Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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" "'MH J 1
'!ttter. for Comiderttton During the
, Midsummer Calm.
teavhiho . cooma schools
C.r.e... ro.. tfc. BBH
Ion r Denominational Schools
If tho suggestion of Chancellor Arery
la followed bV the rnmmlltAA In nh.rtA
the state university will be able to mova
onto ita new athletic field thla fall without
waiting for a tedious court trial on the
report made by the appralaera aa to the
value of the property.
On thla property are v' several houaea
which will total In value aeveral hundred
dollar. The ownera of the aground hare
Informed the chancellor that they are
willing to accept the valuation placed on
the property by tha appralaera providing
the university will permit them to keep
the houses. The chancellor believe it will
be In the Interest of economy for the com
mittee to accept thla proposal because the
court trial may keep the achool out of
possession of the field for many month!
and tha loaa would be more than the
value of the building. - The matter, how
ever, la up to the committee.
While the appointment of II. E,
branch aa regent, to fill out the unex
pired term of Fred Abbott until election
may mean a reorganttatlon of alt the com
mittee, t I the opinion of university
official that Mr. Newbraneh will almply
fill the place on eommltteea heretofore
held by Mr. Abbott, at least until after
the election, when three rwgenta are to be
choeen. .'The board la expected to meet
ahortly to receive the report of the apectal
committee appointed to locate the two ex
perimental eubRtatlona near Valentine and
Scott's Bluff.
School Barred from Participating; In
tke Faael.
In refusing to extend to denominational
colleges the benefits of his fund for pen
sioning professors, , say the New Tork
Times, Mr. Carnegie couM refer to an
exhaustive study of these very Institutions
drawn up by the Carnegie Foundation.
From It It appears that, whereas, there
are now sixty-two unlveraltlea and eollegea
In the United States, Canada and New
foundland, which are held to be within
the foundation's scheme, there are no
lose ' than 509 which are excluded on ac
count, of their more or leaa eloae connec
tion with religious bodies.
The else of these dlffera aa widely aa
the extent to which they are denominated
x by the Influence of a denomination.
Among them may be found such well
known Institutions as Bryn Mawr College,
Syracuse Cnlvsrslty, the University of
the South, Brown University, Chicago
University, and Queen' College, In Can
ada. These Mt Institutions are connected
with no lees than fifty-two different
ecclesldst'cal organizations and '.. the
amount - of control exercised over them
varies from the complete subjection of
the Jesuit Institutions to the rule of that
order to the almost formal tie Implied In
the selection Of a proportion of the
board of truiiee to the governing body
of a denomination.
It la from Institutions which believe
that, practically' speaking, their denomi
national stamp haa ceaaed to have any
effect on their teaching or their students
that the request tor a modification of the
terms of Mr. Carnegle'a foundation has
chiefly come. A letter la quoted In the
accond annual report of the foundation
fiom the prefect of studies' of 8t. John's
College,- Brooklyn, an Institution of the
Congregation of the Mission of Bt. Vin
cent de Taul, in whtoh It la stated that
the fatuity neltler expect nor are likely
to accept any assistance from the lounda
t'o.n, but many Communications have boon
received from preeldenta of other de
nominational eollegea arguing that as
n ... are liberal In their reception of
-ti.rtmiu of divers faiths, why should
no' the foundation be liberal, toot
i. i. AnKrfA that oractlcally U Is the
president of the.iollege or the members
of the board of trustees wno seieci
new members, and that their election by
the denomlnat'on la purely perfunctory
It Is pointed out tn,t tner r 1,0 re"
Ugloua Jests Imposed on the atudenta. and
no attendance at particular forms of re
llgloua worship Is required of them, and
It la argued that the membere of the
faculty are left entirely unhampered In
the lecture rom to teaoh what they think
rlvht. .
An Inaulry was conducted by tha Car-
r,.iri foundation Into the advantagea
. hlnh denominational control la supposed
by tl preeldenta to confer on the Inalt
i.nio4'"tliey govern. An almoat unanl
iiDinlon haa been expressed that
auch connection played little if any part
in the. religious "or Intellectual life of the
tudeni'body. The rellgloua and Intellect
..-i nr. of an Institution. It la eald. de
penda .almoat wholly on the leadership sf
the men who mane up
On lib oxber. hand. It la the conviction
ih.H.htrni mn that aome aort
VI lopiu ..-- .
.. jminii,inl eonnectlon magea
a stronger reiUloua life
southern professor are
The views of
auoted on this
point.' He aaysv.; a
VL'hii. it is tru. as you say. that prac
tically everything depends upon the men
who ''are In Immediate con .
. i. i. ru that no other in
stuution. are so likely to bs
by dUtlnptlvcly religious men as those
which belong o churohe. It U just here
. .h.-.i.t antlvals that I ehould bs ob
liged stick' In amr desire tor aome aort
Anminiihnil control
The report of the foundation holds that
r., th. araenlmatlon of a College
aoes the- denominational connection la
hindrance and not a benefit. If the ap
pointment of, trustee by synods or other
ecclesiastical oooies is more inn -malliy,Tthe
-eault W likely to be doubtful.
.c. rdln to ths -lounaauon, sut
tt merely veil tha arbitrary aeleo
tim madefy a bUkop. the president of
h. oolloars V soma other dignitary
Summing up the ammber of eollegea eon
nected Wit" tbe.fellgtpus bodies, the report
...... oh.t the Ratnan Cafthollo comes
..... IH anlersliles and colleges
f iba'entlre MS, But the.e are dls-
- tribute aver Canada and Newfoundland
ll mm lh T,'Miea BJiaiem,
;.- , of the Methodist Episcopal
... MinM ot' whlfh are In the north
! -V. f tae Cntted States, means
Tystem of InaUtatlona in closer proximity
to each tui,
Oihar 4eesnlBStlous which have many
hiatier learning In proper-
Mon to their alas and wealth, are the
Congreftatlonallsta, the aeveral Societies of
Friends, the Reformed Church In Amer
ica and the Church of the United Breth
ren In Christ. On the other hand, the
Protestant Kplscopal church, In aplta of
Ita wealth, haa directed much of Ita edu
cational energy toward secondary achoola,
and haa comparatively few college con
nected with It officially.
Kearney Hernial Note.
KEARNEY, Neb.. July 11. Speclal.)
Prof. Clark of the Oklahoma State Nor
mal, visited his brother. Dr. W. A. Clark,
and gave a very Interesting talk at chapel
Tuesday morning.
Cards have been received announcing
the marriage of Mli Grace Orlevea to
William TruAx. The wedding took place
In Omaha last Tuesday.
Prof. Mercer was called to Clear Lajte,
la., Tuesday to attend the funeral of hi
brother. He had Just returned lately from
the funeral of another brother In Kansa.
A sunset reception waa held Saturday
evening at the chapel
It waa planned
for the campus, but rain Interfered. In
spite of the bad weather a large number
of the student availed thamaelve of an
opportunity to have a good time. The ex
terior of the building waa decorated with
flags and bunting for the occasion. After
aeveral mualcal numbers had been ren
dered and speeches made Ice cream and
cake waa aerved.
Monday the women of the faculty, as
Is their Cuttom, tied two beautiful com
forters for two members, of the teaching
force who are soon to take upon them-
selves the blessings and burdens of wedded
Tariff Laws Will Be
Work at a Cammlaaloa.
New York Tribune.
Although so far aa the free and dutiable
Hits are concerned the aenate'a tariff bill
has proved a serloua disappointment to the
public. fulfilling republican promises
neither to the ear nor to the hope, there
Is yet a good deal of encouragement to be
found in the fact that the makers of that
misfit draft have Indirectly confessed tUe
lncxpertness and Insufficiency of their
workmanship. They have given praotlcal
evidence of an Intention to abandon out
worn methods In tariff legislation and to
substitute aocurate knowledge for hap
hazard gueaswork in solving the chief
protlems of protection. They are paving
the way for a determination by painstaking
Investigation of the differential In cost of
production here1 and abroad the factor In
the tariff equation which haa so far eluded
the schedule makers In both branches of
congresa. In creating machinery to supply
Information now sadly lacking congress
holds out to the public the assurance that
the tariff law, now almost rewritten, will
be the last of. Ita kind.
In wll be a gnat step In advanoe to
bring Into exlatenoe a permanent tariff
commission charged with studying condl
tlora In production at home and abroad,
comparing costa and demonstrating the
real handicap under which the domestto
producer labors because of a higher wage
standard and a higher range of prloea for
raw materials. 11 Is a burlesque on serious
legislation for congress to try to apply a
definite principal of protection, such as
was laid down In the last republican na
tional platform, when the data needed for
guidance are ao vague and inexact aa to
be practically worthless. If the tariff
makers do not know what It costs to pro
duce a similar article In a foreign oountry
which competes In our market It la here
to think of putting our tariff ayitem
on a scientific fair and helpful basis. A
tariff commission la not needed almply to
help the president to deolde whether the
maximum or the minimum rates ahould be
enforced agalnat a foreign country sus
pected of Imposing, discriminations against
American commerce. It la needed to fur
nish a rational groundwork for the sched
ules themselves, limiting their scope to the
exact needa of the home producer and
thus enabling htm to develop his Induatry
In the general Interest, but not at an exces
sive profit to himself or at an excessive
cost to the home purchaser of his products.
Development of ths Department at
Mlsaonrt University.
The school of journalism- In the Univer
sity of Missouri baa finished Its first year
In active operation, and the dean or the
achool reports that the beginning thua
made has been highly encouraging. In a
recent address before ths Missouri Press
association, Dean Walter Williams sum
marized the facts concerning the enrol
ment aa follows: "The first year s enrol
ment of atudenta has far surpassed the ex
pectations of even the . most sanguine
frlenda of the schooh There was general
demand for the training that such a achool
could give. It waa expected that In Ita
first year twenty or thirty atudenta would
be enrolled, aa had been true In the first
years of the teaching of law and medicine.
Instead, there have been enrolled this year
at the University School of Journalism
ninety-seven student. Of this number
seventy four are primarily In Journalism.
candidates for ths degree of baohelor of
science In Journalism in a four-year course.
The others twenty-three In number are
students from other departments of the
university taking on or more courses In
Journalism. Fourteen of the total number
are women."
Haw the Rnral Districts Ara Reach
la Germany.
The teaching of cooking in Germany Is
carried on with German thoroughness, re
ports ths Journal of Home Economics.
Not content with establishing rural aohools
where farmers' daughtera might learn the
domestic aria, Oermany haa now Instituted
traveling achoola. It was found that the
rural achoola did not meet the needa of
the whole rural population The bulk of
thla population la made up of email farm
er, and In auch homes the help of the
daughtera la needed ao constantly that they
cannot be sent away from home to school.
Neither can tha money be provided for
their expenaea. and many farmers are
afraid, too, that after their daughters had
been away to achool they would not be
willing to return to the simple conditions
of the farm.
Since the people will not go to the
achoola, therefore, tha achoola are being
aent to the people. Baden took- the lead
In the establishment of traveling schools
of cooking and sewing, and tha Idea le
apreadlng. Heaae, Nassau, Franconla, the
Palatinate, all have their traveling cook
ing schools or have begua to establish
them. The Bavarian Farmers' association I
has established two auch schools and se
lected two mine as teachers The associa
tion pays the teachers and most of the
Other expenses, so that the cost to the
pupils Is very small. In some case the
township or village pays all or part of the
expense of the pupil who could not other
wise afford to attend the school.
It haa been found that the traveling
school has many advantages In addition
to ita accessibility. The teaching can be
adapted to local conditions, and the pupils
can at once put Into practice what they
have learned. Furthermore, the teacher
can visit the homes of the pupils and see
that they really understand what has been
Aanonneements of Faculty Changes
and Lecture Appointments.
President Butler of Columbia university
haa announced aa the Carpentler Founda-
tlon lecturer next year Arthur L. Smith of
Balllol college, Oxford, Kngland. He will
be In readiness at the university from
about March 10 for one month, giving three
lecture weekly. Hla general subject will
be tha history and literature of English
political theories In the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuriea. The personalitlea he
will dlsouss will be Hobbe, Milton, Har
rington, Baxter, Filmer, Sydney, Locke,
Defoe, Bollngbroke, Hume, Burke and
Prof. Dutton of Teaahera' oollege,
Columbia university, haa accepted the In
vitation of Prof. Dr. Brogger of the Uni
versity of Chrlstlanla, Norway, to lecture
at that university aa a representative of
the Amerlcan-Skandlnavlan aoclety.
After concluding his work In the sum
mer session at Columbia university. Dr.
George H. Ling of the department of
mathematics will leave the university to
aocept the professorship of mathematics
at the University of Saskatchewan. Prof.
C. H. Page has resigned aa professor ot
romance languages and literature to be
come head of the department of English
at Northwestern university,
The Qamma chapter of the honorary
fraternity of Phi Lambda Upsllon has beon
established at Columbia. Membership Is
to be limited to chemists and chemical en
gineers in the faculty, graduates and ad
vanced students In chemistry and chemical
Jefferson B. Fletcher, professor of com
parative literature, has been appointed a
member of the university committee on
student organisations in place ot H. B.
Mitchell, whoae term haa expired. Prof.
Fletcher la a graduate of Harvard, class
of 'ST, and was an athlete In college.
The fellowship committee of the Ameri
can School of Classical Studies In Rome
announces the following appointments for
the coming year: Fellowship of the school,
Ouy C. Colburn of Iowa college. Two re
search fellowships of the Carnegie Insti
tution, Dr. Ellas A. Ldew of Rome. Italy,
and Prof. Henry A. Armstrong of Yank
ton, 8. D., col leg
Bdnciylonal Notes.
Lord Strathcona haa alven McOIll uni
versity, Montral, another half million Hw,
OUO to complete the new medical building
and $40,009 to fatten the salaries of the pro
fessors. Miss Paulina ftn&ch IX v.r nM
Carthage, Mo., who graduated from high
achool a few daya aao. has a record nf
having never been absent
a school attendance of twelve year.
Twenty vacation uhnnii mr. lu
July 6 In various parts of Chicago, with
an attendance of 7,000, which will be swelled
iu in a lew aays. Apparently there
are some children In Chicago eager to get
an education.
The first memorial tn he nnr f
place In the new memorial building at the
University of Michigan will be a bronse
bae-rellef of President Angell, to be pre-
7;,,. - Vf """'iiy oy negem Arthur
Hill of baglnaw. The sculptor, Carl Bitter
who waa selected to do the work, an.nt
nearly a week In Ann Arbor, making stu
dies from which the llfeslu wnrk win h.
completed. -
'We need to Vet ba.k ti th trnfk vAA
nixed by the fathers and mothers of the
present generation," says the Cleveland
Plain Dealer, "that school mn i.Mniin,
as well as book Instruction; that rebellion
w"1"" ,"i aumority or a teacher Is as
serious In Its small way aa 1 rebellion in
later yeara against the authority of the
state. The earlier the lesson of obedience
can be learned the better for the boy and
tin, since It must be learned sooner or
ater. Like those diseases which m in.
consequential In a child, but serious, some
times fatal, In an adult, the lesson of obe
dience galna severity In nronortlnn i
delays Its coming."
A Break for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble la
made when a 15c box of Dr. King's New
Life Pills la bought. For aale by Beaton
Drug Co.
B. R. Deem Succeeds J. A. Bills as
Geaeral for Conspaay
at Omaha.
A change of the head of Omaha's Oreat
Western general agency office takes placo
tomorrow. E. R. Beem, until recently of
Red Wing, Minn., cornea to aucceed J. A.
Ellis, who had been general agent for
about two yeara. Until leaving Red Wing
to assume the local position, Mr. Beem was
general passenger and freight agent of the
Wisconsin, Minnesota Pacific road at
that point The field which he now enters
embraces; Omaha and Council Bluff. Mr.
Kill la promoted to a position In Chicago,
where he will have charge of the local
work at that city.
It people with symptoms of kidney or
bladder trouble could realise their danger
they would without loss of time commence
tailing Foley's Kidney Pills. Thla great
remedy atops the pain and the Irregularl-
tlea, atrengthena and build up thea organa
and there la no danger of Blights' disease
or other serious disorder. Do not disregard
the early symptoms. Bold fer all drugjtsta
9seclal BxraraUe Pares
Grand Trssk Railway gyetem
ammer, 10,
Chiang t
Montreal and return. tSO.00.
Quebec and return, U W.
Temagaml and return, 2Lta.
Portland and return,
Old Orchard and return, fTJ.K.
Boston and return. S3.M.
New Tork and return, IX.M,
Atlantic City and return, $M .TO.
Aabury Park and return, $2t.K.
Corresponding fares to over on hundred
other places In Canada, New England and
on Jersey Coast. Tickets good thirty (ft))
day. Liberal etopover arrangements. Bt.
Lawrence River and Rapid Included at
slightly higher farea. Time tablea, de
scriptive literature, etc., can b obtained by
mall from W. 8. Cookson, A. Qv p. a., IK
Adams atreat, Chicago.
A place where manly boys arc made into
manly men. Our system of training com
bines the refinement of home life with
semi-military discipline.
Our academic standards are high, but we aim specially to de
velop and build up character and create habits of order, neat
ness," promptness, indu&try and apreciation of responsibility.
We also aim to build up a sound body and a love ot fairness in sport. Our
athletic facilities are extensive, and all athletics are carefully supervised.
Gymnasium Instruction for all. '
Our Classical and Scientific courses prepare tor all colleges, and ouf Com
mercial course for business life.
The location ot the school Is healthful and beautiful, and tha building is
IWle for HlvMtraUd Catalog.
HARRY N. RUSSELL. Head Natter. Kearney. Neb.
For Young Wome
Ana uirls
Episcopal schaol accredited to Eastern Women's
Colleges. Universities of Chicago. Nebraska. Etc.
. J rms ' ITJ , -1.5 L..J s I UriV i
''1 "'l'lfMal I J door "Ports, Tennis, Field Hockey,
gLaigr'11, .JrX' Ht" J Etc.. under competent instructor.
r'r",-?M,i Mini ism ni J Vv'ell equipped gymnasium, attractive
home life, carefully guarded by women ot Urge practical experience.
For illustrated year book,
Address EDITH D. MARSDEN. B. A.. Principal
Wentwotth Military Academy
Oldest and Largest In Middle West. Government Supervision.
Highest rating by war Department Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry
Drills. Courses of study prepare for Universities, Government
Academies or for Business Life. . Accredited by North Central
Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separata
Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, address
Tha Secretary. Bos: A. larlaerfn. Mo.
1909 J U LY 1909
12 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
II 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 262728 293031
Have oot rrlnt XI
Omaha Sleotrla Work repairs elevators.
aUaefcart, pketograpaer, vlgth A t'arnam.
kteya, photo, remove to lth Howard.
Xioara Tracy Bros. - Oompaav profit-
sharing proposition.
Sao-ltabla Ufa Policies, sight drafts at
maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Omaha
Xeen toot money ajid v&ln&hlA In th
American Safe Deposit vaulte in the 3ee
Dunuing. uoxes rent from $1 to lit.
Home Ownership la the hope of every
family. Nebraska isavlnna and Loan as
sociation will show you the way. Board
or Trade building.
Victim' of the Fourth Is Rafferlng
from Explosion of a Blank
Joseph r. Pop of Weston. Neb., waa
brought to - Omaha yesterday afternoon
suffering from the effects of a Fourth of
July accident In which his right hand was
badly Injured by the explosion of a blank
cartridge. He waa taken to t. Joseph's
hospital, where he waa attended by Dr.
J. P. Hyde, who found that Pop la suf
fering with tetanus. Hla condition ia con
sidered as critical.
TOMX- A hitch grade school conducted by
TXOira a strong faculty and preparing fur
lvln,tlii beut positions. Ideal locution.
" Ho Saloons In Xinooln. Fall Opejt-
Ing Sept. 1. Write for beautiful
OBAD- catalogue. Address W. af Bryant,
UATEgrres., Hit O Street. Lincoln Neb.
buMuMSriw. w udia ia rw.
wtoa awaaa, practical. UMwewg-k. Equip.
tm mortara dumbm bf aari e bold the
blabaat aaiariaj . 4t.oa, A1vaaie.f
usreu si-Manas utixsea,
SO Bank lta St., Uaaela, kak.
us about
a school
We will asad yea catalosv sad ackaol Ism
feamatios af aoy kins' wkick jmn met
ktalaee Malrr iaany tkar wy. Tke a anil
I ABSOLUTELY f fclf. N chare sww r
at aay ether baas.
Educational Information Bureau
" 1 . r . nuildlns. At. Louie. Me,
Pennsylvania, Kereersbnrg.
Mtryrsbnrg Academy lor Boys
College Preparatory Ooarses
Personal interest taken, Willi aim to
Inaplre In pupil lofty Ideal of
scholarship, sound Judgment ad
Christian manliness. Fur catalogue
William Maan Irvine. Ph. D., Pre.
. Y7
gJT. 1063
Faculty composed, of college grad
uates, all experienced teachers. Na
tive French and German teachers.
Thorough courses are offered In Mu
sic, Art and Domestic Economy. Out-
Information concerning ths ad
vantages, rates, extent of cur
riculum and other data about the
beet schools and colleges can be
obtained from ths
School and College Information
Bureau til the Omaha Bee
All Information absolutely free
and Impartial. Catalogue of any
particular school cheerfully fur
nished upon request
Are You Looking
for a Good School?
Tp will sluwi erith th"
Woman's College
at Jacksonville. 111.
Why 10 It 10 Col It ft for Woetti ? Here sre
111 Colicit n Prapirtlotr CtutMt, J Ids
vanuget Is Mlc, Art, DoowMlc tcUnca, ftni
Kiprtiin. Iimoki fMOablc. ftsrreuneinKt
heiltbtal. Hom HI Uttl. Lot trio icnirtl I
Mlidli WM, Very cofiTeaitat t tmy earl el la
MiMiuipal Valley, caa'anu from aor tka nraaly
Intel. Catalofaa fret. Aaattii
President Barker. Bo 2.7ackMllla, III.
Tti Winona Seminary
Conducted by the Slater of St.
Francis. Academic Department, Con
servatory of Music, Department ot
Voice, Dramatic Expreeslon, Art,
Household Economics. Home life of
the student le Ideal. Indoor and Out
door Athletics. Literary, Musical,
Dramatlo Hclences. Catalogue, book
let of Information, department bulle
tins mailed on application. Semin
ary, Is accredited to the University of
49th Tear. College and College vrepartory.
Certificate admit to WellesUy, tJinlth,
Vusxar and Ml. Holyok. 14 Instructors.
Gymnasium. Expres-
ion. Prompt applies- UlWrKM I
tlon necessary. Board ss s s
and tuition I265-S28S.
Regular college preparatory courses.
Music. Art, and Commercial courses of
fered. Healthful location. Exoensee mod
erate. Catalogue sent on requeNt. Auk u
sbout the school Address, VI, users;
Sutherland, President.
Tabor College
at the opening ef ths
...if ii i! puj i' 1 ' T" ' '
Poartesntb Aveaa and Marlon tn..
Denver, Oolorado. Not a low prU-el
school. Best equipped private achool
In the west. Highest standard of
scholarship. Diploma admits to Wel
lesley, Yasser. Kmlth, In addition to
western universities. Introductory
references required.
, w
A Permanent Position as R. R. Telegrapher ?
Tf you have a common school education you can puss the examinations
of the Union Pacific R. It. Official Training-School for Telegaphers.
Boyles College will secure you a telegraphy position on one of the fol
lowing roads:
Knlon Pacific R. R.
, Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy.
Chicago Northwestern.
Chicago, Minneapolis A St. PaUL
Chicago & Great Western.
Illinois Central.
Wabash System.
Missouri Pacific.
Ch' -to. Rock
Tt. school gu
Island A Pacific.
narranteea permanent
f.u naaaa IA atnttnna tn which tie
162.60 to $150.00 per month covers the range of Incomes of Railway Tele
grapher and Station Agents all over the ws. ' "
The business -Is easily learned by anyone through 6Ur" simple aystem.
Train Dlspatcher'a Wire connected with the school for atudent'a practice.
All forms of Station Agent's blnncks are furnished students free.
Or, will you Join us now and let us prepare you for a good tiosltlon as
stenographer or bookkeeper? Will you take up the work in our school wher
all these good positions are to be nad?
If you cannot come at once, write or telephone for full parttculara.
Offlolal Telegrapher Training School for Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Dept.
1. Y
m if 1 f rtrn, riijM;iri. ii ..m rpri
A Boarding School Home for manly boys. New fireproof build
ings, splendid location, forty acres ot campus, one Instructor for each
tea boys.
Academic, Military, Manual Training, Business Courses, pre
pares for college or business; school accredited by the University of
Nebraska and North Central Association of Colleges. Small-boys' de
partment from 8 to 14 years. Number limited. School opens Septem
ber lth, m.
For Information or catalogue address,
B. 1). UAYWAKD, Superintendent,
Office) 14th and U SU.
University School ol Music
Affiliated with the University of Nebraska
nnn Pupib in attendance last year. A faculty of thJ
DUU artists in all branches.
Writo for Catalogue "B"
Willard Kimball. Director.
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Fall Term Kept. ; Day and Nl-ht Sessions. Pupils may enter at any time
Catalogue, tt pages, free: beautifully Illustrated. Shorthand taught by mall. Ad
dress, M. O. Rohrbougn, ires. Douglas U8. A-IISs.
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tions Hated Class "A" by War Department Athletlrs encouraged. Watting Hat annu
ally. Immediate application advisable. OOX.. AXBZBT U. JAOKSOsT, A. M., Bupt,
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