Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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For quirk returns. Hat your real eatate
sale and exchange with mo, no sale,
v?Pay. W. W. Mitchell, Board of Trad
WUig., Omaha, Nab.
B MO for 1 room modern homa on Ch.
cago St.. lot 76x122. caved street.
96,(00 for two good lam houaea close In
Cin Webster St.
ft 000 for fin corner lot with two hnmu
very close In.
12.500 for good I room house, cloa In on
Clark B. .
$1,000 for t room frame flat In South
Omaha. renting for IU.H per month undar
year leas.
These ar all priced right and fan be
tna on easy term a. trade considered.
.9- Brande.1 Bldg
Phone. Doug. 14U-A-KU.
LIST rmif property with Carta Boyar. Kd
ana turning tg . , 1 got
1 7-room house, new, strictly modem fin
Inah in oak first and Id floor; 62-foot lot
6a N. lath. St. 23.J76; ytrf low; near Sacred
Heart academy. Tel. Harner mm.
Alao one larger nous for H.B00, M-foot
irom. B3f j. win mi. .
Swell Home, $7,000
Opposite . Rome aflller'e, on Florence
boulevard; 78 ft- E.' front ground.
Harrison & Morton,
96.13 Chicago St., t-r fin shape, wall and
cistern, 915. -
2ils luutana Ave T-r.. city water,
only $17
2425 Franklin St., dandy 5-fT, cottage,
modern, except heat, only $21.
im Jackson, ., All modern, only 122 60.
JS429 Franklin, -r., cottage, (tne location;
modern; except heat, only $3.
1710 flo. 15th SU, modern except heat,
only 21.
2639 Parker, fin l-rv, modern nous,
only 2&.
2S34 So. 4th St. 9-r., tr1ctly all modern,
and brand new, only 127 60.
601 do. Mtn Ave., T-r., all modern, fine
district, only ISO.
2338 Famam, fin T-r., all modern Tat,
cloa In, ISO. ,
111 N. 22d, 10-r., all modern, right down
town, only W.
V So. Mth. choice 8-f.. strictly modern
apartment, hard wood floor, nicely pa
pered, a item at $38.
804 Bo. Sflh, choice t-r., strictly modern
houae In, Wt Famam, newly decorated,
1101 Caaa, l-r., strictly modern and up-to-the-minute,
close In, $62.6.
We have some nice 4-room brlek apart
menta for desirable colored tenant at 23d
and Iiard 8t.
Payne; Boetwick & Co.,
Sol' Agent.
Main Floor, N. T. Life Bldg.
FOR SALE-Huse and three
lots at 3524 Ave A, Council
Bluffs high ground, absolutely
no danger-of water, ten minutes
car ride, from Omaha, the best
located lots on Ave. A; house al
most new, .five rooms finished,
space up ' stairs7 for two more
lnrge rooms, electric light, bath
room, city water, good cellar,
young fruit and shade trees, two
lots for garden1 ground. J. D.
Johnson, 204 Sap Bik., Council
Bluffs, In. - .
62 ft. Close in, $7,000
V.. front on 3MW, near Farnam; good
house, room for flat beeldea.
Harrison & Morton.
Secbnd Prize Story
, Adallne Wykoff, 207 North Twenty-third"
St., Omaha. Aged 14. Grade, Ninth B.
English teacher, Mis HUUard; mother,
Mr. A. Wykoff.
FOR RENTNew T-room, modern, heat,
gas, electric wired, paved street; price $30. ' 1
Must have references. No. Z2d St. .
How the Blgsbjr'g Found a House.
. "Oh, John!" it was all she could ay, a
ah sank Into a chair with a tired, won .
rled look on her fac.
"Well, dear, did you find a house that ...
" suited you?" asked Mr. Blgsby.
"No. and I ddn't uppoe I ever will." ha.
... "Now, If you would only let m i ."
"John Blgsby 1 If you say another worij
"about looking for a, houa yourself. I'll- is
well, I don't know what I'll do, but It
r will 'b something terrible. Toil know .that )
, ,Jt' not a man's place to look for the house
, because he don't know what to conlder"
- -After thl sh politely borrowed his "Be" .
vor the rest of the evening, and began
. 'reading the "for rent" ads, clipping all '
' those which Seemed suitable. Next evening
when he came home from his office he
found her lying on th couch, sobbing bit-
"Well. well, what's th troubl with my
little honey? Won't you Just stop crying
Jong enough to tsll me what' happened?"
, . he asked, a he kissed her tear-stained
cheek. 1
"O John," sh said, between ob. - -"I
.. found a house I liked so well,' and "the
. little girl didn't know, I guess, 'cause her
mother said It was rented." Here a fresh
fountain of tear overflowed' and all sh
could do wa hand him a dirty, crumpled
piece of paper which she had been holding'
. . in her tWhtly closed lltti fist.' "
' - ' It proved to be the ad printed above. .
1 (M, Blgsby glanced hastily at It and then '
settled back In his ebalr and laughed until
ii the tears streamed down his cheeks.
' ' "This Is too good to be true why dearie,
. . V rented thl house two weeks ago." ,
His young wife sat up In genuine -1
tonlshment- "Why. John, do you mean .
I wish you would kindly explain yourself,"- '
, he finished, sarcastically.
"Weil, you ee It wa thl way," h said.
' checking his unseasonable merriment, "I
. saw this ad In Th Bee' the night w
t arrived ber aftr our vacation. It seemed
' to be in p.ulte a good location and, after
eelng It, I ranted It. I meant to tell you
om time ago, but you wouldn't let m
. . bav a chanoa."
Next day their furnltur was taken out '
of storage and it wasn't long until thy ,
were comfortably settled.
"I guess It's a man's place to find th
ou after all," h confessed.
i .
' (Continued.)
II 000 10 room earner house. 1S1 Ohio St.
I2.10O- room house and extra large lot.
1221 f'harlea St.
il.sno room all modern houa. no tur
ner. 704 North 80th ft IMO eash.
12.660 T room all modern beautiful borne,
no furnace, close In. 918 South loth St
96GO caah.
4ft Faxton Block. 'Phone, Doug. 1411.
II LOTS, all lay fin within T blocka from
car, prlre 11.400.
( lota, lay fine, Just T blocka from car,
price 9
27 lot. 6 room houee, aleo I roftm house
barn 22xn. hog houaa, buggy snefl, oorn
rrih. milk hows, well, windmill, 100 young
fruit treea 4 year old, all close to Krug
park. Price only .9"0.
xw-a Neville mag.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Always on hand and fof sal In amounts
from I3U0 to 13.00.
413 N. T. Uf Bldg.
NEW brick St. Louis flat, Han scorn
Park neighborhood; 14,600. Tel. Harney 3886.
DO HEAVY RAINS cut down your
prof I ta 7 Get an Irrigated farm In Routt
county, Colorado. Perpetual water right,
under Caxey act, 1 60 acre. Bigger crops
better allmat. W, 8. BipJsy, 618 Paxton
block, Omaha.
600 ACREfl of splendid lnd In Harrison
Co., la., near town ?md edhool,- rural free
aenvery, pnone, etc.; wen improved; in fact
a fine home and money maker, being suit
able for either, Stock 01- grain; worth 375
per acre. The owner having retired, de
sires to sell this farm and will consider
about one-half purchase' price In good,
clear Income property and take mortgage
back on farm for balance of purchase
money. This must be 'seen to be appre
ciated. Address Owner, Look Bos 683, Mis
souri Valley, la, , - ,
Nabraaka. .
FOR 8ALE OR LEASE Ranch, 1.00
acrea, 3 miles from Kwlng, Neb. Alljfenced
and cross fenced i . plenty running water;
timber for shade and fuel. , Write J. II.
Talboy, Ewlng, Neb.
80 ACRES In Polk county. Neb., near
Osceola, for sale at 34$ per acre; easy pay.
ments. ' . .
100 aores four miles south of Plx, Kim
ball county, Neb., $10 par acre; In a good
Swedish settlement; every acre can be
J. O. Bone, Owner, 111 Bhugart Bik.,
Council Bluffs, la., Phone, 814, Bell.
FOR SALB By ' owner, quarter section
good unimproved land hear Alliance, Neb.
A bargain If taken within 30 day. Virgil
Smith, Alliance, Neb.
324 ACRES Weil Improved land. Red
River Valloy, Minn. Nothing better on
earth. $40 00 per acre. F. J. McMahon,
Endlcott, St. Paul, Minn.
ta Uahata.
LATORS. I have a cumber of oholoe tract of land
In Gregory. Tripp, and Myer counties, go.
Dak. I deal In newly patented Indian
lands, .ml can furnlah olear unincumbered
titles for all lands I control. Writ m
for prloc . and descriptions. Office at
Uiegory. So. Dak.4Dr. B. - 'T- 9ouor.
A BARGAIN. 43 acre of land In Ly
man Co., 8. D., 8 mnea of town, raw land,
all good pasture, good well and dam, some
timber, land quite rolling. ' If taken soon
can sell for $11.00 per acre.
Reliance. S. D.
remaps rou have read a ton of lter-
ture sent out bv commercial cluhs an1
colonisation agent about these great rm-
pir oi me i-aome. now wouifl you line
o read our booklet. "The Truth About
the Pacific Slates?" It will be worth lis
weignt in tlmmonda If you invest or
locate In the etstes Remember, we
have nothing to sell but Information. We
have no pet locality or town to boost.
cmKj ii centa in siampa to western in-
lurmaiion tiureau or cugene, tregon.
THE Quality Press, artistic commercial
printers, have moved from 313 H. IStb to
1213 Harney bl. Louglaa 6641.
CAST LEMAN ITlntlng Co.. lull Cap. Ave.
PHONE IKD, A-20 for rood nrlnttns
Lyngsladt Printing Co., 16th tt Capital Ave.
TAFFE PTQ. Co.. 30T Boston 8tore Bldg.
WATERS PRINTINO CO.. 821 S. 13th 8t.
HOLLAND Printing Co., U7 S. 17th St.
$100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bldg., ISth and Famam.
Private money, 1600 to 3u,0O0; low 'ate.
to loan on
Omaha Business Properly.
Room L New York Life Bldg.
OARVIN BROS., 31S N. T. Life, tfide to
1200,000 on Improved property. Io delay.
W'A NTED Olty loans and warrants. W.
Famam Smith Co., U20 Farnam 6U
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
WANTED City loane. Peters Trust Co.
Mortgage Loans
I desire to announce to home owners and
home builders of the cities of Omaha and
South Omaha, that l am prepared to loan
money on resldenoe. property at the same
rate that the buiMing and loan associations
pay their depositors for the use of the
money they are lending, thereby effecting
a saving to borrowers of the expense of
manaslnr and maintaining bulldlnu and
loun associations. No commission la charged
ror malting loans, omy a nominal sum is
required to cover expenses of recording
mortgage end examining anstract or title.
privilege granted norrowera to pay 10
per cent to zu per rent of tne principal on any
Interest aaie. interest payaDie semi-annually.
All satisfactory loans are renewed
at maturity.
W. H. THOMAS, BOS First Natl. Bank Bldg.
Telephones JJougias IMS, ina. A'-l48
3600 TO 3S.M on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real Eatate Co., 1001 N. T. Life. Doug, or
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated
Apply Rooms 417-1 First Nat'l Bank Iild..
lieu fnone Douglaa X31S.
LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg,
WHEN you reply to advertisements which
appear in these Want Ad. columns kindly
mention tne fact that you saw their ad
WB HAVH3 BITTERS for a B-room house,
S room house and a couple of vacant lots.
Suite 634 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha.
PhOD Red. 1990. Open evenings.
BEST Dries nald for second-hand furni
ture, carpets, and shoes. Tel. Doug.
BEST price paid for fd-hand furniture.
stoves, clothing. Wen. Rosenblatt. TeL
Lougla W01.
AUTOMOBILE Will trade first-class Im
proved ranch property and take In trade
automobile-, machine must be standard
make and In first-class condition and late
model. B. U. Brockway, Laurel. Mont.
WANTED A-l- Mundy or Lldeerwood
Double Drum, Double Cylinder Twenty
Morse-power Hoisting En ne. Address x.
817 care Bee.
10.000 acres of land In one body In Ne
braska direct from Owners. Must be good
farm land and within the rain belt. Write
Z10 Be Building, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED $2,000 private money: good se
curlty. Answer at one. Address H 86, care
CUSTOMERS of prominent lobbing housi
In Omaha asks them to secure for them
a loan of $U,0u0, on gilt edge real estate
security; 3 to 6 years, good Interest rate
offered. Prefers loan from private sources,
it interested address F-145, care Bee.
3500 on 180 acre Improved Colorado land.
Ullt edge security. Address, K9S, Bee,
WB are getting Inquiries for well located
house. Must have sole agency. Nowata
Land at.d Lot Company. Suite 24 N. T.
Life Bldg. Phone Red. la. Omaha. Neb.
WANTED To rent 4, S or 6-room house.
cottage or flat; no objection to distance
It In good neighborhood and near car line,
If rent Is reasonable: will consider year
leas. Address at one, O L oar Bee.
SALES manager: four years In Ne
braska; IS years with present ootnpany;
experienced in nanaiing men ana collec
tions: would consider change. Best of
references and Interview possible any
time. Address A 89, Bee.
WANTED By young lady. Dosltlon ss
cashier or office work. Address II. Be
office, South Omaha.
flc of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.
Sealed proposals, for letting Districts Nos.
L t, 4, i Slid 6, In the Crow Indian Reserva
tion, (Montana, for grazing purposes, either
under a lease or by permit, will be received
at the office ot th Commissioner of In
dian Affairs, Washington, D. -C , until i
o'clock p. m., on Monday, August i, ltfcti,
and will be Immediately thereafter opened
In th presence of such bidders as may at
tend. Maps showing the location of th
districts and all necessary information
may be obtained on application to th
superintendent of the Crow Indian fachocl,
Crow Agency, Montana. K. U. VALEN
TINE, Acting Commissioner, JyJ DJot
lerniaatcr. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,
June 16, 1J9. Sealed proposals, In tripli
cate, will be received here until 11 a. m.,
central time, July 14, 1SH, and then
opened, for furnishing and delivering in
good condition f. o. b. cars, freight prepaid,
i,ls7 cubic yards ballast for U. S. railway
terminals at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Full information and blank forms of pro
posal furnished on application to this of
fice, where specifications may bs seen.
United States reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Envelopes should be endorsed
"Proposals for ballast" and addreased to
Captain Win. D. Davis, Quartermaster.
Quartermaster. Fort Omaha, Nebraska,
July i, lu. Sealed proposals, In triplicate,
subject to the usual conditions, will be
received at this ufflce until 11 o'clock a.
m., central atandard time, July to, lfcuo,
and then opened In public for the con
struction of save troughs and downspout
drains around balloon house at Fort
Omaha, Nebraska. ' Full Information fur
nished on application. U. S. reserves the
right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes
containing proposals to be marked Pro
oosals for Downspout Drains" and ad
dressed to Captain Oeorge 8. Olbbs. Con
structing uuarisrroaaier, f ort Omaha. ,
. brass Jy9-10-12-l-2S-2
lion ilnud.,
termaster, Fort Mackentie, Wyoming,
July . 1!S. Sealed proposaia. In triplicate
will be received at this office until 10 a. m.
(mountain time). August 4. litis, for .lnltiB
concrete reservoir near Fort Markemie.
Wyoming. I'lans and sprclflcellons may
be obtained at offices cUJef uartermaater
Omaha and Penver and at this office, at
which latter place all Information may he
obtained, fnlted States reservea the ripht
to accept or reject any or ail proposals.
Proposal should be enclosed In sealed en
velopes marked "Proposals for Lining
Reservoir," addressed fart. E. 8. Walton,
litth Inf., Constructing quartermaster.
Notice ef Steckholaera' Meetlag.
To the stockholder of THE MISSOURI
In conformity with th requirement of
th Constitutions and laws of the states of
Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska and the
by-laws of the Company, YOU ARt!
II EH K BY NOTIFIED that by resolution of
the Board of Directors of The Missouri
Pacific Railway Company duly adopted at
a meeting of aald Board On the Zth day of
May, A. V., iva, a meeting or tne stock
holders of The Missouri - Paclfld Railway
Company has Been called to be held at the
office of the Company, Koora 7va Missouri
faclflo Building, In tne city ot wt. louls,
In the State of Missouri, on the sixth day
of August. A. D. UOO, at nine o'clock lu the
(1) For the purpose of considering a Con
tract and Articles of Consolidation bearing
date the 2th day of May, isov. nere:ofor
made and entered Into by and on behalf of
The Missouri Faclflo Railway Company and
the following named corporations by order
of their respective Boards of Directors:
The Kansas ana coioraao racuic rail
way Company, a consolidated corporation
of the Slate of Kansas;
The Central Branch railway Company, a
consolidated corporation of the State of
The Rooks Countr Railroad company, a
corporation of the mate ot Kasa;
The Nevada and Mlndcn snvty Com
pany, a corporation of the utate of Mis
souri; Nevada and Mlnden Railway company ot
Kansas, a corporation of Uie State of
Kansas City and Southwestern hallway
Company of Missouri a corporation of th
Slate uf Missouri; 1'iiv .nH Rnuthweslern Railway
Company, a corporation ot th Stat ot
The Fort Scott Central Hxllway Com
pany, a consolidated corporation of th
State of Kansas;
Kar.opolls and Kansas Central Railway
Company, a corporation ot th State ol
The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com
pany, a corporation of tne Siate of Kansas;
The LeRoy and Caney Valley Air Line
Railroad Company, a corporation of the
blate of Kaukaa,
(2) For the purpose of voting upon the
question wnetner sucn lontraci ana Ar
ticles of Consolidation, so made and en
tered Into, ahall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consolidates
consummated or whethei suvh' Contract
and Articles of Consolidation shall b re-
(3) To consider and not upon th adop
tion of a resolution accepting the provis
ions ot Article 11 ol Chapter tf of the Re
vised Statutes of the State of Missouri,
and to authorise th flung thereof,
all a required by Sictlon numbered 106 ol
such Revised Statutes in th case of con
solidation of railway corporations; and
whereby all Or any of aald corporations
nd The Missouri Pacific Railway Company
have agreed to consolidate In the whole,
and to consolidate the slock of the re
spective companies making such consolida
tion, and to form and make under and pur
suant to the laws of the States of Missouri,
Kansas and Nebraska, a new, consolidated
corporation, to be known a Th Missouri
Paciflo Railway Company, owning, con
trolling, possessing and bringing under on
management all and singular th line of
railroad and other properties, real, personal
and mixed, powers, rights, privileges. Im
munities and franchises, belonging to any
of the companies making such consolida
tion, upon the terms and conditions fixed
and stated by said Contract ae-t Articles
of Consolidation:
(4) To take any other action In tbe pre-
mtses, and to transact any "r business
that may properly coins bevre the meeting.
Such Contract and Articles ot Consolida
tion will be submitted to the meeting of
the stockholders so called for examination
and every stockholder attending will be fur
nished with a printed , copy thereof, and at
any time before such -meeting any stock
holder will be furnished With a printed copy
of such Contract arti' Articles of Conso
lidation upon application therefor during
business hours to the Assistant Secretary
of the Company, at the office of the Com
pany in the City of ?t Louis, Missouri.
Dated, May 29th, 190.
President of Th Missouri Paciflo Railway
Secretary ef The Missouri Paciflo Railway
hMli.VVAY liftlt C'MrtU
llllMoU Central
Leave. Arrive. a pu.
Chicago Lx press ....
lMlck,j iiiiulleu ....
luiun.-ol. I'aut tdXU.
.a s:uw vu a i .xu
,u i:iu aui
jiaiiiii.-iu i ui Liu a i: pm a:liUi
Uuiaua-if i. jiuu Local. u .u ym vliiM aui
isluu J'scUio
Leave. Arrive.
'Overland Limited ....
Colorado Express
Atlantic Express
Oregon Express
Los Angeles Limited..
Fast Mall
China and Japan Mall
North Platte Lccal....
.a 7: JO am ell: 40 pm
. .aS;60pm a 6:00 pm
a 9:20 am
..a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
,.al3:55pm al:60pm
..a 1-.HU am a 6:46 pm
a 4:00 pm a 6:45 pm
a 8:15 am a 4:46 pm
Colo. Chicago Special. ...al2:10 am
7;ut am
Beatrice & Stromsburg -
Local bl2 :40 pm b 1:40 pm
Valley Local (motor via
Lane Cut-Off) alO :00 am a 1:46 pm
Valley Local (motor). ...a 6.30 pm a 8:00 am
Hastings-Superior b 2:16 pm b 6:10 pin
"Local passengers not carried on trains
Nos. 1 and 2.
Missouri Pacific
K. C. and Bt. L. Ex a 9:00 am a 7:00 am
K C. and St. L. Ex. ....all. la pm a 6:60 pm
Chicago Great Wf stern
St. Paul-Minneapolis
St. Paul-MinnMpolls
1:30 pm
7:30 am
.10 put
8:16 am
:li aui
Chicago Lliuiied
bt, Louis Ex a:30pm a 9:26 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 9:00 am all:16 pm
Sianbeiry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 ptn bl0:16 am
thluaaro et Northwestern
Chicago Daylight a 7:40 am all :38 pm
Twin City Express a 7:46 am alt):20 pin
Chicago Local aii.Uo pm aU:iJo pm
Siuux City Local a iA'j pin a i.'ii pm
Denver-Chicago Ex a 6:20 pm a i.ti pm
Chicago Speoial a ti:iU pm a 7:40 am
California-Chicago Ex..atl:Uapm a 3:3 pm
Minnesota-Dakota Ex...a7:oupm a a :30 am
Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 7:06 am
Los Angeles Limited. ..a 9:10 pm Vt.ih pin
Overland Limited all :&o pma 7:16 am
Norf'jlk-Bonesteel a 7:60 am alb:30 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine ....a 7:&0 am all:Wam
Norfolk-South Platte. ...b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm
Hastings-Superior b 2:15 pm b 5:0 pm
I lead wood-Hut Springs a pm a b.'iO pm
Casper-Lander a 9:66 pm all:0ani
Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm b 1:36 pm
Chicago, Milwaukee at It. Pual
Chicago and Cuio. Spec. a 7 So am all :40 pm
Cal. and Oregon Ex a :0U pin a3.2upm
Overland Ltd all 4ft pm a 7:15 am
Perry Local b 6.1s pm aw
Chicago, Hock Island A Pacific
Rocky Mountain Liu. ...a .J0 am all:06 pm
Iowa Local
40 am a 4.4v pm
Tii Mountaineer....
..a l u am a 3:m um
..a 4 oopm pm
..blu:j5aiu b i.J pm
Des Monies Local...
Iowa Local
Chicago-Eastern Ex
.a t.tu pm a pm
Cmcago-Xscbraska .Ltd. .a .us pm a 9.06 am
W i-S i .
Th Mountaineer a 1:00 am a 7:35 am
Clncago-Nehraska Ltd.
(for Llucoini I iDim a 6:47pm
Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1 A) pm a 4:30 pin
Okla. and Texas Ex a 4xi pm al tXinm
Rocky Mountain Ltd... all:1! pm a 3 06 am
U man fe
Paal, Minneapolis v
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger.
Sioux City Passenger.
Sioux City Local
Emerson Local
Mlsaoarl Pari go
Auburn Local
b t .30 am b 9 20 nm
.b 2.00 pm bll.Uam
..c ( 46 am c 6:20 pm
.b 6:56 pm b 9:10 am
b 3 60 pm bll:90 am
a Daily h Daily except Sunday, o b'uujay
only, d Dally except Saturday.
News and Gossip from Suburbs of Omaha
What the Neighbors Are Doing and What They Propose to Do Entertainingly Set Down by the
Chroniclers for the Edification of Others Who Are Interested in the Doings of Their Fellows.
R. W. Pprasue hag returned from short
stay In South Dakota.
Mrs. A. Orange Is visiting at th home of
her son, Frank Orange.
A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs.
V. R. Hielly Sunday, June 27. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Keller spent a few
days visiting In Rock port. Mo.
Mrs. Charles Loomls returned on Tues
day from a week's visit In Blair.
C. Htlaer made a short business trip
to riatLHinouth on last Wednesday.
Miss Mary McNamara of Omaha, was a
guest last week at the fpeedle home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jury have returned from
a visit with relatives In Tupeka, Kan.
A. Trinity and sister of Imogen, la..
are guests at the James Degan horn.
Mr. M. J. Holloway of Yate Center,
Kan., Is a guest ot Mrs. J. C. Wilson.
Miss Diana Keith of Rockport. Mo.,
Is a guest at the home of C. A. Keller.
Miss Abble Syson of Blair la visiting at
the home of her sister Mrs. P. J. Flynn.
Miss Nell Howard spent last Monday
with friends at the Rod and Gun club.
Dr. F. A. Johnson of Omaha was a guest
at the Maney home during the last week.
Miss Elsie Peterson of Omaha spent two
days last week at the Christiansen home.
Mrs. I. A. Longacre left for a two
weeks' visit with relative In Dodge,
Miss Blanch I.arner of Ottumwa, la., Is
the guest of Mrs. Frank Berry, at her
s W Snvder rt Redlands. Cal.. arrived
last Sunday and is a guest at the Stlger
John Voege left last Tuesday for a trip
to Colorado, where he will spend his va
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bean are entertain
ing Mr. and Mrs. Clay Gildreth ot South
Ed. Hurgeson left last Thursday for
Farpo, 8. D., where he will spend a week
Mr. and Mr. W. S. Wardlow hav gone
to Pickerel for a few day' camping and
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Young returned
Tuesday from a short visit In Bt. Jo
seph, Mo.
Mrs. A. J. Senger arrived Sunday snd
Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Dr. W. H. Loechner left Wednesday for
an extended trip to Detroit and other points
In the east. '
Miss Hernlce Pelrson of Ststirt, ' la., ar
rived Monday to visit at the Trotter home,
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Durnell Of Ashland
have been guests at the Urove home for
a few days.
Mr. nd Mrs. C. O. Bloomqiilst of Coun
cil Bluffs are guests at the Frank Bloom
qulst home.
Mrs John Jorgenson entertained on
Sunday In honor of the Misses Carlson
and Hardke.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Orove have returned
from York, Neb., where they have spent
the past week.
Miss A. Grimes has returned to her
home In Council Bluffs, la., after a visit
at the Rea home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heckendorf and fam
lly of Milwaukee are visiting with rela
tives in Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hodder entertslned
about fifteen guests at ainner on mod
dav at their home.
Mis Edith Chadwell left Tuesday for
Kansas City, after a few day' visit at
the home of her parents.
Messrs. and Mesdames D. Henry, Herman
Hawkins and Martin Zeller hav returned
from a few day' fishing.
Mrs. W. B. Qllkerson and daughter of
Magnolia, la., are guests at the hom of
Mr. and Mr. H. J. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Esmay of Elkhorn spent
Inst Wednesday at the home ot their
daughter, Mrs. Orrln Gift.
Miss Estella Wilson of Benson and
Raymond Chadwlck of Omaha were
married last Wednesday.
Mrs. J. Greene nf Des Moines, la., and
Mrs. H. Howe of Omaha, spent Monday
at the Chris Johnson home. ,
About twenty-two friends surprised
Mr. a. M. Comstock at his home. In honor
of his birthday anniversary.
The evening preaching services at the
Presbyterian church will be discontinued
during the summer months.
Mrs. Oscar Hedwall entertained at din
ner on Monday In honor of her daughter,
Mrs. Asa Scott of Gene, Kan.
Lightning struck the C. Peterson home
last Sunday, no one was Injured, only the
house was somewhat racked.
uiu rienrein. Whitehead of Council
Bluffs suent last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Comstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bloomer and fam
ily left for their home In Burlington, la.,
after a visit at the McCray home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloomqulst enter
tained at dinner last Sunday at their home,
when covera were laid for ten guests.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Comstock entertained
at a family dinner at their home last Mon
day. Coyers were laid for six guests.
The Misses Mildred Carlson of Fremont
and Margaret Hardke of Chicago are
guests at the home of Miss Ella Gravert.
n. C. Fallon of Sioux City and Mrs.
Leo Llnck of the same city were guests
at the Joseph Low home during in last
Mrs. L. I. N. Ooodln left Friday for an
extended visit In various towns In the west
ern part of the state, and will be gone a J
Mrs. A. 55. Leach was hostess at the
AnM-Trouble club meeting. Mrs. Haw
kins received th prize in the guessing
Mrs. Drlnkwater and son, Charles, and
Mr Fred KelW of Omaha have been
guests at the Holbrook home during the
last week.
The city council has held several meet
ings recently in regard to the street pav
ing, sidewalks and general improvements
of the town.
Miss Bessie Turner of Blair, Nab., and
Mrs. Will Loomls of Los Angeles. Cal.,
are guests at the hom ot Mr. and Mr.
Fred Balster.
Mr. and Mr. H. A. Honnaker left last
Tuesday for a two monhs' trip, the for
mer going to California and the latter to
Rockvllle. Mo.
Dr. Ludden of Lincoln, Rev. L. Groh of
Omaha and Leon Pope of Mitchell, 8. I),
were guests at the hom ot B. F. Klstler
during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Llndell and son
F.rneHt have returned from a visit In St.
Louis, Mo., where they wer guest at
the E. G. Hills home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S: Daniels entertained at
Lea v. Arrive,
Denver and California... a 4.10 pm a 3:45 pm
puget Sound Ex
..a 4:10 pm a (:10 pm
Black Hill
Northwest Ex
Nebraska point
Lincoln Fast Mall....
Nebraska Ex
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Plattsmouth-Iowa ....
Colorado Limited
Chicago Ltd
Chicago Ex
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
...a 4:io pm a :io pm
. ..aH&Opm a 7:05 am
...a 9:20 am a 6:10 pm
,..b 1:20 pm al2:16 pm
...a 9:16 am a 1:10 pm
b 9:03km
...7:26pra a 7 60 i,m
..b 2 06 pm bl0:2O am
...a 9:1 am a 9:60 am
. .812:30 pm a 2:40 pm
...all Mpm a 7:06 am
...a 7:25 am all:95pm
...a 4 20 pm a 3:65 pro
...a 30 pm a 9 00 am
...a 9:16am ali aOim
Pt. Louis Ex...
..a 4:40 pm all. SO am
Kansas City and St. Jo.al0:46 pm a 9:46 am
Kansas City and St. Jo. a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm
Kansas City and St. Jo. a 4:40 pm
VkJL (tailing 39twa MeatxeeJ, Qaa
ana Ujmm4.
Tia day on the oatuitul BU Lawreno
river and lb berl ocas a route I 16 tt.
'"biothlng better on th Atlantis thaa t
Empresses. Wireless oa all learners.
rirst olAaa, Mi secosA, M ea glatag
eahla, MO,
Asa your ticket agent, or writ tm aatv
ansa, rates and booklet.
a a. BBujAntna, a.
S3 9)oaU Olag 9)W Galea
dinner last Sunday In honor of Misses lola
snd Eva Btirnlnghsm of Omaha, and M.
Dsnlel of Lincoln, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W Rsber entertslned (
a family dinner last Monday In honor of
their grand-son's birthday anniversary.
Covers were laid for ten guests.
Mr. snd Mrs. Chris Johnson entertained
at dinner last Sunday for Mrs. William
Tavlor and son of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Goodwin and son of Omaha.
Miss May Anderson of Taplo Valley. Mr.
and Mrs. Root and Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeome
Thompson of Omaha were guests at the
Joseph McOuire home during the last
Mr. and Mrs. John Ppeedle entertained
last Monday for Mesdames Pstterson and
Colwell of Papllllon. Mrs. M. M. Graham
of South Omaha and M. E. Graham of
Mr. and Mrs C. W. Chllds of Benson,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thorans of St. Joseph,
Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Robblns of Omaha
formed a family picnic at Lake Manawa,
Pr. and Mrs. Loechner entertained at
dinner last Sunday when their guests were
Miss Anna Loechner and Mr. Slianahan of
South omaha, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Seugor of
The annual business meeting of the Lu
theran church will be held at the church
next Wednesday evening. The Ladles' Aid
society will serve a 10-cent lunch during
the evening.
The Misses Llsxle Selling. Mable Feter
son, Jessie Bullock, and Frankle JJullock,
Messrs. Dave Washburn, Kussel Walsh,
Kenneth Nash and Lee Johnston had a
plcnlo dinner at the Bullock home last
Tuesday evening the Board of Education
met, when a number or Dins were allowed
and reports were read. The report of the
school census snows tne school population
902, which Is a gain of seventy-seven. The
matter of expenses for the Three Omaha
High school entries was discussed; also
preparations to be msde before the fall
term of Benson schools.
A number of social affairs were given
In honor of the Misses Carlson and Hardke,
who are guests at the Gravert home. Mrs.
Gross entertained on Thursday, Miss Palm
qulst of Omaha on Friday and Miss Gravert
on v ednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson, John Pfelfer,
Misses Lottie Frank and Jessie Cunning
ham of Omaha, Mrs. Leo Link of Sioux
City and Mr. and Mr. S. A. Morrison of
Benson wer guest at dinner at the
Joseph Low home last Sunday.
During the rainfall ot last Monday night
a break was made on west Military robd,
near Williams lake, which waa twenty
feet wide and aa deep. The N. P. Ander
son family were nearly drowned and all
the land around covered with water.
It has been reported that Benson Is to
have the state aerie convention of Eagles,
which will be held September, and about
100 delegates are expected. At the local
meeting, held last Tuesday, plana for the
time were made and committeea appointed.
Gen Crothers Is down with scarlet fever.
Dr. and Mrs. Colder made a trip to the
city Tuesday.
Mri. E. Myers and baby hav returned
from their Kansas trip.
A. 11. Hood made a business trip to
Omaha Tuesday morning.
Bid Joyce, who Is working near Gretna,
came home for the Fourth.
Mrs. Belle Clarke waa visiting at th
Chapman home last Friday.
Mrs. George Sloan, who has been sick
for th last week. Is much bettor.
Harry Sullivan of Crelghton college is
spending his vacation at Jewell Place.
Miss Lila Jewell Is attending summer
school at St. Mary' academy In Omaha
Roy - Flndley has adapted a position
with 'a surveying crew for the summer.
M. B. Hill has' commenced the erection
of a new residence near Twenty-seventh
Mr. and Mrs. J. D-. Force and family
hav gon to Napier, Mo., tq attend camp
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox returned to her home
at David City Friday after a short visit
at the Combs home.,
M'lBS Rdna Flndley left Tuesday for St.
Paul. Minn., to attend the Christian En
deavor national t.onventloii.
Carl Langhelnge and Mont Purcell spent
the Fourth between showers at Missouri
Valley, Woodbine and Dunlap, la.
Mrs. Rose Deats of Omaha and Mrs.
A. T. Spearman of Whitney. Neb., were
guests at the Storrs home Sunday.
J. Q. Gohs, Jr., auditor of he Clarke sys
tem of railroads at Los Angeles, Cal.,
stopped In Bellevue Tuesday on his way to
Mrs. H. B. McCloskey returned from
Plalnville, III,, Monday, where she had been
called on account of the serious Illness of
her mother.
C. E. Grant of the Stock Yards exchange,
who Is summering at Wesley Chadd's, spent
the Fourth at the home of his folks near
Des Moines.
The Girls' Missionary society met at the
Bets home Thursday afternoon and en
Joyed a pleasant time. Cuke and sherbet
were served.
Dale McClosky was overcome by the
heat one day last week In South Omaha,
and has since been unable to attend to his
usual duties on the South Omaha Citlxen.
Miss Susie Rothery, who Is taking her
regular yearly vacation from her duties
at the Western Union telegraph office, Is
spending the time pleasantly at Clyde, Mo.
Judge Sutton, president of the Bellevue
Chautauqua association, maintains that
meetings are to be held this summer, thr
dates of which will no doubt be given out
next week.
Rev. Dr. 8. Phelps returned from his trip
east this week, where he attended the fif
tieth anniversary of his college class. Dr.
Phelps Is 73 years of sge, and such privi
leges are much enjoyed by him.
Mrs. John P Nelson, who has been
traveling with her husband In North and
South Dakota since the first of March,
came to Bellevue last week and will spend
the summer with Mrs. E. L. Chaffee.
On Sunday mornings the first car from
the city reaches us at 7:22. Instead of 8:22,
as heretofore. Monday night the heavy rain
laid the Interurban up for a trip, Rail
road avenue being flooded at Albright.
Miss Vail McPermut, who has filled (he
position of local news gatherer for the fla
xen for nearly five years, Is spending a
two weeks' vacation at Dallas, S. D., at
the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mr. J.
D. Keller. -
The committee In charge of the building
fund for the Presbyterian ehiirch tower
haa raised something over $4(10. This tower
has been a wreck for about a year and
a half and It Is hoped that the necessary
funds will soon be raised for Its rebuilding.
Frank Oraham and family of Colorado
spent a couple of days the fore part of the
week with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Graham.
Frank, who years ago was Burlington sta
tion agent at this point. Is holding down
a similar job on the Union Paciflo near
West Ambler.
Mr. and Mrs. Haves entertained several
relatives ovar the Fourth.
Rev. W. R. Wetherell was the guest of
Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Henderson Wednes
day. Mrs. P. Shandy he been quite 111 this
week with pneumonia. She Is a little better
at present.
Mrs. R. T. Campbell returned Wednesday
from Creston, la., leaving her mother much
Improved In health.
The Misses Vern and Edith Cogllzer re
turned from a trip to Waterloo and Elk
horn Sunday evening.
Mr. Ola Carlsen was the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Lena Talbot, at a tent
parly at Cut-Off lake Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Aughe entertained his
father and mother at dinner on the 6th
at their home on Sherman avenue.
The Misses Maude and Ruth Craig have
been assisting Mr. Arnold In caring for
their large cherry and raspberry crop.
Mrs. Bert Gants of Eckrrman had as
Fourth of July guests her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carbury, and daughter. Miss Hattle,
of Windsor Place.
Th busy housewives are engaged these
daya In caring for th bountiful crop of
cherries, curran's and raspberries, which
are fin thl year.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Hensman 'had a
reunion of th Gants famlllea at their
home Monday. There wer about twenty
five In attendance.
J. E. McGuir baa begun th rctloa of
ail eiKlil-room rvaidunce on no iois re
cently purchased on Fortieth and Arbor
Mrcets, Knst Ambler.
Mrs. Charles McClelland of Sherman
avenue and two daughter, tsmer ana
Mm tie, were guests for dinner of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Aughe th Fourth.
Mr. W. Webber of (keorgla avenue his
purchased lots on. Fortieth and Arbor
streets and Is Improving them preparatory
to building a new home there.
A lsra nilniher availed themselves of
th hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stewart
by attending the Ice cream lawn aootai
given on their lawn Saturday evening.
Miss Marie Carlson and Miss Hattl
Morris came us from St. Joseph Saturday
evening and spent the week of the Fourth
with thtir parents and other relatives nere.
returning home Sunday morning, July 11.
The Fourth passed in Dunde without any
reported accluent.
Mr. Fltchett came home from an eastern
trip during the week.
Byrdle Trebllcock won first prla for
Tho bee want ad story.
Dr. and Mrs. Whitman dined at th Field
club last Saturday evening. s
L. C. Calkins of Los Angeles. Cal., wa
tho guest on Friday of Mr. and Mis. 1L C.
Mrs. Metsger and daughter, Margaret,
left early in the week for Uielr hum In
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ferguson-entertained
at dinner luesday. lu honor ot Mr. auil
Mis. Austin Dodds.
Mr. and Mrs. Jame.e-Chadwlck were guests
at dinner, at the Country club, of Mr. and
Mis. Frank Johnson last Saturday.
Mr. T. L. Combs and children hav re
turned from a visit ot several weeks lu
Milwaukee, Detroit and other points.
Mis Frlnger of Oakland, Md., who ha
hen iha KiifHt for several weeks of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Dodda, left on Thursday
for her home.
alt. ana Airs. uicnneiu v.
Fremont, Neb., spent th Fourth and ev-
eral days with Mr. and Mrs. J. u. iverson
at 6010 Cass street.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dodds left Thurs
day for a visit Id Lincoln and Cairo, Neb.,
after which they go to Wyoming for the
rest of the summer.
At Happy Hollow club Inst Saturday
evening, Mrs. Henry P. Leavltt had six
fuesis, J. H. Parrotte had three, J. J.
odds six, and C. O.. Talmage four.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Boetel, whose birthdays
come together on July 9, celebrated the oc
casion on Friday with a large gathering of
friends from different parts of III tat
at their home. 6002 Davenport street.
Miss Margaret Prentiss entertained a
house party over the Fourth. The guests
were: Miss Alice Duval, Miss A4Bahle
Funkhoufcer, Miss Adelaide Wood and Miss
Ruth Slabaugh.
Mrs. George A. Hoagland left early In
the week for Kansas City, where she was
to meet her daugmer, Mrs. David Stono,
who Is coming from Fort 8111, Okl., to
spend the rest of th ' summer with her
parents in Dundee.
A garden party Was given Monday even
ing at the home of Mrs. John O. Yelser
by the Dundee Women's club, when the
husbands of the members were the guests
of honor. An Informal musical program
was given and refreshments served.
Mrs. M. I. Bonekemper gave an afternoon
party on Friday at her home, 6016 Califor
nia street, In honor of the 12th birthday
of their daughter, Margaret. The, young
people present were.; Misses Mildred Olney,
Hazel Ferry, Florence Dow, Jennie Dow,
Mary Johnson, Jeannette Jsegar. Margaret
Hrldgen, Ellnne Gulnter, Robert, Dorothy
and Margaret Bonekemper. i
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George '. Boetel
during the last week were: Mr. and Mrs.
George Rohner, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rohner
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Kohner, and
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of Millard, Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Hansen and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Ackerly of South Omaha, Mr. snd
Mrs. Gotensoh wager and Mr. and Mrs. Iv
erson of Omaha.' and John and Charles
Boetel ot Lee, Nb.
The largest dinner party at Happy Hol
low club last Saturday was that given by
Mrs. John O. Yelser. Mrs. John H, Hflrte
and Mrs. Charles Trimble for "(he Round
Doxen club; Twenty-two women were
seated at the round , table, which had an
effective decoration .of real army muskets,'
stacked In the center, from which a large
bell of crimson ramblers hung suspended
over a mound of army flags. A smaller
flag and musket, which opened out Into a
pretty fan, lay at each plate, and a ring
of star-spnrklers that were set off as each
guest took her place, completed a must
artistic and appropriate arrangement. Af
ter dinner tbe party, augmented by hus
bands and other friends, 'fepalrad to the
new dancing pavilion, which was a work of
art In Itself, and this evening waa beau
tifully trimmed In flags, bunting and quan
tities of garden flowers. Martial ales were
played bv the musicians. Interspersed with
dance music, nnd the large crowd, number
ing some three or fcrfir hundred people,
rose and sang together th Inspiring
stunxas of "America," . '.
Mr. M. It. Row entertained at cards
H. L. Snyder visited with Florence friends
Mis. Cyril Kelly spent th last week in
Chicago. . n i.-
Mr. Brewster of Omaha Is the guest of
J. L. Houston.
Chris Hanson 'visited . with. Florence
friends Monday.
Ml ss Marie Feldhausen spent th Fourth
at Fort Calhoun.
Miss Fields of Omaha 1 th guest of
Miss Emma Beigelt.
The Americans will play th West Islda,,
at the bull park today.
The School board will meet Monday even
ing at the school house.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Meyers are rejoicing
over the arrival of a boy. f
Miss Ediih Gubrlelson left Saturday for
a short visit at Gllmore, la. .
Dr. Akers has purchased ' two lots on
Main street as an investment
Willis Crosby ot Omaha spent Monday
In Florence, visiting old friends.
Orlando Klerle of Chickgo la th guest
of his brother, Charles J. Kterl.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kreuzer ar rejoicing:
over the arrival of a, girl Sunday.,.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wachtler ar re
joicing over the arrival of a girl.
Mis Mary Miller of Newcastle, Wyo.,
Is the guest of Alius Alls Houston.
Dan McLaln of South Omaha was visit
ing with Florence friends Monday.
Mrs.' F. B. Nichols was the guaut ot
Mrs. Remington In Omaha Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler of Benson were th
guests ot Mrs. Viola Pettlt Monday.
Mrs. John Price loft Monday for a twg
months' v. alt at Boneta Springs, S. D.
It. N. Do. Uls. rural currier on rout
io.- j, is taking a two week vacation.
Miss Emma Her gelt visited with Florence
friends Monday afiernoun and evening.
The Pleasant Home club held an enjoy
able picnic at Lake Manawa the Fourth.
Mrs. A. L. Shipley is very in and Drs.
Akers and Rlx are In constant attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Arndt and Miss Arndt of
Blulr are -(Uts's tf ill. and Mis. J. J.
Miss Lillian Bondesson left tho first of
the week to spend the summer at Soattle,
Mr. and Mis. Will Thomas left' for Ni
agara Fulls, where they will visit for two
Mims Slgmi Bondesson expects to leave
the coming week for her claim In Tripp
touiily. ,
" Mr. and Mrs. Brl."bln entertained a large
party Monday In lioiur ot Dr. and Mis
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Thompson -entertained
a large puity of Omaha friends
Miss Corinne Armstrong and Mr. T E.
Will i lock were guests of Miss Alle Houston
The Seven Oaks poultry farm Is making
great Improvements In their place by paint
ing the buildings.
Mrs. Harriet Taylor returne.l from Shen
andoah, lu.. hi re she has been visiting
relatives, Saturday.
Mr. and Mis. W. O. Chandler returned
Monday from Huncock, where they cele
brated the Fourth.
J. O. Foster Is the guest of his brother,
Gi-orge Foster, while looking over the field
to go into business.
Basil Foster, who has been visiting In
lies Moines for the past 10 woes., re
turned bum Saturday,