TIIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1900. 'w olo st t r. OiifcGreal Semi-Annual Clearing Sale OF Women's High Class Silk Dresses and White Lingerie Dresses at Half Price COMMENCES WEDNESDAY AT 9 A M. Included in the great clearance sale are about 50 white Lingerie Dresses and about 50 Silk prBMeg. Every garment is high class and was made for this season's selling." All the 17.60 White Lingerie Dresses Wednesday, each 93.75 All the $10.60 White Lingerie Dresses Wednesday, each $5.25 All lh HVQ0,vWhlte Lingerie Dresses Wednesday, each $7.50 All tie Tl.6 "White Lingerie Dresses Wednesday. eagh . r', . . , ; i $9.75 All tho 30.00 White Lingerie Dresses Wednesday. each i i $15.00 Sepcial July Clearing; Hand some $1.25 Cream Storm Serge, 50-in.; Now 98c Yd. Most exceptional value! White, serge. fashionable for the city, the seashore, the mountains, the! country club, yachting . ,Vou can scarcely think of a place Where a white serge skirt doesnt lend an air of distinction to Its wearer.. Nothing so free from the catching of dust and mussing as thesa sergws. PHUl 6Q inches wide. Ball, Doug-. 61S dowr. tht.-Buft Str1 hill, which has blocked the xlif J of Twenty-fourth street, J,on.,thflr fit M cents per cubic yard. (Wer "ifOOO ouiif yards of earth must be remoVex! and clxf Engineer Craig said the bid was'mori tttari 'reaona"bly low. Wawa, Do you know what it meanst If you would like to know, writ W. 0. Cookson, A. a. P. A., Grand Trunk Railway System, 136 Adame street, Chlqago, who will Send you a beautifully Illustrated booklet, which tells and at the same time describes the new hotel which bears the name. The Weather. WASHINGTON, July lS.-Forocast of the westhqr or Wednesday and Thursday lfDfVskal - iow'a' and' Mlssourt- Fair. For .JSouth Dakota-Falr and ' cooler WedK&da) ilThursd fclr. ' Per Kanee Falf and.tcontlnued rwarm. For- Montana and. Cdlerado Generally falf.ste4V' -.,.'j't- . Temperatures at Omaha yesterday: ..Hour ' 7 a. tn.. I......,,. W UvUM.i....H...... 77 vV. m... ...... 7 ; . ra.. ................. 78 . t Jfw3n..t.-t 81 ii- ...Wy H S p. m-..s.v M 4 p."m U 7 p. rti. tl 5 p. m..., 80 9 p. m.... 78 truest Record. OFFttfc OF TIIE WKATHEIl HITREAU, OMAHA.- July lS.-rffletal record of tem- o.iatur fin el preeipilaiton, compared witn i if crfir; ipomllng day or the last three ynn; . 1W. 190S. 1907. 19W MaxIntfTm ttnprtur....' 83, 7 85 Mininiuni temperature.... v tt 70 6H if Meun temperature 74 74 7 74 t 'reci'pTrat loft J. . .00 . 04 .8 .00 in 'mine ana precipitation cienart on 7.f, mint ul at, Omaha since Marc nd ciMparrexl - With the lust two years iot''ml temrM-f n ture neftcien,eV the day.'. 77 . S Total defk-lenry lnce March 1 Z36 Kormad-p uitUairin..e. lb inch UeflckMrry 6r 'th day...; ,v .14 Inch I'reiHpT'naoii M'ru.-f. ilaich 1 VM Inches Rxrerfj jlnfe Iart 1..... 09 Inch K&cefts for cor. period. lttlS t.6 inches DeUci jnv.-for .er. jriod. 1W.... 7.01 Inches Hrpurla f rom ' Htatloaa at T V. M. atatio( and Slate Tern. Max. Rain- f rather. 7 p. in. Tern. fall Bismarck, raining; 62 82 .26 T .00 Cheyenne, cjoudy 72 80 cnicaao, pi. cieuay is 84 Hi 84 6S Tl .82 86 84 84 80 8X 82 86 84 l'avenpurt. uleaiv. Ienver, cloudy... - T .01 .11 .(W .uu .00 .ou ..to .00 .00 .uo ,00 .00 Havrew olvar'.m Ueloka U,-ar:L..i..;,.. ....... 72 HuroriTji-ar,,. ...... 82 iNLannaJ'ily.- cfea?... W Noiili 1'iatie. pt. cloudy.'.. . K0 Omaha, clear Kapid Oliyrlear..,:......... St. Louis, clear. ..... St. raul.l-.r Bait 4ke lAkv. rjar..v... Vale,nilpe, ieai W UliSVcJI; Clttr...r.. 82 80 82 78 Bt 66 74 i i& oau.- (.ace of preclp.tailon, U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster PlejisejbGroYds Rule Here 8cnspr Jhnjc. Xd.'i Clearancs Successful Because' b! Un- usual Lines Oflered. The "small woman," who finds It hard enough to secure pteperly modeled gar ments at any time, -halls a "Benson 4 Thorns Co. Sale event," With double gusto. The same holds good with those who hays, to do with the supplying of mlwea,' VirlB, boys' and young mens' attire need fols and jhoe'pHTjf whlctt are now being thoroughly 'bargaAued" at this popular '.wttabltsatfnent, the oocaalon being the "4inlA.nnuai .aiiearance Sale." The yowdj participating In the presant spacaJ, atlllng,. araf creating a new sale . record i for . thai hoaseVpleaaed patrons are the ' riiTe-ttbeVal buyini la aoparent In 'every 4jirien' . "V're the star twtoa 'larger the multitudes of shoppars would Just. aptarn.tf Truly. 'fh ''HeniKa.nnOal Clearance Bitf' c"ffrby ,th coirrn Is well worth ones' 'WhltarMlta ku Jjoi'1 Clearance offered by ,a thoiaaej 4bat guaids Ms reputation Jeal . (ajaly ' e.-.. , . IseCllhfrs ajjma, gttlre iwed that VOU .CwUldiLSeyat. a.tusuuldabla reduction? ,,lt. Vou wUt tlnd yourself pleasantly waited pon. despite the ruah. BKNSON T1IOBNE CO., Ult-UIT tuuglaa u 4 Skirt Sale :. ' Bee, 7-11-01. mm 1 1 i lie M. rif Jaly ul AofBt p SatnMay'e All the 125.00 Silk each All the $30.00 Bilk All the $35.00 Silk ach .... All tho $80.00 Silk . ch All the $65.00 Silk "each ' Petticoats! Petticoats! Of Heatherbloom Taffeta Made to Your Special Measure, $1.98. , The Heatherbloom ' Taffeta Petticoats we are making li our "Famous Model" No. 00Y If you' haven't seen it ask your friends who have already bought. Nearly all colors ex cepting black and white. The new browns and new Yale blue are great favorites. -Main floor. BOTH HOS BBACX 1U PUTTS). TAFT NOW SUMMER BACHELOR How President Spend Say with Fam ily in Far Off Beverly. AUTO ENLIVENS LONG EVENINGS Ride Vsnallr Be-ln at i80 O'clock with Some Member of the Cabi net or Conarreaa ava at Companion. WASHINGTON, July U.Prsident Taft. the summer "Bachelor" of the White House Is sharing the fate of many other government officials and Washington resi dents whose famine have avotfxa way to mountains and seashore. "TTPS" president Is taking the situation philosophically, does not seem greatly to mind the hot weather and Is reading dally letters from Beverly which tell of the rapid Improvement In Mrs. Taft's health. " ' Living bachelor fashion at the White House is not fraught with the aaroe dls comfort that beset the mre tnstf wtto has bis , boms "dosed. . p on hm"V whea4il wife goes 'away arid Is compelled to seek food and lodgings as best he may. , , , The president and" Mrs. Taft divided' the White Hotine-"help" when the occuaancy of the Beverly cottage was begun, so the president 4s well taken care of and domes, tie affairs at the Whtta House run on much the same. ' Nesgrtj?-. ' The president, however, allowed Mrs Taft to take tha "first cook" to Beverly, while he makee himself content with the "second cook." Tha second cook Is a leg acy from the Roosevelt administration, a negro girl named Mary who halls from Virginia anil whnae ura v nvr tha WhltA House kitchens now IS complete. Mary has tew peers as a cook In any matter gastronomic, but aa Is to be supposed, she Is at her best when frying chickens and making hoe cakes. ; The president Is en- tertalning many luncheon and dinner guests during his bachelor days and the second cook Is providing menus which few Imported ohefs could hope to equal. Ant Rid In Bvcnlnaj. The president hss happily solved the problem of disposing of the long evening by takings automobile rides about ths city and suburbs. He usually starts out on these trips about 9:30 o'clock returning to the house at 11 or later. Captain Archi bald Butts, tha president's aid, la always his companion on these Journeys and usu ally the president telephone ah Invitation to Some cabinet officer, senator or repre sentative and stops at the tatter's house or club to pick him up. The evening ride often extend out Into the beautiful Rock Creek park, which stretches for miles along the little waterway whose name It bears. At other times Mr. Taft has his chauffeur drive about thactty or on the Potomao park driveways which skirt the river back of the White House and tha Monument grounds. Aiiaing at about T o'clock, the president de votes nearly an hour, to dumb bells, pulley weights and other forms of exercises pre scribed for him. He breakfast and usually alyne, although for the last day or two he has had a guest from a.ncng tha tariff conferee. During tha moriiinj meal, and for half an hour or so afterward the presi dent reads the newspaper. Between 8:30 and 10 he begins his busy day In -the, ex ecutive office. At 1.30 comes luncheon at the ' White House always, with soma in vited guest tfor ' company. The afternoon is devoted ta golf for ths president hopes to play every afternoon that he remain In Washington. - ' "Dinner always ' find guests aaaembled and usually It is an' In formal and delightful meal, whL;h begins a little after V o'eloc miJ. continue for and hour and a half. Lnncheon for Mlee Taft. BBVEKLY, Mass., July JJ-Mre. Levi Z. Letter of Chicago was tha first Of the summer residents of the Masaachusetts north shore to act a hostess' to any member of the president's family since ths arrival of Mrs. Taft at Woodbury 1'olnt . ' Mrs. Letter today gave a luncheon In honor of Miss Helen , Taft, lb preai dent'a daughter, at the Dudley L. Hick man cottage, on Neptune street, Vbr the Letters are spending ths. summer. Tennis preceded the lunobeon. - Among tb guests was Miss Carolina Nabuco, daughter of ths Brailllaa ambassador. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS, Dr. Alfred Schalek ha returned from hi vacation in northern Wisconsin and re sumed his practloa. , Harry H. Culver, who has been mana ger for th Gaora P. Bamla Real Eatat company during th last year, ha tndrdjj( hi rMlsnatUxi. to tak effect next monthTrt'O Mr. Culver expert to opu oirtoea of hla own and engaa In th ral ttaiat bualn for hliuxlf, at ;30 F. a Dresses Wednesday, Wednesday, S12.50 Dresses Wednesday, -..$15.00 Dresses Wednesday, -$17.50 Dresses Wednesday, '. ' . .$25.00 Dresses Wednesday, $32.50 WASH BELTS Never were wash belts worn so much aa this season. Our show ing Includes all the good styles. All are daintily embroidered and have pretty pearl buckles, at 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. ' Jewel Bags, made of chamois, also linen and silk covered, at 2 Be and 50c each. . , .. , Traveling Cases, made of pretty figured Cretonne with rubber lin ing, at 75c and $1.00 each. Main floor. Saturday, the Great Skirt Sale lad. A-1S41 SAW P. T. BARNUM'S CIRCUS JUST SIXTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Jaatiro Coekrell Remember When Original Tom Thumb Traveled with Greatest Show on Earth. "It was just sixty-five years ago this summer that I saw PT. Barnum with his original show In Jerseyvllle. 111." remarked Judge O. C. Cockrell, yesterday afternoon. aa h was watching a large crowd trailing toward the circus grounds to witness the Barnum A Bailey performance. "With Barnum at that time was the original Tom Thumb. The circus traveled In a few. covered wagons then and was thought to be a great affair. "From our town a few years later a young fellow by the name of Hutchinson joined the Barnum shows and ' traveled around with them for several years. Fi nally h was. taken -In as a partner when the firm became Barnum, Bailey & Hutch inson circus. A few years later Hutchin son retired from the circus business and now Is a prominent banker In New York City. He quit the circus business, a million aire."; : 'J . ". MANDAMUS READY TO FILE EnatlUh Hai Draws' I'p Petition In Behalf, of Caldwell A Drake, . Court Hoosa Contractors... The petition of the qounty attorney for an Injunction 'compelling County.. Comptrol ler Solomon to pay the warrants of Cald well St Drake, the new court house con tractors, has been prepared and ' Is ready to be filed. The controversy arises from the faot that under the law of claims the county comp troller Is forced to hold all claims allowed by the county commissioners for ten days before delivering them. Last Saturday, when the board Issued a warrant for $6,700 to the contractors, they expected to get their money Immediately, but were delayed by Mr." Solomon's holding that their olalm would have to wait as do all other claims. The county attorney gave as his opinion thst the payments to Caldwell A Drake on their contract are not properly claim. but liquidated debts, ; nd for that reason should not be held. In the petition all these facts are set forth, as well as the reasons of the comptroller for holding up the warrants, and the court will be ex pected to ask tha comptroller to show cause for his delay. If the construction of the county attorney Is accepted, the court will Issue a writ of mandamus, permitting Cald well r Drake to get their money each month, - as soon as tt Is allowed by the commissioner. Many people with chronlo throat and lung trouble have found comfort and relief In Foley's Honey and Tar, as It cures stub born ooughs after other treatment has failed. L. M. Ruggles. Reasnor. Iowa, writes: "Ths doctors ssld I had consump tion, and I got no better until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It stopped the hemorrhages and pain In my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet." Sold by all druggists. Bon Pays Father' Debt. CREfiTON, la., July IS. (Special.) Ful- j filling the promse made to hi dying father thirty year ago, Judg Tbomaa Hart-is of Lincoln, 111., last week liquidated debts amounting to between 12,000 and 13.000 among creditors at Bedford, this state. The elder Harris was a farmer, and fortune. the fickle Jade came not his wsy. He lived for a - time at Pottsvllle, and later moved to a farm near Bedford. On his dying bed the memory oHte debts haunted him and the son promised his father that as soon as he was abl he would meet all of tha obligation. He kept a memor anda of them all, and twenty-four year ago be went ta Illinois, where be studied law, and gradually worked himself up to his present position, of judge of the circuit court of Illinois, to which he wss recently elected. Bom of the creditor at Bedford had moved away, and soma were dead but th money was paid to the heirs of those Who were dead, and th drafts placed In the hands of the proper authorf- ties to reaoh those who had moved away, and thua jh ion kept acred th promit mad to a dying parent. Tynethetne In Session. DETROIT. July it With an executive committee meeting i hi afternoon th Na tlonal Typotheta of America opened Its twantv-thlrd annual convention Lere. IC I announced that but llttlo Urn wiil be given to th "opn shop" - at this meeting. HOTWHTt OT OCBAJI STB A MITm yon. HEW YORK. AfTtve. aaUaa. . fevoiila . Ul (Mnaaal ... .Swak ;....'... Scrapie. .Hpran. ' K P Wllk.im O KurfuraC .M. Watiln(iua.,Laxa. w Toa. NDOM H Am so... I f?r. Ek, wiVi' LAWYER HUGS MISS CINGLES Erldence that ODonnell Acted in Affectionate Manner. ALIBI FOR MISS BAESETTE ' IWNn IW Wu Elwwhr oa Nlgrkt of rimoii Bathroom laeldeat Attorney a CHICAOO, July IS Wrangling tawyer andfurther testimony " Impeaching Ella Glngles story r)f her torture In the Well- ngford hotel February 17 marked the clos ing hours today of the State's case against the young Irish lac maker. ' An alibi was furtllshed for Miss Agnes May Barretts,. proprietor of a lacs store In the Wellington hotel, Who Is accused by Miss Glngles of being the moving spirit In tha plot to lesd her Into "white slavery," and of abusing and cutting her in the bath room scene. Mies Mary Hale, proprietor of a hair dressing parlor told of. meeting Miss Bar retts the evening of February 18, and of attending the theater with her. Later, she said, they went to Miss Barrette'S room and went to bed. Th1 was the time the Glngles tftrl testified she . was being mistreated by Miss Barrette and her com panions. Did Miss. Barretts .have anything to drink that evenlng.i' asked Mr. O'Donnell, on crow examination. "No I never saw her touch a drop." Action of O'lonarll. Detective Sergean Charles McNulty gave testimony showing the peculiar actions of Mr. O'Donnell whMT he was Informed a mysterious note that his client was in danger at tha hotel., O'Donnell met me in Captain O'Brien's office," said MoNultyj "We got a taxlcab, and O'Donnell .directed the driver to go to 474 La Salle avenue. . I asked him why he was going to the house first. He said hs wanted to make sure: that Ellag was not at home. He showed us the note saying she was being killed at the hotel.' Then we went to O'Dohnell's office and then to the hotel." "O'Donnell told me to go In and see If Miss Glngles was there. , I asked the clerk, and he said no on pf that name was there. We drove back to the station. Captain O'Brien met us and told us to. go back to In hotel, as Ella was In the bath room. On the way back to ths hotel O'Donnell said that there waa a man at French Lick who was employing Miss Barrette and Mrs. Kenyon as procurers. He said the man was Tom Taggart, I believe. O'Donnell Embraced Girl. When we got tt the hotel w .found Ella tt bed. She was excited - and scratched hit, O'Donnell leaned "over her and put his arms around' her and called her Dearie.' " The witness then said that he examined the bath room and found the transom covered with 'dost, showing -that no one could have crawled over it, as alleged by Miss Glngles, Attorney O'Donnell' lasted the witness- If he (the attorney) eer"J had shown any thing more than a friendly feeling for Miss Glngles. ' Mr." Short objected, Saying this was a self-serving- question. In th- debate that followed between the lawyers they nearly came t6 blows, and fhe Judge Interfered with difficulty. ' CONFEREES ARE' - IIARU1T WORK .(Continued frtyn- First .Page.) talned by Representative Kjlnkhead of New Jersey, who. will mujjter ln.o service Rep resentatives, darner,.. Texas; McPermott, Illinois; - James, . Kentucky,; .Hughes, New Jersey; Garrett, ..Tennessea Dan Drlscoll New York; O'Connell, Massachusetts; Hef lin, Alabama, and Robinson, Arkansas. . Tha republicans, under the captaincy of Representative Tenor: of' Pennsylvania, will put forth Messrs. Thomas, Ohio; Anthony, Kansas; Vreeland, New York; Cole, Ohio; Butler, Pennsylvania; ' Dawnon, Iowa; Taylor, Ohio; ' Morehead, Pennsylvania; Bennett, New York; Longworth, Ohio; Slemp, Virginia; ' Burke, Pennsylvania; Denby, Michigan; Gaines, West Virginia. and HawlSy, Oregon. The proceeds w(ll go into the treasury of th Playgrounds association. WHOLESALE , FORGER CAUGHT Man Who Paaaed JUaay. Spurlons Or- tlfleatea of Deposit on Iowa Banks. Taken. IOWA CITY. Ia.. July U.-SpeclaI.)- John Bauer, the map who cleverly passed a forged certificate of deposit for $1,600 upon the Iowa City -State bank six .weeks ago, is in tha hands of the Rock Island police and will be brought to this county for a trial. Ths case has been In the hands of tha leading detective . agencies of tha country . for tha last month and the prisoner was apprehended by JL A. Grant of Chicago, a Plnkerton detective, at Rock Islsnd, 111. When confronted with- the Iowa City men after his arrest Saturday at Rock Island Bauer denied all knowledge of the Iowa City - crime, but later practically confessed and will undoubtedly plead guilty when brought here for trial. Bauer ha been working bin scheme all over the unitea Mates ana wun great success.. - His. plan was to present a cer tificate of deposit and borrow a portion of Its face value, taking a certificate of deposit from the bank for the remainder The original certificates he obtained from an engraving house - In Cincinnati, by posing as U representative of a bank which was a customer of the engraving house. - - " Although he touched the Iowa City bank for SU00 ' tt waa considerably less than some other mitltution vuuea ny Bauer A Grand Rapid, Mich'., bank paid him over $2,500 and many other were atung to the extent of 81,600 and over. -Bauer- will be charged with forgery and hi trial may reault In a flften-year sen tence. - HYMENEAL Baffler-Jordan. Mis Laura M. Jordan, daughter ot David Jordan, and Howard N. Barley of Graad Junction, la., were married by Rev. Charles W. Savldge, at hla resldsncs Monday afternoon. An lavltatloa ta Wonaea. The Lydla E. Pink ham Medicine com pany of Lynn, Ma., cordially Invite any woman interested to call at their labora tory at Lynn, Mas., and for herself th car which Is taken with th vast oor respondents relvd from th woman of this country-' No lattar or testimonial ha ver bra mad publlo without th written wish or oonsant of th writer. Na onfl dnc has ver ban violated, and never In their" hiatory bava thy old or dla poasd of any of their Utter from woman. It 1 for the reasons that thousands of suffering AmHcn woman vry year fl ft to writ Mr. Plnkham for bar. valua ble advloa, which la always given f rss of charge. BRIEF CITY NEWS 1909 J U LY 1909 SUN M0N TUC WED THU Fftl SAT I 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 Id 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728 293031 Kava Boot Print n. Omaha Bletrl Works repairs elevators. Uafcart, photographer, nth Farnam. Ktya, photo, removed ta llth Howard. John A. sloott has filed for county com missioner. Sc.tUtabl Ufa Polio, sight draftaat maturity. H. D. Nsely, manager, Omaha Xp you moay and valuabl tn th American Safe Deposit vaults In th building. Boxe rant from SI to 11. Th Xabraaka Savings ft Xoaa Ass' a loans on homes only In Douglss county. Servlc prompt, terms reaaonabl. ioard of Trad building. Lumbar Company load John Vachal Is suing tha Chicago Lumber company for $10,000 for damages sustained while load ing lumber In the yards. Two More ril for Nomination Judge Charle Leslie has filed for renomlnatlon aa county Judge. Fred W. Anheuser Is a democratic applicant for the primary nomination as police judge. toward Btor Work's Incorporates The Howard Stove Works of Ralston has been incorporated for $200,000 by L. Howard, Irving F. Baxter, James H. Van Dunen and Howard B. Graham. The Cook Shoe company, a $7,000 corporation, has been organised by Herbert Y. Cook, James D. Jamieson and Surah H. Cook. Ask $10,000 of Z.ameraax Hugh Wil liams, an 8-year-old boy, 1 suing through his father, John Williams, for $10,000 from Edward W. Lamoreaux, a grading con tractor. ' It 1 alleged In the petition that the boy, who lives near Florence was al lowed to play with some dynamite caps and In the resulting explosion had several fingers blown' off. Qt Attachment on Clron An order of attachment wa Issued against the Barnum A Bailey Circus company yesterday by Judge Cockrell and the management was summoned to appear In Just court July 17 to answer to a complaint filed by Mrs. Grace L. Blrkett Mrs. Birkett seeks $26 which she says Is due her for permitting the agents of the circus to nail posters on the front of a building owned by her at 212 South Twelfth street Manual Training Given Impetus . E. Brown, United States Commis sioner of Education, Talks of Convention While in Omaha. Dr. Elmer Ellsworth Brown of Wash ington, D. C, United States commissioner ot education, was in Omaha for a few hours Tuesday, the guest of Dr. William M. Davidson. Dr. Brown arrived at 1:46 p. m. from Denver, where he attended the National Education association meet ing, and was met at the train by Dr. Davidson. "The Denver convention, while ' not the largest wa have had, was one of the most Important aa ' to results, and particularly wjlh regard to the stimulus It has given Industrial education' said Dr.' Brown. "The three great features of the'. conven tion were those bearing upon Industrial ism, hygiene and morals in education. These have become permanent factors in the educational system of the United States and will continue to occupy the highest lank. The day of prejudices against industrial training in the public schools has long since paused." Dr. Brown was given a drive about the city during the early evening in company with Dr. Davidson and General Mander- son. 'The old course of study must give way to tha new course," said Dr. Davidson, 'and give emphasis to the practical side ot education as well as the theoretical side," he added. "Education today should be one-half liberal and one-half .Industrial. The liberal Is the education, that largely prevail. The Industrial has been so far developed as to demand that a new unit must be created, this unit to be known as the vocational unit. This may be segregated or not, but it must be a unit and worked out aa such. This vocational unit should begin with th seventh grade and continue through four year, two year In the grades and two years In the high school. This voca tional training should be begun In the lower grade, giving the child basio work In the vocation he or she expects to fol low through life." Dr. Davidson said It seemed good to get back to Omaha where it is cooler, as all the time he was In Denver the weather Was stifling, and what was worse, the air did not cool off at night. He made a side trip to Pike's peak, and there secured a breath of cool air. Prof. Ellis U Graff, principal of the Omaha High school, and Dr. Lorenso D. Harvey of Menominee, Wis., retiring presi dent of the National Education associa tion, and President Hlller of the North Dakota state normal school at Maysvllle, accompanied Dr. Davidson on the return trip. Dr. Harvey and President Hlller did not stop In the city. Every one would be benefited by taking Foley' Orlno Laxative for stomach and ilvar trouble and hablthal constipation. It (Weetena the stomach and breath, gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bow els and is much superior to pills and ordi nary laxatives. Why not try Foley's Orlno Laxative today T Bold by all druggists. Frightened Into Fit by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King' New Life Pills, and away goes bowl trouble. Guaranteed. 26c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. ' Dentistry Without Pain OB GENTLE DENTISTRY Do you hava cold chill vry time you thUik of going to th dentlatT Do you often wish you could find a dentist, who waa gontl In hi work and conslderaU tf th fact that your nerve ar moat aan.ulv. Com to my efflc and find cut about my clever method for allaying pain, by tha aid of which I can r ro,ov "llv nerve" without your knowledge. Borne paflant think It wonderful. It ha grown ) o to me, for I do It very day from I to I. DR. J. B. FICKES, lata a ad ranam. . w. Both Fboas ai-glT Board of Trad Wool $oo &) Wednesday ofover a hundred suits, formerly priced at $25.00, $35.00 and $45.00. These are all late spring style9 of fine wool materials and tailored perfectly, not one of thein worth less than $25.00. As usual we shall not carry a single suit ovor into the 'htll season. This is the cause of this sensational sacrificing Suit Sale. Those remaining Wednesday night! will l)e on sale Thursday at $7.00 and a reduction of one' dollar each succeeding day until every one of these suits are sold. The choice ones are sold first, so look them over Wednesday. Other Specials Wednesday Regular $8.75 Lingerie Waists 38 Regular $25.00 Pongee Coats $1250 Regular $7.50 Silk Petticoats (PT QC at , . .vPJaV D Regular $8.75 Separate Skirts $4 5 NEW CHANCELLOR IS NAMED Von Buelow to Be Succeeded by Yon Bethmann-Eollweg. IS MAN OF HIS OWN CHOICE i Relcbslagr 1 Adjourned by Emperor Until Antamn Socialist Show Their Disapproval of Blon rchlrs.1 Institution. v BERLIN, July IS. Prince Von Buelow, the retiring imperial chancellor, will for mally propose, in his audience with Em peror William tomorrow, that he be suc ceeded by Dr. Von Bethmann-Holweg, sec retary of the interior and vice chancellor. There Is reason to believe his majesty will accept this proposal and that the appoint ment will be gasetted at once. Prince Von Buelow will thus be permitted to name hie own successor at Emperor William's re quest. . Dr. Von Bethmann-Holweg la a college friend of the emperor and during the lat tes's entire reign ha oftn advisad his majesty. -. .. - He baa, however, shown a disinclina tion to accept high offices. H 1 a man of reserved and thoughful habits and some times has been called th "philosopher statesman." Even at his own receptions h some times wears an air of pre-ocupatlon. Dr. Bethmann-Holweg Is of Jewish origin. He is now 53 years old. In his youth he studied law and waa appointed assistant Judge. Before he was 30 years old he had been made district governor of Ober-Bar-nlm, and later h became provincial presi dent of Potsdam, where the suburban pal ace of Emperor William Is located. During his three years at Potsdam he saw much of the emperor, and the . two took long walks and rides In the environs. Following hla sojourn at Potsdam, Dr. Von Bethmann-Holweg's promotion was rapid. He became president of th govern ment ot Bromberg and later president of the province of Brandenburg, from which post he took up the portfolio of Prussian minister of the interior. He then followed Posadowsky as Imperial minister. After fhe clerk of the Reichstag had an nounced today the passsg of the bill pro viding Increase in the salaries of civil servants, Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg rose and said that as the representative of Prince von Buelow, he had a message from the emperor to read. His communi cation was a dec re closing the present session of the hou. which will not re assemble until next autumn. As had been expected, the socialists, to show their disregard for monarchical In stitutions, remained seated while ths mes sage was being read. The socialists then left the chamber, while the other delegates gave three cheers for Emperor William. Bigger, Better, Buster Tnat's what ad vertising In Th Be does for your bual ns. I A Smill Affair Toothache Gum Stop asy toothache. Prevcnta fur. ther decay. loea sot melt is ths mouth. Its wholestreorth Isretetaed and goes rlghf to th spot. Tbnr ar Imiautona. ga that TO gat ' TastfcMh , At all drotxUt, It east, r tT Mali. Dent's Corn Gum C. I. Dim 4 CO.. Dtb.lt. Ml. HOTELS AND CAFES. HEKKTS WHEKK YOUGET MOST FOR YOUR MOXKY. MOST OMAJKAJTB WOW XT TOO TIIE CALUMET iThe Boston Lunch Servei the finest Drip Coffee ' In tne city. isia n asmaaa. u aroma-ia. u Always 0a. 1 FARNAM ST. uits For Choice $35 Suits to Order $18 On Sale Wednesday OUr OF THE WAY We won't let dollars stand in our way of sharp ening business during the dull season, 60 this .-.. . Daily Dollar Reduction SalB is clipping one more dollar off our prices every day. Wednesday's Prices Are: $35 Suits to measure $18 $40 Suits to measure JJJ23 $50 Suits to measure jj33 (ill solid black and blu fabrics xcludad front one sale.) Perfect satisfaction and flawless fit guaranteed. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-306 So. 16th St., Near 16th and Farnam Sts. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD THEATER THURSDAY. JULY 13th PIANO RECITAL BY STAN1SLAV LETOVSKY Assists By fraatlsek J. Igftakg, VUllalxt Tloksts 91.00, T50, Oo, ts. Oa 1 at Xoap', Xardaa's Knalo snora and Boyd' Tfeaat. BASE BALL Omaha vs. Wichita JULY H 11, 12, 13, 14. Vinton St. FnrR, SUTflDAY, JULY 11 TWO GAMES First Gam Called 2:00 P. M. MONDAY, JULY 1 LADIES' DAY. Gam Called 3:45 Boyd's, the Cool Theater XTEBY SAT AHD sTIQSTx! Performances, l o'eloca to t. Night Psrfurmano, 7 o'cloak to Ik -rum BtrxxjrT Sswajca." Positively th tt moving plotur exhibition In th city theater cool and absolutely fireproof. No-4a-flamabla fllma used. 1 ma, loo Child Aooompanlod rar.nts, a. V AlrDome HILLMAN STOCK CO. IN Tonight--"MIralda.M Admlsaloa, 10 as SOo. yat wk "Use-ar ef th rawaabop." Omaha's Only mammas Movalty. HUMMER .,. T TIMkJ Laly Hlsaina. HUIr J. Utr Pip Organ. Moving Ptaturea. Illustrated Song. -a g-a Maw uw Thursday, 1108! raiKA