Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    TITE 01 All A SUNDAY BEE: JULY 4, 1909.
'(r, : "
i i
Conolnilon Beached u Result of Be
porta at Stata Offloea.
First Six. Moata of 100 Mar rr
Ilfle Thaa Ar Similar Parte
for Fir Tears Last
rut. '
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July S.-8pecal.) Statistic!
on file In the offlca of tha Slate Banking
board Indicate that tha puwia of the new
guaranty banking law haa Induced the
organisation of banka. For the alx months
from January to July more banka were
organised In the first half of the year 190
than for any one of five years compared
Secretary Royse believes the enactment
of the guaranty law Is responsible for the
Increase In the number of banka. Some,
so he believes, organised before the law
became effective In order to avoid the
higher capitalisation provided In the new
law, while others organised because they
believed with evtry bank standing responsi
ble for the losses of every other bank they
would stand a better chance to get business
than under the old law, when each bank
was responsible "for Its own obligations.
For the first six. months of the five-year
period new banks were chartered as fol
lows: 19CB. Si; 190S, ; 1907, 28; 190. IS;
1909. tf.
The new guaranty . taw also Induced pri
vate banks to become Incorporated banks,
for the number that changed during the
last six months was twice the number for
the same period during the last five years.
Two private banks Incorporated In IMS, one
Incorporated In 190, one In MOT, four In
190! and eight in 1909. '
From the statistics It Is not evident that
the new law made any difference In the
number of state banks that nationalised
and neither Is It Indicated that the law
Induced any national banks to become state
Institutions, Three state banks nationalised
In the first half of 1905, four were national
ized In the same period In 1908, four In 1907.
three in lJOe and three for the first half
of 19(9.
State Bask Growth Steady.
The state banks of Nebraska ha,re en
Joyed a very steady and substantial growth
for a number of years, both in the number.
chartered and In the amount of money
handled. And more Uian thst, with the
giowth of the hanks there nas been no
Increase In losses, but, on the other band,
the losses to depositors In the last ehrht
yenrs since the receivers have been re
porting to tliv banking board, there has
been practically no losses to depositors.
In the 190 report of the banking board
tl:n total unpuld claims In the hands of
reoclvers amounted to $197,736.10, with cash
In the' han-Js of receiver amounting to leaving unpaid claims to the
amount of $177,917.37. The average annual
deposits for these elghj yeers amounted
to g47.9Ift.S38.30. The average annual losses,
less what, may yet be collected by re
ceivers, a me tinted to $22,239.66. This means
' an annual loss of forty-six one-thousandth
of 1 (er cent of the ar.nual deposits.
Mem hern of the banking board believe this
record la hardly equalled by any other
class of business In the state.
The following table shows the number
of bsnks, the deposits and loans from
1105 to 1908, being compiled to November
of each year:
Years No. Deposits. Loans.
IV 54 S50.1H7.M6 S41.263K3.S1
1vX iM &7.7t.M3 4s.SRI.SM.29
i'.17. .....Ml 04.4M.14B SS.74t.2M. 00
I! 6S8 (S.SM.7SS 6S.7!!,B7.00
1909 .....S47 72,482,898 80,177,567.71
Report of May 12. 1909.
The total numberof depositors, as shown
by this report, waa 231.11. The number
of depositors has Increased as follows
during thi last few years: 1906. 163.902;
1908, 179.928; 1907, 307.469; 1908. I18.S2S.
MF Corporatloa Defvaet.
Walker Smith, corporation clerk In the
orric of the secretary of state, has dis
covered that a lot of corporations have
gone out of business In Nebraska In recent
years. Out of about 100 letters sent out In
Lincoln asking for the fee charged corpora
tions under the new law, sixty-five letters
have been uncalled for and have been re
turned. Out of a batch sent to Kearney
forty-nine have come back unclaimed.
These letters, have been returned but of a
batch of about 2,000 mailed some days ago.
The new Stat Board of Osteopathy ap
pointed by Governor Bhallenberger under
the law enaoted by the recent legislature
held Its first meeting today In the office
of the governor. The members of the board
are nr. J. M. Kllgore of Tork, chairman;
C. D. Alien of Omaha, secretary ; J. T
Toung of Superior, treasurer; E. M. Cramb
of Lincoln and W. J. Cobble of Fremont.
Mra. Corine Schavland. widow of Chris
Schavland, who waa killed by an automobile
last May while on the street corner at
Fourteenth and H streets, has brought suit
for J25.O0O against the automobile company
which owned the machine. The defendants
named In the suit are Fred W. Joers, Frank
Bawllngs and Floyd Rawllngs.
The first application ever made to the
State Railway commission for permission
to Issue stock, as provided In the law en
acted by the late legislature, was made
Baa Xaa . psperteaeea.
A woman who has uaed Poatum since
It cam upon th market knowa from
experience the wisdom of using Post urn
In place of coffee If on 'values health
and a clear brain. She says:
"At th time poatum. wa first put on
the market I was suffering from nervous
dyspepsia, and. my. physician had repeat
edly fold me not to use tea or coffee.
Finally I decided to take his advice and
try Poatum. I got a package and had tf
carefully prepared, ' finding U delicious
to the taste.. So I continue) Us use and
very soon Ita beneficial effecta convinced
me of lis value for I got well of my nerv
ousness and dyspepala. .
"My huaband had been drinking coffee
all his life until It had affected his nerves
terribly, and I persuaded him to ahlft to
Poatum. It waa easy to get him to make
th Chang for th Poatum la so delicious.
Jt ! certainly worked wonders for him.
"W soon learned that Poatum does not
xhllerate or depreaa and does- not stim
ulate, but steadily and honestly strength
ens tb nerve and th stomach.
"To make a long story short, our satire
family continued to us Poatum with
eattafytng reeulta aa shown In our flue
condition of health and w have noticed
a rather unexpected Improvement la brala
and nerv powr. -t
I acre seed brain and nerv power al
ways follows th us of Postura In place
of coffee, sometimes in a very marked
manner. "There's a Reason."
Look In Pkga. for th famous Uttl
Wok. "Th Road to Wellvllle."
Brer taa th abev lerl ,A aew a
annaac from Use tlx, Tkey axe
g-eaalaa, tea aa rail f aamaa later,
this afternoon by the Lincoln Telephone
company. The company asked permission
to Isau 1.90 shares of stock at $100 a share
to pay for Improvementa In Its toll line
service In Lincoln and several of the coun
tlee south of here. The company expects,
among other Improvements, to ouna a
branch exchange In Lincoln.
Judges May
Parole Felons
in Nebraska
Kew Law that Pats Power to Exercise
Executive Clemency in Hands
of Court.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., July t (Speclal.)-One
of the Important law which went Into ef
fect yesterday was the act which gives
to th district Judge the right to parole
prisoners charged with felony before sen
tence haa been passed, except in caaea of
murder, treason, criminal assault, arson,
burglary from a dwelling. In the night
time, robbery or larceny from the person.
The law says:
Section S. In ease the aald judge should
find that from the age of the accused, his
former course In life, disposition, habits
and Inclinations, or that the offense of
which he Is found guilty Is hi first of
fense which might be classed aa a felony,
and that from all the Information obtain
able the Judge should be of th opinion
that the accused would refrain from en
gaging In or committing further criminal
acts In the future, the court may In its
discretion enter an order, without pro
nouncing aentence, suspending further pro
ceedings and admitting the accused to ball
on parole from term to term; provided that
the whole time of such parole shall not
be for a shorter time than the maximum
sentence which might have been imponed
by law. If, at the end of the total time
allowed for such parole, the accused shall
have conducted himself aa a law abiding
cttlsen having violated no criminal law,
the court ahall enter an order finally dis
charging such person and no further pro
ceedings shall be had upon such verdict
or plea. Provided further, that should
the accuaed violate hia parole, or commit
any other act criminal In lta nature, the
court may In lta discretion, order the re
arrest of the accused and cause him to
appear In court and receive sentence of
conviction and which aentence shall be en
forced in the same way and to the same
extent as If no parole had been granted.
Oovernor Bhallenberger will Issue a par
don Monday to Clarence H. Elliott, a life
prisoner In th state penitentiary. Jacob
Frahm's fat will be decided Monday.
Elliott was sent up from Douglaa county
January 28, 1897, for murder, having killed
a companion, the two of them being con
nected with a wild west show.
Anton Krupicka
Dies of Wound
Wife and Son of Sidney Parmer
Still Accuse Each Other
of Shooting; .
SIDNEY, Neb.. July &Speclal Tele-
gram.) Anton Krupicka, the farmer who
waa shot by either his wife or son, died
this morning at his farm fourteen miles
southeast of Sidney. A post mortem eli
mination was held tonight and It waa
found that Krupicka was shot by a 22
callber rifle, the bullet having been found
In his head. The boy Is in Jail and still
Insists that his mother did the shooting.
She will be brought here for examination
Moi day. The daughter has made state
ments at various times which were conflict
ing and It is still a question as to who did
ths killing.
Noise Barred in
Nebraska City
Police Enforce Bale Against Firing;
of Cannon Crackers Two
Arrests Made.
NEBRASKA CITT, July S.-(Speclal.)-Mayor
L. E. Jackson has forbidden th
firing of cannon crackers within th city
limits and there will be a celebration her
without any of th big noises. On man
waa arrested for discharging crackers and
fined and the dealer who sold him the
crackers was also arrested and. fined.
A large delegation went from her to
Syracuse this morning to Join In th cele
bration at that place and a large delegation
headed by the band and th ball team go
to Peru Monday to Celebrate there.
Faraa Laborer Near Bheldoa Step ta
Way of Car Wall HeUtag
SHELDON, Neb., July t (Special Tele
gram.) James Leonard, a farm laborer,
was run Into this forenoon by the auto be
longing to Amos at Dally, near town, and
seriously Injured. He was brought to town
and on examination waa found to have a
collar bone broken and 'other bruises. He
was talking to a party and stepped In the
way of the auto and waa knocked down
and run over. His Injuries may reault se
Farmer Llvlag Kear Adaaes Attacked
by Swarm aed Readerea
BEATRICE. Neb., . July S. -(Special. )
August Hoehne, Jr., living near Adams,
was attacked by a swarm of bees a few
days ago and would have been killed had
not a neighbor cam to hla assistance.
Hoehne was severely stung about th bead
and face and - he was unconscious for a
tlrfe from his Injuries.
River la Hlaher Thaa for Year Near
Nebraska City.
NEBRASKA CITT. July $. (Special.)
The Missouri river at this point Is higher
than It haa been for several years and
much of the low land above and below this
city on both sides of the river Is under
water and the crops spoiled. Below here
th river haa been cutting very rapidly
and several farms have dropped into the
turbulent stream. An effort was made at
one or two places to stop the cutting, but
all of the works are under water and moat
of them washed away.
Pap Bottle Kip I odes.
KEAR.NET, Neb., July S. -(Special -J.
E. Keenan, proprietor of the Midway Bot
tling works In this city, had a plec of
pop bottle blown Into his left forearm
Friday forenoon. Mr. Keenan waa work
ing a bottling machine when he got hold
of a defective bottle and with the high
pressure of the caroonator It broke. Inflict
ing a very painful Injury and on that
may cause th loss of his arm.
Nebraska Town Will Celebrate Semi
Centennial Monday.
Early Settlers Had Thrllllaa; Advea.
tare with laalaas, Bllssards,
Taraadoe aad Grasshopper
latereetlasr Iacldeats.
CENTRAL CITT. Neb.. July t-Speclal.)
in preparations for observing rmrt
City's fiftieth anniversary, July S, have
awakened many memories long dormant
In the minds of th old settlers. Manv In
cidents have been revived to Illustrate
phase of pioneer life. Soma of th.m
would Justify th securing a poet's license
in order to vaporise; some woald put a
mil on th most solemn vlaue. whit
others would make a small boy tingle with
desire for adventure. And through them
all runs a deep vein of Interest, and ths
old settlers In relating them have been
having everything their own way.
Central City waa never a bad man's
town, but It and the surrounding country
have had their share of exciting. Interest
ing and patbetio Incidents, which taper
down from murderous acts by blood-thirsty
Indiana to the pitifully tragi o fate of an
aged English couple who came Into the
new country without money and friends.
and, being too proud to beg, tried to live
through a long, hard winter on a diet of
summer squash, but died before spring
The most Interesting part of the history
of this town Is Included between the years
160-1871. Then Central City waa known aa
Lone Tree, the name being borrowed from
a gigantic Cottonwood which stood on the
north bank of the Platte river and held
exclusive sway on th prairie for many
miles. The old tree after being a land
mark for years went down In a terrlhla
storm In im. Within sight of it the first
settlements In the county were made. The
Indians at that time were verv annnvlnr.
but their depredations consisted mostly In
carrying off household goods and stock
and chickens.
Adventare with Iadlans.
Tet there were times when they could
prove themselves a dangerous element, as
may be seen from th experience of John
L Martin and his son Henry, who settled
near Chapman in 1863. They were plowing
In the field, when a band of Sioux Indians
came up and demanded one of Mr. Mar
tin's oxen. Refusing, one of the Indiana
attempted to atab him and only failed
when Mr. Martin Jumped backward. Toung
Henry, going to his father's rescue, threw
a monkeywrench at the Indian and
knocked him down. Then they fled to the
house, closely pursued.' By running around
In the house and shoving their rifles
through the various loopholes they made
the Indians believe that they had several
comrades with them and thus frightened
the redskins away.
Another encounter with Indians did not
terminate so fortunately. In 1869 two horses
were stolen from Mr. Martin, and two
young men by the namea of William Shoul
ders and John Stafford followed th trail
to th Platte. Breasting the swift current,
they made for the south bank, where a
horse was seen graslng. As they neared
the bank a party of Indians suddenly ap
peared and opened fire. Both men were
killed and their bodies were never recov
ered, being either secreted by the Indians
or carried away In the torrent. A posse
was organised, but failed to overtake the
Indians. It was thought that the guilty
Indians were Cheyennes, as their Ire had
been aroused by the action of the govern
ment In presenting their foes, the Paw
nees, with a small cannon, and they con
sidered all whit people their foes.
Another barbaroua crime was committed
by the Indians In 1868, when John Vieregg
and a neighbor, Claus Gottsch, accom
panied by the letter's son and a hired boy,
were encamped near the Loup river. The
two men left the hoys In charge of the
camp, and when they returned In th even
ing they found th two boys murdered and
the horses gone.
Single Caa of Lyneala-.
Th on case of capital punishment meted
out In this county occurred about this
time, when a horse was stolen from John
K-yes. The thief proyd to be a tramp, and
he was captured aftfr croaalng the Platte
river by a deaperate effort H waa taken
to some timber near the old lone tnm an
strung up, although the rope broke twice
during the operation.
In 1S6S the Platte sprang a big surprise
on th settlers by going dry. This hap
pens every year now, since the advent of
Irrigation, but In thoae day It waa a wnn.
derful phenomenon. Even th Indiana had
no tradition of such an occurrence and
wer as muoh surprised aa th whites. It
was extremely difficult to obtain water
for the stock, as the quicksand filled up
th hole that were dug. Many old settlers
feared that one of the tributary streams
of the Platte had been blocked by a land
slide In th mountains, and that th Amer
ican desert, which depended upon th river
so much, would remain such forever. It
waa with the greatest relief that aii..
thread of water waa observed glittering In
the sun far up the river about November L
When the war broke out thera ,..-.
probably not more than a dosen men In
uerncK county capable of bearing arms.
Vet seven enlisted In Iowa or Colorado
regiments. They served their country from
th beginning to th end of the war. Thev
were: Frank Jewell. Oeorae Thnm.
Ed Parker. JoaeDh Whalev. r-h.ri.. u - -.
ley. Henry C. Martin and Benjamin Hur
ley. None of them wer obliged to lav
down their live or wear an emntv ..-
but as Wells Brewer remarked years ago!
uncie sam had been consulted he
would have doubtless said that ih.r. ,..
more cash value In seven case-hardened,
acclimated and disciplined .old veterans
than there eould be In th same numb.-
of dead heroes."
First C a arch la Maor Star.
Religious organisation made its inn..,.
ance not long after th war. An Inter
esting account of services held In the one
stor of whloh th young settlement
boasted Has been preserved. Th minister
was obliged to hold services n a room
in which th stock of llauor was k.n
When the minister announced his text and
started bis sermon, some of th young
men got their cards and commenced a
game of aledge, giving aa much attention
to the sermon as they eould spar from
th gam. Th player aat on kegs and
boxes and used th top of a whisky bar
rel for a table. Tbey would all rise for
the closing hymn and seemed to always
conduct their gam with as mueh respect
for th service as th circumstances would
There wer many discouraging Incidents
that old settlers do not eaaily forget, espe
cially the great tornado of 71, th bits
sard of '71 and th grasshoppers of "74.
Th tornado swept through tb town of
Lone Tree, now Central City, unroofing
or destroying the buildings. Th house of
Elnathan Phelp was destroyed and th
dead body of Mr. Phelpa waa found hang
ing In a Cottonwood tree. During th blls
sard In March, "J, hoases and hams wer
burled In the snow.' A .young man by th
nam of Barnhouse started to walk from
th hotel to th printing office. His body
was found after th storm frosen In th
lo at th Piatt river two miles away.
Th grasshoppers wer a most terrific peat.
Th fields were stripped of crops, they
stopped trains by greasing the tracks and
devoured every green leaf and twig. Dick
8teele, a versatile newspaper man, penned
the following ode after their departure:
When the hoppers homeward fly,
t.very eye nh Joy Is gleaming;
And we watch them through th skr
Watch their wings so whltely gleaming
To the northward, to the westward.
To the red men's reservation
Our farewell In fact, best word
Is a hearty Imprecation.
Dead! Daar Story.
A local historian records how Isaac Berry
had his dog poisoned, and wishing to excite
public sympathy, brought the dead animal
to town with Mm. Meeting Sid Bullock,
he tragically called attention to th defunct
canine, demanding In tones of sorrow and
Indignation: "What do you think of thatT"
8ld, as waa his habit under a certain condi
tion, threw his right leg out of Joint,
cocked his eye, and replied: "Well, Uncle
Isaac, as for you, you may linger along for
a few days yet, but as for that dog, he's
deader than 1"
It would be too long a atory to tell how
th "boys" got rid of th Indians, who
wer accustomed to spending the night In
th waiting room of th Union Pacific
depot, their unwashed condition being
responsible for an Intolerable odor that
always pervaded the place. They got rid
of the aborigines by means of a combina
tion of a red hot stove and a couple of
pounds of cayenne pepper. The Indians
never came back. The aame "sassy" bunch
came close to exterminating a fellow crea
ture, who had failed to deliver a keg of
beer to its proper destination, by hanging
him a little longer than they Intended.
But all such mirthful Incidents of pioneer
days are over, and with them much Inter
esting history. But the past history of
Merrick county is a very creditable one.
and the cltlsens certainly have plenty of
cause to burn a lot of extra fireworks on
July t In commemorating the town's semi
centennial. Shallenberger
at North Platte
Governor Arrives Too Late for Picnic,
bat Makes Address at
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., July a (Special
Telegram.) A farmers' plrnlo was held at
the state experiment farm three miles
south of this city this afternoon and was
attended by about ' I.S00 or 1,500 people.
mostly farmer, who enjoyed th afternoon
Governor Shallenberger was scheduled to
speak, but missed connections, and did
not arrive at North Piatt until 7:15 p. m.
The farmers' picnic haa become an estab
lished custom and this,' the second, was
even mora successful than the first, which
ws.s held last year.
North Platte's first Chautauqua opened
her this evening at th Ottenstein grove.
Just r south of th city. Governor Shallen
berger was present with his staff In uni
form and delivered the opening address to
an audience of about 1,000 people.
Electric lights have been Installed In the
grove for the Chautauqua, which will con
tinue until July 11. The opening promises
success, as many are already her enjoying
Ita benefits. Among others, Lecturer Ott
and J. Adam Bede will furnish evening en
tertainments. The music' Is In charge of
Manager Maxwell, a splendid singer from
Mra. J. R. HrCsss Badly Hart by
Dlseharare of Toy Ceases,
BEATRICE, Neb., July S. (Special Tele
gram.) Mra J. R. McCann of this city
was severely hurt last night by th pre
matura discharge of a small cannon. Two
boys named Irvine were firing the cannon
In her yard, and Mrs. McCann stepped
out to warn them to be careful. One of
th boys placed a tin can on the mussle
of the gun when It waa discharged, the can
striking her In the face. An ugly gaah
was Inflicted on her nose and her oheek
was laid open for three Inchea.
At th celebration at Rockford today the
Rockford ball team defeated Ellis, 5 to 4.
The Horn Building and Loan associa
tion and th Beatrice Building and Loan
association, two big conoerna of this city,
consolidated today.
Laborer Prostrated at Seward.
SEWARD. Neb., July S. (8peciaL)
Charlea Wergaln, a brickyard laborer, was
prostrated with th heat yesterday. The
temperature reached 106 In the shade. A
bottle of alcohol on a window In th sun
at th horn of E. Varner, exploded with
such force aa to splinter everything In
ita vicinity.
The VVeather.
WASHINGTON. July t-Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska Showera, except generally
fair Sunday in east portion.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Sunday
partly tloudy Monday, possibly local
For Kansas Partly cloudy Sunday; local
showers at night or Monday. v
For South Dakota Local showers Sunday
and probably Monday.
For Colorado and Wyoming Local
showers Sunday; generally fair Monday.
Tsmoerature at Omaha yeaterday:
::::::::::::: w
Loral Rererd.
OMAHA, July S. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding period of the laat three
yeara: 1MB. IKOt. 137. ljrt.
Maximum temperature.... 7 7t M ',1
Minimum temperature 70 M M it
Mean temperature 71 M 80 tl
precipitation 00 T .00 .IM
Temperature and precipitation departuree
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and compared with the last two years:
Normal temperature T
Deficiency for the day
Total deficiency since March 1 22S
Normal precipitation IK Inch
Ixflolency for the day IS Inch
Totsl rainfall since March 1 IS 11 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 1 09 Inchea
Excess for oor. period, 1MB II lac has
Deficiency for cor. period. 1907 7.21 Inches
L. A. WEL6H, Local rvrevMter.
I a. m.
f Tvel I J a. m.
01 J I m-
X V J a. m.
- a. m.
( ' 10 a. ra.
Jj SL--Q 11 a. m.
I T-pjjaflCa 1 m....
Ji JQjjf 1 p. m.
J. viifejr
A genuine "Bargain" Sale is always an interesting subject. People like to save
money and thousands who were here yesterday can, and will, testify that our Second
Semi-Annual Half Off Sale offered them the very opportunity they sought. If you
were unfortunate enough to waste time in some other store thinking you could do as
well as at this store we sympathize with you and invite you to come in this week and
get a suit at half price.
Store closed Monday we want to celebrate the Fourth and the fact that Satur
day we sold about double the number of suits sold by any competitor.
New 1909 Suits at Half
Secretary Ballinger Against Co-operative
Method of Ditch Construction.
Visit of Official May. Mean that
Httr Homesteaders "Will Da
Seat. Off from Water
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., July t (Special.)
"President Roosevelt and Secretary of the
Interior Garfield were wrong in establish
ing th co-operative system of construc
tion," declared Secretary of the Interior
Bellinger, who has paid the North Platte
valley a brief visit at the behest of Presi
dent Taft and in response to protests that
have gone to Washington from this terri
tory against the action of Secretary
Balllnger In suspending the plan on the big
government Irrigation canal.
Thla plan was devised by Secretary Gar
field and approved by Prealdent Roosevelt,
and was found In operation by Mr. Bal
llnger when he assumed his present office.
Under its worklns the settlers under that
part of the North Platte project which was
not finished, having been left unfinished
because of depletion of the reclamation
fund, wer permitted to Ao the work of
construction themselves, receiving In pay
ment certificates or scrip which was re
ceivable In turn by the government from
the settlers In payment of their water
chargea for Irrigation. One of Mr. Bel
linger's first acts waa to call off thla
method and stop the work on the ditch.
The settlers under the ditch, through their
board of directors of the Water Users
association, promptfy passed . some strong
resolutions In protest and aucoeeded In get
ting the ear of th preeldent, so that he
sent Mr. Balllnger to Investigate.
The secretary's position Is that Mr. Gar
field was not authorised under the recla
mation act In pittlng the co-operatlv plan
In operation, and, he haa secured an opinion
from Attorney General Wlckersham up
holding him In this opinion. The secretary
is so positive In his belief that he declared
publicly while here that not half a dosen
reputable lawyera could be found In the
country who would aay that the Rooaevelt
Garfield co-operative scheme was legal.
Later, however, the secretary added that he
did not think they were wilful violators, but
had transgressed becauae they underatood
the law wrongly.
Th sentiment In th North Piatt vally
la that th secretary of the Interior la un
alterably opposed to the Garfield plan and
that unless the president can be Induced to
take an Interest In the matter the result
will be a complete stop of the work and a
great many families now on dry hoinesuads
waiting for water will probably be starved
Nebraska Newe Not.
. . . n p ul' of Lin
coln and Miss Nettle Stonnei of VVhlte
Cloud. Kan., were marrriea oy um. v.
non Friday morning.
YORK District Judge George F. Cor
coran and wife left Saturday for an ex
tended trip to Ireland, visiting th birth
place of hla father and relatives.
NEBRASKA CITY Word has been re
ceived here of the death of L. Goodman, a
former clothing merchant of thla city, at
Oklahoma City. He haa been unwell for
the last year.
BEATRICE In the Sunday School league
last evening the Presbyterians defeated the
Baracaa by the score or 11 to I Kretslnger,
who waa In the box for the Presbyterian
team, struck out thirteen batsmen.
NEBRASKA CITY Father Albans, pas
tor of the tit. Benedict Catholic church, haa
resigned and will go to Pittsburg, Pa.,
wheie be will have a new charge. He has
been, here since rather t&auuel iiartlg
was retired on account of old age, having
been In charge of the parish work, for over
fifty years.
BEATRICE The towns of Fllley, Cla
tonla and Rockford held big celebrations
Saturday Colonel W. 8. Tlllon waa orator
at Clctonla, Hev. L. D. Young and D. J.
Killen at Fllley and Hon. Charlea H. Sloan
at Rockford.
YORK In the marriage of Miss Blanche
Jonson and Alva F. Price, two very
popular, well known York young people
were united In marriage. The ceremony
was at the residence of the bride's father,
A. G. Jonaon of Jonson brothers.
BEATRICE Legal steps have been taken
to commit four children of Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Randall of Liberty to the Feeble
Minded Institute and the parents and one
little child to the poor farm. The family
haa lived near Liberty for years.
WYMORE A new band was organised
at Wymore last night with twenty-two
members. W. H. Caman of Beatrice was
elected director. These officers were
elected: Karl Burnham, president; Charles
Hansen, secretary; John Smith, treasurer.
YORK Judge Arthur Wray, a native son
of York, and Miss Clara Glfford, one of
the Instructors In York public schools,
who has lived here nearly all her life,
wer married at the Baptist church. After
the ceremony a reception was held at the
Baptist parsonage.
FALLS CITY Guy Seara of this city and
Miss Ella Hooley of Oklahoma were mar
ried at the hose of the brirV's aunt, Mrs.
Kathorlne Heath, at Forest City, Mo.,
Tuesdsy evening, Rev. Mr. Palmer of the
Christian church officiating. They will
reside In Falls City.
BEATRICE Harry Wilson, a carpenter,
was overcome by heat yesterday and fell
In the doorway of Frits Kms' hardware
store. In falling he cut an ugly gash over
his right eye. He was removed - to his
home, where he was reported consider
ably Improved last evening.
BEATRICE A peculiar accident befell
the little son of J. E. Cooeland, living near
Diller, the other day. In some way tha
string of his bonnet caught on a wire fence
with the result that he waa almost stran
gled to death when found by his rather. A
physician waa called and resuscitated the
little sufferer, who seems to be partially
paralysed on one aide.
WEST POI NT-Three horses were sfolen
from A. A. Phelps, liveryman of Reemer,
and up to this time no trace of the ani
mals have been discovered. The horses
are described aa two sorrel geldings and
one grey gelding. The owner has offered
a reward for thrlr return and the county
for th apprehension of the thief. Sheriff
Malchow la following up all ' available
YORK Several Tork county farmers
bring their butter and eggs to York In
automobiles. York business men claim
that the sal of automobiles to farmers
In the county has been the mesns of in
creasing business In York. Farmera living
from ten to twenty milea distant owning
autos drive to York to trade and shop,
who formerly bought at smaller towns.
WEST POINT Marriage licenses have
been Issued during the wrrk to Frank
I'eckerman and Miss Bertha Jsrmer of
Madison county; to Frank L. McKnown
of Wlnslde and Mlsa Emma Wlggers of
Th usual symptoms of Scrofula ars enlarged glands of tb sack, softs
and ulcers on th body, skin affections, catarrhal troubles, weak eyes,
and general poor health. The inherited poison, transmitted through the
blood, pollutes and weakens this fluid, and in plaoe of Its nutritive qual
ities fills the circulation with scrofulous matter, which saps the vitality of the
entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous taint, have
spent their childhood In constant physical suffering, and grown to manhood
or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth, and perhaps
later some disease of the bones or joints developed. S. 8. 8., given in their
early life, would hav prevented this. It would hare cleansed and purified
the blood of the taint, nourished and atengthened their systems, and
assisted each to grow into strong, healthful manhood or womanhood
8. 8. 8. is the very best remedy for Scrofula. It goes down to the bottom
of the trouble, and cleanses the circulation of all scrofulous matter. It
supplies th weak, diseased blood with strength and health-building qualities,
and under th purifying effects of this great remedy all symptoms of
Bcrofula pass away. 8. S. 8. contains ao minerals In any form, and Is an
absolutely safe treatment for children, even infants, or persons of any age.
Literature about Scrofula and any medical advice free to all who write.
Beemer; to John B. Wyman" ie rf
mouth. N. D.. and MtalXay "6
of Beemer and to Bert Fehllmin and Ml
LlwMard!of.B'mr- Com? Judo
hi. offlc2!arrled ,h" 'Mt nme4 ciuPlo
PanV wer'."" t0 Alfalf. MJIIta com"-MinL-
er dlc"'d. The York Alfalfa
Mllllny company has purchased thelar
Fa?rmny, r"d,n merly "wneS T by th.
Fairmont Creamery company and V- Sir
modeling It and Installing mwhln.r? for
the manufacture of alfalfa meal
FALL8 CITY-Delegatea frr.m th v.ri
EST. Im?"PTs't Order of d Fellows'
r'fS " th oountJr here this Tweak
for thepurpore of forming a county fed-
the social and neighborly feeling betwn
the lodges of the county, n "J 7 J?od
P.rk0orov.,r.rb,y ESKbU
par or grove In th county In th aum.
mer and at some hall or lodge room Tn
the winter. Other meetings for benefit o?
pleasure will be arranged for late?
..r.IB-Cou"i'r Treasurer Barnard's
year shows a total of 2fi aa n Tin Zlul?
"""Of this amount t&Ul.M rVpra."
collections for the 130(1 tax levy. Vvln a
balance of lis (43 t n a
w ,hTheyer:.,ranVn'7; ""h X's
tiZ' The to,al enendltures durlna- this
time amounted to $291.2i.70. This amount
7" 0t. ' v?riou. fund's aT fU
aiiuui. sivs.wui.jh; bridge. 11148 ak-
Clevelaad Near tses Hatchet Waea
Plaa far Reeaaclllatlea
CLEVELAND, O.. July t-Eddl and L
gree Shy. colored, seed s nil
today from Injuries Inflicted by their father,
oir nny. . ony taat night attempted a
reconciliation with his wife, from whom
he had been separated. He failed and cut
her throat, then atteckted his two boys,
crushing their skulls with a hatchet Mrs!
Shy died last night. Shy Is held for th
I.lncela Maa Orersssit,
CHICAGO, July 1 (Special Telegram.)
Val Henderson, aged IS yeara, of Lincoln,
Neb., was overcome by th heat her y.
terday and was taken to a hospital.
CREEDON Frances, beloved wife of D. J
Creedon, Saturday, July S, aged 46 years
6 months g days.
Funeral from family residence, (61 N. tlth
St.. Tuesday. July , at a. m., to St.
John's church, 2Mh and California, at f
a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery.