Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1909, Page 8, Image 9

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Women's 25 White
Wash Skirls at 98c
Children's Gulmpcs
Made of fine lawns, embroid
ery trimmed, ages 8 to 14,
and actually worth Q
35c each; your choice JfC
Children's Rompers
Grays and blues just the
thing for play time ages
1 to 6 worth 35o Q0
each, at IC
Women's $10 Summer
Millinery at $2.50
Choice of any woman's bat
in our entire stock that has
been telling up to frtl FA
$10.00 each, at. . . . V
Clearing Sale Special
All Our Women's $1.50 and $2
These shopping bags have leather
linings and overlapping frames;
fitted with inside purses; green,
blue, black, tan and brown
worth up to $2.00 each, OP
J white skirts made of reps in the
very latest styles, many are but
ton trimmed front or side and
and every other new style feature
these skirts launder perfectly,
worth up to $2.50, your f
Women's Fancy
Shopping Bags
Blue, green, gray,
black and Cfi
red, at, each. VIC
This is the very latest New York
fad to be worn on belt or wrist
in all the leading
shades; your choice, each
yf j choice Saturday, at,eachOv
ml 1 Ji
i m (I i 11
ffomtn'i Fin
HATS at 25c
Worth Up to $2 and $2.50
1,000 fine horsehair, chip and
mllmn straw shapes In black,
white or burnt, every correct
new shape for midsummer, all
ready to trim and positively
worth up to $2.60
each clearing
sale price,
each. ...........
mSia's Grandest Bargain Event
Clearing Sale
In Oar
Women's Suit Dept.
One big lot of women's silk, wool
and lingerie one-piece dresses
that are worth up gt g gr
it .$.a.5.r.h:. ...$o."o
Women's one ana two-piece sum
mer dresses, In light and dark
colors, all sizes worth fl Cf
up to $&, at. each . . . .tl.jU
Fine lingerie dresses in elaborate
designs, worth up to . C I C
$35, at, each
All our women's spring tailored
suits, worth up to
$100, at. acli' ....... ,$D
All our women's tailored suits,
worth up to C 1 C
$50, at, each
All ouj women's $30 t&llerod
suits, in one lot, CIA
at, each : 41U
All our women's white serge suits,
worth up to $40,
at, each .yJ
All our women's white serge suits,
worth up to $30, 1C1
at, each P I
All our women's $26 white serge
,.?: $12,50
Women's $10 white fl c
serge box coats
Women's $16 silk, and cravenette
rain coats, at, CO AO
each pO.ZJO
Women's $15 black serge, silk
and covert coats, C flQ
at, each pO,JQ
Covert coats and silk coats, long
or short, worth $6 CQ
and $7, at qJ.JQ
Women's $10 silk and wool skirts
voiles, panamas, etc., 5
Women's $5 voile and Cfi
. panama sklrU,tjjjJ
Every Dollars Worth of Summer Goods in This Store Must be Sold at Once
This is Brandeis Annual Sacrifice of every yard and piece if Summer Merchandise at prices that
are only a fraction of the real value. No sale in Omaha can compare with this. It is the grand
est bargain event of the year in the greatest store in the west. These low prices will force out all
our summer goods with a tush. Amazing special bargains in every department.
GreatJIearin Children's WKitC aid Colored WdSh DrCSSCS
At Actually Less Than Half Price
These are the prettiest, daintiest little dresses we have ever shown. They are very practical and im
mensely becoming to little girls for dress affairs, or for every day wear.
The Children's White Dresses are made of the prettiest white Swisses, lawns, etc.; finest embroidery and
lace trimmings, as well as tucks and pleats ages 1 to 14. ' ,
The Colored Dresses for Children are made in Russian blouse, jumper, Peter Thompson, French blouse,
and fancy dress effects, made of nice quality gingham, chambray and percale ages 1 to 14.
These little dresses positively worth up to $3
Great Clearing Sale
Oxfords at $1.69
600 pair of women's tan Rus
sian calf oxfords and brown
vici kid oxfords, $! 69
worth up to I
$3, at, pair
Women $3 Quality
Low Shoes & Pomps
at $2.4 3
These are fine patent colt, lei
kid, black, brown and suede ox
fords and pumps, $
that are worth
up to $6, at
Big Lots
49c - 69c - 98c - $F9
Big Clearing "sale" 'j
Both nigh and o.w shoes (or men,
patent leather or reloura, tan
and brown, worth up to $4.60, at
2.45 -a 2.90
Women' all Silk
$1.25 Elastic Belt. U 39c
Made ot Imported elastic, with
white back, worth up TQA
to $1.26. at JJC
Big Song Concert Ail Day in Sheet Music Dept.
Come in and Hear the Latest Hits
-4k t ceu iiur j
extra specials
Red Wing Song,
Ben Hur Chariot
at . . . .
I Love My Wife,
But O. You Kid
The most pop
ular number in
at . .
Oweenee, new In
dian song hit
It's different
from the rest
De a Bachelor
While You Can
Big summer novelty song
words and musio by Ben
Adkins, an Omaha boy. Ask
to hear it sung "j Q
in st. arrived Jlew
Latest Instrumental
Puddln Tama, two step.
Tennessee Rag.
Morning; Star, reverie.
Sunset, two tep.
Wink Tour Eye, two step.
Sunset Heart Pleasures,
Jungle Moon, lntermexxo.
Marigold, three step.
Possum, rag.
Thoughts of Motherhood.
Scotch Lassie, waits.
Valuptense, waits.
Memories of Love, reverts.
Pork and Beans, two step,
poll Rags.
Blue Biases, rag.
Flag of the Free, march.
Latest Vocal
Clock of Life.
Baby Talk.
Zulu Love Song.
While Love and Life and
Snail Last
Angel Child.
Swanee Babe.
Now I Have Ton.
Jungle Moon.
Beautiful Eyes.
. ...uon.
't Tell.
School House in the Valley
19 c
Saturday's Drug Specials at Brandeis9
ISo Sanltol Tooth
Powder, for . . .12o
85c Dr. Grave's Tooth
Powder, for ....Wo
Colgate's Tooth Pow
der, for lSe
Colgate's Tooth Paste
for lOo
350 Rublfoam . .19o
25c Satin Skin
Cream, for . ...19o
21. B0 Oriental Cream
for fl.oa
SBc Sanltol Cream,
for 14o
lie Pompelan Mas
sage, for B9o
$1.00 Mrs. Potter's
Walnut Juices 890
60o Crabappls Blos
som Perfume, spe
cial, ounce . . . .flo
COo Carnation, special
ounce for S9o
SOc Java Rice Pow
der, for See
25c Roger A Oallet
Rice Powder, . . 19o
6 cakes Ivory Soap
for . 19o
1-lb. 10 Mule Team
Borax, for ......So
Cakes Colgate's
English Process 86o
100 William's Shav
ing soap, for,..6o
160 Rogers & Oallet
Soap, for 19o
25c Woodbury's spe
cial, at 18o
t cakes Crystal Bath
for aso
15o Bundle of Joss
Sticks, for . ...lOo
bvbbeb goods
76o Fountain Syringe.
for 4o
75c Hot Water Bottle,
for 49o
11.25 Combination
Fountain Syringe
and Water Botle
for 91.09
S3. 00 Victor's Female
Douche, for ... 93.00
13.60 Marvel Whirling
Spray, for . . . .82.76
114.00, . 6x7
Seneca Cam
era, special
for . 10.98
$24.00, 84x6
hi Seneca
tor ..917.08
$10.00. 4x6
Seneca, spe-
clal, for
fl.00 4x5 Plate Holder 40c
11.25 6x7 Plate Holder 50c
16.00 Photo Optical Outfit .$8.98
60c Trimming; Board 48c
2 dozen Cyko Post Cards. 25c
50c focusing Cloth 89c
Women's and . ,
men's 1-pleoe Any 500
pearl link but- pin in jewel-
tons, always rT deDf for.
11 at 60o. at. ry aDl ror
per pelr -
25c I 25c
Clearing Sale of
Women's Waists
Dressing Sacques
Wash Petticoats, etc.
Women's $1.60 White and Coloud
Waists, at each UO.'
Women's 75c and $1 light ami
dark colored dreaulng 6acq,ie.;
and short kimonos, at.-. . -HOC
Women's 3 Be, Combing Jacktx
figured au'd flowered, at 19
Wpmen's $1 and $1.60 WrRppi-i
of fine percales, all sizes. . (JJC
Women's $1 embroidered bottoni
chambray wash petticoats, plain
colors 39
$1.50 Combination Suits, corooi
cover and skirt or corset cover
and drawers, at 75
School Census Showi "Bace Suicide"
in Wealthy District.
Farasm District Drops Oft 819 mm A
CastelUr . Malts Gain ef 894
Store Thaa Last Year
Total Gal BOO.
compared with the totals for 190S,
Is as
While Vaee suiolde" appears In the Fsr
nam and several other districts, the sohool
census of Omaha, Just completed, shows a
sain of ever 600.
The principal gain hi population Is shown
In the Castellar school, where the census
shows SM more children of school age than
last year. Central school comes next with
a gain of 160. Lake is third with a gain ot
in and Train is fourth with a gain ot U0.
Other aohools whose gain in school popu
lation Is less than 100 are:
Mason, ft; Saratoga, TO; Central Park.
75; Columbian, 72; Monmouth Park. 61;
Franklin, 55; Windsor, S3; Omaha View,
45; Saunders, 41; Pacific, 39; Lothrop, Sfl;
Sherman, 36; Bancroft, 33; Leavenworth,
3f; Forest. 23; Long, 11; Lincoln, IS; Vin
ton, 11; Clifton Hill, 10; Walnut Hill, t;
Beals, L
In the Farnam school district the sohool
census for 1903' shows a falling off of 213
from that of 1H0L In the Comenlus dls
trlct ths loss Is 177; Cass, M; Dupont, 87;
Ksllom, 6; Druid UU1, 64; Park, 43; Web
sier, U.
Snowtae- r Districts.
Ths school census for 1309, showing the
number of boys and girls, and the totals
1900 1908
Boys. Girls. Total. ToiaL
Bancroft 416 424 840 '7
Heals 114 JOl 3-6 34
Cass 873 206 h2i fcli
Castellar i6 14 1,4)9
Central 618 007 l.ltf 9tw
Central Park 23 217 4.9 401
Clifton HU1 839 S2S 6b7 -7
Columbian Ji8 4K2 87 725
Comenlus SK3 410 M)3 9 0
L'ruld Hill 1 H"6 339 toi
Iupont 33 276 b&i 6n
Farnam 474 647 1,021 l.a.0
Forest JW 231 4b0 3
Franklin S19 424 Su6 7i0
Kellom 717 !S04 1,621 1,60
Lake 6H6 6M 1.200 1.119
Leavenworth 241 242 43 4o8
Lincoln 8 470 M 401
Long 6 687 1.123 1,102
Lothrop 723 19 1.861
Mason 639 662 1,11 k'J6
Monmouth Park .... 1M 2j0 S 325
Omaha View 1 30 772 727
paciflo 4S2 400 632 7t3
Park 623 695 1,11 1,16
Saratoga 4S0 469 979 9u0
launders 313 18 1 COS
Sherman 3 99 192 1.'7
Train SS 699 779
Vinton 34 383 74; 785
Walnut Hill 320 309 629 tOM
Webster 618 63 l.lf l.lst
Windsor li9 140 299 W
The den will be decorated In honor of
the soldiers and Paprlca Schnltiel will be
garbed In an American flag and real sol
diers will rescue her from the pirates.
There was no regular session at the den
last Monday night because of the nation's
holiday and consequently there will be two
weeks' grist of recruits to go over the
burning sands and the night will be espe
cially Interesting.
Ous Renxe, chief artificer for King Ak-Sar-Ben
and head torturer to Samson, has
returned from a trip to New York, where
he went In search of new stuff for Ak-Sar-Ben
and new tortures for the work
ing crew ot me den. some cnanges will
be made in the program beoause ef ths
extremely large classes. The opera has
been rehearsed several times during the
last two weeks and the seoond act Is now
said to met ths approval of the high
Geenral Mortal set Colosiel Glassford
Will Lead the Capitulat
ing; Forces.
Monday night will be military night at
the dun and Samson will entertain the
general of floors of the department of .the
Missouri, the officers of Fort Crook and
the officers of Fort Omaha. The special
guests of the evening will be General Mor
ton, commander of the Department of the
Missouri, Colonel Gardener, commanding
officer at Fort Crook and Colonel Glass-
ford, commanding officer at Fort Omaha.
In selecting a remedy for Diarrhoea. Dysentry, Cholera Morbus or Chol
era Infantum, you should use great care.
There are many remedies on the market for these diseases. Borne are
good, some should be carefully avoided. Others depend upon habit forming
drugs for their cures. Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam is the one reemdy that Is
always safe, sure and does not constipate. In 63 years, this medicine has been
used in Millions of rases of bowel trouble and never has one single case been
reported where it has failed to cure when the simple directions were followed.
Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam stops the Diarrhoea, removes the cause
and leaves the stomach and bowels In their natural and regular state. $5c o
t bottles $1.00 everywhere.
Army Notes
Leave of absence for fifteen days bss
been granted First Lieutenant Nolan V.
Kills of the Nineteenth Infantry.
Quartermaster Sergeant Calvin S. Potts
of the Fourth cavalry has been granted an
honorable discharge from the army by pur
chase, Troop M, Tenth cavalry, has been ordered
from Fort Klley to Fort Ethan Allen, Vt.,
to await the arrival of the remainder or
that regiment from the Philippines. Troop
Q. Ninth cavalry, now at Fort Ethan
Allen, is ordered to Fort D. A. Russell.
Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Eastman, pur-
cnasuig commissary u nited states army
for this point, has just closed a contract
with the Cudahy Packing company for
IjO.000 pounds of bacon at (16.29 per hundred
Who Wants to Go
to Buenos Ayrcs
Here if a Chance at the Invitation
of President of Argentine
Anybody want to go to Buenos AyresT
A chanoe for real deep sea navigation un
folds Itself to any of the hardy tars of
this vicinity.
The president and secretary of the So
cledad Rural Argentina bavs written the
Commercial elub, care of J. M. Guild,
asking the Omaha organisation to take part
In an international agricultural exposition
to be held next year In the capital of the
South American republic
"I have the honour," writes President
Emll Freu, "of specially Inviting the Hon.
association ocr which you preside to take
In the absence of Mr. Guild, who Is
wrestling with freight rates at Charlvolx,
and ths further absence of Commodore
Wead and his crew the Invitation cannot
be answered for a few days.
After daring the Missouri, however, it is
unlikely that a little sea trip will have any
terrors for these navigators.
the police station noticed them and gave
the alarm. A number of officers chased
the escaping prisoners, who were caught
by Detective Walker. They willingly sur
rendered when they were shown Walker's
A Vsvrkelor's Hef lections.
A girl's Idea of innocence is not admit
ting she knows.
The aler a man can kiss a girl the
harder it would have been if he had asked
Ths average man Is prouder of gaesslng
the weather than he would be of under
standing ths tariff.
Kven a man who Is supported . by a rich
wife will grumble about how' much it
costs hlia to raise the children.
Even if a man should start out to go to
heaven he'd want to drop In at the other
place on the way for a chance to change
his mind. New York Press.
Persistent AdvM'iun- U tUe rud to Bf
Youths Caught
Trying to Escape
Two Boyi Get Oat of Window, but
Are Captured After an Ex
citing Chase.
Tiring of a few hours' confinement In a
room of the matron's department at the
police station, William Clancy and Harry
Breok, 17-year-old runaway boys, whose
homes are at Cheyenne, broke out of their
room by tearing loose an iron grating,
dropped to ths ground twenty-feet below
and were just on the point of escaping
when police officers noticed them and took
them Into custody again after an exciting
chase of three blocks through streets, be
hind buildings and into a patch of high
The lads were picked up by Special Of
ficer Tlghe of the Union Pacific in tue
morning and attempted the Jail delivery
about been. Asusuut Turnkey Brady ef
Efforts of Keepers to Rave tier Baby
Resalt 1 Deatk ot the Lit
tle Oae,
"It has been proven from the experlenoe
of showmen and animal trainers, time and
again, that animals can take care of their
young much better than human beings,"
said George Conklln, who has ehargs of
the aoologlcal department of the Barnum
and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, which
comes to Omaha Tuesday next. "Bo far
as I know, there Is only one plaoe In the
country where they raise hippopotami, and
that Is the Bronx park in New York.
When the first hippopotamus was born,
the mother developed ths habit of taking
the baby under water and holding it there
for twenty or thirty rrlnutss at a time.
Now there was a bunch of wlss keepesa
that watched the performance a number
of times and became greatly agitated. They
feared the old lady would drown the little
one, so rather than endure ths reproaches
of the park authorities, or the agony of
seeing its death, they took It from the
mother. It was nowhere but on deck for
that little fellow from thence on, the wlse
ones' having concluded they knew ' the
game of bringing up baby hippopotami
better than the mother. The result of
their care and attention was an hippo
potami funeral, with the attendants and
the old beast for ths chief mourners. The
next time the trainers were wiser, and
when the mother took It under the water
for twenty or thirty minutes at a time
their pulses behaved In a normal way, and
the little fellow was allowed to soak. This
one grew and was sent to Cincinnati.
"Did you ever observe an hippopotamus
closely f They are the nearest approach
to the lohthyosaiuiaa of prehlstorlo times
that we know of among the animal fam
ily. The physiognomy Is absolutely bru-
tallsed. There is nothing to the face ex
cept the snout and loner jaw, which is
out of all proportions to the rest of the
brute's makeup. In the region of the head
where mentality Is commonly located, that
Is, above the ears and over the eyes, there
la a depression, less thaa feothlag. The
denseness mentally Is no less thaa the
denseness physically the hide being Im
pervious to bullets. No such thing aa a
trained hippopotamus was ever known. It
Is the very quintessence of density, and is
to the animal kingdom, what the lignum
vltae la to the vegetable."
Building; t-ermits.
Hastings & Heyden, 2716 Blnney street,
frame dwelling, 11.600; R. Relnhardt, Boyd
street and Commercial avenue, frame
store. 1600; Ernest Newhouse, dtOj North
Twenty-fourth street, frame dwelling,
13,360; B. Paul, SS22 Seward street, frame
dwelling. 22,000; K. C. Knox, SS24 Harney
street, frame dwelling, 15.000; & O, Steven
son, S22 South Twenty-seoond street, brlok
store, 21, 0.
Williams Is Stsvte Xaapeetor.
JEFFERSON CITT, Mo., July 9. The
supreme court today sustained the right
of W. W. Williams of St. Louis to ths
offloe of state factory Inspector. Williams
was sppolnted by Governor Hadley. J.
W. Bikes, former Inspector, brought ouster
proceedings, whloh the court denied.
Our moving day is fast approach
ing. In order to sell out quickly
the remainder of our stock we have
made the following clean-up prices:
Adler'a $1.50 Gloves 05c
$1.50 and $2 Shirts.. 05c
$1 Shirts G5c
$2 Collar Bags. .. .$1.15
$1.50 Collar Bags. . . .05c
Traveling Bags at price
1 and 1-M Neckwear 75c
75c Neckwear 50c
50o Neckwear 35c
50o Hosiery 35c
25o Hosiery ;203
Six for 21.00.
Shirt Jewelry at k pric
This is an absolutely bona-fide
clean-up sale that you can't afford'
to overlook.
319 South 16th St