Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    iHE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 13. 1000.
Frank Pilrer First School Man to File
His Statement.
Rl(ktr-Tw Hick School Districts Are
for S8SO Back Minor mat
ters at Lincoln.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 12--6peclal.) The first
county superintendent's annual report filed
At the office of the state superintendent
this year was received today from Frank
Pilfer, superintendent of Fierce county,
la a letter to Superintendent lilshop
accompanying- this report, Mr. Pllger ex-
' plains that he was made a few days late
in uio luing or. nis report on account oi
the birth of their first boy, who made his
appearance In the home July 7, 1903.
This report shows that In Pierce county
there were employed last year ten male
and 111 female teachers. Of this number
nine held professional life certificates, two
first trade state certificates, eight second
( state certificates, eleven first grade
county certificates, seventy two second
grade county certificates and nineteen
third grade county certificates. The school
population of the county, as shown by the
last census, is 1,889 boys and 1,797 girls, a
total of 3,t6. Three high school districts
of the county, namely, Pierce, Plalnvlew
and Osmond, received a total of 1402 from
free high school tuition. There was ex
pended for books under the school library
law 1199.60. This law was passed by the
legislature of 1WJ7 and requires the school
board of every school district within the
state to set aside annually from the gen
eral fund the sum of 10 cents per pupil as
shown by the total number of pupils
within the school district at the last an
nual school census. The amount of school
district bonds voted last year was ta),H)J
and the total amount paid on district
bonds (1.700.
Normal Training; in Utah Schools.
Eighty-two high school districts of the
tats have made proper reports to the
superintendent of public Instruction and
the auditor of public accounts has been
authorized to draw warrants In their favor
for $3D1, which is the amount allowed every
high school district that meets the require
ments of the law. Under the provisions of
this act the state superintendent is required
on or beforn the second Monday of July of
each year to apportion the money earned
to each of the high school districts of
the state. The certificate made to the
auditor under date of July 12, 1909, recom
mends that the full amount be paid to the
following schools:
Ten-Ycar-Old Boy
Killed by Playmate
Near Broken Bow
Coroner Findi Shooting Was Acci
dental While Boj Were Play .
ing with Rifle.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 11. (Special
Telegram.) Johhny Gill, the 10-year-old
son of Ed H. GUI, living on the eastern
border of the county, was shot and almost
Instantly killed late yesterday afternoon
by George Crist, another 10-year-old boy.
The Gill boy was visiting at the Crist
farm with George and hts cousin Lester.
The three boys, who are of the same age,
were alone during the afternoon with a
22-callber rifle ard when found the body of
Johnny Gill was lying near the water
tank 100 feet from the house. Coroner Cole
arrived on tht scene about 10 o'clock, em
paneled a jury and put the two boys on
the stand. At first they declared Johnny
had shot himself In the house, then ran
out doors before dropping. Later George
confessed to the shooting, but said It was
accidental. Coroner Cole's verdict was to
that effect. The bullet entered the heart
of the victim, passed clear through the
body and lodged in the tight arm.
he rd before Judge Pemberton today. The
court discharged the prisoner. Attorney
Richards of Liberty brought the action
Saturday on the grounds that the proceed
ings of the board In pronouncing Sharp an
Inebriate were not regular. Sharp Is 71
years of age.
Ixiup City.
Red Cloud.
Vnlveralty Place.
Test Point.
Republicans Will
Locate Convention
Chairman Keifer Calls State Central
Committee to Assemble in Lin
coln Thursday.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb., July 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Chairman J. Warren Keifer of the
republican state central committee has
called a meeting of the full committee at
the Llndell hotel In Lincoln Thursday even
ing. The committee will decide on the
place for holding the state convention.
which will assemble the last Tuesday In
Mr. Keifer had first Intended to call only
the executive committee, but later de
cided to summon the full committee.
Osceola Boy is
Fourth Victim
Howard Watkins Shoots Himself with
Toy Pistol and Tetanus
OSCEOLA. Neb., July IS. (Special Tele
gram) A case of tetanus which probably
will result fatally as a result of a thirteen
year-old boy accidentally shooting himself
on July S with a toy pistol. The boy Is
Howard Watkins, and at present be Is
suffering Intense pains and spasms. When
the accident happened a doctor was called
and the wound cleansed, and It was
thought nothing serious would follow. On
Saturday the assistance of the physician
was called, but the case had progressed
so far that It Is believed the patient can
not possibly recover.
Broken Bow ,
Grand Island. -Greeley.
Hebron. -Holdrege.
Complaint from Telephone Company.
Tho Norfolk Independent Telephone com
pany has filed a complaint with the rail
way commission against the Nebraska
Telephone company alleging discrimination.
The Independent company alleges that the
Nebraska company took the telephone
out of Us office and though tendered the
price, ..refuse SMrvtt "ervtca, -
Vacation, for Brian.
Treasurer Brian and his family left
this week for a month's stay In the
mountains of Colorado. Deputy Treasurer
Frank Brian was left In charge of the
Soldiers Still In Feu.
Secretary of State Junkln received an
other letter this morning from several
members of the soldier's home at Grand
" - Island who say they fear Commandant
Barnes intends to let them out of the home
because they complained against his man
, agement
Governor oa Lee tare Tonr.
Governor Shallenberger has gone to Well
ington, Kan., to deliver a Chautauqua lec
ture. He will speak at another point In
Kansas before returning to Lincoln.
Four Teams and Gasoline Engine Re
quired Because of Wet
TECUMSEH, Neb., July 12.-(SpeclaI.)
Owing to the continued rains the farmers
have been cutting their wheat with the
greatest difficulty. The wheat Is heavy
and has been ready to harvest for several
days. Some farmers are putting six and
eight head of horses to their binders and
running the machines In the mud. Others
have Installed gasoline engines on their
binders to assist the horses with the heavy
work. Many farmers are working today
as best they could under existing condi
tions. Wheat fields on the liver bottoms
were tost owing to the flood. The haying,
too, Is pressing and help I- very scarce.
Dozens of farmers' girls over the county
have been obliged to go Into the fields to
work to help save the crop. Corn la doing
Two Hones Bars to Death.
BEATRICE. Neb.. July 11. (Special Tele
gram.) A large barn on the farm of
George Callett near Plckrell burned yes
terday, with a considerable amount of hay
and grain. Two horses perished and two
wore badly burned. Loss $l,2O0, partially
Insured. The origin of the fire la unknown.
Letter from Armenia.
PERU, Neb., July 12.-Speclal.) Dr. W.
S. Haradjlan, the local dentist, who Is a
native of Antlba, Armenia, has lately re
ceived a letter from a brother at home In
which he tells of the massacre of his peo
ple by the Turks. He reports that the
number killed and burned in their native
city was 6,000 and In the province 20,000 to
25.000, and that the survivors look more
like half-crazed ghosts than human beings
Dr. Haradjlan had feared that his brother
was one of the slain, but was greatly re
lieved by the recelp of the letter.
Body of Perry Jermaa Foand.
BEATRICE, Neb.. July 12. (Special Tele
gram.) The body of Perry Jerman of this
city, who was drowned In a lake near
Rawlins, Wyo., last September, was found
yesterday. He was 23 years of age and
Is survived by a widow. The remains will
be Interred at Rawlins.
Allesjred Inebriate Discharged.
BEATRICE, Neb., July U.-(Speclal Tele
gramsThe habeas corpus case brought
against Sheriff Trude for the release of
Allen Sharp of Liberty, adjudged an In
ebtlato by the Insanity commission, was
Nebraska News Notes.
STROM8BURO G. W. Crozler, formerly
principal of the public schools of this city,
has accepted the prlnclpalshtp of schools
at St. Annis, Cal., to which place he re
cently moved his family from here.
HASTINGS The corner stone of the Con
gregational church, which will cost about
fl7.0U0, was laid yesterday afternoon. W.
A. tellecK, prexmeni or ine uncoin com
mercial club, delivered the principal address.
PERU-The city council decided at the
last meeting to call a special election In
the near future to vote on the question of
bonding the town to put in a complete
system or water works and sewers, also
building a city hall and jail.
8THOM8BURG Harvesting Is consider
ably delayed on account of the excessive
rains or the last rew days, so that but a
very small per cent or the wheat Is cut.
With the proper kind of weather farmers
are expecting a good quality of an average
TECUMSEH The churches of Tecumseh
have united In holding open air meetings
In the court yard each Sunday evening.
The several ministers will take turns at
delivering the sermons. The sermon last
night was by Kev. O. H. Loomls of the
Christian church.
CAMBRIDGE The marriage of Harve
Bestwlck and Miss Belva Kelm took place
at the home of the groom's brother, John
Bestwlck. or this city, on Thursday even
ing. Dr. D. A. Lee per of the Methodist
Episcopal church officiating. The bride is
from Sabetha, Kan.
SUTTON A Carnegie library has Ion
been agitated in Sutton. At a special
meeting of the library board held last
evening the school board s orrer or a
section of the school grounds for library
purposes was rejected. The matter or a
site Is at present left open in an endeavor
to secure a suitable location.
STROM SBURG The mason' work was
begun on the new Wilson automobile
garage today. This building will be a
great improvement to the city. It will be
130 feerdeep, with a fifty-foot front, self-
supporting roor, piate glass iront and win
be equipped with first-class machinery
necessary for doing all kinds of automobile
repair work.
ST ROMS BURG A deal was made today
by which the ownership of the Htromsburg
Mews changes hands, J. H. wirth selling
the plant to R. G. Douglas of Osceola,
Neb. Mr. Douglas Is the editor of the
Osceola Record and his becoming editor
of the Stromsburg News puts him at the
head of all the republican newspapers in
Polk county. Mr. Douglas assumes charge
oi ine printing plant July u.
TECUMSEH Hon. L. A. Varner and
wife of Sterling will depart In a day or
two for Seattle, Wash., to attend the Na
tional Editorial association, Mr. Varner
being an officer of the association. For
twenty years, up to a recent date. Mr.
Varner was In the newspaper business In
sterling. He sold out his paper, the Ster
ling Sun, to A. G. Powell, and says he
does not Intend to re-engage In the busl
neas for the present at least.
TECUMSEH-Warner St Bock. well
known feeders of this county, sold three
carloads of fat steers on the Kansas City
markets, Wednesday, that topped the mar
ket for the day. The steers were fed for
eight months, weighing at the time they
were put on feed an average of 620 pounds
per head. When sold they averaged 1,278
pounas per nead. The price received for
tnem was 17.20 per 100. Although the feed
ers fed them an abundance of high-priced
ieeo, mey made tnem good money.
TECUMSEH Politics In Johnson county
has not reached a very warm heat as vet.
The republicans have avowed candidates
for the several county offices to be filled
this fall, while the democrats have two
candidates for sheriff and nothing else at
this time. One story is to the effect that
C. W. Pool, speaker of the house of the
last legislature, would like to come out
for county office, while another story Is
that he will "lay low" this year and come
out for the democratic nomination for
state auditor next year.
Robber Suspect Leaves Boise for
Omaha Monday Noon.
laformatloa by Mrs. Wyeoff of
' Omaha Led to Arrest of This
Man Away Oat In
O. W. Marvin, alias Bill Matthews, the
fifth suspect of the Overland Limited mall
robbery In Omaha of May 22, left Boise,
Idaho, yesterday noon for Omaha In
charge of a deputy United States marshal,
and will not arrive In Omaha until about t
p. m. tomorrow. A telegram to this effect
was received from the United States mar
shal at Boise, at S o'clock last evening.
A. Rossetter of the Ptnkerton detective
agency, who was Instrumental In running
Marvin down and finally locating him at
Buhl, Idaho, where he was arrested, ar
rived In Omaha Monday morning from
Boise. Detective Rossetter said that
Marvin put up a stiff fight against removal
to Nebraska, but to no avail. Marvin
stoutly maintains his Innocence of any con
nection with the Omaha mall robbery and
insists that he will be able to prove an
alibi when the case comes to trial.
The arrest of Marvin was brought about
In a peculiar way. He was suspected of
being the fifth man of the bandit bunch,
but there was little evidence to connect
him with Woods, Torgenson and Gordon
In the Omaha affair until after the arrest
of Jack Shelton at Denver. After Shelton
was brought to Omaha he was taken out
of jail by Marshal Warner and a post
office Inspector to locate the house
at which he had been staying while In
Omaha. Shelton was uncertain about the
street, but finally recognised the house ns
the rooming house of a Mrs. Wykoff on
Davenport street Mrs. Wykoff did not at
first recognise Shelton, but later Incident
ally remarked:
V'Oh, yes, you are the man that came
here with Mr. Marvin."
This Waa First Tip.
This was the first Intimation that Marvin
had any direct connection with the hold
up of May 22. Mrs. Wykoff gave an ac
curate description of Marvin to the officers,
and they at once started out on his trail.
The Ptnkerton detective agency, through
Mr. Rossetter, Immediately took up the
case, having already susplcloned that
Marvin was connected with the holdup in
some way, and finally located hint at Buhl,
The evidence against Marvin seems to be
very strong, and he la regarded by the
Plnkertons as the leading spirit In the
Omaha, as well as having been connected
with other train holdups recently, and pos
slbly with the Spokane affair which pre
ceded the Omaha robbery a few weeks.
Both the postofflce Inspector force under
Inspectors Perkins and Mosby and the
Plnkertons have been In Spokane recently
gathering additional evidence that leads to
the belief that the Omaha bandits are of
the same party that pulled off the Spokane
mall robbery. The Inspectors have returned
to Omaha to await the arrival of Marvin.
Wind Kills Driver,
Blows Boy in Lake
One More Fatality Recorded in South
Dakota Tornado Train
Beats Twister.
MILBANK. S. P., July 11. -One more fa
tality was reported today from the tor
nado which syept over this territory Sun
day afternoon. Injuring more than a score
of persons and causing property losses of
1150.000. John Desrees, a hack driver at
Big Stone Lake, Minn., was driving near
the lake, when he was struck by a flying
missile and Instantly killed. A boy who
was on the seat with him waa blown 150
feet Into the lake, but was uninjured.
Passenger train No. 1. on the St. Paul
going west, pulled out of Big Stone ten
minutes before the storm struck. Upon
arriving on the bluff Engineer Starr
stopped his train to see which way the
storm was working. Noticing that it was
going east, he put on full head of steam
and made a fast run to Mllbank, just out
of the path of the storm.
Nobody Is Too Old
to learn that the sure way to cure cough
or cold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Wo. and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Merger of Two Big
Banks in Chicago
Commercial National and Bankers
National Consolidate Few
Changes' in Directorate.'
CHICAGO, Ju!y 12. Under the terms of
an agreement reached today by the com
mlttee representing the two banks, the
Commercial National bank of Chicago to
morrow will absorb the Bankers National
George P. Roberta, president of the Com
merclal National will continue as presl
dent of the merged institutions and Ed
ward S. Lacey, president of the Bankers,
will succeed Robert T. Lincoln as chair
man of the board of directors.
The absorption of the Bankers will bring
together two former government officials.
Mr. Roberts was at one time director of
the mint and Mr. Lacey was comptroller
of the currency.
Under the agreement the officers of
the Bankers National will be cared for In
the consolidated bank, which will bear the
name of the Commercial National.
The amalgamation, will give the Commer
cial National a banking power of approx
imately 183.000,000 putting It In third place
among "the Chicago national banks, the
First National holding the first place and
the Continental National second.
1 -81
I F zcz
. . T a l , . w w -
Maalclpallty Bays Oatflt and
Bore Three Thoasand
PIERRE, S. D-, July 12. (Special.) The
city authorities, after having paid out
many thousands of dollars for the sinking
of gas wells here, have purchased an out
fit for the municipality, and within the
next thirty days will have it at work on
a deep well in prospect here. At the spring
election the people voted for an Issue of
226.000 of special warrants for that purpose,
and the work has been delayed pending
the decision as to the best manner of doing
the work, which has finally been decided
by the purchase of a drilling rig by the
city nnd the employment of an expert to
do the drilling. A well will be put down
at least 3,000 feet, unless granite is reached
before that depth Is secured, and the ques
tion of existence of a stronger gas flow or
oil at this city will be definitely settled
Trains Collide on Chicago 4k North
western Road Near Parker,
South Dakota.
HURON, S. D., July 12. (Special Tele
gram.) A rear end collision near Parker
Sunday evening on the Chicago & North
western, resulted in the death of Brake
man Booth, single, of this city, and the
severe Injury of Firemen Ackley and Kr-
kow, also of this place.
Mlaeonrl Company Admitted.
PIERRE, S. D., July 12. (Special.) The
state Insurance department has admitted
to do business In this state the Missouri
State Life company, with headquarters at
St. Louis. Next Wednesday Is the day set
for the hearing of the Iowa fraternal In
surance association to show cause before
the Insurance commissioner of this state
as to why their licenses should not be
canceled on account of the reciprocity
clause of the insurance law of the state.
The complaint was made by the South
Dakota fraternals, which have been barred
from Iowa by the insurance department of
that state.
Two-MBUton-Dollar Mortarasje.
PIERRE, S. D., July 12. (Special Tele
gram.) A mortgage was filed in the office
of the secretary of state today for (2,000,000
running thirty years at 6 per cent, given by
the Veblon A Northwestern Railway com.
pany to the St. Louis Union Trust com
pany. The company, which was organised
by local people at Veblon in 1903 proposes
to construct a line from Aberdeen. S. D.,
by way of Veblon and White Rock to
Barrett, Minn. It will cover a good sec
tion of country not at present supplied with
rail communication.
Pecallar Fatality oa Board Cralser
North Carolina at
WASHINGTON. July 11 Ensign Hugh
K. Aiken of New Orleans died aboard
the cruiser North Carolina at Naples laat
night from Injuries resulting from a coal
gas explosion aboard that vessel, attrib
uted to the generation of gas in the bunk
ers. Peter Mullen, chief water tender on
the North Carolina, whose home Is In
Brooklyn, N. T., also was Injured slightly,
Any straw hat in the store
including JjM i K
Panamas MP A
Starting Tuesday, July 13th.
Our straw Hat business has been phenomenal and our
line Is considerably broken, so murh so that we are unable
to promise every size In every gtyle. There are about 10
dozen In all.
This much we can promise, however, that men who
can be fitted will save something worth while.
Our regular all season prices have ranged from $1.25
to $5 for soft braids $1.50 to $6 for Sailors $4 to $7.50
for Panamas, now any one, without any reservation . will
be sold at $1.16 until all are closed out.
The New Store
Six Men Arrested on Suspicion of
Auburn Murder.
Traced to Omaha by an Auburn Offi
cer and Landed In Jail Here
by Local Detectives In
Two Cliques.
Six men have been arrested In Omaha
as suspects in connection with the murder
of P. D. Allor of Auburn in that city Sat
urday night. They will be taken back to
Auburn by Detective Murphy of Omaha
and Deputy W. H. Jones of Auburn, sent
here by sheriff Rohrs of Nemaha county.
These men were all In Auburn the day
before the murder, operating some sort of
a chance or gambling wheel at a fair, and
they were missed from the town Imme
diately after the murder. That Is one of
the strongest circumstances In the case
Involving them.
These suspects were arrested at 2:60 Mon
day morning by Detectives Maloney,
Patullo and Van Dusen; W. M. Drink wator,
a half-breed Indian, who gives his resi
dence as St. Joseph; John Grenslel, who
says he lives at Mart, Tex., and Raymond
Palmer, Lincoln. All say they are horse
men by occupation. These three were ar
rested by Detective Donahue: W. J. Me-
Intyre, who said he lived at the Lyons
hotel on Thirteenth, between Dodge street
and Capitol avenue; James Oaynor and
Herman Webber, who gave the Drexel as
their place of abode. The first two said
they were railroad men, and Webber said
he was a waiter. '
Incidentally the hotels at which these
men said they resided disclaim the honor.
The Drexel admits the name James Gaynor
adorned its register Sunday night
These fellows were traced to Omaha
from Auburn by Deputy Jones. He found
where their baggage went and they were
arrested by the Omaha officers at tho
places where they stopped without any
The police have the description of a sev
enth man who may be the actual perpetra
tor of the deed and who is thought to be
In Auburn still.
Ailor was a real estate man and was
held up by thugs on his way to his home
Saturday night about 11 o'clock. He re
sisted the footpads and was shot five times
for his courage.
The night before a store was robbed at
Paul, Neb., and a razor taken In the booty
was found near the scene of the Allor
holdup. This leads to the suspicion that
the same men who killed Allor robbed this
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Povde
Cleanses, beautifies and
preserves the teeth and
purifies the breath
Used by people of
refinement for almost
Half a Century
The Weather.
WASHINGTON. July 12.-Forecast of th
weathe. for Tuesday and Wednenday:
For Nebraska, Iowa. Missouri, Kansai
and South Dakota Fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Roosevelt Leave for Villa.
GENOA, July 12. Mrs. Theodore noose
velt and her three children, who arrived
here yesterday from Napies, were met
here today by Miss Carew, Mrs. Roose
velt's sister. The party spent the morn
ing driving around Genoa and left this
afternoon for Miss Carew's villa at Horto
Maurlsio, where the Roosevelta will re
main for a few days.
Demented Man Shoots Self.
EDGAR, Neb., July 12.-(8pectaL)-Albert
Thomas, residing eight and one-half miles
southwest of Edgar, shot himself Saturday
evening. The victim was a bachelor, Stf
years of age and had been In the asylum
two or three years ago on account of
mental derangement
. 5 a. m .
'Fii!' 'V 8 '"
V J 7 a. m.
-y ' 8 a. m.
jAjV 11 a. m.
6 p. m.
7 p. m.
8 p. ni.
I ' 9 p. m.
.... i',7
.... W
.... 7
, M
, 81
Locnl Record.
OMAHA. July 12. -Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
ine corresponding day or the lat three
Maximum temperature
Mirlmum temperature.
Mean temperature
Temperature and Dree Dilation rienarturea
from the normal at Omaha stnee March 1.
ana compared wnn me last two years:
Normal temperature 77
Deficiency for the day
Total deficiency since March 1 231
Normal precipitation 14 Inch
Deficiency for the day 12 Inch
Pretlpitatlon since March 1 16. f4 Inches
Excess since March 1 24 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period In 1IK)7. 6.fl incnes
Excess for cor. period in lyOH. ... 3.77 Inches
Reports from Stations at
Station and State Tern.
of Weather. 7 p. m,
Cheyenne, clear SO
Chicago, part cloudy 78
Davenport, part cloudy 76
Dener, clear 82
Havre, clear 72
mx 1D0S. 1007. 1WW.
84 88 81 85
M 70 66 88
75 79 73 7(
.02 T T .60
Helena, clear 72
Huron, clear 70
Kansas City, clear 78
North Platte, clear 78
Omaha, clear , 82
Rapid City, clear 72
Ht. Louis, cloudy 82
St. Paul, part cloudy 72
Salt Lake City, clear SO
Valentine, clear 74
WllllHton, cloudy tit
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster
7 P.
fall. .00
Sold only in
Moisture Troof Packages
What makes them the best soda crackers ever baked?
What makes them the only choice of millions?
What makes them famous as the National Biscuit?
National Biscuit Goodness