Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
fne Oonaoil Blaff OfYloe ef th
Omabe Bee la et ll Saett Street,
ota TkOMi 4.
Council Bluffs
Pavls. drugs.
TOllRIQAXS, Undertakers. 'Phones MS.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. iSJ.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17.
When you want reliable want ad ader
tlslng. uae Tha Be.
a'uTA Sf" .nd mowr- "pearling
A Trlplett. tzi Broadway.
Undertakers. 'Phone 122. N. Main RL
Prof Oscar ftaumelster will leave today
for a four weeks- imt in California.
. w Meaarell, optometrist, moved
io mo-m unjr national bank building.
mouldings begins Mondav. r R Al.-.nA-,-
MS Broadway.
tr. Ndney II. ftmlth ha prone to Bell
wood, Neb., where he expects to locate
and engage In the practice of his profes
sion. The Toting People's union of the Me
morial Baptist church will give an loe
cream social Thursday evening In Coohran
park at Twenty-first street and First
Members of lodge No. t9. Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, will meet this after
noon at I:W o'clock at the hall to attend
In a body the funeral of their late brother,
John Daugherty.
Frank Krlst and Mary Johnson, both of
Omaha, were married In this city yester
day, tha ceremony being performed by
Her. IX C. Lamson, pastor of the Free
Methodist church.
M. Q. Carter, trainmaster for the Wa
bash, who has been laid up at the Grand
hotel for a week with a badly sprained
knee, has sufficiently recovered to be able
to go today to bis home in Btanberry, Mo.
Van Larsen, arrested on complaint of
Pr. D. Macrae, president of the Council
Bluffs Automobile olub, was fined 110 and
coats in police court yesterday morning
for breaking glass bottles on a paved
street. The court later auspended the fine.
The sinking of a well In Falrmount park
Is proving a costly experiment and may
possibly have to be abandoned. The second
hole drilled by the contractor has been
abandoned and now a third attempt It
being made in the vicinity or the band
' stand.
William UteS' will have a hearing In
police court this morning on an assault
and battery charge, preferred against htm
by George Bees. The two men worked
together on an loe wagon, but had a fall
Ing out. Bates Is charged with knocking
Beea down in a Broadway saloon.
The receipts In the general fund of the
Christian Home last week were ll.37S.71
being 11,178.71 in excess of the current
needs of the week. This clears up the
deficiency as reported in this fund and
reduces the amount needed In the Improve
ment and contingent fund to H2.jr,s.08.
All members of tfnlty Rnhekah lodge are
requested to attend tha funeral of the late
John Daugherty this afternoon at 2:30
o clock from the residence. 9?2 Avenue D.
On aoooUnt of Mr. Daughtery'a death the
Installation of officers of Unity lodge har
been postponed . until the next regulai
meeting. . . .
At the meeting of the library board Mon
day night Mrs. Dalley was re-elected
librarian, at were also the assistants. Mlif
Margaret Sherman, Mrs. Bessie K. Black
and Mlaa ' Benvenuta Bchoedaack. Mrs
alley's salary was fixed at t'ft a month
and that of Mrs. Black and Miss Sherman
at ISO a month each. Miss flehoedsack 1
to receive tl a day when employed.
No Cash Available for Cleaning and
Repairing Street.
Serious Franlena Confronts the Offi
cials of Connell Blnffa -Stat
seat of Balaaeea 1st Dlf
fere nt Fande.
tslks were made and matters In connection
with the fruit show dlsnussed.
Besides tha guests of honor, those pres
ent at the luncheon were: W. R. Keellna,
P. Hess. T. A. Barker. W. P. Hughes,
Charles A. Beno, J. O. Wadsworth, Free-
tnan U Reed, B. H. Doollttle. J. F. Wil
cox. Dr. V. L. Treynor, W. H. Kimball.
Dr. II. B. Jennings and D. E. Stuart.
Where Is the city going to get Uie money
with which to keep In repair and clean the
streets for the balance of the fiscal yearT
This Is a question Which Is giving Mayor
Maloney and other officials of the munici
pality considerable worry these days. Ou
the first of this month, according to the
report of City Auditor McAneney for June,
the third month of the present fiscal year,
there was but S3,I.1.M unused out of the
110.000 appropriated for the streets and
alleys fund. This sum will not. It is fig
ured, be sufficient 'to defray the expanse
of cleaning the paved atreets after the re
cent overflows of Indian creek, not to
mention the repalra needed on many of the
hill streets, which were greatly damaged
during the heavy rains.
While it Is contended that the work en
tailed by tha recent floods could be paid
out of the imergency or contingent fund
under tha circumstances, It happena thai
the emergency fund on July 1 waa over
drawn to the extent of 2318.89.
In estimating a revenue of 287,000 for the
present fiscal year, the appropriation for
the maintenance of the several city depart
ments being based on this amount, the tax
from an av,rugi of fifty saloons was In
eluded. Should 1: turn out that Attorne
General Byers' construction of the Moon
liquor law Is upheld and Council Bluffs
limited to twnt.y-five saloons, half of tli
anticipated revenue from this source would
go glimmering. With the exception of th
streets and alleys and emergency funds,
the other appropriations are In good shape,
but these will, of course, depend upon the
anticipated revenue for the fiscal year be
Ing obtained.
"There It no use disguising the fact,1
said a city official yesterday, "but the
city of Council Bluffs Is at present In
most precarious condition financially.
Should there be another flood from Indian
creek, and such a thing la not at all un
likely, where would the city be? There
would be no funds available to clean the
streets, and In fact I don't see what we
will be able to do for the remaining eight
months of the fiscal year. It certainly is
a most serious problem."
The following shows the amounts appro
prlated for tha several departments and
the balances unusued on July 1:
priated. Unused
ftalarles. executive dept $11 20 t 8.014 W.
Pnltra and marshal's deDt.. 23.2M 17.443.61
Streets and alleys 10.000 S. -
Fire department &S.6U0 19.6a .48
Fire anil notice tele a-ranh.... 1.000 1.181 W
Engineer's department........ 6.000 l.tjld-KO
Printing and supplies 1.IO0 1,018.40
City pound fiW 175.06
Elections I,!0 2,300.00
Emergencies MSB il-W
City hail 1.IW0 1,203.06
City health 1,900 1,236
We have a large number of bankers'
carpenters,' clerks,' and stenographers' pen
cils which wa are giving away as long
as they laat Call at our offlsa and get
them. Iowa Loan company, oorner Pearl
and Broadway,, suite 5. . , '
Harris are Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Age
Daniel W i.n, Vn Jsrwood, la. 24
Marie Osvu.ok, Neoia, la 1:
Frank Krlst, Omaha! , 17
Mary Johnson, Omaha 27
Clarence E. Lane. Council Bluffs tl
Florence Eugenia Bloknell, Council Bluffs 2."i
The Wise-roan reeerved a telegram to
come home at once on account of alckhess
as he did not have enough money he
telephoned the Iowa Loan company, comer
Pearl and Broadway and was able to catch
the first train home. If it la money you
ant see them.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2G0. Night. F-1702
Totals general fund $87,000 $69,662.12
Less outstanding debts 816.89
Actual balance $58,736.24
If you are dissatisfied try me. We keep
our customers In good humor all the time
and HONEST GOODS. Here you gat tha
benefit of years of experience, our per
sonal attention and care of the eyes. Re
member that we grind our own lenses and
guarantee satisfaction. "Eye-night Is my
Specialty." W. W. MAGARRELL, Opto
metrlst, 206-8 City National Bank building,
Council Bluffs, la.
I.uacaeon for Frsilt Experts.
Prof. 8. A. Beach of Amea Agricultural
college, George Marshall of Arlington
Neb., and Elmer Reeves of Waverly, la.
who were In the city to confer with the
officers of the National Horticultural con
gress In regard to the approaching fruit
show, were entertained at lunch yesterday
at ttie Grand hotel by President Keellne
and others of the congress.
Following the lunch a number of Informal
L. .--.ifc i snnaOlt1'Tr ' rffll
Council Bluffs
Crasade to Drive Disorderly Meases
front Baalaess Beetle Coatlaaee.
That the houses of bad repute are to be
driven from Broadway and Main street
was made evident when last night the
officers again raided the resort at 612
West Broadway. Mrs. Jessie Miller was
again arrested and this time two of the
women found In tha place were also taken
Into custody under the warrant Issued
from the court of Justice Cooper. In de
fault of ball placed at $200 each the three
women were committed to the county Jail.
Tha heating of Mrs. Miller and Maggie
GUI of 817 South Main street on the
charges for which they were arrested Mon
day hlght, was set by Justice Cooper yes
terday for next Saturday. In Justice Gar
diner's court the hearing of Myra Graves,
arrested Monday night at 226 West Broad'
way, waa yesterday continued until Tuee
day of next week.
When the officers raided tha place at
(17 South Main atreet Monday night they
found five women and six men drinking
beer. The men took to their heela on the
appearanoe of the officers, leaving the
women to face tha music. As there Is an
Injunction against the building at 617 South
Main, In which there la a aaloon, the
raid Monday night It Is understood, will
result In tha bringing of contempt pro
ceedings against the owner of the build
ing and the probable closing of the saloon.
Under the new law passed by the laat
general assembly houses of 111 repute are
declared to be nulsanoea and they can ba
enjoined and abated in much the aama
manner as saloons which violate the law.
County Attorney Hess stated yesterday
that if the occupants of the places com
plained of failed to move In a reasonabls
time he would retort to tha Injunction
Iowa Linei Aryue for Cat in Their
storms and floods throughout the state.
and tha total loea on poles and egutpment
to tha company la placed at ffeCcM. -
Thla waa tha statement made tonight by
Superintendent Leon W. Alusworth of the
Iowa dlvisloBL
Mora than 700 men are now employed
daily to repair the havoo wrought Repairs
MOON LAW TO BE TESTES BY SUIT lowa aiooa wui cost $200,000.
Litigation Already Vnder Wa
Develop Meaning: of Stat
Red Oak-Des Molaee later
srkss Project Passed.
leZ"' Double Drowning
at Iowa Falls
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, la., July 13. (Special Tel
egram.) At tha hearing on the railroad
assessment today Mr. Baldwin for the
Burlington asked that the assessment on
that road be reduced to 6t per oent of the
actual value of the road, to correspond
with the farm land assessments as dis
closed by" evidence gathered by' tha execu
tive council.
Dorothy Crnoe Swept from Launch by
Guy Wire and Man Loses Life
in Attempt at Rescue.
IOWA FALLS, la., July U-(Speelal
Telegram.) A double accidental drowning
oocurred here this afternoon. While riding
on a launch, Dorothy Bruce was struck
by a guy wire and thrown Into tha water.
Governor Carroll asked Mr. Baldwin If Hoping to save her. Archie Brake from
the railroad values had hot gone up also Dow City, la., "Vilght operator at tha
In the last six years, correspondingly. Mr. Illinois Central depot Jumped In tha river
Baldwin thought not. Governor Carroll and waa drowned. Both bodies were re-
carried tha burden of the debates and In- covered about an hour after tha accident
tlmated that he considered the Increase Miss Leona Sherry and Marvin Reynolds
in the valuation of farm landa as due to thrown Into the water but saved
mora settled conditions of the state and themselves by grasping the guy wire.
country and that the same value had at
tached to the railroads.
Mr. Seevera for the Iowa Central and
allied lines and Mr. Dudley for tha Milwau
kee each thought their roada assessed too
high, In comparison with other roads,
well aa too high, compared with farm
lands. Representative White of Story
MarshaJltown Banker Dying.
MARSHALLTOWN. la.,' July !. (Spe
cial.) John P. Woodbury, for years presi
dent of the First National bank of this
city, la lying at St. Thomas' hospital
dying slowly of cancer of tha stomach
An exploratory incision made yesterday
to determine the cause of Mr. Woodbury's
county will speak tomorrow, asking that ilckneBi reVealed the nature of what waa
no increase be made in lana assessments. -,.,.,, to . tha disease, which Is In
Ha will produce reports on bonds and
an advanced atage. Mr. Woodbury was
stocks and othe evidence to show that the among tha early eettlera of the city, and
relation between landa and roads is about his father, W. M. Woodbury, aided ma-
The Fashion, ladles' tailoring, K. H,
Bmleln proprietor, late fitter Orkln Bros
I do rirst-class work reasonable. I make
suits for $16, skirts $5. I also do altering
to ault. Would you glva ma a trial T 12
South Main atreet.
right now.
Unna Teat trader Wit
Suits already started will determine the RPld Boon-
meaning of the Moon law. It was said at
tha office of the attorney general today
that amendments to petitions In suits al
ready started will be made to test In the
courts whether the number of saloons could
be Increased Over one to each 1 000 peop'.e
between April 12 and July 4 of this year.
terlally in financing tha building of what
la now tha Northwestern road, from Cedar
Bigger, Better, Butler That's what ad
vertising in The Bee doea for your busi
Woald-Be Groom Lacks Six Daya of
Being of Age,
Because the young man lacked six days
of being 21 years of age, Orln Anderson
and Elsie Relnbold, both of Omaha, were
refused a marriage license yesterday. When
asked his age, Anderson told Clerk Brown
of the district court that he waa 21 years
old. In Mr. Brown'a opinion, Anderson
did not look the age.
"When were you bornT" inquired Clerk
"On July 19, 1888," replied tha young man.
"Well, if that la the case, you will not
be 21 years of age for six days yet and
under the lawa of this state I cannot Issue
you a license," declared Mr. Brown as he
closed the marriage register.
Young Anderson waa taken by surprise,
but after thinking for a moment or two.
said he guessed he had made a mistake
and that he was born In 1887.
"Seoond guesses don't go here," said Mr
Brown. "If you want a license you had
better bring your parents along with you."
Seeing that Mr. Brown waa obdurate,
the young couple left the court house, evi
dently greatly disappointed at the failure
of their mission.
Jnly Clearance of Plctares.
Big dlsoounts on pictures, both framed
and unframed. Alexander's Art Store, tSt
Let us figure your contract on painting.
We know we can satisfy you. H. Bor
wick, 211 South Malnt atreet
The Carbonate of Soda
which Is its natural and chief constituent
is the sworn enemy
of Gout, Rheumatism and Indigestion
No. 1 Hams, regular 15c, Wednesday, per pound . .13V.C
No. 1 Bacon, per pound 20c
No. 1 Pot Roast, per pound 12Hc
No. 1 Tork Chops, regular 15c, Wednesday, pound lSVic
No. 1 Corn, Peas, and Tomatoes, regular price $1.20 per
T dozen cans, Wednesday, per dozen $1.00
Don't forget that our goods are always best quality.
Aatolste Inspect Roada.
Members of the Council Bluffs Automo
bile club accompanied by Colonel W. F,
Baker, local member of the Board of County
Supervisors went to Missouri Valley yester
day for the purpose of Inspecting the road
over which the Glidden auto tourists will
reach Council Bluffs on the afternoon of
July 21. Tha trip waa made in automo
biles and the party waa headed by H. A
Searle, chairman of the road committee
of the club. At Loveland the party was
met by a number of Missouri Valley auto-
ists and the members of the board of sup
ervisors of Harrison county.
Between Council Bluffs and Crescent one
bridge was found to ba derelict and a de
tour had to be made. Need of repalra at
various places along the route was noted
and Colonel Baker will at once puta gang
of men at work putting the roads in as
good condition as possible. The Council
Bluffs Automobile club aa a result of yes-
terday'a tour of inspection placed signs at
various polns to give warning of danger-
oua placea which have developed slnoa
tha "pathfinder" car passed through.
LIQUOR CO. $19 & Main. Phones tin.
Hammocks, 20 per cent discount all this
week. We offer our entire stock of ham
mocks at a special discount. P. C. Da Vol
Hardware Co., 604 Broadway.
Iowa News Notes
CRESTON Mrs. Ellen J. Gardner of this
city, died Sunday ntKht from old ace. hav-
It Is said today that druggists In some Ing reached the age of SO years. 8he was
nr nf Tnwa are having llouor aPDlIca- formerly a resident of Adams county, and
... ,,. -. also of Adair. The body will be shipped
tlon blankt printed that are duplicates of ,o Fontanelle, and burial tntAt at Kui-eka
way wiu aeea 10 a.ieei me n MASON CITY-One of the eight wireless
which provides that Instead of druggists telegraph stations to be located in Iowa
furnishing blanks to be signed by appll- will be Installed In this city. Represents-
cant, for liquor, th. blank, shall be fur- "va-ol ll-W w In the city
nlshed by the county auditor, ana conse- construction of a tower on the roof of
quently numbered. It Is claimed that tha the City National bank building, which Is
druggists are having dupllcatea of these unaer construction.
ki.-i.. A - III nn turn annh Into A K HALL 1 U W N-Mn tr Li. (J. NOr-
" ris of the Letts, Fletcher company, branch
the pharmacy commissioners. The man of the WtBttrn arocery company, resigned
who makes application for liquor will not today, effective July 15. He reslgna be-
hnnw th difference In tha blanks and the cause 01 poor health and his wish to en
sage in omer ousiness ror nimseii. Me is
to be succeeded by W. T. Smith, assistant
manager, who waa recently chosen to
manage the new branch tha company will
open at Clinton. Mr. Noriia has been In
the corporation a employ for eighteen
pharmacy commissioners it is counted,
will never discover that more than one
book of blanks Is being used.
Edison Light Company Sold.
Wm. B. McKinley, the Interurban mag- years, beginning as bill clerk
Data today confirmed the report that he
will close a purchase of the Des Moines
Edison Light company in a few days. He re
sides at Champaign, III., and expecta - to
develope the Interurban business In this
section. Details of the purchase have not
been perfected
The project of an interurban railroad
from Des Moines to Red Oak la to be
launched In a week by merchants of tha
two cities. Judge Horace Deemer of tha
I Twetaty Yeeura at BsMoaaafvI BtiBlanaa,
doiurca madi axd bboaetwat. otkb ajcebioax xxtbxss.
no aonnertton with Uta ttrsa aalnataj U Slasili is Tha CLnrk Mwtrut Ca,
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers wsre reported to The
Bee July 12 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstraot company of Council Bluffs:
Lewis F. Wagner and wife to Caroline
Karges, lot In block 1, Street's add
to Council Bluffs, w. d I 450
a men w. Jensen, unmarried, to Huale
Meyers, lot i In block 43, Beer's subd
In Council Bluffs, w. d M
mniam Arna ana wire to Albert W.
Jensen, lots i and 6 In block 43. In
Beers subd In Council Bluffs, w. d.. 278
jrsnica j. Bieoeniopr, el ai., to Jennie
Wood, lot 11. Aud subd, part iH nea
l-1 u. v. U... 1
J. . Taylor, et al., to Charles Hchmldt
Jr.. lots 7 and I, Aud subd, lot 20,
Avoca Land and Loan oompany subd
of 2-77-39, w. d i goo
Suftan L. Rich, et al., to Fred A
Spencer, part lot 204. original plat In
Council Bluffs, w. d j 500
Malvina Knot and husband to irla '
Bush, lot 11 In block 11. Crawford's
add to Council Bluffs, w. d Tro
E. L. Kramer to Besnie Kramer lot
In block I, Morningslde add to
Council Bluffs, w. d..." 1
Total, eight transfers 14427
Wedding, Rings,
Pure gold, seamless, all alscs. thus no
slay or altering, tl to 111 Engraving
free. Leffert
mau nuuwvii as nerve iuc
and "Nervous Exhaustion'
supreme court is one Hit The principal pro- ha8 during the present generation,
moters. I . . . 1, i, 4.m,i-i
Annllestlnn waa made In district court to-I
day for a receiver for the Independent Ice Disease" of America. So prevalent
oompany. hag It become that It is almost an ex
Great Western Sale Order Made. I ceptlon to find ft person without it.
An anolllary decree ordering the sale or ,t ,,H11.iiv found associates! with
all the Great Western lines In the state of I . . . ... ..-
Iowa waa filed In the United States Dlstxlot uorYOUB wu,tu " "llBU
court here today. most prominent symptom, in tnis age
Bulletins on Dairy Work. t hurry, worry, bustle and the stren
The board of seven to whom the legls-1 uous life in business many people
lature delegated the work of spending overwork their nervous systems and
210,000 tor the purpose of promoting the t t00 much atraln th wh,ch
rfalrv Industry of Iowa has dentdad to Issue 1 v
bulletins aa a part of the work of educat- eventually causes a partial or total
ing the state to the Importance of the breakdown. Duffy's Pure Malt Whts
Industry. Thess bulletins will be tent to rep through its tonic and rebuilding
termers, Dairymen ana anyone wno .now. 00nstltuenU will cure these trouble-
an Interest anfl asks for tham hut matnlv I
they will be sent to the newspaper, of ,oma nervous complaints by supplying
tha state In the hope that they will re- the system With those vital elements
print much of the matterial. The farm which It needs to bring about a corn-
paper, especially win oe asKea to 00- , . . u t health
onerata In tha work of snrsadlna tha dalrv P16te restoration 10 neaiin
Iogr,ei The processes of tearing down and
Preaa Men Greet Senators. building up are constantly being car
President Pierce today appointed the rled on In the body, and If nothing
reception committee to greet Benatore Dol- jntereferes with these Important pro
liver iiu v uiiiiiiiiisi ssiiu vuiiki stbruicilj ituu . , . . .. -
in the home coming reception to be glv.n ceMe neUh re8ult8: but when BOme
ln their honor. The committee consists thing occurs to check them disease Is
of C. C. Nye, private secretary to Gov- sure to follow. Duffy's Malt Whiskey
ernor Carroll; Lafe young, editor ot overcomes the disease by stimulating
LipUsU; ximrvey inxntm. cauor ui me i . . . . , , . .
Roister and Leader: and Ora Williams. th heart and nerves- wh,ch 1utclten
The date of the reception will hot be the corculatlon of blood, enabling the
determined till the date of adjournment system to properly assimilate the food
. . , 1
ot congress 1a nxea. from tha alimentary tract: also to
Federation Committees. adequately eliminate from the system
Mrs. Julian Richards, president of the
fnw. fl.i-atlnn nf Wnman's r-1 tl h has
announced tha appointment of the stand- intestines, iuubo wi pruuucis, aucu
ing committees of ths federation, the as uric acid, toxins, etc., which result
chairman of which are as fallaws: Civic f r0m the disintegration of the old tis
department, Mra. William T. Johnson of f fh h v . . th dA(,omnoilU
Des Moines; child labor and industrial , T J .
ditlons. Mrs Harriet Lake of Independ- "n aiimemum in me alimentary
enoe; health department, Mra. 3. W. Cory canal
of Bpencer; literature and library ex- if you wish to keep young, strong
tension. Prof Leona Call of Webster City; v,gorouB and have on your cheeks
household economies, Mrs. J. H. Woods of .. . .. .
Waterloo: are, Mrs. Lewis Cutler 0f lne Blow 01 Perl8Cl "oaiin, taae uui
Council Bluffs; education, Mrs. E. B. fy s Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, ac
Wilson of Jefferson; conservation of for-1 cording to directions. It tones and
eats and waterwaya, Miss Mayme Weller Btrengthent the heart action and puri-
m m ... . I lies ing euLirw riioiu. ji im recug
Twenty-two medals were given this year nlzed as a family medicine every
by the Iowa Society ot the Rons of ths where.
American Revolution to students or towa jf weak and run down take a tea'
couegea ana . a Bp0onful four times a day in half a
The students winning the medala were: 18 m,lk or water.
Hvlene M. Williams. Central university, Duf fy S Pure Malt Whiskey is sold
Charlton. I .v.rvuhara nv ririifra-lata vmnorm mnA
H. Hale Smith, mate university, utmoni, - ,
James Haynes. State Teachers' college, dealers, or shiDDed on order for 11.00
veaar r an. i .
Warren Howard Hartman, Cornell col-1 a bottle.
1 ''" . Cine Conaultlng Phvalclan will nnnd
Alice Miller, Bimpson college, tnaianoia. 1
Arthur K. Tount, Leander Clark col- to everr reader Of The Bee advice.
Harold sanhorn Craig, Upper Iowa uni-1 and an interesting illustrated medical
booklet free of charge. The Duffy
Boys' Wash Suits
i Price
Your unrestricted choice of any
Hovs' Wnsh Suits in our store at ex
nctly one-half price.
All the beautiful colorings in the
finest domestic and imported mater
ials are included in this sale.
Select now, from a nearly com
plete stock at just half price.
$1.00 Suits at 50c
$1.50 Suits at 75o
$2.00 Suits at $1.00
$2.50 iuits at $1.25
$3.00 Suits at..... $1.50
$3.50 Suits at $1.75
"The House of High Merit"
111,, " ' . - , 1 ? y -'
I '
sMI WnVlJ J7i svwy
Our product and reputation are the
best advertisement we can offer
jL L lU, Lmh 1510 1211 Howard St OmU
7n n n iFnirp
im.iiir aaa
; a 1
RiinturA nf bun. woman and clilldraa can ba cured In a few dava wlLhout a i .v:vl
operation, loss ot time or pain. The coat Is governed by the size or the ruptured incit
ing to be closed. The money may be deposited In some OiiimIib Hunk in th- nnm vl
the patient or guardian, not to be paid until the cure Is completed. Thousands ct
ruptured people have accepted these terms during the past 1 yenr mul nil w omii
(iletely satisfied. Write or eall for further Information. On. fllHZ K- wmAT.
06 Bse Building, Omaha.
Refrigerator sale. W per cent discount
on our stock of refrigerators this week
P. C De Vol Hardware Co.
Jadare Orders Portion In
State told ay Special
, DE8 MOINES. July It-Judge H. T. Reed
entered aa order In federal court here to
daV tor the aale of the Oreat Western
property in Iowa by the special master at
St. Paul. Ths property is worth some
po, 900, oca.
vervltv. Fayette.
Hatel Khudes, Tobln college, Dubuque.
Myrtle lUce. 'labor college, 1 a tor.
Harold Ureene, lowa College ot Agrl
culture. Scranton
William Lee, Memorial university, Ha
son City.
Zula rloya torru, norningsiae 001
Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester,
N. T.
Teams Waeite
At New Brandies BIdg.
17th and Douglas
For Night Shift, 11 Hours, 55 Cents Per Hour
Thompson-Starrett Co
We started last week Is still on you can now buy a Gold Filled Amertenn
Movement Watch for S10 np to 2S
Solid Oold 980 VP Remember every watch we sell hss our guarantee.
lfita and Douglas Rtreeta.
A place where manly boys are made Into manly men. Hom Lc.0.m D1iVf .
With seml-milltary discipline. Prepares for all collegss KatSfulw iSnSrviald
Location healthful and building fire proof. All athletics, and all carefully supervised.
Write for Illustrated catalogue.
HARRY N. RUSSELL, Head Master, : : Kearney, Nebraska.
Wcntworth Military Academy
Oldest and Largest In Middle West. Government Supervision.
Hlehest rating by War Department. Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry
Drills. Courses of study prepare for Universities, Government
Academies or for Business Life. Accredited by North Central
Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separata
Department for Small Boys. For catalogus, address
Tha Seerelnry, Bo A. I rwlnqtoM.
Western MililaryAcademyR
r Al ton
Ideal location near St. Louis. Six modern buildings. Fire nrooi arxaosa. s.oep
tlonally string aIdernlo and military department. Hlghe.f accredited col ;
"Si Wfla.. "A" by W.t Department MliMtn mow f. is apt
ally. Immediate application advlaable. OOI AXBt M. aOMO. A. M., ops.
laaseelafa. Catalog and o.h.r Inlormation n, on appllc.n.
iK. sTixEW ART. Secretary. Kast lMa Street. Kansas City, Mo.
Send For Ourj
Big Free Book
BaUWlhrl I MM. VOO fJtlldMta leVM
yar. (r4ut uk hif hdmt nuh.
No uJtvou, mm Wn( t4jttfM or ,
nrr w.hool tmoi.-her anvwhrc.
V' hav nuns s)pftins with hiftl
iiUflM lor our rnsll trauavd arratlu
mm. Writ tm Sm U orssclut.
tO Mortti IS St., Lltiool., Nob
rOSI- A high grad s6hool conducted by
tiosi a atrong faculty and preparing fur
. .-the best positions. Ideal loratlon
"", Saloons In Lincoln. Fall Open-
OVM n seot. 1. Vrlte for beautiful
OKAS- catalogue. Address W. at. Bryant,
vatci irea., 16Z1 u rttreet, utncoin ixeb.
lese. Hloux City.
M. D.
Drake unlvsr-
Fesler. Iowa college. Kock Island.
r.'rwln E. Strtngfellow,
iltv. Oskaloosa.
Paul Galer, Iowa wesleyan unlTersity,
Mount Pleasant.
Haiti, DCherrer, Tobln college, Fort
Kthel Retaking, North Des Molnea High
Paul Stanley Booth of Bonaparte, West I
Uea Moines liign scnooi.
Anna H. nlattangren, Charlton High
Maud Ray. Forest City High school.
Ruth Worth. Slous City High school.
John W. Brooks. Council Bluffs High
More than 1000 Western Union telegraph
poles iu Iowa wera broken by the reoent
Naturally This Is Best
You want the real corn flavor in
toasted cornflakes. "Ycllo" corn
flakes gire it to you. Try this new
sttl h'stosbestl
L c 1 1 e rt TSTSia Le n t e
CraanCisslinlsn na Wearer, el Clmal
mfm aanaa sjCT fans aW ha
fin. BSSTUnj satsawHSiSiiia
i SnSnLd LEFFOTTS '-.VnT,"
1 sal anna. aaa eni an
MI TQir1 Dome,tic Science,
ATlUiJlV Art, Expreiiion.
" Bpeulsl Course,. Normal
Courac, lur l eacUers. r ull Courses Isaduig to
The Best Instrurtlno. Keasonabla Bates.
lltaltaful sad Helplul Colless Surroundings.
Womia't Colltf e, Ses 2 Jatkfafille, UL
Tabor Collerje
at tae opealag of the
YOU won't find a better
school for your boy
than Racine College.
Our wonderful success in de
veloping character is the best
reason you can have for sending
your boy to us. "Write for par
ticulars. Racine College.
Kacine, Wis.
Summer camp affiliated,
Information concerning the ad
vantagea, rates, extent of cur
riculum and other data about the
best schools and colleges can be
obtained from the
School and College Iuformatlo
Dureau of the Omaha Bee
AH Information absolutely free
and impartial Catalosus of any
particular school cheerfully fur
bished uuoa request.