Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 4, Image 12

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Tim Omaiia Sunday Ber
Founded bt Edward rose water.
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Address all complaint of Irregularities tn
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Communication relating to news and edi
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State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss. :
Osorgs B. Ttnchuck. tressurer of The
Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual n"mher of full and
fomplete copies of The Dallv. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of Jane, 1?J. was as follows:
1 41.970 It 41.SS0
41,880 1 41,880
41,880 18
4 41,850 80 40,000
41,80 81 41,700
8800 tt 41,878
T 41,480 83 41.850
4140 84 41,780
t 41,830 88 44.840
10 4100 88 41,890
11 41,430 8T 40,030
18 48,040 88 41,780
18 40,800 SS 41,780
14 4878 SO 41,870
IS 41,040
18 4140 Total.. 1,347,300
Hetarned Copies 8.330
Nst Total..'
Dally Average
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 1st day of July, 1909.
(Seal) M. P. WALKER,
Notary Public
beerlfcere leavlaa; the city tem
porarily afcoald hare The Be
mailed to them. Address will be
Never mind it's Just what the corn
The nonpartisan democratic candi
dates are being driven out of cover.
It is greatly to be feared that Mr.
Bryan will not like Mr. Taft's out
spokenness at all.
Put your ear to the ground and you
can hear an exclamation coming from
the African jungle, "Bully for B1H1"
Those violent upheavals are hard on
countries with weak constitutions like
Persia and Turkey.
"With President Taft bucking the
eenter, It takes a strong line to hold
whoa be carries the tariff ball.
The Industry suffering most from
the delay In the tariff legislation is the
cbautauqua lecturing Industry.
Trust the Austrian physician who
prescribed beer for E. H. Harrtraan
for having charged a champagne fee.
Now that the tornado season Is over
we can lend John Bull a few storm
cellars If be really wants a safe refuge.
The Carnegie Steel company Is
working full turn all around and Is
behind with Us orders. That sounds
like business.
The democratic congressmen won a
ball game from the republicans, but It
wasn't fair, as they refused to allow
Uncle Joe to umpire.
A prominent woman sociologist says
marrying is a profession. Possibly,
but there are cases on record where
it has been overworked.
The present administration Is serv
ing notice In a practical way that fed
eral service is no place for a lazy man
to practice his fad.
Millionaire Snell has been declared
to have been Insane when he made his
will. That 110,000 Bryan bet story
was evidently too much for the will.
The Pacific fleet is going to Japan,
but it Is not for the much-predicted
Hobsonian war, but, as its name Indi
cates, tor a friendly call.
The authoress of the book, "There
is No Death," has married an under
taker, which would seem to Indicate
that she was hedging on her future
As the shah of Persia jumped his
Job without giving the regular one
week's notice that he intended to quit,
be is In no position to ask for rein
Ex-President Roosevelt has shot a
three-ton hippopotamus. It Is up to
htm to keep ta practice, for there Is
some big game awaiting his return to
this country.
That Chicago woman who gave
f 5 SO to a London dealer for a cat
should think of the number of cats
she could have secured for that money
by advertising In a home paper.
It will now be in order for those
who have been clamoring for Presi
dent Taft to take a hand tn securing
reduced tariff duties to assail him for
executive Interference with legislation.
The officers of the International
Peace society declare the outlook good
for universal peaee. Evidently they
bave not heard the latest news from
South America, Portia and Morocco.
President Taft and the Tariff.
At the proper time and tn the
proper way President Taft, as The
Bee was from the outset convinced
he would, has made known his wishes
concerning the tariff bill and proved
that he Is In fact, as well as In name,
the leader of the republican party and
the president of the whole country.
Incidentally he has answered his
critics of opposing political faith that
he was backsliding from the Roose
velt policies and his own platform
Mr. Taft's statement of what the
party promised the country and what
It must do to redeem that promise Is
calm and dispassionate, but at the
same time clearcut and forceful.
There is no mistaking Its meaning or
its purpose. He does not say so, be
cause that would be unwarranted
coercion of the legislative branch of
the government, but there Is no other
interpretation to be given to his state
ment than that be will veto the tariff
bill If it does not measure up reason
ably to party pledges and the coun
try's demands.
From the first The Bee has main
tained that the real tariff bill would
be made in conference between the
two houses by retaining the most de
sirable features of both the senate and
house measures and that here was
where the president's Influence would
be felt. No one could have been more
discreet" about intermeddling in the
formative legislative stages of the bill
and leaving the house and senate to
work out their own ideas, but when
the bill Is In sight of the White House
Mr. Taft makes it plain that he has a
responsibility which he will not shirk.
In his stand the president has an
advantage over members of congress,
as he states, because he represents the
whole people and has no district to
satisfy and need not log-roll to satisfy
a limited constituency. His position
will without doubt strengthen those
tn congress who agree with him and
secure the concessions desired.
No Diplomatic Ornaments.
The administration of President
Taft la following steadily in the foot
steps of the Roosevelt administration
that preceded in the effort to Improve
the diplomatic and consular service,
which under the old method of politl-'
cal rewards and providing for lame
duck politicians had become ineffi
cient. Considerable progress was
made under Roosevelt and by a sys
tem of examinations and promotions
for efficiency the more important
posts were filled by fairly capable
men as a rule. This reform is now to
be extended to the minor diplomatic
positions and clerkships.
Owing to inadequate pay consular
clerkships, except in the larger cities
and trade centers, have been heretofore
filled by residents of the country to
which the consuls were accredited.
These men could not reasonably be
expected to exert themselves greatly
to further American Interests. Over
half the foreigners in the service have
already been displaced and in a short
time the positions will all be filled by
Americans selected for fitness and
properly educated for their duties.
The growth of American commerce
has made it necessary that consular
and diplomatic officers be fitted for
other duties than merely looking after
the personal wants of 'American tour
ists. The consular service of other
nations is a great machine for ad
vancing trade interests by keeping
manufacturers posted on opportunities
and the best methods of reaching the
trade, and this can be done only
through officials capable and willing
to perform the work. The new idea
may cut off the haves of some broken
down politicians, but It will greatly
enhance the value of the service.
Unions and Wage.
In his annual report to the mem
bership of his organization, President
Lynch of the International Typograph
ical union sets out bo me very Interest
ing information, much of which will
be carefully conned by the students of
economics. Probably the most note
worthy of his statements has to do
with the matter of wages earned by
the members of this union.
President Lynch reports that for
the year ending May 31, 1909, the
members of the printers' union earned
$40,500,000 and estimates that, based
on the average number of men actively
employed at the trade during that pe
riod, the per capita wages of the print
ers has been between $900 and $1,000
a year. This pay is remarkably high.
when the average of all wages paid Is
considered, and is high even when com
pared with the average wages paid to
skilled workers in the United States
President Lynch ascribes the condition
to the stability of his organisation, its
trade agreement with associations of
employing printers and to the fact that
the members have been steadily em
ployed ss a result of the general
activity In business lines. He also
sets up a claim that the more skillful
and efficient of the craft are found
within the union, which also tends to
raise the general aum of wages paid
ine argument is, ana even oppo
nents of trades unionism admit Us
force, that through organisation the
workman secures a higher and more
stable rate of pay. But with this ad
vantage of organization cornea an in
crease in responsibility. The union
must not exist alone for the purpose
of securing high wages to Us mem
bers. It must recognize its economic
functions in other directions and as
sume Us fair share of the burdens of
society aside from the interests of Us
immediate membership. That Presl
dent Lynch realizes this Is evidenced
by bis remark in opening his report
Our policies are gradually claiming
the attention and receiving tha com
mendation of all who are Interested In
the trade union movement, and even the
hostile employers are reluctantly com
pelled to admit that the International
Typographical Union u rapidly becoming
a model organisation.
On the question of Industrial peace,
resulting from a general trade agree
ment and Its advantages, Mr. Lynch
Without question, our asreement
with the American Newspaper publish
ers' association, under which Industrial
peace In the great newspsper composing
rooms of the country has been the rule
for the last eight years, has contributed
materially to the earning power of our
members employed In the newspaper
The conclusion is that organization
and trade agreements work to Increase
wages and produce Industrial peace.
Choosing Senators by Direct Vote.
The submission of the Income tax
amendment to the constitution has
aroused new interest in the long pend
ing proposal for the constitutional
amendment providing for the election
of United States senators by direct
vote of the people.
Although a large number of states
through their legislatures have repeat
edly Indorsed the direct election of
senators, and the amendment has
passed the house several times by the
requisite constitutional majority, It
hag never succeeded In securing the
necessary support in the senate. De
spairing of converting the senators to
a reform which In many instances
would endanger their own tenure of
service, the movement was a few years
ago directed toward securing straight
out legislative requests for the sum
moning by congress of a constitutional
convention to formulate the proposed
amendment. Up to date twenty-seven
states have taken this action, leaving
only four yet necessary to make the
two-thirds required by the constitution
to Impose on congress the duty of call
ing a convention.
The advocates of this change in the
method of choosing United States sen
ators have proceeded on the theory
that when the number of states de
manding a convention approaches
perilously near the two-thirds line the
recalcitrant senators will see the hand
writing on the wall and submit the
amendment In the ordinary way with
out calling a convention. The reason
for this expectation is that a conven
tion once called might assume plenary
power to revise the whole constitution
and refuse to confine its activities to
the particular subject, to deal with
which it was convened. On what part
of the constitution such a convention
would alight no one could foretell, and
even if the power of the convention to
depart from the subject of Its calling
were disputed there would be a serious
question as to what, if any, superior
body could pass upon that point.
The way, therefore, to secure direct
popular election of senators Is not by
appealing to the president, although
It may possibly help, but by adding a
few more states to the list of those
on record demanding the calling of a
convention to propose the desired
amendment. If by the time two-thirds
of the states shall have spoken the
senators shall not have surrendered,
the convention call can be forced and
the convention will do the rest.
Honoring Modjeska.
The public funeral accorded Madam
Modjeska at Crakow, Poland, must be
recognized as an unusual tribute to a
remarkable woman. It Is not strange
that a woman should have such a pub
lic burial, but it was a triumph for
her genius that the exile who had
been driven from her native land and
forbidden: to return should be thus
honored. To be sure, not all of her
triumph was reserved for posthumous
honoring, for she had been welcomed
while yet living and honored for her
Of noble birth, Modjeska came to
the United States practically penni
less when her free expression of na
tive patriotism had brought about her
banishment. A stranger to our lan
guage and people, she mastered the
one and captured the other by her
wonderful dramatic art. Hers was a
master genius, which finally forced
recognition in the land once denied to
In Omaha, where she visited, and
elsewhere where she resided she was
honored no less for her personal
charms and nobleness of character
than for her dramatic art and there
will be many present in spirit to jielp
her native city cherish her memory
Forecast of Next Decade.
A New York banking house of high
standing gives out. a most roseate fore
cast of the progress of the United
States In population and business
growth In the next decade. - It est!
mates that our population in 19?0 will
be 100,000,000 and that trade and
manufacturing will expand as never
before In the history of the country.
The justification for this prediction
is the Immense resources of the coun
try, the demonstrated capacity for ex
panslon and the phenomenal manner
In which the country recovers from
panics and setbacks such as occurred
in 1907. No country in the world, we
are reminded, ever faced so serious a
situation as the United States did at
that time and on other similar occa
slons and recovered from them with so
little permanent Injury and In so short
a time. No reason exists why the next
decade should wttneas any serious re
verse, as conditions are healthful and
there are large resources yet un
touched awaiting development as well
as opportunity to expand present ones.
Such forecasts are pleasant to con
template and so far as can be foreseen
there is nothing to Indicate they are
not fairly warranted. No domestic or
foreign complications cm be Imagined
which should not yield to sensible
treatment and the disposition is
stronger than ever to adjust rather
than to aggravate differences, both In
ternal and external.
Great Britain's Scare.
No better evidence could be found
of British agitation over the German
scare than Is afforded by the National
Review, which for several months has
devoted the major portion of Its space
to discussing its various phases. No
greater mistake could be made, how
ever, than to infer from this that
Great Britain considers Its position
hopeless, for it is rather evidence that
the country is thoroughly alive to what
it regards a dangerous menace.
The recent imperial press confer
ence, however, was a confession that
the mother country desired and needed
the assistance of the colonies and the
proposal to reduce cable tolls sprang
from a desire to cement imperial senti
ment by making it possible for all
parts of the empire to keep fully
posted on and understand the doings
of other portions. Evidence Is not
lacking that the colonies are respond
ing to the appeal of the mother coun
try and, possibly excepting India,
every foreign antagonist would face a
united empire. The universal ac
quiescence In the great naval program
further demonstrates that Great
Britain is ready to make any sacrifice
except that of naval supremacy, which
to Great Britain means life.
Neither Is British diplomacy Idle In
effort to secure favorable foreign alli
ances. The century old misunder
standing with France has been settled
and the two nations are united in a
common purpose by a common motive.
Traditional suspicion of Russia grow
ing out of fears for India Is being side
tracked and an alliance Is openly ad
vocated by leading statesmen. Feelers
have been thrown out to the United
States, but our government has been
unable to see that it is In any way
menaced, and even In event of war Is
not likely to have more than a sym
pathetic Interest.
How much reason there Is for all
this alarm is, of course, obscured by
the secrecy which surrounds all diplo
matic moves. On the surface it ap
pears to have no more cause than that
Germany Is building a powerful navy
which might be used, If so desired,
against Great Britain or any other
power. Germany has no more nor
stronger alliances now than for a num
ber of years and Us army has always
been strong since the creation of the
empire. The German emperor pro
fesses peaceful intentions, but Great
Britain views his every move with sus
picion and insists on doubting the sin
cerity of his expressions.
Ballinger on Power Sitei.
Restoration to public entry of land
withdrawn for. power sites by the
Roosevelt administration is presented
In a new light by Secretary Ballinger
In his interview at Seattle. The sec
retary . had been freely, criticised for
his action, which, It was charged.
would enable the so-called Interests
to gobble up valuable privileges, and
if the secretary's order tended to such
a result the objection would have been
well founded. Mr. Ballinger ex
plained that the original action was
taken on imperfect Information, and
to be on the safe side the department
withdrew much land not In any way
essential to preserve water power
sites and privileges. Investigation by
the geological survey service has Indi
cated what Is needed and also dis
closed many available locations not
originally reserved. These have been
withdrawn from entry and the remain
ing lands restored to settlement.
If the facts are as represented, and
it is fair to presume that they are,
the Interior department la entitled to
commendation Instead of criticism.
There is no good reason why valuable
agricultural lands should be withheld
from settlers who want them when
they are not needed to preserve more
Important Interests. On the other
hand, the public will hold to strict
account officials charged with retain
ing for the government valuable
power and water rights. With the de
velopment of irrigation and electrical
power these are of Increasing value,
and those still belonging to the pub
lic domain should not be permitted to
pass Into private bands without proper
restrictions to protect the public. The
geological survey bureau is composed
of capable men and exceptionally free
rrom scandal in tne past ana, as a
general proposition, the government
will be on the safe side If It follows
the bureau's advice.
Abandoned Farms in England.
England Is worried at present over
not only a decrease in its farm popula
tion, but a shrinkage In the number of
acres under cultivation. It has 1,500,
000 acres less under cultivation now
than ten ears ago and 2,325 less
small farm holdings than thirty years
ago. A commission which Investigated
the subject ascribes this situation to
the Impossibility of ownership by the
tenant leading to slack methods which
rendered farming unprofitable and
recommend giving the tenant a chance
to purchase, or at least the benefit of
enhanced value due to better care and
more scientific tillage. The English
farmer has not learned the lesson of
Intensive tillage as has the farmer In
France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark
and Germany, and the old system of
land tenure has offered little encour
agement for hlna to do so.
Land In England has become too
valuable to return a profit by farming
methods prevailing In the United
States and the commission plans to re
juvenate English agriculture by a mul
tipliclty of small farms well tilled and
soil properl) nurtured. England must
always depend upon outside sources
for a large portion of its food supply,
but It could be made to produce every
thing needed except grains and meat,
and the amount of these produced at
home could be greatly Increased If all
the arable land were under plow.
According to the official call, every
one who is willing to expose himself
as a populist is free to constitute him
self a delegate to the populist state
convention and help frame the plat
form for Nebraska populists this year.
Next call will offer green trading
The last amendment to the federal
constitution was adopted thirty-nine
years sgo, which would seem to indi
cate that In spite of the declaration of
many college professors the famous in
strument has performed Its functions
tolerably well.
The pennywlse cougressmen have
finally dropped the fight against an
appropriation for the president's
traveling expenses. These trips over
the country are not mere pleasure
jaunts, but a valuable part of the ex
ecutive's duty.
John F. Stevens, the former Pan
ama canal engineer, Is said to have
been quietly investigating power sites
In Washington and Oregon In the Hill
Interests. As long-headed a man as
James J. Hill is not likely to overlook
any opportunity.
The projected telephone merger will
rival the steel corporation in capitali
zation. It seem., incredible that such
a vast Industry should have been cre
ated within the memory of people still
Safe and Sane Progress.
Washington Herald.
It Would be foolish to suspect that the
Wright brothers know as much about avia
tion as some of their critics among the
army officers, of course. The ordtnary
layman, nevertheless, we think, will Incline
to believe the Wrights are making fairly
safe and sane progress.
A Neat Birthday Remembrance.
St. Louis Republic
John D. Rockefeller was TO years old on
Thursday of last week and celebrated by
receiving from the Standard Oil company
a check for $1,440,000 as his share of tha
profits of the company. Wouldn't It be
downright cruelty to make an old gentle
man like him pay an Income tax?
Keep an Eye Peeled, However.
Springfield Republican.
The president of the New York Central
railroad announces that rebating has
'stopped absolutely." It will be Just as
well, however, for the administrators of
the law to continue to keep a sharp eye on
the roads. The country has before received
similar assurances, only to learn later on
from court evidence that rebating was rife
at that very time.
Employes as Shareholders.
Springfield Republican.
Tha International Harvester company or
trust is following the United States Steel
corporation In making special effort to
bring employes Into the company as share
holders. There are 29,000 of them, and the
company Is offering 12,600 preferred shares
and 15,000 common at prices $6 and $10
under the present market quotations. It
Is expected that a large majority ,wlll take
advantage of the offer, as easy terms of
payment are provided on Installments to
be taken from wages. This Is the best
way to go about the settlement of the
labor question. It Is real co-operation as
distinguished from profit sharing exclusive
of loss sharing.
Disease of Divorce.
Philadelphia Telegraph.
The prevalence of divorce Is a striking
example of the extreme difficulty of root
ing out what every one admits to be an
evil. The divorce evil Is so flagrant, so
pernicious and demoralising, It would seem
that church and state wouti unite tn end
It, and that speedily. But both believe In
the adage of making haste slowly, and the
various legislatures, national and state, and
the different denominations, ' the Roman
Catholic and the Protestant Episcopal ex
cepted, have hardly got beyond the oratori
cal and deploring stage In several years.
They are progressing, however, and the
scandal will probably see some decided
abatement within the next decade.
A telegram of condolence from Abdul
Hamld to Mohammed All Mlrsa is due.
Western enterprise can score heavily by
sending Its surplus rain to the drouthy
The wisest bunch of Omaha vacationists
are those content with the comforts of life
right at home.
Standard Oil butter may be all Its In
ventor claims, but the ultimata consumer Is
yet to be heard from. When his voice is
pitched In the critical key. It will be worth
listening to. '
A Bangor, M., clergyman has exclusive
Information to tha effect that this old
world will come to an end on September 15.
Aspirants for office might as well pull out
and prepare for the jolt.
Chicago's eminence as a summer resort
outshines all rivala. With the Glngles jase
right "In Its midst," and the Snell and
Savior cases electrifying the suburbs, com
petitors on or off the lakes are "beaten
to a fragile "
As an advance feeler, the Chicago re
ceiver for the Booth company Intimates
that a fee of 1126,000 would be Just right
compensation for his labors and anxiety
of mind. Another hard Job Is coming to
him the Job of Identifying the Intimation
when tt returns from the feeling tour.
An edifying variation of the Enoch
Arden story comes from the northeast. A
minister In a trance left his wife and dis
appeared. Returning after an absence of
thirty-two years he found his successor In
Jail. The wanderer was sympathetic, the
wife forglylng, the Jailbird Indifferent. In
the succeeding trance the reunited couple
packed their duds and hiked for new pas
Dramatlo criticism is not a lost art In
Missouri. The t'hllllcothe Tribune rises to
the highest traditions of the profession In
these remarks: "Four hundrsd people and
WO donkeys constituted the audience that
witnessed the closing performanoe of tha
rivals of the Cherry sisters at the tent
theater Saturday night. The sissy boy of
the aggregation, the alleged comedian, 41
rested some very aged chestnuts at a local
paper, and at each witless sally, because
of Its peculiar composition, one-third of
the audience brayed loudly.
iAvvtaivaa aaw - n
You have valuable Ru, Draporios, Jewelry, Gold and h
ilver. riotlrincr and other Homo Furniture. Let us insure g
, ,
you against loss by burglars mul thieves, lire ana iigiuning,
windstorms and hail and water damage while you nro away.
The expense is small, the saving to you may be largo.
We insure anything anywhere. Let us insure the clothing
and jewelry you take with you on your vacation against loss
by fire or theft. It costs but little. We adjust all losses and
pay cash without discount. .We have money to loan on City
Real Estate.
The Hartford Fire Insurance Company publishes an Interesting book; ask
for it and we will mall it free. It Is good vacation reading, take It with you.
B. L. Baldwin & Co.
Phonelaouglas 271. 1221 Faxnam St.
rower In speech comes from patience In
Lies always get ripe before we are ready
for them.
Men seek tor honors often because they
have lost honor.
Forgetting self Is the secret of finding
satisfaction in Ufa.
Sorrow Is heaven's school, whete we
learn the alphebet of love.
A man Is to be known by his goal rather
than by his genealogy.
The best evidence of loving heaven is
endeavor to bring It here.
It Is easy for the man who amounts to
nothing to give himself away.
Deceit usually has a good start tn the
man who boasts of his diplomacy.
He soon loses all faith tn the poor who
tries to feed them with fine words.
No man Is uncommonly good who does
not help to make goodness common.
One of the blessings of being needy is
that there are always some who are more
Some think they are standing by the
faith when they are but frosen in their
Many a man shows his faith In the wis
dom of his god by offering a dime to
cover a dollar sin.
It is no use prescribing tha gospel to a
sick world unless you commend It by a
healthy life.
People who run around In a circle usually
hire a calliope to call attention to their
Some sinners do not repent because they
fear there would not be enough Joy In
heaven over the event to satisfy them.
Chicago Tribune.
Kansas City Times: The new church In
Washington that contains a swimming
pol is not of the Baptist persuasion. It
Is a Congregational house of worship, and
the Congregationallsts "sprinkle."
Louisville Courier-Journal: The Cin
cinnati minister who has Introduced canary
birds to help out the choir might Improve
matters some by bringing In a parrot to
mske responses or lead the doxology.
St. Louis Republic!' By reviving the old
ecclesiastical rule prohibiting marriage
with a deceased wife's sister, the Church
of England not only runs counter to a re
cent act of Parliament repealing the In
hibition, but demonstrates the superiority
of the American system In which church
and state are severely divorced, and the
churches show little disposition to Inter
fere In matters that are regulated by
statutory law.
Ban Francisco Chronicle: Pew wtll dis
agree with President Taft when he said
at Norwich on Monday that we "are com
ing more and more to realize the right of
the Individual to worship God as he may
choose." It Is not very long ago that this
could not be said with truth, and the In
tolerance of the past has been a chief ob
stacle to real religion. With the growing
recognition that in matters of faith reason
and belief are proper guides, irrespective of
dogma, there will be a truer approach to
Christian Ideals In the world.
Philadelphia Record: The denominational
fences are faring badly when a member
of the Baptist church in (Chicago Is acting
as pastor of a Unitarian church and a
Presbyterian church In New York Is con
sidering the calling to Its pastorate of a
Church of England clergyman. The sug
gestion that the Fifth Avenue Presby
terian church In New Tork, still remem
bered as Dr. John Hall's, though it has
had two pastors since his death, may give
call to an Anglican clergyman who will
preach In St. Bartholomew's during Au
gust Is decidedly the most entertaining bit
of church gossip that has gone around for
some time.
An l-o-Dat Dael.
Chicago Record-Herald.
We cannot quite determine whether It Is
a sensa of humor or a lack of it whloh
makes French duelists go to the field of
honor accompanied by hosts of friends in
automobiles, photographers and reporters.
srd then exchange harmless shots to
averse the Insult.
A Sad saaar Not.
Chicago Tribune.
Troubles never come singly. We are
deeply pained to notloe that our old friend,
the Jlklrl of Jolo, Is dead. Many a time
and oft have we answered the telephone
and told hlro what the score was. And "now
ha Is gone.
Keep Your Mind Off the Heat
and your suffering these hot days will diminish appreciably.
But that Is easier said than done. However, there 13 a way
way that perhaps you haven't thought of
that'a it. If there is any one thing that will take your thoughts
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No effort Is required All that you have to do Is to sit and listen while
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Buy a, VICTOR Today
We would like to prove to you how effective they are as entertainers
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We sell a Victor for as little as 1 weekly, you know.
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... ... , ,. , , .
He Love me and the world Is mine.
!She How do you make that outT
He Why, aren't you all the world to
me? Baltimore American.
"So you think he's really In love, eh?"
"No doubt about It. Why. he thinks
she s attractive In auto "goggles." Louu-
ville Courier-Journal.
"That Is a tender old poem."
"Is, eh?"
"Hut what did the poet mean here where
he speaks of the children's hour?"
"Why, I s'po.t under the terms of the
divorce decree each parent was entitled
to have the children at certain houra. The
Judges don't usually draw It so fine,
though." Kansas City Journal.
"I have saved every one of your letters,"
she said, sentimentally.
"Really!" said the young man with the
double curve to his hat brim; "I thought
I had been careful not to write anything
that could be of the slightest Interest ta
a Jury." Washington Star,
Mrs. Crawford-Bo his wife Is extrava
gant in dress?
Mrs. Crabshaw Very. Just now she a
getting a cost of tan at a hundred-dollar-a-week
seaside resort Puck.
"I have called to make the errans-emente
for the trip your daughter Is to make to
Europe to have her voice cvultivated."
"But I am not sending my daughter t
Europe to have her voice cultivated. '
"I know It It's tho neighbors they made
up a purse." Houston Post.
"I think Lucy and young Mr. Cashbox
are arriving at an understanding." says
the happy mother.
"You mean that they are engaged?" asks
the pleased father.
"Not yet. But I noticed that Lucy ha
moved that big, roomy rooklng-chalr Into
the parlor and you know that was the
forerunner of the engagements of the
other girls." Judge.
Reporter for the Jungle Journal Whom
have you put on this mysterious murder
Chief Zebra (who has many stripes In
the service) The Giraffe, on aooount of
his being a natural rubberneck.
Jungle Journal Reporter Has any of the
animals been run down as a suspect?
Chief Zebra Oh, yes. The Leopard Is
spoiled. Baltimore American.
Bayard Taylor.
Who shall rise and cast away.
First, the Burden of the Day?
Who assert his place, and teach
Lighter labor, nobler speech,
Standing firm, erect, and strong,
Proud as Freedom, free as Bong?
Lot we groan beneath the weight
Our own weaknesses create;
Crook the knee and shut the lip.
All for tamer fellowship;
Load our slack, compliant clay
With the Burden of the Day.
Higher paths there are to tread;
Fresher fields around us spread;
Other flames of sun and star
Flash at hand and lure afar;
Larger manhood might we share.
Surer fortune did we dare I
In our mills of common thought
By the pattern all Is wrought;
In our school of life, the man
Drills to suit tha publlo plan,
And through labor, love and play,
Shifts the Burden of the Day.
Ahl the gods of wood and stone
Can a single saint dethrone,
But the people who snail aid
'Gainst the puppets they have made
First they teach and then obey;
'Tls the Burden of tha Day.
Thunder shall we never hear
in this ordered atmosphere?
Never this monotony feel
Shattered by a trumpet's peal?
Never sire that burst and blow
From eternal summits, know?
Though no man resent his wrong, j
Bull Is free the poet's song! 1
SiUI, a stag, his thought may lean,
O'er the herded swine and sheep, ; J
And In the pastures far away
Lose the Burden of the Dayl
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