TJTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 11, 1909. r All our $1.50 Women's Waists Clearing Sale price Each All our All our $4 and $5 Women's Wash Suils One and two-piece styles, clearing sale New sale of women's Dutch Neck Cellars and Mid-Summer Neckwear worth up to 50o Clearing sale at All our 39c. 50c and 75c Embroideries at 25c Yard 18 nml 22-inch wide flouncing, skirtings, corset cover widths, wide galloons and insertions our choicest new designs that have been selling at 39c, faa ,50c and 75c a yard your choice at X In. T this clearing Bale on big bargain . square, for, yard A nig Clearing Sale Special SI Cashmere do Soio 50c Yd Just 125 pieces of genuine peau de cashmere at this clear ing sale for exactly half price. The shades are cream, Women's and Mens' Umbrellas worth up to 75c Clearing sale price tuiaaes are cream, 50c rose, nile, baby blue, grays, tanp, re sedas, navies, wisteria, lilac, etc. worth $1.00 a yard everywhere special, at, yard 8 8 & & 35c jxsoi 15c 30c Pert i ft. n Lawns 15e At the white goods depart- ment we clear away 95 pieces of our 30c Persian Lawn, at, yd..-. Novelty Waist Fronlintfs 24 inch and 27 inch fine Swiss and batiste novelty waist frontings, QlfK worth up to $1, Mr at, yard v xas 18c Sheeting at 10c Yard 25 pieces of 8-4 welded 6eam A .sheeting, worm 18c yard, base ment, yard .... SERB Untrimmed Hats 1 ndreds of line Milan, chip and horsehair shapes, to black, white and burnt a new lot 11 the late styles; worth up to $2.00, at Spui J Clearing Sale SILKS 25,000 yards of fine silks from our regular department offered at from one-third to ono-half reduction. '. 59c white Jap Silks, at, yd. 354 $1 pongee silks at yard .... 594 Our 69c dress' foulards, yd.. Our 75c all silk taffetas, yd. 39 Our $1 fancy dress silks, yd. 490 Our $1.25 imported dress silks plain weaves, yard 691 Our 75c printed mousseline and crepe de chine, yard 20 Our S1.35 Imported shantungs, at, yard 79 $1.75 black peau de cashmere, at, jard 81.10 $1.50 yard wide black dress taf feta, at, yard f)5 Our 75c printed shantungs, 24-ln. wide, at, yard J5e And hundreds of other big bar gains, Including all silk foulards and fancy waistlng silks, worth 75c In basement, at, yard. -25 Kindly arrange to do your shopping before 5 p. m. Dur ing July and August our store closes at 5 p. m., except Saturdays at 10 p. m. Fin Embroidery Edging and Insertions in basement, at, yard . . . jrolfo) I j ! :41'Q' Store Closes at 5 P. M. During July and August, Except Saturdays at 10 P. M. Woman's ul Children's sTsmstltched Cam- una ana Liwi Handkerchiefs clearing sal special at 3ic $1 Petticoats at 39c Fine petticoats of colored Cham- bray with embrold-i ered bottoms, clear-' Ing sale price, each The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered oCv Grand ttsn tt ti -n H TH MIL, eini aie Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of the highest grade summer merchandise from the greatest store in the west will be sold for just a fraction of the prices we asked a few weeks ago. We mention only a few of the specials. You will find hundreds of amazing bargains in every dept. Everything must go at once. 10c and 12 ic Lacea at 5c Yd Fine French and German val laces and Insertions, many to match, new designs clearing sale price, yard vui laces 5c 75c Silk Hosiery at 39c Women a Imported white Silk Hosiery, elastic top, double heel and toe, at, pair pun Coraet Covers Our regular 25c and 3 5c corset covers go' during this great clearing sale, each, 15c 8 L ' EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH of SUMMER GOODS MUST GO ! ...,..,.,,, cerized lisle 15c Exquisite) All-Over EMBROIDERIES High grade novelties and combi nation lace and embroidered striped all-overs, in eyelet, floral and French effects also beautiful .novelty waist front ings; goods that have been sell ing at $1.75 up to CI 6-, $2.50 a yard, at, yd JOC Great Clearing Sale 39c Satin Striped Ging- ha. ma and Tiaauet . . . . 0 Cj Prettiest 32-inch Wash Fabrics of the season ; satin stripe with narower stripe and check Gingham Dept., basement; clearing sale price, yard. . . 18c Clearance of all the Women's Finest Dresses. Salts and Costumes at Amazing Reductions in Price 65 women's fine dresses, beautifully made of mescalines, rajahs, silts and satins they are worth as high at $40 each clearing sale price, at Twenty-fire women's dresses, exquisitely made of fine satins, si lis, etc. they are worth as high as $75 clearing sale price Forty women's lingerie Dresses In all the daintiest new style features worth up to $50 each-clearing sale price Your choice of our Women's Tailored Suits worth up to $100.00, at Your choice of our Women's Tailored Suits worth up to $50.00, at Your choice of our Women's Tailored Suits worth up to $30.00, at Women's $40 White Serge Suits, at $25 Women's $30 White Serge Suits, at $15 $25 $25 $25 $15 $10 $19 Great Clearing Sale Children's Dresses Hundreds of children's pretty summer dresses, in dainty white and colored effects, all new styles, ages 1 to 14 ; in four great lots worth up to $3.00, at 49c-.69c-98cSl5-! Fine cotton and mercerized lisle thread, including Black Cat and Bursons, worth up up to 35c. at pair, 15c Batistes at 7Jc Yard Mercerized batistes In pretty patterns, wash goods section, basement, at, yard. 7k BRANDELS STORES Omaha MONDAY FORENOON We will sell 5,000 yards of good grade dress ginghams not one worth ' less than 8 Vi clearing sale, at .. 3ic MONDAY AFTERNOON One case very fine , soft finished bleached muslin worth 10c yard your choice base ment at, yard 5c Women's 15c Vests 74c Yd. Fine ribbed cotton sleeveless vests, all sites, up to 15c quality, each. 7ic Pin Dot Swisses At regular white goods depart ment, basement, our genuine 2 5o pin dot' Swisses, at, yard Great clearing sale bargains in our Imported fancy Jewelry nov elties and leather shopping hags. SLICK WAYS OF SMUGGLERS Variations in the Game of Beating the Customs House. SHADY TRICKS OF THE TRADE People of Repute Conspire to Cheat he Government Methods Ob served and Suppressed by Inspectors. New methods of smuggling multiply as rapidly as Barnum's supply of fools. Cus tom house. Inspectors ' at the port of New York, . find them almost as numerous as the passengers they deal with. Of the many forms of systematlo smug gling, one of the most prevalent Is that or rhe EnRltsh tailor who comes to this country with samples and takes measure ments and orders for English clothes and haberdashery. The orders and measure ments are sent back to the establishments In Iondon. Invariably they ask Instruc tions for shipping,, saying that If the cus tomer has friends coming over from Eng land by whom they can send the ,sult, duty will be saved. One firm formerly undertook tfi get the goods delivered free of duty, relying on various stewards and other employes of the steamers on which VV I ' For Men and Women Anatomik Shoes give re lief, without the use of sup ports of any kind, to those ?erinff from "flat-foot" and weak arches. Anatomik ahoea are the results of study and research covering a number of years by an ortho pedic surgeon. , Drexel Shoe Co. Sole Areata (or TbMt Shoes. 1119 Ftrnvn r- Vrmrrv r ------ i the representative crossed to get them across for an extra charge of perhaps SX on each suit. One steward who practised this custom of delivering goods In Boston to several customers of the firm made a tidy sum, for he occasionally risked bring ing In as many aa two suits on each trip, and perhaps an ulster or overcoat, which he would put on and wear. He waa of medium else, and it was his praotloe to put on the new suit under a loose suit of his own and wear It off the ship, and de liver It to the customer from his own per son. This waa carried on several years, and It Is not known that the steward was ever detected or that he Is not doing It still. "I know It's not right." he said. 'but when a man has a family and a lot o" kiddles to feed, well. It's easy money." Household Furnishing. Another form of systematic smuggling Is not really smuggling, yet Is ethically, when It Is done with Intent to defraud. For In stance, an American widow with two at tractive daughters went to Paris and Dres den to live for a year or two, to complete the musical education of the girls. A. proposition was made to her by a dealer In her own city, who asked her If She wanted to clear her- expenses while on the trip abroad. "If you are willing to remain long enough to establish a resi dence in Europe," he said, "this will be easy." To make a long atory short, the woman sailed into the port of Boston one fair dayradiant and excited over get ting back to her home again after her two years' exile. When her luggage waa taken from the steamer she had boxes upon boxes paoked full of antique ' furniture, Oriental rugs, ptoturee and brlo-a-brao enough to stock a small store, the fur niture of her apartment, as she truly said. She had remained, to be sure of entering her belongings duty free, a month longer than was actually required to establish a residence abroad. And while her girls had been pursuing thetr educations In art and muttc their mother had haunted old shops In Paris and In various German towns where she could gather up rare and beauti ful things with which to "furnish her apartment" Of course, she was within her rights. Having lived abroad during the specified time, and having kept an apart ment during all that time In Germany, we will say, she waa entitled to bring back her personal effects and her furniture and personal property free of duty, "for she had the necessary documentary evidence from the United States consul, and her posses Ions were passed accordingly and sh swept down the pier In triumph, after giving shipping directions. That woman's "household furnishings" were all taken off her hands at a hsndsome profit by the dealer. And this Is being done constantly, with many vacations. Peddlers Caught In the Act. A frequent form of smuggling has only Just been stopped by the custom house off! clals. It was a simple one and had beeu practised for n'any years Just how long no one exactly knows by the thousand and one peddlers of various nationalities who haunt the piers of the ocean steamers. It waa'thelr custom to go on the pier with their bundles, presumably containing wares to be bought by stewards and other persons on board the steamers. It was found that their bundles did not always contain hand kerchiefs, needles, collar buttons and the other notions usually carried in stock by peddlers of this class, but that many of them were "fake" bundles, which they ex changed at the steamer or on the pier for other bundles given them by the seamen, containing dutiable good. Now peddlers of any variety are forbidden access to the piers by order of the surveyor of the port and this form of smuggling Is ended. , One of the Inspectors at the custom house declares that fully 85 per cent of the coral jewelry brought into this country Is smug gled, mostly from Italy, and that all sorts and conditions of people are engaged In smuggling this and ' the long kid glove with which the markets were flooded not long ago. 'Entire families of Italians living In Brooklyn and Manhattan ' tenement houses have made their living In the smuggling of gloves. A lip received a few weeks ago at the custom tiouse sent a searching party to a Brooklyn tenement house, where, after a thorough search of several apartments, nothing was found. It was thought that the tip was a false one, and the detectives started to go. One of them. In leaving a gested to him that it might be worth while room, tripped on a loose board. This sug to look under that board. He did so,' and found gloves to the value of $6,000 or 7,000 seoreted under the floor. A Shuttered System. A recent smuggling case which has not yet been made publlo was that done by a reputable Austrian concern which Imports farming tools. One of the steerage pas sengers on a certain German steamer was found to have very heavy luggage, which. upon being examined, was found to con tain steel blades for scythes and mowing machines his "personal baggage," he said. It was found at the examination that this company had been doing systematlo smug gling In this manner, not only evading the payment of duty, but oheating the steam ship companies out of thetr freight. The passenger protested that he "did not know the bag waa his," and It was subsequently found that often cases of farming Imple ments were put on the steamer In the name of a traveler and taken away by agents of the company on this side. The French line has made It a rule that no luggage shall be received on one of Its steamers unless accompanied by the passenger, and other lines will doubtless follow suit. A remarkable case has just been de tected here, which was nothing less than the smuggling of valuable hand embroid eries and laces through a foreign consul ate. The consul hlmselfrof course, was entirely Ignorant of such proceedings, but one of his clerks was found to be guilty, and received a sentence tf nine months In jail. All mall and packages addressed to a consulate are entered tree of duty, and an agent or clerk of the consulate usually calls at the Incoming steamer m a cab to receive the, bags of mall. This naturally gives an excellent opportunity for smug glers to operate with the co-operation of such clerks as may consent to be Identified with this dangerous business. Last of His Race. But the prise smuggling story comes from Captain MoCrankey of the Leyland line, now retired, who sailed for many years between Liverpool and Boston. A husky young Folander, who had come over with a lot of other Immigrants In the steer age, had been a prise passenger and one of the popular members of steerage society. He had had a berth by himself, as the steerage was not filled on that voyage, and he waa going to Join friends In Boston. He was duly examined at quarantine, and gave a satisfactory account of himself, and was regarded aa a model for a new eltlscn of the land of the free. One of the last to leave the steamer, he waa seen staggering down the gangplank with a huge bag on bis back and a valise aa large as a trunk In one hand. The captain detected a movement in the bag, a suspicious move ment, as though of something alive. Call ing a steward, he went quietly up behind the - Pole and saw again the suspicious movement The first thought that occurred to hlpV was that the Pole had been bring ing over his dog, although how he oould ever have got It on board and kept it dur ing the voyage without doteotion waa a problem. He ordered the Pole to lay his burden down. The Pole turned white, then did as he was requested. The bag con tained his grandmother. She was a tiny, weaxened little woman, not as large as a big child of it, with a face as wrinkled as an English walnut, and she was the last of his race at home. She had trachoma and valuable antique Jewelry. The Pole was broken-hearted when both were de ported, for his great desire had been to come to the United States, and, of course, he could not leave his grandmother behind. New Tork Tribune. Musings of a Cynic. . Even 'a clear profit may be under a cloud. It takes a woman of great strength to hold her tongue. All women are riddles, but some of them are rather plain. Many a woman's laugh is simply a dis play of dimples and dentlntry. Many a married man acts as though nature had intended him for an old maid. In spite of the fact that a girl Is given in marriage, lots of them throw them selves away. Some people only hope for the best under protest, and are disappointed If It happens. If a man begins to sing his own praises, drown him out by blowing your own horn. You can always tell a dyspeptic by the profound hatred he exhibits toward the people who are enjoying themselves. Ancestral pride Is the safest thing in tho world. Our ancestors are too dead to kick about the liberties we take with them. New York Times. A Miracle. John J. McGraw, the base ball expert, denied at a banquet In New York the marvels attributed to the spltball. "It's a good ball," he said. "It fools the best of them. But when I hear some -of the miracles put to Its credit well '-then I think of Harriet Hare of 'Frisco. "I once read In a 'Frisco paper: 'Harriet Hare of Nob hill got a needle in her waist two . years ago, and only last week this needle worked Its way out of the arm of a young Los Angeles rose farmer." " St Louis Globe. TOM EDISON'S CEMENT HOMES Authorized Details of the Coining One-Family Residence. MOLDED HOUSES 'FOR MILLIONS Monday Morning Drug Sale Come early Monday, If possible, and pick up few of these BAlliiAlNS for EYTCEYDODV : All 25c Banitol Tooth Preparations, all the time 12 Boro-Lltha Mineral Water, doz. $1 Case 100 pints, for 98.00 Pints Ginger Ale, dozen ....$1.00 60c French' Java Rice Powder 22 50c La Jeune Rico Powder, for lil) Ivory Soap, 5 cakes for 10 Hire's Root Peer, makes 5 gala. 15 Several kinds 50c Toilet and Florida Waters, ' Monday for 25 Parafflne for canning. 1-lb. cake 14g 1-lb. can Violet Talcum, 3 for. 25f Good Perfumed Talcum, 3 for.. 25 1-lb. Package Pure Borax for . J Jetter's Malt Extract, dozen $1.00 Buy at either store. SMEKMA A McCONNF.LL IH'RG CO. Coraer 16th and Dodge 8u. OWL DRUO CO Corner 10th and Harney St. Cheapness and Durability the Prime Consideration Coat of Plant and Method of Pouring; the Concrete. Much newspaper comment , and expert discussion regarding Edison's "poured con crete house" has been Indulged In for over a year, most of It based on fragmentary Information. The Cement World furnishes the needed details In an authorized inter view with the "Wizard of Menlo Park." It Is a full and complete story of the In vention, with details, specifications, orna mentation, method of construction and estimated cost. The following general facts, shorn of technical details, are taken from the account: "The most frequent objection, or criti cism, offered was the apparent imprac ticability of pouring concrete Into an In tricate set of molds and securing a surface throughout that would be free from Im perfections. "It will clog," It will not flow," were expressions heard on all sides. Then objections were offered on artistic grounds. "Imagine a city of houses, every one of which was like all the others. It Is preposterous," was said. All Critics Answered. Mr. Edison has answered all these ob jections to the full satisfaction of the most critical. Here are the Important facts about the poured house which will be spoken of more In detail further on: He has produced a mixture of a consist ency almost like water which holds the stone or aggregates In suspension, allows the mixture to flow freely to all parts of the molds and secures a uniform distribu tion of the aggregates throughout the mass. The molds are adapted to variations of ar rangement, thus making It possible to change the style of houses with the same set of molds. With five or six sets of molds, therefore, a wide variety of style Is possible. The model plan exhibited by Mr. Edison Is for one ftmlly, with a floor plan 25xP) feet. It Is Intended to be built on lots 40x60 feet,' giving lawn and small garden room. The front porch extends eight feet and the back porch three feet. On the first floor Is a large front room 14x23 and nine and a half feet high, In tended as a living room, and a kitchen In the back 14x20 and nine and a half feet high. In the corner of the front room la a wide staircase leading to the second floor. This contains two large bedrooms, a wide hall and a roomy bath room. 7VxT'4j and eight feet two Inches high. The third floor has two large rooms. Uach room has large windows, so that there Is an abundance of light and fresh air. The cellar, seven feet six Inches high, extends ur.d-r the whole house and will contain the boiler, wash tubs and coal bunker. The main room, as well as the outside of the house, will be richly decor ated. The decorations will be cast with the house and will, therefore be a part of the structure and not stuck on, as Is done at the present time. All of Reinforced Concrete. It Is an Important fact about this house that It will be entirely of reinforced con crete, Including the roof, floors, bath and laundry tubs. The doors and window frames will be the only parts of wood or metal, so It will be practically fireproof. The mixture compos ing It Is both water proof and vermin proof. The inside walls, stairs nd partitions will be concrete also, and no plaster will be used. The surface left by the molds wTT be perfectly smooth and can be painted or tinted If desired. Details of Construction. Now we come more to the details of con struction. 'As has been Indicated, cast Iron molds will be used, set up on a concrete foundation or footing. Some time before the molds are set up this footing and the basement floor will be placed In order that they may be thor oughly set before the moulds are erected. The molds will be placed on this footing, and the cast house will Include the base ment walls. Regulation reinforcing rods can be used in the molds. The ; stack for the bathroom and ' all gas pipes will be placed at the time the molds are set up. Mr. Edson allows four, days for the erec tion of the molds. For this house several hundred pieces will be required. Each will be fitted to be assembled with the others and locked readily. The time necessary for the pouring of the liquid he says will be only six hours. Four days after the pouring the dismant ling can be done. Six more days are al lowed for the hardening of the concrete. The Inventor thus makes fourteen days as the time necessary for the completion of a house. ' Thia time may be reduced under specially favorable weather conditions. It Is estimated that with six sets of molds 144 houses can be built In a year. As the same forms are used Indefinitely the cost is reduced to a minimum. Con crete residences at the present time and under the conditions that require the use of wood for forms are prohibitive on ac count of the expense for lumber. All the decorations and ornaments will be cast with the house and In every case will be a part of the wall which It adorns; In fact, the entire house will be in one piece, as If hewn or carved out of a solid piece of stone. The cost of the house, 11.200, M. Edison says. Includes heating and plumbing and a structure ready for occupancy. He lays special emphasis on the fact that this price Is based on the building of houses in large numbers where materials can be purchased in large quan tities and where the gravel excavated on the site can be used in the mixture. Cost of the Molds. A complete set of molds will cost approx imately (2S.0UO, while the necessary plant will cost $15,000 more. Successful operation will require six sets of molds to keep the men and the machinery constantly em ployed. So It will be seen that a large capital will be required, and on that account building operations with the Edison molds will be carried on only by responsible men, but the Inventor himself will not be com mercially Interested In the molds. With the problems Involving the Industrial world that surround the adoption of the forms and the building of any very great number of houses after his methods neither Mr. Edison nor the men engaged in the cement Industry have any concern. A certain thing he alma 19 accomplish, tle building of good homes for the work tngman at a price within his reach, and the change In economic conditions that may come must be met when the time arrives. TIRED GENTRY CAUSES WOE IN SOME COUNTRY TOWNS Loafers Shipped by Employment Bu reaus Are Classed as l'nde , slrable Cltlsens. s Chief of Police Donahue has received letters from country towns complaining tl a-. Omaha employment bureaus are shipping idle citizens into their midst. The chief has Investigated and come to this conclusion: That these fellows apply for work in order to get a ride bomcwhere. and that when they reach their destination, they refuse to work and begin to make complaints, finally that the men and not the employment bureaus are to blame. W. T. Elllptt, city marwhar of Brady, wrote a letter to the chief, saying men shipped out there to work for the con tracting firm of McMeny & Mahoney, com plained of overcharges by the labor agents and the letters' alleged failures to keep agreements. On those grounds the men re fused to work, and berame Idle members of the community, of whom the town of ficials wanted to get rid. Persistent Advertising la the road to nig Returns. Our Oxfords Are Coolers Coolers to the feet, the mind and the purse. You may be able to ill through the summer without a hat or a pair of trousers, but oxfords you must have. Patent colt or kid; vici, pun metal, calf or tan leathern. ' Conservative prices 93.50, $4.00, $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. Twn iioin. , 10th and 1ku1m Htreeta,