain, try Schacfer'a
Drug Stores. i
HEFUN, expert locksmith, 1516 Douglas j
St., upstairs. Doug. 2974 or A 4265. I
PICTURBIS framed artistically. Prompt
work. Megeath Sta. Co., 16th u,id Farn.ii t.
OMAHA PASTE CO now located at t
So. 13th St., Douglas 3760.
J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and
composition roofing, 63C Paxton Bile, 16th
ani Farnam Sts., Omaha. Tels., Douglas
2175. A-1792; Res., Web. 294.
FOR watchea and Jewelry repairs see
Gustafson Hendrickson, 201 No. 16th St.
TRACY BROS. CO.'S olgars have double
value; coupons with all purchases.
WOOD, Dr. O. 8., 521 N. Y. L. Homeopath
James H. Craddock. architect, room 9
Wead Bldg., lsih and Farnam. Red 5374.
Brandeis Bldg. Telephone Douglas 4911.
"COLBRIX", new pkg. keeps Waterloo
brick Ice cream, hard, 3 hours, 1617 Howard
Call us up Are prepared at any time.
Both Phones. 1233 Nicholas St.
PANAMAS bleached, new Stetsons $2.50,
$3. R inner, practical hatter, 220 S. 14th.
Advertise Your Business
There la somebody somewhere that Is In
terested In your proposition.
will carry a :'5-word classified ad Into a
million homes one time (and day) In entire
Boston Hr!4. ninths Bet,
Phils. North American, Ituffalo gipreft,
Rrrtruia timid, -Mnchritsr Dmocrt,
Ptttaburf Dttpstch, Frovlrt ice Trihuat,
Now tUttn Uwdrr, Cleveland Leader,
St. Urala Qlnbe-Dem., Iea Molnea K. Leader,
Waahtnston Poat, Denver Republican, Free Pren, San Krantlaro Chronicle,
Cincinnati Enquirer, Atlanta I onalltutlun,
Mlnneapolla Tribune, Ilallaa Neva.
Petrall Free Preea, Chlcaco Record-Herald,
luaianapolle Ne. K.naaa (Ur Journal.
Reference: Any paper on above lint.
Advertising campaigns outlined.
RUGS and everything cleaned with the
Duntley vacuum cleaner. Lageratrom,
lilt Leavenworth. 1 none 11. 2490.
HARRY W. M'VEA, recent city plumb
ing Inspector desires to announce to his
patrona and friends that he Is now pre
pared to do all kinds of plumbing and
heating. All ordera will receive his care
ful suid personal attention, (julck repair
work a specialty. Estimates cheerfully
furnished. New office at 40th and Cuming.
Telephone Harney 3107.
STORAGE. centrally located, opposite
library'. 18U Harney Su Brick P. Kuiin,
RAMBLERS New, 4 and 1-cyllndera. N per
cent discount. Rambler Aula. Co., - 2014
Farnam L
lii.'i. Address B l&S, Bee.
BEND for cur i: of second hand car a
1814 Farnam H.
JACKSON'. I-c) Under, S-passenger touring
car; fine, condition; great bargain, $.'0. Ad
Uiess M liis, .Bee.
HIGH-WHEEL AUTO. In fine shape, m
Address G 1. Bee.
fWU. Add i cea L 167, Bee.
BUICK H1 P.; top and glass front; In
excellent condition. Juxt overhauled and re
paired. Address li 164, Bee.
WE GIVE expert Information to prospec
tive buyers of new or second-hand cars,
Omaha School of Aut Kng. tilt Leaven
art St.. Tel B, (3$-A-li.
When You Want It.
TO EXCHANGE Two very- choice sec
tlons Lincoln county (Colo. alfalfa land
$12.50 acre. Mather & Co., Cedar Rapids
FOR RALE I will sell all mv real
consisting of- city property and farm land
In Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, or will
iraue any or an oi it ror merchandise,
hnrdware preferred. Jf Interested, call
Main 210. or address J., 115 8. 6th St., St
Joseph, Mo. .
TO EXCHANGE Farms, lands, stocks
of goods, business and residence proper
ties, ranches, hotels, mills, etc. Call or
send us full description what you have to
exchange. Mather A Co., Cedar Rapids,
An Improved ranch. South Missouri. 1,000
acres, with or without live stock and im
plements; mild climate, good water, fine
range, nig oargain. Address, Owner,
Charles A. Balnum, Blcknell, Ind.
80-ACR7 Scott's Bluff Irrigated homestead
relinquishment, improved and all In crop,
for Omaha or Florence property.
640-acre Rock county Improved home
stead relinquishment, good land, for cash
or town property.
800-acre Improved farm and ranch In
Holt county for a stock of general mer
chandise or a good stock of hardware.
Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
TWO fine homes In Iowa town; $300 In
bank stock paying 7 per cent, or good Iowa
land for city lots, well located, or good
Nebraska land. C. W. Underhlll. 331 Board
of Trade.
Our bimlness Is to Incorporate your busi
ness correctly. For full particulars ad
dress The Merchants Mercantile Incor
porating Co., 303 N. Y. Life Bldg.
ments, In good western Nebraska town.
Casn sales $.,0u0 per month. Will lake ill.
000 to haodlle 11. No trades. Addrcta T i
care Bee.
TO GET In or out of business call on
GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-3367.
WALL paper and picture shop, Invoice
about II, 4o0 to $1,600, doing a general con
tracting and painting business tn a live
gas and oil town of 6,000; change of loca
tion desired on account of health. Address
Y 323. care Bee.
FOR SALE Hotel fixtures and lease; lo
cated In oentral Iowa town of 6,000 people;
21 sleeping rooms, sample rooms, elec'.rlc
lighted and city heated; rates $2 per day,
and doing good business. If taken by Au
gust 1 will sell at sacrifice. Address Y 226,
care Bee.
FOR SALE Good paying hair dressing
business In Nebraska town of 10.000 popu
lation. Reason for selling, wish to retire
from business. W 88, care Bee.
FOR RENT Store room, just vacated.
In Madgett building; all modern and up
to date; size 22x00. Wm. Madgett. Has
tings. Nob.
This New Hand Book on PATENTS tells
How to Obtain a PATENT, and fully ex
plains the Cost of a PATENT, and also
gives full particulars of our Special Ad
vantageous Methods of Business. Gives
each and every step fully and clearly.
Write at once for FREE Copy.
O'Meara & Brock, Pat. Attys.
US F. 8t.. Washington. D. C
A NEW YORK business address main
tained at nominal cost; your Incoming and
outgoing correspondence and other matters
given careful attention: correspondence in
vited. Poxtofftce Box 6, Madison Square
Station, New York.
A LIMITED 'amount of stock In an or.
chard land company that will pay from 10
Pr cent to ro per cent annually; certifi
cates in amounts of SllM, $200. HW and $1,(0);
earn or payments: eichanteabla fur or.
rhnnlH. For particulars address Colorado
i cxatd ami I -and Co., 411 Mercantile Bldg.
Denver, Colo.
"WESTF.RGARD can help you get In or out
of business. 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3441.
FOR RAI.K.-The K..I l.,...e ,! hi..
heating, pump and windmill buaineas of
soutnsiesiern Iowa. Have several con
limot ole on hand now. Will hU at In
voice. Address Y ISl care Bee.
WiNTrn-rirtv who has money to In
vest In old established and profitable, fi
nancial Institution In Omaha. Address
Ill, rare Bee.
OV account of other busmess will sell
coal and feed business cheap. Address R,
South Omaha Bee office.
WANTED A rrrfxr blacksmith to take
Charge of shop on North Eleventh street.
Omaha; I will either rent snop or jase an
interest In It; good location; wo teams
within six blocks: no other shop near. Ad
dress H 1.10. Bee.
FOR SALE One of the best garage
propositions In northwestern Iowa; county
seat city of six thousand Inhabitants.
Garage, shop, storage room and offices
contain about 9.500 square feet. Shop fully
equipped with lathes, drill press, shaper,
foraes. pressure Dump. In fact, tools ioi
all kinds of machine work. Business es
tablished about twenty rears. 100 cars or
more tributary. Building centrally located,
has 115 foot frontage. Also stock of ac
cessories and supplies. Price $10,000.00 half
cash, reasonable terms on balance. A
bonansa for party who can handle It. Ad
dress Y-338 Care Bee.
BE Indenendent: fifty Improved Hllo pea
nut machines will earn you I1.2O0 a year.
Write to Hllo Gum Co.. 1Z7 Market St..
Chicago, 111.
IF Interested In stocks, bonds and grain
and enjoy reading something bright, snappy
and dlverslfledly original In Its makeup,
semi 6 cents postage for a copy of Gilt
Kdge homings, published bv j. rrang
Howell, 38 Broad St., N. Y. City.
SPLENDID opportunity for small Invest
ors In British Columbia; buy stock In the
Mohican mine; adjacent property Just sold
for three million dollars. Write for par
ticulars. C. M. Oliver, Vancouver, B. C.
CAPITAL furnished for meritorious en
terprises; stock and bond Issues sold on
commission; companies organised; loans
negotiated; address with run particulars,
Metropolitan Investment Co., 1.11 La Salle
St., Chicago.
tells wl .t stocks to buy. what to let alone:
8 pagt s Illustrated, mailed on request.
Clarence M. Smith, 64 Wall St., New York.
EDUCATED, traveled woman, designer.
fluent French, will invest $2,500 In refined
business, with good Income for service
and Interest. P. O. Box 171. Detroit, Mich.
NOTE We desire representatives and cor
respondence with wideawake ladles and
gentlemen who are Interested In automo
biles. Kosmos Electric Runabout Com
pany, Thoroughfare Building, New York.
HA1RDRESSINO narlnr- nov well? m,,l
be sold at once.
GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg
DANDY little confectionery store, with
living rooms; cheap rent. Price, 3326.
GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg.
SAY, If you are looking for a lodging or
rooming house, see men. I can suit you.
I have all sizes.
GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg.
STOCK, bond offering, mlnlnr eWtrln
Industrial or railway company wanted for
sale; commission basis. Address full par
ticulars. Clientele, P. O. Box 1088, New
i ora.-
MY book. "Rulldlnsr a RmlnMi" toll.
how mall order agency business can be
Started with canital of 1V tn Hon an4 mi
rrverai inousana dollars annually. Its
iree. llODert HICKS, St. LOUIS, Mo.
$10 PER ACRE net profits from dredging
the "gold belt of the Blue Mountains;"
for details write F. M. Batchelor, Couch
Bldg., Portland, Ore.
FREE Inside Inrnrrnntlnn fr,. ilan.
particulars and valuable free advices on
golden opportunities for everybody, every
where. Including free money making busl-
iicks openings, manufacturing chancea,
cheap farms, lands, lots, houses, buildings,
Inventions, stores, factories. Investments,
r,. uvrrjuuay wrne; no iaKe: all abso
lutely free; postcards ans-rred; ask for
copy greatest Duyers' and sellers' magaxlne
un run ii iree. n is a tning or beauty. Ad
dress Everyday Life Magazine. Dept. 78
Chicago, III.
Investment opportunity where few thou
sand dollars could be profitably Invested;
wish to hear from any one having stock
for eale In Industrial or mining propost-
mn; no nquor proposition considered. Ad
dress by mail only, George H. Currier
room 78 C, ,46 West Monroe St., Chicago.
FOR SALE 25 new pen nut vending ma
chinea at $150, earning $25 to $S5 weekly;
can be attended to In leisure time. Owner,
Box 340. Chicago.
Industrial, manufacturing, mining, nil,
gas and railway stock and bond issues
sold direct to Investors; commission basis.
Samuei Graham & Co., selling brokers.
New York Life Bldg., Montreal, Canada.
A NEW LAW In Delaware: charters 10c
a $1,000; return mall; our fee small: every
thing furnished; stock guaranteed with
government bonds, collateral and sold on
commission; beware Imitators with no tes
timonials. Lawyers' Tltlo and Trust Co.,
Wilmington, Del.
PATENT SECURED nn vv.v. ur.
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of inventions wanted, free to any address.
t-otents secured by us advertised free In
World's Progress; sample copy free. Evans
Wilkens & Co.. 588 F St.. Washington. D.
I WILL Sell one of the best and cleanest
saddle and harness stocks, also nice real.
dence In 2 blocks of shop In eastern Neb.;
oniy i snops; population 2,600 In M miles of
Lincoln. If you want to know more about
ubove write X 1S3, care Bee.
ANSLEY. the best location In V.hri.l,.
for a thirty-room $2 a day hotel; local
capital ready to assist. Secretary, Com.
uirrciai tiuu, Ansiey.
Here Is a chance to buy a fine, old
estabilached hardware business of $6,500 to
$7,600 annually. Owner ls very old and de
sires to retire. Will make easy terms to
good parties. This Is one of the best towns
and surrounding country In eaat Ne
braska. This Is not a trade nrnrwvsltlnn
but owner might consider good Insldo
propeny in ununt, ror particulars see
Kloke-Headley Investment Co.,
801 N. T. Life Bldg.
SPLENDID Business Opportunity Real
estate, loan and Insurance bualness for sale
In good county seat town of 2.500. sixty
miles west of Lincoln; business established
In 1RS9 and best of the county; will show
average profits of over $700 a month for
last five years over and above all expenses,
and over $1,000 a month for last six
months; closest Investigation Invited.
Owners have other large interests else
where requiring undivided attention. If
Interested write A. 4 E., Box 117, Lincoln,
YOUR auctioneer. F. D. Van Pelt of
Omaha. 1614 Farnam St.
FOR SALE Penny arcade, fine condl
tlon. A bargain to buyer. Would trade for
rooming or boarding house. Address L-K2
t are nee.
RESTAURANT and confectionery In
county seat doing good business, for sale
at a bargain tf taken within a few days.
Address lock box 232, Elwood, Neb.
i . -
BARBER shop for sale cheap; best loca
tion In city; call or write at once. Joe
Zedwik, 654 Main St., Deadwood, S. D.
FOR SALEA fine drug store at Galla
tin. Mo., county seat of Daviess Co.; fine
business; Invoice about $4,000; sales $26 to
$' per day cash. Beat of reasons given.
Address Lock Box 363, Gallatin Mo.
FOR RENT or sale, partly furnished 19
room hotel; good house; practically new;
good location; only hotel In town; young
town; bound to grow. Apply to E. A. Oer
rard, Monroe, Neb.
FOR 8ALE First-class restaurant and
bakery In Wyoming town of 3,000. Splendid
opportunity. Will sell cheap and will sell
on part time. A-dress Y 324, Bee.
RESTAURANT for sale. Division point
of C. B. Q. railroad. Location southwest
Nebraska. Good rooms for transients. Ac
count of wife's health, must sell. Can give
long lease on building. Com. Bog V. Curtis,
For Sale An established general mer
chandise business In one of the best cities
in eastern Nebraska. Inquire of Thomas
Dug her, Wiener, Neb.
FOR SALE New skating rink; livery
stock; furniture and undertaking; restau
rant, and Nebraska farms. Address Ulbbe
it Tot ton, Fairfield, Neb.
10-ROOM, modern rooming house, within
two blocks of P. O Will sacrifice for quick
ale. Address II 147, Bee.
FOR PALE or trade, steam laundry In
growing county seat town; population ft. OCX).
Address Y 319, care Bee.
DR. F1CKF.S. 217 Board of Trade,
doesn't hurt like others."
BAILEY MACH. 3d floor, Paxton. D.1086.
TA FT' 8 dental rooms. 1617 Douglas Pt.
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Irwl. A 577
TERRY College. JOth and Farnam Wts.
See Monhelt Treatment on feet, 1411 Far.
DR. nOTlMe Farnsm St. DoMglas I7.
with m. business atmnsnhere: a school that
offers up-to-date systems of shorthand and
bookkeeping; a school tnai nas an excel
lent reputation; a school that employs only
the best teachers; a school that will place
you In a good position, then, you are look
ing for the
FIRST. Start at the opening and let us
prepare you for a fine position.
Write or phone for "GUARANTEED
STATEMENTS," the most pointed and
conclusive catalogue over published In
Omaha. Address
17th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb,
Enter now for complete training In a'.l
commercial branches. Including bookkeep
ing, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy,
civil service, railway mall and all govern
ment grade subjects. Handsome catalogue
furnished free upon request. Address H,
B. Boyles. President. Omaha, Neb, Both
Official training school for U. P. R. R.
Telegraph Department.
Nlnteenth and Farnam. .
This school stands comparison. Send for
FREE HO-pane catalogue. Tells a true
story. Business, Shorthand, Telegraphy.
Day and night sessions. U. P. official
school of telegraphy. Both 'phones.
Address M. G. Rohrbough, Pres.
LEARN to pay only 12M for shoes, $5
values at Alexanders, Paxton Block.
Omaha Det. Ag'y., 421 Paxton Blk. D. 1319.
SHAMPOOING, halrdresslng, massage
and manicuring; home . appolutmenta.
ollpae lialiareoaing Parlors, 2 Neville
CHINA decorating; order work specialty.
Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
days Firing dally. Children's classes
baturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungaie,
8SI4 Brandela Bldg;. Tel. Red 6486.
SAMPLE shoes for 12.60 at Alexander'.
At prices just as others charge for the other
A. HOSl-E CO., 1613 DOUGLAS 8T.
The West's Greateat Art Store.
PEROXIDE CREAM ls the best ever for
tan, sunburn, freckles or chapped skin, and
for that reason it ls sold at Schaefer's.
where GOOD THINGS are sold.
CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best
Only one office, 1513 Jones St.
TTnHtjnM'KBeauty Shop. Halrdress
Ilvi.OVi.H O lng Manicuring, Massag
ing chiropody, superfluous .nair and mules
removed by electricity. Watch papers for
big discount sale on hair goods. 1508 Doug
las St. Entrance tnrougn ivern s millinery
at halt retail prices. Buy direct from im
porters; save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney.
'Phone Doug. 22bS, and agent will call.
Instructions In China and water colors
at SPECIAL RATES during thesummcr
months. M. R. mlg, Studio M6 N. Y. L.
"ALWAYS THE BEST." Harding's Ice
cream, Wedgewood creamery butter. The
Harding Co., 8th ana Harney. Douglas 97.
Tels. Best work; prompt service.
MARINELLO Consult the expert derma
tologlst. Isabella 8. Paul of Chicago, re
gardlng that case of acne-r-blackheads and
pimples. First treatment to first caao
FREE. MARINELLO positively will cure
It. Hobson s lieauiy .-in op, im uougiaa- St.
entrance tnrougn Kern a millinery.
60C RIBBON nail file, 25c. Haines Drug
Co., 1610 farnam.
GREAT reduction sale of ladles' autts,
worth $."0 and $C0. to order, only iX.
Workmanship guaranteed. L. Fox, az2
eavenwortn bt.
HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam.
HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally
irom our noinouses tor weamngs ana aec
orations. Douglas 125s. lilt Farnam.
MENTJ South side of new store.
BENNETT'S cut flower department, 16th
street entrance fienntt s store.
Repairing and resetting gas, leaky
furnaces. Experts on remodeling furnircea
to obtain more heat on a fuel saving bals.
We Install new furnaces. Omaha Stove Re
pair Works. 1206-g Douglas St., Both phones
Agents and Salesladies.
LADY Agents Wanted To Introduce our
attractive dress goods, silks and fine cot
ton fabrics In every town. Handsome
goods; popular prices; large sample outfit
free. Liberal credit to responsible agents.
Write and secure territory now. National
Dress Goods Company, 2V0 West Broadway,
(Dept. 3e), New York City.
Clerical sss Office.
STENOGRAPHER, mfg. concern. Rem
Ington. $40.
Stenographer, insurance, f"0.
Stenographer, railroad experience, $40.
We can also use several retail clerks.
721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg
ALWAYS in need of high grade help. VTio
Cano Agency. 432 Bee Bldg.
COMPETENT stenographer who has good
know led k of figures and clerical work
Salary, 175. State age and experience. Ad
dress G 12. rare Bee.
STENOGRAPHER tlnsurance), $68.
Stenographer (private secretary, $r6-$00.
Stenogrspher (experienced). $60.
Bookkeeper and stenographer, $n5.
Filing clerk, $S per week.
Saleslady, out of cltr, $n6.
675-77 Brandela Bldg
Vaeterr aad Trades-
HELP wanted In all departments. Evans
Laundry Co.. 277 8. 11th.
EXPERIENCED girls wanted In all de
partments. Truax Laundry, 706 N. Win.
Factory sal Trades Coatlaaed.
WANTED Three bindery girls. I. A.
Medlar Co., 414 8. 14th St.
Uoaaekeepera aad Det eetlee.
GOOD GIRL for general housework. In
family of two. 3519 ackson St.
COMPETENT girl for housework. Mrs.
Bufflngton, 2810 California st.
WHITE washerwoman wanted. Call 1502
North 201 h st.
GIRL for general housework. 2228 Mason
A nnnn viri r, ...r,l housework. $6
per week; no washing. 634 So. 26th.
GIRL at 20$ 8. S3d st; two In family.
riTfr. e- 1 kn.,...n.lf Mrs O'Neill
702 N. 40th st. Tel Harney 305.
rvWDlev 1, .1.1 fn. nn.,il hmian-
. 1 (. I, I.i-V 1.4' kii. . ' ' p, ' 1 " ...
work can obtain good position at 611 Park
WANTED lood girl for general house
work; no washing. 1H22 Lothrop St. Tel.
Webster 975.
GIRL for general housework at once; no
washing. 1329 8. 31st.
WANTED Reliable girl for general
housework: font In family; good wages.
Apply 2602 Poppelton Ave.
GIRL for general housework; family of
three. R. W. Grlffls, 4508 N. 20th St.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work; small family. Tel. Harney 3185.
WANTED First class cook, tt per we- k
to right person. Call at once, 3203 Wool
worth Ave.
COMPETENT girl for general house
work. Mrs. J. Hanlghan, 327 S. 37th St.
Tel. Harney 2311.
GIRL for general housework, good wages,
1008 S. 30th Ave. 'Phone Harney 2614.
WANTED A good cook. Tel. Harney 1244.
GIRL to assist with housework. 3J10
Cass. Phone Harney 2605. T
LEARN halrdresslng; It pays you; can
easily earn $16 to $25 weekly; full course
taught. Brandeis Halrdresslng Dept.
TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and
ell dealers, can or adJi-tia at once uood
rich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Expert designer and brimmer
at Mrs. Huster's Millinery. Loyal Hotel
EXPERIENCED alteration hands on
gowns and fancy dresses. Apply superin
tendent's office, Brandeis Stores.
LADIES' shoes and oxfords; $5 values,
$2.50. Alexander, the ahoeman, 6th floor
Paxton Block.
WANTED Young ladles, department
etore will receive applications for positions
Deginmng September l; state age and run
particulars concerning self. Address Y 337,
care Bee.
LADIES Make shields In spare time;
$7.20 to $14.40 weekly; material and Instruc
tions sent; addressed envelope brings par
ticulars. E. Dlst. Co., 104 Llpplncott Bldg.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
HEAD WAITRESS, ?35; waitress, South
Dakota; 3 waitresses, Iowa; cook and wait
ress, Iowa, $55; cook and helper, $14 a week,
room; restaurant cook, $50 to $60; six
chambermaids, $15 to $35; 8 waitresses, west,
free pass; helper on steam table wor'-, f9
a week; 3 couples for farms, $35 to 150: 7
waitresses, $25 to $3; cook and helper, $60;
6 kitchen women, $25 to $35; 6 pantry wo
men, $30 to $30; cook, $46; woman on cars
for Invalid, $45, etc Martin & Co., 1511
Capitol Ave.
Aaeats, flollcltore aad laltmea,
WANTED A solicitor with horse and
buggy to drive through the country and
solicit subscriptions. Call and aee cir
culation manager The Bee Publishing Co.
WANTED Reliable and energetic man
to sell our specialties to wagon and auto
owners, makers and repairers In Omaha
and adjacent cities. No fake. Good prop
osition to right man. State age and quali
fications. Vehicle Specialty Co., Gen. Del.,
St. Louts, Mo.
AGENTS Make more money. The Boos
ter Magaxlne tells you how; puts you next
to 95 cents profit on every dollar order;
tells you of another business whereby you
can earn $3,000 a year chucked full of
Juice. Will send you July and September
Issue for 10 cents. Money back If not sat
tsfled. Booster Magaxlne, 351 Dearborn St.
. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wanted
to sell factory line of men's welts and Mc
Kays In Iowa and Nebraska. State In
first letter amount yearly salea and lines
previously carried. Only such applications
will be considered as are received from
men who are now traveling and selling
shoes on the road. J. W. Carter & Co.,
Nashville Tenn.
"I HAVE perfected a combination house
hold necessity that sells like wildfire. Let
mc tell you about It." D. P. O., Box 1615,
New York.
MANAGER wanted, every city and
county, handle best paying business known;
legitimate, new, exclusive control; no In
surance or book canvassing. Address Chaa.
Halstead, 48 West 34th St., N. Y.
NEW 4-sleve strainer and splash pre
venter; sold to agents at prices that defy
competition; sample mailed free; $4.50 dally
easily made: write and let us prove It.
Seed Filter Mfg. Co., New York.
WANTED Salesmen to sell the most up-to-date
general line of Imported and do
mestic art advertising calendars, novelties
and leather goods In Nebraska; liberal com
m'sslons; exclusive territory; write at once.
Address United States Calendar Co., Cin
cinnati, O.
AGENTS wanted for the most rapid sell
ing household specialty on earth; every
woman will buy one on sight; no talking,
the goods sell themselves. Write at once
The Kalis Company, Dept 5, 307 E. North
St.. Buffalo, N. Y.
MANUFACTURING concern wishing to
Introduce Its ware wants rive local can
vassers: comfortable weekly compensation
guaranteed; 100 per cent profit; no capital
necessary. Argyle Co., Andover, N. Y.
CANVASSERS to sell Automotlc Screen
Door catches and checks; exceptional prop
osition; sample catch post paid, 25c. Auto
Catch Co.. Chicago.
SALESMEN Earn big money selling ad
vertising pencils and penholders; big com
mission paid. Samples and particulars 10
cents. Wood A Co., 17 Newnan 8t.. Jack
sonville, Fla.
AGENTS make $5 daily selling our 11
plece kitchen set and other fast selling
specialties, all money mnkers. Reliance
Supply Company, 1044 W. 55th Bt., Chicago
Want to hear from every land and town
site talesman, general men. sub-agents and
club captains, especially the boys who snld
Arkansas Pass. San Louis Valley and "The
Oregon" proposition; best ever and only
proposition ever backed by the state; more
commission and dollars where ou now get
dimes; quick action. Jack W. Johnson, 629
Chestnut St.. St Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN and purchasers wanted; best
lot and land proposition ever offered in
Texas: big seller. Don't write unless in
terested. Crowell Ralty .Co.. Inc., Crowed,
YOU CAN make $5 to $25 In fe.v minute
each day If you are reliable, experienced
salesman. Dept. 39 M, Cruvrr Mfg. Co.,
BOYS, Girls Sell twelve pretty dollies
at 10c each, keep 50c, send us balance; easy
to sell. Write today. We trust you. Gem
Art Bureau, Ixiulavllle, Colo.
SALESMAN for country trade by whole
sale house of 15 years' standing; must be
a hustler; this Is a good opening for a man
of ability; atate age and all other par
ticulars; commission and expense bests.
Supt. of Salea, 320 Cambridge Bldg., C'bl-
A grate aad galesmea -Ceatlneed.
AGENTS Wonderful Invention; Mg
money selling Canchester Incandescent
Kerosene lamp; burns with or without
mantle; 10 times brighter than electricity,
gas or acetlyne at 1-10 cost; burner fits all
standard lamps; saves 76 per cent oil; no
trimming wicks; beware of Imitations;
outfit free. Canchester Light Co., 26 State
St.. Dept. 63, Chicago.
SALESMEN WANTED For this terri
tory to fill vacancy, experienced, ambitious
man, capnble of selling to best trade, by
Kansas City wholesale house; applicant
must submit convincing roof of compe
tency; fine opening, permanent; position
will pay right man high wages; state ex
perience fully; references. Address Man
ager, 624 Midland Bldg., Kansas City. Mo.
AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle
our brand new household specialties. Big
profits. Easy sales. Write at once. Bevol
Sales Company, Davenport, la.
AGENTS, our brand new household spe
cialty sells. You can make $3 to $10 per
day. Write at once. Tate A Co., 3136 Ox
ford Ave., Des Moines, la.
A LARGE corporation, with millions of
assets and the strongest endorsements ever
given any enterprise, can use a few high
grade successful salesmen in placing its
Interest bearing securities, not mining or
Insurance; small salary paid, but oppor
tunity given for very large contingent
profits; positively only men with good rec
ords and favorable acquaintance In their
respective towns need apply. Address, giv
ing references, experience, etc., "Secre
tary," 423 Wulncy Bldg., Denver, Colo.
PICTURE frames and wall pockets our
specialty; any slxe, for three samples, case
and catalogue, address, N. M. Frlendman
& Co., Mfrs., Box 854, Martlnsburg, Mo.
YANKEE dusters, with an Improvement
that sells them on sight; 300 per cent profit;
money maker for agents; Just out. -Sldl-son
Hlckox, 140 Michigan St., Chicago.
AGENTS Special offer; limited time; big
money; particulars free. C. P. Harley,
Dept 2, Box 481, Chicago, 111.
AOENTS-75 m6nthly selling Star egg
beater; works with one hand; lightning
seller; sample free. E. Thomas Co.. Desk
339, Dayton, O.
AGENTS Perfection noodle cutter, new,
llKhtnlng seller, low priced, big profits,
sample free. Forshee Mfg. Co., B. 619,
Dayton, O.
AGENTS make 600 per cent selling our
gold window letters, novelty signs and
changeable signs; 800 varieties; enormous
demand; catalogue free. Sullivan Com
pany, 405 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.
WE want reliable man to open office In
this city to handle Formacone, the for
maldehyde dlslnfector; 75.000 sold last two
years; used by U. 8. government; refer
ences required; exclusive territory; per
manent business. Investigate; we will con
vince you. Don't overlook this. For
macone Company, 48 Church St., New
WANTED Agents-Legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight
for $1. Particulars, Glsha Company, An
derson, Ind.
AGENTS You can make quick sales and
big profits with our new self-lighting,
wind-proof pocket cigar lighter; every
smoker buys on eight; sells Itself. F. A.
Rathbun Company, Indianapolis, Ind.
to sell our orange, fig and truck lands In
10-acre tracts-at Magnolia Place, a sub
division near Houston, Tex. This ls a
strictly high class proposition and these
tracts are an Ideal place for a home. Price
$0 an acre on small monthly payments.
We give purchasers Immediate possession
and guarantee absolute satisfaction. We
allow liberal commsslons and furnish
splendid outfits to responsible agents.
Send for our Illustrated booklet. Magnolia
Land Company, Muskogee, Okl.
SALESMAN WANTED Seeing hardware
trade In Nebraska to carry side line.
Wabash Manufacturing Co., Wabash, Ind.
TRAVELING 8ALE8MEN earn $1,000 to
$10,000 yearly. Write for free book. "How
Salesmen Succeed," Bnd secure position
with reliable firm. Bradstreet System,
Dept. 85, Rochester, N. Y.
or $76 and up per month, with expenses, as
per contract: experience unnecessary. Pre
mier Cigar Co., Cincinnati, O.
outside of Omaha to sell a general line
of strictly high grade groceries to hotels,
farmers, stockmen and other large con
sumers: our goods are guaranteed to com
ply with national as well as all state pure
food laws; no Investment; commissions
advanced: experience-unnecessary; liberal
Income assured honest. energetic men.
Write todsv for particulars. John Sexton
A: Co.. Wholesale Grocera, Ike and
Franklin Sts., Chicago.
SALESMAN wanted to sell to grocers,
druggists and confectioners; $100 per month
and expenses. California Cider and Ex
tract Co., St. Louis, Mo.
TRAVELING salesmen wanted to handle
as side line the quickest selling proposi
tion ever offered to dealers of souvenir
post cards; a big money maker for you.
Gartner A Bender, Chicago.
WANTED Saleaman, experienced In any
line, to sell general trade In Nebraska; an
unexcelled specialty proposition; vacancy
after August 1; commission, with $35
weekly advance for expenses. The Conti
nental Jewelry Company, Cleveland, O.
$15 DAILY selling f20 soda fountain. Man
ufacturer, 1764 Aberdeen, Philadelphia.
CIGAR salesman wanted In this terri
tory, experience unnecessary; $110 a month
and $5 a dav expenses. Maumee Wholesale
Cigar Co., Toledo. O.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions, with
$100 monthly advance; permanent position
to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
Clerical aad Of flea.
TRAVELING salesman, Neb. territory,
excellent proposition, $125 and expenses.
Office manager and credit man, $175; In
vestment required.
Local assistant office manager for small
concern: Investment of $1,000 required.
Stenographer for traffic department; must
have railroad experience; ,&. 1
Ledger clerk. $00.
Bookkeeper. $66.
Office clerk, who understands some book
keeping, fi6.
Experienced dry goods man for specialty
proposition, per annum.
City salesman, young man will do, $40.
The above ls a partial list of vacancies
now open for Immediate consideration. If
you are open for a position and can fill
any of the above, you should SEE US AT
ONCE. Call or write for a complete list
of vacancies.
721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg.
ALWAYS in need of high grade help The
Cano Agency, 432 Bee Bldg.
WANTED At once, competent book
keeper, must be quick and accurate. Ad
dress M-83 Care Bee.
Manager, branch house, small Investment
required, salary $1,500.
Stenographer and correspondent, $65.
Wall paper saleeman, $100.
Registered drug clerk. $,0-$S5.
Meat salesman, $73-$)00.
Four office clerks. &0-$j0.
Oil salesman, $7.V$100.
Contractor, hardware experience, $71.
Leather goods saleaman.
Bookkeeper and stenographer. $
Stenographer, young man, $5,0.
Stock clerk. $ per week.
DON'T FAIL to see us at once if out of
employment. We can place you.
675-77 Brandeis Bldg.
WANTED Young man for position In
Montana a cashier and bookkeeper for
coal company. Male experience and salary
wanted. Address L-133 Care Bee
WANTED 6 good cornice men and three
tinners; steady work. 1724 St. Mary's.
WA NTED First-claws barber at once,
$15 per wetk and 60 per cent over $24.
Stack A Schneller, Huron, 8. D.
WANTED First class wagonmaker to
take charge of shop; nn rent. Address C.
W. Thorp, Fremont, Neb.
WANTED Experienced ear carpenters
and truck men. Apply at the Cudahy
Packing Co., tSouth Omaha, Neb.
Factory aad Trades,. Coatlaaed.
WANTED-First-class prescription clerk
also live salesman for retail oru
Shermnn-McConnell Drug -o., ...
WANTED Baker: $10 week. room, board.
Apply at once. Ulysses Bakery. Ulysses,
DRUG stcre and Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg.
TEAMS wanted. 17th and Douglas Sts.,
6Ro per hour. Thompson-Starrett Co.
WANTED A first-class meat cutter:
married man preferred. Address "D,
Omaha Pee. Co. Bluffs, la.
WANTED First-class compositor, steady
Job, good wages, nonunion. Address K SI.
care Bee.
M lecel la aewae.
FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's
Ass n.; no fees. Call 327 B. of Trade Bldg.
BAKER, west. $50 a month and room and
board; engineer, hotel. $H0; man and wife,
faims, $35 and $40, etc.; 13 farm hands. $.'.3
and $40; driver. $12 a week; 50 railroad
laborers; man and wife, laundry, $?,", a
week; watchman, institution; pastry cook;
fry cook. Hot Springs. S. IV; man ind
vlfe, cooks, $60 and $75. Martin A Co..
1111 Capitol Ave.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Practice furnished by free work. Careful
Instructions by experts. Few weeks com
pletes. Tools given. Board secured. Ex
perience In shops before completing. Motor
Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. Call ur
WANTED Experienced, all-around man
for general store; must be good salesman
and stockkeeper and speak Scandinavian.
State age. If married or single, and salary
wanted. Good position for the right man.
Address Y 332, Omaha Bee.
LISTEN If you need a truss, an abdom
inal supporters or a syringe or auxpensory,
go to Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stores.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, post
office clerks, carriers, examinations In
Omaha Nov. 17th; preparation free. Frank
lin Institute, Dept. 88 D, Rochester, N. Y.
NO one can give you better value lit
cigars than we. Why not get the coupons
also? Tracy Bros. Co., 1415 Douglas.
WANTED Recent high school graduate
for clerical position; good opportunity for
advancement. Apply bv letter. Western
Electric Co., 802 Farnam.
SHOES, $2.60. Why pay more? See Alex
ander, top floor Paxton Block.
WANTED Young man with $300 to en
ter my office and learn electrical and me
chanical engineering; will pay living sal
ary while learning. Write or call on W. J.
Ross, consulting engineer, rooms 12 to 24
Patterson Blk.. 1623 Farnam St., Omaha.
Patterson Blk., 1623 Farnam St., Omaha.
ANYBODY, either sex, can make $4 daily
all year raising mushrooms for hotels ami
restaurants with my spawn In cellars,
sheds, boxes, etc.; free Illustrated instruc
tion booklet. Hiram Barton, 32D W. 2Mtl
St., New York.
GOVERNMENT positions, examination!
held soon In Omaha; circular 231, giving
full particulars as to salaries, positions,
dates of examinations, sample questions
previously used, etc., sent free by Nat l
Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C
WANTED Organizers: good commis
sions; Fraternal, Social Order of Owls,
John Talbot, supreme president. So. Bend,
MANY YOUNG MEN find life In the
navy attractive, with opportunity to save
money and get practical training. The navy
needs mechanics of all kinds; men exper
ienced In clerical work. In hospital work
as well as seamen. This nation Is building
a powerful and efficient navy, and an en
listment means a definite plan now and a
definite future.
There is an incentive to get at the top
In the naval service. Ambitious men have
every encouragement to improve them
selves. A man ls assured of continuous
employment at good pay. and advancement
as he becomes more proficient.
The government prefers to train young
men at Its own expense, at naval training
stations. The recruit ls placed on the pay
roll the day he enters. Practical Instruc
tion, Intended to fit the young man to go
on board ship in a few months' time and
do the work required of him.
The Navy department doesn't urge young
mtui to enlist, but suggests that they In
vestigate and decide for themselves
whether the opportunities are worth con-
Applicants accepted between 17 and 25, or.
If possessing a trade. If under 36. Boys
under 18 must furnish written consent of
parent and guardian; and under 21, must
furnish birth certificate, or statement of
age signed by parents. Apply, or write to
Navy Recruiting Station, Postoffice Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Omaha representative; con
trol staple line; large commission; posi
tion worth $2,500 yearly to man with busi
ness acquaintance or to hustler. Con
solidated Manufacturing Company, Roch
ester, N. Y.
YOUNG men wishing to travel in adver
tising soliciting business, making 159
weekly; write; experience unnecessary. C.
L. Adams. Room 9, Pacific Bldg., Washing
ton, D. C
THE great Union Pacific R. R. guaran
teed you a telegraphic position after train
ing; practice on railroad wire. Address for
particulars, H. B. Boyle, President, U. P.
R. It. Training School, Omaha, Neb.
Horses aad Vealclea,
ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stanhope
and harness slightly soiled If you want
one or all now at less than half price sea
Johnson-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones Sts.
GOOD family horse, with double open
carriage, rubber tired. Address M,
Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs, la.
F. D. VAN PELT, the bonded and
licensed auctioneer of Omaha,
OATS 55c per bu. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
SECOND-HAND landaus, broughams,
rockaways. hearses, surreys and business
wagons. A. J. Simpson A Boa.. 1409 Dodge.
Co s, Birds, Dos a d rata.
SCOTCH COLLIES, sired by Imp. Co
lumbus Artist, with quality all through.
Priced for quick sales.
Tecumseh, Neb.
FOR SALE Full blood Beagle pups; 8
months old; write pa at David City, Neb,
A. B, Parker.
LOST On 16th and Farnam Friday after
noon, large cameo pin, prised as heirloom.
Reward. Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hdw. Co.
LOST or astray, one brlndle and white
bull terrier; name and address on collar;
reward. Telephone G. N. Peek. Doug. 1SK9
or Doug. 2538.
LOST Friday evening, pair gold-framed
eyeglawies between Benson and Omaha.
Reward. 317 Postoffice Bldg. R. C. HoyU
FOUND A place to buy cigars. A coupon
with every purchase. Tracy Broa Co., 141i
LADIES' gold watch, Friday afternoon.
Initial "L" on case. L. L. Hartley, Omaha
Com. College. Reward.
FOT'ND-$S shoe values for only $2.60 at
Alexander's, Paxton Block,
BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve
Food Pills, II a box, postpaid. Sherman A
MiiConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
FREE MEDICAL ar.d surgical treatment
at Crelghton'a Medical college. 14th and
Davenport Bis.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all tiealinent super
vised by college, professors. 'Phone Doug
las 1167. Calls aiiswried. day ur night.
GUS TURNER, graduate of Leipslc. Ger
many Conservatory of Music; piano lessons
cheap. Tel. Red 5034 or drop me a postal a
21.J4 Harney tSL and I wlU uUi a w ,