Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 16

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nui FJI 1
(Continued )
DO DOE stw:ets.
tH.W) for this rorntr. WxlSJ
with four 1-Mory and
basement, 10-room h.ti r.
enly rialr4, rinwd ' fop
-'.l4 per rar. plmiv of ipom
to blllllj doubl M lxj,;j flBt.
Thin ori:r in . . ti l.rntlr lo
eat4 for fft?1r and . mut
able rntal, hci- at a une
ili'Ti joint f iv(l car '.
c;ipolir hU.i li ot, Ho..- t
church; and wfMn ft Mock
of I. O. tlloOo b.lunc
'l'r Mar at (,..r rr,
GEORGE A CO. Fi.rr.m 8t.
n.o.j ror mtra ft., fronting
on Nicholas St , ft. (a,t of
I th reM. paving n ni v.i
for tlo to .vla.n ntd
?Pv,w. K'"V' plant. T:m
ll.r.) cash, ba i-o to milt
OEOKQE ft CO.. 10ni Farnan, gt.
rjat front on Ioi1k. nr &ith
'or ll.MO. Hick 2i d. Trade Bid.
-room, new nous, modern
In averr repct; eumrnt
Walk: beat furnace: Inrn
lot; easy monthly payment;
let ua how you this; aloe
to car and achool.
Would consider good lot a
first payment
441 Board of Trade.
Tela.: Doug. '2151. Ind A 2151
DISTRICT, $1,100.
60s.U0 ft, fronting cant on
. 40th Kt.. aouth of J'acW.on
tit., olty water, ewr and aaa
In (treat, lot Just iou:n ( th a -'
being held at $1,W0. Owner
enxlou to cell and want to
OKOROB CO.. im Farnam at
For quick return, lift your real estate
for aale and exchauge with me, no ale,
no pay. W. W. Mitchell, Board of Trad
Bldg.. Omaha, Nab.
NEW brick St. Louis flat. Hanwoin
Park neighborhood, a bargain. Telephone
owner, Harney K86.
A BARGAIN In an 8 -room, 1-Mory. all
modern house; built 4 year ago. Owner
In going to leave th city and must aell.
Lot AOxl.lO ft. Booth front: on block to
car. Clone to new cathedral, 15.600. W. t
fcelby. 4M Board of Trade Bldg.
NEW brick St. Louis flat, Hanscom
Park neighborhood; $4,500. Tel, Harney isM.
B-room cottage, modern except heating,
good repair; ha cement walks, paved
treet, all specials paid. Price, $2..V)0.
TOS N. Y. U Bldg. Both Phone.
West Farnam District
N. 19th Ft., I room, 4 rooms and hall
downstairs. 6 bedrooms and hath up. Mod
ern; terraced lot 60x130: close to eohools,
churches and car. TERMS. $3,000. -
876-77-70 Brandels Bldg.
Douglas 1808.
600 ACRES of splendid land lo Harrison
Co., Ia., near town and school, rural free
delivery, phone, etc.; Well Improved; In fact,
a fin home and money maker, being null
able for either atock or grain; worth $76
per acre. The owner having retired, de
sires to aell this farm and will consider
about one-half purchase price In good,
clear Income property and take mortgage
back on farm for balance of purchase
money. This must be seen to be appro
elated. Address Owner, Lock Box (St, Mis
souri Valley, la.
For This Story The
Francl Robltiaon, 7 year old, son of M.
I. Robinson, Shenandoah, la.; attends
Forest Park school, third grade A;
teacher. Miss Battle Beitstrom.
1HH&A. oounecung ruums. luinisucii or
housekeeping. No objection to children.
N. Hlh fit.
Til Benaon family, ouuaniini of i'p
and Mamma Benaon and little Frankle,
arrived duly In Omaha, where Papa Ben
son waa to be manager of the Bell Tele
phone company. They want to the Pax
ton hotel to stay over night, and the next
flay they ataried in Matron of a flat or
furnished rooms. The very first plao
they went the rooms were lovely and th
prloe Just right, but th lady asked them
if that was their little boy. and they said
yea, and th lady said they could not
hav any children. So with Bad hearts
they left and went to another place, with
the same result. After trying all forenoon
and being turned down on aocount of th
little) boy, they decided to buy a Dally Bee
and read the want ads. At laat they found
this ad: "Three connecting room, fur
Dialled for housekeeping. No objection to
children. N. Kth St." They hurried to
the place and, finding It very coxy and
neat and the price moderate, they closed
the bargain and were oon aettled. Little
Frankle felt aorry for th poor widow
lady who they now lived with, and he
helped her by mowing the lawn and aaked
hi ppa for money to buy flower seed
and made a nice flower garden and kept
the yard so neat and pretty other land
lord were attracted by It, and on In
quiring found a child had don so well,
they all went to th Be office and ad
vertised their houses, flat and room for
rent, and all read: "No objection to chil
dren," and each on secured a good tenant
and all war nappy.
. Colorado.
I0 HEAVY HAiNd cut down your
profit? ;t an trrlratM frm tn Routt
county, Colorado. t'rrpriuai water rlht.
under Cry act, I-.' acre. Hlgr croi'.
better climate. W. 8. Kipley, 61 Paxcon
block. Omaha.
ijti, 1 nill from Ein. Ntb. All fent-el
h,,.1 ironi Im il, plnit. ruiinliig v.ater;
umber fut :Mid fuel. Writ J. H.
'iaiboy. t-.wliiH. .'.tb.
Kacii.lH. for nai9 at 4.' per acre; easy pay-
VA acre four mile south of DIE, Kim
ball county, icb., J 10 per acre; In a good
hwedirh settlement, every acre can be
J. u. Hone, Owner, S12 Shuirart Blk.,
Council liluffs, la., fhone, 814. Bell.
FOR 8AI.E By owner, quarter aectlon
good unimproved land near Alliance. ieo.
A bargain If taken within daya. Virgil
bmlth. Alliance. Neb.
SJ0 ACRE8 well Improved land. Red
Riypr VaiUy. Minn. Nothing better on
ami. uu p-r a i e. F. J. McMahon,
Endlcott. t. Paul, Minn.
ath Ukl.
LATORS. I hav a number of choice tr ota of land
Id Qretsory. Inpp, and Myer co intie, Bo.
Iak. I deal In nly patented Indian
lands, and can furnish clear unincumbered
tltlta for all lands 1 control. Write ni
lor prices and descriptions. Office at
ureeury. so. lak. ur -lueooer.
801.TH DAKOTA farm at 1J to A)
per aore. V rite
Mondamin, la.
A BARGAIN. 492 acres of land In Ly
man Co., 8. l., t miles of town, raw land,
all good pasture, pood well and dam, some
timber, land quite rolling. If taken soon
can aell fur per acre. "
Reliance, 8. T.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bldg., tfih and Farnam.
Private money. I') to $&.ow; low 'at.
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room L New York Life Bldg.
OARVIN BROS., $1S N. Y. Life. $Rs) to
1200,000 oa Improved property. No delay.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W,
Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1320 Farnam Bt
Mortgage Loans
X desire to announce to home owners and
home builders of the cities of Omaha and
South Omaha, that I am Dreoared to loan
money on residence property at the am
rat that the building and loan association
pay their depositors for th use of the
money they are lending, thereby effecting
a saving to borrowers of the expense of
manas-ing and maintaining building and
loan associations. No commission I charged
for making loans, only a nominal sum Is
required to cover expenses or recoraing
mortrare and examining abstract of title.
Prlvileg granted borrower to pay 10
per cent to JO per cent of the principal on any
interest uaie. iniereei payauiv at-mi-an-nually.
. All satisfactory loana are renewed
at maturity.
W. H. THOMAS, 60S First Natl. Bank Bldg,
Telephone Douglas 1648, Ind. A-1648
$600 TO $ on home In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real Eatat Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or
SECOND MORTGAGE loan negotiated.
Apply Room 417-11 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
lell Pbon Douglas His.
LOWEST RATES Bemi. Brandel Bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
WANTED City loans. Peter Tnit Co.
- WHO has a good sis or seven-room
house they- want to sell 7 Address F HI,
car of Bee.
WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-room house,
a 8-room house and a coudI of vacant lota
eulte ii4 N. Y. Life Bid.. Omaha.
Phon Red. 1990. Open evening.
Bee Offers a Prize
lllli IM.In
I ST ftrlnst MiU 4n auna -4 U . A 4 I
ire, carpets, clothe and shoes. Tel. Ioii-.
BEST price paid foe d hn furniture.
toves. clothlrg. Win. Roubltt. Tel.
I'ouxia i;vi.
AtTTOMOBILR Will trail first. el.s Im
proved ranch property and take In trade
automobile; machine nvisi be tanri'ard
make and In flrst-elis condition an, late
model. B. O. Brock ay. laurel. Mont
WANTED - fj Out nriate inonev: snn.l se
curity. Answer at once. Address H i, care
CUSTOM m9 of nromlnent tohhlna hoiisj.
In Omaha SHka thf.m to si cure fur 'h.m
a loan of $!2.u0, on gilt nice ral estate
security; I to I yrar Kood Interest rite
offered. Prefers loan from private source.
n interested address r-14d. care Uee.
KTlOO Ml ISA Imnrn,. Ian..
Ollt edge security. A ddrcss. KM. Bee. '
WE are retting Irqulrles for well located
houses. Must hsve sole agfnev Nowata
Land at.d ll Company, suite (!? N. T.
Life Bldg. Phore Red. D9. Omaha. Neb.
FURNISHED house, rot over 8 rooms or
tinder 4. Can furnish reference. Aildiesj
S 87, Bee.
WANTED To rent 4. 6 or -room house,
cottage or flat; no objection to distance
If In good neighborhood and near car line.
If rent Is reasonable: will consider year
lease. Address at once. C 91, care Bee.
Nolle f Stockholders Meeting;.
To the stockholders of THE MISSOURI
In conformity wltn the requirements af
the Constitutions and laws of th states of
Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and th
by-law of the Company, YOU ARtC
HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution of
the Board of Directors of Th Missouri
Paclflo Railway Company duly adopted at
a meeting of said Board on lit lath day of
May, A. D., IMS, a meeting of th stock
holder of The Missouri Pacific Railway
Company ha been called to b held at th
office of the Company, Room 70ti Missouri
Pact f l Building, In the City of St. Louis,
In th. State of Missouri, on the sixth day
of August, A. D. 1008, at nln o'clock In th
(1) For th purpoa of considering a Con
tract and Article of Consolidation bearing
dale the 2th day of May, lWa. neretofuM
made and entered Into by and on behalf of
The Missouri Paciflo Railway Company and
the following named corporations by order
ef their respective Boards of Directors:
Th Kansas and Colorado facific Rail
way Company, a consolidated corporation
Of th Stat of Kansas;
Th Central Branch Railway Company, a
consolidated corporation of th Stat of
Th Rook County Railroad Company, a
corporation or th Mate of Kansas;
Th Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the btate of Mis
souri; Nevada and Mlnden Railway Company ot
Kansaa. a corporation of n Stat of
Kansas Citv and South west am Wall way
Company of Missouri a corporation of Uv
mat oi Missouri;
Kansaa Cliv and Southwestern Railway
Company, a corporation ol the State of
The Fort 8oott Central Rs.ll way Com
pany, a consolidated corporation of th
State of Kansas;
Kar.opolla and Kansas Central Railway
Company, a corporation ot th Stat of
Th Kansas Southwestern Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the State of Kansaa;
Th LeRoy and Caney Valley Air Lin
Railroad Company, a corporation of th
Stat of Kansas.
(!) For th purpose of voting opon th
quuon whether uch Connect ana Ar
ticles of Consolidation, so made and en
tered Into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consolidation
consummated or wnetnei sucn .omraai
and Article of Consolidation ahall be re
jected: t
(S) To conatder and ot unon th adop
tion of a resolution accepting the provis
ion of Article II of Chapter U of the Re
vised Statute of the State of Missouri
ISUS " ,.kn.l. .. fill.. .1
- . v wwa.v. .iiv . , , (, iiiciw,,
all a required by Seatlon numbered list of
ucn ttviea eta tu tea in tn case or con
solidation of railway corporation: ' and
whereby all or any of aid corporatlona
ana Th Missouri Pacini Railway Company
hav agreed to consolidate In th whole
and to consolidate the stock of the e
spectlv companies making such consolida
tion, and to form and make under and pur
suant to the laws of the State of Missouri.
Kansas and Nebraska, a new, consolidated
corporation, to be known as Tho Missouri
Paclflo Railway Company, owning, con
trolling, possessing and bringing under one
management all and singular the lines of
railroad and other properties, real, personal
and mixed, powers, rights, privileges. Im
munities and franchises, belonging to any
of th eompanle making such consolida
tion, upon th terms and condition fixed
and stated by ald Contract and Article
of Consolidation:
(4) To take any other action In the pre
mise, and to transact any other business
that may properly come before the meeting.
Such Contract and Articles of Consolida
tion will be submitted to the meeting of
the stockholders so called for examination
gnd every atoekholder attending will be fur
nlsred with a printed copy thereof, and at
any Mme before such meeting any stock
hold will be furnished with a printed copy
of uch Contract and Article of Conso
lidation upon application therefor during
business hours to the Assistant Secretary
of the Company, at the office of the Com
pany In the City of fit. Louis. Missouri.
Dated, May tth, 1
President of The Missouri Pacific Railway
A. H. CALEr.
Secretary af Th Missouri Paclflo Railway
flc of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.
Sealed proposals, for letting Districts Nos.
L t, 4, i and 4, tn th Crow Indian Reserva
tion. Montana, for graxlng purposes, either
under a lease or by permit, will be received
at the offlc of th Commissioner of In
dian Affairs, Washington, D. C , until t
O'clock p. m., on Monday, August 2, 190),
and will b Immediately thereafter opened
In the preeence of such bidders aa may at
tend. Maps showing the location of the
dlstrlota and all necessary information
may be obtained on application to the
superintendent of the Crow Indian School,
Crow Agency, Montana. R. O. VALEN
TINE. Aoting Commissioner. Jyt UJut
Quartermaster, t url Omaha. Nebraska.
July S, 11SJU. Staled proposals, in triplicate.
subject to trie usual conditions, will bu
received at tins otrice until li o clock a.
m.. central standard time, July M. rsus.
and then opened in public, for the con
struction of eave txuuxhs and downsuout
drains around balloon house at Fort
Omaha, Nebraska. Full information fur
nished on application. U. S. reserves the
right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes
containing proposals to be marked "Pro
posals for Downsuout Drains and ad
dressed to Captain George d. Glbbs. Con
structing Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Ne
braska. . Jy-10-12-13-a8-
ter master, r ort Mackeusie. w yoming,
July , 1. -iiraled proposals. In triplicate,
will be received at this office until 10 a. m.
(mountain time), August 4. lfco. for .inin
concrete reservoir near Fort Mackenzie,
Wyoming. Plans and specifications may
be obtained at offices chief quartermaster
Omaha and Denver aud at this office, at
which latter place all information may be
obtained. United Statea reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all proposals.
Proposals should be enclosed in sealed en
velopes marked "Propoxals for Lining
Rwervolr," addressed Cant. E. S. Walton,
Lt& Inf., Constructing Quartermaster.
Jj-10 lJ-13-A2-$
Sealed proposal in triplicate will be re
ceived until t a. m.. July 23. 108. and then
publicly opened for construe Ion of addi
tion to water distributing -tern here.
Plans and specification may he seen her.
United State reserves right to accept or
reject any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Envelop a ronia!n;n- proposals
should ba marked "P-opo-sl tor AH.I'tlon
to Water System." rd addressed lo Con
structing Quartermaster. JJ l-26Jv1-10-17
4a Dollar a Tea.
OJi.lli.V, . I 1 I , . , ' . 1 , U I 1
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
rv Oewaell Blaff 4fflo f th
'Omaha Bee 1 at 11 See Street
Sotk Vboa a.
i'atis, ditiKs.
CORRTGAXS. Undertaker. 'Phone m
Woodrln: Undertaking company. -Tel. 3X.
Let Is Culler, funeral director. 'Phon S7.
When you want rellahl want ad adver
tising, use The Bee.
Ieerlnu binders and mower. Snearllhg
A Trlplett, 3-!T Kroadwsy.
Uiolena er. 'phone li$, N. Main St.
Dr. W. V. MsKsrell, optometrist, moved
to Uliy Nat onal bank building.
Excelsior Masonic lodg will meet this
evening fur work in the second degree.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Martena
$310 South Thirteenth street, a daughter.
A marriage license wa Issued yesterday
to John L. Mayberri", aged ii, of Council
Bluffs, and Edith Radford, aged 26, of
Avoca, la.
Rev. Henry DeLong and hi brother, Al
bert DeLong, of fait Lake City, arrived
home last evening from a visit with their
sister at Mollne, III.
Mr. June Heller filed In the district
court yesterday suit for divorce from John
S. Heller, to whom she was married July
0. 116. In Omaha. She chargea her husband
with deserting her on June 13,
Jack Pvatt. held In the county jail as a
witness In the case of Ben Sloan, charged
with the murder of a young Scotchman
named Wallare on a Nortnweetern passen
ger train, secured his release yesterday on
furnishing a cash bond In the sum of $100.
The city fire alarm bell which hung in
the tower of the old central fire station has
been Installed In the tower of th new sta
tion now nearlng completion. The wiling
has not yet been Installed, but as soon as
It Is the sound of the old bell will be heard
once more announcing the location ot fires.
E. M. Jones, charged with the Illegal sale
of liquor at Treynor, la., waa willing to
waive a preliminary hearing before Justice
Cooper yesterday, and In order that he
might do so and furnish a bond tn the sum
of 1400. the case was continued until tociay.
when the formal order binding him over
to the grand jury will be entered. The
technical charge against Jones la 'main
taining a nuisance."
The rains certainly benefited vegetables.
We have the largest cabbages we have had
for years, t cents each; beets, two bunches
for 6 cents; wax bean, 6 cent per pound;
home grown potatoes, .'0 cents per peck.
Apples are coming In, 60 cents per peck.
Ratpberrles. two for 25 cents. Muskmelons,
10 cents. Try some of our coffees, the 26
oent kind Is extra good. Wa also have
good tea; Gunpowder, at 50 cents and 75
cents; English breakfast tea. 75 cents;
Japan. W cent and M cents. Try our
cheese. 20 cents per pound. Bartel & Mil
ler. Telephone 3f9. "
oranges, doien, 15 cents; water melons, up
from' 35 cnt; large cabbage, two for 5
cent; beets, five bunche for 10 cents; wax
beans, one-half peck, 10 cent; sapolio, bar,
$ cent; 10-cent can lye, 5 cents; 10-cnt
can milk, 5 cent; egg, dozen. 20 cents, etc.
In our meat department: Boneless rib
roasts, pound, 12V cents to 15 cents; pot
roasts, pound, ( cents to 8 cents; bologna,
three pounds, 26 cents; pigs' feet, two for
S cents; bacon, by th trlp, pound, 11
cents; three-pound pall home rendertd lard,
ii ocnts, etc. In our hardware department:
Lawn' swings, $5.95; hammock, up from
88 oents, stoves, $1 to $8; stepladders, up
from 29 cents; ovens, $1.2610 $4; Ice cream
freeier. 79 cents, etc. J. Zoller Mercantile
Co., 100-102-104-106 Broadway. 'Phones 320.
fte-aa Home from Northwest.
J. P. Hess,- former president of the Ns
tlonal Horticultural congress, made a for
mal report of his recent trip through the
fruit growing states in the northwest In
the Interest of the big fruit show this fall,
at a meeting of the executive committee of
the congress around the luncheon table at
the Grand hotel yesterday noon. Mr. Hess
said that from what he had seen and heard
the fruit show this year In Council Bluffs
would be one of the biggest enterprise
ever held in the middle west. He said It
wa now up to the people of Council Bluffs
the officers of the congress, the Commer
cial club and other to provide room for
the display which will be brought heie
from all ectlon of the country.
Victor E. Bender resigned as chairman
of th publicity committee and W. P.
Hughe, on of the new owner pt the local
newspaper, was appointed In his place.
SATURDAY 6PECIA LB Fresh tomatoes,
per basket, 25 cents; five bunches of beets,
10 cents; wax bean, per peck. SO cents;
fancy muskmelons, 10 cents each; cucum
ber. C cents each; home grown potatoes.
per peeje. 25 oents. In fruits, apricot, per
basket. 45 cents, or $1 75 per case; peaenss.
20 cent per dozen; raspberries, 12 cent
Dr box: cherries, per basket, 35 cents. In
canned goods, large can apricots, 15 oents;
large can peaches, 15 cents; large can
beets, 10 cents; three cans of peas, 2a cents.
Quart jr olive. $0 cent each. Sweet and
sour pickle, per bottle, 8'4 cent. Wa
handle cooked meat, sliced any thickness;
also spring chickens, 36 centB each. W
deliver to west end every day. L. Groen,
124 West Broadway.
The Fashion, ladles' tailoring. R. H.
Emleln proprietor, late fitter Orkln Broa.
I do first-class work reasonable. I make
shirts for $15, shirts $5. I also do al taring
to buIL Would you give me a trial? S3
South Main street.'
We are open (or Bids on Cement
Wi manufacture the best cement block
on the market, the continual air-space
cement block. The wall lnslda never
get wet or damp Put up In cement will
last a life time.
Office, Boom 8, First BaUoual Bank
Building. Viione Ind. 840. Plant 8U
Klree an First Avians.
Lclfert's SSZZ Lenses
CrnMtt Cmfrt bewnie Weartn ef Clam
r4 mt, st
4 kV .i -Ml
tUT UNI lg jf mi n
Ntrw York to Havro-Paris 6 Days
Compajjme Generate
Q'Sanfto Twin Soravr end Extras ttvamvr.
Ksval oScr in command, wlreb telrgrphy,
cuomsnnc atf-ty !-cll tigusl sys'c.ri.
La Tourslns July IS I La Lfralnt Aug. I
La U.- itgne July ?2 1 1. T"urains Aug. 11
L Ptoisiks July tt Ls Urign Aug It
eoit rn-Clas Cabin rv1e Til class)
$4 J t e0 si. trust baiuiUirs- '
Hnt York-Bo- laaus Sarvte font cla cabin)
uu.y $40 and $40.
a r wm .
H k Moor
L. Use
w a. goes .
I4vl r a mia st line
111 sarsaaa Slr:
, . Wl Natlenal bass
114 farnaiw tUMt
w. a. (mi
I 11.',
Council Bluffs
Mayor Maloney'i Scheme Ditcnised
from Several Standpoints.
Aaanal Eipem to City I A boat
aiSiOOO, Beside f.oeaee Sustained
by Owners of PrlTate
That com definite stop should ba taken
by the municipal officials to prevent th
periodical overflow of Indian creek by di
verting th stream at the city limits or
by any other plan which may b found
feasible is the general opinion. .
"Mayor Maloney' aohem to divert th
creek at th city limit seems a good one,'
said a well-known Broadway merchant yea
terday. "1 do not know whether auch a
plan Is practicable, but If It I I tor on
am In favor of the city doing aomethlng
definite In this direction. The expense an
nually to th city of repairing th damage
after one of thee periodical flood I
not only large, but the damage to property
and business on Broadway and adjacent
territory Is enormou. Th proposition to
bond th olty. If thl can be done, to carry
out som schema of diverting th creek
would b an economic proposition In the
long run."
A conservative estimate place th coat
annually of repair to th bridge ovr
Indian creek and cleaning th streets aftar
each successive overflow of th tream
at $15,000. Thl sum would be 5 pr cent
on t"00 004, and if this amount waa expanded
In diverting the creek or In carrying out
ome other plan to prevent these con
stant overflows, the taxpayer would not
b paying any more than they are now
Then, again, a a city official pointed out
yesterday, there would not be yearly the
Immense los to property owner that thr
now Is every time th creek leave , Its
If th crack could b diverted and It la
believed the acheme I practicable, It
would do away with the necessity of
bridges and the prospective large xpenge
of replacing the present structures with
concrete bridge. By diverting th creek
the bed of the stream could be filled In
and utilised for a large main atorm sewer.
This would giv hundred of acre of
valuable ground to the owner of prop
erty abutting on the creek.
It ha bean suggested that th diverting
of the creek could be made part of a
he storm sewerage system for the city,
for the construction of which bonds oould
be IrsuihI provided the proposition met
with favor at the hands of the voter.
Mayor Maloney has been unable to con
sult City Solicitor Kimball on thffe phase
ef the question aa Mr. Kimball 1 at
present out of the city, but other attor
neys with whom he has discussed th
proposition have expressed th opinion
that thl could be done.
City Treasurer True ha In hi possession
the copy of a report made twenty-five
years ago by Boneiette Williams, a civil
engineer, who at that time mad plana
for a sewerage system in Council Bluff.
In that report Mr. William says: "The
most difficult thing with which w hav
to contend, as It Is now the great draw
back to the city' prosperity, la Indian
As a remedyy Mr. William mad the
suggestion In his report to divert th
creek from Its present channel at . th
north city limits by means of a tunnel
through the bluffs to the Missouri river,
This would serve to drain the nine squar
miles of watershed above the city. As
it now I the creek receive all the water
from the hills, thus causing the periodic
overflow and resultant destruction. Thl
Mr. Williams estimated coould be don at
a cost of about $200,000.
W have jut received a big line of th
celebrated Perfect Fireless Cookers. W
show them In three alxos, with aluminum
vessel or enameled. We Invite your In
spection. Price. $7.60, $900, $12.00. P. C.
De Vol Hdw. Co.
Weddln Rlags,
Pur gold, seamless, all sizes, thus no
delay or altering, $3 to $12. Engraving
free. Leffert.
Powell Garner Mlkesell Desul.
Powell Garner Mlkesell died suddenly last
evening about 8 o'clock at his home, 2309
Avenue C, from heart failure. Although
he had been ailing slightly for the last
week, his condition was not such as to
cause alarm. Tuesday he served as on
of the judKe at the splal school election.
Mr. Mlkesell was sitting on the porch
with member of hi family last evening,
when It commenced to rain, and he went
Indoor. A few rrlnul later he had a
sinking spell and before medical assistance
could be secured he was dead.
He was 69 years of age and had been a
resident of Council Bluffs for thirty-five
years. He Is survived by five daugftteis.
Mrs. H. J. Chittenden. Mrs. A. G. Hennlng,
Mrs. R. H. Harris, Mrs. T. II. O'Donnell
tnd Mis Anna D. Mlkesell, a teacher In
th city schools, who, with th exception
of Mr. Chittenden, reside in thl olty.
Mrs. Chittenden lives in Sioux City.
The funeral will be held Sunday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock from the family resi
dence and burial will be In Walnut Hill
cemetery. Rev. J. W. Jonas, rector of
St. Paul' Episcopal church, of which Mr.
Mlkesell wa a member, will conduct the
We have a large number of banker'
carpenter,' clerks,' and stenographers' pen
cils which we are giving away as lotvg
as they last Call at our offUe and get
them. Iowa Loan company, corner l'i ai l
and Broadway, suit 5.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, F-1702.
LIQUOR CO. (19 S. Main. Phone 3323,
Oxford for th Fourth. You should hav
a pair. We cm please you ai d save you
money. Duncan Shoe Co., 23 Main St,
Th Wise-man received a telegram to
come home at once on account of lcknas
as h did not hav enough money he
telephoned the Iowa Loan company, corner
Pearl and Broadway and waa abl to catch
th first train home. If it Is money you
a ant see them.
Oxfords and strap pumps In all leather.
Price th lowest, quality coi eidered. Dun
can Shoe Co., 23 Main St.
Bigger, Better. Buater That' what ad
vertising In Th Bee dor for your busi
ness. More Pay for letter Carrier.
Commencing July 1 the salurle of seven
teen of the eighteen local letter carriers
have been raised from $1,000 to $1,100. A. O.
fcmltti, v-ho has not been In the service aa
long a the other, has his pay raised
from $100 to $1,000. Ten of the clerks In the
poatnfflce are In order for a like raise In
their pay, but Postmaster Haaelton baa not
ax at-
Council Bluffs
a yet received official notification from
Washington to allow, th Increase.
A LOO MKJf AsK. questions
Attorney General By era' Matins; Com-
plteate Lneal Bltaatloa.
It I sat to say that cold shiver ran
down th spin of many a saloon kepnr in
Council Bluff when be took up hi news
paper yesterday morning and read the dis
patch from Vt Moines relative to a con
struction placed on the Moon law by At
torney General Bycra. The aaloonman hav
received soma hard knocks lately, but lomi
of them war Inclined to regard th an
nouncement from the attorney general' of
fice a a solar plexus blow. Som of them.
howver, expressed the hop that It wa
not as bad a It seemed.
"I wonder." said one aaloonman, "If thl
I what District Superintendent Chamber
of the Iowa Antl-Paloon league referred to
when he said recently that he still had
aomethlng up hi levT"
County Attorney He wa Inclined to
th opinion that th ruling of the attorney
general will not affect the saloons In thl
olty to any great extent. "I had expected
to hear today from Mr. Byer," ald Mr
He, "and In th abenc of a copy of hi
construction of this law I am, ot course,
unabl to say with any posltlveness what
ffect It will have locally. From what I
hare read In th dispatches from D
Moines, however, I am of the opinion that
most of the permit Issued by the city
council will hold good. In a few cases It
may be that the permits will be held void
and the saloonmen now doing business
under them will have to quit."
Th situation In Council Bluff I con
ceded to b somewhat complicated. Owing
to th orusad mad against the local sa
loons iy the Iowa Antl-Paloon league and
others, the saloonmen deemed It best to
start over Just prior to the Moon law go
ing Into effect on an entirely new basis.
No place in Council Bluffs are Meats and Groceries
sold at suoh low prices. Note our prices and see what
you can save :
Sugar-Cured Picnic Hams, per pound 8VaC
Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon in strips, per pound 12C
Large Head Cabbage,
B bead (or
Large Head Caull
flower, 2 beada for
Country Butter, 99f
per pound ,uuV
20c Flat cans Red Sal
mon, per can
Pet Milk,
7 cans for
Owing to a good many of our customers being unable to
take advantage of our Skinned Ham Sale we will continue
to sell this Saturday, Sugar-Cured Pig Hams, lb. IIV2C
Both Phones, 24. 600-602 BROADWAY.
Wholesale and -Retail
601 UiId St. Council Bluffs, la.. 'Phoni 211
A Special Ttirea Day Sals in Msats and Groceries
Fancy Bacon, rery fine ....1559
Tbe Best Skinned, Sugar-Cured Hams 10
Very Fancy California Hams . . . .
9 -bars K. C. Soap 25
10 bars Royal Soap 25 1?
Sweet Country Butter, lb. . ,22c
1 Oc package Oatmeal ...... 7
10c cans Corn 6
lOo cans Peaa G
16c Cans Tomatoes 8
Guaranteed Flour, per sack ...f,
O. K. Flour, per sack
Up-to-Date Flour, per sack
1 Paul Revere's Best Coffees
Don't Say We
"We have your size, 500 pairs to select from.
1 IFfi
fmrsmi STORE
Council Bluffs
Tbey secured a new general statement of
consent from th elector, new ttmnts
Of consent from adjoining property own-
era, and cloeed up their places for a day
or more whll getting ready to open ander
th new order of thing. On June X3 th
city council granted forty-nine permit,
and subsequently nln more before July t.
Th Moon law wa passed on April 11
although It djd not go Into effect until
July 4. Th question that now arise Is,
How many saloons were In operation In
Council Bluff on April 15 In full eompHance
with the mulct lawT It la stated that At
torney General Byer. In construing th
Moon law, ay: "Palotm. In ordr t con
tinue In business under th Moon law In
greaur number than th ration ef an to
each 1,000 population, must hav been m
operation In full compliance with the mulct
law on April 15, 1UB. th data whn th
Moon law was pasaed."
The, attorney general was called up by
Interested parties vr th long dltnca
WUphon ytrday, and In reply to their
inquiries, h said that th opinion h had
given wa general and that he had not at
tempted to onnstru th law with reference
to any particular locality. He declined to
say what the effect of th law would a
In Council Bluffs Until he should be ad
vised of all conditions.
Missouri Cnnrt Rfe nehenrlnsT
Ouster Case Involving High
motion of th Equitable. Metropolitan and
Prudential Insurances companies for a re
heating of the caae refusing them a li
cense tn do business In tbe state becaus
of violation of the statute which prohlbltg
the payment of $M W) 'ry any of
ficer, w overruled by the supreme court
today. Th companies will appeal.
Pot Roast,
per pound . .
Rib Boll Beef.
6 pounds for
Compound Lard,
B-lb. pall
Cbolce Veal Roast,
per pound
Choice Veal Stew,
per pound
Fresh Tomatoes, basket .... 20
New Fancy Potatoes, peck.. 252
2 cans Peaches In syrup .-25
2 cans Apricots In syrup . . .25?
Fancy Dried Beef, lb 25
Beef Pot Roast, lb. g
Chickens, frebb dressed -13)
for sale bere.
Failed to Tell You
That we are this week selling Men's
Tan and Oxblood Shoes and Oxfords
all in the latest 1909 styles, regular
price $3.50 and $4.00
Sale Price $2.50
Men's nice light Dress Tan Shoes, reg
ular price $2.50
Sale Price $1.50 .