Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1909, HALF-TONE, Page 3, Image 21

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An Electrical Sign Unequaled in the West
Xh eld Mrlnff. "8lnjr th town hr osllvht,1 hardly hold tnt
ta ttaa modarn dkr of laotrloal lUuminUoo. With th rapM 4t1P
oiaat of Uia poaslbUltlea of tlMtrlclty It ha ba pat to wM vartd
yxmmt, and not th Important bM ba ta rtroat mlg& 01mlxtkn.
Tbo prorrM aloes thia partlouUr lis baa In44 bn UtU
hart ot marvaloua. . .. .
Tk axtanaiva us o alaotrieal alcna ha dona Itta shara toward
maklor a "olty beautiful." It baa kapt paoa with tha many othar lm
provamaata aitd doubUaaa will oontlnaa to da ao. That portion of tha
alt y looking north and south alone llztaanth atraat. and aaat and waat
alonr Karnaia raaacnblaa In a f raai maaaura that at tha famoua "Whlta
War of Naw Tork city. With tha Immawaa alna bat a faw faat apart,
aEtaadiac naarly to tha treat's ad- thalr haadrada af alaotrlo llsht
(leaaa ahaddlns thalr brlUlanor, aonia danelna aad fllckartna; rapidly,
a aaautlfal apaotaola la praaantad. rrom a dlataaea thay appaar aa If
ona tnunanaa blaaa of Usht, whlla from baifht It wouM aaam aa if
thalr niunbar ran into uia tnoaaanoa,
Aa thla ayatara of atraat aUrn llTitln baa grown It haa avan
t to hiuidrad or worsmaa. umaaa baa aararal nrma that
do practloally nothing but maka algna of thim kind aad kaap thara In
fa pair.
Tha Old Dutoh Claanaar algn haa probably attraotad mora atten
tion la tha ahort tLma that It haa boon la placa than any othar atgn In
Omaha. It la linpeaalbla to paaa wltbia aavaral blooka of that coraar
Without aaatng It.
In about tha asm a mannar that a mountain allmbar would mla
Jadga tha diatanoa of a parapactlTa ylaw of tha valleya and rolling
rralria thouaanda of faat banaath him, ao It la with thla monatar lo
rloai alga. Without balng familiar with tha axaot meaauramenta of
thla baga algn, ona would naturally hasard a guaaa that It waa pos
sibly i faat la height and about 10 fast In width, tha olub with which
tba "Old Dutch Claanaar Chaaaa Dirt." to ba about 10 faat In length,
and tha remainder of tha aign far la br many feet than It actually la.
Juat why It should ba ralejudged la lnexplalnable, axeept that
there la praotloally no back a round on which to form an estimate. Hera
are tha actual maaauramantat
Complete alga 41x54 feat OTer alt
kUUoa to feat high.
Bhoee..... .. fset longs
Club 10 feat long.
Head f faat wide.
Forearm I feat long.
Width of skirt II feat.
Top af alga from aldawalk 14 feat.
Letters 5ft to I faat long.
. To get an idea of tha height of tha algn It la necessary only to
run tha aye along t ha top and compare It with the Henabaw hotel
building juat In the background. While tha hotel building la about
f if lean feet lower than tha alia of tha algn, tba latter towere aa high
aa tha 'fifth story.
Tha latter composing tha word "Old Dutch Claanaar Chaaaa Dirt"
ara higher than the average man. Each one of them la alx feet In height
and holda from fifteen to twenty-flva eleotrlo lights. Ona thousand
lampe of two and four eandlepower ara used In the ilrbminatlon, whlla
It requires ona hundred wirea to carry tha current from the power house.
Tha algn la deceptive from another point of view. The thouaanda
of pedestrians who have aoUoad It at night do fa with tba Impression
thai there ia aetna mechanical device connect e4 with It that aausad tfc
arm of tha matron to yove upward aad downward. Thla ta not tha oaea,
however, as tha arms ara stationary and, 1ns sad of moving, aa It ap-
peara, tha llghta ara turned on In aueh a manner to eaoae thla effect.
Tha arm ana olub movement la aocompllahed by tha us af what ia
known to electrical tan, aa a hlgh-epeed ''flasher Thaaa eleotrleal de
vices ara not unlike tha hundreds of othar contrlvancse uaed ta throw
the eleotrlo eurrent on and off to produoe tha deatred effect. Tha
"flasher" la operated by a fifteenth or sixteenth horsepower motir, a
arranged that tha light In the upper arm la turned off and tha lower
light flashed on ao qulokly that It fives tha affaot of a movable ana.
Tha general construction of tha algn waa carried out with tha ob
ject of making It absolutely aafa from wind aad storm. Tha skeleton
frame la built of angle iron. IHxIUxiU inches. Tha angle Iran braaeg
ara DtllHiU Inches. Tha algn la set on tha roof on at eel I beams aad
ao arranged that before It oould tip tha supporter would hve to ralaa
twelve feet. In addition, tha algn la braced from all dlreotlona, Insuring
Its porfeot safety. Besides, there la not much wind resistance, it being
practically all open work, Tha algn la conatnioted of galvanised Iran,
painted over.
In the Field of Electricity
enough electricity In ordinary batteries to Orleans to tha amount of M.4BO.O0O pounds, waters move aver onward to tha myater
llrht hi shop. and during the fame period of tlma tha loua ocean. Far as tha aya can see to the
Uka all new Inventions, soma of which Burlington railroad has received from tha aaat and tha west stretches the level fields
never become practical, whlla other revo- merchanta and shippers freight to tha and unbroken view. Tha train goaa rush
lutlonts ax 1st lug conditions, there are many amount of 42,498,000 pound. While thla eity tog along at forty mile an hour, and yet
aUaaUlalty of trao Fataur.
world passes
. -.,.u-...i -tk. improvement that will have to ba made, has prospered beyond all expectation, tha there seems to ba no and to tha vast grain
U, tha wall known scientists and powerful motors hare adapted themaelvea " :k " ' " "1 nvad rarmln oommunuy lnDalarJ' w " lu"1 ln un ln,m
-mT of teday agra. ,to an kind, of work to th.'ahop. offio. or SJSS .J! t '
lents to bouse tha visitors who go to Delta
to register, and I making plans for tha
drawing on a largo scale. Tha axaot ttma
for tha allotment has not been sat. al
though. It probably will take place soon
after tha tannel opening. Any person who
draws ona of thaaa tracts will ba able to
readily dispose of his land for sums rang
ing up to fc,000 for tba eholeer tracts.
The Otnnleon tunnel la tha longest of its
kind In tba world, but It is bard to state
In words tha vast amount of good tt win
aooomplUh. Certainly It la a work eC
which every American may feel proud.
that tha city of too future will borne, and tba largest factor!, from tba The apparatus contains absolutely
almost any dlreotloa from Orleans and you only Is possible for tha aya has no time to
ba aa electrical etty. WUa a
vary farw exoeptfcm all tba
saaatfel4 raaulraments for
speed and anonotny will ba met by
watoh-maklng shops to ha giant steal mills, win parts, bas no chemical action. Is wul not r,M improvements on every appreciate m. o.taii. ao mat in mind re
are driven by electricity. Motor applies- weather proof, and la claimed to need no Ida-farms, neatly cultivated; paatures, celves a general Impression of a panorama
tloas ara Increasing every day and It 1 attention from ona year-a and to another. w" fenced and Blocked; large, modern of marked Interest and variety. Whan a
estimated that within tha next fifty years with tha exception of keeping the glaaa dwelling having replaced tha pioneer aod man begins to regard, life aa ona oonUa
every Industry under tba sun. and nearly which cover It clean. The action la auto- and a large, commodious barn having ra- uoua grind, tha aureat ours for kla da-
-UJ. . h. ,k U work done by hand, will ba aleotrl- matlc tha circuit-D re ax er opening ana cios- pisoea uia enaca. ina larmer in in. i-rc. state oi mina is a ntue journey
urvT.h Oad. tog tha circuit whan tha voltage dropa ba- vicinity of Orleana who doaa not write his out la Harlan county. Out among new
eleotrlo oi T . taw that of tha battery or rises above 1U check In payment of his purchases ta the eights snd sounds and whars his borlson Is
Jts of hcrWtyapll toagrtoultura. ,JTZI7 . exception. Buch is tha remarkable prograaa broadened his mind stimulated, and his
. v. m w v ' -- xiflxiin vjouniy
alaotrioal power for light, power and heat The Oould and Harrlman InteresU hand- ,.,. tram p.,. Twn
a. tba farms. Tba farming communlUaa Wabah line at Pltuburg have (Continued from Page Two.)
wtn ftoorWl ander tha sUmulus of aa aKiM te try the ue of telephone for preached here la liTJ by Rev. John E.
electrified topaotl. and aa increased ao- dunatchlna- trains .n .k.i. Whiting, who held regular services In a
axpgfct tvJrl As? ntfWksTSkn nrAmiTaaal atlrttOt tOMA - . . rrw - - - ..kAAl ai tena-hi her
IT- " J J,- .v raiiroaa wora. with a view to doing away iu" " . , 7" the price af commodlUes or preying upon known, snd a large part af tha land
JTZZX L :'lh til- U'-'r Ua, 4 U W.SK ItT JteJ whleh fc r,ml aspsdsjly
oeaaea ara a"-" Bide Belt railroad, one of tha subsidiary Tn 1 poetotrioe was eetaoiisnea m f umtinf thtlI Ior0es for the com- .. ...,. . . ... ,
m.U on a amaa acala. h wlh T and F. A. Bl.yon was appolaud post. on ,ood for tb. ,.nerfti upbimnt "' W Tha
la the business of traaapoataUon. tha pnon BWvlc tfa of maaur. Tha flrat flouring mill was built of th -ty ud BurroundUlg country. This men ho " P"
alaotrloaUy propelled aaroplana will doubt- nlDg th , oy lJ- near the mouth of Sappa creek by Carl ub has dona and i. doing now selling off tha greater part of their
lose develop to supremacy for high apaad projr-a, 0rder, fcr y.u, Boehl ta 1171 At tha tlma tha town of much Xof 0rle4BB but lt h th. Und kteplnf tor themMlvM t(n, fltun
maU. aad parbapa paaMmgar aanrtoa. Tba th lraia alilp.lchar u th, J ' Orlaana was laid out th.ra was a grsat thllt flnd ,a mo.t town. of or twenty acres. Tha grower who realises
aieotrle gyrtop, will furnish atablUty for sent bv tel-ranh. nuh f W . ! T?? T Tha truth about th. growth of only $100 an asre off bla land thinks that
this device aad also for monorail, high wUI ' al ' J aU.nUon was attracted to th. little towa 0r,4n, u ,Q t M UrlW ,UM. .
apeaa trams electrically driven. The lo- ...- , . " " ' and It was but a snort ume oeiora aev- m-ntM . , lmnrM. th. M,mT Th. ., m . k ' 7 ...
mmaiim . i w -i 'w me eountry. ana i w..itin.. v,..i ki u, u - -
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity House
made by these wealth produoers la the latft heart beats are quickened.
few years. .
Tha reason for tha bringing Into exiat- UUJElIllSOIl TUHTiel
ance of th Orleana Commercial club was
not for tha purpose of arbitrarily fixing tvontmuea rrom rage one.
HE chapter of Delta Tau Delta
fraternity at Lincoln has just
bought for a chapter houaa th
new reddens , of Dr. W. N.
Ramsy, Completed last spring.
Tha houaa la of cement block.
contains twelve large rooms, and Is Ideal
both tn location and arrangement for th
use of a oollega fraternity. -
It Is located at Fourteenth snd R
streets, two blocks from ths university
campus. It has three full atorlaa and
twelve rooms and will house eighteen men
comfortably. Th Inttrior Is finished oak
on the first two floors and maple on the
Tho dining room, kitchen and water
heating plant are In tha basement. This
will enable tha large flrat floor rooms to
ba used for dancing purpose or as meet
ing room. Th upper floors ara oon
venlently divtdod off Into bedrooms Ea&
floor has a bath room. Th deal for tha
house has Just been completed snd tha
consideration was flf.tOO, Tba fraternttjr
a 111 occupy th house next month.
V.l.oT:. - - ubt that tt will 'J" nTun'lsTtha UwTba; to to ?u huy" Hr TtTh' T ""
aeWW H. ow. for t and "" aasuma any proportion. In th. Xo'Zl se.'a ."Tapldnd ,n D-t. county U
paeeanger aervloo. spring of UM th railroad waa completed . , . , ; . , , . , " ,mnB " 7
Whea, t-raphy ha. Uraady caaW - anda, train, war. put oa. Ths first TT.'ZT, VlTjOr- StSi Z TfJ,
to ba a toy oad tha city of tha future will Th.ra bav. bean many devicae tnvaatad "apapar here, as wall as tbs flrat on. .JT 'lV. A ' 7 ...
ooverad with a network af wtr for the storing of ta. ... published to the county, waa the n- . . ' . w-t -
Tba crumbled remains of th old sod gated was on of th factors which helped
as lt muses t. Wlralaaa Ulamnh, win conrsrtlns- it into alaetrirjtw ..k .v.. Unel. established to April, U7I, by W. C
communicate wll ail parte of tha world mo-alec trio compositions, ta Th currents Holden. la UM Orleans was la corpora
and wlraleee talaphooea wul ba uses for thus developed have baea of but Utile prao- as a vUlage. It bas continued te flourish oi an oocaaionat augout sear tne tunnsL
both looal aad loag dlstaao servloa. Bvaa xio4 value, aays Popular Mechanic, but a and Is now a thriving aualaeea point. wltnasa to th fact, thatth new order jn the neighborhood of 10,000 aeres of Uia
tta tranamtasloa of tha power eurrents wul Boton anglnaar haa Invented a machine During the last two years ninety-eight thlnga haa been worked and that th Und Is tn be glvea away tn forty-aar
bo affeeted through a-traleea. or tha atmoa- tt't u cJjD'1d convert tha aun's raya business building and dwellings have frontier Is drtvaa back all along th Una. frmcU, when tha reclamatloa awrteo
Pharta alaotrioal wave. Tha store bat- 110 'ectnoai energy airact. without the bsn ereetad to thU city, at a net oost vauey as u MVUUUwi nvr dsih started work tha government withdraw
terteo of tha future wUI be light aad com- UM tndita apparatus.
of pM.01. .Oa of thaaa buikUaga Is one reat grain belt where the pioneer has frora flllnf wtptntad landa and agreed
pact aad vary easily applied to vehicle "co ia composed or a large ef tba bast aad most modara high aeheo! ma.r, w v,nm sui tQ furnUn u ,80 urtd-Wolder under tha
and boats. number f plugs of a peculiar matal com- buildings to bo found anywaero 1a tha ted from It tha tribata of goldaa grain , d,tchM cnly ag water for forty
VkAallttrkM skaa tat fnau Im l nar mglaalal anJ . a.b.LAa. .. , mialanaiiAa as kiataa .
Ia th new alactrioal eltx maa wUI da tha ; 7!. . , ' 7 T 7 valley, xmrug ua panoa oi two years " ""' acres. Tba Und thus taken up ts to
thinking aad alostrlcal driven
v machinery bX" at ?Dl0.a4.x0Il!htoP rUM truotd flv. mOm of .Id- Out bar. all thtog aeatar a. grata aoa for o( k tt, ,0vem,t under tho
w. and that i"fh" "1 LIT walk, at a oost of M.000. At thla tlma food rson. a. th million, of th. aarth lotl,
th two TolT -,Y ,OUJ m "TTV, T , .v. " . 1. Is probabl. that tha arowd attecdlng
thla aitr with a aanltal of tMLOOO lavaatad. rising higher all tha whlla. Aad those who .t , , . . . . .,
- cmn" Jul aaTftrm of stssT lllnat eaa anawer tt wUI bMom rich. Far to th th drwln wUl unioedaaUdly big.
to eaclt M ' - jam ff.f. oiB Z?T TDZ, )Zl Th DalU County Buatnaaa aseoslatloa has
oy a vary few year. ago. whan nearly T7. alff-rno, MlMr(ur, c two aavty-v firm, ara doing ka-tn-a
a u won ta ia. wario, rrom .waapwg aAltt u,- .bout degree r
th Door to pouaaiag out hoiaeahoeg and a Oow of aurranL Tha voltaga
- ar -
f 1
t -K
Balls, was dona by hand. Today th ap- plug la. of aouraa. low. but tharo ara tit buatnaaa of ll.t31.aoo. Ia algktMa w rmmm..9t tit u -ill .aauira ax ljt aaoa
auolatloa a alaotrtalt te the workaday oeaaeoud te a sortas. aad Uv stora mvothg aaarehaadis has beea received at VM Msaiimean, waoa sueat
I tmr. bohs or dxlta tatj szxta; ax xjxcolm,!