THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: JULV 11. VJW. i 320 OIFIF .Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Je- fV" Minor Mention Yh Oeaaosi Huffs Offlo. ef lh. Osnaba Im U at 1 Iwtt Itmi ft TUM 43. Ivl. Arum. roRRiaANfl. Cndertakers. 'phones 141 Woorirlng Undertaking company. Tel. 333. Ll Culler, funeral dlreoter. Thone 27. FA VST BEKR AT ROGERS' BUFFET. H. V. Battey, attorney and notary public. Metes If blcfck. Whan you want reliable want ad adver tising, ure The Bee. ; fleering binders and mower. Fpearllng A Trlplett. 327 Broadway. , THE COOI.KHT BUACE IV TOWN 1 TUB DIAMOND THKATKR. BAIRD, LON 1 F.N K(K Rn POUND, I nW!aker. 'Phone 123, IS. .Main fit. tr. W. V. Magartll, optometrist, moved to city Nat onal bank building. KROI'-PATTKHN SALK of picture rncniMlnga beglna Monday. C. E. Aleaander. Mi Broadway. John 1,. Mayberry of this city and Mian Kdith Bedford of Avik-h were married yes terday morning by He v.' Henry IeIong. Bluffs chapter of the Womtn'i guild of t. Faille Kpmcopal church will meet VVeinKilay afternoon at the home of Mri. Ouy Shepard on Fifth avenue. The opening of a Sunday school at the I'M.ona mlpnlon, lo:!4 Avenue F, has. on aocount of the flood conditions prevailing In .that fcctlnn of the rlty, been postponed i nunuiy afternoon, JUly Jb. starry Curtis, general secretary of the reurtg Mens Christian axKoclation will oc cupy the pulpit at the First Baptist church this morning In the ahHence of the pastor, Rev; F A. Cane, who In in Seattle, . Wash. narr weeicy. a netcro, who for some tlm? has nutted a bitter feeling against the-police department; waa before Jurifre unvner yeotpntay morning charged with nk UK lineal against Officer f IN hardson The ensn wo continued for two weeks on N'eeley promising tire "court to behave. Major Oaorge If,. Rlnhmdnd, chief of no Hoc, expneta to attend a state meeting of chiefs of police at jes Momea. Thursday and Frldny of this- Week. The purpose of the meeting is to organise a state associa tion1 of pollre chief as at present there Is, no sucn organization In Iowa. The estab llshment of a state department for Ber- ttitinn photos will also be discussed. , "The Tigris River" wll be the subject for aiHcusxion at the open air meeting of the loving Men s Christian association at the Redwood stump in Falrmount at 4 o'clock thle afternoon. This la one of the numbers In The course of study of sacred waters that Is now being pursued by the young men. In case of rain or that It Is found the ground la too damp the meeting will be neia at the handstand. Jay Smith, Jr., Howard Chesterfield and I( li. Orav, students of Princeton univer sity, who reside In Ohlcagn passed throuch Council Bluffs yesterday morning on their wav to trie fnomo coast in a covered wsgnn, drawn by two mules and a horse. Frm Princeton to Portland or Bust," waa the legend Inscribed on a banner on the wagnn. The young men started from Buffalo In February, and have been on the way ever since. Reaching Iowa the mild made it necessary to add a horse to the original equipment of two mules It's like taking tnnlo when you get on a suit of clothes that we nave cleaned and pressed. You will tackle businesa. with a greater test. Tou think more of yourself and unconsciously. That makes those you meet think more of you; makes you look prosperous, and erasea that "hard times" look-'from your face. The cost for press ing and gleaning; 4s srnaH. Let us convince you that we can clean and press your clpthes to suit you. Bluff City Laundry, l"ry Cleaning and Dye Works. Phone S14. 22-24-28 North Main street If you are dissatisfied try me. We keep our customers In good humor all the time by giving them SCIENTIFIC SERVICE and HONEST GOODS. Here you get the benefit of . years of experience, our per stjfiat -attention and care of the ejres. Re member that we grind our own lenses and guarantee satisfaction. "Eye-sight Is my Specialty." W. W. MAOARRKLL, Opto metries 206-S City National Bank building, Council Bluffs, la. x Ileal Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported tq The Bee July 10 by the Pottawattamie County Ab struct company of Council Bluffs: Charles Schmidt, Jr., and wife to A. 8. (Hliln. lots 4 and 6. In blook 19. Avoca, w. d t 2,000 A. R. Jaoobson, executor, to Otto Hennlngs. lots 2 and S. In block 2. Walnut, e. d 1,800 Frank Shlnn and wife to Ira R. Ptltt, und. H of lot 8, In block, 2, and all outlot 3. Shlnn'a add. to Carson. W. d ' X.500 Total, three transfers .$ 6,300 July Clearance of Plot area. Big discounts on pictures, both framed and unframed. .Alexander's Art Store, lot Broadway. I Geo. W. Klein rpholHterlnK, Furniture Repair ed and HefiuWhl, Featbera Itenovated, Mirrors ItepUtrttt, aud all kinds of mattress work , done. Both Thonri. 18 So. Main St., Council Bluffs. 'Have It Done . Right' We are open lor Bids on Cement Sidewalks We manufacture the bast cement block on the market, the continual alr-spaoe cement block. The Walls inside never get wet or damp Put HP in cement till Ut a life time, BMITX'K OSIfUT BLOCK CO Offtoe, Moom S, rival MaUoaal Saak aulliUag. yUone tod. Viaat a Via Street and rirat aVveaae. LttUrVa'EVSt Lenses! Of-tt Ctmiert Kaewa le Wesrert ef -flCS rW e ,. star Lias ' w aaua a ao a an aani sewT ymmilMmmmmm saBnnnjai J II I IIIIIMIW .Mavjw , j COUNCIL IT C1UFFS. A. A. CLARK & CO. I RAM nflNPY flH nonsi, CATTLE AND InUJltJ l.iUliLl UN HOUSSIIOLD rURNITTJEE ACT AX CHATTKL SJ RJTT AT OWB-HAIJ TOT USUAL BATES. I IVamtjr Yean of Buecrvafol Muamewa. dCKXUl MAIJf AND BROADWAY, OVKB AMEIUCAJf KXPTKES. Kn oonnectln with toe Ilrea uumana Tn. fu-w wn r. both ruoNi3 1J7. PRIZE MIRE IS LOCATED New Orleans Man Loses $5,000 to Alleged Maybray Gang. HE IS TOLD IT WAS A MISTAKE Tfcea H Wae Cilreai taaltr Get Ills Montr aaa l,et fT.nOO Afldl k tlonaf. Back Poatoffloe Inspector Swenson Is home from a trip through Illinois, Indiana anu Iowa hunting evidence against J. C. Maybray and hla gang of "big store' swindlers. He waa In Council Bluffs for a short while yesterday and will go to Lincoln Monday to attend the prelim lnary hearing of William Scott, an al leged member Of the gang, before the United States) commissioner. Scott la said to have acted as a "steerer" for the gang. He Is the man who escaped from the sheriff at Fredonla, Kan., after being arrested, but was captured a few days later at Falls City, Neb. While In Illinois hunting up evidence against Maybray and his associates Mr Swenson ran across a man who had been buncoed out of $1 J.R00 by the gang In New Orleans. This victim, however, pos itively refused to prosecute and told Mr. Swenson that to d4 ao would ruin him financially and break up his home. Thia man la stlU worth about $100,000 and he told Mr. Swenson that he would gladly lose 50.000 more rather than have the details of his folly become known. "I don't know that I blame him," said Mr. Swenson, "declining to prosecute, seeing that he waa not satisfied with being' buncoed once, but allowed the gang to get him a second time. This man told me that he first lost $5,000 and that when the gang told him It waa all a mis take and he would be . given another chance to regain his cash and win aome beside ha again bit and thia time to the tune of f7,E00." While In Ottawa, 111., Mr. Swenson at tended the preliminary hearing of Thomas Oay, who has been held under" bond of 110,000 to answer to a charge of conspiracy in connection with the fleecing of Jamee Tlerney of Streator, III., out of 110.000 on a fake wrestling match In New Orleans Gay Is alleged to have been both the "steerer". and the wrestler In this particu lar case. During his trip Mr. Swenson called upon "Mikes" at Bloomington and Ottawa, III Terre Haute, Ind., and Fort Madison and Mount Pleasant, la., In his search for evl dence against Maybray and his associates. We have just received a big line of the celebrated Perfect Flrelesa Cookers. Wi show them In three slses, with aluminum vessels or. enameled. We Invite your In epectlon. Prices, 17.60, 19.00, . 112.00. Ft C, De Vol Hdw. Co. BESTO.V BRIDGE) 19 VMBAFXl Structure Over Indian Creek Serl oaaly Tlamasred by Floods, James Saguln,. tbe .well, known, bridge builder;of this city who at the request of tne city ornciais made a critical examina tlon of the bridge . over Indian, creek at Benton, found that the structure had been seriously damaged during the recent flood. The steel beams are badly twisted and the entire structure Is In danger of collapse. Both approaches to the bridge were badly washed and .it -has been- closed to traffic. Following the examination by Mr. Saguln, it waa;. deemed advisable - to anchor the bridge as a - further - precaution against further floods. . It has been the intention of the city council to replace this -bridge with a con orete structure, but lack of money in the bridge fund makes this Impracticable a thia time. In fact. It is a question where, the funds will come from to . repair the bridge and make it safe for travel. .City Engineer Etnyre has a force of men at work constructing- dams on the upper portion of the creek, the bed of which was badly washed during the recent floods. A soon as possible several dams of pllin ana concrete will be construoted. The work of ..removing the vast deposit of mud on Broadway and adjacent paved streets Is slowly progressing, but Street Commissioner Flood with the limited num ber of men and teams at his disposal rinding the task almost a herculean one. Tons upon tons of debris are being hauled out of the creek at the different bridges and the end Is not yet In sight. Reports from the members of the Board oi bupervlsors show that many of the county bridges were badly damaged or completely washed away during the recent floods. Colonel Baker and Supervisor Spencer, accompanied by William Lanna. the county bridge contractor, went tq Love land yesterday to Investigate bridge dam age In that section. The damage to bridges In the county will amount to sev eral thousand dollars. Let us fiKure your contract on painting. We know we can satisfy you. H. Bor wlck, 211 South Malnt street. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. KO. Night, F-17TS. Hoape's Lincoln Stock of Pianos Will not last long In Council Bluffs. There's a difference between closing out this Lincoln branch store big stock of pl anoa and the ao cemmon special purchase sale, and people know It These pianos are unquestionable as to quality. The same we have been selling for year a NQT pianos that are made and purchased cheap for a cheap sale. This stock represents the world's best In struments. KrMch t Bach. Cable, Nelson, Bush & Lane, Hallet Davis, Melville Clark. Krakauer, Kimball, Waser Broa., Decker Broa Co.. Hoepe, Burton, Cramer and othera. They are all bargains every one of them, from the one marked down to $12 to the beautiful grand at $480 and very one brand new. We have included In this big aale sev eral used pianoa taken In exchange: One Chlckering. $40; one Groveatein, $28; one Mo- jjslo. p. tin lk i . si. I IIIIIMS11MI 1 annon piano, .'-'; one Oreat 1'nlon piano, 13$, and other bargains too numerous to mention. We are willing to 8ACRIF1CE OCR PROFIT, and then some, to get you Inter ested In this sale and to unload thia big lock quickly. If you ever expect to get piano it certainly would be very unwise not to at least Investigate thia aale, and very foolish to buy a piano without doing so. .BE HERE EARIVT MONI1AT. A. HOSPE CO., O. O. Over, Manager, Pearl street and 28 8uuth Mailt street, Council BluTfs, la. H. V. Battey, attorney, Metcalf block. Office with George S. Wright. Law, pro bate, collections. Notary public We bare a large number of bankers' carpenters,' clerks,' and stenographers' pen cils whloh we are giving away as long as (hey last Call at our effioa and get thein. Iowa Loan company, corner Pearl and Broadway, suite S. ! MAN IS CHAROKD WITH MAYHEM Joha Wilson Accnsed of Dittos; Thamo of Ballooolat. John Wilson has been bound over to the district court grand Jurj by Justice Rlef of Lewis township on the charge of "will fully and feloniously biting the finger known as the thumb" of Thomas Andrews, the balloon man at Lake Manawa. Wilson secured his release pending action by the grand Jury, according to the transcript of the case filed In the office of the clerk of the district court yesterday by "giving satisfactory bonds to the court." Andrews, In addition to making balloon aaronslona at Lake Manawa. has one or more concessions at the resort. Wilson, It is said, purchased articles to the value of TO cents at one of Andrews' stands last Monday, and his alleged neglect to pay for them started the trouble between him and h aeronaut. . As the result of the en- counter Andrews is carrying nis tnumo In a sling and Wilson has to face a charge of mayhem. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USB BUY YOUR LIQlfORS AT ROSENFELD LIQUOR CO. 610 8. Main. Phones 2323. The Fashion, ladles' tailoring. R. H Emlein proprietor, late fitter Orkln Bros. do first-class work reasonable. I make suit for $13, skirts 5. I also do altering to suit. Would you give me a trial T 33 South Main street. Services at the Charaes. Broadway Methodist Church, Rev. James M. Williams, Pastor Class meeting at 10 m.; morning service at 10:30; ser mon y the pastor, theme: "The Story of an Obscure Man"; Sunday school at 12, F. H. Orcutt, spperlntendent; Epworth league devotional meeting at 7 p. m., lead er, Miss Alice Fintel, topic: "Transformed Common Things"; Evening preaching ser vice at 8, theme, "A Comparison, Two of God's Men, Calvin and Welsey." This meeting will be held in the Sunday school rooms on account of their coolness. The orchestra will assist In the xnuslo. Flrst Congregational Church, Dr. Otter- beln O. Smith, Pastor Morning service at 10:39' No evening service till , September. Sunday sohool at noon. Morning subject: "The Voice Crying In the Wilderness." Speoial muslo, . anthem. ."Savior, Blessed Savior." Solo, "Rock of Ages," Mrs. W. W. Sherman. . ! Free Methodist Church, Rev. D. C Lam eon, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m., followed by preaching; preaching at 8 p. m. Weddiasr IMaga, Pure gold., seamless, ' all sixes, thus Tao gelay or altering, tJ tq S13. Engraving free. Leffert. Oxfords and strap pumps In all leathers. Prices tbe lowest, quality cot.sldered. Dun can Shoe Co., 23 Main St. The Wise-man received a telegram to come home at once pa account of sickness as he did not have enough money he telephoned the Iow Ioan company, corner Pearl and Broadway and waa able to catch the first train home. If It la money you a ant pee tbern. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Mlsaea Dntrher and O'Harsv Enter talned Corona Club Wednesday. Mrs. Milo Smith la visiting relatlvea In Atlantic, la. , Miss Bee Oliver Is visiting relative in Colorado Springs. Dr. L. L. Poston (s visiting relatives at Brookfleld, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Annls are sojourn tag at Pueblo, Colo. Miss Agnes Drake has gone to Ithaca, N, V. to spepd the summer. Mrs. N.'M, McCreedy left Friday to Visit relatives at Connersvllle, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Lorlng are spend ing a month at Pueblo, Colo. Mrs. Rose Martin left last evening for Mra A. D. Van Horn left Thursday to visit relatives at Decatur City, la. San Francisco to visit relatives. Mra Charles M. Harl has gone to Col orado for a visit of severs! weeks. Dr. F. W. Houghton left Tuesday for a trip to Colorado and the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rosenfeld left Thursday for a month's aojourn at Spirit Lake. Mrs. T- C. Leffer has gone to Hot Springs, S. D-, for a sojourn of two months. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilklns and daugh ter left Tuesday to visit the Sesttle ex position. Mra. If. D: Howard arrived home Fri day from a three weeks' visit In Colorado Springs. Miss Frances M. Mallery has gone to Denver to Join a camping party In the mountains. Mrs. Dan Siegfried of St. Louis was the guest last week, of Mrs. C. J. .St Dwell of Glen, avenue. Mr. and Mra p. C. Scott left Wednesday for a months' visit with relatives at Los Angeles, Cat Mra. Kate Harrington and aon, Rob ert, have gope to Minneapolis and St. Paul to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Caldwell, 224 South First street, are home from a visit with relative In Crete, Neb. Mr. Herbert Rogers of Willow avenue will leave todav for a visit in Chicago and other eastern cities. Mrs. J. W. Bel of Fifth avenue has as her guests 'Mrs. Richard Klbel and two children of South Bend. Ind.. Mrs. Q. T. Martin will leave today for Chicago ta Join Mr. Martin for a month's visit with friends in that city. v Mra George Avery of Sioux City was the guest last week of Mrs. W. L. Doug lass and Mrs. William Coppock. Mr. and Mra. . E. Morehousa of Frank street left Wednesday evening for Madison, Ind., where they will visit relatlvea Mr. and Mra. Henry W. Voss, 211 Scott street, left yesterdsy for Little Rock, Ark., where they will visit relatives. Miss Harriet Judge accompanied by her nephew. l;aymond Ingolsby, left Monday for Plnesvllle, Ky., to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Moran of Salt Lake City were guests last week of Mr. Moraa's sister, Mra Mary Monroe, of Fifth avenue. Mr and .lia. Oeorse A. Husse Irft Wednesday for a trip through the nortli wt, stepping at Portland and Seattle. Mra. Howard B. Evana of Oklahoma City la the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra. C. M. Bcett, 131 North Second street. Mlaa Oortrude Davenport Is spending the summer with her parents, Colonel and Mr. W. J. Davenport at Boulder, Colo. Mr. Max AJlaman af Atchison, Kaa., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walt era at (heir home on Wllltow avenue this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson have gone tu Montreal, Can., aud Mill kptnd some time In the Thousand Islands before returning.. Mr. and Mrs H. A. Doner left Frldsy for a two months' trip to the Pacific coast. Including a visit to the Seattle ex position. Mrs. K. A. Williams and dausbter Maud of South First street left ynterday for an extended visit with relatives and friends In Nebraska. Miss Nellie Moore entertained at ' I o'olork breakfast at the Orand Hotel, Thursday morning, covers being, laid for. twelve guests t JW ice Ilia I n I'll, vi niLiiiPvn, Kan., was tbe auest last week of. Mr. aoa Mrs. Jerry Walters at thekr cottage at Lake Manawa, Mias Ida Solomon left Friday for Lu. Angeles and other points In California, where she expects to spend the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ford announce the engagement of their daughter. Olive, to William J. Frohardt, tha wedding to take place this month. Miss Ella M. Stelnbach, superintendent of the Jennie Kdmuniison Memorial hos pital, left Thursday for Houghton, Midi., to visit relatlvea. ' Dr. A.- P. Hanchett Is home from the east, hut Mrs. Hancjiett will not return until later, having stopped to visit rela tives In MJchlgan. Mis. Stella Gilbert haa gone to Helena, Mont., to visit her sister. Hefore return ing she will visit the Yukon-Alaska ex position at Seattle. Miss Minnie Helm of New York City, who was the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. P. 1. Brown of North Twenty-seventh street, left, Tuesday for her home. Mra. Marls Fleming and daughter, Mil dred, are guests of the former's father, Colonel V. F. Raker. Miss Mildred will remain here until fall. Miss Dora Murphy had as her guests last week Miss Ellen- Dohson and Miss Ills Ware of Lincoln, Neb., and Mlfcs Fiances Klots of Avoca, la. Mrs. A. V. Brush and Miss Kitty Dullard left Tuesday for Canton, 8. D., where Mrs. Brush will spend the summer. Miss Bullard will return home thin week. Miss Nina Children left Tuesday for a trip through the Yellowstone park and a visit to the Seattle exposition and other Pacific roast polnta. . . . Miss Marrlon Tyler was hostess at a din ner given Friday -evening at the Country club, Omaha, there being a number of guests from this city present. Mrs. Frank T. True and Mrs. James W. Mitchell will entertain Monday morning at the home of Mrs. True on Second avenue for Mrs. M. Fleming of Chicago. Mra. E.. fl. White, and two children of 717 First avenue will leave todav fnr Colorado to spend the remainder of the isummer among tne mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould and daughter of Kansaa City were guests last week at Mr. Gould's parents, Mr. and Mra. George M. Gould of North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hewlette have closed their theatrical engagements tu? the sum mer and are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mr8. Frank Snyder on Avenue G. ' Miss Edna Orcutt is visiting In Anita,-la. Mrs. Allen W.. Tyler of Oakland avenue and children left Thursday for Colorado Springs to spend tha remainder of tbe summer- - , The i Misses ' Charlotte and Gertrude Dryden left yesterday for an extended trip. They will visit St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ta coma. Seattle and other points of Interest on the -Pacific coast The Misses Mildred and Nora Herr. 903 Avenue A, will leave today for Brooklyn, N. Y., and other eastern points. They expect to return by way of Toronto and other Canadian points. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Tlnley left Tuesday for Baltimore from where Mrs. Tlnley will go to Virginia to spend ti e summer at her old homa.Mr. Tlnley is expected home the early part of this week. Mrs Ev A. Wlckham entertained six guests at an automobile party Thursday afternoon, after which they rode to Omaha, where they were entertained at dinner at the Field club. Mra. Jerry Walters entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner Monday at Idle Hour cottage at Lake Manawa, In honor of her guest. Miss Nina Marie Balcom of Atchison, Kan. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Smith have gone lor an extended trip to the Paclrlc coast. Mr. Smith will attend the grand lodge of Elks at Los Angeles. They will visit the AluNka-Yukon exposition before returning. Miss Hasel Hannan was hostess of a prettily .appointed dinner Tuesday evening at her home, 605 Second avenue. American flags and Fourth of July. decorations Were effectively uxed In the dining room. Covers were laid for fourteen guests. Mrs. A. M. Bonham, 220 Harmony street, left Sunday for Grand Junction, Colo., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Clara Snodgrass. From there she will go to Oitden. Utah, to visit Mr. and Mrs Aleck Glenn before returning home. Mr. Bryan E. Woolston left Thursday for Harrlston, unt., where on July 14 he will be married to Miss Laurel F. Darch. Mr. Woolston and bride will I'lurn to Council Bluffs about August 1 after a wedding trip In the east Mrs. J. W. Bell of Fifth avenue enter tained at bridge Tuesday afternoon, com plimentary to Mra. Dan Siegfried of St. Louis, who Is the guest of Mrs. C. J. Ktilwell of Glen avenue. At the close of the game a course luncheon was served. Mrs. Annie McElrath of Okaton, S. D. who Is visiting her parents. Rev. an-Mrs Henry DeLong, will leave today on a trip to California. She will be accompanied as far aa Salt Lake City by her uncle, Mr. Albert DeLong, who haa been visiting his brother here. Mrs. V. MeConnell entertained inform ally at "500" Friday afternoon at her home, 607 Willow avenue. Five tables were used in playing, the prize for the highest score being awarded to Mra. Roy DeVol. At the olose of the game a luncheon was served In the dining room, which was pretty with summer flowers. - Mrs. Karl Kjhrer was hostess of the Phlle club Wednesday afternoon at her home on Harrison street. The afternoon was spent In playing bridge, there being twelve guesta present. Mra. Towusend was awarded the prise for the highest score. At the close of the game a course luncheon wa served. The club will be entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Katharine Warner, 117 Glen avenue. Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Starr of Wlnnetka, 111., who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tyler during their brief stay in this city, were tendered an informal yet none the less delightful recaption Wednesday evening at the Tyler home on Sixth ave nue. A large number of the members of St. Paul's parish were present to greet their former recter and his wife. Rev. and Mra. Starr returned home Thursday. In honor of Rev. and Mrs Homer Worth Ington, Starr of Wlnnetka. . III., Rev. John William Jones, rector of St. Paul a Episco pal church, entertained at dinner at tlsr Grand hotel Tuesday evening- Covera were laid for Rev. and Mrs. Starr, Miss Haxnl Hart, Miss Theresa Klnxel, Mr. N. A. Crawford, Jr., Mr. Roy Allen, Mr. Earl Patterson. Mr. Perclval Mullls, Mr. Cheater fK ... , 1 ., . I .. k.i.ln.. . MAlnv ,4 IIW ICKUmi IIUFllllllJ wuoinrnn (llcr.lI'B .,,, keiislngion of the Flower Mission was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Heiscr on Glen avenue. Following the bUHlness meeting a social hour was en joyed. Twelve guests were present. Assist ing Mrs. Helser In entertaining were Miss Nina Meyers. Miss Helen Robinson and Miss Josephine Hixby. The club Is plan ning to give a "waffle" aupper In the near ruture. Miss Mate Baker and Mrs. W. L. Butler Kntertalned at a charmingly appointed ireakfast Wednesday morning at the home of Mlsa Baker, 42) North Second street. In honor of their sister, Mrs. M. W. Flem ing of Chicago. A four-course breakfast was served, after which "500" waa en joyed, there being five taMea used In play ing. Mrs. Lucius Wells us awarded the prise for the bivheat score, and Miss Jes sie A 1 w orth the sveond peine, ' Eighteen guests were present. . Wit Emma iHJtcher and . Miss Susan O'Haia were huatessea of the Corona club Weil.iefcdwy evening at the home of Ml.- O'Haia, 1017 Third avenue. The evening was spent In playing games. Miss Luretlu Wlckham leceiving tiie first prise, and Mu,s Anna KelUy the consolation prim. Miss Williams of Fort Dodge waa a guest of the club. At th close of the gume, light refreshments were served. The next meet ing of in . club V 111 be held at the home of Mies Edna Tracey on Sixteenth avenue. The members of the te1is' AM sooliy of Hi. First Congregatlunal ehurch war. entertained at a seiialnglon and tulnaa mceilna Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mra. K f. Wilson. ittJ South heventn etr-t. The biuinraa nieetlng devoted to the dlsruvalun of the a aye and meana of raUIng fund, to erect the new church. At Uie close of the meeting a social time During A DISCOUNT OF ;on the following; Alaslka ReSrigcpatops the great ice savers, 20 off. 1 in a variety of grades and weaves, 20. off. Porch IFopnitoFe I ' Gliding Porch Swings and Settees, 20 off. Go'-Carts A great many bargains in our line of Go-Carts, 20 off. Take advantage of these prices. They will last but 1 week. Petersen .& ScSioening Company 208 to 21S Main Street Through to Pearl Street 3 THE This Week's 4-- JJr, iV ' r We Furnish Your Home Complete. Cash or Credit. hi f it iri Toilet and - Manicure Silver at Manufacturer's Prices Many articles in Sterling Silver, Toilet Ware, both fancy and staple patterns, will be put on sale , ' Monday Morning, July 12th at a Discount of 25 This wil be an opportunity to add to your Dressing Table the requirements necessary for a perfect toilet. There will be on sale: STERLING SILVER HAIR BRUSHES, . MILITARY BRUSHES, PUFF BOXES, . TOOTH POWDER BOTTLES, MANICURE SILVER PIN TRAYS, VIOLET VASES, WHISK BROOMS, SVf f j ' I t' ' jr We have an assortment of broken sets and discontinued patterns in Toilet and Mani cure Sterling Silver that we will sell while they last for JUST ONE-HALF PRICE. We do this to reduce ptock before moving into our new location, 503 Broadway, next to First National Bank. . . LEFFERT, 409 Broadway im iWtrMrwr,'nMnin''',Mra,, C K W. f was nJoyeJ, light refrenhtnunu being an veil. Mi s Wilson w as ua.iBtcJ in emu - talnlng by airs. K. L. Scott and Mrs. Rob flu I J . . i., i itu out, nuv The next meeting of the society held Sjt the homa of Mrs. U. K. n Souih SUth atrett ertson. The Will be itowe. en A jolly lari sijtsnt the . week-end at the Latensrr cottage at l-k alanawa, the gueeia arriving Friday and remaining un til Tuesday, (he Fourth being spent at the lake. The hoots were Mr. Allen Iudl.y, Mr. Bovilby. Mr. J. H. Ulles. Mr. Ouy Orant and Mr. Sprague of Omaha; Mr. Will Ilichmond. Mr. Kumrorth. Mr. Van Brunt, Mr. lUlbh Walters and Ur. Ted iiazeJtoa. the coming week we HOUSE THAT SAVES YOU Specials Are the Bcstt.VataC! Offieiredi :.. Mission style weathered oak ' Pedestal for $1.49 JMHBaaBsaaaasaa Mission Tabourette le Dq Not Miss These Values We still have a few of tha Matting Cevered Shirt Waist Bexes, at . :.V S2.50 MIRRORS, I ! COMBS, CLOTH BRUSHES, TALCUM JARS, CREAM JARS, COLOGNE BOTTLES, SOAP BOXES, HATPIN VASES, BONNET BRUSHES. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. L. O. Uilaw, Miss Fanny Irteirlch, Mias ksam sl. Spaur, Miss lnes Huiincl, Mips Mxr- tuerlte (Jrant, Mix. Braela Orant, Miss ouise fliant, Mux It.anie Belirens, Mm Cooler, Mlas liaugherty and Miss .Rich ards of Lincoln; Mr- Bohn, Mr K.ldli Fearon. Mr. Vernon Brown and Mr. A. Waller at Omaha. Mr. Frank R Starr and Mlsa Henrietta Naomi Suuer were quietly marrle4 at t.3U o'clock Monday morning at 8t Ham's Episcopal ehurch. Rev. Homer Wort hi un ion Btarr, rx!or of Chiint rhurcli, Win aciaa. lit. and b rulber U.e Juiu, of offer 20 1C MONEY rijriiaJ T?1 cents Style for Every body; prices to fit every purse and terms to suit every salary. II II II flrlsted. btlng adslMted by R.v. Joha fA' 11 lUm Jc.iiei rrctor of tit. Caul's. The wed ding . .it-iid-d only by relatlvM of the brl.le uixl gruom ami a f Intimate ri mum. Alter a wediling breakfast it ut the ml Mra. lioine of the bi hie x parents. Mr. ar ti. W. I-.. Snuei, Mr, mid Mrs. .Htarr left for a wedding trip to Chicago ana the lakes. On their return they will orcu;iy fur the pieeent apai'linentx at the Henai'il. Mr. Mrr is head of the electrical lir-pni-tmtiit of the t'ltiseu' las and Klecirlc Oompany of this city, uhlle his I. rid. Is a graduate of the Council Bluffs High school - j ut the class tif UMt and popular lu a luwaja 'S .s.rll 'r. I"" . ,' -,'t 'ft ' ;'i t i i