Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 9, Image 17

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Hewaa and Cottages Coo tlaaed.
, J10 VARCT St.. room.
J J?0 B. pith St.. 7 rooms. Both new, never
. WxW-n nl mi atrtctlv rmwfrn
&47 Brandels Hide. Tel. U. 11H-
OMAHA Van end Storage Co.. ack, more.
tore.H. H. (roods; etorehotiee, 1120-14 N.
Uih. office lf Farnam. Tel. Dour lf-
A SIX-ROOM hnuee, modTn except fur
nace, looted at MM N. th St: paved
street and one block to car; 1?0 per month.
W. J. permody Inveetment Co., M N. T.
Life Bldg. Tel. Dougl 6101 or A-tCtt.
Capitol Ave.. . VSVt Capttol Ave.,
$2760. 0 N. 17th. 17.50. McCagu Co.
HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. nrkr ilk.
ELEOAN'l g-room flat, located at 19 &
rh, all modern; price, 136. Bern La, Brandtls
roR hinti
T-room, new, modern ttouee and large re
eeptlon room; hard wood finish, combina
tion fixture, eaat front, beautiful lawn; 704
N. 13d St.M0.
1-room, new, modern St Louis flat, com
bination fixture, reception room, hard
wood finish; 714 N. 13d fit HI
t-room modern Bt Louls flat, reception
hall, combination fixture; Til N. 13d Bt.
1-room modern brick house; 1009-2011 Wil
li Ave !.
I room in apartment flat: 111 Clarke. 19.
I room In apartment flat; 1917 Clark
Bt 18.50.
4 rooma, 1734 8o. th "t. 110.
43 Paxton Block.
CENTRAL no eaual for eolld comfort.
all modern, 4 or 1-room flat. Apply 229
N. 13d.
HOUSES, flat. Garvin Broa. Ill N. T. L.
. 1-ROOM cot tune, large lot. Owner leaving
cltv. 631 B. 27 th St..
FOR1 RE NT 7- room modern house, 23
Sherman Ave., on car line. Tel. Webster
1743. J. W. Young.
MODERN Dunde home, I room, large
brrt, fine shade, nicely located. 'Phone
Doug. 1721.
JSIS Wool worth Ave., 8 rooms, modern,
2211 California, I rooms. 117. M.
2S10 Websler, 1 rooms, 12R.
1324 Ruggles, 5 rooms, 112 SO. Other.
RING WALT BROS., S06 8. 16th St.
3419. Indiana Av . .new 1-room cottage,
modern, t.
2313 Dewey Ave., new 6-room flat, oak
finish, easy walking distance, very choice,
nap for th money, 130.
ON FARHAM HILL, on corner of 13d
and Harney, new modern house, 4 large
rooma, oak finish, fine mantel, tiled bath;
nice lawn; to tlrat olss tenant only 140.
ERNEST SWEET, 61 N. Y. L. DOUQ. 1471.
FOR RENT room house, all modern
3811 Capitol Ave. Tel., Doug. 1911 or Red
irrvTTat7a . In all carta ot th cltv
XiW UUUk) Crelih Sons A Co.. Bee Ride.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded;
cheap freight rates; moving and storing.
Expressmen' Delivery Co. Tel- Doug. Hi.
3T7 PACIBJC ST., l-room thoroughly
modern house, oak linisn. tu. A. u. uiuck.
m Be Bldg.
MAOQARD Van Jk Storaae Co. Tel. Douc.
149. Vf guarantee moving, pianos, house
hold good.
4-ROOM cottage, 1610 Charles, 130; water
rent paid: modern except heat; fin sur
roundings, paved street Tel. Webster 2&M.
HOUSESMPeter Trust Co.. N. T. L. Bldg.
SIX room, brick, modern; U20 Maple.1
A MODERN, C-room brink house, Ull No.
28d St.; 2& pr month. 'Phon Harney 980.
4-ROOM, city water, barn. 1511 No. lth
BCAROO 81k-, South Omaha, ftO N. 14th,
Hall. 4n Kama uiif.; both phone.
tiOO-ttll S. 16th St.. room 32x0 ft., all In
best of repair, Including new modern front,
and steel celling.
1126-1411 Howard St.. room 22x00 ft., good
basement, new front and general repairs
will t made immediately.
N. W. corner of 16th and Jackson St
very attractive store room. 12x60 ft., large
how window ot both 16th (tract and
Jackson street, new expensive front Just
completed. Good basement, heat furnished
Lease I to I year at a reasonable rental
UKOHQ& CO., lam Farnam St.'
Desirable office. Karbach Blk.; IS Doug.
Id and 4Ui flour Webster-Sunderland
building, new entrance on Howard Hi.
large, light office, heat and elevator aer
vice rurnisneo.
?Thes office ar especially desirable fo
ladles tailor, wholesale jeweler, light man
ufaoturlng and similar line. Rental very
OW'OEOROB eV CO., 101 Farnam St.
, , . COME IN
And see th ground floor offlo we now
hav for rant facing Farnam St. Get In a
cool office for th summer, tJO.M per mo.
We also hav some other smeller offices
In the U. 8. National Bldg., 13.26 up.
Ground Floor, 1301 Farnam 8t-
.Desirable office In Continental block.
309 First National Bank Bldg.
Telephone Douglas T23.
Near 16th and Leavenworth St.
'Substantial 1 story and basement brick
building, 44xt6 ft., large elevator, fir proof
basement, well arranged shipping room,
lease about three year. Attractive Office
on ism t. rtentai Ilt per month.
, 1O8-I10 JONES 8T.
Well constructed warehouse. I stories and
basement, 44x112 ft., or about IS.000 square
leet oi jiowr pac. year at 1360 per
GEORGE 4V CO.. 1601 Farnam 8t
- farslUr.
So! Id oak case, made by the Library Oi
reau Furniture Co. This Is exceDlionallv
well eons true ted office furniture and will
last a UfsUm. Call 13 ee otfic. 17th and
MOSTLY new, dining roorq, parlor and
ted room furniture; a! bo Chlckerlug
Colonial mabogany piano, reasonaoie,
ZMi South aid Bt.. Central boulevard
FOR SALE Typewriter, Buffet, Bird's-
eye Maple uresser gnu nuionier ne
(rlaerator. Gas Range. Sewing Machine
Parlor Set and other furniture. No.
Uih- &U l
UPRIGHT PIANO 150. Round Dlqlng
Table, Gas liens. Beds,. Dresser and
other furniture. 13 No. 16th Av.
M Isee 1 la ee s.
DPTOS at out prices, freight paid on all
HO orders, retalogue free. Sherman e
' WeOonnell Druii La.. Omthi. Nh-
Gigar Stand Fixtures
Consisting of three show cssee. on larg
wall case, with eliding glat doors, two
counters about fifteen feet long, will be
old cheap for casn. Apply Bee bulldln,
cigar store, inn ana rsrnatn. "
FOR SALE New and Ind-hand billiard
and pool tables. We lead the world In
cheap bar fixtures: easy payment. Urun
wlcUalk Collender. 407 U. 10th St.
FOR SALE Cord wood. bass, cottonwoo.1
and oak. 12 a cord; 1 mllea north of Krug
park and i mile from railroad track. Ap
ply A. V, liranaeie, nrtnam tores.
FOR : SALE Howling elleys. flv sec-
tlct a I, No. 1 aueys. wiia simpiea pin spot
tera, 'ueed one sttu; will 11 cheap.
Writ William Iercn. oioux iity. ia-
' FOR aALK-Caa reejtataw aad saia. Ad
rM J 4l4 car sk
(Continued )
Save One-Half on a
During July r nciallv pricing alt our high grade, llhtly-ueed and genuin
rebuilt typewriter. These machine are to all practical purpose equal to new
ones, and are covered by our two year" guarantee. We Hat below aome of our
especially good bargain:
NO. I REMINOTON, Improved, tnorougmy rtDUiii
NO. REMINGTON. 10 model, ueed only few week
NO 1 MONARCH, VISIBLE, thoroughly rebuilt, perfect condition,...
NO. 4 JEWETT, slightly ueed. A-l condition
NO. I OLIVER, thoroughly rebuilt, very beet condition
NO. 4 UNDERWOOD, thoroughly rebuilt, A-l . condition
NO. K BLICKENCDERFER, slightly used, like new, (140 machine)
NO. ( OLIVER, tabulator model, used only few week
NO. ft DENSMORE. (1100 machine), equal to new
PORTAL, lightly ued. like new. ( machine) ...
NO. 4 SMITH PREMIER, thoroughly rebuilt, very beat condition
NO. 1 SMITH PRFMIKR. trlchrome ribbon, 1908 model
NO. I NEW CENTURY, thoroughly rebuilt. Ilka new
ROYAL, STANDARD VISIBLE, used only few week
MANHATTAN, (like Remington), thoroughly rebuilt
Mn 9 MONARCH, hack (Dace kev model, sllshtlv used
Wa carry an Immense tock of new, slightly ueed and rebuilt typewriters, 22 dif
ferent makes In all, from which to select. Cash or time payments, or we will rent
a machine and let the ront apply. Call and inspect our stock, or wrlta for large bar
gain llt end beat offer.
B. F. SW ANSON CO., Inc.
417 South 15th St.
Established 1904.
TYPEWRITERS Any raake, all price.
old and rented, rent applied; easy terms;
shipped anywhere lor examination. rin
for larg bargain list and offer. B. F.
Ewanson Co., 417 S. 1Mb St.. Omaha. Neb.
thr Rnvsl Visible Typewriter. !&. You
can pay more, but you cannot buy mor.
A demonstration win convince jdu. i j v
wrlter Kquipnent Co., 14 8. 11th. 'Phon
Douglas 1368.
NICE nickel plated steel rang at a big
bargain. 214 N. 12d.
mono MEN to amok our clear and ahar
our profit. Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Douglas.
Tf vou Intend taking a course In business
enlleee. see us about a scholarship. We
will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad
dress O 85, car Be. .
FOR SALE Cheap. Al quartered oak flat
top typewriter desk, eight drawer. Call
the Smith Premier Typewriter Co. D. 1284,
FINE safe, burglar proof, good condi
tion; must be sold at one; located 2207
JOHNSON. INS.. 411 N. Y. L. . Tel. D. 16-54,
Dr. Katheryii Nlekolas. 50 N. Y. L. Bldg.
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramg Bldg.
twit BAt.VATION ARMY solicit caslofl
clothing; In fact, anything you do not need.
W COUCt, repair aim iiui
at n. nm nf collection to the worthy
poor. Call phon Dougla 4U6 and wagon
win caiu.
DRUNKENNESS, drug habit cured to stay
cured, under poaltlv guarant. Writ En
or Ramedy to., uepu v. oo., jiou.
mm TURNER, rraduat of Lelpalc, Ger-
many Conservatory of Muslo; piano lesson
cheap. Tel. Red boss or drop me a pomei
2674 Harney St. and I will call on you.
smith, joneb. BROWN and all other
rin HnA momethlnar of Interest In - our
profit harlng cheme. Tracy Bro Co.
atrs A-m Tit Wash.. D. C manicuring,
magnetio massage, hr. 10 to 10. 1711 Dodge;
ITCHING. dandruff, etc.. positively
cured.. Describe trouble. Dr. Chance,
Scalp Specialist. E-s syndicate Arcaae,
Minneapoll. Minn.
ANY lady wishing to be cared for In
private horn during confinement reason
able. Mrs. 8. C, Carson. 1810 St. Mary's
Ave. .
YOU will never "itoDurklckln" until you
drink Shogo Llthla. Green' Pharmacy,
phone Harney 68.
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. art and mole
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Ml Allet-der. 624 Bee Bldg.
Mineral bath, electric, vibrating and
Swedish massage. 301 Old Boston 8 lore.
PRIVATE horn during confinement:
babies adopted. Tbe Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 740 1st Ave., council Jilufls, la.
DR. EGGERB. prlvat confinement homa
1616 Martha St. tel. Douglas 6130. .
MAGNETIC Treatment.
Fmmelln Brott,
2310 8. 16th. Doug. 6186.
Prize Winners
far the week ending
July lO, 10OD
The names of another seven prize winners in The
Bee "want ad. contest apear below. Often it is very diffi
cult to decide just whose story is best, and some of those, "
who receive special mention and honorable mention,
might have been chosen by other judges.
It is very pleasing to know that such a wide spread
.interest is being tuken in the story contest. In hundreds
of homes the want ads are talked about by children and
their parents,' as to which one has the best story behind it.
All of the rtories, which win prizes, or receive special
or honorable mention, are a credit to any boy or girl, and
we are only sorry that we cannot print all of them.
The Winners:
Ftrat Prl Ella Fgan, 634 First Avenue, Nebraska City, Neb.
Second Prtie .daliue wrckoff, S07 North 23d ttt., Omaha, Neb.
Third PrU Yerna Kirtchbraun, fill South 21th St., Omaha, Neb.
Fourth ITtxe Anna Henrirh, Bo 826, riattmouth. Neb.
Firth Prixe Marjory tW.welt, 427 North Hth St., Beatrice, Neb.
Sixth PrU Marlon fenny. Sargent, Neb., ltonte No. J.
Seventh Prize Clarence Levi, 2211 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.
, .' ., Special Mention
Anns Miner, S0I4 Emmet St.,Omab.
. Mabel Janattn McBrlde, 151 T St.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Epthar' Splegal. 1205 N 24th St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Helen Andergoa, 270S Uaradltb A..,
Omaha, Neb.
Agnes 8wanboek. 2506 Jefferson St,
South Omnhn. Neb.
Honorable Mention
Elnor Stafford,
Webster St.,
Omaha, Neb. .
Tlllle Larson, Friend. Neb.
Grace La e son.- HOT Hamilton St. Omaha,
Tena Dorranc. Ill N 4 lit Avnu.
Omeha, Neb - .
Emtnett Hlcky, O'Nell. Neb. .
Ruth Rauch. Blair, Neb.
M. Myrtl Jeoson, III! Isard St., Oma
ha. Neb.
Susie Rosenblatt, tilt Chart 6t, Oma
ha, Nb. .
Careen Hathaway. 011 .California St,
Omaha, Neb. ,
Uaaal Wyckoft Far nam, Nb . -: "
(Continued )
U0 00
. 46 60
. 4R.00
. 21 M
. M OO
. 44.W
, in on
, r.oo
. 27 $0
. 17.00
. 13.00
. 41.50
. 24 .00
. 39.00
. 17.60
. 14 00
. 51 04
Omaha, Neb.
TTturwrnTFR. never used: Shole vlsl-
hlei will sell very cheap. Tel. Webster 1444.
liev. (jba. w. caviugw.
HALL'S sates, new, Id-band. 1811 Farnam.
treatment. Mme. Smith,
ALAUrnrAi.O B- 1BthBt.f third floor,
Tntino WOMEN coming to Omah
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's unrisuan association, inn ana
Howard Sts.. where they will be directed to
ultable boardina places or otherwise as- I
' " ' - ik. a m mn- I
i,.in. ik ttninn ViI(TtT
travelers aia.
MASSEUR, restures health, makes you
look nice and plump, remove nervousness,
put your stomach, bowel, liver ana ma
novs rn enod order: Imnrovea the blood ctr
culatlon by message. Have you tried It?
i. ni. j.
mMHHfl in rspn:it.ny mmuuii..
-A k..i,k ri. II At r)u HM n. KHS..
D. O. BARNELU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TIM.
WH HAVE on hand a number of Ink
l 7-
barrel which we win sell at 60c each. They
are fin for rein water or ashes. Call at
pressroom Bee publishing Co.
Second-Hand Boilers
We will sell two boilers that have been in
. m T ..
lie-norsepower return tuouiar Doners, s-i
Inch diameter by U leet long. They have
188 C. I. tnbe. 1 Inches by U feet, work-
Ing pressure 160 pound, per squera Inch.
Heat surfao 18.000 . aqUar feet. Grate
area H square feet.
W ar very anxious to dispose of the
boiler immediately and will Sell at
bargain, If taken at one.
THH BKiu huiluimu COMPANY.
I7th and Farnam fits.. Omaha. Neh.
SEND u yxur mall order for drugs;
irvipni aiu va fxv iqls- au jrore-Aiiiun irui
wo., umana.
THE Quality Press, artlstlo commercial
di Inter, hav moved from 111 8. 11th to
uis rtarney hl iougia seti.
CA8TLEMAN Printing Co., 1511 Cap.' Ave.
i w.. ..... M.ih. r ia,h r-i.i a-.
. 1 1 J J 1, L. tin u .III rU .1. ...
...,-.. .......... ...... v.ri.v. .w.
YAFFE PTG. Co., 107 Boston Store Bldg.
WATERS PRINTING CO., 623 S. 11th St.
HOLLAND Printing Co., 117 8. 17th Bt.
tin tn iio 00 miita nromnilv 9. n. Wuri
Wead Bid., 11th and Farnam.
Prlvat money, 1600 to 15,000; low rata
to loan on
Omaha Business Properly.
Room 1. New York Life Bldg.
GARVIN BROS.. HI N. Y. Life. 1M0 to
tzuu.uuv on improves, property. lo delay.
WANTED City loan and warrant. W.
Farnam smith 4k Co.. 1120 Farnam St.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co,
WANTEP-Clty loan. Peter Trut Co,
Orlo Phebus, PUttgmouth, Neb.
Virgil Stouffer, Fullerton, Neb.
Ira Woodrum, 1244 South 14th fc.t ,
Omaha, Neb..
Madeline Cohn. 1302 Patrick Ave.,
Omaha, Neb.
Mabel Janette Miller. Fairmont. Neb.
Katherlne Roblnton. 2111 Maple St.,
Omgha. Neb.
Lull Mae Coe, BozS, Florence, Neb.
A. Marguerite Mark, 2011 Spencer Bt
Omaha. Neb.
, Ua Fox, 1101 Charles St , Omaha. Neb
Helen Hauck. 1616 Lotttrop St.. Omaha
Agne Lundoerg. rremont, Neb.
IUIr Jjoiumaer, its BOin lUin Ml..
boum umana, iNeo.
Erth A ataVl'ev Caihon Neb
.vm.A r?:?forT!. St.
w.h. M.k
lorothy Batten. 1317 K St . Llnroln, Neb.
Uall E. MOWara. 4I22 Capitol AV... Onta-
na, JNeo.
trma, Lodg roi. ND ,
Mortgage Loans
' I daair to announce to home owner and
home btlllders of tbd citlee of Omaha and
South Omaha, that 1 am prepared to loan
money on residence property at the same
rate that the building and loan associations
pay their depositors lor the use or ine
monev they are lending, thereby effecting
a saving to borrower of the exinnee of
miniflni and maintaining null.llr.k- and
loan eseoclatlon. No commission I charged
for making loana, only a nominal eum is
required to .cover expense of recording
mortgage and examining ahetract of title
Privilege aranted borrower to Day IP
I per cent to JO per cent of the principal on any
Interest date. Interest payable semi-an
nually. Ail satisfactory loans are renewed
at maturity.
W. H THOMAS. 60S First Natl. Bank Rldg.
Telephones Dougiaa IMS, ina. a-ims
IMP TO ttln on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Rear Estate Co.. 1001 N. T. Ufa. Doug, or
SECOND MORTGAGE loan negotiated.
Apply Rooms 417-11 First Nat l Bank) Bldg.
Bell Phone Douglas 121&.
LOWEST RATES Beml. Brandels Bldg.
WHEN you reply to advertisement which
appear In theee want Ad. column ginaiy
mention the fact that you saw tneir aa-
WHO haa a good six or seven-room
house they want to sell? Addreas F 11L
car .of Bee.
WANTED Two or three sections good
western Nebraska land. Want description
and lowest cash price.
320 8. 17th St.
CASH for urooerty. any kind, anywhere.
If you want to buy, sell or exchange, ad
dress Northwestern Business Agency,
Minneapolis, Minn.
WE HAVE BITTERS for a l-room house.
a 4 room house and a couple of vacant lots.
Suite 624 N. Y. Lire Bldg.. omeha.
Phone Red 199, Open evenings.
BEST nrlce oald f r (econd'hand furni
ture, carpets, eiotne ana snoes. jsi. uoug,
BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture,
stoves Wm. Rosenblatt. Tel.
Dougla 5401.
AUTOMOBILE Will trad first-class im-
proved ranch property and tak in trade m.i k standard
u. '.. . i...
.III, 1 1 1 kuii'iliivii k . . v. u v
model. B. G. Brockway. Laurel. Mont,
I. niKTCn A. Munv n, T AAv-mcnA
Double Wum, Double - uyunaer l wenty
,"rB,'-'0er osa ani"e. uur
ill care Bee.
10,000 acres of land In one body In Ne-
orasxa airect rrom uwners. Must do rooa
. . , . . , , , .,,.
riu lanu BIIU wiiiiiii ins Bin mil. , nm
210 Be Building. Omaha, Neb,
-,. , , ,a. ,rne oompanle. The Putnam
tlinUPOT n.(A.a , .4 Snm I n .. - n n -nl I .
, 'nm n UU X . V I I f
' "
WANTED 100 or more strong second
hand chairs: must be In good condition and
cheap (or spot cash. . uackiey Bros., m M
let n u ,
I nrivrcin ...iv -...- -. Jt - -
n . suuu
curlty. Anwr at onca. Address H 86, car
CUSTOMERS of. prominent lobbing house
in Omaha aska them to secure for them
a loan of 112,000, on gilt dg real estate
ssouruy; i to ft years, good interest rat
ouerett. rreters loan irom private sour.
lit interested aaaress jr-140, car wee.
I .
low on isu acre improved Colorado leno.
Gilt edge ecurtty. Address. K8, Bee.
WE are getting inqutrt for well located
housea Must have sole aeenov. Nowata
Land at,d Lot Company, aiilt 624 N. Y.
Lit Bldg. Phon Red. wra. omana, o.
FURNISHED house, not over 1 rooms or
under 4. Can. furnish reference. Address
8 17.. Bee.
, .
wanted To rent 4. 5 or -room nouss,
. - fimt. ht.ntlnn tn rflllanr.
I " w. -1 J
11 In good neighborhood and near car line,
i i vii I in tTsmauiiaouiVa nriit uvnniui J
Ias. Address at one, C 91, care Be.
SALES manager; four year in Ne
braska." IS years with present company
exDrienced In handling men and oolleo
tions; would consider change. Beat of
I riei enoes ana interview pueeiuie may
I time. Address A 69, tiee.
WANTED By young . lady, position a
I cashier or offlo work. Addreas H. ' Be
office. South Omaha.
Charles C. Huffstetter and wife to
Flora M. Funkhoueer. lot 6 and .
block 1. Ames place I L&00
Th City Trust company to Ueorge L.
Johnson, lot 16 and zv. block 1.
Clifton Hill WO
H. A. NobI and wife to C. P. Traver,
east DO feet south SO feet of lot 4.
block 14. fshlnn' addition
A. D. Smith and wlf to J. W. Holm-
nulat. DtrL lot 64. subdivision block
"A." Reservoir addition . 1
Harriet Moore to J. H. Frledel. lot
M. Weaterfteld's addition 200
J. H. Frledel and wife to Elizabeth
O. Westerfleld. same
Th Weterfleld Inveetment compsny
to John M. Westerfleld. lot 13. Mis
souri Avenue Place extension and
other oronerty 2 000
Same to same, lot 24 and 16. Waster'
fled's addition W
Annie I. Gillts to E. J. Olllls. lot (,
block IK. and lot 1. block' IS. tar-
Uiaae 1,W
A. 6. Huntington to W. H. Thorns,
middle one-half of lot 6, block 160,
Omaha .....: 1600
Joseph W. Maurer and wife to Llllle
w. Hunt, lot la, diock u, t.:iirion
Hill 1
J. J. Fltxgerald and wife to August
Joneechelt and wife, lot 17, IS, 19,
block V Harrison & Pattersons' An
nex 250
Sarah E. Strong to Sophia H. Sher
man, north ii feet lot 1, , block 1.
Idlewlld tlOO
Samuel Slmnnron to Margaret Adams,
two-thirds interest in norm w feet
lot V block, 3S, Florence 1,600
D W. Merrow snd wife to Sarah J.
Merrow, of eat 60 feet lot L
block 1 Horbach's Second ddltlnn.. 1
Mldeav Investment company to Mary
C. Ellis, lots. 6. 7. 1. block 1. sub
division ef' block SO, Albright'
Cholc J.091
Msrth S. Psdgett nd h"sbnd to
Paul Thomn. wV4 lot T, block "Q."
Lowe's addition .." 1,600
L'sbls B. Reed snd bu'bsnd to O. C.
.Wedlrk, lot , block 1, Alamo . .
Plata ,.,....'.'.:..., . 1
Wllllem J. Tr-mody and wife to
Anna Q. Pvdge, lot L A. H.
Sander' addition 1
Anns G. Savldge and htishand fo E.
F.- Learv. lot IS ,17 nd 11. block 1,
Avondala park 1
J. I., flott to Jummr Veak. nU lot 1.
Week 6. Ptter A Cobbs' Second d
dltlon 109
Jrenh Plesk snd 'lfe to ejjs R.
Swoboda nart lots s ana . diock s,
Kounts' Third addition
flce of Indian Allaire, weening ton. D &
Sealed Drononals. for letting Districts No.
1 1. 1, 4. 6 and . In the Crow Indian Reserva
tion. Montana, for graxlng purposes, either
J under lease or by permit, will be received
at the office or ine t ommtssioner of in-
Idlsn Affair. Washington. D. C, until 1
I n m Unnitiv Anan.t ten
immediately thereafter onened
" ,h Pf blddere as may at-
tend. Map. .howln, th. legation ot th.
igiatricta ana an necessary inrormatloa
may db,.ihw u .nuauun o me
suprintenanj ci in. vruw maun ccnooi
1 t row Aivncr, MuRiaim. rv. j. Ti,r.r4
I TINE, Acting cmmislonr, ALt
11. 1909.
Netleo f tMkkolera HhIIsi,
To the stockholder of YnR MISSOURI
In conformity With the r-qulrements of
the Constitutions and law of the states of
Missouri, Kaneaa and Nebraska and th
by-law of tb Company, VOL' AKK
HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution Of
the Board of Director, of The Missouri
Pacific Railway Company duly adopted at
a meeting of said Board on the lath day of
May, A. D.. a meeting of the stock-
holdera of The Missouri laciflc Railway
Compear has been called to be, held at .tbe
rflce of the Company, Room 7M Missouri
Pacin Building, in the city oi St. Louis,
m the State of Missouri, on the sixth day
Of August. A. D. IN, at Bin o'clock in ths
(1) For th purttos of exnslderlng a Con-
trsot and Articles of Consolidation bearing
date the lth day of May, neretofur
madr and entered Into he and on behalf of
Th Missouri Pacific Railway Company and
th following named corporations by oroer
V their respective Board ol uireotors:
he Kansaa and Colorado pacific Rail
way Company, a consolidated corporation
f th 8tate of Kansas;
Th Central Branch Railway company, a
Consolidated corporation of th Btate of
The Rook County Railroad Company, a
corporation or. tn mate or n.aneai
Tha Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com
pany, a corporation of th Biate oi
Kansaa, a corporation ot tn Uit of
svansaa; .,
' u.i.a. ri v mrA sviutti western wallwar
Company of AIlssourT. a corporation of th
elate ot Missouri!
Kansaa City and 8outhweiern rieiiwe.,
ompany. a corporation ot th Btat of
Th. rnpt Rmi t r.ntr. IMilVKr Mnr
pany, a consolidated corporaUou of th
btat l Knaaa;
KarroluIndKansa. Central Railway j
Company, a corporaUon of th Btat ut
Th Kansas Southwestern Railway1 Com
pany, a corporation of trie State of Kansas;
and .. . .
The LeRoy and Caney vaney it u
Railroad Company, a corporation of the
Stat of Kanaaa.
(1) For th purpose of voting upon tm
question whether such Contract and Ar-
tered Into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consonaatioa
consummated or whether each Contraot
and Artlole of Consolidation shall be r
i!L ... ,
it) To consioer ana vnie uvm in, annp
tlon of a resolution aoceptlng the pro via.
ion of ArHel II ot Chapter 11 of the Re
vised Statute of th State of Missouri,
1W9, and to authorise the filing thereof,
all a required by Siotlon numbered 1060 ot
such Revised Statute In th case of con
solidation vf railway corporation; and
whereby all or any ot said corporations
and The Missouri Pacific Railway Com pany
have agreed to consolidate in in wnoia,
and to consolidate the stock of the re
spective companies making such consolida
tion, ana; to ionn ana mase tinner m pur
suant to the laws of the Statea of Missouri.
Kansas and Nebraska, a new, consolidated
Pad f 10 Railway Company, owning, con
trolling, possessing and bringing under on
management all and singular th Una of
railroad and other properties, real, personal
ant mixed, powers, rignu, privileges, im
munities ana rrancniaea, oeionging to any
of th eompanle making such consolida
tion, upon the terms and conditions fixed
and stated by said Contract and Article
of Consolidation:
(4) To tak any other action in trie pre
mla.a. and to transact any other business
that may properly come before the meeting,
n .. . . . . , . I I . . . . 1 I J .
Ducn 1OnnAvl amu ai uviv v
tlon will be submitted to th meeting of
the stockholders so called for examination
and ovary stockholder attending will be fur
nished with a prmtea copy tnereor, ana at
any Mme before such meeting any stock'
holdi 'will be furnished with a printed copy
of such contract ana Arncies ox conso
lidation upon application therefor during
buslnees hours to the Assistant Secretary
of th Company, at th office of the Com
pany in the city or at. ivouis, aiissouri.
uaiaa, may setn, ivj.
President of Tbe Missouri Paclflo Railway
a . tr riT trr
Secretary ot Th Missouri Paclflo Railway
tlon of a .uramage uitcn. weaia .ntn
111 be received till noon of July 15. 1909,
at th office of C. E. Farley, secretary
Bancroft drainage district, Bancroft Ne
braska, fnr 100.060 eubla yards excavation.
Dltcn 16 feet on oottom, ft to iope,
feet deeo. 15 feet barme. .
Plana and specifications on rue witn o-
retarv. also with tha Towl Engineering
company, 811 Bee building, omana. Ditch
being constructed as per paragraphs 6598 to
6628, both Inclusive, of Cobby's Annotated
Statutes for 1907. All bid r to be ao
companled by a certified check amounting
to E per cent of the old, , The director
of the said Bancroft drainage district re
tfce rlrht tn retect any and 8" 's.
C. E. PARLEY, secretary. jyt-u
First Prize Story
WAN f EDPupll nurse at th"Doug lai
county hospital, 40Ui and Poppleton Ave,
Tel. Harney 447.
Ella Egan, ag. 14 years, (34 First avenu
and Seventh street, Nebraska City, Neb.,
, daughter of Mrs. B. P. Egan, ninth
grade, high school. Mis Barley, English
Dorothy Dot wath daughter of a very
wealthy and popular man, but she wa
very unhappy. Her mother being dead and
her fathir cros and cruel to her, caused
her to lead a very de -iai life.
Dorothy. In spit of her beauty and lov
able manner, wa never bright and cheer
ful Ilk th other girl ot her age
On day Dorothy was lttln at a win
dow In her beautiful horn, reading a new,
paper, which happened to be The Omaha
Be. Her eye strayed from page to Pge
until she came to the want ad page. Sh -read
th following line over and over
WANTED Pupil nurse at th Douglas
. county hospital, 40th and Poppleton Ave,
Tel. Harney .447. .
Tbe next morning Dorothy could .not
be found. A you may well know, sh
hd carried out the Idea which struck her
as sh read th abov want ad. . 6h had
gone to the hospital to do good and chari
table work among the poor.
Dorothy' father thought he would let
her take her tim about returning. And
hi cruel heart would not let him put him
self out to look tor her.
At last, Mr. Dot' health failed and, as
he had no ona at horn to car lor him,
he wa sent to the hospital. .Dorothy,
while assisting another nurse, wa very
much surprised when sh recognized hef
father. Mr. Dot was equally cuxpriaed .
when he discovered hi nurse assistant.
During Mr. Dot' Illness, his manner and
dlipoaltion changedT'very. much and b be
came much attached to hi daughter,
Dorothy returned horn with her father
snd they lived together tor many happy
year, which was alt the Tesult of on little
want ad In Th Omaha Bee.
. : i - - - - '
Illlwoi Ccatral
Leave, Arrive.
Chicago Expi-ese at 15 em lliifm
Chicago Limited a W
pm a ?;11 am
Mlnn.-Pt. 1'aul Exp hi. Ham
Minn -fit Paul Ltd allium a ? It am
Omaha-Ft Dodg Local. b :lt pm U:M am
lata Paelflet.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 7:30 am all 10 pm
Colorado Expreea ll:(0(m a 5:00 pm
Atlantlo Kxpres llfltm
Oregon Exprese a 410 pm llPm
Los Angeles Limited. s pm a m pm
Fast. Mall a lis) am tlMDHt
China and Japan Mall. ..a i W pm a t & pm
North Platte Lccnl a 1:11 am I l:tlDm
Colo. Chicago Special..., att'.lO am stflm
Beatrice A Stromsburg , ,
Local bl2:opm bl teptn
Vlley Local (motor via Cut-Offl M:oOm a t S pm
Valley Local (motor). ...a 6 S0 pm a 100 am
Hastings-Superior .......b 1:15 pm b t:M fm
Local passenger not carried on train
Nos.. 1 and ' ' . . .' ,
Missouri raclf lo-
rC. C. and St L. Ex. .-...a 100 am aT:O0ar
K. C. and St. L. Ex aUilipm alMpm
Cklrage Great Wester
St. Pa.ul-Mlnneapollt I M pm
St Paul-Minneapolis 7:Mm
Chicago Limited ,.. 1:10 pra
1:20 1
1 liana
St Louis Ex i .90 pm a I.Mara
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 1:00 am all:lt pm
Stanherry Local (from
Council Bluffs) ...b 6:00 pm btO II a
(kteaa-e eV
f, '
...a T:40 am . all W pm
...a 7:46 am .alO:M pea
chica-o iVI . ". .
...all:06 pm ail:J5 pm
Sioux Cltv Local a 1:4S mn a 1:11 Dm
Dar.ver-Chlcago Ex a 6 pm a 1:11 pm
Chlcsgo Bpeoial a .W pm a I 40 am
California-Chicago Kx.. a 8:05pm a input
Mlrmesota-Uakota E.,.a T:0u pm a 1:10 am
Twin City Limited a 8:00 pm a 1:06 am
Loa Angeles Llpilted...a 1:10 pro all 86 pm
Overland Limited all 50 pma Lib am
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7 60 am alO JO prn
Lincoln-Long .Pin ....a 7. Mam all Mara
Norfolk-South Piatt... .b 1:16 pm b&.JOpm
Hastlnas-SuDerlor b 1:16 nm b 1:10 Dm
teadwood-Hot Spring a 1:M pm a 6:0 pm
Casper-Lander a 168 pm 11:00 am
Fremont-Albloa b 6:Mpnv b 1:16 pro
Cklcaao, llilwaaki t St. Paal
Chicago and Colo. SDeo.a T: am all:44pm
Cal. and Oregon Ex a : pm s 1:16 pm
Overland Ltd.. :...all:4apm a 7:11am
Perry LoosJ. b 6:16 pm ' bU :66am
Chicago, Rock IsUtaA as . Paoiflo
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a l:10am' all:06 tun
Iowa Local a 1:40 am a4:Mpra
Th Mountaineer a 7:42 am a 1 66 kin
le Mulnea Local a4wprn all:90pm
Iowa Local blO:H6am b 1:66 pm
Chicago-Eastern- Ex a4:4pm al:lpm
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a tit pro a 1:46 am
Th Mountaineer a 1:00 am a7:Mam
Chicago-Nebraska .Ltd.
(for Lincoln) ,...( I:90tm a i:47 m
Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:20 pm a 4:30 pin
Okla. and Texas Ex a 4M)pm., a 1:00 pra
Rocky Mountain Ltd....aULU pm a 1.06 am
Lieave. ArHv.
Denver and California... a 4:10 pm a 1:46 pm
ruget eouna ex ....a tun pm a :io
Black Hills
.'. I JO pm a 4:10 pm
Northwest Ex
...aii MJDm a 7:0s am
Nebraska point
Lincoln Fast Mall....
..'.a I N am a 1:10 pm
...b 1:10pm alj:16 pm
...a 1:11 am a 1:11 pm
b 1:01 am
.va T:28pm T;Mt,m
..b 1:06 pro blO Mam
...a 1:11 am a 1:M am
Nebraska Ex.'
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local....,....,
piattsmoutn-iowa ....
..all:M pm a 1:4 pm
...ell :60 pm a 7:06 am
...a 7:16 am all ld pm
...a 4:10 pm a 1:66 pm
..ia 1:30 pm a 1:00 am
...a 1:16 am all:Wm
Colorado Limited
Chicago Ltd
Chicago Ex
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
Bt. Louis Ex
a 4:40 nm . ellrxo am
Kana City and St. Jo.alO:4Spm a 6:46 am
Kansaa City and St Jo.a 1:11 am .a 1:16 pm
asnilt vuj aiiu du :wpm
Chicago, St. Pawl, Mlaaeapolla
Pan ha .
' Leeve. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger.... b 1:90 am b 20pm
Sioux City Passenger.
.b 1:00 pm bll :66 am
Sioux city Local.
Emerson Local....,
Mleaoart" Faelfle
Auburn Local......
,.. 1:46 am 1:10 pm
..b 6:66 pm b 1:10 am
..bk:60pm bli:S0arn.
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, Sunday
oniy. a uauy except csturaay
Ideal Farm T'mpmr.
. . ....... .. . ,A. , f, - vir
Trlkata the Meneesy, at th First
Mas Wits Maw Was Some
- t" v.
Relieving that It I ertr lal than nevef, '
Mr. John P. Bradyi contractor and builder.
a bad erected at hN - voimtry hem.
Hickory Ground, ner Oardenvlll, Md.,"
nynument t th memoir Adam, th
first mn. ' ' .
Mr.' Bridy 1 a student of Mrf land hi- '
tery en a of theology aad world Me- .
tory, and h I glad that he has paid thl
tribute to Adam, at this time, for he wishes
to claim for Maryland the honor of erect
ing th first formal Wern'orlal t'o the' tlt
man oa earth. '. '"n .
Mr. Brady has f late seen so many per-, '
on raised to eminence In urh short order
that be began to grieve for th memory of
Adam. Th fear that Tbooot Raoaevalt
would get , filch n th Hall of, Fme be
fore a place had been leand fog.
me Mr. 'Brady realle that no' Urn .wee
to 4 unt' . ;.'.. ' ,;, ..
After; gpandlngf meb thought' upart As- ,
Ign for the monument Mri Brady am .
to -th oonclualon that nothing ccuto;' a
mora fitting than a plain Qure abaft'of:
concrete surrounded by a sun dlsV. - lie .
uperlntended th construction of the
haft himself, and had C. L. Woolley, a
local dial expert, place the dial." ' ,
Th work ws finished a few day ago, .
but the-formal dedication will not .be held
until pergtmraon time. , Mr. Rrady thlhk
that all nation' and' all rare am 'all
tongue rabouid b represented' - lle wishea
,to avoid tha confusion of tongue referred i
to In th Bible, and go had decided to serve
unripe .persimmon to all' who agsembl '
fo tha ceremony. No effott will b made
to - maka th vent excruelve, . No .eertlO
catee of direct descent will b required. I '
Without aaylng that ladle would not b
admitted, Mr. Brady wlphe th, occasion
to be distinctly masculin. He X no til--tentlon
at any ttm to erect, a! monument
to Eva. He aald mphatlrally that he
would not erect such 'a montiment himself
nor contribute to any such rnemorlal.
The monument bears twd dpposlta pan!;"
whlct read:
. . . . ' i .. . .
. . TO
ADAH. ...
In th circular form surrounding the sun
dial Is th Latin quotation: ."Sic transit'
gloria mundr." Translated Into English' It ;
would read; "So pane th "glory of the "
world." ' . :.' ., . I
Mr. Brady, who I B'.lll at hi wlnt?r
homa, I1T East Twenty-sebond str. et, saldr
"After all there I no serious reason whi
ther should not have been thoaiands of -,
memories to Adam. Some of us m:iy blame
him for th misfortune which wo get In
this world, but few of n wish that h,d
not been brought her. It wa kind of
Adam to com, first. He paved the aay .
and should be accorded that "homage whPeK-
we pay to pioneer In all fields. Thar
eema to be. glory enough to go around iq.t,
every one who ever did gnythlngi ad
many "monument, and Other tribute hav '
been paid tit men who neyer did. Knythlng.
"It has made me feel aad to aee everv
publlo cotrlmittce, or bdard leave Its. tjames
on th publlo building of . th' city, , 'W
cannot have a new school building without
th long Hat oi th school hoard, the biil
Ing committee and an- endlers arr'-er-other
names . tabulated right oat,-, on tha
front to mar Jts beauty, forever.'.: If It. Is
0 eaf to get ohe's name graven In stone,
I thought It was h'Sb. tim Adam-hAd,
something to shpw for having, been here.
Adam had a pretty hard t'me 'of, lt.'''l'
was 'eomethlng of a hero 'rtr" all. "jii'st
think of it t be here on till big eaiVrr
not a oul until Ev cam,' and tnen-1'. '
Her Mr. Brady Interrupted tha flow, of.
eloquence to ay tht he was hot' grilnjf 14'
back any mvvernent to, erect a: monument
to Ev. . - -'
Altogether Mr.. Brsdy'a tribute' to Adtrrt
ha coat him about 140. If every descend
ant would contribute In Uie am. mCfur'
be has figured it out that a worthy monu
ment could b erected td Adam. '. MA
Brady. does not regard his monumtnt ti,
final. H think ether individual: . cltleic
state and Adam ' gncestral orgsnlxatln
should le. py . their tribute. Baltimore
ua. , ! i . , '? V'.I 'I
Useful Addftiona t Slp thaiiMakf
4 Thesa Look L4k. Floatla ' '.,-
Derrick. - r- s -
,Of ay .weird devioe In naval warfare
the tower en, th, other- day y Mew:
Torker on th battleship Ohio In plac of
a forward rhast was the most astonishing.
Thos who spied th steel atructur abaft
or northeat of Stat en-. Islands rilng HO
feet above water fancied that ' part ' of .
Coney Island amusement 'outfit had got
afloat Or maybe Uncle Sam. meant to 'en
large hi revenue by collecting pennies fon
an official sideshow during the summer
maneuvers off New England. That th
tructur was a permanent and. useful,. If
nonornamentat, part Of the battleship could
hardly be believed by conservative observ
ers. A roarin artist aald that the tower
wa a deathblow to patriotism, for bow-,
could) a nation be proud ot -gallant ship
which looked Ilk derrick afloat ? .''
The navy sharps maintain that th tower
I a mast, being a modification of ih
letter to glv a better look n at th enemy
and to 1ve greater safety for the flra '
control yatm. It la mad ot steel tube
on or two inche tn diameter. Interwoven
and steel jacketed at th crossing with,
on-lnch ' steel hoop on tha outsjd and
xtra bracing of brons"trlpgr. There '
1 a firm foundation on the deck. Such I
th construction of th tower that tf th.
upper half of 4t were torn; away by hot
and shell th rest would remain standing..
Reached by steel ladders on th Inside
th top platform, iiau feet, i outfitted.
with telephone, speaking tube, com
passes and rang finders and haa roam for
fourteen men and th ordnance' -officer,--
whoa particular post It I to be In (lone.
of . battle, Ther I a rch.llglit on th
platform and three mor aearohltght ar
ptaoed at variou point below. A lfrnnf
yard I under th platform. The Ohio
following th example of Ih Idaho And
the Mississippi (n trying out th tower.
When th battleship roll In rough weather
It Is said th occupant of the tower feel
ilk a , cat whirled . by It tail around a
boy's had. New Tork Tribune.
' 'Agrala Agltetlag Good Heads.
LOO AN, la., July 10. -(Special )-As ex
ceaslv rainfall and heavy farm lead hav
put th public read of Harrison county
In, rough condition.' Editor J.. C McCabe,
nglneer and pioneer good road advocat
of western Iowa, baa again taken up the
movement to plac th road In a fin
condition a poylbl In part for th bene
fit of th (Hidden tourist expected to pas
through Harrison county, July M, but mete
especially for the benefit of th farmers