20 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1903. i 1RANMIS FOURTH WEEKLY MAGNET SALE wit will PIP tfl I will TmTU'PTTXT .3 Mi Grn SUunps Every day with every purchase In every department. We Close Tuesday 1 o'Clock During July and August To give our employes a little recreation during the heated term. Shop in the cool of the morning. Open other days until 6 p. m. Saturdays until 16 p. m. I I I Our Highest Class Seasonable Goods AT JUST THE REGULAR PRICES Scores of Extraordinary Bargains in Every Department HERE ARE A FEW OF THE EXTRA SPECIALS : WOMEN'S $4.00 RED CROSS LOW SHOES at $2.00 Pair. These are the famous Red Cross Oxfords, nflwfvt CP 1 styles; regular price $4.00 a pair Magnet price sP& WOMEN'S $3.00 WASH DRESSES at 98c and $1.50 One and two-piece dresses, whites and colors, odd and sam ple lots, also sizes 34 to 44, lingerie dresses Cl $150 etc., worth $3.00, at .. . VUV- I WOMEN'S $1.00 NIGHT GOWNS for 50o Each Fine gowns, with high or low necks regular price A $1.00 Magnet price JUC 50c WHITE JAPANESE WASH SILKS 29c a Yard. 27 inches wide, heavy quality; regular price 59c a yard Magnet price, yard J WOMEN'S $1.00 MILANESE SILK GLOVES 50c Black and white, two-clasp, extra heavy quality; Cfn regular price $1.00 a pair, at, pair. UC Children's $1.00 Colored Dresses Magnet Price 50c $5 Black and Colored Silk Petticoats Magnet Price $2.50 5Cc All Pure Silk Dresden Taffeta Ribbon yard . .25c 30c Crepe Lisse Wash Fabric, new shades yard . . 15c 15c EMBROIDERIES at 7y2o a Yard. Fine. Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries Edgings, up to 7 inches wide; regular price 15c Magnet price, 7' yard..;.... 2C WOMEN'S 35c HOSIERY at 17o Fine cotton foot black hose split soles, out sizes; 7' regular price 35c Magnet price, pair 2 $2.00 One-piece Striped Lawn Dresses Magnet price 98c Women's White and Colored Waists, worth $1.50 Magnet Iprice 69c Women's Fine Cotton Sleeveless Vests, worth 20c, at 10c 15c Dress Shields, at, pair .7VaC 25c Hose Supporters, at, pair 2 Vic Darning Cotton, at, spool lc 24-yard bolts of Tape, at, each 5c Women's Untrimmed Hats fine straws, worth 50c, at 15c $7.50 Fine Cowhide Suit Cases, straps all around. . .$3.50 Boys and Children's 50c Straw Hats and Linen Tarns 25c Misses' and Children's $1.00 Laced Shoes Basement, 50c I Second Week of Our Great July Clearing Sales Watch our ads for extraordinary bargains. Every ves tige of summer goods must go. Sales that will fill the store are scheduled for each day this week. Buy a Silk Dress Tuesday than 150 stunning one-piece els, worth$20 and $25. will This Is clearing sale value with a vengeance. It's a quick, sharp, de cisive clearing of all those high class silk: messaline and Foulard one piece dresses you may have seen here. Styles absolutely new and correct. Many superb models in all the best shades. On sale up to 1 o'clock only, closing time, at $10 Clearing ii the Shoe Section r?$10 Women's white cmvui Oxfords, alio odd sizes in pink, blue and gray Women's Patent Pumps, with ankle strap, best IJ.00 and 11.60 lots, at $2.48 Barefoot Sandals for children, sizes S to I, worth 1.25, at Silks' 69c, 65c and 75c Ck qualities, at, yard. ... .10 Plain taffetas, fancy foulards, China Silks, etc., widest range of choice styles and colors. Embroidery 1 Remnants Left from our big sales, lengths of 1H to 3 yards, widths up to 18-lnches. at, 10 per yard 1UC Stationery Fancy Crepe Paper, per bolt of 10 feet, for 10$ and 10 stamps. Napkins, 100 for 104 and 10 stamps. Dennlson's 25c lunch sets 10 and 10 stamps. Roll Lunch Paper,' for . .10 and 10 stamps. Eaton Hurlbut Tablets, 25-cent kind for 10 and 10 stamps. LOWSHOES 3-3P 3'2i $.2:22 Not off and then on, but on all the time. Drexel Gives 25-OFF ON Misses' and Children's Ankle Strap Pumps and Slippers Our sale of misses' and child ren's oxfords has been a great success. This Is because we are offering nice fresh goods. No "left overs" In this sale. Sizes and widths to fit the feet Young women's Russia calf and patent colt oxfords, values 13.50; sale price. .. .$2.73 Young women's Russia calf and patent colt oxfords, S3 value, at $2.25 Young women's Russia calf ankle strap Pumps, $2.50 val ues, at $1.80 Misses' Russia calf and patent colt, $3.00 values, at $2.25 Misses' Russia calf and patent colt. $2.50 value, at $1.80 Misses' Russia calf and patent colt, $2.00 value, at $1.50 Misses' and children's Russia calf ankle strap Pumps, $2.00 value, at $1.50 Children's Oxfords, $2.00 value, at $1.50 Children's Oxfords, $1.75 value, at $1.32 Children's Oxfords, $1.50 value, at $1.23 100 pairs odd sizes, $2.00 and $2.50 values, at 75 Drexel Shoe Co., 1419 Farnam Street. Quality Is Our Guide QMAMA 4 RATES FOR FALL. MEETINGS E. L. Lomax Serves Notice of Grant by Union Pacific. FAEE AND ONE-HALF ALLOWED Omaha Oat la the Col TJattl T aloa PiM-lfle Cornea to taeJ"roat for City Other Ittwi of tho Railroad Raa. E. I Lomax, general passenger sgent of ths Union Pacific, has served notice on the Western Passenger association that tho Union Pacific la going to give rates to fall merchants' meetings In Omaha from transmlsslsslppl territory. The rate will be a fare and a half on the certificate plan, with a minimum of 100 ticket. Other roads have announced ratee for fall meetings at Chloage. Kansas City, St. Joseph and St. Louis under the same condi tions, but did not Include Omaha. The Union Paclflo has gone to the front, for Omaha and has served notice that it will put in the rates for this city. The dates of the fall meetings for which rates will be given are: First meeting, July 17 to IS. Becond meeting, July SI to August V . Third meellnir. Auiuat 14 to 13. Fourth meeting, August 2 to Septem ber 6. Fifth meeting. September 11 to U. Those rates will apply from all points west of the Missouri river to Omaha. where ths fare is more than $1. A liberal return limit Is given on ths tickets, which must be signed In Omaha to show that more than KM avail themselves of the rats for each meeting. Feople are flocking Into ths Big Horn basin at a tremendous rate In search of hotaea," said 8. B. Howard of ths homo- seekers' Information bureau of ths Bur lington. "The establishment of regular passenger service in ths basin and tho an nouncement that the Burlington Is to build through Thermopolls and through tho Big Horn gorge and over the Boysen dam has been a great stimulus to sales, as It as sures a better outlet from the basin. Set tlers are coming from as far as New Jer sey and the New England states to secure some of ths government's Irrigated land under the Shoshone project." The Burlington Inaugurated a new time card" Sunday to provide for ths Increasing and heavy .passenger Business which Is being done by summer tourists. Train No. the Chlcaso-Denver train which passes through Omaha at midnight, will bo run undei Its own stesm to Denver Instead of joining with the 6t. Louis-Denver train at McCook. The St. Louis train will also be run solid to Denver under tho new card. W. W. Johnson, assistant general freight agent of ths Burlington, has returned from Billings, where be went to attend a hear' lng before the Montana Railway commit slon on packing house rates to Montana points. Tho commission reserved Its de cision. The Union Paclflo St. Louis-Denver train is now being run through Omaha, as It Is still Impossible to get ths train through Kansas City. V. S. Basednger, assistant general pas senger agent of ths Union Pacific,' has re turned from Chicago, where ho baa been attending a meeting of passenger officials of the Harrlman lines In reference to ad vertising. E. L. Lomax. general passenger agent of the Union Pacific, has returned from Chicago. A aootlaar Scrap wltb both parties wounded, demands Buck' len's Arnloa Salve- Heals wounds, sores. burns or Injuries. Be. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. Bee Want Ads stimulate business moves Buy Groceries Early Tuesday Double S. & H. Green Stamps with every pur chase up to 11 o'clock, except on these adver tised specials. : : : : : : f : : I Eugene Tomatoes, t cans for ....aso Dried Grapes, per pound 40 Potted Tongue, per can 4o California Prunes, per pound 4o Bonheur Sardines, per can BOo and 10 stamps. Diamond Crystal Salt, package ..10o and 10 stamps. Capitol Maple Syrup, quart can 400 and 20 stamps. Bennett's Reliable Coffee, pound 300 and 80 stamps. Nutlet Peanut Butter, 2 jars for 80c and 10 stamps. Teas, assorted, pound 68o and 75 stamps. Tea Oardeii Preserves, Jar 400 and 20 stamps. Bayles' Horseradish Mustard ...lSVso and 10 stamps. Eddy's Mustard, two bottles.... lOo and- 10' stamps. Veal, Ham, Beef Loaf, can 10c and 10 stamps. Capitol Extracts, vanilla, lemon . .180 and 20 stamps. California Ripe Olives, regular 50 cent cans, for 30o ft, 'rt: 3rr?sji PPDIKEMI rg FLOUR UPDIKEUimiiGCO I Lotting Down tho Prlcos on Summer Merchandise Alt Store Closes at51 P. M.. exceDt IU1 Saturday at 10 P. M.. during July and August 101 AYDEHs THE RELIABLE STORE Store Closes at 6 P. M.f except Saturday at 10 P. M., during July and August $2.00 Laces on Sale Tuesday at 59c. The highest quality. Laces, Bands, Edges, Galloons, Festoons, Medallions, etc, in Venice, Flaner and tho Irish Crochet patterns! all beautiful new goods. On sale in two immense lots Tuesday) First Lot Laces, that sold up to $2.00; all nt, per yard 59c WHITE RIBBONS This being a strictly white goods season, we will place on sale Tuesday two extra, special val ues in All Silk Taffeta Ribbons, in white only; extra wide and very heavy quality, 15c, 25c Second Lot Laoes that sold up to $1.00; all at, per yard. .390 EMBROIDERY BARGAINS $1.00 Hand Loom Embroideries in finest flouncings, edges anc. corset covers the biggest em broidery snap ever offered in the west all at one price, pet yard 39o Letting Down Prices in the Domestic Room 15c White Goods ' 7s 19c White Goods 10 15c Organdies 10? 12 c Organdies 7W 36-inch Blue Percales 12 36-lnch Blue Percales, 10c grade at. yard 7H 12ftclndla Llnon 7H 12 c 40-lnch Lawn, at, yard,. 7i 16c English Long Cloth, yard. 7HJ 3 9c silk mixed Wash Goods, at, yi 10J 36-lnch Bleached Sheeting", yard 5) 36-lnch Unbleached Sheeting, regulat 8c grade, at, yard 5 5c 81x90 Sheets , ; G5j 5c 72x90 Sheets , fiTti 8 7 15c Towels, each 104 Another Car of Extra Fancy California Freestone Peaches for Canning We will open the car Tuesday morning and put them on sale at, per ""e $1.10 No limit. All you want. LETTING DOWN THK PRICES ON FHESH VEGETABLES 8 bunches fresh Onions 5c 8 bunches fresh Radishes 6c 2 large Cucumbers 5c 6 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 6c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, 2 lbs. 5c 2 quarts fresh Peas he. 4 bunches fresh Beets 5c 3 bunches fresh Carrots ........ 6ft 6 bunches fresh Turnips . . .'. ... 6 Fresh Cauliflower, 3 for....... 10c 3 buDcbes fresh Parsley uc 2 bunches fresh Asparagus 5o New Cabbage, per head 2V4o 3 bunches fresh Beets 6a Large, Juicy Lemons, dozen 20a Letting Down the Price on OrfKwlea, All grocery Items advertised Sunday for Monday will be good for Tuesday's, sale. DO NT FORGET TRY IIAYDEEl'S FIRST IT PAYO VMAriA.NLU' ' t fnSV a ir-asasBBssssB W2t cxprsssss tn a limited dsgrs only, ths magntflcsncs of ths sosnsry In ths Canadian Rockies vlewsd snrouts to ths ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSTION Stopovsr without extra charge st ths famous resorts: aaff taSs XouU Jfleld Olaclss. This "Land of enchantment" Is reached only by ths Canadian Pacific Railway Throush trains to Seattle from Bt Paul dally at 10:30 a. m. taw Excursion rants from all places to Seattle and all Fuget Sound cities and return. Alaska and return from Vancouver 6S. by Can. Paclflo aleame. Tickets for sale by as-cnts of all rail way a Send for literature and Information. A. C. Shaw, General Agent. Chicago. DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST l60..t2. ""VJffi"" Cxowaa, np from 3.M rarUal Pistes, ay from $3.00 Valaleas BxtraetUs; boa rulings, BP from SOe roreelaln rUUacs, y from l.BO Brldg-e Work, ser tooth, up from S3.M Serves removed with oat pels. 1LVIOLSB WOSI A. FEOIAI.TY. Work f-uaxasteed tea Tears PLEASES THE MOST CRITICAL At all grocers UPDIKE MILLINO COMPANT. OMAHA, THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and State. Best rilmate and MeHrmal Springs la America. First Class Hotels. Uospl tils and Bath Houses. Write is eoretary Commercial Cine, Xtot prlnis. So. Safe. So You Must Store Your Furniture? Then call us today. We have the place you want. We nave tbe facilities you appreciate. We havs the vans and the men to relieve you or every detail. OMAIIA VAN & STOHAGE CO. 1U00 Farnam St. Doug. 1559 Tnd. A-1559. HOTELS. In the Shopping Dlstrlot. 11th and McCee, on "Petticoat Lane." " wsijnn-?i Mm. " kes kCa Its I SALES OF BEER FALL OFF Baslsteea la Htbrasks BTme Dis trict Skews Marked Decrease for Year. The snnual reports of the breweries of the Nebraska revenue eolleetlon district for tbe year ending June 30 Indicate a marked falling off of consumption of beer throughout the district. The full figures ars uot yet available fur publication. 3 Reliable Dentistry AT Tad's Dental Rooms TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tke Perm Paper that Reaches All of the Live llMk Meat. Hotel Kupper llth sad Metres. Kansas City. Mo. Xa ths Shopping District. Hear all the Theaters. 8o0 Beautiful Booms. 100 rnvate Baths. Hot and sold water la all rooms. Spacious lobsr, parlors. Telephone In everr room. Beaauf ol Cafe, rerfeot tmislae. $1 to S2.50 Per Day Buropeaa Plea. KUTPER-CENSON HOTEL CO. V. A BEBTSOBf, Mgr. LTO IRCU1T TOUui To Hew York and Boston ON SALE DAILY UNTIL SEPT. 30th, Via th MILWAUKEE k ST. PAUL RAILWAY A delightful 30-day vacation tour with divers routes east of Chicago, interspersed with lake, river and ocean trips, relieving the monotony of an all rail journey. Liberal stop-overs throughout the east. Let us plan your trip and arrange all the details. For rates, routes, etc, call at CITY TICKET 0ITI0E, 1524 Tarawa St., or Writ F. A. Nash, Gen. Western Agent. Omaha, Neb. NORTHERN MICHIGAN LINE! The Elegant Lake Steamships "Manltou" "Mlstourl" 'llllnol" Offer unrivaled aerrlo b9twen Chlcatro and Mackl pave Inland and other tamoui HuMmer hetom of IW W ' ! (Is , , i iimjt North ra MlcKimn, conneoiinit with all Unea for Lk buprtor mud Jstrn FoiaUk Ta moat attract ive and a tract route to Prntwatrr Inland Wa-flueon-ln I.udlnrton North port Itoarinr lirmk ManUteo TraveraeCIt Ilsirbor Rprla r rsDniurt uuriitTuu pi, ibtubmjsj t-le Haven rtoakT Mi Thtwa Alnuavnt tsDnah trai ara 00 lartce anu eteeo as to aaaare oomiortaoie paaaaga vo .uw- si"s w rSt. 1 hey offer the traveler every modern convenience ilvet ftdde to tive aVUet.. C 4U outinc on the water. F or book of toora, ad drees: if a b s? ruiisrU a A rut: jn..L. a C.J U;A (t V-.L i RiU aTtslMM if A u r vnvAvn, u. r .. viiicea eaw vvcaa s mum. a w r se - J Marfliiiu- Island Wo, Mnnltou Bsr TUw caieboranaa re iwiu the fioeat and beat eqttlppoj on tUf Oteat !, .are oomtortable to tbae ete U Use trtpe. () July Weddings call for Silver, Cut Glass, Clocks, Carving Sets, Hand Painted China. We have a very nice line of these anil very many other articlea suitable for wedding gifts. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler IBIS DOUOX.AB BTBBDT. HOTELS AND BUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL VICTORIA Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 27th St., NEW YORK. mmlHm In ths Csntr tf Shopping and Thaatrs District. aca A Messrs. rtrM Usss BelsU ( Complvt la 11 ttt svvHBfc mmt. fopulM with UdMS t.tlla( UM mtf wNboat Kurtllflig S S hllW. TVeesIr RelllaNa keliaa, letiof r ilia Itiih as4 kteaswsy. sie rma. too ik bats, liat ao4 coM taf a4 u irphu. k. aratv annia. Cuiataa aaaaaalta4 Taslcak Service Iks sail is Ike al7 al leweel relet. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. CU0tN etN. Rooina $1,90 per day and upwards GtOA&C W, SWCtNCr.seiCTet