Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The omaiia Dee
1 th most powerful business
getter In the trent, beeanse It goea
to the home of poor and rich.
For Nehraki Cooler
Kit lows fooler.
Kor weather report see pase I
Kundredi of Traveler Delayed in
Kansas City and Schedules
Von Buclovv Has
Voice in Naming
His Successor
He Advises Emperor to Select Dr. von
Hechman-Hollweg- as New
Union and Southern Pacifio and
Atchison Attain Their Highest
Record Price.
Rise Due to Anticipation of Improve
ment by Operators.
Prospect for Cotton Not So Good as
for Other Staples.
' "
New Tork Business Men Will Descend
on Washing-ton Statesmen
This Week.
Next Few Days Will See Big Develop
ments in Situation.
Communication with k
Almoit Cut C.
Missouri and Kansas Rivers Are h
Going Up Slowly.
Nome of It Haa Not Yet Had Tim
to Effect Flood Situation ai
Kansas City Worse CondU
tlons When It Does.
KANSAS CITY. Julr 11 With hundreds
of travelers detained In Kansas City await
In the movement of their trains, which
have been delayed because of washouts
due to the heavy floods prevalent In Mis
souri and Kansas, the railroad situation
became serious today. All trains west were
from one to ten hours late, while It was
meiely a conjecture as to the arrival time
of Chicago trains detoured by way of St.
Louts. '
Two railroads, the Atchison, Topeka ft
Santa K and the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul, annulled their regular Kansas
City-Chicago trains for tonight. The Mil
waukee rosd, however, sent a special out
of here at S o'clock this afternoon for
Chicago, de'oured by way of St. Louis.
Practically all Chicago trains are being
detoured over the Missouri Paolflc route
to St. Ioula. Tr travelers leaving Kansas
City the railroads promised they would be
landed safely In Chicago, but all figures
as to probable time were abandoned.
The Chicago & Alton railway's 6 o'clock
train for Chicago lft here on time, but
Its later Chicago trains were annulled.
This train was routed by way of the Mis
souri Pacific to Redalla, thence by way of
the Missouri, Kansas A Texas railway to
Hlgbee, Mo., thence to continue on Its own
track to Chicago. The Burlington's even
ing train to Chicago was detoured by way
of Cameron Junction, St. Joseph and
Pacific Junction and from the latter point
on the main line to Chicago.
The Chicago, Rock Island Ac Pacific ran
Its Chicago trains over Its own track to
St. Louis by way of Eldon, Mo., and then
over the Chicago A Eastern Illinois road.
Several other lines detoured over the Rock
Island route. The Wabash trains were
running almost on schedule.
The Missouri river here continued to rise
lowly today and the Kansas river was
lightly above 1U last night stage. Rains
were general lf the Kansas watershed last
night.'- Topeka reported a precipitation of
1.8 Inches and Manhattan two Inches. This
rainfall will have no noticeable effect on
the river at Kansas City for thirty-six
II I Ch Water at St. Lonls.
6T. LOUIS, July 11. The Mississippi river
reached Its flood stage of thirty feet here
today and at the present rate of Increase
It will be two feet above that mark to
morrow. As a consequence all movable
Uvee property has been hauled to higher
ground and extra moorings were placed on
river oraft of all descriptions. Because of
these precautionary measures the prop
erty loss here probably will be slight.
The most serious aspect of the high
water la the Interruption to the levee
track. The St Louis transfer railroad
was covered before night and traffic was
abandoned. Operations of the ferry lines
were also Interrupted. All detoured trains
frcm Kansas City were twelve hours lat.
At U:S0 tonight It was announced that
the Burlington-Alton Joint trains would be
sent over their own lines thereafter, thus
Indicating that the floods In northwestern
Missouri are reetdlrg.
It Is expected that tomorrow will see
under water all low bottoms on the east
side of the river opposite St. Louis and
on both sides of the river between St. Louis
and Cairo.
The weather bureau reports a rise of
1.8 feet at Hermann this morning for the
previous twenty-four hours and four feet
at Boonvllle. The lower Osage river was
rising rapidly. More than two Inches of
rain fell at Bt. Louis during the twenty
four hours ending at noon' today.
At Jefferson City.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., July 11 Con
vlcta from th Missouri state penitentiary
were worked in the Calloway bottoms near
hers today helping farmers save their
wheat from the advancing waters of the
Missouri river. Most of the grain was
1 he crest of the flood Is bolleved to be
snnrosahlna this oily. Th Missouri came
un more than two feet In the twenty-four
hours ending at I o'clock tonight, but the
lis In th latter hours was slow ana
steadily losing In rate. Because of the
detourlng of trains from Kansas City the
local forces of th Missouri Pacific rail
road put In busy day.
secretary ( Repabllcan Committee
Will Stop at Chlcaco Enronte '
to Nebraska.
Trom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July It Speolal Tole-ram.)-Wltllam
Hayward of Nebraska
City, secretary of th national republican
committee, who, with Mrs. Hayward and
sou, "has been east for th last ten days
left.VxJay fr Chloago. and after a short
time there will go to Nebraska.
Mrs. Hayward. with her son, will go to
New London. Conn., with Mrs. Mattle
Ixw, sister of Mr. Hayward, who haa a
cottagf St the latter place. During his
trip east Mr. Hayward has had a number
' of conferences with President Tsft and
Postmaster General Hltohcock relative to
polltloat matters throughout th country,
but particularly lb th middle western
Mr. and Mrs. Hayward have been th
recipients of tr.eny, social courtesies dur
ing their ty in Washington, Assistant
Mecretary McHarge of th Department, of
Comniero and Labor having invited , a
i party of friend to spend a few days fn
i ChaaaDoaa & ef th lighthouse
Uendar . .
BERLIN, July 11 Th mperor has
asked Prince von Buelow whom he would
suggest as his successor In the chancellor
ship and the prince has recommended Dr.
Vor. Bechmann-Hollweg, minister of the
'terlor and vice chancellor. The emperor
A, however, taken counsel with others
regarding the chancellorship, among them
being Count Zu Eulenberg, grand marshal
of th royal court, who has long been re
gaided by th emperor as a wise friend,
and Privy Councillor von Valentlnl, chief
of the emperor's olvll cabinet.
The opinion among government officials
appears to settle upon Dr. von Bechmann
Hollweg. especially as th widening circle
learns of Chancellor von Bunlow's recom
mendation. Several other high officials
have been mentioned for the office and
there Is always the possibility that the
emperor will choose quite outside of any
publicly named person.
The emperor Is expected to arrive in
Berlin on Tuesday. He will remain here
for two days, during which time Chancellor
von Buclow will retire and his successor
Priest Runs Rest
Cure Treatment
Father Shealy of New York Helps
. Wornout Men Back to
NEW YORK, July 11. Father Terranco
J. Shealy of Fordham college, one of the
largest Roman Catholic Institutions in the
United States, has been quietly conducting
non-sectarian rest court at the Institu
tion, which has proved so successful that
It Is hoped eventually to have a separate
building set aside for jhe purpose.
xne iitbi cmss mat entered uie reuKious
retreat, twenty weary, run down men, will
resume the hustle and bustle of work-a-day
life tomorrow, after three days spent In re
tirement. The list Inoludes a Justice of the
municipal court, a publisher, a newspaper
man, five lawyers and two Wall street
All of them have gone through the fol
lowing rather rigorous, yet health restor
ing and mind soothing dally routine:
Rise at 6, mass at 7, breakfest at 7:46,
morning Instruction at 9, conference at 11,
examination of the conscience at 12:15, din
ner at 12:30, afternoon Instruction at S:30,
supper at 6:80, evening instruction at S,
lights out at 0.
Ernest Lo&k. Accidentally lhots
Himself While on Camp-
Ins Trip..
SHERIDAN. Wyo., July It (Special
Telegram.) Starting out for a couple of
days' horseback rid in the mountains,
whn about twenty miles west of this city
Ernest Long, teller of the Sheridan Na
tional bank, accidentally shot himself with
a revolver early last evening and is re
ported seriously Injured. The bullet pene
trated his groin. Long was alone when It
happened, his friend, Ross Stone, having
rode ahead to arrange a place to sleep
during the night It Is said Long managed
to crawl a considerable dtstano to a oabin,
where he remained a number of hours. He
was found the next morning' mortally
wovnded from loss of blood.
Alderman Long, father of the young
banker, and a physician rode to the scene
In automobiles. Up to a lat hour they
had not returned to this city.
Epworth Workers at Seattle March
Throaarh Streets glnglnsr
Tbelr Hymns.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 11. The Interna
tional convention of the Bpworth league of
th United States and Canada closed Its
fourth day with a great revival meeting
In the armory tonight. This meeting was
preceded by an open air rally, led by Rev.
Dr. Charles M. Boswell of Philadelphia,
who stood on an oil barrel.
After the street meeting the crowd
marched to the armory singing "When th
Roll Is Called Up Yonder." When the
marchers arrived there were thousands of
people in the armory singing their march
ing song and "Onward, Christian Soldiers."
Taft Commends Rational
Amusements in Churches
WASHINGTON. July lt-In assisting
today to lay the cornerstone of a church,
which has for a part of its equipment a
gymnasium, a swimming pool, bowling al
leys and club rooms, President Taft paid
tribute to the civil employes of the gov
ernment who, being compelled to remain
In Washington while th president goes
to the seashore and legislators seek their
vacations, carry on the work of the gov
ernment, and spoke of the wisdom of pro
viding rational amusement as a part of
church work, thus making religion a wel
come part of life, and not something "to
be Improved on once In seven days, and
then taken In as small doses as possible."
"As I understand the plan of this
church," said the president, "It is to make
religion a part of the life of those who
are members of th church. It is to fur
nish rational amusement. It Is to make
the church so attractive by reason of Its
social qualities, by reason of offering an
opportunity for physical, for In
tellectual exercise, that those who are
members ef It shall regard religion as a
necessary part of life and one which they
will welcome as. a part of life, and not
which they regard as something apart to
be Improved once every seven days and
then to be taken In as small doses as
possible and still conform to tb religious
"I am glad to know, to se and to be
11 r that all churches, In a way net so
Prosperity la Iron sad' Steal Trad
la Exceedingly Marked Money
Market Is Still Unruffled
and Easy.
NEW, YORK, July It Last week develop
ed conditions financial. Industrial and agri
cultural of assurance and promise for val
ues. The halting ard Irregular movement of
prices In the securities market did not ob
soure the Importance of the week's news,
but testified to the extent to which th Im
provement In affairs had been anticipated
by previous operations In the stock mar
ket. Evidence of the extent to which the pro
cess of anticipation has gone by the ad
vance In prices already achieved may be
traced In the fact that high prices for tho
week in suoh representative stock as Union
Pacific, Southern Pacifio and Atchison were
the highest ever touched since those stocks
came Into existence, while United States
Steel hovered within a fraotlon of Its re
cord price on several occasions. Th Im
mediate effect was to cause a reoesslon in
prices, this action demonstrating the eager-,
ness of the professional element which Is
moat prompt to act, to realise profits.
Outside demand, meantime, was slower to
come forward and its further growth was
left undecided.
Promise of Bountiful Harvest.
Most Importance was 1 aooorded to the
promise of bountiful harvests. The hope
ful feeling which has been growing up
from the Information obtainable from of
ficial state reports and from private esti
mates was amply confirmed by the figures
of th government crop report. Summarily
stated the financial world estimates of a
valuation of a round eight billion dollars
for the year's product of the country's'
soil. The promise of a bumper corn crop
and an oats crop only slightly below a re
cord are regarded as especially Important
from the standpoint of the railroads, owing
to the enormous tonnage and the nrofltable
freight movement thus assured. The esti
mate of a total wheat crop of 663,600,000
bushels, while well below bumper crop
figures, la considered In connection with
the extraordinary low reserves of last
year's crops In farmer's hands and reports
of damage to crops In other countries.
which are -hound to anhano th value- of
this country's output. Ths cotton crop
prospect Is less favorable, and anxiety will
be felt over Its outcome, owing to its
prime importance In th export trade.
Industrial Prosperity.
On the Industrial side, th great basto
Iron and steel trade yields gratifying proof
of prosperous expansion In the enlarged
production, extensive orders on hand and
price maintenance. The exoellent. condi
tion of the iron and steel trade is accepted
as a key to the whole Industrial situation.
The copper trade position oontlnues some
what out of line with this showing and re
newed fall of prices In the metal In New
York and London Is the evidence of this
condition. The railroads are reporting net
earning for May and the comparison with
last year's figures are mora favorable lhan
earlier months.
The unruffled eas with which th money
market met and passed the July settlement
relieves all present apprehension on that
score. The downward course of the Interior
exohanges last woek shows the waning of
the movement Inward to New York of teur
rency. Interior banks are more than us
ually well supplied with cash reserves this
year and it is expected that demands in
New York to move the crops will be less
than usual.
Explosion In Kansas City Church
Costs Two Men Their
KANSAS CITY. July 11. Two men were
killed, a third had both legs blown off and
a number were seriously wounded at a
celebration at th Holy Rosary Catholic
church here tonight, when a parcel of
fireworks were accidentally exploded.
Several thousand Italians were In attend
ance at the festival when th accident
complete as this plan indicates, are
adopting the view that there Is nothing In
consistent between religion and duty and
happiness and rational amusement, and
that th union of all of them Is not some
thing that Is repellant to th real religious
"There Is something," he continued.
changing his subject, "that goes to make
up this government, as a machine, that
continues to operate when th president
goes to the seacoast and th senate and
house go home, and when the members of
the cabinet disappear in various direc
tions from this somewhat heated temper
ature, and that Is the government of the
civil servants, trained civil servants, who
know how things ought to be done and
through whose agency the government will
be carried on from now until the end of
time, as I hope.
"They sre a trained body of servants,
who are willing, for a reasonable corapen
sation, sometimes much too low, to give
what is best in them to the carrying on
of this government In an honest, effective
way men who are philosophers enough
to know that by th enjoyment of a small
salary. If they rid themselves from the
worry and corroding effect of mercenary
ambition, they can get more happiness
out of life In seeing their families grow,
In the education of their children, than
by aspiring to be millionaires and plutocrat,"
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Itinerary, as Announced, is Only
Made in the Rough.
President ta Being; Bombarded with
Requests for Visits and Speeches
from All Kinds of
WASHINGTON, July It Indications
multiply that President Taft's announced
Itinerary for his western and southern
trip this fall will be materially extended.
The president himself did not Include In
the tentative list which was published all
of the places where he expects to stop
long enough to make an address and hold
a brief car-end reception. The itinerary
was made of those cities where the presi
dent will spend from one to three days.
Strong efforts will be made by congress
men and state officials to have the presi
dent stop, at least for a few minutes, at
all th towns of appreciable else through
which his train will pass In the daylight
hours. Already the president has been
bombarded with suoh requests. He has
suggested to all his callers and corre
spondents that they take th matter up
with htm later.
During the trips he has made thus far
the president has adhered to the policy of
Journeying la a single private car attached
to regular trains. On his far western trip,
however, where trains -or run heavies mid
at longer intervals- fhan here In the east.
It Is likely the president will have to fol
low the policy of his predecessors In char
tering a special train, especially If he
stops at th smaller cities that dot the
way between the large places h will visit.
The president expects to be away for
two months on this trip, and will carry a
complement of stenographers, clerks and
telegraphers. In addition to his secretaries.
Thurs far the presidential party has been
confined to the chief executive. Captain
Archibald W. Butt, his military aid; As
sistant Secretary Mlachler, Major Arthur
Brooks, who, in addition to being the pres
ident's confidential messenger, is com
manding officer of the First separate bat
talion of colored troops In th district of
Columbia; and two secret service men.
James Sloan, who was with President
Roosevelt for seven years, and "Jack"
Wheeler, who has accompanied Mr. Taft
sine his election to office.
The porters and cook assigned to th
president whenever he travels have been
traveling with presidents for a great many
years. Will S. Anderson, .the porter, was
promoted to presidential service In 1501,
and was with President Roosevelt on all
of his travels. J. C. Broad us, chef to the
president while enroute. began his presi
dential service under Mr. McKlnley, and
has caused both President Roosevelt and
President Taft to marvel at the wonderful
meals he turns out of the tiny kitchens
little bigger than closets which private
cars carry. The third member of the crew,
E. B. Letcher, has also seen service under
three presidents. Letcher usually acts as
The railroad officials. In taking every
precaution for the comfort and saf con
veyance of ths president, have three men
always on the engine. Sometimes the third
man may be the division superintendent.
Always there is a representative of the
trafflo department on board, with authority
to take control In an emergency. The rail
roads much prefer to carry th president
by special train, and often do so nowadays
In preference to hauling his car at the end
of a regular train.
To Clean I'n Naraaransett.
The Narrangansett Improvement associa
tion, composed of hotel and business men,
was formed today, with the purpose of
making "The Pier" a cleaner and better
place, especially ta drive out gambling.
John H. Hanan of New York, who has
large financial Interests here, was chosen
Any fish can swim
down stream, but it
takes a live one to
swim up.
There are plenty of business men
who float along, but the live one
push ahead by using advertising.
Under the head of "Announce
ments" on the want ad page, you
will discover a lot of live ones who
want your business.
It is much more satisfactory
to deal with a live firm, that
wants your trade, than an in
different, dead one.
Have you read the want ada yet
today? '
Troops Called in
to Quell Miners
Who Arc Rioting
Trouble Breaks Out at Sydney and
Soldiers Are Sent for by
v Mayor.
SYDNEY. C. B July It Unable to cope
with the lawlessness of strike rioters at
the Inverness colliery today, Mayor D.
H. McLcod was forced to call troops from
Halifax to restore order. , The Inverness
colliery Is owned by the firm of Mac
Menzie & Mann, which Is not connected
in any way with the Dominion Coal com
pany, against which the Glace Bay strike
Is aimed, but about half the men at the
Inverness colliery belong to the United
Mine Workers of America, and they went
out on a sympathetic strike laat Friday.
The men of the Provincial Worklngmen's
association continued at work In the mine,
but lat yesterday when . they were leav
ing the .workings for their homes, they
were met by a crowd of S00 men, boys
and women, mostly Belgians, who saluted
them with various epithets.
Soon sticks and stones began to fly
and one Provincial Worklngman's osaocia
'tlon miner was struck on the sld of the
head and received a bad cut.
The mayor and members of the town
council, with thirty special and regular !
policemen, tried In vain to keep the crowd
in order. The dlnturbanoe continued until
th workmen had gained the shelter of
their borne. Today when Ganeral Manager
Barclay of the colliery arrived In town
he asked that troops be sent for to
maintain order and th mayor complied
with the request.
This evening a special train from Hall
fax arrived with 150 men from the Royal
Canadian regiment, who at once went on
guard at the colliery. There was no dis
turbance about the place tonight, but It
Is feared there may be a further demon
stration tomorrow, when th colliery Is
reopened for work.
Enormous Sum is
Asked for Canal
Estimate is $48,000,000 for Fiscal
Year 1911 Taft May Scale
it Down.
WASHINGTON. July It Forty-eight
million dollars will be needed by the Isth
mian Canal commission to carry on th
work of digging the Panama canal dur
ing -the fiscal year 1811, according to esti
mates which have been received by Sec
retary of the Treasury MacVeagh. who
prepares annually a book of estimates of
appropriations to be submitted to con
gress. The canal appropriation for the
eurrent year was $33,638,000.
During the present fiscal year contracts
will be made for the delivery next year
of large quantities of structural steel ma
terial necessary in the construction of
the gate of the locks of the canal. Money
for this material, the officials say. Is one
of the Important Items In the estimates
submitted. Next year they probably will
be lower.
The estimates will receive th careful
attention of President Taft, to th end
that they may be scaled down If possible.
Calvin Celebration Ends
With Historic Pageant
GENEVA. Bwitserland, July It An his
toric pageant representing the growth of
science and literature In the fifteenth and
sixteenth centuries brought to a clos
Geneva's celebration of the 400th anni
versary of the birth of John Calvin. Th
festival was the whole world's, for the
nations of the world, through their repre
sentatives, united In according homage to
the memory of the, great thinker, writer
and reformer. " '
America's part In the celebration was Im
portant, former President Roosevelt being
the honorary president of the International
committee on arrangements, and America's
official delegate, Prof. Wllllston Walker
of Yale, contributing two eloquent dis
courses at the anniversary exercises.
Geneva, where Calvin performed his great
wcrk, where In 1553 be founded th
Academy of Geneva, and where In 1564
he died, devoted Itself completely to these
memorable tributes to Calvin, snd the
pretty and restful city by Lake Leman.
ever picturesque In Its gleam of lights,
was transformed by brilliant illuminations
and brought decorations Into a scene of
remarkable beauty.
The chief features of the festivities were
I the laying of tb cornerstone of th Re
formation monument and the obaervaco
Annual Service Held in Russian Syn
agogue ot. Capitol Avenue.
Had Philanthropist Known of CondU
tlons In America He TToold
Have Looked for Home
for Jews Here.
The annual memorial meeting In honor
of the late Dr. Theodore Hertzel, the great
exponent of the Zionist movement, was
held last night at the Russian synagogue,
Twelfth and Capitol avenue.
The meeting was well attended and was
addressed by Prof. Nathan Bernstein and
L. Kneeter.
Prof. Bernstein, although not a Zionist
himself. Is In favor of every movement
which makes for better citizenship and
higher Ideals.
He said, In part:
"We are gathered her tonight to do
honor, to the memory of Dr. Theodore
"We rejoice because he lived long enough
to evolve a great Idea. We. mourn becauso
Its fruition was not possible during his
life and still seems a more or less hope
less dream.
"Whether or not we are In sympathy
with his great work none ean withhold
admiration from so great a storehouse of
energy and such an MXswervlnw devotion to
the development of a magnificent plan.
"It is not my purpose to dwell on the de
tails of this great man's life. The real pur
pose of the memorial meeting should be
to build the unfinished fragments into an
harmonious whole, thus giving Immortal
ity to the great purposes of him for whom
we mourn.
After all Is said and done, though a man's
life often counts for much, yet the Influ
ence of what we remember of him has
power to stir us to emulation and to keep
us from lapsing Into that dull content
which prevents us from living a full life
of evolution.
"If Theodor Hertsel stood for anything
he stood for the f.ct that the glorious tra
ditions of a Jew should make him a potent
factor for all that Is good and worthy in
any land in which he dwells. This applies
with peoullar potency to the American Jew,
for I firmly believe had Hertsel been con
versant with the opportunities of the Jew
In these United States he would not have
felt It necessary to go so far afield In
seeking a horn for the Jew.
"We can best honor his memory by
showing our patriotism for this land in
which we live, by our assimilation with
Its environment and by our devotion to Its
Ideas'. We dare not rest on the work that
has been already done, we must not think
that because the Jew has ever stood so
high In the history of the world, that be
cause he has seen nations come and go
while he has ever been of the leaders In
successive nations, that his work is accom
plished. "These memorial services held year after
year should serve to emphasize our duties
as cltlxens and our gratitude for our
adopted country. Thus Hertxel's memory
becomes an Inspiration not only for on
night In the year, but every day of our
lives. Thus do we truly show that we ap-
(Contlnued on Second Page.)
of th 160th anniversary of the founding
of Geneva university. The monument,
which subscriptions from all countries
made possible, and the cornerstone of
which was laid with fitting ceremony July
8, is designed as "historical, popular and
international," symbolizing the idea of
Calvin In the Reformation. It will rlso on
the esplanade bastions at the foot of the
ancient ramparts of the city and directly
in front of the university and will represent
ths salient and striking chapters of the
Reformation, with statues of the historical
personages who were conspicuous in that
movement, among whom were Calvin,
Farel, D Bese, Collgny, William of Orange
and Frederick William of Brandenburg.
Th monument will be the work of Tall
lens and Laverrlere, architects, and Lan
dowtkl and Bouchard, sculptors.
More than 300 universities and other In
stitutions of learning wer represented at
th celebrations of Geneva university.
Count D'Uaussonvllle, member of the
French academy, delivered a notable ora
tion in th nam of th Institute of France
and all th literary and scientific societies
of Europe. ' H hailed Geneva as the home
of literature and science and presented a
scholarly sketch of John Calvin and the
meaning and algolfloatic of th Reforma
tion. . . -
Declares Consumer Will Not Be Hurt
by Senate Bill.
General T. . Sharetts, Noted Tariff
Expert, Is Called In to Assist
Conferees In Their
NEW YORK, July ll.-Deletrates of a
number of New York" business associa
tions will go to Washington early this
week to urge that a tariff commission
be Incorporated as a part of the tariff
bill finally agreed upon by the senate and
house conferees having thst measure In
Delegates from commercial bodies from
other parts of the country will meet the
New York delegation at. Washington, and
the combined gathering will urge the need
of a change In present tariff making
methods. A statement issued in behalf of
the delegations says:
"A canvass recently conducted among
1.000 commercial bodies throughout the
country shows that fully 90 per cent of
these organizations favor the creation of
a tariff board, or somo satisfactory method
of handling this perplexing business propo
sition In the future.
"The -figures quoted show a total mem
bership In the 1.000 commercial associa
tions exceeding 600.000 corporations, firms
and Individuals. The approximate total
capitalisation exceeds the enormous sum
Has Reached Crucial taae.
WASHINGTON. July It If the Interest
of the "ultimate consumers" has lagged
during the detailed discussion of the tariff
bill in the senate there should be a re
vival of concern In the subject this week,
for the measure, now In the hands of the
senate and house conferees, has reached
the crucial stage where the Influence of
the president In the final shaping may
be watched with lively anticipation.
It is no secret that the bill, as amended
by the senate, falls to satisfy the expecta
tions of the more Inslntent "downward re
visionists," and whether It meets or shall
be made to meet the views of Mr. Taft,
as set forth In his speeches will be a
matter of news entitled to first place with
the chroniclers of the week's events.
Making a tariff law that will most nearly
meet the wishes of the greatest number
of people and at the same time raise suf
ficient revenues for the expenses of gov
errrtnent that. 4s the task with which, for
four months, both houses of congress, have
wrestled and which has now reached what
might be railed the semi-final, or con
ference' stage.
Eleven men five republican senators and
six republican representatives have should
ered the responsibility of evolving from the
tariff bills passed by the senate and house
a law that will be acceptable, not only to
both houses of congress, but to the presi
dent and above all to the mass of th peo
ple. Concession In Order.
While the conferees from both houses de
sire to have retained In the bill the
schedules hs approved by their respective
branches, none realize better than they
that they must make concessions. Their
present determination not to yield will give
way to a more conciliatory attitude as the
conference wears on.
The senate made 847 changes, many of
them merely verbal, in th tariff bill as
it passed the House. Members of the house
claim the latter' measure comes closer
to answering the public demand for a
"revision downward" than does th senate
bill. Whither It would provide all th
revenue needed to run th government It
a question.
The fight upon th number of changes
made by the senate the house conferees
can be Induced to accept. Upon the one
hand, 6enator Aldrlch will be found con
tending for the higher tariff. On the other
will be found Representative Sereno IS.
Payne, leading the house forces In fighting
for lower duties.
Aldrlch Talks of BUI.
Senator Aldrlch reiterates his statement
that the senate bill if enaeted Into law
would not Impose additional burdens upon
the consumer.
'Isolated cases of Inoreases of rates are
taken and the entire bill condemned be
cause of those," said Mr. Aldrlch. "It Is
usually the case that. If th section ol
the country which has found fault with one
sohedule would consider th transfer of
articles to the free list and compare tb
Increase with reductions that have been
made, that section would se that It had
made a beneficiary to no small degree by
the general revision."
General T. 8. SharretU, th veteran tar
ff expert, who has been a member of th
board of general appraisers In New Tork,
for many years, Is authority for th state
ment that the aenate bill will show a 1
per cent reduction from th rates of th
Dlngley taw, and a very material reduc
tion from the house rates.
"Some folks may say 'that I per eenl
Is not a great reduction," aid' General
Sharretts today, "but whn you consider
the rates of the Wilson bill, th demo
cratic tariff measure adopted during th
Cleveland administration, wer not t per
cent lower than th rates of th existing
law, you will realls how extensive a I
per cent reduction really Is."
13s pert Helps Conferees.
General Sharretts, who Is a democrat.
Is sssistlng the conference committee on
Its deliberations. He performed th same
office for the democrats when th Wilson
bill was In conference, and was of valu
able assistance, according to the story
told of him by one of the democratic con
ferees today.
Tbe latter said that at that time th
democrat who had shut out th repub
licans, Just as the republicans have ex
cluded the democrats, were In a deadlock.
"Let us send for General Sharretts and
have him go over these rates, acting as
referee on all disputes," said Henator Gor
man, who had charge of the bill In th
The matter was put to a vote and General
Bhiretts cam to Washington, He wrote