Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Miss Grace Shannon of Council Blaffi
' Arrested' in Set Moines.
"e Ssys Her Parents Attempted te
Uaite) Her Marry an Old Bach
lor Lever Killed la
From a Staff Correspondent.)
'IE'! MOINES. In , July S.-(Speclal Tel
CKfam.) Mies Grace Rhannon, daughter of
a Well-to-do farmer living near Council
'Huffs, Is n charge of the police matron
here. According to the story he telle the
Police nhe ran away from home became
her parents attempted to force her to
marry an old bachelor when he had
promised the son of a neighbor that she
Wonld marry him when he returned from
the .Philippine war. She la atlll waiting
for him to return. Mica Shannon ran away
froirt home Thursday and waa arretted
her; Nine yeara ago, when Dan Maple
ton., left for the Philippine aa a private
In a Nebraska regiment, she promised to
marry him. According to Philippine war
veterama, Mapleton probably lout hla life
by hie bravery at tne head of a scouting
parly aa sergeant trying to captuie
Airlnaldo. MIks Shannon claims she will
remain true to her promise not to marry
anoJier If Mniilrlon never cornea back. Fo
t he n her relatives tried to force her to
icoclve the aurhtlons or a neighbor bach
cl.w fhe ran an ay from home. She will
:.o taken back to d mncll Bluffs Monday.
Mine I.ii Le .uy lie Elected.
Miss Harriet Iake of Independence, la.,
one of the nioal prominent club women
of the state, may be elected as superin
tendent of the Industrial i-chool for girls
atJrtkche Iv.lle. She Is repent for tlio Slate of tin; Anio.lcan Revolution.
The torn d, lias brrtl considering applicants,
l.ut will no: make the selection for a few
days, Lccause of the necessity of lettlns
.lie tyiiliact fur an Ice plant at Mount
t'ltnajuit, which has Interrupted.
Cra litre Cone Referred.
The secretary of war and Attorney Gen
et al Wick srsham will have to aay what
to do with Lisle Crabtree, who shot and
killed Captain Raymond at Fort Pes
Moines, in times of war he would have
been court martialed. There Is no provl
Klon as to what to do with him' In times
of peace, so his case has been referred
to Washington.
Two Soldiers Hart.
While crossing the Oreat Western ralt
road tracks In Smith res Moines In an
army wagon from Fort Pes Moines, Pri
vates John C. Finnlgan and Joseph Burns
were struck by a Great Western engine.
Burn waa but (.lightly hurt, but Finnlgan
was quite seriously Injured. ,
' Campaign for Pare Milk.
Prosecution was started today by the
state- food and dairy commissioner's office
against L. E. Bennett of Frailer, , la.. . on
In charge of selling cream in tes Moines
that waa below the standard,. required by
As state. Bennett sold by wholesale to
lee cream parlors and other concerns. Ar
rangements are being made te secure some
prosecutions of dealers for., selling milk
with'' dirt in it. The state food and dairy
commih:-luncr Is endeavoring to make the
enforccniii.i of the pure milk laws so
rigid, from I...S on that it will be impossi
ble lor ileuUrs to ' Impose on the people.
Heretofore,, tho Inspections by the stale
Inspectors have been -made once a month
and usually at about the same time each
month- Now It Is nroposcd to make the
Inspections, at,' any tlme aurlhg a month
and keep, the Inspectors busy nearly all
of tho rime. It Is believed that this will
be tbe only means of securing pure milk.
Governor Carroll" to Outnrte Center.
Govf ruqr, IV F, Carroll la in Guthrie Cen
ter today making a Fourth of July speech
to the people at the celebration there. By
proclamation of the governor Monday will
be generally celebrated through Iowa aa
the Fourth . and the atate house offices
will be closed i on that day. ,
Klsss to. Denver.
State Superintendent John F. Rlggs and
a delegation of Iowa educatora left today
to attend the convention of the National
Educational association In Penver.
Deputy State Superintendent Bennett left
today for Ms home In Mount Ayr to spend
the Fourth of July..
Fore Vacation to Children.
Children attending the summer vacation
school in the Lincoln school building will
have to take a vacation Monday, though
they have signed a petition which they pre
sented -to their superiors asaing that there
be no vacation. The children are enjoy
ing the work of studying nature at close
range by making gardens ana ins use.
' Drains SS.OOO Acres.
Among the decisions of the supreme court
yesterday was one which makes possible
the drainage of 18,000 acrea of land In Des
Moines county. The supreme oourt af
firmed the action of the distriot court,
which approved the action of ihe super
visors In. arranging for the drainage dis
trict. .
" Folk County rlrat.
Polk county seems likely to be the first
county In the state to establish a county
hospital under the new law. It was the
expectation that mainly the county hoa-
nitmts would take care of the tuberculosis
patients that are at present In the stats
In such large numbers aoout iv.wv in an;
thAt there Is no other way to care for
them. It Is' part of the plan of campaign
to rid the atate of tuberculosis.
Sheriffs' Gather Hero.
, The state convention of Iowa sheriffs
will be" held in this city July M. and XL
Sheriff Neea announced today the follow
ing program: '
Morning Session Address of welcome,
Tnt.,1 UflnVlur.
Afternoon Session "Sheriffs and Their
. . t A " A H,n.U Wat.
neiaiioiiB iu w - " , .
ter McHenry. Wives of sheriffs ride to
Coif a over Interurbaa on special car,
Night Greater Iowa .club entertains at
ingersoil para.
Morning Session "Our New Criminal
La we and How They Affect the Sheriffs,"
Judge Jesse A. Miller.
Afternoon Session "Goodby, but Come
tt TnsTT?s TT F2
mother's shapeliness. All of
Mother rnena ocrorc oaoy
bodv for the strain upon It, and preserves the symmetry o
Mother' Friend makes the danger of child-birth less, and
safely througn tnts critical t
i n ri l s.i fi lis vibic"
Fullv tell of the ben fit and IP"
relief derived from, the use;
of this remedy. iTSfi tTiuT
staok sllfJ freetoalleiiwrtanl roolbwe,
xua kuldiu wulaj.0 co.
Atlanta, Ca.
Again." Judge W. H McHenry. Wives of
sheriffs take auto ride over the city.
Night Pension Smoker at the Savery
hotel for the sheriffs.
' Osteopaths Boy Sanitarian.
Still College of Osteopathy today pur
chased the old sanitarium on East Twelfth
street, one block north of the state his
torical building, and will spend 111.000 In
refitting and furnishing It. It will be
ready for occupancy by October L
Suffragist Debate. ,
Because of the demand of many people
who could not attend In ths afternoon,
the Midland Chautauqua management has
changed the time of the Joint debate on
woman suffrage between Miss Von Pet
told of Kngland and Senator Shirley Gll
lllland of Glenwood, la., to Thursday even
ing Instead of Thursday afternoon, of next
week. Ticket sales for that day are un
usually large.
Hallraad Cemmlealon Cases.
The following cases were filed In the
office of the Board of Railroad Commis
sioners during the week ending July I,
Armstrong Cement Works of Armstrong,
la., against Chicago Northwestern Rail
way Company and Chicago, Kock Island
ft Pacific Hallway Company. Application
for track connection.
Brooks Furrow Lumber Company of
Oran, la., against Chicago Great Western
Kalyway Company. Application for spur
M. A. Hughett against Chicago Great
Western Railway Company and Illinois
Central Railroad Company. Complaint
In regard to location of depot at Gypsum,
D. C. Maytag of Laurel, la., against
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway
Company. Complaint in regard to dan
gerous crossing.
Cltlsena of Cornell, la., against Minne
apolis St. Louis Railroad Company.
Petition that board require respondent
railway company to install station agent
at Cornell.
L. J. Hosklna of Seargent Bluffs against
Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway
Company and Chicago A Northwestern
Railway Company. .Complaint in regard
to discrimination in freight rates.
The following cases were closed during
the same week:
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway
Company, against Hawkeye Telephone
Company of Des Moines. Complaint In
regard to wires over railroad tracks. Filed
November 0. 190S. After inspection by rep
resentative of the board, Mr. T. H. Boy
Ian, the rom.ntssloners ordered that Dole
complained of be so relocated as to comply
with rules and regulations of the board.
Closed June SO, 1909. '
Town Council of Garber against Chi earn.
Milwaukee A 8t. Paul Railway Company.
Petition to change name of station from
Elkport to Garner. , Filed October 18. 1808.
After Investigation the commissioners de
cided thst railway company should change
name to Garber In accordance with statute.
Cuxe closed June 29, 1909.
Klley Johnston of P easantvll le against
Chicago. Burlington A Qulncy Railroad
Company. Application for undercrosslng.
r uen April M, commissioners decide
that Inasmuch complainant already had a
satisfactory grade crossing, they could
not compel railroad company to furnish
undercrosslng. Case closed June 80, 1909.
Will Be Vsed for Celebratlngt
Mans 1st Towns Without .
' Bnlldlngs. -.
CLINTON.' la.. July l (Special.) The
only Catholic church on wheels In the world
arrived ; from ' the east today and after
spending a day here It leaves for a tour
of the -Northwestern lines In ' Iowa. - The
oar, which Is owned by the Cathollo Church
Extension soolety of Chicago, will stop at
those towns where there Is no Catholic
church, but where Catholics live. The
priests who are accompanying It perform
all of the functions of the church, cele
brating maae and conferring ihe sacraments
In the portable church.
Francis Purlnton - of Boone, Iowa,
. Injured While Cele
brating;, . Y .
BOONE, la., July t.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Francis Purlnton, son of C. C.
Purlnton, was shot through the left arm
this morning by a revolver while celebrat
ing the Fourth. He had been shooting
blanks, when someone put In a loaded
shell. The bullet went clear through his
arm. He will reoover.
We have a large number of bankers'
carpenters,' elerks,' and stenographers' pen
cils which we are giving away as long
as they last Call at our office and get
them.- Iowa Loan company, corner Pearl
and Broadway, suite a.
The fashion ladles' tailoring. R. H. E in
let n, proprietor. We do first-class work
reasonable. We make suits for IIS. skirts,
15. Would you give us a trial. St South
Main street.
Firemen Elect Officers
CRESTON, la., July I.-(Special.) At the
annual buslneaa meeting of the Southwest
ern Iowa Firemen's association held Fri
day morning in Osceola, Vllllsca was
awarded the tournament for 1910, the only
other town In the race being Red Oak. C.
C. Green of Vllllsca was elected presl
dent of the association: C. Teaseld of Red
Oak, vice president; H. T. Bunker, Vllllsca,
secretary; J. 8. Cooke, Red Oak, treasurer.
Reports were received from the officers
and routine business transacted. Special
Interest was aroused by the action taken
against Atlantic, which entertained the
firemen last year, but la not represented
this year at Osceola, A committee was ap
pointed to inveatlgate the charge made
against Atlantic that part of the property
of the association used there last year
has not been returned. The committee waa
empowered to act. Good weather con
ditions marked the opening day and fully
T.000 visitors came in, which number la
expected to be doubled Saturday. In the
contests yesterday first placea were won
by Red Oak and Vllllsca and the second
places by Creaton firemen.
Ladles, we Invite you to attend the spe
cial Chl-namel demonstration this week at
our store. We are giving a practical dem-
onatratlon of the new mission finishes,
P. C. DeVol Hardware company.
Loses Eye by Horse's Kick.
OELWEIN. Ia, July l.-(Specl4l.)-Wlth
his skull fractured and one eye bursting
from Its. socket John C. Becker, a livery
stable owner of this city, had the nerve
and grit to walk to ths hospital, where his
I rV Every woman covets a snap.
often destructive
to the
use of
can be avoided ty trie
a . a
rntiiK. as this linimcni prepares uiu
' : -et.
her form.
OI 11C
carries her
yehnll was removed and he was given
other surgical attention. He waa kicked
alongside the head by a horse while he
waa hitching It up. It la thought that
Becker will recover, although his condi
tion Is serious.
Oxfords and strap pumps In all leathers.
Prices the lowest, quality considered. Dun
can Shoe Co., Jl Main St.
FOR RENT Four upetalrs rooms. Have
gas, water and electricity. Excellent lo
cation. J. Zoller, 100 Broadway.
Operation for Mrs. Bnndav.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. July I (Special.)
Mrs. W. A. Sunday, wife of the noted
evangelist, William A. Sunday, who re
cently held an extended revival In this
city, underwent a surgical operation at St.
Mary's hospital In Rochester, Minn., yea
terday. A telegram received from Mr.
Sunday today says that Jars. Sunday un
derwent ths operation well and Is gaining
The Wlas-man received a telegram to
come home at once on account of sickness
as he did not have enough money he
telephoned the Iowa Loan company, corner
Pearl and Broadway and was able to catch
the first train home. If It la money you
a ant aee them.
Iowa Neves Notes.
IOWA CITY Albsrt Burkley, proprietor
of the Burkley Imperial hotel, will erect
a four-story addition to the present hotel at
some future date. With this addition the
hoatelry will occupy a half block.
CRESTON Captain F. M. Davis of Com
ing has presented the city park with a
new fountain of copperlsed sine, eleven feet
high and weighing 1,000 pounda. It la a
atork design and the cost Is
IOWA CITY Mary Lucas, daughter of
Iowa's famous territorial governor, Rob
ert Lucas, died here yesterday at the old
Lucas homestead on Kirk wood avenue.
The deceased was 70 years old and was
ths last child of the noted executive.
CRESTON Milton F. Leonard, one of
the business men of this city, was mar
ried In Mount Holly, Pa., to Miss Hattle
Slusher. They have spent a number of
weeks visiting points In the east and have
arrived In thia city, where they will make
their home.
CEDAR RAPIDS-Mrs. Green, wife of
Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Green, who was ter
ribly Injured In an automobile accident in
Honolulu, Is making a wonderful recovery,
according to telegrams received In this
city. If Mrs. Green continues to recover
she will sail for this city, where the fam
ily Is very prominent, about July 10.
MT. PLEA, 6A NT The Fremont Voters'
association of the First Congressional dis
trict of Iowa will be held in this city on
Beptember It. Elaborate preparations are
already being arranged for this gathering,
which la an unusually large one for the
restricted territory that It represents. J.
A. Keck of Stockport. Van Buren county,
Is president of the association.
FORT DODGE Clara Cloth, the 18-year-old
daughter of William Cloth, mall carrier
on route 2 of the rural mall service. Is
carrying on with efficiency her father's
duties for Uncle Sam while he lies 111 at
home. Through terrific rain and electrical
storms of the entire week of June 10 to 26
she plucklly traversed the muddy country
roads and never failed to do the work re
quired of her. . ,: i
FORT DODGE John Lenlhan. aged 75, a
native oi macroon, corn county, ireiana,
who came to Fort, Dodge In. 186, died here
this morning. He took up a large home
stead farm near town and has lived there
since 18T1, hiring managers for the farm
while he continued with his chosen trade,
that of stonemason and contractor. He
laid many of the first foundations In the
city. His wife, who died two months ago,
waa Miss Katharlns Colsman of Iowa City,
whom hs brought here as a brlda in 1S67.
CRE8TON A ridge fully three feet In
height has been raised In the pavement
at the Intersection of two streets In this
city. The paving Is brick with a cement
coating -covering it, leaving no room for
the expansion of the brick. For a block In
each direction the terrific heat of the laat
two days cansed the paving to flow to
gether, meeting at this point with enough
pressure to raise the pavement up and
sustain the weight of the heaviest trucks.
CRESTON Tom Dumphrey, a well
known farmer living southeast of this city,
was found this morning unconscious Dy
ths side of ths road half a mils from his
home, by a rural mall carrier . on that
route. The mall cart waa utilised as an
ambulance and the man waa taken to hla
home, where -It waa discovered that he
had had a stroke of appoplexy, In addition
to his whole right side being paralysed.
He had started to work at 7 o'clock and
probably had lain unconaoloua till j:M,
when the carrier passed.
OTTUMWA-Iowa druggists are planning
a three daya' session of business -and fun
at Ottumwa, July , 7 and I. the occasion
being the thirtieth annua meeting of the
Iowa Pharmaceutical association. The
opening day will be given over to the -o-ceptlon
and sntertatnment of the visitors.
E. O. Moon of Ottumwa will give the ad
dreea of welcome and Hon. H. Tobert of
Dubuque will respond for the visiting fra
ternity. An address will also be given oy
the president of the association, Edwin
CORNING-At a large family gathering
was held here in honor of the 86th anni
versary of Thomas Wilson, a highly re
spected cltlsen of that place, tt was learned
he la the father of fourteen children,
and haa forty-five grandchildren and
twenty-seven great-grandchildren. Not all
of these were present at the family gather
ing, but those who could not attend sent
letters of congratulation, and ths aged man
was made the recipient of many fine gifts
chief among them being a gold-headed
ebony cane.
IOWA CITY I-eslle Hayes, a 4-year-old
boy from Knoxvllle, la.. Is receiving treat
ment there at the Pasteur department of
the university baoterlologlcal department
for supposed rabies. The toothmarka of
the dog are plainly visible on the back of
the boy's head and on his arm.. The brain
of the dog, killed shortly after the child
waa bitten, la being examined by-the au
thorities at the laboratory for the rabies
germ. Treatment by Injection by Inocula
ted rabbit's spinal cord solution was com
menced today and no chancea for the little
fellow's life are being; taken.
Five Chinese Are
Sent to Gallows
Death Sentence Impoied as Keiult of
Jatal Ton? Fight in
BOSTON, July I. Death aentences wer
pronounced today on five Chinamen con
victed of shooting four members of the On
Leong Tong, In ths Tong conflict In China
town In August, 1907, Leong Gong, Mln Sing
and Horn Woon to die the week of Oc
tober 10 and Harry Charles and Joe Quey
the following week.
The men were Involved In aa outbreak
of members of ths Hep Sing Tong against
the ' On Leong Tong, a rival secret society,
In which four were killed In ths streets of
Mae One Hnadred and Thirty Miles
Longr to Bo Bnllt In teeth .
PIERRE. B. D.. July S.-(Speclal Tee
gram ) Articles of Incorporation were filed
with the secretary of stats here this aft
ernoon for the James River - Valley
Northwestern Railway company, with
headquarters at Huron, and a capital of
fS.000. j Tho Incorporators are: Marvin
Hughltt, J. M. Whitman, Burrett Cleve
land, William A. Gardner, John E. Cald
well, Chicago; A. K. Gardner, Huron. Its
purpose is to construct a line of road
from Blunt to Gettysburg and from Oneida
to Hitchcock, a distance of 130 miles. Ths
road will be la the counties of Hughes,
Sully, Potter, Hyde, Hand and Beadle.
Dining Car
and Sorvico
"Best in the
Gingles Girl
Makes Charge
Against Employer
Testifies Miss Barrette Tried to Leal
Her Astray Almost Breaks .
.' ; Down'. ' "'. "
CHICAGO, July t "l want jrou f or a
man in French Lick Springs. He will give
you lots of money."
Ella Glngles, the 18-year-old Irish lac
maker, testified In Judge Brentano's court
here today '. that the above remark'1 was
made to her by Miss Agnes Barrette, pro
prietress of a lace store In the Wellington
hotel at the time the Olnglea girl was
found gagged and bound in the bath room
of the hotel, January S.
"I waa taken to a room by Miss Bar
rette and Mrs. Kenyon," said the girl,
speaking of a visit prior to the binding
and gagging Incident "Later a man came
Into the room and I cannot tell what else
happened. I only know a man named
Charley called up the man In the room."
Miss Olngles claimed on the stand that
the larceny charge against her waa part
of the plot to drive her Into going to
French Lick Springs. The relation of this
story visibly affected the witness, and at
one time she seemed on the verge of a
breakdown. . .
Miss Glngles was cross-eTamlned by As
sistant State Attorney Short, who at
tempted to make light of the alleged at
tack upon her, showed that she had not
mentioned It until two days afterwards,
although she had met Miss Barrette with
a policeman In the meantime.' "'
The girl's past history was raked up an4
the waa confronted with many Incidents
that tended to darken the clearness of
her story, but she calmly denied every-
Quickly Cured by
Blackberry Balsam
Read Tills Letter.
I have used Wakefield's Blackberry Bal
sam for over forty years. I am not giv
en to writing letters of this kind. In fact
never did before In my life, but I do wish
to say to you, It has never failed me lit
one single Instance nor any of my friends!
1 have recommended It to. When druggists
aay to me: "Here Is something Just a
good," I tell them very candidly there is
nothing just as good. The faoi le I have
never found anything Just aa good and I
never expect to. 1 can cheerfully recom
mend It to any one young or old for all
Bowel Trouble. It has certainly helped me
when nothing else would.
US E. Mth St., Chicago.
Wakefleld'g Blackberry Balsam hag
been tbe surest and safest remedy (or
Dlarrheoa, Dyaentry, Cboiera Infantum
and Cboiera Morbus for . 63 years.
While It is quick and poelttre la Its
action, It la unlike otber remedies In
that It is harmless and doe. not con
st 1 pate. It simply chocks the trouble
and puts , the stomach and bowels In
their natural, regular condition. Of the
millions of bottles that have been sold
In the past 6 years, never has a case
been reported where a cure was not
affected when directions were followed
ven after other remedies had failed.
Every bom. should have a bottle or
more on hand ready for sudden attacks.
Full sue botUe. Ko or t for- f 1.00
everywhere. , , , .
Pure, dry air, cool nights, numerous mountain
resorts a veritable camper's paradise admirably adapted
to your moods, tastes and purse.
"The Safe Road to
For beautiful desjeriptive literature, including our
handsomely illustrated "Fishing Book" and full informa
tion concerning rates, routes, etc., call on or address v
1324 Farnam St. OF.1AHA, NEBRASKA
thing that did not' place her In the light
of a victim of cunning men and women.
No further attempt was made to bring
out the Idehtlty' of the mysterious man In
French Lick Springs who was supposed to
be behind alt this' plotting and It was plain
when court adjourned at the close of the
day that little more along this line would
be brought Into the case.'
Thousand Homeless
in Cobalt Fire
Tents and Blankets Bushed
Stricken City for the Suf
ferers. .
COBALT, Ont., July 8 Prompt measures
have been taken for the relief of the tOOO
persons made hornless by the fire which
swept the northern part of the town yestep
day. One hundred tenta and XX) blankets
furnished by the provincial government
are enroute In charge of relief corps, which
will keep the government In touch with the
situation. The Toronto city council started
two carloads of provisions last night and
Is ready to send more If necessary. The
local relief committee also la receiving
support from the business men and others
who did not suffer from the fire.
Seventy-five buildings were destroyed, and
the loss is estimated at from f 350,000 to
Starting In the kitchen of a Chinese res
taurant In Halleybury road, the flames
swept both sides of the street olean for
half a mile.
Dynamite was resorted to to check the
names. An unidentified . foreigner, who
rushed into a building Just as a charge
went off, was killed.
With ths assistance of apparatua from
Halfeybury and New Llskold the fire was
finally controlled.
Not more than one-tenth of the loss is
oovered by Insurance.
He la Named as Chief Appointment
' Cleric In Federal Cenans
Bnrean. -
wiawtvoTOM. July S. Robert M. Pln-
dell will be sppolned In a few days ap
pointment clerk of the bureau of census.
t i h most Imnortant Dosltlons of the
kind In the government service. Mr. Pln
,i..m tnr uvrri! vears has been deputy ap
pointment clerk of the Department oi
Commerce and Labor.
Tha annntntme.nt of Albertus H. Baiawin
to be chief clerk, In succession to William
H Roaalter. resigned, also was agreea
upon at a conference between Secretary
N'jgel and Director Durand.
Charlea 8. gloane, now serving as geo
grapher of the census, was appointed per
manent eeoaraoher under the new census
act. Director Darwin announced alao ths
appointment of Arthur E. Seymour as ex
pert chief of division, and of Hugh A.
Brown as Vhe director's personal seoretary.
One Common Carrier Mast Pay
TJaaal Schednlc Over Other
Lines. ,
WASHINGTON, July I A ruling was
made today by the Interstats Commerce
commission, "thst one carrier shipping fuel,
material or other supplies over ths lines
of another carrier must pay the legal
tariff rates applicable to the same com
modities shipped between the same points
by an individual. If carriers insist upon
making or maintaining preferential rates
they may confidently expect that such
voluntary action will be accepted as evi
dence of ths unreasonableness of highnr
rates which they may undertake to enforce
against otber shippers."
Tbe case was that of tbe Hltchman Coal
o via Union Pacific
and Coke oompany agnlnst the Baltimore &
Ohio railroad and others.
Sentenced to Learn
"Bible Passages
Unique Penalty Imposed on Young1
Han Convicted of Horse
BARTLESVILLE, Okl., July S.-"ao
home and atudy the Bible for thrse
months. Then come back and repeat the
ten commandments, the Lord's prayer and
two psalma and yo will be free." This
waa the sentence meted td Archie Powell,
aged SI years, convicted of horse stealing
by Judge Thomaa Brown at Nowata to
day. Judge Brown, in passing sentence,
declared that a penitentiary sentence
would only .cause the young man to fall
deeper Into crime.
South Dakota Official Announces
Partial List of County
PIERRE, S. V., July S. (Speclal.)-State
Game Warden F, W. Bancroft, was down
from Watertown today and begun to get
matters Into shape to put the new game
law Into effect. He named a number of
county game wardens, leaving several
counties for action later, where there were
no applications filed up to today. The list
he selected is:
Codington, J. J. McMahon, Watertown;
Clark. Joel McKee, Bradley; Turner, John
Wldlon, Vlborg; Brookings, E. J. Ray,
Brookings; Marshall, Frank Puntlno, Lang
ford; Grant William W. Mount. Mllbank;
Custer, John C. Wells. Custer; Bon
Homme. Al. Jexenskl, Tabor; Spink, Wil
liam Schoniger. RedfleJd,; . Hand. C. .M.
Dwyer, Miller; Davison,. John N. Slater,
Mitchell; Walwroth, M. Christian, Mo
brldge; McCook, B. W. Countryman, Spen
cer; Roberts, John B. Swanson, Slsseton;
Fall River, H. C. Lounsberry, Oelrloha;
Pennington, William P. Baken, Keystone;
Edmunds, Jacob Eurle, ' Bowdle; Llnooln,
Thomas H. Collins, Canton;. Perkins, Fred
R. Guthler, Lemmon; Moody, Theodore
Olsen, Egan; Beadle, Charles Warrall,
Huron; Minnehaha, John F. Hoff, Sioux
Falls; Jerauld, G. W. 'Berger, -Wesslngton
Springs; Stanley, W. F. Hudson, Midland;
Deuel, L. J. Dunn, Clear Lake.
Quick -Action for- Yocr Money Tou get
that by ualng The Bee advertising columns.
Brandenburg to St. Loals.
NEW YORK. July S.-Broughton Bran
denburg, the magaslne writer, acquitted
laat week of larceny In connection, with the
publication of a letter purported to have
been signed by Grover Cleveland, was
taken by detectlvea to St. Louis today to
face the charge of enticing away his step
son, Jamea Shepard Cabnnne III.
Fortune Telling
Does not take into consideration the one
l sa's happiness womanly heslth.
The women who neglects her health is neglecting the
very foundation of all food fortune. - For without health
love loses its lustre and gold is but dross.
Womanly health when lost or iinpsired may general y be
regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
' This PfHtrlptlon bm, for-ore- lO years,
eat earfad sfeirsfe, sresir, pmln-wrmckcd
, r ! tundndi mt tMoutaada -
mad thlm In fee mrltmnr of thtlr pome
sXAeaf tMtlr Mmrlag to umf to ladelh
cafe oaesreoads mad ottentlrely red
mmmt wsmimlmmtlmnm.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frti.
All correspondence held ss sscredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association, it. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Luffslo, N. Y. '
Ds. Pnacs's Gssat Family Doeroa Boot, The People's Common Sense
Medlsal Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers is
flam ZmHtik hosts ot delicate questions which every woman, single or aarrisd.
ought te knew about. Sent frtt, ia plain wrapper to aay address oa receipt of
21 oae-ocat stamps I ewer mailing only, er ia olotk blading Ur Jl ssemse.
Night Riders' Case .
is Reversed by
Supreme Court
Eight Convicted Defendants, Six Sen
tenced to Death, Are Granted
New Trials. ,
JACKSON, Tenn., July S.-The caae of
the eight night rldera, six of whom were
under the death sentence, charged wlih
the murder of Captain Quentln Rankin, at
Walnut Log, on Reelfoot lako, October 19
last, were reveraed by the supreme court
today and were remanded for new trials.
The six men who were under the death
sentence are Garrett Johnson, . alleged
leader of the night rider organisation In
Oblson county; Arthur Clair, Fred Plnoonl
Sam Applewhite, Tld Burton and Roy Ran
some. The other two, Bud Morris and Bob .
Huffman, were convicted of murder In the
second degree. The opinion In the case
was delivered by Special Justice Henry A.
Craft of Memphis.
In reversing the case, the court assigned
two principal reasons. The first' was that;
the grand Jury, which found the Indict
ments agalnat the alleged night riders, was
not selected in a proper manner. The grand
Jury was selected out of a panel named
by Judge J. E. Jones, the trial Judge,
whereas ths law provides the panel should
be chosen by at least three members of
the county court. The state did not allow
the defendants a sufficient . number of
challengex. . , . .
When Jurtlce Craft concluded his opln- '
Ion, a storm of applause broke out In the
court room, but was quickly stilled by
the marshal and his deputies. Tho pris
oners will be taken, back to Union City, and
an effort will be made to obtain their re
lease on ball
Flies Salt Just as the satnte ff
Limitations Begins to
The statute of limitations wss evaded .by
Just one day by Per A. Anderson, who "Mas
filed suit In district court for damage
against the Model Steam Laundry company1.'
The alleged Injury occurred on July 1 la,
and notice of suit waa filed Saturday.
Anderson claims. that he suffered a', fall
while doing some brick work for the
laundry and wanta damages to the extent
of $6,150. If Judge Slabaugh, Mr. Ander
son's attorney, had waited one more duy
the atatute of limitations would have made
the suit invalid. i
essential to worn-
i i "jsfl sirs' 1