THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, .111 A" 13. 15)09. r i Council Bluffs C Council Bluffs Council Bluffs I Minor Mention The Oemaoll Staffs Offls ef the Omaha In la at 1 Saott immI Hot TkomM 4S. PREMIUMS FOR FRUIT SHOW Aggregate $35,000. Davis, dl'Ufce. CORR1QAN8, Undertakers, 'phones ltt. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. J3J. Lewis Culler, funeral director. 'Phone 17. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. When you want reliable want ad adver tising, use The Bee. Deertng binders and mower. Spearllng Trlplett. 7 Broadway. a-wEffSH:?T.,'ILAl:E ' TOWN 14 THE DIAMOND THEATER, BAIRD, LONOENKCKER ft BOLAND. Undertakers. 'Phone U2. N. Main Bl Booten aaM he had heard that eueh a charge bad been made against Mm and he wlehed an opportunity to deny It. Com missioner Crawford held him under bond Valnt of Prises to Be Offered Will the of o to appear July u be fore him for a preliminary heartnf. Dep uty United States Marshal Cole recently went to Henderson with a warrant for Booten but was unable, to locate him. Booten yesterday denied to Commissioner Crawford that he had hidden when the of- ! fleer was la Henderson. CALL FOR GIFTS BEINGS MANY Pnfcllshers. Masiftetiren nad 5tr. eerymea Donate Maay Ar-tlc-lee far Prises aad Trophies. CITT COUNCIL HEARS COMPLAINTS Prof. S. A. Beach of the Ames Agrl cultural college, George M. Marshall of I nilltlBluil, vil, v. sa&m ... .a... A-'T. W. W. Maaarell nnlnm,irl,l mnv. I. . -1 til... u ri . to -V City National bank building. v.-..,, n, ... DROP-PATTERN BAI.K of nlrtnre I a?.,...- .' . T.'I-..- -u . Broadway. city yesterday and held a conference with At a mMin. ,K. ilk....- ... i... superintendent freeman l eea ana otner n.rhtVr"11 fLt.'i.J0".."1. officer, of the National Horticultural con- m n ! iTk. . I . a . I I mntt mb1. . H. flnnjlul A I t rtl. i ii a. A, nonrir secretary. 1 1 anv vuuieieuuv wsira ivr n,iki I ' " " i"" i u i'o. Conditions la Flooded Districts Die rawed Lut Night. Much of the time of the session of the city counclly last night was taken up listening to complaints from owners of property In the flooded districts, and re quests from these parties that the city do something to relieve the conditions com plained of. Everyone was given a patient hearing, and the councilmen will meet this afternoon as a committee of the whole Oak Leaf cmn Rt.v.i Nihhf.r hours and related to matters of vital in- America, will meet In regular sess on terest to the forthcoming fruit show and 'luesday evening In the Mem,., blue. especially to the work of preparing and Mr. and Mrs. D. Frank C. Riker of Den- Issuing the preliminary premium bulle- vvr. ioio.. ara auema rar a raw hkvb nr tin . nr. ana Mrs. J. u. ""' irn. I .,., h.. h. k.. ....... .ii ...... .v. Robinson of South 1 he great interest In the National Fruit country gives ample assurance that the Councilman Belllnrer will leave Wednes day for an etnd tiualnMa trln In I'lil. cago. New York City and other eastern Piemlum list for the 1909 expositions will points. He expects to be gone about three be of a most attractive character, reaching or four weeks. or eceedlng the amount of 38,W0 fixed , ?rof:A.Howa.ra 6togh of Midland col- BOme time ago by the officers of the tnTeS..., -.r. 'o manufacturer.. Lutheran church. He is the guest of publishers, seedmen, nurserymen and m"V' -n4i i'c"' t' 8n,der mn1 -r. and others Interested In horticulture, offeilng . , . .loui?' thm th opportunity to contribute to the comolauied to r.v nVori t,riU;r mT P'U t by donating articles or J'.Vh-. f.'fL?' the- Juvn" ,fou". rPhle -or Prises, have brought many re- Eighth street until such time as the city terday that boys made a practice of put- sponsea, and they are continuing to come ..,, ,, .,.. ., ,h. . . ting out of commlaslon the electrlo warn- -i .j,a rata of two or three each dav d PUt ,n concret" br,dM at thl" PlnL in. k.i i in.,.n. k.. .v. - . . " l"e rate ot two or tnree eacn aay. h .,...,in A.A ., .m, In several Instances the railroad grades were declared to be responsible for the flooded conditions In certain neighborhoods, and larger culverts under the tracks was one of the remedies suggested. Represen tatives of these railroads will be asked to go over the ground with the committee of the whole this afternoon. Numerous com plaints of stagnant water were filed, and these will also be Investigated by the com mittee this afternoon. The committee on bridges was directed to commence at once the necessary repairs on the Indian creek bridges at Elliot and Benton streets. Councilman Tounkerman suggested moving the bridge now at Eighth street to Elliot street and closing North Inff hull Install ..1 K tfca amrtan,r aft . V. - Woodbury avenue crossing. The Stark Bros. Nurseries and Orchard The funeral of the late Warren Johnson. oom)any of Loulln. M- ' lv CI1 Bluffs Improvement club, filed ii ui ssr. ana Mrs. MacK Johnson, an- six premiums irom ineir nursery sioca nouncea lor yesterday afternoon, was nnitinv nt i nun twn worth from cam. I . . . . . ... . ... postponed until thle afternoon, when It " "7. "'i ,1 IZl., . J m ?ny own X n inirty-sec The suggestion did not meet with favor, A. C. Keller, president of the West Coun a re quest that the sidewalk ordered In front will ba held from Outlet--. ,.ni;..,r. ... o nis eacn. in meir leuer me nursery tabllshment. and burial will be In Falrvlew men say: "Last year's congress was one cemetery. The services at Cutler's will be at i o Clock. The lire department was called at I o ciock last night to the Keppner auto mobile garage at 1417 West Broadway. no 1 While filling the tank of an auto the gaeo- I greatly eclipse the first nno overflowed and cauaht f re. The auto was wheeled out Into the street before It was aamagea to any extent and the dam age to me garage was Immaterial. of the greatest educational gatherings. horticultural!, ever held In this country. It was far-reaching in Its work 'for advanced horticulture, and this year's show will one. The Harrison nurseries of Berlin, Md., offer a trophy and 100 Mcintosh trees, the ond street, north of the school house, be cut out of the list The request was granted by a vote of 4 to 8, although Councilman Bellinger stated the walk was needed for the convenience of the children ttendtng that school. Some of the coun cllmen expressed the opinion that Mr. Kel ler should not have objected to the side' walk, seeing that It was for the Improve ment of the section of the city In which he resides. The councilmen declined to pass the pure milk ordinance because the city solicitor had failed to provide them with copies highest priced and best selected stock, to van Larnen. a driver for Oelse'a Bottllna I h. . tnr nnmium iiuinil stance of Dr 7 Donald Macrae, president of The W At,e Burpe 8eed mPBr of the Council Bluffs Automobile club, under Philadelphia offers cash to pay for a cup tn nw ominance pronioning ine creaking nr . ..ri.if crises to ba riven In their I l" i""" "'"' w'"' of bottles on the public street. Larson was 0t P t0 ' " . th measure as directed at the previous requested by Dr. Macrae to pick up the name, leaving the matter to the discretion ... . 5."" nJ !. Then Dr. of the officers. I '"Z ..a,;:;: ,h. i'vim nuLuiru ina do ice inn I .rMn', I - I - - ..... ' i 1 ' arrest followed. Ha waa rla...t 1 D. 8. Lake, proprietor Of the Shenandoan, reouest from th Omaha drain TT.r. mA,rninbndTth-PPIr ln P"!'0, court this la., nurseries, offers to contribute any change that It be permitted to establish m 15 to isa i Th iaiTto Si..h k.. reasonable amount of nursery stock for scales and an office at the Intersection a standing offer of a reward or no fr- h. premium purposes or anything else that of Pearl and Main streets was referred arrest of any person guilty of this offense, may be suggested by the officers of the to the committee on bridges and city pro n . , . . . I congress. I perty. " " n.Li,uni bafetv rm congress. Most liberal offers have also been re- I Attention was called to the failure of a number of owners of business property I . . . . . - T.I - I J . . a, i.'m t rnrti innai iwnnip. i . . vv . oncijuiiaiu. up ratios to Remove It Falls to Save . V . ....... . Ion Broadway and other streets to clean marager 01 ine eanawicn annuiioiunin i - - Child's Llf Leroy Lewis, the -months-old son of company, sent In six catalogues containing the sidewalks after the recent flood. A list of the delinquents Is to be furnished uiu nun VI . , i . . .i. link VI VI I O UCIIII14UBI1UI Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Whltloclt, 201 South of tn made nd hnal4 b th the police department First street, died yesterday mornlns- at Sandwich company, and offering tha off! the Edmuiidnon Memorial hospital after oer of the coi.gress to select any article an operation for the removal of a safety shown, which will be donated. Some of aajr afternoon. pin wnicn he swallowed Saturday evening. I the machinery catalogued Is listed as high The child picked up the pin. which waa as $1,500. smaii sixe ana open, and before the The Meneray Crescent Nursery company mother could prevent, swallowed It. AsL.v. Tv,r,.nitv to .uhmlt a list of The council after disposing of more or less routine business adjourned to Thurs- hot al to Biece& s Not much relevancy at first thought in this headline as ap plied to dry goods, but it describes what is being done With the Prices at Kiipatrick's Improvement Sale Dress goods, silRs and books will receive special attention for a few days On Tuesday, July 13th, we will place on Bale all that is left of short ends, waist lengths, dres3 lengths and pet ticoat lengths. Messalines, Peau de Cygnes, Satins, etc These goods sold previously at $1.00 and $1.25; on Tuesday one price, 49c a yard. We will not cut short lengths nor can any be ex changed. - Five pieces yard wide Black Taffeta, extra heavy, formerly $1.50, will go at $1.15. Three pieces 19-inch Black Messaline, worth 75c; will go at 49c. Three pieces 19-inch Black Messaline, worth 85c, will go at 59c. Two pieces 26-inch Peau de Cygne, worth $1.00, will go at 79c. Two pieces 24-inch Black Satin Panne, worth $1.25, will go at 89c Two pieces 19-inch Black Peau de Soie, worth 85c, will go at 59c. Two pieces 23-inch Black Peau de Soie, worth $1.75, will go at 98c. Two pieces 27-inch Black Peau de Soie, worth $1.50, will go at $1.15. Three pieces 36-inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.00, will go at 79c. Will clean up all that is left of the odd line of Foul ards originally sold at $1.00, at 39c a yard. All that's left of the Kimono Silk, 50c and 65c grades at 39c. All the Rough Pongees, plain and fancy, formerly 75c and $1.00, at 39c DRESS GOODS Here is where you will make a de cided saving and the time for wool dress goods will soon be here. You may have a little difficulty in finding the dress goods items as they are scattered over the store. One counter a mixed lot Mohairs, Serges, Voiles, Albatross, Batiste, etc. worth 65c, will go at 33c, One counter of mixed checks and fancies, worth up to $1.50, at 49c. One counter of Veilings, Voiles and Mohairs, worth up to $1.25, at 69c All that is left of the $3.00 Broadcloths will go at $1.39. All th$ fine Colored Drees Goods, worth up to $2.50, at $1.19. Every yard of Black Goods of every kind will go in this sale at greatly reduced prices. The Books and Stationery will suffer most This entire department had to be moved and we are simply stumped for room and know not where to place them properly. i To induce you to take them away we price for Tues day all religious books Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, etc., at one-half price or less. One big 10c table contains books worth up to 50c. One big 25c table contains books worth up to 75c. One big 49c table contains books worth up to $1.50. Sets one-half price and less. Posters and Mottoes one-half price and less. Cards from your plate 39c per 100. Stationery at about half. Come in the morning, please, if you can. a last resort, the babe was taken yeater- prlses. rl ft V mnrnlno a t . a kABnii.i i IIUOJJIW, WIICIV ID I . . .. L 1 1 -.1... operation was performed. .among w,, w... ... The funeral will be held Wednesday troph,e' r" f ?" bp! MUf " morning at 10:30 o'clock frnm ,.,Z Better Fruit. Hood River. Ore., and the residence and burial will be In Falrvlew Oregon. vice pretldent of the congress, and cemetery. Rev. Edgar ,,Pi1ce, pastor of 1 pubhers 01 me jrruu urower, ni. rim tnniuin cnurcn. wilt conduct Joscpn, no. the services. .1 Letters with enthusiastlo comment on the prospects of the 1909 exposition are received Utah Horticultural commission says: "We k'flH MTTT.Tr A T A x r-k sm a arse v TIT TV YAfTP TTMTADO at n T,A-.,e, u 7 ' T.TQTTrm pa kio a Krin v ' -. liv.iva- ikMd. I . a I tlV III 1 UU oj iiipoiu "itt vug nuia The Tashlon. ladles' tallortna. It w 'ur on Deln ther wlu trtt' n"1 Emleln proprietor, late fitter Orkln Brn. "h fruit enough to make them sit up ana 1 do first-class work reasonable. I make ulte notice." suits for 115, skirts 16. I also do altering - K- White of the Michigan Agricultural to suit. Would you give me a trial? U college and one of the Michigan vice presh South Main street. dents of the congress says: "There la a J oh a R, Dobbins Gives Bond. John R. Dobbins, alleged member of the J. C. Maybray "swindling syndicate," se cured his release yesterday afternoon from the county jail, where he has been con fined since February 15, on furnishing bonds In the aggregate sum of $,000. Dobbins la alleged to have acted as "steerer" for the Maybray gang in the particular case of T. W. Ballew, the banker and lumber dealer of Princeton, Mo., who was fleeced out of $30,000 on a fake horse race In this city on October IS of last year. RAILROADS FIGHT INCREASE Agents of Iowa Lines Ask for De crease in Assessments. J. Edward Taylor of the Two Indictments were returned In the early "", and organlr.ations to whom I have spoken Pure gold, seamless, all slses. thus ne concerning the exhibit from Michigan, and oe..y r .k... m 10 ,u. tngravlng j am ,reaUy ,neouraged 1 1 o. . imiai. part of February by the district court grand Jury against Dobbins for his alleged , complicity In the Ballew case, one on the charge of larceny and the other on the charge of conspiracy. His bond under the two Indictments was originally placed at 110.000. but waa later reduced to S6.00J. The sureties, on the bonds furnished yes terday are Hubert Tinley, cashier of the willingness to assist shown by all parties state Savings bank, and W. A. Maurer, a QUOTE FIGURE? Orf' ' FAEMS Thar Iaslst that Lands Are Assessed at Leaa Than Half as Mack aa Railroads on Earning Baals. The wise-man racerved a telegram to come home at onca on account of alckness us ha did not have enough money he telephoned the Iowa Loan company, corner Pearl and Broadway and was able to catoh tha first train home. If It la mo:aey you want sea them. - well-known business man of the city, Dobbins was arrested in New Tork City and brought back to Council Bluffs by W. A. Oroneweg, former deputy sheriff, who was recently appointed deputy United N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. ISO. Night, F-1701 Raal Catata Tranefera. These transfers were reported to The states marshall for this district. Bee July 11 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract compony of Council Bluffs: William F. Hledentopf, et el., to Bertha M. Simon, lot 6. block X Tur ley & White's subd in Council Bluffs, o. c. d I 3 Herman Hotie and wife to William M. Hotie. se4 6-74-40. w. d 18.000 Bertha M. Mllliran and husband to ANNOUNCEMENT Read This Care fully, It Will lo tesest You... From now on each day will sea this space filled with nma and prices ot xoods In feur stock of groceries and meats, particularly interesting for the season and the dsr, , Each day we will also give you one or two specials at prices which will afford you a material saving and at the same time Insure you Quality, freshness and wholesome ness. WATCH THIS SPACE. 'Phpne numbers: BeU. Douglas 1611; Independent, A 1611. R. E. WELCH, 24th and Famnm SU., Omaha. J. O. Jones, lot (. block t, Turley it White's subd In Council Bluffs, w. d Alma Sheets, et a!., to Earl Sheets, iwtt nt. nw seVi, nthi iw). In 11-74-J9. w. d Ingleetta Robertson and htiKhand to Mitchell Rlcard. lots IS to S3, block t, Morntngslde add to Council Bluffs, w. d Eva A. Watts and husband to Jennie Wood, lot 11, Aud subd, t neVi J6-76-44, w. d Donald Macrae, jr., and wife to Hay Tool Manufacturing company, lota 17 and 18, block 24. Beer's subd In Council Bluffs, w. d E. L. Young to T. Young, lot S and w lot 14. Highland place add to Council Bluffs, w. d Camilla Hanna and husband to Ber tha M. Mllllcan. lot , block 1. Tur ley White's subd in Council Bluffs, q. c. d Charles Mueller, et al., to Bertha M. Mllllcan, lot , block S. Turley & White's subd In Council Bluffs, q. e. d Walter Hanson and wife to Mrs. Lue Ager. lot 10. block . Burns' add to Council Bluffs, w. d Margaret Drake, widow, to Alexander Stuart, wfe seVi and swK 16-77-SS, w. d R. E. Baxter, single, to Cora A. Wil son, lot 4. block 1, Plalnvlew add to Council Bluffs, w. d Martha West, widow, to William Arnd, lots i and i. block 43. Beer's subd m Council Bluffs, n c. d A. Smouse and wife to Katherlne R. South. ots SU and 19. block S. Twin City Plaoe add to Council Bluffs, w. d Thomas H. James and wife to A. ftmouee. lota SK and ). block S. Twin City Place add to Council Bluffs. 3,200 9,000 1,100 1,200 3S0 Will Entertain Apto TonriatS. "Council Bluffs Is on the map for the Ollddens. Let's show the place so they will never forget It." So reads a notice posted at the Lake Manawa clubhouse of the Council Bluffs Rowing association requesting all the mem bers who can possibly do so to be at the club on the night of July 21 to assist In the entertainment which has been planned for the visiting autolsts. At the meeting yesterday of the executive committee of the Council Bluffs Auto mobile club a subcommittee was appointed to call upon the business men of the city and request that they decorate their stores and places of business for the occasion ot the tourists' visit. We are (pen for Bids oa Cement Sidewalks ' We manufacture the beat cement block an the market, the coaUnual air-spaoo cement block. The walls laslde never tat wet or damp Put Up to cemeat will laat a life time. -Mitrs eunaw x.oox oo Offlea, koaaa S, Vtn ataUaaal Bash BuUaiag. raeae la 4. Sett. IT laat SUi wee aaa rust Avaaaa. Lffrts tZVEl rLenaei C m -t r!arLri SWUM l, Ira at aa .LUTEHTS STS 17,000 100 d. Total. SO 600 J51 sixteen transfers. .fSS.OSO John Daagherty need. , John Daugherty, aged 66 years, died yes terday morning at his home, (2 Avenue D, after a six months' Illness from Brlght's disease. He had been a resident of Coun ell Bluffs for forty years and Is survived by Ms wife, a daughter. Mrs. B. 8. Kelley of Canon City, Colo.; a stepdaughter. Miss Ella Darnell, a teacher In the city schools and a sister, Mrs. K A. 8app ot Millard. O. Mr. Daugherty was a soldier, having served during the civil wsr as a corporal In Troop U Fifth Ohio volunteer cavalry. He was a member of Council Bluffs lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at S:SS o'clock from the residence and burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery. Rev Edgar Price," pastor of tha First Christian church, will conduct the services. Jantea Baaten Slvea Band. Tama. VI nn I a . . fnTfll,, MliMlt fit Council Bluffs, against whom a oharge of bootlegging at Henderson. Ia. had been filed, appeared before United Stataa Com miaaioner Crawford yea tarda aftaraea. Three Resorts Raided. Armed with search warrants sworn out by the county attorney, a squad o constables and deputy sheriffs raided three resorts In the business district last night Jessie Miller. (14 West Broadway; Myra Graves, 226 West Broadway, and Maggie Hill, 817 South Main street, were arrested an the charge of conducting disorderly houses. A quantity of liquor waa seised a the Miller and Hill places. Jessie Miller furnished a 1300 cash bond and Myra Graves a $400 surety bond signed by Wal lace Benjamin. Maggie Hill was unabl to furnish bond and was sent to jail. Thl ts said to be the beginning of a movemen to drive houses ot this class from the business section of the city. Jalr Clearance of Pie tares. Big discounts on pictures, both framed and unfraWd. Alexander's Art Store, KZ Broadway. Let us figure your contract on painting. We know we ran satisfy you. H. Bor ick, 311 South Malnt street Danish Festival Tharaday. Thl Ladles' Aid society ot the Danish Lutheran church, assisted by the members of the Young People's society, will hold Danish festival Thursday evening of thl week In the chapel at tha corner of Twen ty-first avenue and Elghtrenth street. There's lletJth nd Happiness In tha' habit ot eating GrapeNuts The food Contains 'elements from Wheat and Barley which rebuilds Broken Nerves and Brain. Try It ten days. "There's s, Rstsoiv" . Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la., July 12.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Because of the death of Governor F. Carroll's sister, Mrs. Jane Rouch at Bloomfleld, the executive council, which met today to assess the railroads, ad journed till tomorrow, after listening to the representatives of the Dubuque and Sioux City and Colfax and Northern, be cause the representatives of these roads cannot be present tomorrow. Only minor matters were considered today, the coun' ell not going Into the broader principles. Tomorrow 'the railroads will ask for I substantial reduction of their assessments. It Is understood that Representative White of Story county will appear before the commission and ask that the assessment be left where It Is and that no Increase be made In the farm land assessment. He will claim that while land values have gone up in the past few years, ths Incomes from the farms are' no greater than 'six years ago. Railroads and Farms. W. W. Baldwin of the Burlington has discovered by Inquiries to the county aud itor that the taxes which farm lands rent ing for cash rent pay Is but per cent of the cash received as rent, while the railroads pay taxes, as he claims, which Is IS per cent of their net earnings, the net earnings corresponding to the cash rent of the farms. The fact that reports this year show wide discrepancies between the assessed value and sale value of farms, showing that the sate value on the average has inqreased nearly 40 per cent, while the assessed value Is actually lower that formerly. Is the feature of the assess ment business this year. Manv claim that under the law, -.he executive council cannot get around rats Ing farm assessments nigner man iney have ever been before. j Opinion on Moon Lave. Attorney General Byers Is preparing a decision relative to the Moon law at the, request of a number of persons who have asked him for his Interpretation of the aw. This decision will probably be made public tomorrow. It Is understood that he will hold that the legislative Intent gov erns and that the intent of the Moon law was that no further aaloon permits be granted above one to each 1.000 population after the passage of the law, which was April U. Flaht on New Ratea. The railroads may ask for an Injunction to prevent the order of the Interstate Com merce commission relative to rates through Des Moines and from Des Moines to the northwest going Into effect till heard by the court. The order of the commission was considered a great victory for Des Moines business. It Is claimed the Rook Island will ask for ths Injunction. Will Teat Rope Law. A test of the hotel law requiring a rope In each hotel room long enough to reach the ground and other requirements as to fire escapes, will be started In the Folk county district court the last of this week. according to present plans. It Is claimed the law will cost the hotel men $XW,0. and on behalf of the state association the constitutionality ot the law will be at tacked. Forger Commits Salelde. J. L. Davis, arrested today on a farm near Knoxvllle, charged with having passed two forged checks ia Dea Moines, committed suicide when granted a few minutes' absence in which to change his clothing. Davis passed worthless checks totaling (26 some months ago and officers traced him to the farm of Mrs. John Mc- Intlre, a sister, living near Knoxvllle. When confronted with the oharge Davis admitted his guilt. He was 2S years of age and unmarried. Governor Retaras Tomorrow. Governor Carroll returned Saturday from a trip to the Anamosa and Fort Madison penitentiaries, and no sooner had he reached home than he received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Jane Rouch, at Bloom fleld, Ia. The funeral of Mrs. Rouch was held today In Troy, la., the old family home. Governor Carroll will return to morrow to act with the other members of the executive council In the railroad assess ment, the law requiring that the assess ment be made, at this time. Settle Mine 'Difficulty. Trouble In the Iowa district of the United Mine Workers of America has been settled without the assistance ot Hon. William Jennings Bryan, who had consented to act as one of the arbitrators. Mr. Bryan could not sit with the other four members till September. The four members of the board got together and agreed unanimously on a decision. Charges " had been made that John P. White, the president ot the local district, was trying to wreck the order. Jonas Gott charged that Harry Baker, district secretary, and James Arch! bold, the local president at Centervllle, had circulated such a report. The arbitra tors found that such was not the case, whether the report had been circulated or not; that Intemperate statements had been made by both sides and in brief that the best thing to do was for everyone to "drop their hard feelings for the good of the order. Kerosene Lamp Explodes. By the explosion of a kerosene lamp, which she was using while curling her hair, Miss Ella Drone was severely burned and may die. Almost all her clothing waa burned from her body, and when the physicians sought to remove the remainder, flesh dropped away In places. She was a chambermaid at the Chamber' lain tiotel. alrlde'a Wife Is 111. From brooding over the murderous at tack her husband made on A. II. Todd, and his subsequent suicide, Mrs. Minnie Rice has become so 111 that she was taken to Mercy hospital. She has but lately arrived In America, and does not under stand the English language. State Day at Fair. Thursday, September 2, will be State day at the Iowa State Fair, and that day will be an anpual feature hereafter. All the state officers, the governors of seven ad Joining states, the representatives in con gress from this state, and all the mem bers of the Iowa legislature are to be In vited especially to attend, and all other publlo officials of the state. There will be no speaking, but the people will be given the opportunity of meeting the officials of the state at close range, and the jruesta will be shown especial honors. Many Prosecutions. H. R. Wright, state food and dairy com missioner, toay mailed ten cases to county attorneys for prosecution under the state laws. Four were against merchants who had sold linseed oil purchased from an Omaha company, It being charged that the oil is impure. If you are dissatisfied try me. We keep our customers In good humor all the time by giving them SCIENTIFIC SERVICE and HONEST GOODS. Here you get the benefit of yeara of experience, our per sonal attention and care of the eyes. Re member that we grind our own lenses and guarantee satisfaction. "Eye-sight Is my Specialty." W. W. MAGARRELL, Opto metrist, 20(1-8 City National Bank building, Council Bluffs, Ia. Northwestern Makes Changes. BOONE, Ia., July 12. Speclal.)-Effeo- tlve today, former Assistant Superinten dent John W. Doyle of the Chicago As Northwestern becomes superintendent of the Pierre, Rapid City 4b Northwestern at Pierre, 8. D., taking the place of C. T. Dike, who goes into construction work. Former Trainmaster C. T. Booth at Coun cil Bluffs becomes assistant superintendent at Boone and former Chief I)lin.ihr August Syverson of Wisconsin beoomes trainmaster at Council Bluffs. ' We have Just received a big line of the celebrated Perfect Flreless Cookers. We show them In three nixes, with aluminum vessels or enameled. We Invite your In spection. Prices, 7.50, $9.00, $12.00. P. C. De Vol Hdw. Co. Railroad Men Die in Accident Robert L. Knabel and William Brand Pitched Into Ditch at Dalton, Ia. SIOUX CITY, Ia., July 12.-Robert L. Knabel, superintendent of the Sioux City division of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St Paul road, and William Brand, division carpenter, were fatally Injured today when their automobile apeeder was derailed near Dalton. Knabel's back was broken. We have a large number of bankers' carpenters,' clerks,' and stenographers' pen cils whloh we are giving away as long as they last. Call at our offlae and get them. Iowa Loan company, corner Pearl and Broadway, suite V Bigger, Better, Busier Tnat's what ad vertising In The Bee does for your business. l ai1 II WE BEAR, SISSiQE STORE COUNCIL BLUFFS. j ar.-,-,--m,.i,.rNa''0-w aamaaaw. , " ' MW-'l'a WWa--- LaitMsViJmj ja. iYt (mm i n ii uj ujfi ij j i SgS -' 'ieesenejr p-MBaSaSBBrvV rig rteWrBsjBjejBEMrf .eMVtife . wftMt.- i . ii Ml i i ai I , i t-lt,i Mtn,.iii. . -- , i J siT VaW mmmm -J "B K r -v - w - "7 - a if la