Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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o-room cottage, pear tint and Mlanl t.,
II .Tno cash, balance 116 00 per month,
full lot.
I cottage on Burt Kc tetwn M and
VA St. Lot MsVJ fet-t deep. (. vs)
rasn, Balance easy Mrm, do net pass thl
ISO Dodge St.
West Farnam District
N. ISth Ct., I room. 4 rooms and hall
downstair, t bedroom and bath up Mod
ern; terraced lot 60xl: oin t
iuhi uii,. biiu car. L . LM a. X,UUQ.
tit A I" T ----. T 1 t--. .
W ACP.fifl In Polk county. Neb , near
Osceola, for sale at IV' per acre; ear pay
1 acrea four mile, aouth of Plx, Kim
ball county. Neb., 1 10 per acre: In a good
Swedish sttlmni; every ecr. can o
J. O Bona. Owner, ill Shut-art ajib..
Council Bluffs, la.. Phone, Hi, Bell.
7&-TT-TI Brandels Bldg.
Douglas m
ne-w oricK Ht. Louis flat.
erx neighborhood, a bargain. Telephone
BOULKVARI HOl'sK. North .,h ,
I rooma. modem, onty 11.600. Thomas
oranuau, iioom j IN York Ufa Bldg.
LIST your property wltn Cbrta Boyer. 22d
na iuraing ma (l iOi
T room,, all modern, hot
water beat, lot MxllB feet, or
wllh 100x119 feet, tn.ifH. Living
room, dining room, kitchen
and two bedrooms and bath,
2 bedrooms and large sleep
Inr porch. SECOND FLOOR.
Osk and gum wood finish,
full cemented basement, tiled
vstlbul and Vxpenslve fix
, ture. On Capitol Ave., went
' of lint fit. Plana and notifi
cation at our office. Houkb
open for Inspection.
- , $3,750
I room, 1IK modern, furnrice
neat, oak floor and dark pine
flnlFh. living room, dining
, , room, kitchen, two bedrooms
and bath, first tioot; two
rooms, finished, second floor.
South front, corner lot r.3l0
feet.. Hlnh. sightly location.
We -will show this to you.
George & Co., 1001 Farnnm Rt
U LOTS, nil lay fine within 7 block from
car. price IJLWO.
lots lay fine,' Just 7 block from car,
price ITijO.
27 lots, s fo'om nouse. also I room house,
barn ZZx.Tl, hog house, buggy shed, corn
crib, milk house, well. Windmill. 100 youn
fruit trees 4 year old. all close to Krug
parK. price only xn,v)v .
t20- Neville
. Sola Agent,
Swell Home, $7,000
Opposite Roma Mlller'a, on Florence
boolevard; 71 ft,'; K. fronv ground.
Harrison &: Morton
For quick return, list your real estate
for sale and exchange with me, no sale,
no pay. AV. W ; Mitchell. Board of Trade
mug, omana, rieo. . .
Nebraska fnatlaaed.
480 ACRES. Morrtll Co.. Neb.; 200 acres
cultivable and Hi of It Irrigated by pri
vate Irrigation ditch, balance pasture, con-
latlng oi buffalo grass; two wells,' 10 acre
bearing orchard, good iive-roomeo soa
hoi'e ith 71 beautiful ' shade tree In
ard. An eastern farm In the weat. Ad
dress H O. Bos 144, Bridgeport. Neb.
FOR RALEA 710-acra firm, located six
miles from aood R. K. town, one mile lo
hool. This land is wen aaapiea to oom
farming and stock raising. There are
lU.Ouo Improvements, Including "dwelling
house, barns, araln elevator, ana otner
lmDrovements. 640 acres fenced and cross-
fenced hog tight. Price M per acre: I15.t0
down, balanoa to ault purchaser, if taken
within 2'Wlays, acres oi gooa corn and
100 acres alfalfa In stack goes with the
blare at same price. A Dargain. ro.
further particulars write raeisun at
liama. North Loup, Neb.
Ik Dmkatsu
I have a number of choice tracts of land
ID Gregory. Tripp, and Uyef counties. Bo.
I'ak. I deal In newly patented Indian
lands, and can furnish clear unincumbered
titles for ail lands 1 control. Write me
or or lets and descriptions. otrice at
Gregory. Ho. Dak. L)r & T Spencer.
A BARGAIN. 42 acre of land In Ly
man Co.. rt. D . t milea of town, raw land.
all good pasture, good well and dam, some
timber, land quite rolling.- it la xen soon
can sell for 111.00 per acre.
Reliance, 8. t.
Peihan you have rend a ton of liter
ture t-eni out by commercial clubs and
colonization azenui about these great em
pires of the Pacific. How would you like
to read our booklet 'The Truth About
the Pacific States?" It will be worth lis
weight In diamonds. If you Invest or
locate In .these states. Remember, w e
have nothing to sell but Information. We
have no pet locality or town to boost.
Send 17 cent In stamps to Western In
formation Bureau of Eugene. Oregon.
WANTEIV-I2. 000 private money: good e-
eurlty. Answer at onoe. Address II W, care
Ct'KTOMERSI of Dromlnent lobbing house
In Omaha aefci them to secure for them
a loan of tii.uOO, on gilt edge real estate
security; I to i years good Interest rate
offered. Prefers loan from private source.
If Interested address F-146. car Bee.
WANTED tA borrow from orlvate pertr.
tt.000 on a Is.OUO property. Stale term.
Address L lit, Uee.
P-00 on 10 aere ImDmved Colorado land.
Oilted sen rlty. A1 il tess KI'K Re.
WE are setting Ir.aulrlee for well located
housre. Must have sole agency. Nowata
Land ai.d Lot Company, suite 124 N. I.
Life Bldg. Phone Red. 1998, Omaha. Nab.
WANTED To rent 4, I or S-room house.
cottage or flat; .no objection to dlstanoe
If In good neighborhood and near car line.
if rent is reasonable; win consider year
lease. Address at once, C 11, care Bee.
THE Quality Press, artiatlo oommerotal
printers, have moved from 112 S. Uth to
1211 Harney til. Douglas M4L
CA9TLEMAN Printing Co., 1511 Cap. Ave.
PHONE TND. A-M20 for good printing
Lyngatadt Printing Co.. 16th Capitol Ave.
TAFFE PTO. CO., 107 Boston 8tore Bldg.
WATERS PRINTING CO., 52J 8. 13th St.
HOLLAND Printing Co.r U7 S. llth St.
1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed,
Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
Private money, MO to 15,000; low -ate.
l It A Kit Ft V.A Vo
, .CoJJoraelo
DO HEAVY RAINS cut down your
profits? Oft an 'Irrigated farm In Routt
county, Culotado. Perpetual water right,
under Carey act, 1:4.60 acre. Blgier crop,
better climate. W. S. Ripley, 618 Paxton
block, Omaha-,' .-
to loan on
Omaha Business Properly.
Room L New York Life Bldg.
tin Besots.
SS ACRft Veil Improved land. Red
:;vir VaJL'.y. Minn. . Nothing better on
i .ii. " l.i. mi per acre. i J. MoMahon,
Ltidlcotl. t. ieu). Minn. .
. - Idaho.
Idnho farey Act Lands. 1
Now i;pen for entry and settlement In the agricultural section of the north
west. The Snake Rlvef Valley, Southern Idaho.
Kiki Government Supervision.
lr free .Information on irrigated Lands
write C. B. Hurtt, Bolae. laano.
' Iwwsi,
ECO ACREX of splendid land In Harrison
Co.. la., nar town and school; rural free
delivery, 'uhone. etc.: well Improved; In
fact, a fine home and money maker, being
suitable for either stock Or grain; worth
176 per acre. The owner having retired, da
slice to- sell this f ni :n and w ill consider
about one-half purchase ' prue in gooa
rlear I nee me DroDerly and take mortgage
back on farm for balanoe of purchase
money. This must be seen to be appie-
clated. Addresa Owner, Luck Box 683, Mis
sourl Valley, la.
FOR SALE tly owner, quarter ectlrn
good unimproved land near Alliance, Neb.
A bnrgaln If U ken wl litn 10 daya. Virgil
ttmlth. Alliance. reD.
1200,000 on Improved property. No delay.
WANTED City loan and warrants. W,
Farnam Smith A Co., 13SH Farnam St.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inrestment Co.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
IS00 TO 15.000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real Estate Co.. luoi N. I. me. Doug, or
SECOND MORTGAGE loana negotlated.
AppJy .Roqrfts 417-W First Na('l,9ntt Bid
Bell Phone Douglas tail ' '
LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brsndels Bldg.
WE HAVE BUYERS for a 5-room house.
a 8-room house and a couple of vacant lots.
suite 624 N. T. Lire Hid., Omaha.
Phone Red. 19M. Open evenings.
20 acres timothy and clover In Fairacres
on west 1 lodge St. OEOKUE CO.. lei.
Douglas Tbi. "
BE8T price Dald for second-hand furnl
ture, carpets, clothe and shoe. Tel. Doug.
Aatlce ( gtekklra aieetlaa.
To the stockholders of THE MISSOURI
In conformity with the requirement of
the Constitutions and laws of the state (
Missouri. Kanxaa and Nebraska and th
by-laws of the Company, YOU ARs!
HEREBT NOTIFIED that by resolution of
the Hoard of Directors of Tbs Missouri
Pacific Railway Comuanv duly adopted at
a meeting of aaid Board on the 2eth day of
May, A. D., liMt, a meeting of the stock
holders of The Missouri pacific Railway
Company has been called to be held at the
oillce of the Company, Room iv Missouri
Pacific Building. In the City of tot. Louis,
in th Hint ot Missouri, on the sixth day
of August, A. D. lW. at nine o'clock in the
(1) - For the purpose of considering a Con
tract and Artlrlea of Consolidation bearing
date the 29th day of May, Heretofore
made and entered into by and on behalf o(
The Missouri Pacific Railway Company and
the following named corporations by order
of their respective Boaraa oi Directors:
The Kansas and Colorado l'uclfic Kail
way Company, a consolidated corporation
of the Slate of Kansas;
The Central Hranch Railway Company,
consolidated corporation of the btate of
The Rooks County Railroad Company, a
tivrporatlon of the State oi tvaees;
The Nevada and Mlnden itnw Com
pany, a corporation, of ta biale of Mi
Ndtvaria an Ufnn RaI wftV UOmDany Ok
Kansas, a corporation of tlie btate Of
Kanaka Cltv and Rnnth west rn aIlWaV
Company of Missouri, a corporation ot th
btate of Missouri;
Kankaa i it v j ni Rntiihweatern nuiwAi
Company, a conjuration 01 the btate of
Th, H'art Knrift r-antral KJlllWaV Wl'
pany, a consolidated corperauou ot w
Btate of Kansas;
Kanopolis and Kansas Central Railway
Company, a corporation of the Btate ot
Tha Kanaaa Southwestern Railway Com'
pany, a corporation of tne btate of Knea;
The LeRoy and Caney Valley Air une
Railroad Company, a corporation ot the
State of Kanaaa.
(2) For the Dui-Doae of voting upon tne
question wnetner sucn conuaci ana ah
tides of Consolidation, so made and en
tered Into, ahall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consolidation
consummated or wbethei such Contract
and Article of Consolidation ahall be re
13) to consider ana, ote upon tne aaop
tlon of a resolution accepting the provis
ions ot Article 11 of Chapter u ot the lie-
vised Statute of the btate or Missouri,
and to authorise the filing thereof.
all aa required by Section numbered 1061 of
such Revised statutes in tne case ot con
solidation of railway corporation; and
whereby all or any of said corporations
and The Missouri Pacific Railway Company
have agreed to consolidate tn tne wnoie.
and to consolidate tne stock of the re
soectlve com Denies making such oonsollda
tlon, and to form and make under and pur
suant to the laws of the States of Missouri.
Kanaaa and Nebraska, a new. consolidated
corporation, to be known as Tha Missouri
pacirio Railway company, owing. eon-
trollins, possessing and bringing under one
management all and singular the line ot
railroad and other propertiea, real, personal
and mixed, power, rights, privileges. Im
munities ana franchises, peionging to any
ot the companlea making auch coneollda
tlon. upon the terma ana conaitions rixed
and stated by aald Contract a4 Article
of Consolidation-
(4) To take any other action In tbe pre
mises, and to transact any -h business
that may properly come bewure the meeting.
Such Contract and Articles oi Uonsollda
tlon will be submitted to the meeting of
the stockholders so called for examination
and every stockholder attending will pa fur
nlsKed with a printed copy thereof, and at
any tlmt before sucn meeting any stock
holder will be furnished with a printed copy
of such Contract and Articles of Conso
lidation upon application therefor during
Business hours to tne Assistant frecretar)
of the Company, at the office of the Com'
pany in tne city or Kt. loui. Missouri.
Dated. May 29th,
President of The Missouri Paclfio Railway
Secretary ef The Missouri Paclfio Rallwa
BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture,
toves, clothing. Wm. Rosenblatt, Tel
Douglas 1401.
Remember itonly take a stroke or two
of the pen to mention the fact that yeu saw
the ad in The Bee,
For This Story The Bee Awarded a Prize
a wise-MAN.
-Anna iienrlcli, Plattamouih, Neb., daugu
. er,of Jacob Henrtch, First grade high
Principal, Mr. Brooks.- Aged 14 years.
itKtirECT A ULK colored man wanU posi
tion as porter or any other work, .
'r-lone Red 6J7.
In a. crowded part of a great city stood
very- small one-story house; which was
being occupied by a colored family. '"
" It waa very, hard for this colored man
to support hi family a he was a
stranger to all.
Every day he would look over the ad
vertisements In the Omaha Bee to see if ,
there wasn't a Job be could here. But In- .
vain, -
One day a he was thinking what to do
next, bright idea came to his mind.
It was to take the few cents he had lef tr
end have an advertisement put , In the
paper. After talking It over with his wife, .
be went and put an ad In the Omaha Bee
a written above.
The next day a hi 'phone rang he
w ent to Inquire who it was and to his
surprise It waa the proprietor of a large
hotel. He wanted to see him at nla office
the next day.
Early the next morning thl colored man
went to the hotel, while bla famUy waited
patiently for Ills return.
He came back in an hour with good news.
The proprietor being well satisfied with
him for hi neatness gave him a Job aa.
' porter, at which he waa to begin the
next day. '
How glad they were that the father
thought about putting an ad In the paper,
tor It brought happiness to ' the family.
They knew now be would earn enough-
proposala for the erection of a sysetem o
plumbing and sewerage and a system of
steam heating of the Weston county court
house at Newcastle, Wyo., will be received
by the Board of county commissioner o
Weston county. Wyoming, at the count
clerk' office on August 4. Ii9, at I o'clock
p. m when they will be opesed and read
Plan and spec! flea t long will be on tile at
the county clerk s office and arqhl
tect s oiiice at newc&sue, v yg
and alter July IB. Vtt. All pro
posais snail De . accompanied by
certified check for an amount equal
S np n 1 ttm A m.itA n, v.hl. t it
w - ....... w- - - - , J '
county commissioners of Weston county
Wyoming, aa a sruarantee that the con.
tractor will sign contract to erect said
system of plumbing and sewerage and sys
tem of steam heating ot aald court house
according to plans and specifications for
the amount of his bid. All plana and aneel
ficatlons must be turned In to the county
clerk before the proposals will be opened. or
at time proposals are opened. The contrsc
tor to whom the contract Is awarded will
be required to give a satisfactory bond of
M per cent of the amount of the contract
price of erecting said system of plumbln
and eewerace and system of steam heating.
for the faithful performance of the con
tract. It Is the Intention of the commls
sloners to sward the contract to the lowed
responsible bidder, but the right to reject
any or all proposals on said systems
reserved by the commissioners.
1 . W. HOWELL.
County Clerk.
Newcastle. Wyo.. July 9. 1908.
to support them.
Champion Bigamist of World Siakei
Alleged Confession.
Tney Kept Me Broke," H "oya,
tlalanlna- that Ills Vovatlea Was
JSot as Profitable aa It .
Alight Appear,
SAN FRANCISCO, Cat, July ll.-Chrls-
tlan C. Johnson Is .reported to have con
fessed that he 1 the mysterious John
Madson, wanted In many parts of the
country tor Irregular matrimonial ventures
nd systematic swindling of women under
promise of marriage.
Johnson's alleged confession, nowever,
which Is printed today In a local news
paper, la so full ef Inconsistencies, and
so at variance with statements he has
made since his arrest In this city last
week, that the police authorities are not
Inclined to give it full credence. In this
oonfesslon Johnson declares that he has
been married to so many women that he
cannot count them offhand.
Lore Making- Ills Profession.
'In 1!K,M he says, "I quit my business of
buying horses and from that day to this
have been making my living by marry
ing and making love to women, getting
their money and then deserting them."
One ot his most amaxlng feats, accord
ing to hi own confession was making, love
to ten women at one time In Oregon.
While he admits that he got money from
most ot them, and that hi marriages were
part of a get-rlch-qulck system, Johnson
declares that in every instance he spent
the money he received upon the victim
They kept me broke all the time," Is the
way he expresses it.
Converted from Woman Hater.
Johnson was born in Germany and com
ing to this country In the 70 s secured 1
post with the United States government,
buying horses for the army on commission
This took him all over the country. At
first he says he was a woman-hater, be
came he had been separated from a sweet
heart In Germany, who died later.
He married the first of bis many wives
in Korlnsfleld. Masa., in l&JG, She waa
Mrs. Mary Brown.
I married only one woman under the
name of John Madson," Johnson declared
Her name waa Jones If I remember
rightly Edna Jones. I got 11,800 from hor,
because she said she loved me. I could have
gotten 130,000."
List of Ills Victims.
Eighteen of the women whom Johnson
married and deserted within the last three
years according to the confession were:
Mrs. Catherine Hoene, San Diego, Cal.j
Mr. Josephine Thetheway. Stockton. Cal.;
Mrs. Sylvia Pollard, Do Bonnett, San Fran
cisco; Mra. Henrietta Leopold. San . Fran
claoo; Ellxa Jones, Portland, Oregon; Mra.
Mary Brown, Springfield, Mass.; Mrs.
Frances, Hepburn, OaKland". Cal.; Mis
Minnie Cather, San Francisco: Mrs. Jose-
nhlne Hennlncer. Oakland, Cal.;. Mrs.
Bldle King, Hat Spring Ark.; Mrs Eliza
beth M. Jackson, Iola, Kan.; Mrs. Mary
Frlck, East St. Louis, III.; "Catherine,
hospital nurse, St. Louis; Mrs. Alice Rich
ardson, St- Louis; Mrs. Catallna Baugh
man. St. Louis; Mrs.-" Minnie "Allen, St.
Louis; Mrs. Bertha. Klmj, Memphis, Tenn.
Mrs. De Leon, wife trf a ' aca captain
Portland, Ore. j
From most of these, wosnen Johnson says
he obtained money or Jewelry-
Starts to Serve Time.
SAN JOSE, Cal.; JtHy 13. Christian C
Johnson, alias Anderson, . alias. Madson
who in the supreme 'court pleaded guilty
to bigamy and was sentenced to serve
seven years, left today In custody of a
deputy sheriff for the prison.
. Confession la Corroborated.
PORTLAND, Or.j -July IS. Investlga
tlon of the alleged ' confession of Christian
C. Johnson seems to bear out the belief
that he Is the mysterious "John Madson.'
He la known to have been active here In
1906 and 1M7, and to have made love to
several women.
His alleged confession to marrying' "Ellxa
Jones" In this city in "190 is not exactly
borne out by the facts, unless there were
two women of the name of Jones. A mar
riage license was granted at Vancouver,
Wash., on February 16,- 1907, to one John
Mataon to marry Mary Jones, but In sign
ing the document he signed his name John
Madson. His age was, given at 54 and
hers at SL Madson deserted his wife after
securing a considerable sum of money
from her.
The Best Type of Men in America
m mm
Lil VSy I M ' are buyn APPle Orchard in
tlSvjk ViArJaMA the Famous
Bitter Root Valley!
INVESTMENT. cJ.krio. He.gM..
,ii ii i vsronaras m ins
Bitter Root Valley, Montana, are the safest kind of an investment. Tha
greatest fruit land in the world, increasing in value every year. Estisnab.
ing from the present price of developed orchards, every aero will bo worth
more than twice its original cost in five year. A the original cost covers''
the development of the land and delivery of a bearing orchard in five years, '
the attractiveness of tha investment is obvious. The profit or dividend on
an investment in ten acres averages from $600 to $1,200 the fifth year,
$3,600 to $5,800 the tenth yearVith a rapid increase up to the twentieth '
on your own orchard in the delightful climate
of the Bitter Root Valley in the Rocky Mountains, where the mountain torrents abound in the gamest and most
palatable of fish the "Red Throat" trout, and where all kinds of largo game known to the Rockies make hunting
the greatest sport?
in the thought that no matter what bap
pen to hi. business, that no matter if the worst of panic, should overtake us, that in case of unexpected inability
to work for a living, that in the day of his old ago or what not, ho has a profit-producing orchard and a homo to
which he can retire and be prosperous and happy. -
CflMF RI TY FOR A HHMF Wouldn't you be contented with a homo in the mountains, among the
JIYIE. DU1 rui I-Hmc. be( of Deigbbor(t cloM to rairoads, good schools, churches, excellent
roads and on a profitable orchard where th work of pruning, irrigating and cultivating ia light, pleasant and health
ful, leaving plenty of time to live?
CflMF MAKT IT A FUKINF That the growing of Mcintosh Red Apples or Transcendent Crab.
aiimr. mrvr, n puairii-oj. n Bi(Ur Root u mott profiubU u ,ulUinei hy prent grow
er, in the Valley who have boon there for ten to thirty year. The standard ten-acre orchard, five year old, yields
on the average 800 boxes of apples, six year, old 1600 boxes, with an increase up to the twentieth year. The sale
price per box f . o. b. the Valley is $1.25 to $1.75 per box.
m IRF PRflP Nfi PFTS There has not been a failure In the Valley during the thirty odd year.
JUKI. lAWrj MVJ rmj. fit-h., been grown there. It is the only fruit-growing section in
which there ha. never been a peat of any kind nor an injurious frost. No crop insurance is necessary in the Valley.
TT-IJQ fOMPANY OFFFRS - tract of "Bench Land" on the west side of Bitter Root River known as
lA-mr.r 1 WrLRJ the Charlo Height Orchards, located on th Northern Pacific Railway
the best strip of land in the Valley. Wo will sell 10-acre orchards, clear the land, work it up, plant it to apples,
irrigate and cultivate it during the next five year, and turn it over to the purchaser a bearing orchard in Septem
ber of the fifth year. We will then continue to care for the land and crop for ten per cent ef the net yearly profits
as long a desired. Or we will .ell the undeveloped land cleared and ready for the plow in 100-acre tracts to one
party or a company of individual, who wish to plant and develop their own property, under the direction of our
expert horticulturist. Permanent water right, without cost.
ATRIP TO TWF RITTFR ROOT Send at once for our beautifully illustrated literature giving
I Kir l U I HL P111LK 1 . fu nf ormUon boul thi, wonlerful valley. It will picture
and describe your own ideal of a pleasant homo, a profitable investment and an independent life. In thi literature
wo give fact and figure, verified by the best autharitie. and actual grower, of the Valley. If you can take a trip
with us to thi. beautiful country, you will find our statement, and figure, correct. Send for our proposition,
which guarantee it or pays for a trip to tha Valley. y-
GEO. W. FIFIELD, Mgr. Nebraska Office,
Room 114 Omaha Natl Sank Bldg. Omaha, Neh.
Everyone's ambition is
to own their own home
Probably you have paid nearly enough rent in your life tirao
to own one.
Select a home advertised in Thursday's Real Estate Columns,
and invest your savings as a first payment the balance can bo
paid like rent. The profit is all yours.
Thursday Is Home Day
submitted for the erection of the Weston
county court house at Newcastle. Wyo..
have been rejected bv the Board of County
commissioners or Weston county on ac
count of said bids belnir too li'ch The
Board of County Commissioners will receive
sealed proposal again for the erection t
aforesaid building according to revised
plana prepared by C. A. Randall, architect,
of Newcastle, Wyo.. at the county clerk's
office st Newcastle. Wyo., August 4th.
A. D.. l"0e. at I r m. Plans and specifica
tion will be on file at the county clerk's
office and architect's office st Newcastle,
Wyo.. on and after July IS 19. All pro
posals shall be accompanied by a certified
check, for an amount eoual to I per rent
of the bid made navahle to the county
commissions of Weston county. Wyo., ss a
guarantee that the contractor will slpn
contract to erect said court bouse accord
ing to plans and specifications for te
amount of his bid. All plans snd specifica
tions of court bouse must be turned Ip'o
the county clerk before propossls will be
ooened. or st time proposals are opened.
The contractor to whom the contract Is
awarded will he reoulred to give a satts
fsetory bond of M per cent of the amount
of the contract nrice of erecting said court
house. for the faithful performance
of the contract. It la the Intention of the
commissioners to award the contract tn th
loweet responsible bidder, b'lt the right to
reject anv nr al' proposals on d rmirt
bouse ta reserved by the e-irm,"'n'i. .
"County Clerk.
Neweeafle. Wyo., Jnly t, A. P.. 1t.
Maa Now ia Georgia Penitentiary for
Crime He Coald Hot Possibly
Have Committed.
Affidavit, are being executed at the
office of the United State marshal and
th Douglaa county jail to establish an
alibi for J. .'I. Davis, how serving a sen
tence of seven year, for t ststng or forging
an express money ordtr In Marietta, Ia.
Davis was tried and sentenced for the
crime, which Is alleged to have been com
mitted In Georgia In December, 190K, at a
time while he was a prisoner In the Doug
las county (Neb.) Jail, serving a sentence
on his plea of guilty to having used the
Cnlted States mall for fraudulent pur
poke, y ..
Davis friends have filed a matlon in
extraordinary for a new trial for him, and
having no doubt but that they will estab
lish a perfect alibi for him, may br.n
suit against the state of Georgia and
i others responsible fur his arrest and lai-
I prisonment.ln that state. Davis waa con
I victed of the Georgia crime In February
1 last under tha name of II- C. Gray In the
i Cobb superior court of that stale,
Our Letter Box
OontetbaWoae oa Tu-aly Ba.Jecta,
ro Zfeoeealag Two Smaaiwa Werda,
Am Xarlteg frost Oum Beadeia.
t'blldrea of St. Jamrs' Orphanage Get
Automobile Trip ' aad ' Street
Car Hide to Maaawa.
.The annual outing for the children ot the
St. James' Orphanage, under the auspices
oi the Knights of Columbus. . will lake
place today. The children will be taken
on a ride about the city In automobiles,
which have been loaned for the occasion.
The automobiles will assemble at 1:46 at
the orphanage in Benson and after a ride
about the city for ' two hours the chil
dren will be taken by special cars to
Lake Manawa. The knights and their
women friends have provided a lunch, and
Manager Burns has promised to do alt in
his power for the children.
If people with symptoms of kldnsy or
bladder trouble could realise their danger
they would without loss of time commence
taking Foley' Kidney Pllla. Thl great
remedy stop th pain and the irregular!
tie, strengthen and builds up the organ
and there is no danger of Bright' disease
or other serious disorder. Do not disregard
th early symptoms. Sold by all druggists.
Bee Waut Ads stimulate euaine. moves.
I am astonished at the character of the
reports that have been made here tonight
and amazed at their comprehensiveness,
manifesting so .clearly the remarkable
growth of publlo sentiment l favur of an
American built and American operated
merchant marine. It shows that the coun
try la alive to its best Interest and that
the day of misunderstandings and preju
dice among the majority ot our people as
to much needed shipping legislation Is
rapidly going. There seems to have been a
superstitious fear of the word "subsidy."
I am not afraid of the word. Every na
tion In the world that can boast ot a mer
chant marine worth having helps to sus
tain It by governmental aid. If 'he United
States ts to have o merchant marine and
every consideration of national security
and progress demands its building w
mult meet the terms of competition forced
on u by the maritime powers. Tha United
States cannot order the maritime poltcies
of other countries. We must do as they
do or weakly suriender the ocean carrying
business of the world to them. We are
not offered a choice, but are confronted by
a necessity.
Something must be done In the matter of
merchant marine legislation and that
quickly. I have taken occasion whenever
1 have been asked to express myself
frankly concerning my attitude. I am glad
to know that In this particular matter
Hocaker Cannon and I agree thoroughly.
The great increase in tiie population of
the cou.itry as well as the necessities of
the navy and our own commerce make it
essential that not only our representatives
In congress, but their constituents aa well
should know the exact facts as to how
our luck of a mercnanl fleet Is working
Injury to national Interests. I regret very
much the failure of the ocean mail act,
which was lost by a n.argln of but four
votes. I feel that with the Increased
amount of Information that the people of
the country are obtaining on thl subject,
the cause will have a substantial majority
tn the house on the next vote. I pledge my
best efforts lo bring thl about.
You Me from thl that you are mistaken
when you aay that the president does not
favor subsidy. I refer you to the sen
tences "There stem to have " a su
Wkat tbe President laid.
WASHINGTON. July lO.-Vo uu. Editor
of Th Bte: I have been aent an editorial
In which you refer to the dinner recently
given by the Merchant Marine league in
this olty, tn which you say:
While President Taft waa present at th
banquet and mad a speech In favor of re
habilitating the American merchant marine,
he did nut commit himself to th subsidy
feature. Th value or even the necessity
of a strong merchant marine la nti ques
tioned and the republican nation! platform
declared In favor of Its encouragement,
but neither this declaration nor Mr. Taft
speech can be construed into endorsement
of Immediate subsidy leglslatiun.
I waa present at th dinner and President
Taft, according to notea as published at that
time, used the following language, which,
after refreshing my memory, I am sure la
correct :
perstltlou fear ef th word 'subsidy,' I
am not afraid of th word. Every nation in
the world that can boast of a merchant
marine worth having helps to sustain It
by governmental aid." If there was any
doubt left after that statement that he
1 tn favor of a aubaldy, it la certainly re
moved by the following:
"I regret very much the failure of the
last ocean mall act. which was lost by a
margin of but four votes." This was a
subsidy bill exclusively and nothing else.
The president will not hesitate to state to
you, If you were to ask the question direct,
that he Is In favor of a direct subsidy
being paid for mail lines. Whatever may
be the merit of thl system I know that
you do not desire to misquote the president.
Commerce Commissioner E." E .Clark to
day, In the probe nto the Illinois coal
situation. Several other w)tuese corrobo
rated this testimony. -
A Bloody Affair
la lung hemorrhage. Stop It, and cure
weak lungs, coughs and colds -with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 60c and 11.00. Sold
by Beaton Dmg Co. ' '
At Least He Makes Her His Wife aad
Fiffhta Order for Oeporta
. tlon.
A peculiar question has arisen In the
Louis Kloree case, pending In the United
Slate Immigration department, which may
result In the release ot the woman from
arrest and the abolition of the order for
her deportation.
While tt w as proven that .the woman had
been brought Into the United State for
Immoral purposes, she has since married
a soldier of -the ' Eighth United States
cavalry at Fort Robinson, and through
auch marriage becomes a cltisen of the
Unlled States. The soldier husband U
about o be' discharged for expiration of
his term ot service, and It Is through him
that the order fur the deportation of the
woman Is being fought.
The woman was bruught into the coun
try from Bel-tum over a year ago by a
Mrs. There Kiicboom a an alleged
nurse. Mrs. Kricboom waa indicted In the
federal court at Omaha for Importing the
Floree woman Into the country, and en
tered a plea of guilty, and only recently
paid a fine of 11.000 for the offense. Louise
Floree waa taken to Chicago a few weeks
ago to be turned over to th emigration
authorities for deportation, but was sub
sequently jrdired returned to Omaha. She
waa held In Jail here fur a short while
and la now at liberty on her own recog
nisance, '.nd ts awaiting the final decision
In her case, remaining In Omaha In the
fice of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.
Sealed proposals, for letting Districts No.
L 1, 4, I and 8, in thu t'ruw Indian JUacrva
liun, Montana, .for grazing purposes, either
under a lease or by permit, will be received
at the office of the Commissioner of In
dian Affalis Washington; U. C ;- until I
o'clock p. m., on Monday, August I, 1M9,
and will be Immediately thereafter, opened
in the presence of such bidders aa may at
tend. Maps showing the location of the
districts and all necessary Information
may be obtained on application to the
superintendent of the Oruw Ibdlan School,
Crow Agency. Montana. - R...Q. VALKN
TINE, Acting Commissioner, JyJ Ljirt
(Hamburg-American Line)
R lit ,000 tons, brand new, :.'
superbly fitted. fit
Fim New York October 10, 190 from
bun lancisco Feb. 6, nearly four
lit iii 1 lis. cutting only 1'liO AND I P, In
cluding all sxpenses afloat and ashore. -
luila, Ceylon, karma, Java, Borneo, rhU-
lppluss Jauaa. An anusual chance to
visit unusually attractive places.
Uta Aunuai Orient C raise,' tmb. e, '10
by North German Lloyd S tt. ''Gioaeer
Kuifuc-rst. Ti day. Including 14 day
Esypl and Palestine, (400 ap.
This Is Parport mt Teatlmoar la
laveetlaatlea of Illlaola tool
8T. LOUIS. July ll-Tht Independent
coal companlea cannot compel with com
panies owned by railroad waa th testi
mony of W. K. Kavanaugh of th Houthein
Coal and Mining company before Interstate
. ail.ilK .'Utl l41KJlV 'lla,
asaiy as-ung feelwsea Montreal, jaeee
aaa jifuv
Two day on tua iwuiuu) (tu Lawraaee
river and the aUoiteai Kao, iu-ie to aV
tope. ,
Nothing setter on the Atlantic tha out
Lnipiessoa S Irelea on all siaamexe..
first claax (90; .ecood. eUi uaa elaa
tai-iu, $46.
aat your t.t-krt n-nt. er write lor a
tra. raia and took!:.
C. X. B LI.' J A Mr J. e;
3. Hon til Ciark at. Calcage, .
torukir,5pin,ncditcrranr, 0,-itnt
Costinfi onlyMOOand ifDfor 73djyj
Cruin Whit .VarUne NY ere'errtJ