TIIE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1900. TlIE OMAHA DAILY fiEF FOUNDED HT EDWARD BORE WATER. VICT6R ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflee aa second cias matter. - j.- TERMS OF Pl'DSCniPTlON. Dally Pee (without Hunday). one year. .WW Dally fcee and Bunday. one rear DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Daily Bee (Includ.ng Sunday). PT week.Ho Dally Bee (without r..it,.1v. per F-venlng He (without Sunday), per weak c Kvenlng Baa (with Sunday), per week : lw Sunday Bee on rear W. Saturday Hee, 6ne year.. 1.60 A.t.f.aa all Mn'lll.ll of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Ttee RulUlng. South Omaha- Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs-16 Scott Street. I.lmoln-f IS I.litie Building. ''hloairo 1M Ms.ro.ueUe Building. New Tork-Rooma 1191-1102 No. M West Thlrtv-thlrd Street. Wa-hlngton 72B Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Commuftloatlona relating to news and edi torial matter ahould be addrenaed: Omaha Mr--, Erlltortnl Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order, payab'e to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent sfnmDS received In payment of mall account, personal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION State of Nebraska. Poutlaa County, aa ! Oeorge B Taachuck, treaaurer Of The Bea Publishing company, being sworn. .eys that the actual number of full nnd complete eoplea of The Dally. Morn ing, rentnr and Sunday Bee printed dur ing the month of June, 10, was as fol lows 1 4X.370 41,380 3 41.380 4 41,850 B 41,590 6 39.800 T 41.4S0 41.S40 41,400 10 41,860 11 41,830 1 49,040 13 40,300 14 48,870 15 41,840 16 41,8441 17 41,660 18 41,680 1 41,680 90 40,000 81 41,780 88 41,870 83 41380 84 41,780 88 44,640 86 41,680 97 40,030 88 41,780 89 41,780 30 41,670 Total. .1,347.300 Ketumed Copies 8,230 Net Total 1,838,080 Dally Average 41,869 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK, Treaaurer. Subscribe tn my presence and aworn to uerore me this let day of July. 109. Seai) M. P. WALKER. Notary Public. Income Tax Amendment. The housn has passed th senate) resolution submitting a constitutional amendment permitting an Income tax. Whether It 1a necessary for the presi dent to approve Is doubtful, but In any event there Is no question about Mr. Taft'a acquiescence, as be la already committed to the plan. It will trrpn require the endorsement of the legisla tures of three-fourths of the state. The governors of several democratic states are said to be discussing the calling of extra sessions to vote on the amendment, and aa the Oeorglft legis lature la now In session, It will doubt less be acted on promptly In that state. Thore Is no necessity for precipitate action, however, as at the best It will be at least two years before enough Btates can act, and certainly that long before all will vote, owing to blennlat sessions In many states. The move for Immediate action, therefore, Is purely political. Mr. Bryan Bounded the democratic keynote when he de clared the republican congress had stolen democratic thunder in passing the resolution, and the apparently concerted movement of democratic governors Is designed solely for politi cal effect, because not a single state legislature was elected on this Issue. The facts are not encouraging to democratic claims, however. The res olution had the endorsement of a re publican president, was Introduced by a republican, Senator Brown of Ne braska, and passed by a housn and senate overwhelmingly republican. Its only stumbling block was placed by democratic senators, who Insisted that it be sidetracked to pass an income tax law, which the supreme court had once declared unconstitutional. Subscribers leaviaar ra city tea pnrartly aboaU fcT Tka Bi mailed ta them. Aadrrsa will I 'ne ata oftem aa requested. Damns seem Inadequate- to hold the p.frlal water courses. ' Near beer In Tennessee means close io the Virginia line. Those nonpartisan candidates for judge will now reaurrr their partisanship. The numerous Leon Lings seen In various parts of the world have proved to be only yellow mirages. Tho Rockefeller laboratory Is seek ing a cure for thet sleeping sickness. Did the investigators ever try a piano or a phonograph? Now that,, f.he'V FarJlan Insurgents have entered the capital city, the shah la now la a position to Wend a message of sympathy to Abdul Hamld. The west would appreciate the chair manship, but Is not likely to secure It. Mr. Acheson of Pennsylvania Is the ranking member, and there ar three other eastern men who outrank the first westerner, Mr. Davidson of Wis consin. Illinois will probably be given the Lorlmer vacancy, and as Iowa al ready Is represented, Missouri, Ne braska or the Dakota will make a fight for Missouri valley representa tion, the Iowa member being from a Mississippi river district. Seducing the Corporation Tax. There is every prospect that the conference committee on the tariff bill will reduce the corporation tax from 2 per cent, as fixed by the senate, to 1 per cent, but will retain the pro vision in the bill. Some changes in verbiage are also required to meet legal obstacles. The only significance In the changes is that President Taft and the house and senate leaders must believe that with proposed economies the tariff added will produce enough revenue with a 1 per cent corporation tax to meet governmental needs. The cor poration tax provision was Inserted as a revenue producer, and the amount of the tax Is simply the measure of government needs. The publicity fea tures of the bill will be Just as effec tive with a smaller as with a higher tax, and there Is neither Justice nor reason for imposing a greater tax bur den than financial necessity requires. With the treasury deficit last year, and a prospective one the current year, It Is encouraging that congressional and the treasury experts rely on the pending bill to relieve the situation. It would be mighty nice to have Mr. Bryan's legislature put the first O. K. on it, although It would be a trifle ex pensive to the taxpayers of Mr. Bryan's home state. Southern democratlo papers are busily discussing the next party plat form, but why this violent exercise when we have an eminent Neliraskan who will gladly relieve them of all labor In the premises? With fifty-four ships participating In the naval maneuvers off the Atlan tic coast, Boston feels safe from a for eign invasion for a few days at least. The chorus of demo-pop organs will now berate the supreme judges for failing to uphold th demo-pop non vartlfan Judiciary act. That's part of the play. When Nebraska gets the figurehead from the battleship named from the state visitors to the state house may see that much of the. navy without go ing to salt water. If the end of the world comes aa predicted, on September 15 next, won't it seem strange to the Angel Gabriel if he should fall to find the Washing ton team in last place? Two big banks in Chicago have con solidated with a capital stock of $7,500,000 and deposits of $70,000,- 000. Big business enterprises require tin banks to meet their needs. Convicts from the Missouri peniten tiary Were taken out to work in the train fields In order to save the crop, bnt It Is not every state which has uough convicts to go around. Governor Shallenberger 13 also ac quiring the Chautauqua habit, but hardly gets tho percentage of the gate receipts which another distinguished Nebraska democrat commands. IT th Standard Oil company goes into the butter manufacturing business It may be figured a retaliation for the inroads on the asle grease trade by some of the nearbutter makers. Death of Astronomer Newcomb. In he death of Sliu6n Newcomb America loses Its greatest astronomer. While ranking as admiral In the United States navy Prof. Newcomb was not a sailor, but for seventeen years was professor of mathematics at the naval academy. Hl9 first public servloe was in assisting In compiling the nautical almanac, and from that time on his advancement In his pro fession was rapid. His tables are Btlll used In the nautical almanac, by which the location of vessels In all parts of the world are told by stellar observa tlons. At the time of his death he easily outranked all American astrono mers, living or dead, and was recog nized abroad by the French academy, the emperor of Germany and the Brit ish Astronomical society. His most notable achievement was computing the orbits of the asteroids. As a scientist Prof. Newcomb did not attract so much public attention as' some others, because he confined his public opinions to well demon Btrated facta and theories, and never gave out fanciful and startling inter views. The scientific world owes much, however, to hla accurate and carefnl research In his chosen field. In addition to astronomy, he was also a deep student of political economy. A young aeronaut has made a trip over the tops of New York's sky scrapers with a dirigible balloon, and If he did nothing else, he at least made the people of the metropolis look up to him. A rain of frogs is said to have de layed trains In New York, but reports do not state whether It was because ' tlieT? was so many of them or because tho engineer stopped to collect bait for a fishing trip. lt Accordlng"fd outward appearances Bolivia and Peru are going about it In earnest to ge up a war. It Is as easy to pull off a war in South America as a duel in France, and the one is as serious aa the other. The coming Corn show at Omaha Is to havo an exhibit- of grata from one of Pharoah'a tombs. Even If It failed to geroiinat and grow in the valley of the Nile, we believe it would prodMce a good crop if planted In our rich Ne braska soil in tho valley of the Platte House Committees. Speaker Cannon baa indicated his Intention to complete the organization of the house by announcing committee appointments the last day of the spe cial session, so that everything may be In readiness for regular business In December. Speaker Cannon has in this demonstrated his wisdom, for not only will the early appointment expe dite congressional business, but nam ing them on the last day will permit members to nurse their sore spots during vacation, and reasonable seren ity will prevail in December. Promotions to the senate of several old members and the defeat of others at the last election will necessitate many changes in committees. The greatest interest centers around the banking and currency committee, in view of the revision of the currency laws, which will be undertaken at the coming session. The principal contest Is between Mr. Fowler of New Jersey, present chairman, .and Mr. Vreeland of New York, representing divergent ideas on currency, and this is further complicated by a personal difference between Mr. Fowler and Speaker Can non. The speaker has decided views on currency as on other subjects, and in spite of personal inclinations Is likely to name the one nearest In har mony with himself. Much Interest also attaches to the committee on rivers and harbors, who3 chairman, Mr. Burton, has been promoted to the senate, as has Mr. LoriniL-r of Illinois, while Mr. Ellis of Missouri was defeated for re-election! So-Called Nonpartisan Law Defunct. The so-called nonpartisan judiciary law, enacted for strictly partisan pur poses by the late demo-pop legislature, has met an early death by collision with the constitutional guarantees of free speech, free assemblage and free elections. The decision of the su preme court voiding this act will not be surprising to anyone at all familiar with its provisions, not even to its au thors or to the law-makers who voted for It under party whip, because on Its very face It ran counter to the express provisions of the constitution. Passing over other questionable features, the rock on which this so- called nonpartisan Judiciary act has foundered Is its attempt to prevent any political party, committee or con vention from "In any manner whatso ever indorsing, recommending, censur ing, criticising or referring to any candidate" for Judicial office. This would prohibit any political assem blage from exposing or denouncing the despotism of a modern Jeffries or the corruption of a venal Judge. It would also be the bulwark of Judicial usurpation and the shield of Judicial Incompetency. It would prevent con certed action to rid the state of any odious judge who proved himself un trustworthy, and Instead of promoting liberty and equality before the law, it would smooth the way for the Judicial tyrant. There Is nothing In the constitution to prevent the legislature from pre scribing the form of ballot to be used in all elections. The legislature may, If It wishes, remove the party circle and require every voter to put a cross' mark after the name of each candidate of his choice. It may even go further and remove the party designation from the ballot, so that each voter must find the name of his preferred candidate without any identifying mark of party affiliation. But the legislature has no authority to throttle the right of free assemblage and free speech by forbid ding Indorsement, approval or criti cism of public officers or candidates for public office. In this respect there Is no difference between the Judicial office and other offices, each being legitimate subjects of criticism or ap proval by Individuals, or assemblages of Individuals, whether under the name of the republican party, the so cialist party, the prohibition party, the Anti-Saloon league, the Christian En deavor or tho State Federation of Labor. The annullment of the so-called non partisan Judiciary law throws the elec tion in Nebraska this year back under the system of direct party nomination, which will give the people ample facil ity to choose between the various as pirants for office. If our democratic friends are really In earnest in thetr prating about nonpartlsanshlp there Is nothing whatever to prevent them from supporting one or two repub licans on their ticket. If they are constitutionally opposed to having party designations attached to the names of Judicial candidates there Is nothing whatever to prevent them from foregoing their party nominations and letting their candidates go on the ticket by petition, and depending upon their own personal merit and popular ity to attract support. But, of course, our demo-pop friends will do nothing of tho kind. They will come to tho front with a full quota of partisan candidates for the nonpartisan office of Judge of the supreme court They have been merely playing a political trick in the hope of catching some wind for the stilled sails of the demo pop craft, realizing that they had noth ing to lose and everything to gain. Wo do not believe, however, that any num. ber of intelligent voters In Nebraska will be fooled by such transparent de ception. A (food Indication. Washington Post. The crop reports Indicate that farmera will be found on the bread next winter. few line Sarpaaalnar Splendors. Indianapolis News On the other hand, supposing the gov ernment should furnish quarters for its forelitn ambapsadors, they would hardly be of magnificence to enable the Incum bents to pull off such a funotlon as that with which the Reida entertained the world last evening-. Jfeajllarenpr of a Strict Constructionist Washington Herald. Now that It haa been demonstrated that the government can make Its own Ice at a coat of , 66 cents a ton, It would aeem to be up to some friend of the Ice trust to make It plain to the United States Sonate that It Is unconstitutional for the government to make Its own Ice. I.lTrra Ont of Whack. New Tork World. The activity of bishops In pointing out and condemning the evila of modern con ditions In America reveals a remarkable congeniality for the role of devil's advo- oate. A strong voice raised in some quar ter In praise of a single feature of our national life would be refreshing by way of contrast. Is everything rotten In Denmark? Around New York Jalpplse era the Curraa of life as Seen la the Oreat Amerteaa Metropolis from Bay to Day. Give the Coletre Boya a Reat. New York World. "Why Is it that a young man degen erates within six months after he enters college?" asks a Nebraska pedagogue at the Denver convention of the National Education association. Does he? And what proportion ef the whole number? Why not let the poor colleges alone for a while, now that commencement is over and the boat raceB and baseball series are settled? Bundle of Graft Money Unclaimed. Philadelphia Uecord. One hundred thousand dollars of graft money in Indiana la likely to go to char ity. The member of the legislature to whom It 1b alleged to have been paid Is dead. So there is no evidence against the agent of the American Tobacco company, who, of course, refuses to claim the cash. The taint on the money la likely to be re moved by the purposes to which It will be devoted. Heeded Imralarratlon Restrictions. Baltimore American. The deportations tf undesirable alien are Increasing, and certainly from the recorda which are being made here other coutrtrlea cannot reasonably complain that while as a refuge and a home this country, In Its vast resources, la ready and willing to accomodate their surplus population, we object to furnishing a. dumping ground for the paupers, Idlota and criminals they wish to be rid of. r.rpcciany naa the criminal alien clase been drawing attention to its own un deslrablllty, as we -have enough and to spare of criminals fi Our own. A stricter watch on the stream .pouring through our gates win Denent all around. The St. Louis Republic has started in on Us second century of existence, though not all of the time under that name. There were not many people west of the Allegheny mountains when the first issue of tho paper was printed and the country west and north was almost as little known as central Af rica Is now. What a story of progress Its flies could tell. RAILROAD RAIL SI FEB VISION. .Kinsr oi Track Essential (.,,.,-. L'nder Review. Brooklyn Eagle. The block signal and train control i. of the Interstate Commerce Commission nn- Determined that it has power to liv vestlgate the composition of steel rails and ufMeuuia wnai Kind shou d ha i,mA k roadB engaged In interstate commerce All of which means supervision of rall- mamng and the erection of a standard rau. ear ago ana more, aa the frost up coming out of the ground, there was an unusual number of accidents growing out of broken rails. The railroad managers ""uu" " to me making of the rails ay a new process under whloh the steel was brittle and peculiarly susceptible to me alternations of heat and cold. A rather bitter war broke out between steel rail makers and users. Pince then the s-reater roada have been experimenting with rails made under another process. Now the safety-appliance division of the Interstate Commission entere Into tho field of In veatlgatlon. The steel rail makers may not like the assumption of power. Perhaps the users will not; bnt the chances are they will have to submit to the standard the com mission may act up aa the result of lta Investigation. It Is a "consummation de voutly to be wished." Greater New York's police department employs 10,000 men at a cost of nearly $15,000,000 a year. There are 8.800 active policemen, exclusive of officers and sta tion functionaries, and they are expected to protect tiie lives and property of 4.0P0. 000 people living on a ground area of 80 square miles, besides watching a water front of 341 miles. These figures help to an understanding of the task of preventing rrlira and running down nnd punishing criminals In a great city. For the first six months of the present year there were 113 homicides In the borough of Manhattan alone, and no one of the perpetrators haa been apprehended. "To a degree," saya the Brooklyn Earle, "this reflects upon the Intelligence of the detective force, yet In Justice to the polloe the diffi culties confronting those who set eut to trail asKaseins In a big city should not be overlooked. It is easy to clamor against the police when a murder mystery remains unsolved, but It Is well to remember that all great centers of population have their mysterious crimes and their unraveled clues, and that this is as true of Euro pean cities, where the science of detection has been brought to Its highest estate, as It Is of cities In the United States. "There are Innumerable holes and cor ners In this huge metropolis, where the taking of life can be accomplished wltliout the cries of the victim being heard by any human being. The ease with which a man choked and beat a woman to death In a dark and obscure hallway on East Thirteenth street the other night and then coolly slipped away from the neighbor hood of his crime, Is typical of the facili ties the city offers to criminals of the worst sort. There are hundreds of tene ments on the East and West sides of Manhattan where the sounds of a fatal scuffle would attract no more than pausing i attention from people accustomed to drunken brawls and family squubbles. And not more difficult than the commis sion of crime is the escape of the criminal after crime has been committed. Give to murderer a reasonable start and there U no place In the world where he can so readily cover up hia tracks and escape no tice as In a city of 4 000,000 people. And this Is more especially true In those cases where a fugitive can count on the assist ance of (rlends to help In baffling the po lice, an assistance too commonly rendered la the foreign quar'ers of New York." Something like consternation was tempo rarily created In the business world re cently by a cipher manuscript discovered in the possession of a burglar arrested In New York. When translated, this docu ment appeared to be a complete guide to cracking safes, a regular manual of In struction for cracksmen. It named many of the different kinds of safes manufac tured, pointed out the weak points of each, and gave a recipe for "soup," an explosive made from dynamite, warranted to shatter the strongest money-box. Judging from the statements of this remarkable manu script, no safe is secure from burglarious attack. In spite of all the many Improve ments made In the oonotructlon of these receptacles for valuables, only a favorable opportunity Is needed by the experienced burglar to rifle them of their contents. She was In a very bad temper aa she boarded an Amsterdam avenue car. Her temper was not Improved by the fact that as she drew a quarter of a dollar from her Jeweled gold purse the coin slipped frorn her fingers and rolled on the floor of the car. She made no move to recover the money, but when the conductor came in to collect her fare she pointed with the tip of her handsome parasol to the coin. "I dropped my fare," she said snappishly; "pick It up." The young conductor looked her In the eye for Just a moment and then, stooping he picked the coin from between the slats on the floor covering. Leisurely he took four nickels from IiIb pocket and put them where the quarter had been before. Maybe It was the effort of bending that made his face red. When he straightened up he rang up the fare, turned and sauntered back to the rear platform. The Internal revenue collections from the beer tax have fallen oft in this district, but not enough to affect the salary of the internal collector, who will doubtless continue to do busi ness at the old stand without handing in his resignation on that account. With federal meat Inspection and the state pure food inspection depart ment, it seems to ua that Omaha should be able to have lta meat come from Inspected slaughtering houses without incurring additional expense out of the city treasury. Numerous complaints are made that the chicken industry is becoming a nuisance in cities because the crowing of roosters wakes people up too early in the morning. Her I a chance for someone to achieve fame by inventing a crowless roaster. It Is up to Governor Shallenberger to say whether the Nebraska legisla ture shall be convened In extra session to ratify the Income tax amendment to the fedre.1 constitution. Of course, , be ooiiti. al trouble. CP GO THE IMUCES. American Woolen Combine Iteacoln tor More Profits. Chicago Tribune. Twenty-seven woolen mills, all but one of them in New England, were consolidated to form the American Woolen company, with a capltallEatlon of r5.000.000. It la the controlling force in a great Industry. When It lays down the law as to the price of woolen clotha the clothing manufacturers have to accept the terms. It has sent out notice of an advance tn prices of from 12Vi io a per cent on those of a year ago. ii explains in Its circular that It would be hopeless to attempt to fight an advance which la necessitated by the Increased price of wool. All gradea are higher than they were a year ago, and to pay the customury 7 per cent dividends on preferred stock and add large sums to the surplus fund, the company finds It necessary to ank mnro for ila finished products. The clothing man uiaciurer ui have to ask more for his goods and next winter or spring the con- aumer will have to pay more for his cloth ing. There la a black outlook for him. The prU-e of wool has been going up steadily for months. If the American Woolen company had any regard for con sumers, It would have gone before the committee on ways and means and asked for a reduction In the duties of wool. That reduction would have offset to some ex tent the advance in price. It did not do s. The woolen manfaclurers do not dare to break their contract with the American wool growera, a contract which provides excessive duties for both psrtles. They have had their quarrels In the past, but for several years they have worked together harmoniously for the exploitation of the consumers. The Impending advance In the price or clothing will not be due to the tariff legis lation of thla aesaion, which will be a re enactment of existing legislation. But it will be Impossible to make consumers be lieve It. When they see the enactment of a new law followed by an advance In the price of clothing, they will reason that the law did It, and aa It will be Impossible to argue them out of their belief, there will "Judge" Rosa Bender, the superintend ent of one of the model family houses on the East Side of New York, Is so called because, with sympathy and acumen, she settles all the disputes of the 800 tenants In her charge. "Judge." Bender was talking the other day about the host of children in her enormous model house. "They delight me," she aald. "They are continually doing and saving the quaint est things. For Instance, a little chap told me the other day that his yellow dog Salome had died. " 'An' I bet the angels wus scalrt,' he said, 'when they seen Salome comln' up the golden stairway, for Salome wus alius crows to people what hadn't much olo's on.' Another little boy," pursued Judge Ben der, "Bald last month to his mother: " 'Ma, get me a little baby sister, will ye? I'm awful lonesome.' "'Yes, my child, I will,' the mother n awered, with a glad smile. 'I promise you either a sister or a brother,' "A baby sister Is there now, but that boy often growls In the middle of the night at her: " 'Say, If I'd knowed what a yeller ye win goln' to be, I wouldn't have ordered ye.' " A smoking room for women Is Included In tho plan for a "two million and a half dining place" on Broadway, which will open In September and contain ev ry ele ment of luxury besides. This womens' smoking room is expected to cost more than T5.000. We are further told ihat "the furnlfhlng will be Assyrian, and attendants In the garb of Babylonian days will hand the fair smokers tare bronze caskets filled with the costliest clsareta." There Is much rivalry between J'.idges rWalsky and O'Sulllvan of the general sessions In New York, and last week it looked as If O'Sulllvan had the laugh on his rival for all time. He had a man be fore him whose name was Rosalsky, but who swore that he wasan Irishman. But Friday things were evened up when a man named Flynn was brought before Judge Rosalsky and swore he was a Jew. PERSONAL NOTES. A Stalen Island man grew wrary of being annoyed by Black Hand threats and killed the troublesome pair of fellows who had been making them. There Is no prevision of law by which he may be given a medal. A visitor to the Zambesi region noies with surprise that natives In a spirit of wantom destruction drive game Into the river. Exactly the same spirit actuated the extinction of the buffalo. Gunpowder happened to be more convenient than a river. Among the regular lodgers at the quar ters of the Young Men's Christian associa tion at Washington Is Senator Lorlmer of Illinois. Mr. Lorlmer lived at the assocla tlon while a member of the house, and an nounces that he will continue to make the association house his abode. James Blair, widely known throughout Scotland as king's fiddler, has passed away at Aberdeen, aged S3. Blair and his father. Willie Blair, had been connected with the royal family as players of strathspeys for more than sixty years, and James trained the prince of Walea, Prince Edward and the princesses of that day in the art of Highland dancing. Rear Admiral Benjamin P. Lamberton, U. S. N., who was Dewey's chief of staff In the battle ot Manila bay, has become totally blind, the result. It Is said, of the severe strain to which he was subjected in that engagement. Admiral Lamberton, who is one of the most cheerful men, has a beautiful home In Washington and is deeply Interested In church work In that city. Governor Stubbs of Kansas, who haa been asked to be a candidate for congress, de clares that he wouldn't accept a certificate of election if It were offered to him. "1 am too much In love with the Job of being governor of Kansas," he says. "I am de lighted with It The Impoi tunttii-B or ofriceseekers, the routine of the governor's office all of that does not bother me." In recognition of the heroism of Major U Brlen, an Irishman, who was the com manding officer of the Korty-nlnlh rtgl ment of Infantry of the Austrian army, and who contributed largely to t lie vic tory over the French forces in the battle of Schwarzlacknau, on May 23, ISO.), a monument was recently unveiled near iho battlefield with much pomp and ceremony. KARLY SAUTE TO KIU CORN. Cereal Monarch 'In Win a; On a liuac Front. Boston Transcript. While the country Is doubtless deeply In terested In the final outcome of the work of tariff revision, it Is fully as much inter ested In the crop prospect. The effect of the former Is somewhat speculative. The crops are a practical and definite measure of prosperity, and the report of the crop reporting board of the government to date is highly encouraging. It Is, of oourse, too early to say what the harvest shall be, but j in actual conauion bi me present tune there has been a great enrichment of promise over the previous month, as a reference to the statistics will show. The condition of the wheat crop Is better than last year, and the same seems to be true of oats, which have been somewhat un satisfactory In recent years, but the regal source of bounty, If present Indications are sustained, Is going to be the corn crop. In spite of alternations of wet and dry sea sons, our great staple has not yet ranea us. The grand average has been one of bundanc.e, and the prediction that this year Is to surpass In production all that have preceded Is an exceedingly comforting one. What an appeal to the Imagination there Is in the estimates of three billion bushels of the golden grain. In condition It Is now nearly seven full points ahead of a year ago, and In acreage It shows an In crease of 7,218,000. This equals a territory larger than the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island combined, entirely de voted to corn. In addition to that planted last year, and there la small prospect of a material drop In prlcea. The automobile trade among the farmers of the middle west ought to be rushing this year. CHECKING BILLBOARD NUISANCE An Example Worth Following! In Every Afflleted City. Philadelphia Ledger. It was Governor Stokes of New Jersey who distinguished himself by proposing to the legislature of his state a practical plan of taxation by which It-was hoped to put an end to the hideous disfigurement of the countryside by advertising signs. Nothing came of this laudable movement for the preservation of natural scenery, and perhaps the mears suggested the penaliza tion of the landowner by excessive taxa tionwas not the best way of going about the reform. In any event, a woman'a club of Cambridge, Mass., has begun a campaign to bring about a reduction of the billboard nuisance and will give a test to the efficacy of moral suasion. Circular letters have been aent out to leading ad vertisers, asking their co-operation In the beautlflcatlon of the city and In the preser vation of such natural beauties as already exist, and thus far the results have been surprisingly favorable. Many business men have agreed without conditions to abandon the billboard method of making their wares known, and others have agreed to Join the movement provided others will do so. It remains to be seen whether per suasion will be more than temporarily efficacious In accomplishing the desired result. LAUGHING GAS. "Well, this Is certainly eras manna-v menr ' cried tl-e liianman oi ior r,,-i mlttee investigating the state Instltuti, ' Hut you must remember. '' pleads! ' aupritntrmli'iil. "I tint this Is an Ins, as lutn." Baltimore. American. Judge You are chaifd with King leader of an organised band of plckpoi k, . Prisoner Vt en. rril have l Impost fine on de . oi poratlon, den, yer know; . can't punish me p rsonally : Puck. "A cannon craiker," said I'ncle All Sparks, after the i-elebiatlon as o, "IB another of thoxe things with fire ti one end and a fool at tho other." Chi cago Tribune. "Father." snld little Sollo, "what Is a political trickster?'' "I can't give you a definition that will cover all vaiities. Hut in tho genet al iitiih he is a member of the opposition .um succeeds In having his own way." Wash ington Star. "Aha, villain!" exclaimed the detecth. as he burst In the door; "at laet 1 haw found you out!" "On the contrary," observed the crlmimr,, "vou have found me in." 'uitlng his nalla in futile rage the buff,. 1 sleuth withdrew. Harvard Lampoon. "Sir," began the raller, "I enme to ".i In the Interest of the city's poor rhtldnvi 1 thought you might like to contribuu our fresh air fund for them." "Of courHe," said Mr. Stlnjay, the weal h. suburbanite, "you might take as much .! you please from my place, but how i the wond are you going to carry n .' Catholic Standard and '1 lines. AS TWILIGHT FALLS. Martha Shepard Llpplncott. As twilight falls and everything Prepares to take a peaceful .est; Then, love, my thoughts will fly to thee, To dwell with one 1 love the best. Within the haven of thy heart Most blissful rest I hope to find. And though tho world around me sn'ini- Whal care I if thou still art kuu.' As twilight falls and nlt;ht comes on. No darkness will o'enioud my x.mi!. And 1 shall rem contentedly In thy fond heart, my long-so,iglii goal. Thou f ir shalt be my soul's true gui.li. My beckoning . star, so clem bright, That liKiu.'i the pathway of my life To ever teach mo what Is right. We will not mind, though twilight fa!ls. For lovers' eyes, though shut, ;ni see; And though black darkness may surround My heart will find its way to thee. No barriers can intervene Through which love will not find the way, For It hmli e'er an Inner light To pierec the dark to find the day. And when life's twilight softly falls I'pon our faithful hearts, at last. To bid out free souls upward soar, When earthly days too soon are past; Then may we go, with hand in hand. To our dear Father's home above, To dwell forever side by side, In an eternal, blissful love. The Size of the Lens Has 'much to do with the comfort or discomfort of your exe glanaes. Lenses loo large mHun Increased weight, annoying reflection, unslght Itness. Lenses too small bring it 111 greater annoyances. Taste and skill In the selection of the lenses and style of mounting make our glasf-es more becoming and most comfortable, always will ing to examine your eyes. Uuteson Optical Co., 213 S. 16TII ST., OMAHA. Factory on the premises. SALT SULPHUR WATER also the "Crystal Lithium" water from Excelsior Springs. Mo., in 6-gallon sealed Jugs. 5- gallon Jug Crystal Lltbla Water. .2 6- gallon Jug Salt-Sulphur water $2.2fl Duy at either store. We sell over 100 kinds mineral water. Sherman & McConneil Drug Go. Sixteenth and Dodg Sis. Owl Drug Go. Sixteenth nd Harney Sti "Yello" Is Best ' The new cereal food, "Yello" (toasted cornflakes), is made in the largest mills in the world, from the finest yellow corn ; naturally they are the best of all toasted cornflakes. Effective K.docatloo. Brooklyn Kagle. The process of civilizing the Moro goes on apace. We would rather educate this redoubtable heathen In the Philippine schools, but since he declines to be thus Improved and Insists on shooting holes In our soldiers, nothing remains but to re taliate In kind. Moroes thus educated never need postgraduate Instruction. Ovrrresrklsf Itself. Wall Street Journal. In discovering a formula whereby the finest of table butter ran be made from erude petroleum, the astute chemists of the Standard Oil Co. may have orerreached themselves. If the farmer Is to be driven out of existence because of this lateat by-product, who la to burn karoaaiisT Bargains for Boys The mid-summer season finds our stock of boys' clothing a good deal broken in sizes. It is to your advantage and ours to dis pose of these lots now. We have taken all our $6.00 and $6.50 two-piece suits and all the broken lines that sold up to $10.00 and put them all in at one price to clear them out, sizes 8 to 16 oo There is a great variety of both fabrics and patterns to choose from. $1.00 Dlouse Waists, 65c. 25 per cent discount on All Wash Salts. Do your shopping early. We close at 5 p. m. during July and August; except Saturday," 10 p. m. TirowninuTCing & Cq 'CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HAT8, . i rlr l ttlN 1 n ANO DOUuLAS STRcETb, R. S. WILCOX. ManA& D V J we V