8 - TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1909. Want " Ads aaata In tha waat Nluui will V Um aatil II m. t tha MMlM eIH a til SlSO . a. Ir the saarwla M llT llMI. Ouk aaast aeaaaaraar all ra.e'. waat ads til a advarttaeaieat will Mnlt4 far law taaa SO caata for (Ire liMrtlw. Rata apply ta either Taa Dally ar air Baa Oaataaaaataaa a( laltlala ar imkn aaa aa aaa war. Aian owes als wri ta a llaa. cash katbi ron wawt am. MEVOUliAH CLAIIinCTIOIItt laaaatia, 1 1-t aaata aar wari aa 1 eaat aav mt far aaoa aahaoejaaat iaaartem. Eash iaeertlaa made aa ari t l- aaata ar wor f 1.54 ax llaa aar a oath. Waat aaa far Taa Baa aaar aa left at mmr af taa fallawlaa rw ataraa aaa la yaai aaraar .Jjrigrita thoy ra all Vraaob afttoaa far Taa Baa aa raar a will aa laeerte Jaa aa araaavtly aa aa taa aaata rataa aa at the aaata affiaa la Taa Baa Ballaiaa-, Savea.teea.tfc am4 Paraaa atraatai Albaok. W. C. Hh and Farnam. Baranak. 8. A,. 1401 8. Mth St. Baeht Pharmaey, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 8Jd and Cuming. Slake Pharmaey. 2896 Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C. R-. th and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2311 Military Ave. Conta, J. B.. list Ave. and Farnam Bt Crisaey Pharmacy, 14th and Lake fits. Cermak. Emil, 1J04-I 8. 13th Bt. Enters, P. H., 2802 Leavenworth St. Foster ArnoUl, 111 N. 26th Bt Freytag. John J , IS" M. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence.' Nab. Snyder Pharmacy, 30th and .wako BU. Greenough, O. A., 1614 H. 10th St. Oreanougn. O. A., 124 S. 10th St. Hayden, William C, 3010 Farnam St. Hoist, John, K4 N. Mth St. Huff. A. L.. 2934 Leavenworth St. Hanasorn Park Pharmaey, 1401 S. Uth St. King. H. 8.. 2838 Farnam Bt. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2601 N. Mth St Lathrop, Charles E.. iaM N. 24th St. Patrick Drug Co., ISO! N. 24th St. DEATH AMD FCXERAL ICOT1CK. JOHNSON Edwin, V. Ago 10 years, 7 months and If days, at family residence. 1622 Georgia avenue, after an Illness of eight months ot liver trouble. The funeral of Edwin C. Johnson will take place from the family residence, 1622 Georgia avenue, Thursday morning, with Services at St Peter's church at 10 o'clock. Friends Invited. Tha funsral of Mr. Joseph W. MoLeod will be held frem tha family residence, 1623 South Tenth street, Tuesday at 1 p. m Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births D. T. Murphy. 1116 North Twenty ninth avenue, girl; William Carey, 2343 youth Thirty-fourth street, boy; George Begerow, ivzb outn ourteentn street, trlrl: Jesse Carmen. 814 South Twenty- third street, girl; Joseph Wright, 215 Charles street, girl; Harry Rasmussen, 2121 South Eighteenth street, boy; Harry Rubin, 170b California street, boy; Steven Holowlnakl, 2308 Hickory street, girl. Deaths George E. Bradford, Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue, 49; Mra Agnes B. Hoock, Long View, 77; Mary Helen Dyer, 1136 North Seventeenth street, 7 months; Mrs. Jane Griffith, 104 South Twenty-fifth avenue, 61; Thomas J. Sheri dan, 1313 Georgia avenue. C days; Augusta . Bohlman, Fortieth street and Poppieton avenue, 74; Mrs. Caroline Baiter, 2453 South Seventeenth street, (7; Maud 8. Wagman, ran aoutn xwenty-secona street. 23. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses ' have been granted: Name and. Residence. - Age. Edward Jacobl, Chicago 21 Lucille Dlrbrow, Omaha 26 Frank Martlnec, Omaha , 26 Jennie Cosan, Omaha 11 William A. Dolson, Omaha 23 Lclta Nally, Omaha 21 Harry Gavin, Omaha 26 Ulanche Folansky, Omaha 1 Walter H. Bell, Omaha 24 Klsie M. Jones, Omaba 20 James E. Lesueur, Omaha tt Rowena Rogers, Omaha n 26 William H. Greene, Omaha. 88 Myrtle M. Smith, Omaha 21 F.arle Hlnkle, Panama, la 12 Kllia Cook, Dunlap, la.. .... 17 Howard N. Bagley, Grand Junction 24 Laura M. Jordan, Omaha 22 Vlillam L. Young, Oskaloosa, I 21 Mamie Grimes, Oskaloosa. la 2S Jesse N. Halstead, Omaha Vera Ford, Trentan 21 Otto Thomsan, Omaha 21 Hannah Hansen, Omaha .. 24 ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA Safe and Iron Works maaa a specialty of Ilia escapes, shutters, doors auu sales, ii. Anoreeo. prop., uu a. 1st a. RADIUM WATER, NATURE'S REMEDY Try a gallon, L It la wonderful. No- , wata Land a Lot Co.. Suite H4 N. Y. Life lilu-., omaha, NU 'Phone Red I'pcu evouuia. Monuments. J. V. Bloom A Ca., UXi Farnam. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TaL Douglas Mi, BULSlfl K1EP1N. funeral dtraetora, suo aassors u aarry 11. Davuv Its) U. lsth sit. SIGN PAINTING & IL Cola, 1M Douglas. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. REMOVAL sale monuments. 1417 8. 11th, Missouri filters made at sold. 1310 Howard. OLIVER A. HALL, architect at engineer. UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau, KM Old jMMuon etore iag. Aiusta inaexing oabl OMAHA Mirror and Art Glass Co., art glass mure cutting, beveling mirrors of all kind, resiivann and framing. Office aaa iaoiory iui vuiuuig bl oln phones. SHOES called for and delivered free. Blaudartl aho Repair Co., Vm Fainam. B. W. F1TT. mechanical and consulting engineer, drawing, designing, astimatea. ill Use Bldg. "FOR GOOD TAILORING" go to J. i Xarvaa, tm Brandela IMlg. Tel. Had 7, LIU COUPLES have been married by the Rav. C. W. bavidge, and he ts praying to aoarry 1,000. it you want him to marry you cau nsDsier mi or o-xvu. BOX AT THE OMAHA 8AFK DK SkS POSIT VAULTS, Is burglar and flre- proor. itetter t safe than sorry, rasament Omaha Nat l bank, 110 S. 13th 6l COMBa, 1&20 Douglas, expert ay fitting. HE FUN, locksmith. iu-Douglas St.. up- talra Doug. 2, or A-4M6. PICTURES framed artistically. Prampt wars, siegaatn oia. v.o., uiu ua rainan OMAHA PASTE CO now looatad at Til Bo. Uth 8t. Douglas 170. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and and r'arnam bis., Omaha. Tela., Douglas all. Jk-wxi; xv es., wen. avt. FOR watehe and Jewelry repairs see Ouaialeon Hanancaaon, am No. liUt Ht. WOOI, Dr. O. ., Ul New York Life 13Ug., Homeopathlsc Jamea H. Craddeck. arahitaet. room Waad Bldg., Ulh and Farnam. Red U74. MIULTIORAPH DUPLICATING CO., 7 ranais mag., makers ot ly pa writ taa 1st- tars in multiple tuanuuea. TaL D, WL .WHIM wriung to Mjayjjaara,. kiodly Jftaa- anaa at AUTOMOBILES RAMBLERS New, ana O-eyUndeT. N par cem aisoounv, namoiar .auto. (Jo, 104 Farnam lit. BEND for ear Ht of second hand ours. DH. RIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St PAXTON-MITCMELL CO.. etorage, auto mobile repairing, diamond tlrea 2311 Har ney. STORAGE, centrally located, opposite library. 1Q1 Harney St Brick P. Kuhn. WE GIVE expert Information to prospeo- tlva buyer of naw or second-hand cam, Omaha School of Auto Eng, 2418 Leaven worth St.. Tal R. 633ft A-1432. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! We have farms, ranches. HOMES IN OMAHA. We will trade with yeu. Come In and see us. Nowata Land an Lot Co., suite 124. N. Y. Life Bid., 'Phone Red 141. Omaha, Neb. Open evening. TRADES If you have anything to trade. write us. W can matoh anything. Our lint Is large. Dean-Andrews Co., 422 N. T. L. BUSINESS CHANCES GENERAL MERCHANDISE and Imole- ments. In good western Nebraska town. Caen sales 13,00a par month. Will take 111, 000 to haoslle It. No trades. Address T 84, rare Bee. TO OET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-8367. WALL psper and picture shop. Invoice about 11,400 to $1,600, doing a general con tracting and painting business In a live gas and oil town of S.000; change of loca tion desired on account of health. Address Y 122, care Bee. FOR BALE Millinery fixtures very oheap; fine opening for millinery stock. Address Box 74, Genoa, Neb. FOR SALE or trade, steam laundry in growing county seat town; population 6,000. Address Y 319, care Bee. FOR SALE Oood paying hair dressing business In Nebraska town of 10,000 popu lation. Reason for selling, wish to retire from business. W 88, care Bee. FOR SALE One of the best paying gen eral stores in South Dakota. Invoices about 16,000. Reason for selling have gone Into the banking business. Address Lock Box 2, Chester, S. D. FIRST CLASS furniture stock In one of the bent county seat towns In eastern Ne braska. Fine opening for some one, must sell this month. Invoice about 25.000. Can reduce stock If ' desired. Address Y 316, oare ot lie. FOR RENT Btor room, lust vacated. In Msdgett building; all modern and up to date; rise 22x00 Wm. Madgett. Has tings. Neb. S OOOD. clean harness stork for sale: onlv Shop In town: Al farmlna countrv: laree territory; 11,800 stock; do 16.000 business per year, smitn uros., Herman, Neb. heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract obs on hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address Y 181 care Bee. WEBTERGARD can help you get In or out ot Dustneaa. 403 Bee i'.ldg. Tel. D. 8443. A ftAVTNfl InvMtmMlt tA frinv vnn, a oi xracy rros. t;o., ana snare tne profits TWO ohalr barber ahon for sale rnnri business. Reason for selling, going to Cal- uornia. oox (us, Crete, Neb. DENTISTS BAILHT ft MACK. Id floor, Paston. D. 1085. TAFTS dental rooms, 1517 Douglas St. DR. F1CKE8. 18th and Farnam: he's a good dentist; painless extraction. 50 cents, DRESSMAKERS IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Ind. A 2577 TERRY College. 20th and Fsrnarn Bta. CHIROPODISTS4 See Monhelt Treatment on feet, 1411 Far. DR. ROT. 1608 Farnam Bt. Douglas 6Q7. EDUCATIONAL. SUMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLES COLLEGE Enter now for complete training In a'.l commercial branches, Including bookkeep ing, shorthand, ''-typewriting, telegraphy, oivll service, railway mall and all govern ment grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon, request. Address H. B. Boy lea. President,! Omaha, Neb. Both Phonos. Offtolal training school for U. P. R. R. Teleg raph Department. DETECTIVES Omaba Det. Ag'y., 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SHAMPOOING, balrdresslng, massage and manicuring; home appointments. Eollpss Halidressing rariora, aa Neville Blk. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesaay, inursaay ana Satur days Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, tH Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 6488. ARTISTIC FRAMING At price Just as others oharge for th other A. HOorK JU., in m iiuuuia si. The West' Greatest Art Store. .... WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices. Buy direct from im porters; save dealers prorita. lzit narney. rPhon Doug. Htm. and agent will call. Pkln. a r. H TS' Far ...il nrm at SPECIAL RATES during the aummor months. M. R. Emig, Studio 936 N. Y. L. yv m riRWT renatr. sell needle and Darts for ll sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney bis. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best. Only on office, 1518 Jones bt. TU1. PiVTflimiM TRUNKS, suit cases, traveling goods and leather novelties: high class repairing. Frellng Stelnle, 180! Farnam St., Opposite City Hall FRENCH DRY CLEANING WK8. Both Tela. Best work, prompt service. MARINELLO Consult the expert derma tologist, latelle S. Paul of Chicago, re sardina that rase of acne blackheads and pimples. rlrtt treatment to tirat case FREE. MARINELLO positively will cure It. Hobson a Beauty Shop, lhus nougia bt. Entrance through Kern millinery. 60C RIBBON nail file, 25c. Haines Drug Co., 1610 f arnam. FLORISTS HESS t SWOBODA, l'.!5 Farnam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally rrem our hothouses for weddings and aoc oratlona Douglas 1258. 1519 Farnam. BRANDIES' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. FURNACE REPAIRING Repairing and resetting gas, leaky furnacea Expert on remodeling furnaoe to obtain mora heat on a fuel saving basis. We Install new furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Douglaa fit.. Both (hones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Faeterr an Tradea, HELP wanted In all department. Evan Laundry Co., 171 8. 11th. M a aaa k a stars an Dosaaatlaa, WANTED Second girl. Kit Farnam St WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. L. Hahn, Ptt Dodge St. WANTED st Once Good gtrl for general housework, tit N. Uth Su I HI ill Ill ''I'1' HELP WANTED FEMALE Uewsekeepera Doaaaatlea Coat'. GIRL for general housework; bast af wages. 2001 Blnney BU GIRL for general housework. 2401 N. Uth St. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 1207 8. 27th. ' WANTED Neat young girl to assist with light housework. Tel. Ind. A-37&2. 666 8. 34th St. WANTED A young girl to help at house work. Apply Sunday. Mrs. Coffey, 1936 8. Uth. A MAID for general housework; small family; so laundry work; beet wages. 1060 S. 28th St. GIRL wanted for general housework. 1328 N. 26lh St.. South Omaha. GOOD laundress for Mondays. 2415 Man derson Bt. Phone Webster 645. GIRL for general housework. 119 8. Cen tral Boulevard. Tel A-1881, or Red 172L GIRL for general hoi"work, good wages, 1008 a 340th Ave. .-hone Harney 2M4. WANTED Experienced girl; best wages; no laundry. 2200 Harney 4jU WANTED First class cook, 18 per we-k to right person. Call at once, 3202 Wool worth Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of three. C. H. Rudlger, S326 S. lth St., Omaha. 'Phone Red 30.(4 GIRL for second work; also girl for housework. Tel. Douglas 62. 224 N. 13th St. GIRL wanted to take care of Invalid lady. 837 S. 24th. Call mornings. GOOD girl for general housework. 443 Dodge St WANTED Middle aged woman to care for invalid lady and assist with house work; references. Call at 820 S. 26th Ave. WASHERWOMAN and girl for general housework. 2401 Harney St. WANTED A nurse girl at 327 S. 27th St. 'Phone Harney 231 L COMPETENT laundress Mondays. 1021 Park Ave. WANTED A nice girl to go to Fort Robinson, Neb., for second nurse and as sist In the care of a little girl. Apply 332 S. 87th St. GIRL for general housework. Take Went Side Hanscom park car to Woolworth. 1321 8. 15th Ave. COOK wanted Immediately. 650 S. 26th St. WANTED-Cook and second girl. 8416 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 1727. WANTED A girl to do second work in a family. 1046 Georgia Ave. GOOD girl to assist In housework; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. F. Belman, 4M7 Dodge. YOUNG girl to assist In housework. 118 Sa. lath St. COMPETENT girl for general house work or one to take care of children. 823 S. 25th Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 611 Park Ave. GIRL to assist with housework. 2211 Cali fornia St. GIRL wanted for housework: 6 rooms; modern house; 8 In family; good home and good wages. 959 N. 25th St. WANTED A girl to work for board. Mrs. Hoasater. 2211 Douglas. WANTED A good girl for general house work; experienced. 2011 Charles St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 2215 Sherman Ave. Mrs. Thos. S. hall, Both Phones. A COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. 1329 S. 31st St. WANTED Girl for general housework; on that can go home evenings; 8 In fam ily; good wages. 2009 Grace St. GOOD girl for general housework: no washing; good wages. Mrs. F. A. Brogan, 420 Rose Hill Ave , Benson. Tel Benson 127. GIRL to assist with housework: no waKh- Ing or ironing: wages to. 2406 S. 10th. Doug. 2973. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family. 846 Georgia Ave. WANTED Competent girl for light housework; good wages. 1314 N. 35th St. Tel. Harney 26L GIRL for general housework, 1626 Wirt St. Tel. Webster 376. A MAID for general housework: small family; no laundry work; best wages. 1060 8. 28th St. WANTED An elderly lady to do light housework and lake care of child 2 years old, for mother who Is gone all day. An excellent place for one who desires a good, quiet home. Apply at once, 2702 Lake. WANTED Girl to assist In housework: no washing. Phone Harney 741. 1304 So. 86th. i rral housework; good wages and good home. 1552 No. 19th. GIRL for general housework. 1717 Chicago, GIRL wanted for general housework: 2 In family; no children; no washing; refer ence required. Come in person. 4933 Dav enport. WANTED girl for general housework or good nurse girl. 2919 Webster St. GIRL for general housework; two fn family 2966 Poppieton. Tel. Harney 4713. Mleeellaaeeae. LEARN halt-dressing; It pay you; can easily earn 116 to $25 weekly; full course taught. Brandels Halrdresslng Dept. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or sd Ji sj at once Good rich Drug Co., Oman. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor aad talaamesv. WANTED A ollcltor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and se cir culation manager The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Hat and and cap salesman for Nebraska and Iowa; resident of Ne braska preferred; also experienced. Apply -. .. ILut 1 1 VAlnAH..nn. Mn '.. Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED Young man for oostofflce. railway mall clerks, carriers, and other tovemment positions, salary 8uo to $2,000. ,lfe positions. Government Position Bu reau, Rochester, rx. x. Boy. WANTED A boy of small figure, 14 or 16 years of age, of good parentage; one whose parent will allow hlra to leave home to join a respectable and recognised aero batlc troupe. Beat of treatment and ad vancement assured. Call on or address Martin Dollar, Dressing Room Teat, Bar- num Bailey circus. WANTED Boy about II years old to learn trunk making, rrellng Ntelnle, 18ul Farnam St. OarloaJ aa Offtaa. IF YOUR ar a salaams, bookkeeper office manager, credit man or clerk, see us at once. W. have numerous positions open ror immediate acceptance. WESTERN HEF. A BOND ABS'N., INC. 721-13 N. Y. Lit Bldg. Read the Live Slock ads if you are looking for a bargain HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Oftloe) Coatlaaa. WANTED Young man aa bookkeeper and assistant In credit department. Must be experienced, thoroughly competent, ag gressive and willing to learn. No others considered. Address D-109, care Baa. WANTED A young man who has had experience as cashier In Isrge mercantile establishment or In a bank. Best refer ences required. Address H 111, care Bee. Factory aa Trade. WANTED good cornice men and three tinners; steady work. 1724 St. Mary'. GOOD horseshoer wanted at onoe. C. W. Tharp, Fremont, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks required; best paying work wtthln reach ot poor man; can have shop with small capital; wages 112 to 120 weekly. Wonderful demand for barbers. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Hth St. CENSU8 Office clerks must tak a olvll service examination; over 8,000 appoint ment will be made; a chance for anyone with a common school education: salary tO0 to $1,000 a year; full information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C. ' WANTED A first-class, all-around bread and cake baker, experienced; must be sober and steady; wages $16 per week. Ad dress at once, J. Henner, Rockwell City, la. P. O. Box 238. DRUG store and job. Knlest. Be Bldg. TEAMS wanted, 17th and Douglaa St., 66o per hour. Thompson-Starrett Co. A FIRST-CLASS bottler. Apply at once. Mineral Springs Bottling Works, 724 W. B way, Co. Bluffs, la. MARKER and sorter, also waehman, at Hlnchey Laundry, South Omaha. BE your own boss! Make $4 dally sil vering mirrors. Anyone can do the work at home in spare time. Booklet and sam ple free. G. F. Redmond, Dept 83, Bos ton, Mass. Mlaeeilanewa. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Ass'n.; no fees. Call 827 B. of Trade Bldg. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office (.I.. lr a n.rrl.r. vnmlnn.lr.. I-. Omaha Nov. 17th; preparation free. Frank- iin iiismuie, jjept. s$ u, itocnester, is. r. WANTED, at once, foreman for up-to-date country printing plant, one who has had experience with Babcock Optlmus press prefened, must be able to do flrst class job work and be able to handle ordi nary catalogue work; no boosers wanted. Address The Sentinel, Onawa, la. WANTED A steady man for general farm work, $25 a month and washing. L. B. Larson, Nelson, Neb. WANTED Car repairers; steady work on extra good wages; very liberal piece sched ule. Blue Island Car and Equipment Co., Sheffield Station. Kansas City, Mo. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse aad Vehicles. ELEGANT Cabriolet carnage. Stanhop and harness slightly soiled If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones St. Cows, Birds, Iloiti and Peta, GOOD cow for sale at 1916 S. !2d Aya. Tel. Harney 3221. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday . evening, returning from Council Blutf.s to. . Hanscom Park, west side, large cameo pin. Reward. Tel. Har ney 1033. LOST on car or In Hanscom park small gold and blue enamel open faced watch, atoiched to blue pin set with pearls; liberal reward. Tel. South 424. LOST Plat of Summit addition, on trac ing cloth, near li'.th and Farnam or on Far nam car. Reward for return to THE BYKON REED CO., AT RALSTON, Sunday, gold watch and fob, Mawhinney-Ryan movement; '.'A. L. K." on watch: liberal reward. Call 601 8. 10th St., Western Union Telegraph Co. LOST Pocketbook, four $6 bill and I. O. O. F. receipts for dues. F. J. Paul, 4111 Farnam St. STRAYED 2 very mall black Shetland ponies, call Webster, 1537. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman MuConnell Drug Co., omatia. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton' Medical college. 14th and Davenport bta; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professor. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answeiad, day or night. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY A-ND CHATTELS. Vacation Money Everyone needs It, and this Is tha place to get It. Don't let money stand in your way when It can be so easily obtained on your SALARY, FURNITURE, PIANO. WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, or anything of value. Our special low rate ar tlll In effect. We advance money quickly and confidentially, and our office strictly private. DEAL WITH THE BIGGEST AND BEST. Reliable Credit Co. $d Floor, 807-8 Paxton Block, N. E. Cor ner 10th and Farnam Sta. 'Phone: Douglaa 1411 and A-1411. $$$$$$$$wimfcmssu H Monev for VarHtinTis 1 - tt $$ $10-$200 $ M uo you nm money r we ar go- $$ tt tng to loan our surplus cash to all $$ $$ worthy applicants at the LOWEST $$ $$ RATES EVER OFFERED In the city $$ $1 on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS. $$ $1 SALARIES, etc. It will pay you to $$ $$ see us before getting money else- $ $$ where. We are especially prepared $ $$ to accommodate SALARIED PEO- $$ II PLE. No delay or red tape and $$ U everything Is strictly confidential. $$ $$ Open till 1:80 p. m. Telephone U $$ Douglas 2036 and Ind. A-2036. u J! Omaha Financial Co., JJ $1 601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandels. $$ $$ 16th 81. Entrance. fj UnNW ln,nul l.rla M ... - - - . . fwj.1. au ulnars without security ; easy payments. Offices In I'l principal cities. Tolman, Room 113, - . IUI. A-M.V J31U. 6 on diamonds. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge. PRIVATE money to loan on chattels; ioi Interest WILLOWS, 864 Brandels Bldg. VACATION MONEY or money for any other purpose make no difference. What you are Interested In most la a placs where yon can make a loap at reasonable rates and where you can deal confidentially and wli: get a square deal. That's what we hsv been doing for seventeen years. OMAHA MOKTOAGE IX) AN CO., Ill Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. $296. Entrance 4 8 ltth St. HERE SINCE ltott. LOANS, half ratea. $29 Board of Trade. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co.. office Uth and Daven port St., warehouse L3T7-0I Jrd Bt, MUSIC AND LANGUAGES GU8 TURNER, graduat of Lelpsle, Oar many Conservatory of Music; piano lesson cheap. Tel. Red 1036 or drop me a postal at 1674 Harney St. and I will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT Beaxdlaa- aa Boone. DEWEY European Hotel. Uth and Farnam. TWO oonnactlna room with board, to permanent couple or two gentlemen. In modern homo; reference. 1118 Cass. Phone D. 1471 EAST and south side rooms with board reasonable rates. 212 8.-26th St. BOARD and room. In new, modern flat, at 631 8. Uth BU Tel. Doug. 6512. mMjitt.tw Mai- anit hoard, new. all modern flat, close In. for a few gentlemen. 31 S. 19th. Douglas 6511. No signs. ROOM and board, close in. Large front room with alcove, suitable for two or three persons, either furnished or unfurnished, 114 So. 19th St. Phone Red 4031. TABLE board, first class home cooking, with or without room. IUI Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room with board. 626 So. 19th Bt. Far a lilted Boons. nUhorf aniohlai for one or two aentlemen. 201 8. 26th Ave. 2610 DODGE, excellent south suite, mod ern, detached house. BTRICTLY modern, well furnished front rooms, in large private resiaence; nice summer home, first class location, con venient to two car lines; breakfast If de sired; no children. References exchanged. Phone Webster 6418. 1D07 Wirt St. TWO furnished room. 812 N. 22d St NEWLY furnished room; porcelain bath. 2224 Chicago. WANTED Lady room mate. 806 N. 18th Bt 'Phone B 3169. VTRY desirable room: fine location: walking distance. 218 S. 26th St PLEASANT rooms; two south window; also large front, modern. 614 N. 23d. 'Phone R. 4S54. DON'T you want a nice cool room, with or without piano, in a permanent homelike place, where you won t have to move for carnival or winter? Strictly modern, re spectable, permanent; gentleman only. Mrs. Davis. 2563 st Mary s Ave. LARGE furnished front room: $27 8. 21st St Tel. Doug. 6227. FOR rent, for sale and furnished room cards, 10c each. Corey & McKensle Print ing Company, 112 8. Mth St WELL furnished front room, private family; nice lawn surround house. 702 S. 2mh St GOOD rooms. ' $2 per week: fro bath. Ogden Hotel, Co. Bluffs. TWO nicely furnished room, complete for light housekeeping, all modern, $12 per month. 2019 Webster St. LARGE, cool, modern rooms for gentle men. 1918 8t Mary's Ave. fTntAl "RnmiAt. Formerly Karbach, UOiei iJOquei Utn Howard St. WELL furnished front room. . private family; nice lawn surround house. 702 S. 29th St. FRONT ROOM for housekeeping, 1814 Dodge. Douglas 4851. YOUNG man to share comfortable fur nished room. 2702 Farnam St bedroom, connecting private family. No other roomers. 1019 South 80th Ave. ONE nice room with two south windows. hot and cold water In the room, modern, 1815 Jackson, two blocks west ot Rome hotel. PI.RAN. aulet room. 12 ner week, alx M 22d Bt fornla. Phono B1J7B. NICE furnished room, 2219 Douglas St. ROOM In new house. 2018 Chicago St in an eiegantiy tumisneo nome; large, ccol rooms for two gentlemen; porch and lawn, narney mn sis b. sou) AVt, LARGE south alcove room, furnished or unfurnished, with board. 2420 Cass St- . - .j - .u. ,J.",'vu awn, luuun 11, v&.W ircr ...I..... ii.. rr 1 a ril. . n, i t.io , .villi l j . ., UOO. OUO o. 22d S t PLEASANT front room. 1611 Leaven. worth, 2d floor. TWO nicely furnished rooms in all mod. em home. 813 N. 20th Bt month. 2666 St Mary Ave. ONE neat room with board: home cook. Ing. 2208 Harney. REATTTllTTTT.T.V flirtiiaVia rr.m ai.1 board; reasonable. 614 Park Ave. Tel. Har- nmy ww. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board. 212 N. 24th. Tel. D. 4707. NICE modern fi-Ant enim. n.irat. . m lly; board If desired. 1910 Webster St SUITE of extra fine rooms, fine furni ture, fine lawn. Private family; southwest corner 20th and Chicago Sta NICE, clean, cool rooms, modern; elec trlo lights; close In; 810. 2104 Webster. NICE single or suite of rooms, with board it uesirea. suis racmc st NICELY furnished room, south exposure; modern; suitable for one or two gentle men, or man and wife. 1708 Davenport 8t FURNISHED room for on or two ladle; modern. 1919 Capitol Ave. WANTED Young man to take large south room, with breakfaat; $20 per month; every convenience. Call Harney 200L TWO nice large room, modern, close In. Tel. Doug. 444Z NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family. Park Ave., near Leavenworth; gentleman preferred Tel. Harney 715. Uafaralafco Heoma. $ ELEGANT rooms, modern; new flat; $17.61 month. 201$ Davenport Aartaet aa Flat. THREE and g-rooiw flat, Boargo Bldg., riH ii. Mth 8t. South Oraaha. Hall. 411 Ramg Bldg. Roth 'phone. $17T-room flat, bath and closet Inquire im r. ma, cor. teia ana urac. NEW, strictly modern l-room apart ment, oak finish. 17th and Jackson. Bemls, Brandels Bldg. 8-ROOM flat 18th and California, $509. Callr.gher Nelson, 40 Brandels Bldg. $ AND 4-ROOM Apt, modern. Ill 8. $2d. FOR RENT Only $MM for six-room, all modern, ground flat, close in, to ehote tenant If taken thia week. Apply at 607 i. ii n ot U DEWET AVE. Very desirable corner flat an elrht roora modern brick, nearly new. in flret class repair, and In choice section of West Farnam district $40. GARVIN BROS., HI N. Y. Life. 'Phon Doug. Ml -ROOM nt, 19th an Woolworth Av. Tel. Harney 117. - OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Heaaekeeala; Bta aaa. EXCELLENT furnished room for house, keeping; flrst-olsss street and neighbor hood; olose In. Dr. Pribbanow, 74 Harney St. Tel. Red 606. SUITE room, parlor floor; modem flat; newly furnished, decorated. 81 Mason. Harney 4U8. TWO unfurnished room. Inquire $07 S. KMh St. COOL and newly furnished room for light housekeeping: also furnished sleeping rooms; modern; walking distance. 26il Harney. Tel. D. $427. 2 NICE furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern; 1st floor. 164f N. 17th. SUITS of three nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 1201 B. 11th. Furnished apartment, flv rooms; piano, telephone, etc 200$ St Mary Ave. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms: gas stove, clean, eool, comfortable. 2011 Webster St. phon Douglaa 62th ROOM for light housekeeping! gas fur nished. 1920 Dodge. C, WV1, II 'wiy I 111.11 u , vrv u as, wi. cooking gas, bath and us of phone; nloe summer location: private family. 102 So. .1st. THREE furnished rooms, gss for cooking and lighting. $6 per weak. 51$ N. tlt St I'hon B-6384. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms; large pantry; ground floor. 420 N. 24th 8t, South Omaha. FURNISHED or unfurnished room for housekeeping In modern flat. Ill 8. 2th ft HOUSEKEEPING room, first floor. 1712 Jackson. FIVE rooms, -modern except heat; no children. 919 N. 27th Bt TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1716 Dodtae. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Refer ences. 2114 Chicago. TWO or three room for adult; gaa range and all modern conveniences. 04 8. 17tn. TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping; all modern. 291$ Web ster. TWO front rooms, furnished eomplet tor light housekeeping. 2115 Spencer Bt Tel. Webster 1059. FOR RENT Two flno large front rooms, for light housekeeping. All modern. ,2221 Willis A vs. Furnished rooms for tight housekeeping) 1807 N. 17th St 8 ROOMS, housekeeping, modern, gas range. 1822 Chicago. TWO nice rooms for light housekeeping. 1714 California street. FOR RENT Two room for light house keeping at 4104 N. 24th 8t WELL furnished dining room and kitchen for housekeeping; house modern. 660 8. 26th Av. THREE nice room, $10. M N. 23d. TWO room, single or double, light housekeeping, modern house. 1917 Web ster. THREE nice rooms and bath. 2224 Chi cago. MODERN housekeeping room. 2121 Web ster 6t. Call after 6:20 p. m. TWO elegantly furnished room, gas rang, modern. 616 8. 22d. TWO room for housekeeping, furnished complete. 2223 Leavenworth. ONE room, $2.60 per week. 2113 Douglas. ROOM for light housekeeping. 1707 Dodge Bt TWO room, $12 per month. 201$ Daven port Isrilikil neaeea. f-ROOM furnished oor-sge, all modern. Mil Clark St. Inquire iwi Howard. FURNISHED house for rent for month of August West Farnam district; references. Address J 114 Bee. Hoaaas aad Cattaarea. FOR RENT Brick house at 1611 8. 29th St., on block east of ParX avonue car line; modern In every respect, with 4 bed rooms on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves tlbul on first floor. Inquire at 1609 S. 29th St Tsl. Harney 1509. 4 room house, 706 N. $2d, $12.60. room house, 3233 Evans St., $11.60. 6 room bouse, 709 N. 32d., $10. I room house, modern, 2409 Lake, $2L J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade. Elegant modern eight room house, 21st and Cass St, 'phon. Doug. 6328. A 6-room house, modern except furnace, located at 946 North 26th St.; paved street and one block to car $20 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. Doug. 6101 or A-20S3. 136 N. Y. L. Bldg. FOR RENT 7 and $-room modern houses, good location. 8. D. Mercer Co., Tel. Douglas 1536, Ind. A-I616. OMAHA Van and Btorag Co., pack. move, tor H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. Uth, offloe 1609 Farnam. Tel. Dsug. 1651 A SIX-ROOM house, modern except fur nace, located at M6 N. 26th St; paved street and one block to car; $20 per month. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., $36 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 610$ or A-2C33. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Srkar Blk. ELEGANT l-room flat, located at 110 a 27th, all modern; price. $35. Bomia, Brandels Bldg. FOR RENTi T-room. new, modern Mouse and large re ception room; hard wood finish, combina tion fixtures, east front, beautiful lawn; 704 N. 21d St $40. 6-room, new, modern St Louts flat, com bination fixtures, reception room, hard wood f'.nlsh; 714 N. $3d 8t-3x. l-room modern 8t Louis flat reoeptloo hall, combination fixtures; Til N. 23d St $30. l-room modern brick houo; fOOO-2011 Wil li Ave.-125. 1 room in apartment flat: 119 Clarke, $9. $ rooms In apartment flat; 19U Clark St. $160. 4 room. 1784 So. 13th t $10. C. M. BACHMANN. 431 Paxton Block. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort, all modern, 4 or 6-room flat. Apply $21 N. 23d. HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bro. 118 N. Y. L. I-ROOM oottage, large lot Owner leaving city. 612 8. 27lb 8t. MODERN Dundee home, I room, large barn, fine shad, nicely located. 'Phone Doug. 1721 8NAP8. 1411 Indiana Av., new 0-room cottage, modern, $m. 2311 Dewy Ave., new 6-room flat, oak finish, easy walking distance, very choice, snap for the money. $10. ON FARNAM HILL, on corner of $3d and Harney, new modern house, I large rooms, oak finish, ftae mantel, tiled bath; nice lawn; to first class tenant only $40. Tlie above prices are very low consider ing the quality of the properties offered. Let us hear from you at once. ERNEST eWKKT. 11$ N. Y. L. DOUG. 1471. FOR RENT 4 room house, all modern. Mil Capitol Ave. Tel., Doug. 1918 or Red 2177 HOUSES ln&'ZcZ 2Z HOUSEHOLD GOODS forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving and etorlng. Kxpresmea' Delivery Co. Ta. Doug, to. 4T PACIViC ST., Irroom thoroughly modern houee, oak finish. $40. A. 1. Elllck. $02 Be Bid. HAGGARD Vsn Btorag Co. Tel. Doug. 14M. We suar an. moving, piano. huse bol gooda 4-1 UX M oottage. WO Charles, $31; water rent paid; mo4i n except heat: fin sur rounding, paved street- Tel. Webstar fc0& HOUSEd-Petar Trust Csx. M. X. la Blag. OFFERED FOR RENT Haaeea aa Cettagrea -Csailsael, ; ISM Mapla.Si SIX room, brick, modern A MODERN, (-room brick house, 1113 No. nd St; $36 per month. 'Phone Harney M0. 4VROOM, city water, barn. 161$ No. 19th. NEAT 0-room cottag on block from 10th St car line, 1740 S. rth Bt Inquire 823 & 28th 8t Tel. Harney 1660. Sto BCAROe 61k., South Omaha, ISO N. Mth. Hall, ill Re tag e Bldg.; both phono. Desirable offtoea Karbach Blk.. 1$ A Doug. OFFERED FOR SALE s-araltaro. Izl CARD CASE, olid oak ease, made by tha Library B reau Furniture Co. This Is exceptionally well constructed office furniture and will laat a lifetime. Call Be office, 17th and Farnam. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices, old and rented, rent applied; easy terms; hipped anywhere for examination. Wrltt for large bargain list and offer. B, F. Swanson Co., 417 8. 18th Bt. Omaha. Neb. M laeellaaeeaa. DRUGS at out prtoe. freight paid on all $10 order; catalogue free. Sherman VIoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Cigar Stand Fixtures Consisting of three show cases, one larg wall ease, with sliding glass doors, two counters about fifteen feet long, will be old cheap for cash. Apply Be building cigar store. 17th and Farnam. FOR SALE New and 2nd-hand billiard and pool tablea We lead the world Ii cheap bar fixtures: easy payment. Bruns wloa Balk Collender. 407 S. 10th St NEW $86 Toledo scale for $36. Frank J. Prucha, Ho wells, Neb. FOR SALE Rowling alleys, five cc tloi al. No. 1 alleys, with simplex pin spot ters, used one set ten; will sell cheap. Writ William Larch. Sioux City, la. FOR SALE- Cash register and safe. Ad 4 res J 679, oar Be. NICE nickel plated steel range at a big bargain. 216 N. I2d. 10,000 MEN to amoke our cigars and share our profits. Tracy Bro. Co., 1415 Douglas Scholarship If you Intend taking a course In business college, see us about a scholarship. We will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad dress O 86, car Bee. SEND us ynur mall orders' for drugs, freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dillon Druy Co., Omaha. Second-Hand Boilers W will stll two boilers that have been in use at the Be building. They are eacn 17-horaepower return tuoular boilers, v inch diagnotor by II teet long. They have 11 C. L tube. $ Inches by U feet Work ing pi ensure 160 pounds per suuare Inch. Heat surface 11,009 square feet Urate ara 31H square feet. We are very anxious to dispose of thess boilers immediately and will sell at t bargain. If taken at once. THR BEE BUILDING COMPANY. 17th and Farnam Sta.. Omaha, Neb. HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1811 Farnam. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. I Dr. Katheryn Nicholas. 601 N. Y. L. Bids PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerer' In., Ramg Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castott clothing; In fact, anyllitug you do not need. W collect, repair ana sen at w in. iitu St., for cost of collection to the wormy poor. Call phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will oall. DRUNKENNESS, drug habit cured to atay cured, under positive guarantee. Write Kn sor Remedy CO.. Dept G. So. Oraaha. Neb. SMITH. JONES, BROWN and all other will taVftd something of interest In our profit sharing scheme. Tracy Bros Co. Mra Ames of Wash., D. C, manicuring, magnetic massage, hrs. II to 10. 1711 Dodge. ANY lady wishing to be cared for in private home during confinement reason able. Mr. 8. U. Carson, 1810 St Mary Ave. YOU will never "stopurklckln" until you drink Shogo Llthia. Green Pharmacy, phone Harney 186. MABSAOE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swedish massage, lot Old Boston Store. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluff. Ia. DR. EQGERS. private confinement borne. 1611 Martha St Tel. Douglas 6230. MAGNETIC Treatment. Fmmelln Brott. 1319 & Uth. Doug. 6184. M AONTiyTTfi treatment Mme. Smith. MAUilIiJ.iO ta 8 uth St., third floor. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association, 17th and 1 r 1 f , ...... ,l K. .... ... nUWftlU Oia,., mill, iiitj ia, v, uiimvmi iv suitable boarding places or otherwise as- PlBieU. A UTtttUltw I vyi V. ... 1 1 1 1 elation meet train at tb Union station as travelers' aid. PROF. O. K. DINJIAlf, EXPERT MASSEUR, restures health, makes you look nice and plump, removes nervousness, put your stomach, bow I a, liver and kid neys In good order; Improves ths blood cir culation by massage. Have you tried It? Correct massage Is especially conductive to good health. Call 406 Bee Bldg. D. 8C3. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Re 7117. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which ws will sell at 60o each. They are fine for rain water or ashea. Call at pressroom Baa Publishing Co. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1851: prompt service; get our pricea 1710 Farnam BL OANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. $37. AYNB INV. CO. first floor M. Y. Life. . af , BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandel Bldg. REAL ESTATF TlTLB-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President CITY PROPERTY FOR SAI.M. Downtown Corner Snap Only $4,650 For a few day only w have an option on a corner, five blocks from tija pot offlce, with two good cottages, ren'aJ value $50 per month. Live In one, rem th other. Thia 1 a snap. Call us at one. ROBINSON & WOLF, 436 Paxton Block. Acres, $760 Floreno boulevard, this side Miller park. Harrison & Morton. NEW brick St. Louis flats, Haneeotn Park neighborhood; $4,600. Tei. Harney ts4. WHEN you reply to advertlaaeaaat which appear in these Waat A4. saliims kindly BionUoa the t that ram saw thi aV