3 Commencing Tuesday July 6th Ending Saturday, July 10th nrifrLCB oJJoIhim Oeimo (Co riTE BEE: OMATLV, MONDAY, .TTTLY 5,1009. j fS(Q) PEES Cliff HSCOHTll 11 dD CEOT PECT l i mi "susss" HIS GREAT INVESTMENT SALE WILL EXCELL ALL PREVIOUS SALES IN VALUE-GIVING. This half yearly event is eagerly looked forward to by many in this and surrounding cities, who have learned by experience that when The John Ben6 Company announce o vm ceot memm iron regular prices N that it means more than the ordinary clearing sale in both merchandise and real opportunities for money saving. Every garment or piece of goods sold during this sale is the same sterling, reliable sort that is always offered at this store. Ready Made Clothes for Men, Women and Children. Exquisite Laces, Embroideries, Underwear, Hosiery, Linens, Wash Goods, Silks, Gloves, Neckwear, etc., Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags and Traveling Necessities, Millinery, Carpets, Notions, etc - BROADWAY, HEAD OF PEARL STREET, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA ! . IT TLT i LJ. -Li. 1 IEB EMO (CO otti. Telephones Mo. Reaches all Departments Nail Orders filled at Sale Prices which enables out-of-town patrons to secure the benefit of this Sale. Council Bluffs SCHOOL . ELECTION TUESDAY Voters Will Pass Upon Proposed Bond , , J,ssue vt $75,000. POLLS ' OPES 9 .A M. TO 7 P. M. Moncr ti Needed to Complete New ' UuHUIn on OaU StreetList. , ef PoMlps Places Had Judgn. The polls at .'ih special election to morrow, when the proposition of levying an additional ' S7.600 for the new school building" at Oak street and Broadway will be submitted to the voter' of' the Inde pendent school district will be open from 9 a. m. to J p. m. For ithe purpose of chool election the diHtrlnt la divided Into six voting pre cinct, which practically conform to the Ix wards of the city. The voting booths will be located In the sis precincts a follows: First preolpet 134 West Broadway. Second revlnct U North Main street Third Prootnct 811 South Main street. Fourth1 'Precinct Basement of county court house. Fifth Precinct County building;, eprner of Fifth avenue and Twelfth street. Sixth Precinct County building, corner of Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street. The following have been appointed by the Board of Education to serve a judges and clerk of election: First Preolnct Judges, William Green, C. A. Morsan;' rlerky Klohard Trumbull. Second Precinct Judges. Spencer Smith, M. K. Hohrer: clerk. J. N. Cassady. Third Precinct Judges, William Arnd, Fred Spetman; clerk, Oscar Baumeister. Fourth Precinct-Judges, F. P. Wright, J.-J. ,llrwn; clerk, Charles F. Paschel. Fifth Precinct Judges, Peter Smith, Mahlon Brown: tlerk. Edward Welch. Sixth Precinct Judges, C. 8. Hubbard. P. Q. Mlkesell: clerk. J. M. Shea. Registrars will be In session during the Council Bluffs Council Bluffs time the polls are open In each voting pre cinct. Only those entitled to vote who did not register or vote at the general eleo- j tlon last' November will be required to register tomorrow. The following will serve a registrars: First Precinct, N. W. Williams. George Dentler; Second precinct. G. H.- Baker, W. I. Hansen; Third precinct, Frank Zur muehlen, A. J. Jorgensen; Fourth precinct, George Wlckham, Clint Robinson; Fifth precinct, M. Callaghan. G. H. Acker; Sixth precinct, John Epperson, Gu Watt. There was originally for this school the sum of (20,000. but the purchase of the site absorbed about $7,000 and there is only about 113,000 In the school building fund. The lowest bid for the construction of the building, exclusive of plumbing, heating and lighting, was that of Wlckham Bros., which was 118,998. The . contract was awarded to this firm by the Board of Education conditional on the proposition to levy an additional 17,500 meeting with the approval of the voters of the district Bids for the plumbing and heating, which it Is expected will cost about $3,000, are to be received by the Board of Education at Its meeting tomorrow evening. The archi tect's fees will require about $800, and the expense of grading the property, it is ex pected, will be about SS00. The need of thla new school building In the eastern part of the city to relieve the congested condition existing at the Pierce street school Is so apparent that no opposi tion to the extra levy Is anticipated. It had been the Intention to have this building ready by the opening of the new school year In September, but It Is doubtful If this can now be accomplished. Minor Mention rte Oeueftl Staff OCT) mt the OtBaabA See kj it U Beet dltlon of the eyes has so much to do with more than one bodily aliment. Consult us at the first Indication of eye trouble. Dr. W. W. Magarrell. optometrist, 206-20S City National Bank Building, Council Bluffs. Factory on premises.! We are pen for Bids on Cement Sidewalks W manufacture the best cement block on the market. the continual air-space cement block. - The whUh inside never get wet or damp Put up In cement will last a life tiuva. sacrrJrs fcuscwrr bx.ocx co., Of floe. Boom 9, rirst KatiuaaJ Bask BuUoiag. flwM - lad. 849. Uat H7U kul ana Tr Arena. LcflcH's'SLenies Ci'iHsaC start sjmsswWhwisI Okllil d SWT UM r ,a a.. .Mi Mate UanSmm MS St eeuaea, awn te iLETTERFS Maybe You Know This Yoa want the real corn flavor to toasted cornflakes. "Yello" corn flakes five it to you. Try this new or I It's the Wkt! rrjsasi L -" - t " W have a large number of bankers' carpenters,' clerks,' and stenographers' pen cils which we are giving away as long as they last. Call at our office, and get them. Iowa Loan company, corner Pearl and Broadway, suite i. SERMOX BV REV. H. W. STARR Former Rector of St. Paal'a Addressee Graduatiaar Class. Rev. Homer Worthlngton Starr, rector of Christ church, Wlnnetka, 111., preached the sermon yesterday morning to the graduat ing class of the graded Sunday school of St. Paul's Episcopal church, of which he wa formerly pastor. Rev. 6tarr. during his rectorvhlp of St. Paul's parish, or ganised the graded Sunday school, and under his administration It had a phenome nal growth The services yesterday morn ing were attended by a large congregation, anxious to greet tfcelr former rector. Four students of the graded school re ceived diplomas. They were Roy Allon, Perclval Mullls, Chester Orcutt and Earl D. Patterson. Two, who graduated from the Normal Sunday school and are now qualified as teachers, were Miss Hasel Hart and Misa Theresa Klnxel. The di plomas were presented by the rector. Rev. J. W. Jones. Rev. Mr. Starr In his sermon took oc casion to allude to the significance of the day, the Fourth of July, and gave an Interesting outline of the Episcopal church career during the early history of the United States. The first church service ever held in America, he said, was that of the church of England. 1 ILL.. I . .1, 1 ,11. J L TC J 1 rAMiTyveriinPferrnDP Davis, drugs. CORRIGANS, Undertakers. 'Phones 14s. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. t3. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 37. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. The public library building will be dosed all day Monday. When you want reliable want ad adver tising, use The Bee. Deerlng binders and mower. Spearllng sc Triplett, 321 Broadway. Dr. W. W. Magarell, optometrist, moved to 206-208 City National bank building. BAIRD, LONQENECKER tt BOLAMD. Undertakers. 'Phone 122, 14 N. Main 8L CAMERAS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SUP PLIES. ALEXANDERS ART STORE. 833 BROADWAY. WANTED FIVE TRV'S Trt niCT.TVETl ICE TO FAMILIES. A. G. GILBERT ICE COMPANY. To Whom It May Concern: I will not be responsible for any debts contracted Jy my wife after this date. E. L. Champirey. The regular business meeting and Ken sington of the Flower mission will be held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Heiser on Glen avenue. Dr. J. H. Cole, who lost his right foot as tne result or an accident while running to catch a street car, has sufficiently recov ered from the operation of amputation to be removed to his home on Oakland ave nue. Hon. W. E. Mitchell of Sidney. Ia.. who la to deliver the oration at the public In dependence day celebration In Falrmount park this afternoon, arrived In the city yesterday and is the guest at the Grand hotel. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Con gregational church will hold Its regular business meeting and kensington Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. P. Wil son. 242 South Seventh street. Mrs. Wilson win be atislKted by Mrs. E. L. Scott and Mrs. Robertson. The fire department was called last night shortly before 11 o'clock to the corner of Scott street and Broadway by a false alarm. The reflection of fire works in the window of the store led some one to be lieve there was a blase In Eve's bakery and caused an alarm to be turned in. Frank Be Is, the stranger picked up In an unconscious condition In an alley off Main street Saturday evening, came to dur ing the night at the city jail. He ascribed his condition to whisky and said he had been on a protracted spree. The police, however, are of the belief that he had taken some drug. The Ladies' Aid society of St. John's English Lutheran church will meet Thurs day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Louis Grell. 70S First avenue. The young people's society will hold its monthly busi ness meeting and social at the residence of Miss Isabel King. Sll Little Curtis street. There will be no midweek service Wednes day evening. William Scott, an alleged "steerer" for the J. C. Maybray gang, who Is under ar rest at Falls City. Neb., Is not under in dictment here. The local authorities be lieve he Is wanted In Omaha by the federal authorities for alleged misuse of the malls. Scott is the man who recently gave ths sheriff the slip at Fredonla. Kan., after being placed under arrest. Rev. H. W. Starr and wife of Wlnnetka, 111., who with their two children, are guests of Mr. and Mr. C. R. Tyler of Sixth avenue, will remain hers until Thurs day. On Wednesday evening they will be tendered an Informal reception at the Tyler home, to which all members of St. Paul's Episcopal parish and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Starr are cordially Invited. There will be many mishaps resulting from the Fourth and many soiled clothes that need cleaning and pressing. W can clean and pres the clothes to suit your entire 'satisfaction, but we cannot fix up the mishaps. Call us up after the Fourth and we will call and get your garments and bring them back cleaned and pressed In strictly first-class manner. Bluffs City Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye Works, 2-24-24 N. Main. Both 'phones 314. SPORTS rOR INDEPENDENCE' DAY Baslness Will Be Snspended by All Larger Heases Today. In Council Bluffs tonay will be observed as the Fourth of July and It will be cele brated generally as a holiday. All of the larger business houses have announced that they will keep closed all day and thus afford their employes an opportunity to celebrate with the rest of the citizens. Weather permitting, the big feature of the day's celebration will be the public Inde pendence day patriotic exercises, sports for young and old and fireworks at Fairmount park In the afternoon and evening. The banks will bo closed, as will the county and city offices. At the county court house the office of the clerk of the district court will be open from 7:30 to (:3t for the accommodation of the old soldiers and others drawing pensions, as today Is quarterly pension day, when vouchers have to u filed. Many picnic parties have been planned for today, but these will necessarily depend upon the weather. Lake Manawa will offer numerous special attractions today and this popular resort will undoubtedly be the mecca' for many of the pleasure seekers. The following holiday hours will be ob served at the poatoffice: Stamp window, general delivery window, money order and registry department will be open from 8 until 11 a. m. Carriers will make but one delivery, leav ing the poRtofflce at 8 a. m. There will be a business collection made in the afternoon, carriers leaving tho postofflce at 1 p. m. and a collection in the evening, carrier leaving the postofflce at 7. There will be no service on rural free delivery routes. The Alaska, the only real ice-saving re frigerator on'"; the market. ' Peterson Schoening Co. . MOREHOUSE & CO. have added a new press to their printing plant, U North Main street. Albla Republican geld. CRESTON. Ia.. July ..(Special Tele gram.) W. D. Junkln of the Albla Repub lican has sold his interest In the paper to Horace B. Barnes of Albla and P. S. Junkln of the Creston Advertiser-Gazette, and will go to Spokane, Wash. Mr. Barnes will have charge of the paper at Albia. This Is the fifth paper P. S. Junkln has added to his string in this part of the state. The otHer three are the Corning Union-Republican, Shariton 'Herald and Bedford Tlmns-Republicaa. Harry and Kathyrlne Mitchell, In a rip roaring comedy -sketch witb , . a cyclone finis, "A Strange Stranger: plan playing and singing. The most entertaining and comical bill of the ' season. Diamond theater. The coolest place lit town. Four days. Weddlasr Rlagrs, Pure golA, seamless, all elses, thus no delay or altering, 1 to til. Xngravlng free. Leffert. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USB BUT TOUR LIQUORS AT L. ROSEN FELD CO., U SO.' KAIN.i'PHONE 333. Take Geed Care f Year Eyes, Not only because of any pain In them, not only because you experience difficulty In seeing, not only because of fear of ulti mata loss of eyesight, but because the con- i FA : l!F mm i - il tUIMH ni M lrll HUUMI ItllAlll U !W1 Commencing Again Tuesday Morning, July 6th, and Continuing Every Day this Week C -34 MAIN ST. ' 33-35 PEARL ST. The crowds of eager customers on Saturday last were more than pleased. From past experience they knew that would "MAKE GOOD" their advertisement for the great SEMI-ANNUAL CLEAR ANCE SALE, but they were not prepared for such an overwhelming quantity of bargains in bright, new merchandise the perfect surplus stocks as well as the large quantities of new goods bought especially for this great sale. NO SUCH A GENUINE BARGAIN-GIVING EVENT HAS EVER BEFORE BEEN OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF COUNCIL BLUFFS AND VICINITY. t7 It is our purpose to surpass in magnitude all Bargain Sales given by any other store in this locality, either in the past or present. ; . . , 20, 25, 334 and Even to 50 Discounts These are real discounts from the regular selling prices. No make-beliefs whatsoever. Everything is marked in plain figures, and THE BLUE MARKS ARE CLEARANCES PRICES. To emphasize TUESDAY, JULY 6TH E especially, we offer phenominel values in SHEETS and PILLOW CASES. Sale Begins Promptly at 10 O'clock Tuesday Morning HOW DO THESE PRICES LOOK TO YOU? for Bleached Pillow Cases, 42x36 or 45x36, either size you wish, for casesou have been accustomed to see -priced at 15 cents. 49c for 72x90 Guaranteed Tepperell Bleached Sheets' 55c for 81x90 Guaranteed Pepperell Bleached Sheets. ' You will find these (sheet selling all over this country at 85c and 90c each. h 33-35 PEARL STREET. 32-34 MAIN STREET. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. 4 f Alii likliltaiJ 4Ut LJhtik, i