Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 16

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BAILEY 4b MACK. M floor, rutn. X. I08&.
TAFTS dental room, 1617 Dougla. St.
Pit FICK1E8. 16th and Farnam; h" a
good dentist; pslnlee strartton. 6 onts.
IN FAMILIES Mlaa Sturdy. Tel. Ind, A 2677
TFRRT College, mh and FarnamWtfc
See Monheit Treatment on ft. 1411 Far.
DR. HOT, IBOS FrnemJtougla.6T.
OanVJ cm
Enter now for complete training lit all
MmreuTl branches. Including bookkp-
""Sonh.nd. tyt.wrUln.ntieTaphy:
.iJ I arie. railway mall and all govern-
mint Tide sj.ctl Handtoi. catalogue
furnished freiupon request. Address H.
w uv. Wa.iA.nt Omaha. . Kmh. Both
Offlelal training school for U. P. R. R
. Telegraph Department.
Omaha Det. Ag'y., 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319.
SHAMPOOING. halrdr.lng, massage
and . manicuring; home appointment
ana m"n,Y"; oil, ZZi in.
furMA 4ratln: order work a specialty.
Lessons Tueaday, Thursday and Satur
day Filing dally. Children's classes
Saturday morning. Mr. C. C. Hungat.
' ft Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red MM.
At price, just a. other, charge for th. other
Tha West's Greatest Art Store.
k.i ratati nrlces. Buy direct from Im
porters; save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney.
"i ,... none, mi and agent will call.
. . ..,in. r-hin nt water enlors
month! M R Bmlf, Studio 36 N. Y. U
WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts
for all sewing macnines. uraa wc
Co., 16th and Harney sta,
CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best.
Only on office, l&l Jones kt.
TRUNKS, suit eases, traveling goods and
leather novelties; mgr. ciass repaimvg.
Frellng Btelnla, WO! Farnam 8U, Opposite
Clt Hall
Tele. Best work; prompt service.
MARINELLO-Consult the expert derma-
toloilst, Isabelle 8. Paul of Chicago, re-
gerdlng that case oi acne-oiacsneaa. an,
u.,:ri tn V.mi.iv will iri
It. Ho'bson'.' Beauty Shop, 1608 Dougla. St.
Entrance through Kern s millinery.
DOC RIBBON nail file, 25c. Haines Drug
Co., 1610 Farnam.
HESS at 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
' HENDERSON'S fresh cut flower,
from our hothouses for weddings ana dec
orations. Douglas 1268. 1619 Farnam.
MENT South aide of new .tore.
, ii ,.i - iui..
furnaces. Expert, on remodeling furnaces
to obtain more heat on a tuei saving oasiau
we install new furnaces, omana move
Repair Workt. UU6-1 Douglas St., Both
Ageats, Ueitas ae ftaleesaea.
WANTED A solicitor with horse and
buoy to drive through the country and
solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir
culation manager Th Bee ruuiiahlng co.
WANTED Hat and and cap salesman
m. -. . t . j . ... .-
xor .FiiiirA. iiu lunK. rvniuviu v I
braska preferred; also experienced. Apply
at once. Geo. H. Hetnemann Mfg. , Co.,
Milwaukee, wis.
WANTED Salesmen to aell country mer-
Chants: specialty line, with atrong advor-
using; noimay season opening; worth Mo
monthly net to producers. Ua 418. Iowa
City, la.
new nousenoia wonaer; li.wu soia since
March; on amall capital 15,000 a year easy
for either sex. Also want manager, for
aiatrict factories. ena stamp, for details.
tr., vox zzt, juigm, in.
SIDE LINE 160 mo. for an hour a day
carry sample In your grip; exclusive rights
every w to w aays new article all tern
tery now open. Harnett Mfg. Co., Mar-
quarat Biag., les uoines. ia.-
with established trade,
to I
represent milt
agents selling hosiery
ease lots only; tralght commission: give
I references. Doull Miller Co., 75 Worth
St., New York.
110.000 yearly. Write for free book, "How
Salesmen Succeed, and secure position
with reliable firm. Bradstreet Svnl.m
Dept. 35. Rochester, N. Y.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line: high commiaslons, with
110 monthly advance: permanent position
to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
WANTED Flrst-clsss sslesmen. with
established trade, to carry line of hoalery
for retail trade to sell by the case from the
mills; strictly commission; will allow aide
lines. Franklin Textile Co., 256 Church
St., New York.
SALESMAN, experienced In any line, to
etl general trade In Nebraska an unex
celled specialty proposition; commissions
with 131 weekly advance for expeneea. The
Continental Jewelry Company, Cleveland.
- SALESMAN WANTF.D On commission
. or 876 and up per month with expenses, as
per contract; experience unnecessary.
Premier Cigar Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
SALESMAN wanted to wll to grocers.
drugglata and con feet lonera; 1104 per month
and expenses. California Cider and Ex
tract Company. St. Louis. Mo.
171 PER WEEK Isn't had. la It 7 You
can earn that and more. We want capable
men in every locality to handle an honent.
atralghtforward proposition. Telegraphto
Mall Co.. 220 Broadway, New York
- Want to hear from every land and town
It salesman, general men, sub-agents and
club captains, especially the boys who sold
Arkanaaa Paaa. San Lou Is Valley and "The
Oregon" proposition. Pest ever and only
proposition ever harked hy the state; more
commission ana aonara wnere you now get oa expenenrea. inerousniv romp-'frit sg
dlmea. Quick action. Jack W. Johnaon, i20 gresslve and willing to learn. No others
Chestnut St., St. Louis. Mo.
SALESMAN for country trade by whole
sale house of 15 years' stsndtng; must be
a hustler. Thl. Is a good opening for a
man of ability. State age and all other
particular; commission and expenae basla.
M. J. Co., 820 Cambridge T.ldg.. Chicago
AGENTF Perfection noodle cutter; new,
lightning seller: low priced: big profits;
sample free. Forshee Mfg. Co , B 619.
. Dayton, Ohio.
11.20410 PROFIT maae in two months by
C. Nichols and his agent in Utah and
Ids ho; write tor proof. Want general
agent to open branch office n thl. .fate;
exclusive territory; cumplet proteclloa;
a me sing profits; permanent, . honorable
fcuelneea, Parke Chemical Co., Chicago.
SALESMEN Wanted: Wg money; ex
wnm . no jvnn
traits: bromldea; photo pUlew tupa, klo;
faames at our factory prices: credit given;
catalogue and samples free. Department
nuter Art muaio, ti v. van ourao, vni
a. i
Aareat ed tale
WANTFD Four- high class account .oll-
cltor.. good par- Addres. P. O. Box 611,
raria. in."
SALESMEN Thirty yesr' experience on
road enablee m to mat your require
mnta; big money; pleasant; all retailer.
New Specialty, Iowa Ctty. la.
yoit ran miki as to IM In few minutes
each day If you are reliable, experienced
salesman. Dept W L, cruver srng. v-o.,
'LEECH" vacuum cup sign holder; .lick.
to enow windows; all .toreheeper. want
them; selling Is easy; agenta make big
profit; o In 100 lots; 6nc for sample outfit.
Retails for $!.. Portable frame and Sign
Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
SALESMAN wanted, by Kansas City
wholesale house, to fill racanoy, experl-
--- . t A
enced ambitious man, one who n" '
to country merchants, standard good or
advertising apecl.ltles preferred. Applicant
must submit convincing proof of compe-
tency; fin. opening; position will pay right
man $500 a month or better; paying one
man now $900 a month. Give home ad-
dress, references and experience. Address
024 Midland Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
13 PER DAT and yearly contract given
Ia man nr woman to act aa our represen
tative In your locality, co-operative uuyi
era' association, Toledo, O.
WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substi
tutes for, slot machines; patented. ells on
sight for II. oa particulars, uisna company,
Anderson, Ind. -
AGENTS wonderful Invention. Big money
selling Cancheeter Incandescent Kerosene
lamp, burns with or without mantle.
times brighter than electricity, gas or
acetylene at one-tenth cost. Burner (Its all
standard lamps. Haves 76 per cent oil. No
trimming wicks. Beware of Imitations. Out
fit free. Cancheater Light Co., 26 Stat St.,
Dept. 61, Chicago.
WANTED Young men for postofflce,
ffi IVTim
and other
to 12.000.
Life positions. Government Position. Bu
reau. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Organlier.. good commissions,
Fraternal Social Order of Owls. John Tal
bot, Supreme President, So. Bond, Ind.
tlona held soon In Omaha. Circular 231 glv-
' Particular, a. to salaries positions,
"' ( examination., sample QuesUons
previously used, etc.. sent free by Nat'l
Cor. Institute, Washington. D. C.
CANVASSERS To sell Automatic Screen
Door catohea and checks; exceptional prop
osition; sample catch post paid. Zbc. Auto
Catch Co., Chicago.
NO more moth ball; use Cedaro In a
handsome aluminum box. Send for sample.
cieanene jo., Chicago.
AGENTS Fortune Makerl Wonderful
Self Working Washer; doe. the washing by
itself; runs automatically by water works
pressure; saves all the hard work of wash
day; new Invention; sales unprecedented;
ents wanted who can handle high-class
proposition. Exclusive territory. 1300 . to
per montn Tne E.,.le Mtg Co lo
rr- Cincinnati, o.-
WANTED Salesmen now residing outside
of Omaha to sell a general line of atrlctly
high grade groceries to hotels, farmers.
stockmen and other large consumers. Our
goods are guaranteed to comply with the
national as well aa all state pure food
laws. o investment, commissions aa
vanced. experience unnecessary. Liberal In
come assured honest, energetic men. Write
today for particulars. John Sexton A Co.,
'TOCn'n' Frnk,ln
AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our
I automatlo burglar alarm; sample 60c; send
for circular, and terms. Coiner Novelty
Co., a Greenwich Ave., New York.
MANAGER wanted, every city and
county, handle beat pr ying buslnesa known.
legitimate, new, exclusive control; no In
lunnci or Dooa canvassinz. Anaress
Cha.. Halstead, 43 West 14th St., N. Y.
AGENTS 90 per cent commission on 21
(radically every grocer and general mer
chant will subscribe; greatest monthly
trade paper published. Write Grocery
World Publication Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED Representative to handle the
Standard Dictionary, always abundance of
new leads. Address Funk Wagnalls Co.
44-60 E. 23d 8t., New York
AGENTS 183 per month introducing 10-
plece combtnMtlon dipper: experience un
necessary; outfit free. D. Thoma. Co.. Desk
Divlnn. i inio -
. - '
AGENTS Here'. your opportunity:
Household article, sell everywhere. Mr,
Hlrthler made 1200 last month o can you;
don't wait: atart now. Dexter Supply Co.,
34 Dearborn St.. Chicago.
AGENTS, salesmen and mall order
people and those desirous of Improving
their financial conditions, loin tne Mutual
Agents' League. Send 10c and receive the
latent and most profitable business oropoel
tlons, also three months membership cer-
tlflcate. two Issues Booster Magaslne,
per cent dlacount certificates, Agents'
Friend and other benefits. Send your little
dime at once and get on the right track.
Mutual Agents' League, ' 86 Plymouth
pi.-., fhlcaxo
i nrvT.n a i
town to aell the celebrated Triplev hand
h.m . wom.n. four hui for four sep
arate purposes, all in one. can be en
largecl to meet your neeoa aa you go along.
Write for terms and particulars of other
n,w patented article
Bro. Co.. Manufactui
New York.
iles. s. A. Diamond s
Manufacturer., 35 Weat 21st St,,
SIX good agent, wanted: tSS a month
each; write at once. American Aluminum
I Mrg. Co., Dept. A, Lemont, 111.
A LARGE corporation, with millions of
assets ana tne strongrst endorsements ever
lven any enterprise, can use a few high
grade auccesaful salesmen In placing Its In
tereat bearing securities, not mining or In
surance; small salary paid, but opportunity
given for very large contingent profits:
positively only men with good records and
favorable acquaintance In their respective
towns need apply. Address, giving refer
ences, experience, etc.. "Secretary." 423
Qulncy Bldg., Denver Colo.
to aell our orange, fig and truck landa In
10-arre tracts at Maenolta Place, a sub
division nesr Houston. Texas. This Is a
strictly high class proposition and these
tracta are an Meal place for a home. Price
1 an. acre on amall monthly payments.
I We give purchasers Immediate possession
and guarantee absolute satisfaction. We
allow liberal commissions and furnish
splendid outfits to responsible agents.
Sand for our Illustrated booklet. Magnolia
Lana Company. Muakogee, Oklahoma.
AGENTS Earn II hourly: aamnlea rrm
Jamea M. Cody. 2710 Dlckaon St.. St.
LrfMlle, Mo.
AGENTS You ran make OMlck sales and
big proflta with our new aelf-llghtlng. wind-
proot nocxei cigar nahter; everv smoker
buys on sight; sells Itself. Rathbun Mfg.
Co., Indianapolis. Ind.
TRAVELING aalesmen wanted to handle
aa aide line the quickest selling proposition
ever offered to dealers of souvenir nont
cards: a big money maker for you. Oart-
ner At
uenaer, t nicogo."
Clerical aad Offlee.
WANTED Young man aa bookkeeper
and assistant In credit department. Must
considered. Address I-1W. rare Hee.
TRAVELING Salesmen: Flour. $100; oil,
1126; grocery specialties. 15; mercantile
line, tllu, and many others.
Retail Salesmen: Two grocery, $40-166;
'n registered drug clerks, $76; dry goods,
-'tenographer. railroad. I7S.
Stenographer, law office. $75: out of town.
We also have numerous other positions
for office clerks, bookkeepers, hotel clerks.
rsshlera,. at salaries rsnglng from 840 to
176. If you are In need of a position you
should not fsll to see us or write for our
booklM ef particulars.
TZ1-H js. x. Kldg."
W ANTED A young man who haa had
experience aa r a shier In large mercantile
establishment or Inta bank. Beat refer-
encea required. Addreaa H 1U. care Bee,
- WK hav fifteen vacanclea paying from
i .u 10 . a in me following lines:
Stenographera. stenographers and clerka.
bookkeepers, reenters and rlerka out of
7a. town), collector, and solicitors. Call early
- jiwcy
Clerical aad Office. CSsatlaaea.
DON'T FOROET, our buatnesa la to get
you next to a good position. See ua about
the following AT ONCE:
MANAOER. branch house, small Invest
ment required, salary $1,600.
Contractor, hardware exp..- $76.
Bookkeeper and etenographer, $65.
Stenographer and correspondent. $69-$6S.
Cigar aaleeman (experienced), $76.
Stenographer, R. K, 85.
Lecturer (good education), $10.
Hotel clerk, out of city.
Young man, outdoor work.
Registered drug clerk, $75.
Exp. Insuranoe man, salary and com.
Stenographer (Smith Premier), $fiO-$CO.
Four oil salesmen, must ahow good rec
ord on road, $1,.
Experienced soap salesman, $7B-$100.
Our terms are reasonable, call or write,
sf:e US FIRST.
176-77 Brandela Bldg.
Farter? aad Tradea.
WANTED 8 good cornice men and three
tinners; steady work. 1724 St. Mary's.
GOOD horseshoer wanted at once, C. W.
Tharp, Fremont, Neb.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade:
few weeks required; best paying 'work
within reach of poor mam can nava snop
with amall capital; wagea iiz to azu weexiy.
Wonderful demand. or barbers. Catalogue
mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 B.
14th St.
CENSUS office clerka must take a civil
service examination; over 1.000 appoint
ments will be made; a chance for anyone
with' a common achool education; salary
f00 to 11,000 a year; full information free.
Columbian Correspondence College, Waah-
Ington. D. C
DRUG store and Jobs. KnlesU Bee Bldg.
TEAMS wanted. 17th and Douglas Sts.,
C6o per hour. Thompson-Starrett Co,
a FIRST-CI.AS3 bottler. Apply at once.
Mineral Springs Bottling Works, 724 W.
b way, co. uiurra, ra.
WANTED Pattern maker and drafts
man; steady lob. York Foundry and En
gine Worka, York, Neb.
WANTED Two good painter, at once,
steady work, good pay. CHarle. Mills,
Albion. Neb.
WANTED Engineer for brick yarda.
Monday morning. 13th and Frederick 8ta.
F. P. Gould dt Son.
MARKER and sorter, also w ashman, at
Hlnchey Laundry, South Omaha.
BE your own boss! Make 24 dally sil
vering mirrors. Anyone can do the work
at noma in spare time, uoomei ana sam-
fle free. o. F. Redmond, Dept. sz, Bos
on, Mass.
13.000 TO :J10.000 YEARLY easily made In
real estate business; no capital required;
we will teach you the business by mall.
appoint you special representative of lead
ing real estate company, list with you
readily salable properties, co-operate with
and assist you to a permanent success; a
thorough commercial law course free to
each representative: write for 62-page book.
free: It will be aura to interest you. A no
Cross Co., 81 Reaper block, Chicago.
ANYBODY Either aex can make 14 dally
all year raising mushrooms for hotels and
restaurants with my spawn in cellars,
aheds. boxea. etc. Free Illustrated Instruc
tion booklet, Hiram Barton, 328 W. 48th St,,
New York.
MAN to travel In Nebraska. Good pay and
tailor made suit free in 90 days; experience
unnecessary; reliable firm. Write for par
ticular. J. E. fticBrady Co., Chicago.
WANTED Omaha representative; control
staple line; large commission; position
worth 12.600 yearly to man with business
acquaintance or to hustler. Consolidated
Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Reliable man each county, to
represent eastern mall order house; 11V
weekly; steady employment. Clark, Co.,
nooonen, n. j.
BIG PROFITS Start a cleaning. Dyeing
and pressing business; no capital required.
Write today for our free book "Opportun
ity." The Florentine Co., Chicago, 111.
MANY YOUNG MEN find Ufa In the
navy attractive, with opportunity to save
money and get practical training. Tha navy
neeas mechanics or an kinds; men exper
ienced in clerical work. In hospital work
as well aa seamen. Thl. nation I. building
a powerful and efficient navy, and an en
listment meana a definite plan now and
definite future.
There Is an Incentive to get at the top
In the naval service. Ambitious men have
every encouragement to Improve them
selves. A man Is assured of continuous am.
ployment at good pay. and advancement
as he becomes more proficient.
The government prefers to train young
men at its own expense, at naval training
stations. The recruit Is placed on the pay
roll the day he enters. Practical Instruction,
Intended to fit the young man to go on
board' ship in a few months' time and do
the work required of him.
The Navy department doesn't urge young
men to enlist, but suggests that they In
vestigate and decide for themselves whether
tne opportunities are worth considering.
Applicant, accepted between 17 and li,
or, if possessing a trade, if under 86. Boys
under 18 must furnish written consent of
parent ana guardian; and under 21. must
furnish birth certificate, or statement of
age signed by parents. Apply, or write to
Nsvy Recruiting Station, Poatoffica Bldg..
Omaha. Neb.
PREPARE for civil aervlce or census
position through National Clvtl Service
school, 811 E. Cap. St.. Washington, D. C,
which haa prepared so many aucceefully.
46,837 appointment, last year. Full Informa
tion free. ,
WANTED Good gardner; must know
how to milk. 1916 S. 32d Ave. Tel. Har
ney 3ZZ1,
LAUNDRY WASHER and fireman. 960:
man and wife cook., 800; cook, $60, room; 4
cooks, til a week and room; 2 farm hands,
140; 6 brtdgemen; 2 engineers In concrete:
man and wife; farm man and wife, private
place, $60.- Martin A Co., 1511 Capitol Ave.
Areata and Salesladies.
$2.50 DAILY Refined lady of good an
pearanre to act as demonstrator In this
ana surrounaing territory, steady employ.
ment. Write C. W. Smith, State Mgr.,
WANTED Ladv to travel In NKr.k
Good pay and tailor made suit free in 90
nays; experience unnecessary; reliable firm
Write for particulars. J. E. McBrady Co.
Clerical aad Office).
WE CAN place a number of experienced
and Inexperienced stenographera. cashiers.
and an assistant chief telephone operator
iuui vi lownj at ama.-ies of from 125.00 to
s vo. call early Monday. The Cano
Agency, jz tiea rildg."
BILLING clerk, grocery exp., $4&-!60.
STENOGRAPHER and biller. $46.
STENOGRAPHER, grain office. 846.
SALESLADY, to aaslst In alteratlnv anil
fitting, for town out of city, 966.
WK KNOW where th openlnga are. call
vr wrue.
675-77 Brandela Bldg.
TWO experienced hotel clerka at once:
136, board and room.
in-a n. x. ii re mag.-
Paeterr Trage.
ANU HOW A rll ' trrs.. OMAHA, AND NO.
u rvj. zsirt nr.. bu. usaiia.
109 GIRLS wanted In bag and horse
clothing aepanmenta; steady work and
goo pay. nemis uroana Bag to.'
LADIE8 and girls ran make good money
at home, spare time, decorating aofa
pillows; experience unnecessary. Call fore
noons. Z30. a. inn.
HELP wanted In all departments. Evan
Laundry Co.. 207 a 11th.
KeeuM keeper a pas 41
WANTED Second girt. 1611 Farnam St.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Mrs. L. Hahn. XE3 Dodge SU
WANTED at Once Good girl for general
nouse era. i ii. ma s
aeekeeper aaa Daetle Caafa.
' M , . . w, .r I
uiiUj I or gnnvrai rajuiui , "" I
wages. 2001 Blnney St.
GIRL for general housework.
19th St.
t0t N.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Apply 1207 S. 27th.
roung girl
with light housework
Tel. ina
Geo S. 4th St.
-r;AV.AaVl '""fre;""
S. 11th.
-v.n. j i
GIRL, for housework; Swedish preferred.
1103 8. 3d St.
A SfAin for irn.ral housework: small
famllv : no laundry work: best wages. 1060
8. 28th St.
GIRL, wanted for general housework.
1328 N. 26th St., South Omaha.
GOOD laundress for Mondaye.
derson St. Phone Webster 645.
2115 Man-1
GIRL, for general housework. 11 8. Cen
tral Boulevard. Tel A-1831. or Red 1721.
TWO furnished front housekeeping rooms.
ensulte: ground floor: everything modern;
large yard: shade. 2010 Webster. 'Phone I
Douglas 6241.
GIRL, for a-eneral housework. good
wages. 1008 8. 340th Ave. 'Phone Harney
WANTED Cook. 608 N. 88th
St, Good I
salary to a good woman. Call Harney 74.
WANTED good girl for general house-1
work, best of , wages. 1707 Jone. St,
WANTED Experienced girl: be.t wages;
no laundry. 1300 Harney St,
GIRL wanted for general housework;
three In famllv: no children: no washing.
Apply In person, 4931 Davenport St. P. U.
WANTED First class cook. f per we--
to right person. Call at once, 1202 Wool-
worth Ave.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of three. C. H. Rudlger, 2326 S. 19th
St., Omaha. 'Phone Red 8039.
GIRL for second work; also glii for
housework. Tel. Douglas 61 324 N. 18th St.
GIRL wanted to take care of invalid
lady. 137 8. 24th. Call mornings.
GOOD girl for general housework.
Dodge St
WANTED Middle aged woman to care
tnw Inv.li4 1.4. a n.4 with hnuan.
,, ,.r.n.. r.n .1 km R Kth Ave.
. . ;
nriaurnwnMlM nA aHrl far aeneral
housework. 2401 Harney St.
WANTED A nurse girl at 227 8. 17th St.
Phone Harney 2a L
COMPETENT laundress Monday.
Park Ave.
WANTED A nice girl to go to Fort
Roblnaon. Neb., for second nurse and as
sist In the care of a little girl. Apply 232
B. rth St.
GIRL for general housework. Take West
Side Hanscom park car to Woolworth. 1321
8. 16th Ave.
COOK wanted Immediately.
650 & 26th
GIRL for a-eneral housework: .malt f am-
lly. Apply Mr. W. H. Ramaby, 1124 Ixard
St. I
WANTED Cook and second
Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 1727.
girl.' 1416
WANTED Girl for general housework.
1312 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 4MB.
WANTED A girl to do second work In a
famlly. 1046 Georgia Ave.
GOOD girl for general housework; no
washing; good wages. Mr. F. A. Brogan,
420 Rose Hill Ave, Benson. Tel Benson 127.
GIRL to assist' with housework: no wash
ing or ironing; wage. 15. 2406 S. 10th. Doug.
GIRL wanted for general housework;
small family. 846 Georgia Ave.
WANTED Competent girl for light
housework; good wages. U14 in. Kin bt.
Tel. Harney 261.
GIRL for general housework, 1626 Wirt
St, Tel. Webster 876.
A MAID for general housework: amall
family; no laundry work; beat wages. 1050
8. 28th Bt.
'...Jim a. istn. uougias oox. ii o
WANTED An elderly lady to do light ,
housework and lake care of child I year.
old, for mother who Is gone all day. An
excellent place for one who desires a good,
quiet home. Apply at once, 2702 Lax.
WANTED Girl to assist in housework;
no wa.hlng. Pbon Harney 741 U04 so.
WANTKD Good, competent girl for gen
eral housework; good wage, and good
home. 1562 No. 19th.
GIRL for general housework. 1717 Chicago.
GIRL wanted for general housework; I
In family; no children; no washing; refer
ence required. Come In person. 4933 Dav
enport. -
GOOD girl to aaslst in housework; small
family; good wages. Mrs. c aeiman
4807 Dodge.
TOUNO girl to assist In housework. Ill
So. 19th St.
COMPETENT girl for general house
work or one to take car of children. 821
S. 25th Ave.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 611 Park Ave.
GIRL to assist with housework. 2211 Cali
fornia St.
GIRL wanted for housework; 6 room:
modern house; 1 In family; good home and
good wages. 969 N. 25th St.
WANTED A girl to work for board, Mrs.
Hoasater, 2211 Douglas.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work; experienced, zuu Charles Bt.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
2216 Sherman Ave. Mrs. Thos. S. hall.
Both rnones.
A COMPETENT girl for general house
work; no washing. I3Z9 S. list St.
WANTED Girl for general housework:
one that can go home evenlnga; I In fam
ily; good wagea. 2009 Grace St.
FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's
Ass n.; no fees. Call 827 B. of Trade Bldg.
LEARN halrdreaalng; It pays you: can
easily earn $16 to 126 weekly; full course
ituini. oranoeis fiairarcwing xrpi.
TWO ladies to travel, demonstrate and
sen dealers, call or aajrtu at once uood-
rioh Drug Co., Omani, .Neb.
girls: 7 waitresses, 18.60; head waitress.
Montana, 840, room: waitress, west, free
fare; man and wife cooka, t-iO. 860 and 190: 1
women cooka, 112 a week and room; 4 col
ored cooka; paatry cook, $45. Martin A Co.,
lll Capitol Ave.
Hers aad Vehicle.
ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stanhope
and harness slIihMy soil If you want
one or all now at leaa than half price aee
Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jon sts.
MUST aacriflra Drumraond
wagon; also stylish runabout, B 107, Be.
FOR SALE Small runabout with ruor
tire, almost new; suitable for a pony. In
quire Levy dt Qornisn's livery barn, 9th
and Leavenworth.
Cwa Btraa, Da aad rata.
GOOD cow for aal at 1916 8.
Tel. Harney 222L
22d Ava
FOR SALE Three female and five mal
bull hum. Good breed. Aleo apaa well
broken ponies. Farmer Burn. 8867 Charles
St. Bell phon Haraey 44U.
WHEN writing t advertlaere. kJodly ase
Ilea ia e ,
OKNTS diamond ring, green gold setting,
pfiwmi ruuii I'm. nu mvi, , v.
cigar store. Suitable reward for return to
Frenser, Jeweler, 16th and Dodge.
Frenser Je
IXST Black horse and halter, weight
L2M. TeL Benson 124.
LOST Friday afternoon near Hat Ave.
and Dodge, a Seneca camera, with case
and tripod. 417 Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
FOUND Gold watch and chain. Inquire
Omaha Van and Storage Co., 1O0B Far-
nam St.
GOLD watch on F.rn.m or Harney; lib-
ra I rWAM MM
BEST nerve brace for man. Qray's Nerve
Food Pills, II a box, poatpald. Sherman
MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
FREE MEDICAL, and aurglcal treatment
at Crelghton's Medical college. 14th and
Davenport bte.: special attention paid to
confinement oases; all treatment super
vised by college professors, 'Phone Doug
las 1167. Calls answered, day or night.
Vacation Money
Everyone need. It. and thl. I. the place
to get It. Don't let money stand In your
way wnen it can oe so wnni vuumra on
WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, or anything of
value. Our special low rates are still In
effect. We advance money quickly and
confidentially, and our offices strictly
Reliable Credit Co.
Id Floor, 807-8 Paxton Block, N. E. Cor
ner 16th and Farnam Sts.
'Phones: Douglas 1411 and A-1411.
frnv fnr Vf4rntinna
Do you need money? We are go-
I Ing to loan our surplus cash to all it
worthy applicants at the LOWEST U
salaries, etc. it win pay you to M
see u. before getting money else- U
M where. We are especially prepared It
M to accommodate SALARIED PEO- 11
ft PLE. No delay or red tape and It
tt everything ia atrlctly confidential. it
If Open till :80 p. m. Telephone, tt
Lit Dougla. 203S and Ind. A-2030.
umana r inanciai uo.,
601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandela. tt
16th St, Entrance. il
MONEY loaned salaried people and others
without security; eaay payments. Office.
In ft principal cltlee. Toltnan, Room 611,
New xork Life Bldg.
t on diamonds. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge.
PRIVATE money to loan on chattels: low
interest, willows, B64 Brandela Bldg,
or money for any other purpose make, no
difference. What you are Interested In
moat Is a place where you can make a loan
at reasonable rate, and where you can
deal confidentially and wll: get a aquare
deal. That', what we have been doing
nuiui wonTmnv taiu rr
m Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2395,
entrance ids H. istn St.
LOAN 8. half rate., 829 Board of Ttade,
EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven-
port Sts.. warehouse 2207-01 Ixard St.
BoaHlaaj aa H.oshs.
DEWEY European Hotel. 12th and Farnam.
two connecting room, with board, to
permanent couple or two gentlemen. In
modern home; references. 1911 Cass. Phone
d. 1476,
it ART and south side room, with board
reasonable rates, zu a. zotn ot.
HOARD and room. In new, modern flat.
at (31 8. 19th St. Tel. Doug, tui
homelike room and board, new, all
modern flat, olose In, for a few gentlemen,
I ROOM and board, olose In. Large front
I room with alcove, suitable for two or three
persons, either furnished or unfurnished,
114 BO. Win Bt. rntra xvea
T a nT.n board, first class home cooking,
with or without rooms. 191 Capitol Ave.
FURNISHED room with board. 626 So.
19th St.
Faralsbed Room.
vrnT ,iairable large room., newly fur
nl.hed, suitable for on or two gentlemen,
201 8. 25th AV.
2610 DODGE, excellent south suit, mod
ern, detached house.
strictly modern, well furnished front
rooms, in large pnvai remaencej iin:
summer home, first class location, con
venient to two car lines; breakfast If de-
sired: no children. References exchanged.
Phone Webster 6418. 196T Wirt St,
TWO furnished rooms. 812 N. 22d St.
"NEWLY furnished room; porcelain bath,
2224 Chicago.
WANTED Lady loom mat.
80$ N. 18th
St. 'Phone B 3169.
vfrt desirable room: fine
walking distance. 211 8. 26th St.
NEW, nice, cool, clean, modern furnished
rooms; walking amance. ion naincy oi.
PLEASANT rooms: two south windows
also large front, modern. 614 N. 23d. 'Phone
K. 464.
tON'T vou want a nice cool room, with
or without piano, in a permanent homelike
place, where you won t have to mov ior
a. nival or winter? Strictly modern, re
spectable, permanent; gentleman only. Mr.
Davis, 2663 St, Mary Ave.
LARGE furnished front room; 827 S. 21st
St. Tel. Doug. 6227.
GOOD rooms. 12 per week; fre bath.
Ogden Hotel, Co. Bluffs.
FOR rent, for sale and furnished room
cards. 10c each. Corey & MCHenzie i nni
lng Company, 112 S. 14th St.
TWO ntcelv furnished rooms, oomplet
for lleht housekeeping, all modern, X12
I per, month, 2019 Webster 6t.
LARGE, cool, modern rooms for gentle
men. 1911 St. Mary's Ave.
Hotel Boquet tj:o;mryHowa:Tn3t..
I WELL furnlshsd front room, private
familv: nice lawn aurrounde house, .uz
tyth St.
FRONT ROOM for housekeeping.
Dodge. Douglas 485L
YOUNG man to share comfortable fur
nlshed room. 2702 Farnam St.
FOR RENT New modern 7-room
nlshed house, 2709 8. 24th St.
r.LRGANTLY furnished sitting room and
bedroom, connecting private family. No
other roomers
1019 South aoth Ave.
WELL furnished front room, prlvat
famllv: nice lawn aurrounda house. 702 S.
2th St,
ONE nloe room with two south window
hot and cold mater In the room, modern,
1615 Jackson, two blocks west ot Jtom
CLEAN, quiet room, 12 per week.
808 N
22d St.
ONE large room, all modern,
fornta. Phone 131275.
111 Call
NICE furnished room. 2219 Douglas St.
ROOM In new house. 2012 Chicago St.
IN an elesantly furnished home: large,
laool room for two gentlemen; porch and
l lawn, lieroey eui ua o. vtn ay.
FrmtBke4 Haa
LARGE south aloova room, furnished or
unfurnished, with board. MM Cass St.
NICELY furnished room, modem, 11.80 per
week: private family. Tel. Red Kf. 806 8.
orth. Id floor.
room. 1611 Leaven-
TWO nicely furnished rooms In all mod
ern home, JU N. 20th St.
ONE nice room, south exposure, flO par
month. 2606 St. Mary's Ave.
ONE neat room with board; horn cook-
g. 2203 Harney.
IIEAIITIFITI.I.V furnished room and
board- reasonable. 614 Park Ave. Tel. Har
ney woo.
BttAUTTFI'T.t.V furnished room
board. 212 N. 24th. Tel. D. 4707.
NICE modern front room: private fam-
poara it desired. 1910 Webster Bt,
8UITE of extra fine rooms, fine furni
ture, fine lawn. Private family: southwest
corner 20th and Chicago Sts.
SUITE of rooms, flat; 4 Davldge Block
NICE, clean, cool rooms, modern: elec
tric light.; close In; 110. 2104 Web.ter.
NICE Slnrle nr anlta of nuimi with hoard
If desired. 9018 Paclflo St.
NICELY furnished room, south exposure:
modern; suitable for one or two gentle
men, or man and wife. 1706 Davenport St.
FURNISHED room for one or two ladles:
modern. 1919 Capitol Ave.
PafirabESl !(,
6 ELEGANT ronms mnAmm nw fl,t
$17.60 month. 2018 Davenport.
2 LARGE rooms anA itAmrnnm firm
floor, 115.00. 625 8. 20th St. D. 7168.
TWO rooms, 1120 North 17th St.
A part meats sal Flats.
THREE and 6-room flat., Boargo Bldg.,
6'4 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Hall. 432
Ramge Bldg. Both 'phone.
The new apartments at the northeast
corner of 17th and Cuming are the finest
In town for anywhere near the price; hot
water heat, laundrlea, tiled bath rooms 6
rooms at $30.
First Floor N V T. RM
Tel. Doug. 1781. "A" 118S.
$177-room flat bath and closet. Innulre
1844 N. 16th, cor. 16th and Grace.
NEW, strictly modern 6-room apart
ment, oak finish. 27th and Jackann.
Bemls, Brandela Bldg.
HANDSOME apartment In fashlonahle
north-end apartment house. Ind. A2768.
Har. 2o0.
8-ROOM flat. 18th and Pallfnml. trA nn
Gallagher A Nelson, 490 Brandela Bldg.
668 So. 28th St.. 10-r.. all modern, every
room newly papered, everything nice and
clean; close to the city, fine neighborhood.
reduced from $45 to 135. You had better look
mis up.
Payee, Bostwick & Co.,
Sol Agent.
Main Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg.
We have all varieties of 4. S and 6-r .
apartments, close In, and can fit you oht
In anything you want along thl line. Call
and aee our Hat,
Payne, Bostwick & Co.,
Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
I AND 4-ROOM Apt, modern, 816 S. 22d.
FOR RENT Only $26.50 for alx-room. all
modern, ground flat, close in, to choice
tenant. If taken thl. week. Apply at 607
N. 19th St.
ST. LOUIS FLATS, opposite Beml. Park.
strictly modern; ready August 1. 'Phone
Harney 2768.
1736-1760 8. 27TII 8T.-6 and 4-room. brick.
St. Louis, new, modern, two car lines. Tel.
Harney 8886.
LOOK at 638 & 26th Ave., attractive 8.
room apartment: first floor of practically
new brick; atrlctly modern; In beat condi
tion; 935. Harney 819
Very desirable corner flat, an eight-
room modern brick, nearly new. in first-
class repair, and In choice section of West
rarnam aistrict, iu.
N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 951
6-ROOM flat, 29th and Woolworth Av.
Harney 617.
UekplB.j Rmm
'EXCELLENT furnished room, for house
keeping; first-class street and neighbor
hood; close In. Dr. Prlbbenow, 2374 Harney
St Tel. Red 6036.
SUITE rooms, parlor floor: modern flat:
newiy lumisnea, aeooraiea. sun Ala son
Harney 4623.
Twu or tnree rooms for adults: araa
range and all modern conveniences. 604 S.
TWO unfurnished rooms. Inquire 507 8.
20th St
COOL and newly furnished rooms for
tight housekeeping; also furnished sleeping
rooms; modern; walking distance. 2532
Harney. Tel. L. 3427.
S NICE furnished rooms for llrht houae-
xeeping; modern; isi floor. 14 N. 17th.
TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for
ngnt Housekeeping; an modern. 2910 Web
MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas stove, clean, cool, comfortable. 2010
weoster Bt. A'none Douglas 6241.
ROOM for light housekeenlnr: a-aa for.
nlshed. 1920 Dodge.
NICE. cool, newly furnished rooms, with
cooking gas. bsth and use of phone; nice
summer location; prlvat family. 1302 So.
THREE furnished rooms, gaa for ranblni
usniiiiK. yrr w. D1I IS. ZlSt Bt
rnone n-iust.
TWO furnished light housekeonln rnimi
large pantry; ground floor. 430 N. 24th St.,
pouin uinAiia,
FURNIRHED or unfurnished rnoma for
nouseaerping in moaern flat 616 8. 2th Ft.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, flrat floor
TWO modern furnished rooms. Tel. Ri
TWO front rooms, furnished rnmnlM. for
nxni nouKeeping. zii spencer St. Tel.
r i v r, roomi, moaern exrent heat tiA
cnuaren. sis It. iin Bt.
SUITS of three nicely furnished house
keeping rooms. 1201 8. 11th.
FOR RENT-Two fin large front rooms,
iy.V...""'.11 iMuaping. All modern. 222:
lllls Avs.
JULY 10. furnished apsrtment. five rooms
piano, telephone, etc. 2006 St. Mary's Av
TWO furnished room, for housekeeping.
mo Doaga.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Refer
ences. 2114 Chicago.
Furnished room, for light housekeeping.
lwi js. iitn Bt.
I ROOMS, housekeeping,
range. 1822 Chicago.
modern, gas
TWO nice rooms for light housekeeping
1714 California street.
FOR RENT Two rooms for light house
Lkeeplng at 4104 N. 24th St.
WELL furnished dining room and kitchen
for housekeeping; house modern. 660 8
26th Ava
THREE nloe rooms, $10. 06 N. 23d.
TWO rooms, single or double, light
housekeeping, modern nous. 1917 Web
THREE Die rooms and bats, tsu Chi-
nakeelBT ! Catlae. I f
MODERN housekeeping rooms. 21SI Wb- f ,
ter St. Call after 6:90 p. m. ,
TWO elegantly furnished
rang. . modern. 616 8. 22d.
rooms, ga.
TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished
complete. 2221 Leavenworth,
ONE room, $160 per week. 1111 Douglas.
ROOM for light housekeeping. 1707 Dodge
TWO rooms, $12 per month. 2011 Daven
port. fsralikt Boa.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished house for on
year to responsible persona. Address O 112,
4-ROOM furnished cottsge. all modern.
Clark St. Inqulr 1107 Howard.
SEVEN rooms, modern, one block from
car. 1626 Plnknay. $36 per month.
FOR RENT 7-room modern furnished
house till Oct, 1. 4232 Douglas. Phone
Harney 4844.
Haas, aad Cottages.
FOR RENT Brick house at 1511 8. 29th
St., one block east of Park avonue c r
line; modern In every reapect, with 4 bed
room, on second floor; large parlor, dining
room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves
tlbul on flrat floor. Inquire at 1509 S. th
St. Tel. Harney 1509.
FOR RENT 3022 So. 19th St., 6-r., $13.00.
2022 N. 19th St.. 6-r., modern. $30.00,
1021 N. Y. L Bldg.
4 room house, 705 N. S2d, $12.60.
6 room house, 8233 Evans St., $12.60.
6 room house, 709 N. !2d., 110.
8 room house, modern, 2409 Lake, $21.
J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade.
Elegant modern eight room house, 31st
and Cass St., 'phone, Doug. 6329.
1049 Park Ave., 8-r., all mod.
od 8T5
t furnace.. $i.
em il
1?0 S. 8tth. 8-r.. mod. except
710 I'srker, 6-r., part mod
2124 N. 16lh, 8-r., part modern
p im. zn, e-r., part modern
2e23 N. 16lh, 8-r., modern except heat.
Just papered and painted
throughout $23.50
'Phones: Douglas 297; A-3834. 212 8. 14th.
FOR RENT 1317 S. 33d., 6 room, with
awnings over window and on porch, 3
blocks from Field club, one block from
Hanscom park, good location, nicely kept
lawn, reasonable rent. Call on premises.
8626 Davenport, . e. cor. 87th, with acre
of ground, 8-r., all mod., decorated to suit,
2824 Leavenworth, n. a. cor. Georgia Ave.,
8-r., all mod., $35.
1204 N. 98th, 6-r, mod. ex. heat, $18.
N. e. cor. Ontario, south of Vinton, 8-r,
new, mod. $18.
1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 1152.
604-6 N. Y. LIFE.
3123 Dewey Ave., choice modern brick,
corner flat of 8 rooms, in splendid sec
tion of W. Farnam district 40.
' 638 South 27th St., choice 6-room (St,
Louis) brlck-35.
664 South 26th Ave., choice (-room (St.
Louis) brick 135.
1618 South 10th. 8-room, modern brick
821 South 24th, 4-room apartment (new
brick); gas range, steam heat. Janitor
service $26.
1505 South 26th, 7-room, modern flat 118.
2321 South 16th, 6-room flat $12.60.
621 South 29th fit, 8-room brick flat 112.
210 South 28th Ave., 4 room, (flr.t floor);
will repaper $10.
2019 Martha, 3 room. $3.60.
2703 Caldwell, 6-room cottage $15.50,
8424 N. , 24th St, 9-room house; large
8009 Dewey, choice 6-room, modern dwell
ing; corner lot xjo.
9701 Davenport. 10-room. modern brick
building; corner lot $85.
2501 Farnam. 10-room brick dwelling:
hard-wood finish, hot water heat large
grounda, shade and lawn; prlvat fam
ily only 6300.
818 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. $61
A 6-room house, modern except furnace.
located at 946 North 26th St.; paved street
and one block to car $20 per month.
Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg.
9 rooms, modern, 2769 Farnam St.. $50.
Modern apartment In Davldge Bldg., t.15.
7-room, modern cottage, 3002 Mason, 132.50.
7 rooms, modern, 641 8. 27th St., $30.
6 rooms. 24th and Farnam Sts.. $2S.
2412 Parker St., 6 rooms, $17.
8. W. 28th and Manderson, modern, $23. ,
1124 North 40th. modern. 9 rooms, $27.50.
JOHN N. FRENZER, Over 101 8. 16th St.
6-room cottage In Beml. Park for $3,000.
Modern. Terms.
2Sth and Ellison Ave. Terms. Hot water
heat. New. Seven rooms. Make u offer.
New. Mod-
6-room cottage on 20th St
ern. Near Paul.
TODAY. . . J
We offer 7-room. 2-etory, modern home.
22d, near Seward, $2,200. Term.
Both 'Phone..' 416 Bea Bldg.
$23 6-room hou.e, 1717 California St
$20 10-room house, 1518 Ohio St
$25 6-room modern house, closs In, 634 .
18th St.
$35 9-room all modern brick, corner housa,
2701 Davenport bt.
Phone Doug. 2418. 436 Paxton Blk.
8-ROOM modern house, 16th and Oak St,
cheap to good tenant. J. P. Jackson Co.,
1611 Frederick St. Doug. 4833,
FOR RENT 7 and 8-room modern
houses, good location. 8. D. Mercer Co.,
Tel. Douglaa 1536, Ind. A-1636.
122.50 6-room cottage, modern ex. heat.
14th and Madison Ave.
$35.00 S-room house, modern. 702 4th St.,
Co. Bluffs, la.
$18 6-room, hot and cold water, 1 blk
from park. 1408 N. 23d South Omaha.
Call Midland Inv. Co., D. llbi. A B&a,
I room a, 1707 Leavenworth St, air mod
ern, on car line 46.
8 rooms, near Bemls Park, one diock from
two car lines; south front; paved street
-436. .
'Phone Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam St.
$11 per month, 4 rooms, 607 8. 17th St
$15, 6 rooms, 209 S. 80th St., modern ex
cept furnace.
$24, 6 rooms, 3904 N. 14th St., modern.
$27. 6 rooms, Id floor, 2123 Farnam St,
mni!o?' 6 room. 207 8. 80th St., trlotly
modern, osk finish.
127.60. 7 rooms. Id floor, 1615 Howard,
modern. '
fM. 1 rooms, 1508 Yatss St., all modern.
to, 10 rooms, 1909 Dougla. St, modern
except heat.
i;7 50. 8 room., 2309 California St, .trlotly
140, 6 room heated apartment, 2024 Far
nam St.
86. large, attractive atrlctly moderrousa
of 11 rooms, N. E. corner 22d and Daven
port St. Application received from pri
vate families onry.
GEORGE It CO., 1601 Farnam St.
6-r.. mod , l31 N. 14th 8t.-$28.
6-r., mod., 2814 Dodge St. $S0.
6-r., mod. ex. heat, 123 N. 87th St-818.
6- r., mod., 2215 Lake 8t.-$Z7 60.
7- r , mod. ex. heat. 2612 Bristol St -428.
7-r.. mod., 609 8. 26th Ave. $46.
6-r., mod. ex. heat. 8721 N. 80th St. $16.
6-r., mod., 2608 Sherman Av. $30.
6-r.. mod., gaa rang and heater furnlahed,
26M6 Harney St. $36.
4 and t-r. ateam heated all modern apart
ments. 114 N. 18th 81 142 60 and $67.60.
I furnished rooms, 1620 Dodge St. U5.
HASTINGS 1IEYDEN, 1614 Harney Bt
Fre rent until July 16, 1909.
A 1-R, and a 4-r bouse, tscn gnd F 8ta
I to 18.
1722 Howard. l-r all modern, fM.
Ground Floor. 1201 farnam 4 ,