THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 4, 1909. as c MAL OF BANDITS DELAYED unced Heaxin; Will Go Over Until September 27. OEDES FOB MAS YIN NOT ISSUED Caaaot Arrive I'atll Meaday and Time for Trial Oegat Be Granted, Sara Unite State Attorney Gvss, The trial of the bandits charted with the robbery of the Overland Limited mall train In Omaha, May 22, will be postponed to September 17. United State Attorney Ooei ha received a telegram from Bole. Ida., stating that Judge Dietrich had returned to Boise, and that the order for the removal of O. W Marvin, alia Bill Matthews, one of the al leged participants In the robbery, would probably be Issued late Saturday afternoon. Es plaining the postponement, Ooa said "W have decided not to press the trial of the mall train robbers next Wednesday, but to ask for a postponement until the first day of the next term of court, which will begin September IT. The probability Is that Marvin, who was apprehended In Idaho, will not arrive until Monday. The delay In t"he hearing on the application for the order of removal at Boise has been due to the absence of Judge Dletrioh In Port land, and I do not think It fair to press Marvin's case for trial until he shall have had ample time to prepare his defense. Mr. Macfarland, attorney for the four defend ants, has consented to this arrangement." As a consequence of this agreement. notices are being sent out to members of the special petit Jury panel summoned in this case that their presenoe will not be needed In Omaha July 7, the date originally fixed for the trial. over night and went west via the Union ratfflc. While at the station over night they slept on th north side of the depot, directly be neath the station master's office. When they wer aroused from their slumbers In th morning, the whole bunch. Including th two squaws, rot out their pipes and smoked up on some material that snielled very much like opium. The odor was so strong that the station master and his clerks had to order the red men to cut out th smoking around the depot. r " b to Test State Tax Law Commercial Club Notifies Members Not to Pay Occupation or License Tax Ordered by Legislature. Another law enaoted by the last legisla ture la to be out to legal test. This Is the occupation or license tax upon all corpora' tlons doing business in th state of Ne braska. Th Commerolal club Is a prime mover In the fight upon this law, and Its Judiciary commute is Investigating th constitution allty of th statute. Meantime Commls sloner Guild has sent the following notio to all members of th club: "At a meeting of th executive oom mlttee, a resolution was introduced and passed unanimously directing that a letter be seat by th commissioner to all mem bers, recommending that they withhold payment of th occupation tax or license, fixed by th last legislature upon corpora tions doing business In this state, pending an Investigation and report by th Judlolery committee as to th constitutionally of th law. "This will be don at one and further notification given you of th course recom mended by th executive committee. TALES TOLD OUT OF COURT Mother Needs Me; , Boy Leaves Schoo Thomas Herbert Flees from Kearney and the Court Says He's All Right Because he had beard that bis mother was suffering from lack of help, Thomas Herbert ran away from the industrial home at Kearney and oame back to Omaha to work for her. Since he has been In th horn his record has been clean and th court has decided to ask to have him released so that he may oom home and add bis labor to th resource f th family as he wishes to do. Robert Rul. a boy who horn I at US North Tenth street, was befor Judge Estelle for taking a hors from a butch er's barn at S o'clock In th morning and driving around with It. His mother re ported that he had been in th habit of staying out all night, although he Is scarcely 8 years of age, and eomlng home at early morning to sleep In the dog ken pel for fear of being whipped. Sh de clared she thought electricity from the moving picture shows had entered her poor child's head and turned it badly. Saturday was the last day Juvenile court will be held at the end of the week. Be ginning July IS, It will begin every Monday morning at t:M. STATE TRIAL FOR CRABTREE lawn Cearts Prsksklr Will Hear Case of Ma Wko Army Cantata. . ' Corporal Lisle Crahtree, charged with th murder of Captan John C. Raymond of th Seeend cavalry, at Port Pes Moines on June JO, will probably bo tried by the Iowa state courts. It is the present rule of the War depart ment to cause all trials for capital .of fenses In the army to be transferred to the elvU courts. Ordinarily Crabtre would be tried by the federal court, but a question has arisen as to whether the state ef Iowa baa ceded Jurisdiction over the Fort Pes Moines military reservation to the govern' wont, la the event ef th state still claim ing Jurisdiction, Crabtre will be tried In the state court. Baaea ef Aaeieats and Moderns Paaaed Arena by Ike Pre feaslon. Th Bar association of the metropolis of the south tops off each of its meetings with a collation. The collation was hit upon, after much and slow deliberation, by th committee on program, as a means of Inducing the attendance of members. The progress of the meetings msy not be electrifying, but when th members sur round th choice gaatrenomlo delicacies, which are served in the largo marble cor ridor by the court room where the meet ings are held, and get their cigars going tl.ey emerge from the oppressive drouth of the session and loosen up.. At a reoent meeting some of the younger members got started on country trials, lawyers, Judges, Juries, etc. A young lawyer who Is building up an en viable criminal practice told this t A lswyer from New Orleans told me about a Jury trial In a Utile obscure vil lage somewhere In Louisiana. Of course. I don't know Just how true the story may be, but lie looked to me like a specimen of the eminently truthful sort. Btrange ss It may seem, the Jury in this trial was made up entirely of negioe. It seems that all the available white men were either at work or had gone hunting or fishing. And, anyway, It being a case of one negro charged with stealing fiom another, the Interest of the white people of the piece of whom there was a conspicuous minor ity, was not sufficiently Involved for It to make any difference. 'When the evidence was all In and the prosecuting attorney, a white man, of course, had submitted the case without ar gument, the accused, fortunately, had ns counsel the Judge, also a white man, or' dared th Jury, which could not agree in the box, to retire to an adjoining room and find a verdict. "The Jury retired. An -hour passed, and still no verdict At last the Judge could stand it no longer, and went In person to the room to see what was delaying the verdict He found each of th Jurymen orawllng around on the floor, peering under chair and tables, and also Into cor ners. Th court was amased. He did not know whether th whole Jury had gone crasy or what was the matter. " 'Here,' he thundered, "what are you niggers doing?' "The foreman arose, and, making hum bis obeisance, answered: " Yo' honah, taln't no use; we Jes' kalnt find no vuddiot In die her room. Fact Is, yo' honah, I doan b'lleb Ore's a vuddiot in her nohow.' '"That," said an attach of a firm of cor poration lawyers, "la as bad as th country Judge in the Southern part of Wsst Vir ginia. It was Ms first case, and the prosecuting attorney had to coach him all th way. When the case was finished the pros outing attorney said: " 'Now, your honor, the next thing Is for you to oharge the Jury' "The Judge hesitated for some minutes, and then said: . , "Wall, gentlemen of the Jury, bln' as this was a short trial and only a hog stealln' case at that, I'll charge you only SO cents apiece.' " The yarn reminded a divorce lawyer of another country Judge, who was holding down a bench somewhere In the mountains of eastern Tennessee. It was a shooting case, and whan the evidenoe was aU In and the argument over he charged the Jury like this: Well, gentlemen, if you believe what the prosecuting lawyer has told you you'U decide against the prisoner, and If. on the other hand, you beHev what the lawyer for the defense has told you you'll decide tor the prisoner; but If you know both lawyers as well as I do you won't know which way to decide. Tou'U Just have to do the best you can.' " Btlll another country Judge was recalled, this oqe a Kentuckian, who, when the counsel in a case that had been tried be fore him wanted to argue it said: "Oh, all right' boys, go ahead and argy But I've got to git back to my corn plow In', and when you've finished argyln' you' find my decision writ in the book here The telling of thee obvlouely truthful aneodotes was stopped by the young crlm inal lawyer responsible for the first story, "You don't have to go to the country,1 he said, "to hear and see things of the limit variety. How's this for right here In townT A young chapI'm not going mention his name who was one of the as slstlng prosecuting attorneys, was conduct Irg a case where on woman had caused th arrest of another for assaulting her and calling her a lot of unmentionable name. ' He put the woman on the etand and directed her to tell the Judge Just what the other woman had called her. " 'But I can't do that.' she said, with surprise. " 'Oh, yes, you can,' replied the young prosecutor. 'As a matter of fact, you' have to.' " 'But I Just can't,' Insisted the woman. 'Why, It's not fit for any docent person to heart' " 'Wall, then.' he said, cheerfully, 'Just step up and whisper it to his honor.' " Washington Post AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA tight O'clock Closing Law Goes Into Effect Without a Eipple. NEW BOARD ORGANIZES TODAY aaoaacemeate of raareh Services Saaday Clay Roblasoa Base Ball Clab Defeats Teaaa froas keep Bar as. OLD MAN'S SANITY IN DOUBT M Talks with Mack Fervor that Bis Mental Seaadaea la aestlaa. Because he quarreled with the children ( the nelghborhod Thomas Phillips, a resi dent Of Central Park, tf years old, will have to laoe an Insanity charge. He bad a number of small boys from his neighborhood taken Into Juvenile court for annoying him and made such an excited plea that his soundness of mind was ques tioned. Judge Cstelle dismissed the case against the boys and In the afternoon a eomplalnt was Issued and Phillips was taken in band by the sheriff. It la be lieved that the strain of earing for a small garden with a number of small boys within stone-thlolng distance has unbal anced him. LQ'S SMOKE HEApToO BAD tgr lajaa rails Oat Pla that Makes Pais Face at th Depot Iks. A band ef six Indiana, two or whom were squaws, attracted considerable attention t Union station. Tney arrived from Okla homa ovor the Missouri Pacific on their way to Valentin. They stayed at the depot Most Food Is Holsoa to the dyspeptic. Electric Bitters cure dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaints snd debility. Price 60c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Miller, press agent: F. J. Lucas, sergeant at-erme. Mrs. Maud Collier retwute that her rooms at 417 North Twentv-sltth street were en tered and a suit of clothing taken. The Ions was discovered Friday evening. The S o'clock closing law Went Into ef fect In South Omaha yesterday morning with scarcely a ripple to mark the change. the evening the dlffereno was more marked. Where formerly brilliantly lighted saloons accommodated many patrons dur ing the evening hours, only a dim light showed the baf empty and the screens all own. No saloon man of the seventy-five or eighty doing business in South Omaha ttempted to remain open. The crowds of people on the streets were bout the same last night as on any other night In the summer. The hot evening caused a rush at all the soda fountains, but these were the regular customers of ths places. The druggist and managers of ice cream parlors said they had few extra customers from ths patrons of the saloons. C'hnrch Services Sunday. The Presbyterian church will observe the oly communion at the hour of the Sun day morning service. In the evening Dr. R. L. Wheeler will preach from the theme, "The significance of the Fourth of uly From a Christian's Standpoint." Rev. T. F. Btauffer of Omaha will preach for Rev. R. W. Livers at the English Lutheran church. The young people will meet as usual In the evening. 'The Identification of the Church," Is Rev. F. T. Ray's Sunday morning topic. In the evening the service will be evangelical. 'Christian Patriotism," Is Rev. George Van Winkle's Sunday morning sermon. Ths evening theme Is, "The Way of Life," The usual services are announced at the olher Protestant churches. Fire and Police Board. The new Board of Fire and Police Com- mlssloners of South Omaha has met and perfected the permanent organisation of the board. J. J. Fitsgerald was elected chairman, F. W. Faulk, secretary, and J. J. Ryan, vice chairman. The board was In executive session dur Ing organization and on coming out of the private room of the city Jail office. It was announced that the chiefs of the police and fire departments should Instruct their men to file their applications anew for the positions they now hold or desire to hold under the new board. This Is a pro cedure like that of the previous board. when It organised. It Is likely there may be some changes In the new organisation thus affected. It Is not Intimated there Is to be any general upheaval in either department Clay Robinson Team Wins. The Clay Robinson base ball team de feated a team from the sheep barns of the Union Stock Tarda yesterday after noon at the South Omaha Country club grounds. The score stood S to S at the end of a seven-Inning game. The day was so hot that the teams agreed on seven in nings. Charles Holbrook Dismissed. Charles Holbrook, who was arrested on the information of William Perrlne, ob jected to being connected with a charge of petit larceny In which Perrlne was Involved by the complaint of George Collins. He explained that the cass was entirely dif ferent and maintained that the accusation of petit larceny by Perrlne was an error and that he only took what was his by right. Holbrook was dismissed by Judge Callanan on account of lack of prosecution. Magic city Gossip. The women Of the Preahvterlan church will serve Ice cream and olher refreshments this afternoon at C. 111. Scarr's drug store, Twenty-fourth and M streets. George McBrlde and family have gone on . visit to Excelsior Springs. J. M. Tanner is recovertna after an oners. tlon performed at his borne Wednesday. W. M. Doty entertained a nartv of friends at the Country club Friday evening. The S-rear-old babv of Oscar T.,n,1H.r. Forty-eighth and W streets, died yesterday! iuf luovrai win do neia at lu a. m. today. Mrs. M. A. Frasler leaves toiler for a visit of two months In Wavns. Neh. Rh will go to Texas about September 1 to make her home. The death of Solomon Rothhols. fth- Henry Rothhols of this cltv. oocurred Thursday in Omaha. Ths funeral will be neia irom me resiaence at mo Webster street Sunday at S p. m. The burial is at Pleasant Hill cemetery. The Highland Improvement club elected officers Thursday evening as follows: Wiley H. Hecket, president; J. Keegan and F. Roberta, vloe presidents: Robert Benson. secretary; Joseph Moran, treasurer; F. a. LITTLE QUEEN OF KERRY PATCH Reeolleetloae of Mm. Rals, the les s Salelde, When a Girl la St. Leal. "Kerry Patch," a section of St Louis stretching along Cass avenue and O' Fall on street, In former years famous for Its abundance of kids and goate, la dragged from Its obscurity by reason of being the birthplace of Mrs. Mary Agnes Ruls. whose suicide in London recently excited the gossips on both si dee of the Atlantic. As Mary Agnes O'Brien, daughter of a boiler maker, Mrs. Ruls spent her girl hood years In the Patch, snd was the petted belle of the region. St. Louis papers relate that little Mary Agnes attended the Everett school, on F.lghth street between Cass avenue and O'Fallon street Her es capades while a girl, coupled with her ex traordinary beauty, made her famous In St Louis. When she was IS years old shs ran away from home, was gone for some time and returned from New Orleans In a box car. She left, St Louis some ten or twelve years ago. Not long after that she mar ried a New Torker named Hilton, from whom ahe received a large fortune at his death, shortly after the marriage. Her money and her beauty combined to make place for her In the exclusive society ef New York. Rumors floated back now and then to the Patch, telling of the social conquests of ths "little queen." Little heed was paid to these, however. Word 'came, finally, that she had married Senor Ruls, an attache Of the Cuban legation at Wash ington, a man of great wealth. It was not until the summer of 1904, during the Louisiana Purchase exposition, that the Patch saw her again, and was able to believe how their favorite had risen In the world. Dr. WUllard B. Bhelp, a dentist In the Carieton building, was able to recall her reappearance In St. Louis at that time and to contrast it with her former post' tlon. "About fifteen or sixteen years ago," said Dr. Shelp, "one of the most beautiful brunettes that I have ever seen came to me. She told me her name was Agnes O'Brien and that she was poor, but wanted some work done. She asked me to make the fee nominal if I could, and do the work for her. She had well nigh perfect teeth, and I consented. The fee I charged was small. 'One day during the summer of the world's fair a stunning woman, tall, slen der and dressed in the quiet richness of detail that characterises women of wealth and taste, appeared In my reception room and asked If I remembered her. I was obliged to confess that I did not. 'I am lime. Ruls,' ahe said. That meant noth ing to me. " 'Do you remember a little girl coming In here some ten years ago Mary Agnes O'Brien for whom you did some work for nothing almost T' And then I remembered her. She told me that she was stopping with her husband at the Buckingham club and that she had her brother) Frank, with them. " 'I want you to fix my teeth and my brother's, and you can make the price what you like. I don't forget what you did for me before,' she said. "Well, I did the work for her and her brother, shs coming down each day In her automobile., On the day her brother's teeth were finished I heard some eonver satlon between them In the room about the tickets.' When they left, Mme. Ruls sssured me that I should send out my bill ths next day and It would bs paid, I did so, and was Informed at the Buck Ingham that Mme. Ruls, Senor Ruis and Mr. O'Brien had departed suddenly the night before. It was the neatest double cross I ever encountered." TAFT GOES TO BEVERLY President Will Take His Family to luan Horn and Remain a Week. WA8HINOTON, July t-Presldent Taft today disposed of as much business as poS' slble in anticipation of his absence from Washington for nearly a week. He will leave here at S:S6 o'clock this afternoon for his summer home near Beverly, Mass. taking with him Mrs. Taft Charlie Taft and Mrs. Lous T. Moors of Cincinnati, Mrs. Taft's sister. The president will re main at Beverly only long enough to see that Mrs. Taft Is pleasantly established and after filling a number of engagements will return to Washington next Friday afternoon to remain until congress ad Journs. The president will travel In private car, reaching Beverly Sunday morning. Correct Dress for rVlcn and Ooya. I THE "F" RANCH J. 4 OP 3600 ACRES T i T7 L PERKINS COUNTY A I NEBRASKA I I f . I 1 1 1" 1 H ripr - !- . j , eL -fmrf " a -- jllll 1 Lvl 1 I IS?1 I u?f " - Hp I i. i -5 " "- "' " m m 1 1 i rl 11 r is. s J -0 u tt nTiTiTiTiTiTiTn L4l JL40 I T WAS only a few days ago that we announced our purchase of the well known "F" horse ranch of t.100 acres In Perkins county, Neb. The ranch fence encloses about 12 square miles. Not all the land Inside the fenoe belongs to the "F" ranch, a part of It being held by non-resident owners. Before announolng our purchase of the ranch, we had purchased r so- cured option on a great deal of this land, so that our total holdings embrace nearly 1.000 acres. The main body of this land was purchssed at a very low price, and within three days after the announcement or purenesa we had sold 1,180 acres to men In Kearney who are our regular clients. The price at which we sold to them (and at which we are offering the land to all comers as long as It lasts) will enable the purchasers to sell again, if they so desire, at a price lower than the price which owners place on land surrounding it and yet make a good profit on the Investment. This being a good sized deal and a quick turn, we are satisfied with a small profit per acre, as we can sell much of the land a second time and thus make two commissions. If this proposition Interests you, see Us or write to us. The land described Is all level or gently rolling, and the sou 1 good. The map shows two railway stations close by, one of which is a live little town, consult me map xor inceuon 01 nnn bors and of schools nearby. The squares filled In represent the ranch lands. The Improvements on the ranch, Including five wells, three windmills, buildings ana rencmg, are worm o.vvv.u. uiw to water la only about 140 feet the water supply being first class and unfailing. Ws wll sell this land In quarters, halves or whole seotlons, and assist buyers to investigate our prices 10 mmr .".. v.... Remember that this Is farm land. Write us, 'phone us or see us for full descriptions, prices and terms, vw x ww, ior land Is selling rapidly. THE KEARNEY LAND COMPANY, Inc. Cash Capital $80,000. O. W. XXBX.BK, President T. OBATE8, Vloe-Pres. WXX.X.AKD T, General Of flees, Kearney, STob. BAXXBT, Secy A. mOBIWBOW, Trees. T&ips To the lakes of Winconsin and Michigan; a trip over the Great Lakes; down the St. Lawrence River; to the Adi rondacks; or to the resorts of Eastern Canada, New Eng land and New Jersey seashore. Hundreds of places to select from, all best reached via the r i ST. Ml This Store Will Be Closed All Day IVttoimdlaiy' yj.ezr (Jiofzfttr Let us plan your trip and arrange every detail, includ ing reservations on Lake steamers. Low 30 day summer tourist fares to New York, Bos ton and many other points in the east. Information as to routes, etc., at City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam Street, or write, HOTELS. Quick Action for Youi Money Tou get that by using The Bee advertising columns. I PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS has returned from Chi- Sol Klein bas gone to New York on a' short til p. I ger the Union I aclflc, cago. Uise Jennie Oordon of Omaha will go to Lincoln Monday to address a gathering of Jewish people at a Fourth of July cele bietiun. John W. Robblns, president of the Omaha Real Estate Exchange, has returned from beirolt, where he was a delegate to trie national association of real estate ex-. clianges. Dr. Frederick H. Milliner, electrical ex-' rrt of the I'nlon Pacific, and Rev. George Beecher. dean of Trinity Cathedral, have cone to North Platte where they will speak before the Chautauqua. Lean Beecher will talk Sunday artertiuoa. E W. Ijtxon, who la In the coal business ! at Davenport. Ia.. and was at one time a ' well kaotn resident of Omaha, Is In thai city visiting bis daughters, Mrs. H. A. THiud and Mrs. C. F. Bmlth. He arrived Frluay evening from Han IMeso. Cel.. where, he bad visited for several months with his ! sua, C. K. 8. Dixon, and wifs. Mrs. Isud s bonis. 1-M North Forty-flrvt street. Is his ' rrvsent address. He will visit another son i. M lion of t'liKiuet, Minn., before re turning to Davenport Chicago Ooooh IhM (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN PLAN) I t i Finest Hotel on Great Lakes M combines warm hospitality with cool, refreshing- Uke breeree. Away from th dust and nolM of the city, yet only 10 minutes' ride r4 by express trains from th theatre, shopping and business district. SA It Is delightfully situated doe to th famous golf links, lagoons mad other attractions of South Park tv.t.n, id i VNl outside rooms and 25f orivata hatha. Ita hM,i.,ti..n. .v..k- - " - v.., m ia, flower beds, tennis courts snd nearby sandy beach add to the lujujuam ui us guest, a Droaa Tenuida of nearly 1,000 feet on two sides overlooks Lake Michigan. Tabl always th best. On can enjoy all th summer gaieties or find restful quiet In many COOI. secluded nooks. Tnnrlf rA,nr I. ..... very attention. Handsomely illustrated booklet fre on request. Addrs Msuscsr, 81st Blvd. and Lak Shor, Chicago), IL, asiaaas siysa ram ow F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. IIOTELI. In ths Stopping District. "A 11th and i taV oOee, OS I "rettieoat rj- tans." s Hotel Kupper llth ana MoOee. Kansas City. Mo. la the Shopping Dlstrtos. Hear all the Theaters. SCO Beautiful Booms. 100 Private Batna. Bet and oold waver In all rooms, Bpaelous lobby, parlors. Telephone In every room. BeeutUal Cafe, rerfeos Cuisine. $1 to $2.50 Per Day Bwiropeaa Via. KIPPER-BENSON HOTEL CO., T. A BBHSOV, Mgr. Kensington Point Inn Deabacate, O atari, Air, water, elta, unexcelled. Baas, masainonge, iroui. Canoeing and camping Good society. a day, 110 00 a week. Mrs. 8. CHbson, Laasea. ftelercuee, Xwurlsl LxpU Canadian Pan. WHERE TO BAT. WHERE TO BAT. First in Peace, First in War, First in the Heart of tils Countrymen Is the story of GEORGE WASHINGTON First In Service, First In Appointments rirst to I ally Satisfy lis Patrons, Is the Story el HANSON'S CAFE TIT A SUM DAT TAB I. II D'HOTB THIB1 TODAT, 7 So. JUI.T 5TX WILL ALSO BS A SPECIAL DAT TIKIS. JULY 4tri MIDI AX. I. AMTXBXOAsTS IIOIPIISIIT THE CALUMET MADS ALL OMASAS'S IIOIrEIDZIT. Here Is offered the finest luud lliat can tie served at prices easily within ths reach of ell. mVMVAr p'BOTX 40, and 60s. BBS'S THS YLACB TO DISS JULY Sta ALSO. 4 Crisp Pastry The delicious I as try served by us make our places popular tor men and womea. XHE RONTON LUNCH ISIS raraajB. leos Semglaa always vyea. FOR ALL THE NtWS THE OMAHA BEE BEST IN THE WE3T