Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1909, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 12. 1903.
J! -I
Want Ads
Advertisements for tba want ad
rolima. will be takes nntll It aa. for
the rrralif edition and nntll SiSO n.
aa. for the morning and Saaday !
rasa mil wrninpa.r all ordere for
want a da and no Tfrt!iait will
be nn-rpl'il for lese than 0 eente for
first Insertion.
Ratea anply cither The Dally or
Bandar nee.
Comblnatlona of Initiate or aambere
connt aa one word.
AliriM oonnt aim worda to a line.
Insertion, 1 1-2 eeata per word and 1
eent per word for eneh aabaeqaeat
Insertion. Each Ineertlon made on
odd days. 1 1-2 rente per word 2 1.B0
per line per month.
Wnnt od for The Dee may be left
at any of the following; drag atorea
one la yoor "earner draaaist" they
are all branch offices for The Bee
and onr ad will be Inserted Jaat aa
promptly and on the same rates aa at
the main office In The Bee Balldlng,
Seventeenth and Farnam atreetat
Albaek. W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Feranek. 8. A.. 1408 8. lth Bt.
Becht Pharmacy, Benson. Nab.
Bemls park Pharmacy. 38d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy. 22 Sherman Ave.
CoughHn. C. R. 6th and Pierce 8t.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, MIS Military Ave.
Conte. J. B . 31t Ave. and Farnam 8t
Crlssey Pharmacy. 14th and Lake 8t.
Cermak. Emtl, 1204-6 8. 18th St.
Ehlers. P. H.. 2802 Leavenworth St
Fouler Arnold!, 218 N. 2th St.
Freytag. John J.. IS" . 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
Snyder Pharmacy, 29th and aake Sts.
Grernough, O. A., 1624 8. 10th St.
Oreenouch. G. A., 124 B. 10th 9t
Hvdn. William C, 3M0 Farnam St
Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th St.
Huff, A. L., 2014 Leavenworth St.
Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1401 B. 19th St
King. It. S. 283 Farnam St
Konntre Place Pharmacy, 201 N. 24th St
Lathrop, Charles E.. 1314 N. 24th St.
Patrick Drug Co., 1002 N. 24th St
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
eutciaity of tire escapes, shutters, door
aim aeies. v. juiuimu. vvf avu..
Try a gallon, ft It Is wondarlul. No
umi. Land At Lot Co.. Bults U N. Y
Lit Bldg., Omaha, Nab. 'Phone Rod
IM. open evenings.
Monuments. J. F. .bloom Co., 1816 Farnam.
DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 444.
. . . . I .vtit o 1) I If ULXJ nnaral ilsaataea assaa.
h L, i,DHi Ob IUC4( Ciili IMHOiajl " WVI S, SUV-
caeaors to Hairy B- Davis, 1W 8. Wth Bt
6IGN FALNT1NO 0..H. Cola, 1252 Douglas.
DAVID COLE Creamery Co.
REMOVAL sale monumental 1417 8. 11th.
Missouri f liters made dt sold. 1310 Howard.
OLIVER. A. HALL, architect dt engineer,
N. V. Lite; designer or moaern Duuaings.
UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau, 204 Old
Bo.'ion btore Bldg. Muslo indexing cabi
ns is.
OMAHA Mirror and Art Olass Co., art
glass mltra cutting, beveling mirrors of
all kinds, resllvering and framing. Office
and factory 114 turning ot aoin pnones.
8HOE8 called for and delivered free.
Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam.
El W. F1TT. mechanical and consulting
engineer, drawing, designing, estimates. US
Bee Bldg.
Kervan, 60s Brandeis Bdlg. Tel. Red 7374.
1,817 COUPLES have been married by the
Rev. C. W. Savldge, and he Is praying to
marry 2.000. If you want him to marry you
call Webster 8444 or 14-1440.
A 26 BOX at the Oman Safe Deposit
vaults Is burglar and fireproof. Better be
safe than sorry. Basement, Omaha Nat'l
Bank, 210 8. 13th Bt
COMBS, 1520 Douglas, expert eye fitting.
HEFL1N, locksmith, 1616 Doaglaa St, up
stairs. Doug. w, or A4Aa.
PICTURES framed artistically. Prompt
work. Megeatn Bta. Co., loin and l-aniAix
OMAHA PASTE CO now located at 718
So. 13th St, Douglas 1760.
HARRT W. M'VEA. recent city plumb
ing Inspector, dtaerlse to announce to his
patrons and mends that he is now pie
pared to do all kinds of plumbing and
heating. All orders will receive his care
ful and personal attention. Quick repair
work a specialty. Estimates cheerfully
furnished. Mew office at wtn and Cum
lng. Telephone Harney 461.
J.-R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and
composition roofing, 638 Paxton Blk., 18th
and Farnam His., Omaha. Tela, Douglas
hid, A-iim: ites., wm. sm.
FOR watches and Jewelry repairs see
uuniaison riendricKson, zoi mo. lBih Bt
WOOD. Dr. O. 8., 621 New York Life
Bldg.. Homeopathlst.
James H. Craddock. architect, room
WcaJ Bldg., 18ih and Farnam. Red 6374
inuiideis Bldg., makers of typewritten let
isrs in multiple quantities. Tel. D. 491 1.
RAMM.KRS -New, 4 and 2-cyllnders. 30 per
tent aucount Kaniblsr Auto. Co., Mi
4- I OU
tENLl iiti cur itsc of second hand cars.
1814 r'ainam '
1'j03 MAXWELL runabout only run
MteKH. lias tup, 6 lamps and matfneto. 1700
Will demonstrate. Call 2305 S. Sd Bt. 'Phune
rAAiu.-, Mri,MLU, CO., storage, auto
mobile impairing, dle.mond Urea. 2318 Har
STORAGE, centrally located, opposite
iiutaiy. imj iiarnev su. llrlck P. Kuh'
WE GIVE exptrt Information to prospec
tlve buyers oi new o.- arcond-hand cars,
Omaha School of Auio Eng. 2tl Leaven
worth St.. Tel It. S33S A-1432.
120 acres alfalfa land. Dundy, clear. 23,000
liiO acres alfalfa land, Dundy, clear, $4,0UU
100 acres farm land. Red Willow, clear.
Brandeis Uldg.
THE last call for cheap land. A fins sec
tion of land In western Nebraska can be
exchanged for town or city property.
Onner wants home. 480 Brandeis Bldg.
year, hi Nebraska town of T.0J0 Inhabitants,
for clear land worth S50.000. Bemls Real
Estate Co., Krandi-is Bdg.
OOOD ISO acre farm; eastern Neb., for
home, Equity 17.400. Bern1. Brandeis Bldg.
WANT? We have farms. ranches,
HOMES IX OMAHA. We will trade with
' ) ou. Come In -and see us. Nowata Land
and Lot Co.. suite t14, N. Y. Life Bldg.,
'Phone Red U19, Omaha. Neb. Open
e veninu
TRADES If you have anything to trade,
virlta us. We can match anything. Our
list is large. Dean-Andrews Co., 422 N.
Y. L. '
1 ICO-acre farm luO miles from Kansas
City; well Improved, good soil, good crops,
first-class proposition. Owner will con
sider merchandise or Income property. 'Ad
dress J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth, Neb.
TO GET In or out of business call oa
OAXGEBTAD, 404 lies Bldg. Tat D-IM7.
ments. In bomI western Nebraska town.
Cann sales 18.000 per month. Will take 111.
000 to handle It No trades. Address T 24.
rare Be.
FOR SALE One of the best paying- sen-
ersl stores In South Dakota. Invoices
bout IfiOnO Reason for selling have rone
Into the banking business. Address Lock
Box 2. Chester. 8. D.
FIRST CLAPS furniture stock In one of
the best county seat towns In eastern Ne
braska. Fine open Inn for some one. must
sell this month. Invoice about in.wo. uan
reduce stock If desired. Address T lit.
care of Bee.
In Madgett building; all modern and up
to date; rise 22x00. Wm. Madgett Has
tings. Neb.
GOOD, clean harness stock for sale: onlv
hon In town: Al farmlns- country: large
territory; 11.800 stock; do 26.000 business
per year. Smith Bros., Herman, Neb.
FOR SALE Larre dress making and Im
porting business averaging forty employes.
Work all the year. Edward Dormin, 1057
Fifth ft., san Diego, cat.
FOR SALE-The best and largest plumbing,
heating, pump and windmill business of
southwestern Iowa. Have seversl con
tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at In
voice. Address T 181 care Bee.
WESTERGARD can help you get In or out
of buslneaa. 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. u.
A SAVING Investment to buy your cigars
of Tracy Proa Co., and share the profits.
WANTED Acttv real aetata men who
can furnish bank reference to represent
company dealing In high class Irrigated
lands. Finest fruit and truck farmlag land
on ,the market Oreat opportunity for
good real estate men to make money.
Homeseekers who see tbls land are very
enthusiastic Nothing like It on the mar
ket Write today tor terms and tun in
formation. Address, Irrigation, P. O. Box
1087, Kansas City, Mo.
TWO chair barber shop for sale, good
business. Reason for selling, going to Cal
lfornla. Box 706, Crete, Neb.
sponsible party. Visitor, Valparaiso, Neb.
BAILEY MACK, 2d floor. Paxton. D. 108K.
TA FT' 8 dental rooms, 1517 Douglas Bt.
DR. FICKE8, 16th and Farnam; he's a
good dentist; painless extraction. 60 cents.
IN FAMILIES Mies Sturdy. Tel. Ind. A 2677
TERRY College. 20th and Fsrnam Sta.
See Monhelt Treatment on feet. 1411 Far.
DR. ROT, 1606 Farnam Bt. Douglas freff.
i-ni t .Rnm
. . Ir.lnln. in m -1
ILnver now v. n, . . u ...... r. ... ...
commercial branohes, including bookkeep
ing, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy,
C1VU ! V 1 " ' ' "
ment grade subjects. Handsome catalogue
furnisnea tree upon requeeu auu' nan ji.
B. Boyles, President, Omaha, Neb. Both
nflnlavl tralntna school for II. P. R. R.
Telegraph Department
Omaha Det Ag'y., 428 Paxton Blk. P. MIS.
shampooing, halrdresaing. massage
mi manicuring: home appointments.
Eclipse Halrdresaing rariors, ta jNeviue
CHINA decorating; order work a specialty,
Lessons Tuesday, xnursaay ana Satur
days Firing dally. Children's classes
Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungaie,
8M Brandeis ttiag. tou itea &v.
At prices just as others charge for the other
The West's Greatest Art Store.
at haJf retail prices. Buy direct from Im
porters; save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney.
Phone Doug, u&a, ana anKeiu wm uui.
Instructions in China and water colors
at SPECIAL RATES during the summer
months. M- n. emig, otuaio hi pi. i. i.
Tir tr wirwT ru.. I r --11 needles and narta
IOr nil ICWinx iijaviniion. .ww. mom. vwo
to., ibtn ano nam. oi
rt.KANlNO and d veinar: bles-est and beat
Only one oriice, uit jones ui. i
Trie fAnruiuua.
TRUNKS, suit cases, traveling goods and
leather novelties: high class repairing.
Frellng A Stelnle, UOC Farnam St, Opposite
City Hall
Tela. Best work; prompt service. v
MA RINELLO Consult the expert derma
toloalst. Isabella & Paul of Chicago, re
gardtng that case of acne blackheads and
DimDlea. First treatment to first case
FREE. MAR1NELLO positively will cure
It. Hobson s Beauur Shop, itm Douglas Bt
Entrance through Kern s millinery.
60C RIBBON nail file, 26c. Haines Drug
Co., 1810 Farnam.
HESS & SWOllODA, 1415 Farnam.
HENDERSON S fresh out flowers dally
from our hothouses for weddings and dec
orations. Douglas 12b8. 1611 Farnam.
MENT South side of new store.
Repairing and resetting gas, leaky
furnaces. Experts on remodeling furnac
to obtain mote heat on a fuel saving beats,
W a install new furnaoes. Omaha fc-tov
Repair Work, Uwj-8 Douglas Bt, Hoth
p ho lies. ;
Factory natd Trades.
LADIES and girls can make good money
at home, spare time, decorating sofa
pillows; experiem-e unnecessary, tail fore
noons, 23U B. I3tn.
Honsekeepera and Doaaeattea.
WANTED Second girl. 2612 Farnam St.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Mrs. L. Habn, t22 Dodge Bt
WANTED at Once Good girl for general
houaework. a2t N. lUth Bt
GIRL for general housework; best of
mages. 2uui Binney Bt
G1HL for general housework. 2402 N,
lth Bt.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Appiy uui a. znn.
WANTED Neat young girl to assist
with light housework. Tel. Ind. A-37S2.
666 S. 24th St
WANTED A young girl to help at house
work. Apply Sunday. Mrs. Coffey, U86
8. 12th.
GIRL for housework; Swedish preferred.
2102 B. 83U St
A MAID for general housework; small
family; no laundry work; best wages. 1U60
8. Hath 84, '
GIRL wanted for general housework.
1328 N. 2ttn St. South Onaha.
GOOD laundress for Mondays. 241S Man
derson 8t Phone Webstar 146.
GIRL tor general nousework. lit 8. Cen
tral Boulevard. Tel A-Wll. or Red 1721.
GIRL for general ho-work, good
wages, 1008 8. Ave. .-bone Harney
WANTED Cook, 608 N. 28th -St Good
salary to a good woman. Call Harney 74.
L,,., J
Housekeepers aad Domestics Cont'd.
WANTED good girl for general house
work, best of wages. 3707 Jones St
WANTED Experienced girl; best wages:
no laundry. 3200 Harney St.
GIRL wanted for (reneral housework:
thre In family; no children; no washing.
Apply In person, 4933 Davenport St P. G.
tlfiv-rrr. i .a .... .
to right person. Calf at once, 2202 Wool
worth Ave. . ,
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of three. C. H. Rudlger. 3326 8. 19th
St.. Omaha. 'Phone Red 3ttl
GIRL for second ''work: also girl for
housework. Tel. Douglas R2. 324 N. 18th St.
GIRL wanted to take care of Invalid
lady. 837 8. 24th. Call mornlncs.
GOOD girl for general housework. 4043
Dodge St.
WANTED Middle aged woman to care
for Invalid lady and assist with house
work; references. Call at 2S0 8. 36th Ave.
WiCltrllWnMlK anA Hr1 fnr
housework. 2401 Harney St.
WANTED A nurse girl at 327 S. 87th 8t.
Phone Hamey tsih
COMPETENT laundress Mondays. 1024
Park Ave.
WANTED-A nice girl to go to Fort
Robinson, Neb., for second nurse and as
sist In the care of a little girl. Apply 332
8. 27th St.
GIRL for general housework. Take West
Side Hanscom park car to Woolworth. 1321
S. 3Mh Ave.
COOK wanted Immediately. 650 8. 26th
GIRL for general housework; small fam
ily. Apply Mrs. W. H. Ramsby, 2124 Isard
WANTED Cook and second girl. 2416
Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 1727.
WANTED Slrl for general housework.
1312 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 4502.
WANTED A girl to do second work In a
family. 1046 Georgia Ave
GOOD girl to asxifit in housework; sman
family; Rood wages. Mrs. C. F. Belman,
4,807 Dodge.
YOUNG girl to assist in housework. 118
So. 18th Bt. .
COMPETENT girl for general house
work or one to lake care of children. 823
8. 25th Ave.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 611 Park Ave.
GIRL to assist with- housework. 2211 Cali
fornia St
GIRL wanted for housework; 6 rooms;
modern house: 3 In family; good home and
good wages. 969 N. 26lh St.
WANTED A girl to work for board. Mrs.
Hossater, 2211 Douglas.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work; experienced. 2011 Charles St.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
2215 Sherman Ave. Mrs. Thos. 8. hall,
Both Phones.
A COMPETENT girl for general house
work; no washing. 1329 S. 31st St.
WANTED Girl for general houitework;
one that can go home evenings; 3 in fam
ily; good wages. 2009 Grace St.
GOOD girl for general housework: no
washing; good wages. Mrs. F. A. Brogan,
420 Rose Hill Ave , Benson. Tel Benson 127.
GIRL to assist with housework; no wash
ing or Ironing; wages 25. 2406 S. 10th. Doug.
GIRL wanted for general housework:
small family. 846 Georgia Ave.
WANTED Competent girl for light
housework; good wages. 1314 N. 36th Bt.
Tel. Harney 251.
GIRL for general housework. 1626 Wirt
Bt. Tel. Webster 376.
A MAID for general housework; small
family; no laundry work; best wages. 1060
S. 2th St.
WANTED-An elderly lady to do light
housework and take care of child 2 years
old, for mother who Is gone all day. An
excellent place for one who desires a good,
quiet home. Apply at once, 2702 Lake.
WANTED Girl to assist in housework:
no washing. Phone Harney 741. 1304 So.
WANTED Good, competent girl for gen
eral housework; good wages and good
home. 1552 No. 19th.
GIRL for general housework. 1717 Chicago.
GIRL wanted for general housework; 8
In family: no children; no washing; refer
ence required. Come In person. 4033 Dav
enport. factory sal Trade.
417 NO. 2STH ST.. SO. OMAHA.
HELP wanted In all departments. Evans
Laundry Co., 207 S. 11th.
M taeellaneona.
FREE Employment Dept Business Men's
LEARN halrdresslng; It pays you; can
easily earn 216 to 125 weekly; full course
taught. Brandeis Halrdresslng Dept
TWO ladies to travel, demonstrate and
sell deslers. Call or adJrvj al once Good
rich Drug Co., Omanv -Veb.
AsBts, flollcltore aad salesmen.
WANTED A solicitor with horse and
buggy to drive through the country and
solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir
culation manager The Bee Publishing Co.
WANTED Hat and and cap salesman
for Nebraska and Iowa; resident of Ne
braska preferred; also experienced. Apply
at once. Geo. H. Heinemann Mfg. Co..
Milwaukee. Wis.
WANTED Young men for postofflee.
railway mall clerks, carriers, and other
Eovernment positions. Salary 1800 to I2.0U
,lfe positions. Government Positions Bu
reau, Rochester, N. Y.
Clerical and Offlea.
WANTED Young man as bookkeeper
and assistant In credit department. Must
be experienced, thoroughly competent, ag
gressive and willing to learn. No othars
considered. Address D-109, care Bee.
WANTED A young man who has had
experience as cashier in large mercantile
establishment or In a bank. Best refer
ences required. Address H 112. care Bee.
Factory Bad Tradea.
WANTED 6 good cornice men and three
tinners; steady work. 1724 St Mary's.
GOOD horseshoer wanted at once. C. W.
Tharp. Fremont Neb.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
few weeks required; beat paying work
within reach of poor man. tan have ahnn
with small capital; wages (12 to M -weekly.
Wonderful demand for barbers. Catalogue
maueu iree. saoier earner college, 110 B
14th Bt
CENSU8 office clerks must take a civil
service examination; over 1.600 appoint
ments will be made; a chance for anyone
with a common school education; salary
!00 to fl.OuO a year; full information free.
Columbian Correspondence College, Wash
ington, D. GJ
A practically completo list of
the vacant rooms in Omaha
will bo found on this page
Factory and Trades
ORUO stcre and Jobs. Knleet Bee Bldg.
TEAMS wanted, 17th and Douglas Sts.,
56c per hour. Thompson-Starrett Co.
A FIR8T-CAS8 bottlor. Apply at once.
Mineral Springs Bottling Woiks, 724 W.
B way, Co. Bluffs, la.
MARKER and sorter, also washman, at
Him hey Laundry, South Omaha.
BE your own boss! Make 84 daily sil
vering mirrors. Anyone can do the work
at home in spare time. Booklet and sam
ple free. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 82, Bos
ton, Mass.
WANTED Good gardner; must know
how to milk. 1916 S. 32d Ave. Tel. Har
ney 3221.
Horses and Vehicles.
ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stanhope
and harness slightly soiled If you want
one or all now at less thsn half price see
Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts.
Cowa, Birds, Dogs and Pets.
GOOD cow for sale at 1916 8. 32d Ave.
Tel. Harney S221.
WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men
tion The Bea.
GENT'S diamond ring, green gold setting,
between Paxton Blk. and Robertson Bros.'
cigar store. Suitable reward for return to
Frenxer, Jeweler, 15th and dge.
IXST Friday afternoon near 31st Ave.
and Dodge, a Seneca camera, with case
and tripod. 417 Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve
Food Pills, (1 a box, postpaid. Bnerman 4k
MuConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment
at Creighton's Medical college. 14th and
Davenport Sta; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug
las litf. Calls aiisweieu. day or night
Vacation Money
Everyone needs it, and this is the place
te get it. Don't let money stand in your
way when it can be so easily obtained on
WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, or anything of
value. Our special low rates are still in
effect. We advance money quickly and
confidentially, and our offices strictly
Reliable Credit Co.
3d Floor, 307-8 Paxton Block, N. E. Cor
ner lth and Farnam Sts.
'Phones: Douglas nil and A-1411.'
M Mnnpv t'nr Vncntinna
St J
it Do you need money? We are go- Xt
H lng to loan our surplus cash to all 11
$1 worthy applicants at the LOWEST S
M SALARIES, etc. It will pay you toll
it see us before getting money else- tl
it where. We are especially prepared It
i$ to accommodate ., SALARIED PEO- 88
li PLE. No delay or red tape and It
it everything is strictly confidential. It
tl Open till 6:30 p. m. Telephones M
it Douglas 2036 and Ind. A-2038.
" Omaha Financial Co., i
it 601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandeis. It
tl 16th St Entrance.
MONEY loaned salaried people and others
without security; easy payments. Offices
In (6 principal cities. Toiman, Atoom 618,
New York Life Bldg.
6 on diamonds. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge.
PRIVATE money to loan on chattels; low
interest, willows, 8t4 Brandeis Bldg.
or money for any other purpose makes no
difference. What you are Interested In
most 1m a place where you can make a loan
at reasonable rates and you can
deal confidentially and wll: get a square
deal. That's what we have been doing
AVI rcvnurcii yv-Kiv.
119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2295.
entrance mm a. ltun Bt.
LOANS, half rates. 329 Board of Tiade.
EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven
port Bta.. warehouse imi-w izard Bt
Hoarding; and Rooms.
DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam.
TWO connecting rooms with board, to
permanent couple or two gentlemen, in
modern home; references. 1S18 Cass. Phone
D. 1476.
EAST and south side rooms with board
reasonable rates, xiz a. am oi.
BOARD and room. In new, modern flat,
at 631 S. 19th Bt. Tel. Doug, ooii
HOMELIKE room and board, new, all
modern flat, close in, for a few gentlemen.
631 S. 19th. Douglas ftolZ. no signs.
ROOM and board, close In. Large front
room with alcove, suitable for two or three
persons, either furnished or uniurnianea,
114 Bo. ism Bt rnone nu iwo.
TABLE board, first class home cooking
with or without rooms. 1818 Capitol Ave.
FURNISHED room with board. 626 So,
19th St
Famished Rooaaa.
VVRT dealrable larre roams, newly fur
nished, suitable for one or two gentlemen,
2U1 B. 26th Ave,
2510 DODGE, excellent south suite, mod
ern, detached house.
STRICTLY modern, well furnished front
rooms, in large private residence; nice
summer home, rirst cisss location, con
v.nient to two car lines: breakfast If de
sired; no children. References exchanged.
Phone Webster 5418. 1907 win at.
TWO furnished rooms. 312 N. 22d St
NEWLY furnished room; porcelain bath
2224 Chicago.
WANTED Lady room male. 306 N. 18th
St 'Phone B 31S.
VERY desirable room; fine location
walking distance. 218 B. Z6th Bt
PLEASANT rooms: two south windows
also large front modem. (14 N. 23d. 'Phone
It. 4i4.
r'ON'T you want a nice cool room, with
or without piano, in a permanent homelike
place, where you won't have to move for
carnival or winter? auricuy modern, re
spectable. permanent; gentleman only. Mrs
Davis, 2563 Bt. Mary s Ave.
LARGE furnished front room; 827 8. 21st
6t Tel. Doug. 6227.
FOR rent, for sale and furnished room
cards. 10c each. Corey & McKenxie Print'
lng Company, 112 S. I4th St.
WELL furnished front room, private
rainiiv; nice lawn surrounds house. 7Ug a
?nh St
Fnralshed Rooms Contlnned.
GOOD rooms. 12 per week; free bath.
Ogden Hotel, Co. Bluffs.
TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, complete
for light housekeeping, all modern, 811
per month, 2C19 Webster St
LARGE, cool, modern rooms for gentle
men. 1918 St. Mary's Ave.
lotel Boquet 15th"or.mndr,yHoK;arcts.
WELL furnished front room, private
smtly; nice lawn surrounds house. 702 3.
29th St.
FRONT ROOM for housekeeping. 1814
Dodge. Douglas 4861.
Vnr vn man t n in,. crimf rtrt a M fitvn.
ntshed room. 2702 Farnam St.
rnc PJ p- XT T- V mr 7-rnnm fur.
nlshed houre, 2709 8. 24th St.
rl rn I WTI T ei,t1ah4i atMIno- mnm mnA
bedroom, connecting private family. No
other roomers. 1019 South 30th Ave.
ONE nice room with two south windows.
hot and cold water In the room, modern,
1816 Jackson, two blocks west of Rome
CLEAN, quiet room, 22 per week. 308 N.
22d St.
ONE large room, all modern. 1811 Cali
fornia. Phone B1S7S.
NICE furnished room, 2219 Douglas St.
ROOM In new house. 2012 Chicago St
TV MM AlAB.n.l., Y. A ... I . .
cool rooms lor two gentlemen; porch anj
awn. Harney tws ais s. znn Ave.
LARGE south alcove room, furnished or
unfurnished, with board. 2420 Cass St.
- - . - .U. ........ 111.',,.', II. ' I
week; private family. Tel. Red 6589. 806 8.
22.1 St
PLEASANT front room. 1611 Leaven-
worth, 3d floor.
TWO nicely furnished rooms In all mod
ern home. 313 N. 20th St.
ONE nice rnnm smith tnnniM 11ft net.
month. 25S5 St Mary's Ave.
ONE neat room with board; home cook
ng. 2208 Harney.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room and
board; reasonable. 514 Park Ave. Tel. Har
ney 4UUU.
RP. A ITTTITI-T T V e,,nl.v,4 .
board. 212 N. 24th. Tel. D. 4707.
NICE modern front room! nrlvate ftm.
tly; board If desired. 1D10 Webster St.
SUITE of extra fine rooms, fine furni
ture, fine lawn. Private family; southwest
corner 20th and Chicago Sts.
NICE, clean, cool rooms, mnrtern- elec.
trie light; close In; 110. 2104 Webster.
NICE single or suite nf rnnm. with hnarit
it aesirea. auiii t'aclflc St.
NICELY furnished room, south exnosure:
modern; suitable for one or two gentle
men, or man and wife. 1708 Davenport St.
FURNISHED room for one or two ladles:
modern. 1919 Capitol Ave.
Catfnrnlsfcad Roonu,
6 ELEGANT rooms, modern: new flat-
$17.50 month. 2018 Davenport
8 LARGE rooms and inramnm fit-at
floor. $15.00. 625 S. 20th St D. 7158.
TWO rooms, 1120 North 17th St.
Apartmente aad Flats.
THREE and 6-roorr. flats. Bcarao Bide.
6-614 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Hall, 433
Ramge Bldg. Both 'phones.
$17 7-room flat, bath and closet. Innulra
1844 N. 16th, cor. 16th and Grace.
NEW, strictly modern 6-room apart
ment, oak finish. 27th and Jackson.
nemis, urandeis Bldg.
HANDSOME apartment In fashionable
north-end apartment house. Ind. A3768.
Har. 3600.
s-kuum nat. 18th and California. $50.00.
Gallagher A Nelson, 490 Brandeis Bldg.
68 So. 28th St.. 10-r., all modern, every
room newly papered, everything nice and
clean; close to the city, fine neighborhood,
reduced from $45 to $35. You had better look
in is up.
Payne, Bostwick & Co.,
Sole Agents.
Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
We have all varieties of 4, 6 and 4-r ,
apartments, close In, and can fit you out
in anything you want along this line. Call
and see our list
Payne, Bostwick & Co.,
Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
8 AND 4-ROOM Apt, modern, 816' 8. 22d.
FOR RENT Only $26.60 for six-room, all
modern, ground flat, close in. to choice
tenant. If taken this week. AddIv at 607
1736-1760 8. 27TH ST. 6 and 4-room, brick,
St. Louis, new, modern, two car lines. Tel.
Harney 3886.
jwv .v mi tug o. oin avh., attractive n
room apartment; first floor of practically
new brick; strictly modern; In best condl-
. I n . I." 1 1 m n..-
Very desirable corner flat, an eight
room modern brick, nearly new. In first-
class repair, and in choice section of West
t arnam district, itu.
318 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 952.
6-ROOM flat TQth anrf Wnnla,n..i. . ...
Tel. Harney 617.
HonsekeeplnsT Rooms.
EXCELLENT furnished rooms for house
keeping; first-class street and neighbor
hood; close In. Dr. Prlbbenow, 2674 .Harney
St. Tel. Red 5036.
SUITE rooms, parlor floor; jnodera Vat
newly furnished, decorated. 2D19 Mason,
Harney 4623.
TWO unfurnlHhed rooms. Inquire 607 8.
20th 8t
COOL and newly furnished rmmi tnr
light housekeeping; alxo furnished sleeping
rooms; modern; walking distance. 25J
narnej . i el. u.
3 NICE furnished rooms for llKht house
keeping; modern; 1st floor. 1649 N. 17th.
SUITS of three nicely furnished house-
Keeping rooms. 12U1 a. nth.
JULY 10. furnished apartment, flye rooms;
piaiiu, leieunoue, cic. UU9 Bt. xiary s Ave
MODERN furnished housekeeDinr looms
ras stove, clean, cool, comfortable. 2010
tveDster Bt. prions Douglas 6241.
ROOM for light housekeeping; gas fur
nished. 1920 Dodge.
NICE. cool, newly furnished rooms, with
cooking gas, bath and uss of phone; nice
summer location; private family. 1302 tk.
THREE furnished rooms, gss for cooklni
and lighting. $5 per week. 613 N. 21st Bt
Phone B-63S4.
TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms;
large pantry; ground floor. 420 N. 24th St.,
Douin umim.
FURNISHED or cnfurnlshed rooms for
housekeeping in modern flat. 616 8. ihh Ft
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor. 17 U
TWO modern furnished rooms. Tel. Red
FIVE rooms, modern except heat; no
children. i n. zun Bt
Hosirktfplif It beans
TWO or three rooms for adults; gas
range and all modern conveniences. (04 8.
27 to.
TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for
light housekeeping, all modern. 2910 Web
ster. TWO front rooms, furnished complete for
light housekeeping. 2115 Spencer St. Tel.
Webster 2068.
FOR RENT Two fine large front rooms,
for light housekeeping. All modern. 2211
Willis Ave,
TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping.
1715 Dodge.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Refer
ences. 2114 Chicago.
Furnished rooms for light housekeeping.
1S07 N. lTth 8t
8 ROOMS, housekeeping, modern, gas
range. 1822 Chicago.
TWO nice rooms for light housekeeping.
1714 California street.
FOR RENT Two rooms for light house
keeping at 4104 N. 24th St
WELL furnished dining room and kitchen
for housekeeping; house modern. 560 S.
26th Ave.
THREE nice rooms. $10. M N. 23d.
TWO rooms, single or double, light
housekeeping, modern house. 1817 Web
ster. THREE nice rooms and bath. 2214 Chi
cago. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2121 Web
ster St. Call after 1.80 p. m.
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, gas
range, modern. 618 8. 22d.
TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished
complete. 2223 Leavenworth.
ONE room, 68 60 per week. 2112 Douglas.
ROOM for light housekeeping. 17V7 Dodge
TWO rooms, $12 per month, 2012 Daven
port Varnished Bsatt.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished house for one
year to responsible persons. Address G 111,
4-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern, lilt
Clark 8t. Inquire 1807 Howard.
SEVEN rooms, modern, one block from
car. lr.Zo Plnkney. $35 per month.
Honaes and Cottages.
FOR RENT Brick house at 1611 8. 29th
St., .one block east of Park avenue car
line; modern In every respect, with 4 bed
rooms on second floor; large parlor, dining
room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves
tlbul on first floor. Inquire at 1508 8. 2Uth
St. Tel. Harney DW9.
4 room house, 705 N. 82d, $12.60.
a room house, 3238 Evans St., $12.60.
6 room house, 709 N. 32d., $10.
8 room house, modern, 2409 Lake, $2L
J. H. Farrotte, Board of Trade.
Elegant modern eight room house, 31st
and Cass St., 'phone, Doug. 6329.
A 6-room house, modern except furnace,
located at 945 North 25th St.; paved street
and one block to car $20 per month.
Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-2038. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg.
FOR RENT 7 and 8-room modern
houses, good location. S. D. Mercer Co.,
lei. Douglas 1536, Ind. A-15J6.
$22.50 6-room cottage, modern ex. heat
16th and Madison Ave.
$.15.00 8-room house, modern, 703 6th St.,
Co. Bluffs. Ia.
$18 6-room. hot and cold water. 1 blk
from park, 1408 N. Z3d South Omaha.
Call Midland In v. Co.. D. 1162, A ZfiM.
Free rent until July 15, 1908.
A 3-R. and a 4-r house, 38th and P Sts.,
$6 to $S.
iiii itowara, s-r., an modern, ,.
Ground Floor, 1201 Farnam Bt
OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move,
store H. hi. goods; storehouse, 1110-84 N.
19th. office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Daug. 165.
A SIX-ROOM house, modern except fur
nace, located at 945H Nv 25th St; paved
street and one block to ear; $20 per month.
W. J. Dermody Investment Co., 836 N. Y.
Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 6108 or A-203.
2626 Capitol Ave.. $30. 2628 Capitol Ave.,
$27.50. 960 N. 27th. $7.50. McCague Co.
HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk,
ELEGAN'l (-room flat, located at 610 8.
271 h, all modern; price. $35. Bemls. Brandeis
7-room. new. modern iiiouse and large re
ception room; hard wood finish, combina
tion fixtures, east front beautiful lawn; 704
N. 23d 8t.$40.
6-room. new. modern St Louis flat com
bination fixtures, reception room, hard
wood finish: 714 N. 23d St. 132.
6-room modern St. Louis flat reoeptlon
hall, combination fixtures; 712 N. Kid St
t-room modern brick house; 2009-2011 Wil
lis Ave. $25.
8 rooms In apartment flat; 111 Clarke, $3.
I rooms In apartment flat; 1917 Clark
Bt $8 50.
4 rooms. 1734 So. 13th t $10.
431 Paxton Block.
CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort.
all modern. 4 or 6-room flats. Apply 220
N. 23d.
HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros. $18 N. Y. L
6-ROOM cottage, large lot Owner leaving
city. 632 S. 27th Kt..
FOR RENT 7-room modern house, 2209
Sherman Ave., on car line. Tel. Webster
3743. J. W. Young.
linnt-DV nnnil.. tinmA S mnmm l.rr.
barn, fine shade, nicely located. 'Phone
Doug. no.
2418 Indiana Ave., new 6-room cottage,
modern. 126.
2318 Dewt-y Ave., new 6-roora flat, oak
finish, easy walking distance, very choice.
nan for the money, 130.
ON FAR! 7AM HILL, on corner of S3d
and Harney, new modern house, I large
rooms, oak finish, fine mantel, tiled baih;
nice lawn: to first class tenant only 840.
ERNEST SWEET. 612 N. Y. L. DOUG. 1472.
rftu 13 V VTT rnnm hmia mil mnHrn
261$ Capitol Ave. Tel., Doug, lull or Red
ill I.
n-vTTCta In all Darts of the cltv
IXVJ U OlliO crelgh Sons aV C. Bee Bldg.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded;
chean freight rates; moving and storing.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tt Doug. 3V4.
2fe7 PACIJ.C ST., 8-room thoroughly
modern house, oak finish. $40. A. G. El lick,
502 Bee Bldg.
MAGGARD Vsn A 8torsgs Co. Tel. Doug.
149t. We guarantee moving, pianos, house
hold goods.
6-ROOM cottsi 2610 Charles, $20; water
rent paid; modem except heat; fine sur
roundings, paved street. Tel. Webster &u.
HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L Bldg.
8IX room, brick, modern; 1620 Msple.
A MODERN, 6-room brick house, 1113 No.
23d St; $26 per month. 'Phone Harney 9s0
4-KOOM, city water, barn. 1513 No. 19ih.
BCARGO Blk.. South Omaha. 6 N. 24th.
Hall. 41$ Kamge Blig ; both phones.
Desirable offices. Karbach Blk-. IB A Doug
And see the ground floor office we now
have for rent, facing Farnam 8t. Gat In a
cool office for the summer. $30.59 per mo.
We also have some other smaller offices
In the U. 8. National Bldg . $8 26 up.
Ground Floor, IM Farnam 8t
Solid oak case, made by the Library n i
reau Furniture Co. This la exceptlon.illt
n Mn.ininii Affir mrttariir nn u Hi
last a lifetime. Call Bee oJtlca. 17th and
Farnam. "
FOR PALK-Typewrlter. Buffet. Bird's-
eye Maple Dresser and Chiffonier R'.
rngerator. Gss Range. fwlng Machine,
annr net and other rurniture. J No.
llth St.
t'PRlnur t-t . x-m-n rt nuin..
. . I ijL-yj e.-V. , . , . . 1 1 1 V, . -iiiii,..
Table O t n nu....r. .. i
other furniture, s3 No. 26th Ave.
TYPEWRITERS Anv maka aTl nrleca.
sold and rented, rent applied; easy terms;
shipped anywhere for examination. Writs'
for large bargain list and offer. B. F.
Sweneon Co.. 417 8. 16th St.. Omaha. Neh.
TTPFWBlTlTn ........ .....
ble; will sell very cheap. Tell Webster $444
DRTTOS at cut prices, freight Paid on all
810 orders; catalogue free. Sherman AV
McConnsIl Drug Co., Omaha. Neb.
Cigar Stand Fixtures
Consisting of three show eases, ene larg
wall case, with sliding glass doors, two
counters about fifteen feet long, will he
sold cheap for cash. Apply Bee building
cigar store. 17th and Farnam.
FOR 8ALE New and tnd-hand billiard
and pool tables. Wa lead the world In
cheap bar fixtures: easy Daymen ta. Bruns-
wic-ar.e conenaar. 407 o. iota Bt
FOR BALE Rowling alleys, five sec-
tiet al. No. 1 alleys, with simplex pin spot
ters, usea one scascn; win sell oheap.
Write William Lerch. Sioux City, la.
FOR SALE-Cash register and aafa. Ad.
dress J 679, oare Bee.
- - - j w. . ( J . I v-v, I OU
can rm v m n i-a ht v.. . . .
" ...... u, ww. va. . - .. lJ . v 111' 'I
A demonstration will convince you. Type-
""i ciiuijiiimni vo., ovi a. uui r none
Douglas 2368.
NlfTC nickel t ..I . . . ...
bargain. 216 N. 22d.
lOnOA M TT XJ t. .mnl,. ... .... ....
our profits. Tracy Bros. Co.. 1416 Douglas.
it you intena taxing a course in business
cnlleae. aae us about a irhnlmhln li'
will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad
dress O 86. care Bee.
FINE- safe, burglar proof, rood condi
tion; must be sold at once; located 2207
I sard.
SEND us your mall orders for drn-
freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug
Co., Omaha.
Second-Hand Boilers
We will sell two boilers that hava bean In
use at the Bee building. The are each
176-horsepowar return tuoular pollers, 78
Inch diameter by 18 teet long. They have
188 C. 1. tubes, 8 inches by II feet. Work
ing pressure 160 pounds per sauare Inch.
Heat surface 19,009 square feet Grate
arte 32tt square feet
We are very anxious to dispose of these
boilers Immediately and will sell at
bargain. If taken at once.
17th and Farnam Sts.. Omaha. Neb.
HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Fsrnam.
JOHNSON. INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 16S4.
Dr. Katheryn Nlokolaa. (08 N. T. L. Bldg.
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff
clothing; In fact, anything you do not need.
We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. llth
St.. for cost of collection to the worthy
poor. Call phone Douglas 413$ and wagon
will can.
DRUNKENNESS, drug habit cured to star
cured, under positive guarantee. Write En-
sor Remedy Co., Dept u. bo. umana, Neb.
GUS TURNER, graduate of Lelpslc, Ger
many Conservatory of Music; piano lessons
cheap. Tel. Red 5036 or drop me a postal at
2574 Harney St. and 1 will call on you.
SMITH, JONES. BROWN and all othera
will find something of Interest In our
profit sharing scheme. Tracy Bros Co.
Mrs. Ames of Wash., D. C, manicuring,
magnetic massage, hrs. 10 to 10. 1718 Dodge.
ANY lady wishing to be cared for In
private home during confinement reason
able. Mrs. 8. U. Carson, 1810 St Mary's
YOU will never "stopurklckln" until you
drink Shogo Llthla. Greens Pharmacy, Harney 686.
Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and
Swedish massage. 306 Old Boston Store.
PRIVATE home during confinement;
babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia.
DR. EGGERS, private confinement home.
116 Martha St. Tel. Douglas 6230.
MAGNETIC Treatment Emmelln Brott,
2319 8. Wth. Doug. 6186
f 4PMFTTP treatment. Mme. Smith,
iUAUiMiiXlW m fl mh St.. third floor.
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association, 17th and
Howard Sts., where they will be directed to
suitable boarding places or otherwise as
slated. A deaconess representing the asso
ciation meets trains at the union station as
travelers' aid.
MASSEUR, restures health, makes you
look nice and plump, removes nervousness,
put your stomach, bowels, liver and kid
neys In good order; Improves the blood cir
culation by massage. Have you tried It?
Correct massage Is especially conductive
to good health. Call 406 Bee Bldg. D. 813.
D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink
barrels which we will sell at 50c each. They
are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at
pressroom Bee Publishing Co.
REED ABSTRACT CO., Est ir8; prompl
service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam at
GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. P. 8367.
ATNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life.
BENJAMIN R. E.JCO.. 477 Brandeis Bldg.
BOULEVARD HOUSE. 1248 North Itth Bt.
I rooms, modern, only $2,500. Thomas
Bremiau. Room 1 New York Life Bldg.
West Farnam District
N. 89th Ft, rooms, 4 rooms and hall
downstairs, 6 bedrooms and bath up. Mod
ern; terraced lot 60x130; clone to schools,
churches and car. TERMS. 8,000.
875-77-79 Brandeis Bldg.
Douglas 2x93.
' Acres, $760
Florence boulevard, this side Miller park
Harrison & Morton. '
NEW brick St. Louis flat, Hanscom
Park neighborhood, a aergalu. Telephone
owner, llaiuey 2M&,