Want - Ads AtTiKlwiinti fr the waat ad aalarea will aa takea aatll 11m. tka Taiaar edttlaa ui aatll RiSO a. as. faa tke mcralac Mi Saaday ' tlaaa. Caak aaaat aaeaasaaay all or' waat ad aad aa adTertl-e-eat will aa accepted for lea tkaa SO eeats far first lnrtloa. Rates apply ta ltkr Tka Dally Bee. aaaat aa aaa war. Always eaaat al word a to a llae. CASH RATER FOR WAST ADS. NROIIAR Cl.AS-IFICTlOTt Oa laaertlaa, 1 1-8 eat per ward aad 1 r-eat per word far eack sabeeejaeat fnsertloa. Rack laaertloa aaade aa 14 days, 1 1-3 eeats per wardl dl.BO per llaa per aiaatk. - Waat aaa for Tka Bra may be left at mm J of tka followlaa; drag store arc all kraark offices far Tke Bee aaa roar aa will ka laaerted Jaat aa promptly aad aa tka aama rate aa at tke mala efflea la Tke Baa Balldlag, eveateentk aad raraam atreetai Albsck, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Reranek. 8. A.. 1408 8. lMh Rt. Rerht Pharmacy, Renson Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 2MR Sherman Ave. Conghlln. C. R.. 6th and Pierce SU. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2313 Military AT Conte. J. B.. Slat Ave. and Farnam BU Crlssev Pharmacy, 14th and Lake Sta. Cermak. Bmll. 1204-1 S. 13th St. Khlers. P. H.. 2SC Ieavenworth St. Fouler Arnoldl, 211 N. 28th St. Freyteg. John J . HU N- 24th St. Florence Drue; Co., Florence. Neb. Hnvder Pharmacy, 20th and wke Sta. Orcrnough. G. A.. 1024 R. 10th St. Greenottgh. Q. A., H24 R. 10th St. Hayden, William C, 3020 Farnam BU Holt. John, 524 N. lth 8t. H'iff. A. I,., 2-J4 Leavenworth fit. Hanscorn Park Pharmacy, 1401 B. tSth St. King. R. R. Farnam Rt. Kountxe IMace Pharmacy. 201 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Charles E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Patrick Drug Co.. 1102 N. 24th St. ORATH A1D FUNERAL NOTICES. The funeral of Edwin C. Johnaon will take place from the family residence, 1522 Georgia avenue. Thursday morning, with service at St. Peter's church at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Friends Invited. BIHTHI AND DEATHS. Births W. S. Richards. 2203 East Locust street, boy; John llon, 3in South Eigh teenth street, girl; Ralph Sherwood, 3X24 North Twenty-fourth street, boy; Philip Meigen, Benson, boy; Fred C. WllllamM, 2010 Martha street, boy; Carl Gegenbeck, 2578 Harney streeU boy; Charles Levinson, 111 North Twenty-fourth street, girl; Charles Moore, 22J0 Charles street, boy. Deaths Blanche B. Tlllery, 1031 South Thirty-third street, 27; Mrs. Jennie Hicks, 5312 North Twenty-sixth streeU 81; Wal lace Rich, Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue, 40; James Wallaoe McLeab, 1623 South Tenth street, 62; William H. Hllde biand, 1202 Center StreeU 67. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA Safe and Iron Work makes a specialty of file esoapea, shutters, doors and aaies. U. Andreeu, prop., lltt 8. 10th. RADIUM WATER, NATURE'S REMEDY. Try a gallon, iL It la wonderful. No wata Land Lot Co., Suite CM N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb, 'Phone Red lkr9v. Open evenings. Monument. J. F. Bloom ds Co., U16 farnam. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. HUL8B 4t RIEPEN, funeral directors, suc cessors to Harry B. Davis, Jot S. lttth 8U SIGN PAINTIKO & H. Cole, 1362 Douglas. DAVID COLE Creamery Co! REMOVAL aale monuments. 1417 8. 11th. Missouri filters mad Bold. 1210 Howard. OLIVER. A. HALL, arohltect engineer, N. Y. Life; designer of modern building. UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau, 204 Old Bootoa store Bldg. Mualo Indexing cabi nets. OMAHA Mirror and Art Olaaa Co., art glass mitre cutting, beveling mirrors of all kinds, resllvering and framing. Office and faotory 1614 Cuming SU Both 'phones. SHOES called for and delivered tree. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam. E. W. F1TT. mechanical and consulting engineer, drawing, designing, estimates, tit Bee Bldg. "FOR GOOD TAILORING" go to J. A Kervan, 601 Brandels Jfcllg. Tel. Red 7374. L817 COUPLES have been married by the Rev. C. W. Savldga, and he is praying to marry 3,000. If you want him to marry you call Webster 8444 or B-1430. "ALWAYS THE BEST," Hardlnga Ice ream, Wedgewood creamery butter. The Harding Co.. 8th and Harney. Douglas 97, e-BOX AT THE OMAHA SAFE DE SiS POSIT VAULTS. Is burglar and flra 47' proof. Bauer be safe than sorry. Basement Omaha Nat l bank, 210 d. 13th SU COMBs, 1530 Douglaa, expert aye fitting. HEFLIN, locksmith, 1511 Douglaa St., up stairs. Doug. 374 or A-4366. PICTURES framed artistically. Prompt work, aiegeam oia. uo, win aua raniAii. OMAHA PASTE CO now located at 718 8a. 13th SU. Douglas Jiso. ORAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing, US Paxton Blk.. 16th and Farnam Sta., Omaha. Tels., Douglas 317b, a-iih; lies., weo. bx. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs see Oustalson 4k rtenancason, zui no. uth St. WOOD, Dr. O. a, Bldg., HoineopathlsC 691 New York Life James H. Craddock. architect, room 9 Weed Bldg., Uth aud mntm. Red 6374. MiULTIORAPH DUPLICATING CO.. 673 Brandels Bldg., makers of typewritten let- tars in multiple quantities. Tel. D. 4911. AUTOMOBILES RAMBLERS New, 4 and 3-cyllnders. 30 per cent discount Rambler Auto. Co., 3044 arnam u END for our list of second hand oars. PKKllibT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 raroam SU PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. storage, auto mobile repairing, diamond tires. Ul Har ney. STORAGE. centrally located, opposite library. 1H1 Harney SU Brick P. Kuhn, WE GIVE expert Information to prospec tive buyers of new or second-hand cars, Omaha School of Auto Eng. 2418 Leaven worth St.. Tel R. &3U A-1432. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WR WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANTT We have farms. ranches, HOMES IN OMAHA. We will trade with you. Come In and see us. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. suite CM. N. Y. Life Bldg., 'Phone Red 1918, Omaha. Neb. Open evenings. TRADES If you have anything to trade, write us. W can match anything. Our list is large, Dean-Andrew Co.. 433 N. Y. L. BKICK BUSINESS BLOCK Rants for $60 per mo . to exchange for horses, mule or other good properly. Ad dreaa E-110, ear Be. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Millinery fixture very cheap; fine opening for millinery stock Address Box 74, Genoa, Neb, BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) OKNERAL MERCHANDISE and Imple ment, In good western Nebraska town. C'aan sales $1,000 per month. Will tska 113 m to haudl IL No trade. Addresa T K care Bee. TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-3367. WALL paper and picture shop, Invoice about $l,4v9 to 11. 000, doing a general con tracting and painting business In a live gas and oil town of 6.OH0; change of loca tion desired on account of health. Address Y 222. care Bee. AN ATTRACTIVE OFFER On account of death the estate offers for sale a flrat class general merchandise busi ness; one of the best In northeastern Ne braska; has been a constant money-maker; annual aalea $50,000. and can be maintained with good management. Will Invoice about $22. 400 to iai.000. and can be reduced If de sired; county seat town of 2.000 Inhabitants; fine farming country. No Traders or sales agents need apply. Reference any whole sale house. Investigate. Address Y 701. care Bee. CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gns and railway stork and bond Issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis. Samuel Graham A Co., Selling Brokers. New York Life Bldg., Montreal, Canada. FOR RALE First-class restaurant and bakery In Wyoming town of J.000. Splendid opportunity. Will sell cheap and will aell n part time. Addresa Y 324, Bee. FOR SALE or trade, steam laundry In growing county seat town; population J.000. Address Y 319, care Bee. FOR SALE Good paying hair dressing business in Nebraska town of 10,000 popu lation. Reason for selling, wish to retire from business. W 88, care Bee. FIRST CLASS furniture stork In one of the best county seat towns In eastern Ne braska. Fine opening for some one. must sell this month Invoice about IS. 000. Can reduce stock If desired. Address Y 815, care of Bee. FOR RENT Store room. Just vacated, In JUadgett building; all modern and up to date; sire 22x00. Wm. Madgett. Has tings. Neb. FOR SALE-The best and largest plumbing, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address Y 1S1 care Bee. WERTERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 403 Bee I'.ldg. Tel. D. 3443. DENTISTS BAILEY 4e MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D. 1086. TAFT'S dental rooms, 1517 Douglas SU DR. FICKES, 16th and Farnam; he's a good dentist; painless extraction. 60 cents. DRESSMAKERS IN FAMILIES-MIss Sturdy. Tel. Ind. A 2577 TERRY Collepe. 20th and Farnam Rts. CHIROPODISTS See Monhelt Treatment on feet. 1411 Far. DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam SU Douglas f7. EDUCATIONAL, BUMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLE3 COLLEGE Enter now for complete training In a'.l commercial branches. Including bookkeep ing, vhoithand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway mall and all govern ment grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request. Address H. B. Boylea, President, Omaha, Neb. Both 'Phones. Official training school for U. P. R. R, Telegraph DepartmenU ' T DETECTIVES Omaha Det. Ag'y., 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SHAMPOOINO, nairaressing, massage and manicuring; home appointments. Eclipse liaw dressing Parlors, za Seville Blk. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesday, xnursaay And Satur days Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 8D4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 5486. ARTISTIC FRAMING At prices Just aa others charge for the other kind. . . A. HOSPB CO., 1MB uuuui-Aa or. The West's Greatest Art Store. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at halt retail prices. Buy direct from im porters; save dealers prorus. izit narney. rHOIie UUUg. 400, aim agent win wi, Instructions in China and water colors at SPECIAL RATES during the summer months. M. 1U umig, etuaio dm in. x. WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney sta CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and beau Only on office, ibis Jones st. IttHj rAWTUKlUM. TRUNKS, suit cases, traveling goods and leather novelties: high class repairing Frellng & Stelnla, 180! Farnam SU, Opposite City Hall FRENCH DRY CLEANING WKS. Both Tela. Best work; prompt service. MARINELLO Consult the expert derma toloalst. Isabelle S. Paul of Chicago, re garding that case of acne blackheads and impies. first treatment to iirst case REE. MARINELLO positively will cure It. iloDson a Beauty snop, reus uougia u entrance throiuch Kern s millinery. 50C RIBBON nail file, 25c. Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam. GREAT reduction sale of ladles' suits, worth tr0 and 860. to order, only fib. Workmanship guaranteed. L. Fox, 2&2 Leavenworth St. FLORISTS HESS dt SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers daily from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1258. 1519 Farnam. BRANDIES' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. FURNACE REPAIRING Repairing and resetting gas. leaky furnaces. KxDerta on remodeling furnac to obtain more heat on a fuel having batls. We install new furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Workt, KU6-8 Douglas SU, Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER, fill chance for ad vancemenU "- CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. SALESLADY to assist In fitting and al terlng work. it. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 475-77 Brandels Bldg. Stenographer and billing clerk, 845. Stenographer, grain experience, 845. Billing clerk, grocery, exp.. 845-850. Stenographer, beginner. 34-85 per week. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., V 676-77 Brandels Bldg. COMPETENT stenographer, aalary $ti0. i State experience and telephone number. Address W 122. care Bee. STENOGRAPHER and assistant book keeper, who Is thoroughly experienced in insurance business, $i6. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 76-77 Brandels Bldg. Retail clerk, $6 per week. Retail- clerk, $40 per month. Office clerk, must write good band, $40. Stenographer, $X. Stenographer, $55. if you ren fill any of the above. SEE US AT ONCE. WESTERN REF. 721-22 N. ft BOND ASS'N, Y. Life Bldg. INC. Facterr aad Tradea. HELP wanted In all department. Evan Laundry Co., Ill t. lltu. i J: P 'w'Sjiaiw:- HELP WANTED FEMALE (.'ouilnud. H aaaekeeaera aad Daaaeatlaaw WANTED Second girl. 1612 Farnam St. WANTEH-Girl for general housework. Mrs. L. Hahn, 2622 Dodge St. WANTED at Once Good girl for general housework. 624 N. lth SU GOOD GIRL for general housework, family of two. 3619 ackson 8U In GIRL for general wages. 100s 8. 34th Ave. housework, good Phone Harney 214. GIRL for general housework; wages. 2001 binney SU best of GIRL for general housework. 19th SU 2403 N. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 1AJ7 8. 7th. WANTED Neat young girl to assist with llKht housework. Tel. Ind. A-JTbi 66& 8. S4th SU WANTED A young girl to help at house ork. Apply Sunday. Mrs. Coffey, 1835 . 12lh. n. iUAlu lor eeurnii nouaewuin, niimu family; no laundry work; best wages. 1060 S. 28th SU GIRL wanted for general housework. U2& N. 26th SU. South Omaha. GOOD laundress for Mondays. 2415 Man- derson Su Phone Webster 545. GIRL for general housework. 119 S. Cen tral lioulevard. Tel A-1&31. or Red 1721. WANTED Experienced girl: best wages; no laundry. 32U0 Harney 8U WANTED First class cook. 18 per we- k to right person. Call at once. 3202 Wool- worth Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of three. C. H. Rudlger, 3i S. 19th St., Omaha. 'Phone Red 30.(4. GIRL for second work; also girl for housework. TeL Douglas 63. 234 N. Uth SU GIRL wanted to take care of Invalid ady. 837 S. 24lh. Call mornings. GOOD girl for general housework. 4C43 Dodge SU WANTED Middle aged woman to care for Invalid lady and assist with house work; references. Call at 820 S. 35th Ave. WASHERWOMAN and girl for general housework. 2401 Harney St. WANTED A nurse girl at 327 S. 37th St. Phone Harney 2311. COMPETENT laundress Mondays. 1024 Park Ave. WANTED A nice girl to go to Fort Robinson, Neb., for second nurse and as- slBt In the care of a little girl. Apply 332 S. 37th St. GIRL for general housework. Take West Side Hanscom park car to Woolworth. 1321 S. 35th Ave. COOK wanted Immediately. 650 S. 26th St. WANTED Cook and second girl. 8416 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 1727. GOOD Klrl to assist In housework; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. F. Belman. 4807 Dodge, YOUNG girl to assist in housework. 118 So. 13lh St. COMPETENT Klrl for general house work or one to take care of children. 823 S. 25th Ave. GIRL for general housework, 1626 Wirt SU Tel.. Webster 376. A MAID for general housework; small family; no laundry work; best wages. 1060 S. 2kth St. WANTED An elderly lady to do light housework and lake care of child 2 years old, for mother who Is gone all day. An excellent place for one who desires a good, quiet home. Apply at once, 2702 Lake. WANTED Girl to assist In housework; no washing. Phone Harney 741. 1304 So. 35th. WANTED Good, competent girl for gen eral housework; good wages and good home. 1552 No. Uth. GIRL for general housework. 1717 Chicago. GIRL wanted for general housework: 3 In family; no children; no washing; refer ence required. Come in person. 4933 Dav enport. WANTED girl for general housework or good nurse girl. 2919 Webster SU GIRL for general housework; two In family 2966 Poppleton. Tel. Harney 4713, Mlscellaaeoas. LEARN hairdresstng; It pay you: can easily earn $15 to 825 weekly; full course taught. Brandels Hairdresstng DepU Chamber maid, 826.00, room and board. Head waitress, 835. 2 waitresses. Clear I-ake. Iowa. Waitresses. South Dakota. Laundry man and wife, country, 324 per weeK. I waitresses, sk.du per ween. 3 antry girls, 325 and 830. 8 housekeepers. armers. 12 house girls, $11 to 830. Middle aged woman as nurse. $46. 7 chamber. 4n to $i per month. Man and wife, cooks, 8h0 to CKi. Man and wife, farmers. 340. Pastry cook. KB. Hotel cooks, $40 to $05. MARTIN & CO. 1511 Capitol avenue TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sen dealers, can or aaarisj at once uood rich Drug Co., Omahl, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, flalleltar aad Salcamea. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions, can and see cir culation manager The Bee Publishing Co START IN BUSINESS; be independent; I started aa an agent, am now big manu facturer making household specialties. Have hundreds of agents working. I'll start you; won't let you fail. Agents of ability wanted to open branch offices and employ subagents. No money needed. Write me fully and frankly. C. E. Swartx baugh. Toledo, O. WANTED Hat and and cap salesman for Nebraska and Iowa; resident of Ne braska preferred; alxo experienced. Apply at once. Geo. H. Helnemann Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED Experienced carpet salesmen: Answer by letter. Address, K-115, care Bee. Boy. WANTED A boy of small figure. 14 or 15 years of age, of good parentage; one whose parent will allow him to leave home to Join a respectable and recognised acro batic troupe. Best of treatment and ad vancement assured. Call on or addrexs Martin Dollar, Dressing Room Tent, Bar num ft Bailey Circus. WANTED Boy about 16 year old to learn trunk making. Frellng ft Slelule, 1M)3 Farnam 8.U Clerical aad Offlc REGISTERED DRUG CLERK. $tt-$85. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 675-77 Brandels Bldg. WE NEED THREB EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHERS. SALARY $00, $7-CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brand! Bldg. ADVANCE AGENT for good company, $76, $100. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., (76-77 Brandel Bldg. STENOGRAPHER AND CORRESPOND ENT. OUT OF CITY. $. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandel Bldg TTIE BEE: OMAHA. WEnXESDAY. ,TUT,Y Positions of all kinds are looking for competent men and women. Better yc-urself by Answering W.rvt Adi HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Office Coallaaed. STENOGRAPHER,-salary $5 to $75. Ap ply, giving telephone and experience, ad dress M 1 IT. care Bee. Factory aad Trades. WANTED S good cornice men and three tinners; steady work. 1724 St. Mary's. GOOD horseshoer wanted at once. Tharp, Fremont. Neb. C. W. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks required; beet paying work within reach of poor mam can have shop with small capital; wages 312 to 820 weekly. Wonderful demand for barbera. Catalogue mailed free, Muler Barber College. 110 8. 14th SU WANTED A first-class, all-around bread and cake baker, experienced; must be sober and steady; wages 16 per week. Ad dress at once, ,T Itenner, Rockwell City, la. P. Q. Box 233. DRUG sure and Jobs. KnlesU Bee Bldg. TEAMS wanted, I7th and Douglaa Sta., 55o per hour. Thompson-Starrett Co. MARKER and sorter, also washman, at t, , , ----- . .... --- eunory. boutn umana. II tacella aewaa. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Ass'n.; no fees. Call 327 B. of Trade Bldg. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers, examinations In Omaha Nov. 17th, preparation free. Frank lin institute, DepU 88 D, Rochester, . I. WANTED, at once, foreman for up-to- date country printing planU one who has had experience with Babcock Opttmus press pref erred; must be able to do first class Job work and be able to handle ordi nary catalogue work; no boozers wanted. Address The Sentinel. Onawa, la. SODA FOUNTAIN man. 8(10-170: 7 harvest hands. $2 50 a dav: 1 farm hands. 825-130- $35-$40; cook, west, $50. room; cook, Iowa, $50, room, laundry; man and wife, $24 a wk.; engineer, $ti0-$)w; man and wife, cooks, $t)0-$ti0. Martin &, Co.. 1511 Capitol Ave. WANTED A steadv man for eeneral farm work. $25 a month and washing. L. is. i.arson. Nelson. Neb. WANTED Car repairers: steady work on extra good wages; very liberal piece sched ule. iue island Car and Equipment Co., SJiefJVldStatton, Kansas City. Mo. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse aad Vehicles. ELEGANT Cabriolet carnage. Stanhope and harness slightly soiled If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. SECOND-HAND landaus. broughams, rorkaways, hearses, surreys and business wagons. A. J. Simpson & Son., 1409 Dodge. Cows, Birds, Dog and Pet. SCOTCH COLLIES, sired bv Imo. Co- lumbus Artist, with quality all through. Priced for quick sales. CUMMING ft SON. Tecumseh, Neb. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday evening, returning from Council Bluffs to Hanscom Park, west side, large cameo pin. Reward. Tel. Har ney 1033. LOST Plat of Summit addition, on trac ing cloth, near 16th and Farnam or on Far nam car. Reward for return to THE BYRON REED CO., LOST Pocketbook, four $5 bills and I. O. O. F. receipts for .dues. F. J. Paul, 4118 Farnam SU MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray' Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Creighton's Medical college. 14th and Davenport St.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las llbl. Calls answeied. day or nlghu MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Vacation Money Everyone needs It, and this is the place to get it. Don't let money stand In your way when it can be so easily obtained on your SALARY. FURNITURE. PIANO. WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, or anything of value. Our special low rates are still In effect. We advance money quickly and confidentially, and our offices strictly private. DEAL WITH THE BIGGEST AND BEST. Reliable Credit Co. 3d Floor, 307-8 Paxton Block, N. E Cor- ner loth and Farnam Sts. 'Phones: Douglas 1411 and A-141L' m;;iiiiiiiniiiiiiinwiiiiimimnmm Money for Vacations $$ $10-3200 i $$ Do you need money T W are go- $$ $$ lng to loan our surplus cash to all $$ 41 worthy applicants at the lAJWEST $$ RATES EVER OFFERED in the city t$ on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, $$ $$ SALARIES, etc It will pay you to $$ 1( see us before getting money else- $3 $$ where. We are especially prepared $$ $$ to accommodate SALARIED PEO- $$ $$ PLE. No delay or red tape and 1$ $$ everything Is strictly confidential. 83 $$ Open till 6:30 p. m. Telephones $ H uougias zut ana ina. a-mso. t Omaha Financial Co., 1$ 601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandels. $$ $$ 16th St. Entrance. u W$J!JtJ5WmJ5lMJmmJMlJ MONEY loaned salaried peopie and others without security; easy payments. Offices in 16 principal cities. Toiman. Room 613, New York Life Bldg. 6 on diamonds. W.'FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. PRIVATE money to loan on chattels; low Interest. WILLOWS, 8b4 Brandels Bldg. VACATION MONEY or money for any other purpose makes no difference. What you are Interested In most Is a plare where you chii make a loan at reasonable rates and where you can deal confidentially and wll. Ket a square deal. That's what we have been doing for seventeen years. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. "Phone Doug. 2295. cniranre nut . i&m si. HERE SINCE 1893. LOANS, half rates. 329 Board of Tiade. WHEN writing to advertlaera, kindly men tion The Bee MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office Uth and Daven port Bis, warehouse 207-09 Iiard St. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES GUS TURNER, graduate of Leipsic. Ger many Conservatory of Music; piano leeuons cheap. Tel. Red 6036 or drop me a postal at 2574 Harney St. and I will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlag aad Raasa. TWO connecting rooms with board, to permanent couple or two gentlemen, In modern home; reference. Uli Caaa. Phone D. 1476. NEW furnUhed room, cool, modern, with or without board; gentlemen pre ferred. 3404 Capitol Ava 14. 190!). mm- OFFERED FOR RENT EAST and south side rooms with board reasonable rates. 213 8. 26th SU ROOM and board, close in. Large front room with alcove, suitable for two or three persons, either furnlohed or unfurnished, 114 So. lth SU Phone Red 4033 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. Faralsaed Itaeaaa. VERY desirable large roma, newly fur nished, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 201 8. 25th Ave. 2510 DODGE, excellent south suite, mod ern, detached house. TWO furnished rooms. 812 N. 22d 8t NEWLY furnished room; porcelain bath. 2224 Chicago. VERY desirable room; fine location; walking distance. 213 8. 25th SU ONE large room, all modern. 1811 Cali fornia. Phone B1376. NICE furnished room. 2219 Douglas 8U PLEASANT rooms; two south windows; also larg front, modem. 614 N. 23d. 'Phone R. 4864. DON'T you want a nice cool room, with or without piano, In a permanent homelike place, where you won t have to move lor carnival or winter? Strictly modern, re spectable, permanent; gentleman only. Mrs. Davis. 2563 St. Mary's Ave. FOR rent, for sale and furnished room cards, 10c each. Corey & McKensle Print ing Company, 112 8. 14th Su WELL furnished front room, private family: nice lawn surround house. 703 d. 29th SU GOOD rooms. 12 ner week: free bath. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, comnlete for light housekeeping, all modern. $12 per month, 2019 Webster St. WELL furnUhed front room, nrlvate family; nice lawn surrounds house. 702 S. 29th St. FRONT ROOM for Dodge. Douglaa 4S51. housekeeping, 1814 iOUNO man to share comfortable fur nished room. 2702 Farnam 8t. ONE nice room with two south windows. hot and cold water In the room, modern, 1815 Jackson, two blocks west of Rome hotel. CLEAN, oulet room. 32 ner week. an N 22d SU ROOM In new house. 2013 Chicago St. IN an eleeantlv furnished hnmr larva cool rooms for two gentlemen; porch and my. ii. nniey ws aia a. zatn Ave. LARGE south aleove room, furnish, np unfurnished, with board. 2420 Cass St. NICELY furnished room, modern tl sn nr week; private family. Tel. Red 5589. 506 S. 22 a St PLEASANT front room. 1611 Leaven- worth, 3d floor. Two nicely furnished room, strictly mod ern. 618 S. 29th SU TWO nicely furnished rnnmi In all mod ern home. 313 N. 20th SU ONE nice room, south exnosure. nn r. month. 2565 St. Mary's Ave. ONE neat room with hnsrri- hnm. Ing. 2208 Harney. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room and 614 Park Ave. Tel. Har- board; reasonable. ney 4000. BEAUTIFULLY board. 212 N. 24th. furnished room Tel. D. 4707. with NICE modern front room; private fam ily; board if desired. 1910 Webster SU SUITE of extra fine rooms, fine furni ture, fine lawn. Private family; southwest corner 20th and Chicago Sts. NICE, clean, cool rooms, modern; elec tric lights; close in; 310. 2104 Webster. NICE single or suite of rooms, with board ii ueairea. aula racuic fcu NICELY furnished room, south exposure; modern; suitable for one or two gentle men, or man and wife. 1708 Davenport St. FURNISHED room for one or two ladle; modern. 1919 Capitol Ave. WANTED Young man to take large south room, with breakfast; $20 per month; very convenience. Call Harney 200L TWO nice large rooms, modern, close in. Tel. Doug. 4442. NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, Park Ave., near Leavenworth; gentleman preferred Tel. Harney 715. Apartsaeate aad Flats. THREE and 8-roon, flats, Bcargo Bldg., $6t N. 34th St., South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramg Bldg. Both 'phone. FOR RENT, COIIN FLATS NEW modern 4-r. apartments, oak finish. with private bath and gas range. Will give free rent to August 1. Only small families i-nces, )i to sis. T110S. W. HAZEN 105 So. 16th. Phone D. 1300. $17 7-room flat, bath and closet. Inquire 1M im. low, cor. join ana urace. NEW, strictly modern ment, oak finish. 27th Bemls. Brandels Bldg. 6-room apart- arid Jackson. 8-ROOM flat. 18th and California. $50.00. Gallagher ft Nelson, 490 Brandels Bldg. $ AND 4-ROOM Apt., modern. 816 S. 22d. FOR RENT Only $26 60 for Blx-room, all modern, ground flat, close In, to choice tenant, if taken this week. Apply at 607 N. I9tn cu lissifkeeplsg Rooms. EXCELLENT furnished room for house keeping; first-class street and neighbor hood: close In. Dr. Prlbbenow, 2574 Harney St. Tel. Red 6036. SUITE rooms, parlor floor; modern flat; newly rnrnisnea, decorated. oi9 Maaun. Harney 4623. TWO unfurnished rooms. 20th SU Inquire 507 S. 3 NICE furnished rooms for light house keeping: modern; 1st floor. 1549 N. 17th. SUITS of three nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 1201 S. 11th. Furnished apartment, five rooms; piano, telephone, etc. 2008 St. Mary's Ave. COOL and newly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, also furnished sleeping rooms; modern; walking distance. 2542 Harney. Tel. I J. 3427. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms; gat stove, clean, cool, comfortable. 2010 Webster St. Phone Douglaa 6241. ROOM for light housekeeping; nlshed. U20 Dodge. gas fur- NICE, cool, newly furnished rooms, with cooking gas, bath and use of phone; nloe summer location; private family. 1302 So. 31st. THREE furnished rooms, gas for rooking and lighting. $5 per week. 613 N. 21st St. Phone B-6334. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms; large pantry; ground floor. 420 N. 24th .St., South Omaha. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for housekeeping In modern flat. 616 S. 22lh Fu HOUSEKEEPING room, first floor. Jackson. 1113 FIVE rooms, modern except heat; n children. 81 N. 27th 8U OFFERED FOR RENT Hnaeeaeeplagr Itaasas reatlaaed. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1716 Dodge. FURNISHED housekeeping room. Refer ence. 2114 Chicago. TWO or three room for adult; gas rang and all modern convenience. $04 8. 37 tn. TWO front rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping. 2115 Spencer SU a el. Webster 59. FOR RENT Two flno larg front room, for light housekeeping. All modern. 2231 Willis Ave, Furnished rooms for tight housekeeping. 1S07 N. 17th 8U "2 1 ROOMS, -housekeeping, range. 1821 Chicago. modern, gas TWO nice rooms for light housekeeping. 1714 California streeU FOR RENT Two room for light house keeping at 4104 N. 34th SU WELL furnished dining room and kitchen for housekeeping; house modern. 650 B. 26th Ave. THREE nlc rooms, $10. M N. 23d. TWO rooms, single or double, light housekeeping, modern house. 1917 Web ster. THREE nlc room and bath. 3124 Chi cago. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2121 Web ster St. Call after 6:30 p. m. TWO alacantlv furnished room. gS range, modern. 616 8. 22d. TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished complete. 2223 Leavenworth. ONE room, $2 50 per week. 2U3 Douglas. ROOM for light housekeeping. 1707 Dodge SU TWO room. $13 per month. 2018 Daven- porU EVit-n.nnriM nartmeni handsomely furnished; south-east fronU 604 So. 2th Su Varnished Itoaae. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern. 191$ Clark St. Inquire inn Howaro. FURNISHED house for rent for month of August West Farnam district; references. Address J 114 Bee. Ueaaes aad Cottage. -r., new, mod., 4315 Seward St. $30. 6-r., mod., 2S14 Dodge St. $30. 6- r.. mod. ex. heat, 13 N. 37th SU 7- r., mod. ex. heat, K23 Grand Ave. $22.60. 9-r.. mod., walking distance, will be put In first-class condition, 2709 Farnam St. $50. 8-r., mod., 614 N. 20th Rt.-$60. FLATS. 6-r., mod., 615 8. 2tith Ave. $30. 6-r., mod.. 2586 Harney St -$35. J-r., mod. ex. heat. 2581 N. 24lh SU-320. 6-ROOM modern house. 2627 Park Ave. Tel. Webster 1255. 2036 Pierce St., 6-r., city water and gas. $15 00. 2014 Ames ave., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $25.00. 1034 So. 18th St., S-r., city water and gas, f7.ov. H1HKETT ft TKUUUNO. 423 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Brick house at 1511 8. 39th St., one block east of Park avonu car line; modern in every respect, with 4 bed room on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves- tlbul on first floor. Inquire at HAS 8. 29 tn. SU Tel. Harney 1509. 4 room house, 706 N. 32d, $12.60. e room house, 3233 Evans St., $12.60. 6 room house, 709 N. 22d., $10. 8 room house, modern, 2409 Lake, $21. J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade. A 6-room house, modern except furnace, located at 946 North 25th St.; paved street and one block to car $20 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. 6108 or A -2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. store H. ri. goods; storenouse, 1120-24 in. 13th. office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Deug. 1659. HOUSES, Insurance. RlngwalU Barker Blk ELEGANT 6-room flat, located at 610 a 27th. all modurn; price. $35. Bemls, Brandels Bldg. FOR RENTi T-room, new, modern house and large re ception room; hard wood finish, combina tion fixtures, east front, beautiful lawn; 704 N. 23d St. $40. 6-room, new, modern SU Louts flat, com bination fixtures, reception room, hard wood f'.nlsh; 714 N. 23d 8t.-$3i 6-room modern SU Louis flat, reception hall, combination fixtures; 713 N. 33d SU $30. 9-room modern brick house; 2009-2011 Wil li Ave. $26. 3 rooms In apartment flat: 1919 Clarke, $9. $ rooms In apartment flat; 1917 Clark 6U-$8.60. 4 rooms, 1734 So. 13th t.-$10. C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort, all modern. 4 or 6-room flat. Apply 120 N. 23d. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros. SIS N. Y. L. MODERN Dundee home, t rooms, large barn, fine shade, nicely located. 'Phone Doug. 1722. SNAPS. 341$ Indiana Ave., new 6-room cottage, modern, $26. 2313 Dewey Ave., new 6-room flat, oak finish, easy walking distance, very choice, snap for the money. $30. ON FARNAM HILL, on corner of S3d and Harney, new modern house, 6 large rooms, oak finish, tine mantel, tiled natn; nice lawn; to first class tenant only $40. ERNEST SW EET. 013 N. Y. L. DOUG. 1473. HOUSES Darts of the oltv. Crelgh 80ns ft Co.. Bee Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co Tel. Doug. 811 tf-67 PACIS1C ST.. 8-room thoroughly modern house, oak finish. $40. A. U. Elllck, 503 Bee Bldg. MAGGARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1490. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold good. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L Bldg. SIX room, brick, modern; 1620 Maple. A WnllVBN' S-room brick house. 1113 No. 23d Su; $25 per month. 'Phone Harney 980. NEAT ( room cottage one block from 10th St. car line, 2740 S. 9th SU Inquire ICS S. 28th SU Tel. Harney 1550. WHEN you reply to advertisement which appear In these Want Ad. columns kindly mention the fact that you saw their ad- t SCARG9 Blk., Routh Omaha. 620 N. 24th Hall. 483 Ramg Bldg.; both phone. GOOD store room. 312 S. Uth SU Fine office In Wrad Bldg. F. D. WEAD. 18U1 FARNAM. Odlrea. Desirable office Karbach Blk., 15 ft Doug OFFERED FOR SALE Varaitare. 3x6 CARD CASE. Solid oak case, made by (he Library Bj reau Furniture Co. This Is exceptionally well constructed office furniture and will last a lifetime. Call Bee office, 17th and Farnam. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any mk. all price, old and rented, rent applied: easy terms, shipped anywhere for examination. Wrltt for large bargain list and offer B. F. Swanson Co.. 417 8. 16th St.. Omaha. Nob. Mlacellaaaaae. DRUGS at cut price, frelgM paid on all 810 orders, catalogue free, fchei ma a d McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR BALE New and Ind-hand billiard and pool table. We lead the world In cheap bar fixture; eaay payment, brwna wlc Balk Cullender, 407 B. lik 8U OFFERED FOR SALE Mlaeell e Caatlaaed. y Cigar Stand Fixtures Consisting of thre how caaee, on larg wall cam. with sliding gla door, two counters about fifteen feet long, will h sold cheap for cash. Apply Be building cigar store. 17th and Farnam. NEW $S5 Toledo seal for $35. Prurha. Howell. Neb. Frank J FOR R I K. r-.H r.Ht and aafa. Ad dress J 679. car Be. Scholarship If you Intend taking a course tn buslnesi college, see us about a scholarship. Wi will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad dress O 85, rare Bee. SEND us your mall order for drugs; frelBht Paid DM 110 Iota Mvara.milnn PiriK Co., Omaha. Second-Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been In use at the Bee building. They are each 176-horsepower return luoular boiler. 78 Inch dia-neter by 13 leet long. They hav 183 C. 1. tubes, 3 Inches by 13 feet. Work ing pressure 160 pounds per square Inch. Heat surface 19.009 square feet. Urate area 32H square feeU We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will sell at bargain. If taken at once. THE BEE BU1LD1NO COMPANY 17th and Farnam 811., Omaha. Neb OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 413 N. Y. U Tal. D. 16-14. Dr. Katheryii Nlckolas. 60 N. Y. L. Hldg. PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. we collect, repair and sell at 134 N. lUn St.. for cost of collection to the worth v poor. Call phone Douglaa 4136 and wagon win can. DRUNKENNESS, drug habit cured to stav cured, under positive guarantee. Write Eli sor Remedy Co., Dept. G. So. Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Ames of Wash.. I). C. manicuring, magnetic massage, lira. 10 to 10. 1718 DodKe. ANY lady wishing to be cared for In private home during confinement reason able. Mrs. 6. C. Carson. 1810 SU Mary's Ave. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. MASSAOE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swedish massage. 308 Old Boston Store. PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sam- tarlum, 740 1st Ave., council Bluffs, la. MAGNETIC Treatment. Fmr.ielln Brott, 2319 S. 16th. Doug. 6186. MAONETIfi treatment. Mme. Smith, m.AUiXDiiv m 8 16th St thr() floor YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Yountf Women's Christian association, Uth and Howard fits., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise as sisted. A deaconess representing the asso ciation meets trains at me union station a travelers' aid. PROF. G. K. DINJIAN, . EXPERT MASSEUR, reeturea health, makes you look nice and plump, removes nervousness, put your stomach, bowels, liver and kid neys In good order; Improves the blood cir culation by massage. Have you tried It? Correct massage Is especially conductive to good health. Call 406 Bee Bldg. D. 863. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. 318 Neville Bldg., Book free. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels whloh we will sell at 50c each. Thev are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. EsU 1858; prompt service; get our price. 1710 Farnam Su GANGESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. -JAYNE INV. CO.. firt floor N. Y. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandel Bldg. REAL E8TATF TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. PrealdenU CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. $3,150 In fine shape, full cement basement, paved street, perm, sidewalks, fine lots; owner wants the money to go Into business. Ask us for terms. $2,550 6-room. almost new cottage, modern ex. heat, floored upstairs, can make 2 more rooms If necesssry, cement basement, comb, fixtures, perm, sidewalk, fine lawn, lot 42x126, all in fine shape. $2,500 S-room house, nicely arranged, full ce ment basement, vegetable cellar, electric light. r"v barn, 2 lots 100x138, fruit trees, apppies, cherries, peach, plums and grapes, fino well of water, good cistern; can gtve immediate possession, near 434 and Em-, mett. Terms. Birkett & Tebbens, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4764; A-1754. BRAND NEW. y , .. Him all moitepn vi,nt fieaf birch finish, combination fixtures, east front lot, cement waias, wanting aisiausr. Price $2,960. Term. P. O. NIELSEN A CO.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'Phones. $100 CASH 1H acres, unimproved, 1 mile from Ben son. Price $5,600; $100 cash, $10 monthly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel.: Douglas 1781; "A" 1188. Acres, $760 Florence boulevard, this side Miller park. Harrison & Morton. FOR SALE House and three lots at U.724 Ave. A, Council Bluffs higli ground, absolutely no danger of water, ten minutes car ride from Omaha, the best located lots on Ave. A ; house al most new; five room f inched, space up stairs for two more large rooms, electric light, bath room, city water, good cellar, young fruit and shade trees, two lots for garden ground. J. D. Johnson, 204 Sap Blk., Council luffs, la. 62 ft. Close in, $7,000 E. front on 36th near Farnam; good house, room for flat besides. Harrison & Morton,