unday Bee. The Bee alma to print a paper that appeals to intelligence; not to an appetite for scandal and sensations. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. For woaThcr report sr-a pane S. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 5. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 18, 190!) -SIX SECTIONS THIRTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Curtiss' Flight Sets Record tor American Gup New York Aviator Coven Twenty Four Milei in Fifty-Two Minutei. FRONTIER HELD BY HIGHWAYMEN FIELD IS FULL OF CANDIDATES Mm TJ ns tlnn T a J i ta Ta TTrt T1 Aft. .-'T Two Hundred Fourteen Applicants for Whole Day on Gennai Border. for Office File for Primaries in August. HORSEMEN ARE THEIR VICTIMS MOST OF THEM REPUBLICANS The Omaha TAPT IS FORCING RATES DOWN Both Iron Ore and Oil Will Probably Be Placed on Free Lilt. MAY CUT HIDE DUTY IN TWO Material Reductions to Be Made in Lumber and Coal. WHITE HOUSE IN THE SADDLE Philippine Tariff Alio to Be Modified Considerably. SENTIMENT IS MUCH CHANGED resident's Clear Cat statement I'roTM Hard Blow to Standpat Element In Both Hoaaea of Congress. WASHINGTON. July 17 President Taft will win hla fight (or free, or reduced rate of Jul)- on, raw material. Nearly every member of the conference on the tariff bill conceded thla today. The Indication arc that when the new tariff till becomes a law the rates on the article Milch the president desired to come In fraa (".ill be aa follows: Iron ore, free; present duty, 40 cents a ton. Oil, free; now protected by a countervail ing duty. Hides, 7H per cent; present rate, 15 per tent. Coal. 4!i cents a ton; present rate, 67 cents a ton. Lumber, probably $1 IS a thousand for rough, with senate rates for finished product. This woulld mean a material re duction throughout the lumber schedule. Taft Convinces Them. When the conferees transferred to the president's shoulders the responsibility of putting; the foregoing raw materials on the free list It was not believed he would meet wl(h much success In bringing about a changed sentiment In relation to these articles. For several days, however, mem bers of congress have been going to the White House, and not a few of them came away convinced that the president was right In Instating that all of these articles could stand lower duties. It was not believed he would be able to put hides, lumber or coal on the free list, but It was acknowledged that any reduc tion In rates of the pending bill on these articles would amount to an administra tion triumph. In effect the president was told by the conferees that If Iron ore, oil, coal, hides or lumber were put on the fr e list or the rates reduced below the figures adopted In the senate he would "have to get the votes." It was recognised that It would be Im possible to put hides, lumber and coal on the free list, If the conference report was to be adopted by the senate. Neither was It believed rates on these articles could be reduced. Nfh j;HnaA.D( gent meat. That a change of sentiment had taken place lr. thu senate in the matter of free Iron or and fret oil was a matter of com mon ttOHnlp about the rapltol today. It was stated Jut as confidently that the IS net cent ad valorem rate on hides would have to be cut In half, althougu some I opponents to the proposition of putting! hides on the free list are still hopeful of retaining a rate as high as 10 per cent. Coal at 45 cents a ton, It waa declared, would piove satisfactory to every section except Wyoming, which fears that the In dustry in that state might be ruined by cheap Canadian onl. Two railroads are now building ftom northwestern states to Canada, which will tap the Canadian coal fields. Senator Clark and Representative Mondell of Wyoming are protesting against any reduction from tne present rate of t7 cents a ton, I'l spite of the fact that the senate adootsd a tiO-ccnt rate. It Is understood that the 45-cent rate. If adopted, will provide for no change In the existing rate of 15 cents a ton on slack, but that the Elklns amendment providing that this rate shall apply only to natural slack, shlppod fir such at the mines, will be accepted. Taft Wins for Philippines. President Taft will win another decided victory In tha Philippine free trade pro vision. The subcommittee, which has been considering this section, has derided to permit the free admission of 150,00,000 ci gars annually as requested by the presi dent, Instead of 70,000,000 as would be ad mitted under the senate, amendment, adopted at the Instance of Mr. La Follette. It is expected that the Philippine section, as approved by the subcommittee, will be adopted by the conferees Monday. It pro vides for the free admission of SOO.OOO pounds of wrapper tobacco, 1.500,000 pounds of filler tobacco and SOO.OOO tons of sugar. With the exception of lice and the limi tation placed upon tobacco and sugar, ail articles "the growth, product, or manu facture of the Philippine Islands" will be admitted free. The Inclusion of the words "or manufac ture" Is the subject of criticism In many quarters. Many members of congress think they would make It possible to ship raw materials Into the Philippine Islands for manufacture with cheap labor, and then bring them to the United States free of duty. As originally adopted by the house, and later Introduced In the senate, the Philippine section contained a provision requiring that manufactured article. In order to 6btaln the benefit of the free ad mission Into the United States should not contain Ingredients other than products of the Islands. Bond laano Authorised. By action taken today the tariff conferees settled the quejtlon of giving the secretary of the treasury authority to Issue fifty- year bonds at a rate of Interest not exceed ing S per cent, to cover the entire cost of purchasing the site and constructing the Panama canal. An amendment to the tar iff bill giving the authority waa prepared by Secretary McVeagh, and delivered to Representative Payne at the Treasury de partment during the noon recess. It was adopted when the conference waa resumed after luncheon. The effect of the bond provision la to repeal the limit, of the authorisation, coo talned in the Spooner act. although not In terferlng with the 1 per cent bonds issued under that authority to tha amount of 9$4,31.&t. The estimated cost of the canal la $376,111,000. which will be the figures named In the authorisation and bonds at the rat of I per cent may be Issued as they are needed, therefore, to the amount of IW0.H,0S0. It is ur.i liskx rt that bonds to the amount of fifty luiitoi. covering tha cost of the fifty millions covering the cost of the tOaatutued W 8 sound VagaJ MINEOLA. N. Y., July 17. A climax to the aeroplane flights Olenn H. Curtis has been making a Hampstead Plains, L. I. came with Increasing success today, when he sent his flyer 24.7 miles In t minutes and 90 seconds and qualified as the first candidate for the cup offered by the Scien tific American. This flight Is not only Curtiss' best, but Is the longest made with an aeroplane In America this year. The cup for which the aviators tried was offered for the longest flight of this kind during the current year, the only condition beitig that the winner must cover at least twenty-five kilometers over a measured course before judges of the Aero Club of America and land within 100 meters of the starting point. Curtiss came to earth today barely within the re quired distance, but the Judges decided that he had complied with all the terms of the competition. He will win the Scientific American cup which he captured last year at Hammonds port. N. T.. unless his flight Is excelled before the end of the year. The flight, although made at an early morning hour, was witnessed by 2.000 peo ple Curtis rose easily and circled the course at a variety of altitudes. At times his speed Increased to 45 miles an hour, but the average for the whole distance was twenty-eight and one-fourth miles an hour. At no time did he rise above sixty feet. Noble Suicide Enamored of Chicago Girl Baron Rothschild's People Oppose His Marriage, and He Ends His Life. CHICAGO, July 17 Dr. Rudolph Menn of this city tonight declared that Baron Oskar Rothschild, the youngest son of Baron Rothschild of Vienna, had killed himself because of his family's opposi tion to his marriage with Olga Menn, the . physician's young and beautiful daughter. The doctor told of his daughter meettng with the young baon when he arrived In Chicago with a party of friends on their way to Europe from the orient alx weeks ago. A friend of the nobleman's waa taken HI and was sent to the Ger man hospital. Iir. Menn Is a staff .phy sician. The baron met the doctor's daughter, and from that first meeting they were together much of the time that the young man was In Chicago. Not more than ,a week after meeting Miss Menn, tha doctor said, Rothschild proposed marriage. He was accepted and left soon after for Vienna, with the prom ise that Miss Menn and her mother would follow. He expected that hla father would not consent to his marriage with an American girl, but hoped that the young woman's beauty Would win him over. The baron cabled to his father, but the reply was not enthusiastic. Young Rothschild then wanted to marry Miss Menn at once, but Dr. Menn refused to allow this, and the baron sailed for Europe to plead with his father. A short time ago the girl and her mother sailed. Baron Albert Rothschild will meet them and take care of them until Dr. Menn can reach the other side. TRAIN CRASHES INTO AUTO On Killed, Three Mar Die aa He- salt of Accident on Long; Island. NEW YORK, July 17. On man was killed and three others so badly hurt that they may die Is the result of a collision of a Long Island railway train with an auto mobile three miles from Long Island' City today. Archie D. Tappan of New York wu taking three friends to his home In Glen Cove. At th railroad crossing Mr. Tappan did not note the approach of an express train until It was too late to stop his automobile, which crashed through the gates. Edward Hurley of Glen Cove was killed, Allen Perry of Sea Cliff suffered a concussion of the brain and Mr. Tappan was Internally injured and his leg was broken. Both of the latter may die. The fourth member of the party escaped un hurt. Patrick Monahan, a passenger on the railroad train, fell from a trestle on which he had walked to see the wreck, and probably waa fatally Injured. ' WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Hsral Mall Carrier and nbstltate Appointed In Nebrastri c.io Iowa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July 17.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Scott's Bluff, route 2. William B. Metcalf. carrier; Myrtle Metcalf. substitute. Route 1, Robert E. Dunham, carrier; D. M. Dun ham, substitute. Iowa Greene, route 1 W. E. Miller, carrier; J. E. McCracken, substitute. South Dakota Qulnn, route 1, W. L. Brownnon, carrier; C. W. Miller, substitute. Wright Aeroplane in Air Nearly Sixteen Minutes WASHINGTON. D. C. July 17.-After many mishaps the new Wright aeroplane today successfully navigated the air. Making the best record for the Wright brother' machine since th accident last fall, the aeroplane, guided by Orvtlle Wright, and traveling at a speed approxi mately ' forty-five miles an horn- at a height of. from eighty to ninety feet, re mained In the air 18W minutes, when the aviator decided to alight, having encircled the drill grounds at Fort Hyer fifteen and three-fourths time. Th descent was made without difficulty, th plao selected for It being on level ground and th on usually used by Or vllle Wright for his landings. At all times tha machln was under perfect control. The conditions for a flight were Ideal. The first attempt to fly waa a failure. Traveling In a straightaway course ths aeroplane, after artaUig ten feot, suddenly Plunder Hapless Dealers on Their Way to Market at Lipiku. CAPTURE A TOLL GATE HOUSE Disguise Man as Woman and Collect Their Revenue. PILLAGE RICH TRAVELERS One Man Who Resists Them Is Shot Dead aa an Rumple to Others, After Which Bandit Ride Away. RERUN. July 17 Rrlgands held the highway between Augustomo and Llpsku, on the Russo-German frontier, all day Tueeday of this week and captured fifty or Mxty travelera, whom they robbed of large sums of money. Most of the victims were horse dealers going to the annual horse market at Llpsku. It Is estimated $35,000 was taken. The road agents are believed to be the same men who have committed numerous robberies throughout a wide district on the frontier. One of the recent exploits of the robbers was to capture a tollgate bouse. They bound the keeper and his wife and sta tioned one of their number, dressed In th gatekeeper's uniform, beside the gat. Peasants were allowed to pass on the pay ment of the usual fee, but when a prosperous-looking traveler or anyone bound for Llpsku came along a signal was given and the man was attacked by the bandits con cealed In the house. The victims wet bound and robbed of their cash and then locked In the attic of the house or . an outbuilding. After forty persons had been robbed th bandits gathered together the best horses and made their departure, but before they left they shot dead, in sight of the others, a man named Fahl of Augustomo, who had offered resistance. The son of the gate keeper returned late in the afternoon and released the prisoners. The German government haa taken up the matter with the Russian authorities. Corporation is Acquiring Bell Phone Companies American Company Makes Offer to Buy Lines of Three Eastern States. PHILADELPHIA, July 17. In pursuance with a policy of acquiring absolute own ership of controlled telephone lines, the Ameiioan Telephone and Telegraph com pany today made an offer to take over all tha capital stock of the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania. The American company already controls th Pennsylvania corporation through the ownership of about 82 per cent of Its stock. The offer of the American company is approved by the board of directors of the Bell company and la favorably recommended in a circular Issued today to the stockholder. A similar offer was made to the New York and New Jersey Telegraph and Tele phone company. The Bell Telephone Com pany of Pennsylvania covers all the state of Pennsylvania cast of th Allegheney mountains except the northern counties. It also owns the capital stock of the Chesa peake and Potomac Telephone company, which covers Maryland, the District of Columbia and a part of Virginia; the Dia mond State Telephone company, covering and Atlantlo company, which operates throughout southern New Jersey. ONCE OWNED LIBBY PRISON William Far, Dead la Michigan, Also ' Helped Indict Jeff DaTta. MUSKEGON, Mich., July n.-Wllllara Fay, part owner when the civil war broke out of the tobacco warehouse which became famous as Llbby prison, and a well known scout after his union sympathies forced him to leave his home In Richmond, Va., died today at Ms horn at Lake Harbor, aged 87 years. Fay was a member of the grand Jury which Indicted Jefferson Davis for treason. HYMENEAL ShldWr-Ashton. YORK, NJb., July 17. (Special.) An nouncements have been received of the wedding of Dr. George P. Sidler to Miss Minnie Aahton at Centralis, Wash. Dr. G P. Shldler Is one of the popular native bom York boys, who Is making a success In the practice of medicine and Is alderman of the Fourth ward. They arrived home last night, and their many friends gave them a hearty welcome. dropped and touched th ground, but rose again. Finding that he was close to th aeroplane shed, and enable to raise the machine to any considerable height. Or vllle Wright made an easy landing. The cause of this failure was ascribed to th fact that th machln bad left th mono rail too soon. At th second attempt th aeroplane gently roe to a height of between eighty and ninety feet. There wa a moment of suspense, but when the crowd witnessed the first turn a great cheer went up, for It waa evident athat the efforts of th Wright brother at last would be success ful, i Having regained eonfldeno tn himself and hla machine, Orvill Wrigh aetled him self down for a long flight. After pilot ing the ship around the drill grounds of th fort for a distance of nearly twelve miles the descent wag load without the slightest mlshaf From the New York Herald. MONEY FOR THE EAGLES' FUND Business Men Generally Subscribe to the Convention Pot. . . MANY BIG FLIGHTS 'USED Word from All Directions la that All Sorts of Basle Will Fly In Direction of Omaha. Canvassing for the Eagles' convention fund has progressed In. substantial fash Ion the last week. ChffXrman Bacon, Sec retary Ryder and Harry B. Zlmmaa hn.v covered the larger portion of the retail district, with good results. Speaking of the work Mr. Ryder said: 'I have ever found the business men of Omaha all light. After several days of store-to-store solicitation of funds, I feel like saving they are the best on earth. With one exception, we have been re ceived most courteously and signatures have been given for liberal amounts. The one exception Is a man well able to give and who will, reap benefit, but perhaps we struck him at that particular moment that everybody experiences now and again, when all the world looks wrong. "Messrs. Bacon and Zlmman will Join with roe In bearing enthUHlastlc testimony to th admirable spirit we have met with among th business men, and the newspa pers have enabled us to pave the way for the canvassing committees in good shape. After all the soliciting of funds that haa been going on her within the eighteen or twenty months last past, to stand up to the rack now for such a large fund as we must raise shows that Omaha's business element Is gam to the core. Other committees will be out the coming week, and I believe they will have a similar story to tell." Many Btar Flock Coming;. As the date draws near for the conven tion of the Eagles, the secretary of the committee Is beginning to recelv letters that Indicate all estimates of attendance are very likely to be broken. Altoona, Pa., sends word that a goodly number are com ing to Omaha bom that section. Milwaukee aerie writes that a special train baa al ready been chartered to bring Its crowd to "th centre" In style. San Francisco aerie "Big 6." expresses a desire to bring It minstrel troupe of forty members, as well as it drill team and fife and drum corps, and the local committee haa written back that all possible assistance will be given If the Californlana decide to put on their show here during convention. The minstrels have won great tribute on the coast, as a street spectacle and aa per former. Th Boston ft Montana band, which won first prise at th Elks' convention last week, and the Ottumwa (la.) band, which took second, will both b. In Omaha during tha Eagle convention week and will contest (Continued on Second Page.) If there is one en terprise on earth that a "quitter" should leave sever ly alone, it is adver tising. To make a success of advertising, one must be prepared to stick like a barnacle en a boat's bottom. He should know before he begins it that he must spend money lots of it. Somebody must tell him that he cannot hope to reap results com mensurate with his , expenditure early in the game. Advertising does not jerk; it pulls. It begins very gently fit first, but the pull is steady. It increases day by day and year by year until it exerts an irresistible power. John "Wannamaker. READY FOR THE BARN DANCE. Easy to Comply with Earnings Law, Says Wickersham Attorney General Declares Any Cor poration Keeping True Books Can Comply with Law. WASHINGTON, July 17. Declaring that any corporation which "keeps Just and true books of account" can make up the return required by the proposed corpora tion tax law and meettng other attacks on, that measure, Attorney General Wicker sham tWTsy "made public a letter he haB written to a 'Wall street firm of account ants who challenge some provisions of the proposed law a "absolutely Impossible of application." The firm addressed is Deloltte, Plender, Griffiths ft Co. of New York. Attorney General Wickersham point out that the proposed law does not Impose a tax on "profits," but on "the entire net Income over and above 18,000 received by the corporation, " Joint stock company or association or Insurance company subject to the law from all sources during such year." "It has been the uniform practice of the government In framwig up revenue bills," he added, "to require the tax to be paid as of a fixed date, and so far as I have been able to ascertain In every Instance the tax Is Imposed for th calendar year ending December 31. Such was the Income tax law of 1894. It may be Inconvenient, but it Is certainly not Impossible for any corporation which keeps Just and true books of account to make up a return such as that required by the proposed law, particularly as the return requires statements of actual' receipts and pay ments and not as recommended In your communication of 'expenses Incurred,' 'In terest accrued' and 'losses ascertained.' " THREE BANKERS ARRESTED Charged with Misapplying Fund of Defnnct National Bank. PITTSBURG, Pa., July 17. Warrants were Issued today for the arrest of David J. Richardson, former cashier, A. L. Rich mond, Jr., a director, and J. F. McKlnnie, second vice president and director of the defunct Cosmopolitan National bank. The three are charged with misapplication, making false entries and reports. The bank failed September 3, 1908. McKlnnie was ar rested this afternoon and released on bonds of $10,000. BIG FLEET NEAR LONDON Handred and Fifty Warship Gather ing; in Thamea Entertain meat for Men. LONDON, July 17. A great fleet of war ships 150 strong has been gathering In the Tharoes since daybreak today and for a week to come the people of London will have the pick of the British navy at their doors. The ships will be thrown open to the public during their stay and all kinds of entertainments are to be provided for the officers and men. Old and Worthless Cow Cause of a Bloody Duel UNION, Miss.. July 17. An old cow, which would not have brought $60 on the market, caused a bloody pistol battel In the streets of this little town today. It resulted In the killing of two men, the fatal Injury of two more and th se rious wounding of another. All Is quiet here tonight and there appears to be no need tor state troops to maintain order. Dead: F. J. M' DONALD, cattleman. PETER M'DONALD, his brother. Fatally Injured: Cornelius ChUholm, cattleman. Joseph Miller, friend of Chlsholm. The fight was between the MoDonalds on one ride and Miller Chlsholm on the other. Bud blood between Chlsholm and McDon alds hVs existed for many year. Chiabolm declared that th cow wa bis ', EIGHT O'CLOCK LAW VALID So Police Judge Rules in Fining" Man Who Violates It. JENSEN CASE IS DISMISSED Crawford Refuse to Declare th Law Unconstitutional, Leavlngr th Final Arbitrament to th Supreme Court. Frank Dlnuzso, the saloon keeper ar rested for violating the S o'clock closing law, was fined $100 and th taw held to be constitutional by Police Judge Crawford, who maintains th new statute Is germane to section 14 of th Slocumb law, which it seek to amend, but not amendatory to section 25. Attorneys for Dinuzso ap pealed the case to the district court and Dlnuzxo's bond was fixed at $200, which was furnished. Jens Jensen, the Thirtieth and Bpauldlng streets saloon man, also arrested the night Dlnuzzo's place was raided, and who was charged with selling a bottle of liquor to Officer Robey In uniform, was discharged. The case turned out to be th word of the saloon keeper against that of the officer, one denying the allegation and th other making It There were no other witnesses and therefore no other evidence, so th case waa dismissed. neads Dlnusso Decision. Police Judge Crawford'a decision on the Dlnuzzo case, which he read in court Saturday morning, began as follows: "This case Is Submitted upon a question of law. The evidence, uncontradicted, clearly shows that th defendant sold liquor after 8 o'clock p. m., on the 10th of July. The defense rests upon the contention that the law is unconstitutional and that for two reasons, first, that the 8 o'clock law Is by Its terms an amendment to sec tion 14 of the Slocumb law and 1b not ger mane to said section; and, second, that It Is amendatory of section 25 of that law, without referring to or repealing said seo tlon." After a lengthy discussion of the, argu ments presented Judge Crawford closed his deciolon as follows: "By this case, so thoroughly and skill fully presented, it Is sought to have me, sitting as a polio magistrate, declare thla law void and ot no effect Without belit tling the duty of a police magistrate, I may yet say, that th supreme court la tho court particularly charged with the determination of questions such as are presented here, and It would not be fit ting or proper for me to declare this act of th legislature and governor of our state, unconstitutional, void, and of no effeot unless it be so clearly and fatally defeotlv that thinking men cannot and do not differ in their opinions upon th sub ject. "Nevertheless, I have set out my views upon the two propositions presented In the argument of counsel and reach the con clusion that th $ o'clock law la germane to section 14 of the Slocumb law and Is not amendatory to section ZSTTNsald law. "It follows that for the purpose of this case and In this court the law Is constitu tional." property and the McDonalds disputed his claim. Joseph Miller and Peter McDonald started the row In front of the Union bank.' Revolvers were drawn and the shooting commenced. Who fired the first shot is still a matter of dispute. Chlsholm and F. J. McDonald came up about this time and Joined In the battle. Peter McDonald waa th first to fall, sup posedly struck by a ball from Miller's re volver. Miller then went down, and F. J. McDonald turned his attention to Chlsholm. Finally both men fell, F. J. McDonald dead and Chlsholm mortally wounded. Murphy McDonald, a young son of F. J. McDonald, who docs not appear to have been armed or to have taken an active part In the fight, was struck by a bullet and seriously wounded. Ill friends say that h mad an effort to stop th fight. Few Blanks Left on the Tickets by V , Two Leading Parties. THREE OFFICES FORM THE PIVOT V. Coroner, County Commissioner, Police Judje Most 'Popular. TWO OUT FOR KENNARD'SJPLACB Republican and Democrat Ha! Three Knch for Police Magistrate ' . Socialist Do Not Fll Complete Ticket. Two hundred and fourteen candidate have filed for county office In the pri maries to be held on Tuesday, August IT. Of ths candidates 131 are republicans, seventy-eight democrats and flv social ists. There are few blanks on the tickets of the two leading parties. The republi cans have up one or more candidates for all but twelve places, and the democrats have candidates up for al but fifteen places. The socialists did not attempt to file a complete ticket, their ticket aa filed being as follows: flherlff, E. I. Morrow; clerk, F. A. Barne-tt; treasurer, Charles 8. Duke; county commissioner from the First dis trict, J. N. Carter; police Judge for South Omaha, John F. Chase. In addition to the county offices four places are to be filled on the Omaha Board of Education, changes in the law calling for the eleotlon of members from th First, Becond, Third and Fourth Wards. From the way the filings are divided th principal fight In th pre-prlmary cam paign Is expected to center largely on three offices. These offices are coroner, with three candidates on the republican ticket; county commissioner, with nine candidates on th republican and four on the democratlo ticket, and police Judge with three candidates on each ticket. Two republicans filed for the un expired term as commissioner from th district represented by the late M. J. Ken nard, but the democrats failed to pay any attention to the short term. For deputy assessors where th repub licans failed to file the democrat filed, and vie versa, except In one prednot, Benson, where there Is no filing by either party. For road overseers either on party or the other managed to file a candidate In each precinct with the exception of th precincts of Elkhorn, Clontarf, Dundee and Benson. These positions are left blank. The list of filings is as follows: Republican. Democrat. SHERIFF. E. F. Bralley P. Q. H. Botand CLERK i D. M. Haverly A. L. Patten TREASURER. Frank A. Furay M. L. Endres REGISTER OF DEEDS. Frank W. Bantlle Rd L. Lawler CORONER. C. H. T. Rlepen P. C Heafey Willis C. Crosby Max Becht 8UHVEYOR. George McBrlde Jchn P. Criok M. F. Black COUNTY JUDGE. Charles Leslie George H. Mertena Alvln 8. Johnson George Holmes SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. W. A. Yoder F. C. Holllngsworto COMMISSIONER. FIRST DISTRICT. , (Long term.) Charles J. Anderson Arthur Pew George M. Baler Peter O'Malley John P. McCaffrey C. L. Van Camp W. F. Cowger John F. Coffey John A. Bcott Ernest Stuht D. Cunningham Louis Peterson George Cott COMMISSIONER, FIRST DISTRICT. (Unexpired term.) John Grant '. N. P. Dodge, Jr. POLICE JUDGE, OMAHA Bryce Crawford 1 Fred W. Anhe'iscr Ed F. Morearty W. S. Shoemaker Julius S. Coolcy Frank Chrlstmann POLICE JUDGE, SOUTH OMAHA. Frank A. Agnew James Callanan j Joseph J. Maly J. M. Fowler OMAHA BOARD OF EDUCATION. First Ward George H. Schnell R. F. Williams C. A. Parsons W. P. LTOn Second Ward Vaclav Buresh Rophus Neble Dr. E. Holovtchtner Third Ward H. I. Plumb Thomas Swift ( Fourth Ward ' Charles R. Courtney W, F. Stoaokar F. W. Fitch JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, OMAHA, W. W. Eastman E. M. Bone George C. Cockrell Albert Kaplan William Altstadt Patrick J. Lenehaa James J. Casey A. L. Tlmblln Arthur E. Baldwin G. P. Butts C. W. Brltt W. C. Clark J. H. Glaasman Charles E. Fields C. M. Bschman Ben S. Anderson Eben K. Long Fred L. Smith Edward Leeder JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. COUNTRT Charles G. Keller P. C. Caldwell James B. Carter, J. Levy Ed Kain CONSTABLES, OMAHA. H. D. Plerson O. P. Thompson W. II. Hays John O. Hehrens J. A. Woods C. Epstein F'd D. Simpson Fred W. McGlnnls A. R. Hen eel G. W. Church William A. Plummer A. A. Bebout Pearl Hteln CONSTABLES, COUNTRY. C. C. McKinley William Kaln I 1. IX McLaln Thomas Thompson Q. S. Collin OVERSEERS. Florence L. U. Retter Union N. B. Thompson Elkhorn .C. V. Bhumaker Platte Valley Oscar Talcott Waterloo A. I. Compton Chicago H. Kalbe McArdle peter Kammenxlnd M. II. Ruahmann Mlllard- Jolin H. Plambaok Douglas E. It. Kidder . W. B. Murruf , ,