12 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1P09. We're Letting Down the Price on all Kinds of Summer Merchandise TTTTiTXTTMTf M V THURSDAY'S SPECIALS Our Grand Clearing Sale Extraordinary Event to Clear Away Odd Lots in One Day. $1.50 Embroidered Flouncings at 69c a Yard 27-indi rxtra fine hand loom embroidered flouncings of French batiste, English eyelet, madras, shadow, hexagon, etc. also dainty designs for misses and f& T"G children's dresses the window display f""YS lwis attracted thousands. j POSITIVELY WORTH UP TO $1.50 A YARD. Sale ol FINE NECKWEAR For Women and Children All showroom samples and surplus stocks from one of the largest New York manufacturers and importers. New Dutch collars, jabots, fancy stocks, ascots, sailor collars, etc. crochet, cluny and Val. lace trimming also finely embroidered worth up to 75c each, 15c a33c Women's Lingerie And Jumper Dresses "Whites and colors; Dutch neck styles, etc. some checked gingham, some with fine lace and medallion $ C inserting, worth $7.50 and $10 J Women's $7.50 and $10 Wool Skirts $5 Stuning new styles, in voiles, panamas, mixtures, grays, blues and $ C blacks; worth $7.50 and $10, at. . . J r MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Women's fine white Petticoats, embroidered and lace trimmed, worth up to (4, at $1.39 $1.98 Women's $200 Night. I Women's $1.50 Night Gowns, at... 98 Gowns, at. ... 69 $1.25 Long Silk Gloves at 69c a Pair Double tipped fingers, black, white, tan, grey, blue, green, catawba, all sizes, Milanese silk, 16 button length at, f C pair OlC Women's White Lisle Gloves, In elbow length, all sizes, worth 50c pair, at, y e pair DC Brandeis Stores "Th present age known no Invention or development whk-h means o much to humanity In general as does Dr. Cole's wonderful Anatomlk Shoe." THOUSANDS upon thousands of People young, middle aged and old are suffering from some one or more of the symptoms produce.! by some stage of the malady known as "flat-foot," or broken-down arch, as It Is frequently called. The early stages of "flat-foot" are usually the most painful. At this time very little. If any deformity or change in the foot's outline can be observed, consequently the pains are attributed to other causes frequently to rheum atism. The rheumatic-like pains may be in the feet, calves of legs, knees, hips, back, and sometimes there Is a dull pain In back of the neck. Other symptoms are swollen, painful toes, enlarged great toe joints, pain in the heel, bunions, cramps In the feet, toes drawn up or down, weak ankles and a generally "used-up" feeling at the end of the day. Come to our store and let us demon strate to you a simple lesson In foot anatomy and you will quickly see why Anatomlk Shoes are considered by thousands of people to be one of the greatest blessings ever given to humanity. KXCIXSIVE AOEXTS Tot Maa and Woman Drexel Shoe Co. Available Office Space On account of changes being made to accommodate one of our tenants with more office room, we will Lave for rent on July 1st; a desirable space on sixth floor facing Farnam street. This room is 20x20, in the southwest corner of the building and is well lighted; also has large fire proof vault. Partitions will be arranged to suit permanent tenant. The Bee Building Is the best kept office building in the city, and every effort is made to care for our tenants as they would expect. If you con template making a change, we would like to have you give us a call and take a look through the building. We have a waiting list, so that if you cannot find what you want in vacant space, let us file your application for rooms. We will be able to fix you out eome time. The Bee Building Co, R. W. Baker, Superintendent. 17th and Farnam. TWO HILL LINES TO BILLINGS Burlington May Put Its Cheyenne Eoad in Good Shape. BUYS LAM) FOB, THIS PURPOSE Mill la Colorado Si Southern to Urln Junction, Norton ratcrn to boUunl, Then It Nt-W Klrby Houte. The ruirllnmon is conslderlnr the plan of Itiipiuvlt.ir Its line from Holdrege to t'lu'ytMine to make the second through 'line fruni Omaha to connect with lh Norther.i I'ai Iflr at Milium. The l'ne ras been built fir iw M.y years and has a splendid low niuilo all l ie :ivr from Ho'drege west aj'd woum! mak; fcood rcJ lor heavy li.'i uUii. Aeconllntf ir 1'ie prtse-it I'lan the Bur Illusion "111 'o '.hi Colorado and Southern, whU li It owiiM. to Orin Junction, and then us? the Not thw tsu-rn rails west to 8ho bIioiiI, lin' the new line from Kirby couth through the His Horn Basin will be nut. Pursuant to this plan the llurllngton has been buying luml In Cheyenne to make a connection oetw.in the llurllntfton and Colorado und . i:tlK-rn. Lund within the luart of Ouryii.n" has ttn bought at a considerable exi( life. liy tiMiitr the H.Udrerr-Cheyenna line, the Hurlltitft jii wu-U have a route 641 miles long bet.v.vn Omaha and Cheyenne, vhlle the I'nim Taclfc ia but a little shorter, with 620 miles. The Burlington has been making every effort to establish a line to the northwest with a minimum grade, and this icems to solve the piob lem. The Northwestern between Ortn Junc tion and Shoshonl has some heavy grades, but the Burlington expects In time to build a line of lta own across that section of Wyoming, and will use the Northwestern aa a temporary expedlont. Work has begun on the Burlington line from Klrby south through the Big Horn Gorge, but this Is going to be a most difficult piece of work, as the road will have to build so that It can run over the top of the boy sen dam. It will be a most picturesque route, as the walls of the can yon rise perpendicularly about 900 feet , low Kates for the Fall. Omaha now stands a good chance to get low rates to the fall festival of King Ak-Sar-Ben and for the National Corn ex position. The Burlington haa made the first move In this direction by announc ing that It will give reduced rates to the Nebraska State fair, which will be held at Lincoln September 8 to 16. The rate will be a fare and a half, with a minimum of II. Application was made some time ago for these rates, but several roads opposed the proposition. The Burlington has now taken independent action and has announced that It will make the rate. This action has met with the approval of the secretary of the Western Passenger association. Ak-Sar-Ben and the corn show directors have not asked for rates up to date. Later Ilarllnxton Train. The Burlington announces that It has arranged to run its train from Nebraska City two hours later than formerly to ac commodato those desiring to go to Ne braska City In the morning and return in the evening. A special train of seven cara, carrying the members of the National Editorial as sociation, will arrive in Omaha Thursday over the Burlington at 1:15 p. m. The as sociation is enroute to the Seattle exposi tion via Billings on the Burlington. Quality Is Our Guide Worms "Caacareta are certainly B. I a friend oa when lta Aortor wa treating him for cancr at Ihtstomack. The neal awrniag ha paaxa taur piec of a tap worm. Me lcn go a and ia thrta oaya he pasird a taa an 48 faal Urn. It waa Mr. afalt free, of Miljerabuig, Dauphin Co.. Pa. I am qniw a worker for la. raia. 1 aaa tharn myself and Bad then beaaanal for moat tor dlcu caused ay Impure blood." Chaa. B. Coauloa. LawUioa. re., (attain t i Co.) asant. Palatable. Potent. Taata Good. jOlroo4 KaverStoaea.Weakeaorbnpe. .... 4 ftA L.. ...IJ i. Th...fc bis' labia tamped C C C. toe are a lO ta aaa are a? yvw asaaay WINTER WHEAT IS RIPE NOW Grain All Over Nebraska Ready to Cat and Farmers Are Lla lag l'p Forces. Winter wheat all over Nebraska Is rip and ready for harvest and the farmers are simply waiting for the fields to dry so they may put the harvesters to work. In some places half of the crop has been cut. Rain has not damaged Uio wheat on the Omaha and Lincoln divisions of the Bur lington. Conditions for corn are unquali fiedly good on all divisions except under the water on aone part of the Wymore division. The prospects are for 101 per cent of a croft on the Omaha division and 103 per cent on the McCook division. Quick Action for Tour Money You get that by using The Be advertising columns. m m UPD1KES flour mm r-fl i! iV. -JbiM&l UKOIKE m ILLlNG CUj -J' All sua trrn V'-'J- u, o V mm PLEASES THE MOST CRITICAL At all grocers UPDIKK UILL1NO COMPANY. OlaAHA If Good Value is satisfaction. You buy right when you buy the'Always well done" Quality of cuts. BakerBrosInwingCo. OMAHA I "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and State. Bast rilmata and Medicinal Springs in America. Flrat Class Hotsla. liospl tala and Bath Houaea. Writ U keoratary Oomraarolal Cine, Sot soriaca So. Iax, Rolfablo Dentistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms HOTELS. In the Shopping District. "ir'.3i 5 Hotel Kupporl llta and MoOae. K&nsas City. Mo. Tn the Bhopplng Xlstrta, Maar all the Theaters, BOO Baaotllol aXooma. 10O Private Baths. Bot and cold water in all room, npaolooa lobby, parlora. Talaphona la every room, baauufal Cafe, Yarfaet Oniataa. $1 to $2.50 Per D&y Soropaaa Vlaa. KUPPER DENS0N HOTEL CO.. r. A BIIIOS, Mgr. f J J- Store Open I'ntll O O'clock. Saturdays VntJl I i list' 10 V' Tues,aJ,s We close at 1 O'clock. J Ttiey Arc Going Out Fast Those ill Tailored Suits to $10.00 The Pick of the House $ Don't let another day pass without getting one of these suits. A ten dollar bill now buys any wo man's suit It took $45.00 or 136.00 or $25.00 to get a few weeks ago. Just 152 suits, that's all; every one the year's best style. Materials, colors and styles almost identical to those shown for fall. It's a bargain almost unbelleveable, but It's our annual clearing sale and every one goes now $10 WASH SUITS Women's two-piece Summer Wash Suits of linen, Repp or motor cloth. A clearing up sale of a very large line, the pick of our best styles valued up to $13.6.0, Thursday's 7 QC sale price $1 etD SILK PRESSES Stunning models in women's messallne and foulard dresses; broad assortment of effective and ultra fashionable crea tions In all colors. We have sold them at $19.50 and $25.00, and now you pick any for A PRESS FOR THE HOUSE 'You know what Sea Island Percale Is don't you? That's what these dresses are made of. All white grounds with tiny black figures and neat checked piping and pleats over shoulders, cut with a low, square shaped neck. No f JC No home dressmaking could be more perfect )lel w WHITE WAISTS, A CLEAR UP LOT $1.25 Just for Thursday, ten dozen Lingerie Waists, some with Dutch necks, some high necka, some tailored styles. No waists at an equal price shown this year are as beautiful. At same table are black lawn waists; ar values $2.00, special, at lettt) NAINSOOK GOWNS, SUMMER STYLES A clearing sale bargain worth while. It saves you fifty cents on each garment you buy. Pret ty, cool, slipover gowns of thin, soft nainsook, exquls- aa itely trimmed; also some high neck styles, all $1.50 values, . . MeUv CORSET COVERS DRAWERS On a table near main ajsle, 2d floor, Is a half off sale on new, crisp, dainty garments that are excellent 50c se-llers. We bought tbem at half and you share our 0Cr good fortune, 50c covers, or drawers, for uoC CLEARING SEASONABLE LINES WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR Ankle strap slippers, pumps, oxfords, now have prices blue penciled to low est point. Thursday Is the first time at these prices: WOMEN'S PATENT OXFORDS AND PUMPS Turn soles and high heels, $3.50 and $4.00 values, now . , .$2.48 WOMEN'S STRAP SLIPPERS Medium heel, light sole, for house wear, $1.50 and $1.75 values, at .. 98c BAREFOT SANDALS For children, sizes up to 2, for 98 Come Early Thursday for these Mannlaclnrcr's Samples Dutch Collars and Jabots Vi" We have Just made another fortunate purchase of these popular Sum mer styles in.neckwear. It brings them to you at a half and a third of regular retail trice. There are Dutch collars, jabots, mull ties and collars with Jabot attached. There s a great assortment of them; dainty lace and embrold-' ered trimmed effects, worth 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c. Just the correct thing for hot weather. We put them on sale Thursday, at A Thursday Clearing of Enamelware A big close out lot' of heavy blue and white enameled utensils of all kinds. Most of them are broken lines that we cannot re-order. We are closing out these odds and ends that are worth to 85c for 19c. Sauce Pans, Salt Boxes, Measures, Berlin Kettles, S(nk a a strainers and many other necessary items, all go at 1 if one price GALVANIZED PAILS AND TUBS GREATLY REDUCED 20o Galvanized Water Pails 15o 25o Galvanized Water Palls 17o 8O0 Galvanized Water Palls 19o 69c Galvanized Wash Tubs 39o 7o Galvanized Wash Tubs 49o 89c Galvanized Wash Tubs 0o Dennett's Olfj Grocery Breakfast Coffee, 2 pound can 48 0 and Teas, assorted kinds, pound 48o and Toasted Klce Biscuits, package loo and Martha Washington Corn Flakes, 8 packages for . .flSo Heinz's Melon Mangoes, 8 for lOo Heine's Sweet Pickled Onions, pint 800 and Helns'a Sour Mixed Pickles, pint 15o and Olives, per quart 850 and Dried Peaches, per pound 80 Eddy's Mustard, two bottles, for lOo and Armour's Dried Beef, Jar '. ....84o and Newport Catsup, bottle lOo and Newport Catsup, gallon Jugs SOc and Peaches, gallon cans , ..fl&o New York Genesee Apples, gallon cans 30o and Cherries in gallon cans, for 60c and Diamond Crystal Salt, two sacks for loo and Macaroni, 8 packages for ,.ISo Poppy Condensed Milk, 6 cans for OSo and Pie Preparation. 8 for 850 and 80 green 40 green 6 green 10 green 10 green 10 green 5 green 10 green 6 green 20 green 10 green 20 green 10 green 10 green 10 green stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps I?ICII fllVC Thursday and -Friday rlOll UllD Fresh Catch Just In We have a shipment of absolutely fresh Brook Trout and sliced Hali but, direct from Seattle. These are some of the finest fish we have had. Choice of either Halibut or Brook Trout per pound lOc I And every day the interest in this great Bargain Giving Bale increases. THURSDAY TJ A T n A TVTC" BIGGER II U THE RELIABLE STORE IU1 THAN EVER. ME 11 Make Special A Preparations Jlu t0 Com Thursday. Tremendous Muslin Underwear Bargains A sale in which assortments, pretty styles and superior quality of the offerings sur pass any ever known in Omaha at the price. AIT ELEGANT LINE OF SKIRTS Act ual values to $5.00, in 3 big lots Thurs day, at, each 98c $1.50 $1.98 GOWNS In wonderful variety of pretty styles, values up to $3.50, in three lota, nt, each 50c G9o 98c COMBINATION SUITS-Either Corwt Cover and Drawers, or Corset Cover and Skirt, values to $2.00, on sale at . . . .98c CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS Worth to 75c, immense assortment for se lection, at, choice 25c LADIES' CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS Regular values to $1.50, beautiful assortment, at 49c All these garments are new, clean stock all well made and generously proportion ed. No one can afford to miss these match less bargain opportunities. 1 FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. Ladies' Corset Covers and Draw ers, values to SOc, choice, at .... 15c FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. Gowns, lace embroidery trim med, to $1.00 val ues, at 49c FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns, Skirts, values to $1.50, at ..-..49c 35c Embroideries Thursday 9c A big, new line of Strip Embroideries and extra wide Bands, including Corset Cover Embroideries and Skirt Flouncings, the grandest lot of em broidery bargains ever offered in Omaha actual values up to doc yard an at one price, per yard 'Letting Down Prices Thursday in the Domestic Room 16c White Goods, yard 7J 19c White Goods, yard 10? 16c Organdies, yard .....10 19c Batiste, yard 10 6c Apron Checks, yard 2H 36-inch Percales, regular 12 ftc grade, at, per yard 7H 69c 811k mixed Wash Goods, at, per yard 25c 39c Silk mixed Wash Goods, at, per yard 19 36-inch Bleached Muslin, regular 8o grade, at, a yard 5 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, reguuu price 7 He, at, a yard ....... 4 94 16c Towels, each .10 12c Towels, each 7H Engllah Long Cloth, regular price loo, at, a yard 10 16c Ginghams, at, a yard ......10 25c Ponges, at, a yard 12H 26c Swiss Applique, at, a yard 12 H Letting Down the Prices on All Women's Dress Skirts Your unrestricted choice of our entire stock of fine Dress Skirts for one day, at JUST HALF REGULAR PRICES We carry more dress Skirts than all other Omaha houses combined, and will make the Thursday sale one long to be remembered by all. $4.00 Skirts at S2 $5 Skirts at $2.50 $10.00 Skirts at $5 $15 Skirts, $7.50 $20.00 Skirts $10 Othara at proportion ate pnoaa. OTHER ROUSING SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY House Dresses, values to $1.95, at, choice 95c Infants'' 25c Bibs, on sale at 15c Wash Dresses that sold to $3.50, at $1.95 Infants' 20c Saques, on sale, choice 5c Ladies' Dressing Sacques, 35c value at 15c isaaeaaKgBal " " afV 0 MEN'S SHOES V that simply won't wear out. Offered in that are usually d you at e price 50 and V n w a J REGENT SHOE CO., 205 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. Grand Clearance of Summer Silks All odd pieces and remnants of plain and fancy Silks, Wash Habutais, Jap Silks, etc., that sold regularly up to k r 75c a yard, all at one price in Thursday's g v3 1 sale, choice, at, yard B M W Read the Big Special Grocery Sale for Thursday 20 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar, for $1.00 4 8-lb. sack best High' Patent Flour, for $160 7 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal for 25c 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 2f,e 5 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca or Sago, 25c The best white or yellow Cornmeal. per sack 1 5c Lu Lu Scouring Soap, per can 5c Lavallne Scouring Soap, per can... 4c Bromangelon, Jelljcon or Jell-O, pei pkg 7 Vic The best Corn Starch, per pkg ic Large bottles Pickles, Worcester Sauce or Tomato Catsup, per bottle ,.8Vc The best crisp Pretr.elB. per lb 6c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb 6c Fancy Swfet Cookies, 4 0 different kinds, per lb 10c Another car of extra fancy Califor nia Freestone Peuches for cunning. We opened the car Tuesday morning and put them on sale at, per crate $1.10 No limit. All you want. LKTTLNU DOWN THE PIUCES OX FKEHH VEGETABLES 5 bunches fresh Onions ., 5o 8 bunches freeh Radishes 6c 2 large Cucumbers 5c 6 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, 2 lbs. 6c 2 quarts fresh Peas 60 4 bunches fribh Beets 6c 3 bunches fresh Carrots 6c 5 bunches frenh Turnips 6c Fresh Cauliflower, 3 for 10c 3 bnnrhes fresh Parsley c 2 bunches fresh Asparagus 60 New Cahbafje, per head IVC 3 bunches fresh Beets 6c Large, Juicy Lemons, dozen 20o dokt rnv MAVnni'C CIDOT it till IIIIIULIl U R IIIUI Pi FORGET PAYO 5 A Thin Watch haa taken the r,!;ce of the clumsy thick one, uaed a few yt-ara hko A thin one la tamy appearing watch and Juat aa good for Hum. Let uh ahow them to you. Look for tha narn. S. V. Lindsay, Jeweler 1S1 DOUaiAl STREET. Bee Want Ms Boost Your Business DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST Crowna, Bp from S2.80 Partial r lata a, up from 92.00 raliilaaa Zstraottnf SOe riUlsfs, op from BOO roroalala rtUlB. Bp from 11 BO 1608 riBIAH IT8IIT. 17 yaara aama of flea. 'Pbonai D. ITS. Brldga Work, par tootli, up from 93.50 atarrea rawavad with out pain. aVI.TBOZ.AB WOU rllCXAI.TT. Work ruajrtataa a BaaliaiBaaaBaBBMBaBBBaaaBBBi