lliti U.MAHA MIM)AV Ht.t.i .Ujui , i:nr.. i . f r Special Sale of Colored Linen Suitings - a -,--.. at Tuesday morning we will place on special sale all our G5c and 50c Colored Linen Suitings (Tuesday only), ut, per yard.... Special Sale of White Goods Tuesday Economy Basement 3,000 yards Remnants of all kinds of white goods. Prices range from 15c to 25c. Your choice Tuesday, at, per July Clearing Sale of Lace COMMENCES TUESDAY, 70c White Lace Curtain at . $1.00 White Lace Curtain, at $1.35 White Lace Curtains, at $1.60 White Lace Curtains, at $2.25 White Lace Curtains, at $2.60 White Lace Curtains, at West Basement. Our Annual Great Linen finished Suitings'-In stripes and dots, sold at 10c per yard, clearing sale "price 6c per yard. - 16c Ftatistea In light grounda,! colored figures, at ' 10c per yard. , . J5c plain colored light wefght! materials; Swisses, Batistes, etc., clearing sale price Semper yard. 48-lneh' wide' BordeVed Ginghams fine importd 86c quality, -Ja-rlng sale price 26c per yard. i .." T -We Close at 5 O'clock. During July and August, except Saturdays when we will be" open Our' Store" will Be' Qiosed all Day Monday, July 5? .Most Exceptional -Value Handsome Petti coats to Tour Special Measure' $1.98. Perfectly cut," well made, guaranteed to fit, of best quality llcatherbloom Taffeta, any color excepting black or white for $1.98. This special price is just to advertise our skirts and petticoats which we are making to your ; special measure. Main floor. Announcement. Watch papers for announcement and particulars of our Great Clearing Sale of Silk Hosiery. ', This is the cool- est store in town. ' Our customers say so. SAYS HOMES ARE TO BLAME Memphis Schoolmaster Says They '. Burden Teachers' Htm.- ; HI. .CBEATES MILD SENSATION .. . . . Xattonal Comaell of Edacatlon Begins Its iMilon la Denver Indlaa : "Children Present Play ! ' "niaivatha." . ' ' "I DENVER, ..Colo., July 1-Assertlng that American homes and society arc respon sible' for- the influences that make the teacher's life a burden, and in the end result In the .Influences which, corrupt the morals, and. pave the way for criminal career In children,' J. C, McNeill, superin tendent of schools of Memphis, Tenn., created a mild sensation before the Na tional Courcll of Education today. Tba meeting was preliminary to the ses sions of the National Educational associa tion, whloh begins Monday evening. The principal subject' before the council was : care of delinquents, referred to as "exceptional children." This subject, to gether wlfh the report of the committee , on moral ' training, culture element and economy of time In teaching. Industrial teaching, co-operation with other coun tries and educational progress, . were dis cussed. The Introductory statement In the dis suasion of delinquents was made by James H. .Van Sickle, superintendent of schools of Baltimore. Md., who- was followed by Mr. MoNeltL A boat "gplrltlesa" Teachiif. "Some teaching Is so scientific and conse quently so spiritless that It would make moat any child delinquent," ssld Mr. Mc Neill. "Parents and teachers often make delinquents of .children by fatting to ob serve the fundamental things and processes Incident to growth and development," said the speaker. "They make children hate books by forcing them to read before an Interest 1n reading Is aroused.- By rushing them Into arithmetic or grammatical analy sis before their development warrants It thay are made to dislike the subjects. Per manent aversion to school la the legitimate result of putting children at work on studies they are not mature enough to comprehend. The method of presentation, . BVSY DOCTOR atemrttmes Overlook a Point. The physician Is such a busy man that he sometimes overlooks a valuable point to which his attention may be called 6y en "Intelligent patient who la a thinker. "About a- year ago my attenttlon was called to Grape-Nuts by one of my pat ients," says a physician of Cincinnati. "At the time my own health waa bad and ( was pretty well run down but I saw -at -rrce that the theories behind Or ape Of J l were sonnd and that If the food was all that was claimed. It was a perfect food. "Ho commenced to .tus Grape-Nuts with cream twice a day and 'In a short time 1 began to Improve In every way and 1 am now much, stronger, feel better and weigh mire than ever before In my life. ' "X know thkt all of this good Is due to Orape-NutH and I' sm firmly convinced that' the' Halms made for the food are true. ' T tiave recomrnenmed, and. still rerom aneaa,' Orape-Nuts to a great many , of my. patients with splendid results, and In MM cases the Improvement of patients a this- Unci food' ha bean wonderful. : "As a brain and nerve food. In fact, as a general food, Grape-Nuts stands alone." . -Look In pkgs. for a copy of the famous llttl book. "The Head to vVellvllle." There's a Reason." arves read tae above letter t A sew one appeasr free Uaie te Urn. Tsay are gea las, tawe'eAa fuU f kaasa InWrewt, yard.". . ;.' Curtains. Gloves for Vacation Days. ; Nothing better than a nice pair of ' Fabric Gloves for when yon go away. ' Long silk Qloveg in black, white and colors, per pair 11.25, $1.50, $1.76 and $2.00. Short Silk Gloves In black, white and colors per pair 60c, 76c and $1.00. . Chamois, too, Ar Good Style. All styles, lengths . and sizes In natural and white at lowest possible prices, quality considered. JULY flth ..39c a . . . G5c a . . .89c a . . .8Sc a .$1.48 a .$1.78 a pair pair pair .pair pair pair Clearing Sale of Wash Goods Com mencing Tuesday, July 60c all Linen Suitings, at 25c per yard. , 60c Bordered Glnghama,.at 36c per yard,' . . 40c Imported Xhevron Suitings, clearing sale price 25c per yard Remnants of 15c, 18c, 20c Wash Materials, at Ec per yard. ',- Many other reductions In prices on choice Wash Materials.' . . , ... East Basement. 1 ' The Corset That Moulds Your Form to Fash ions Latest Mandate. '.s The W. B. is the only corset which works with nature to make your figure perfect. It supports the parts that need support and moulds any form into a perfect figure. It enables you to dress in the height of fashion without a sacrifice of either health or comfort. Prices range from $1.00 to $3.00 each. Second floor. Special Announcement. Don't miss this! Our sweeping clearing sale of beautiful Bilk. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 qual ities one price 39c. See display In show window. Watch for opening date of sale. however, often counts for as much as maturity." The speaker condemned the attempt to put ""high - school, branches Into grammar grade of . Intermediate studies Into primary gradea'.'-Brtd said that educative agencies must look continuously to trie care of the physical and emotional, as well as to the Intellectual side of eduoatlon. ' ""Society suffers from dements srttteh are unstable, erratic, shiftless and Inefficient. Theoe elements corrupt morals, lead to Ir rational modes of living and swell the hosts of the helpless and criminal who beoome the real burdens of society. Unless delinquent classes have the benefits of the kind of education which Is ' adapted to their peculiar needs they grow up among us and recruit the army of people who never fit anywhere. They fill the poor houses, the prisons, the asylums and slums. They produce and reproduce their kind and bring about a feeling of social unrest which Is growing In this complex age. Failure of Home. "A failure on the part' of the home to exercise even and forceful discipline is a moral sin which has put the curse of Cain and the stamp of Satan upon many a promising boy or girl. "When we realize the baneful working of uneven discipline growing out of weak willed, Inefficient parental government, we stand In the presence of a great problem. How can we Impress father and mothers and teachers with the Idea that weak and vacillating government of children blasts their lives and makes them candidates for the ranks of the ignoble?" Miss Olive Jones of New Tork City was of the opinion that the care of delinquents Is a civic duty rather than a school prob lem. F. C. Bruner of the Chicago schools urged physical training In goodly propor tions as an aid to mental training for the "exceptional child." - Caroll G. Pearse, superintendent of schools of Milwaukee, Wis., spoke of man ual training and care of the deaf In the public schools of Wisconsin City.- Wales' C. Martlndale of Detroit, William Davidson of Omaha, George B. Cook of Little flock, , Ark., a I bo were speakers. John W." Cook of Dekalb, III., Tead the report of the committee on educational progress. Indian School Play. Tonight there was an unusual feature provided for the visiting teachers. "Hia watha." dramatised, was produced at the Denver Auditorium, under the auspices of the Haskell Indian school. Every part In the play was enacted by full-blood In dians, forty-five In number. The huge building was filled to overflowing. Tomorrow will be a day of rest for nearly 20.000 teachers, who are In Denver to attend the sessions. The first work of the association will be taken up Monday evening, when a gen eral session will be held In the auditorium. DEATH RECORD. Dr. Solltvaa llave.aoa. AUBURN, Neb., July (.(Special.) Dr. Bulllvan Stevenson died this morning at the home of his father, John S. Stevenson. Dr. Stevenson was born In this city thirty-five years ago. After graduating 'at the stale university he located In Okla homa, where he practiced his profession. About one year ago cancer of the face developed. He went to St. Louis to aa expert, but found no relief. About one month ago he came to his father's home to die. He Is survived by a wife and -one child, interment will take place In Walnut Grov cemetery, Brownvllle. Joseph Kaua. WEST POINT. Neb., July. I (Special.) The funeral of Joseph Kaup, an old pioneer settler and a much respected cttlaen of the community occurred yester day. The deceased was In his 7fth year and had been a sufferer from sathma for some years, the disease finally proving fatal. He waa a native of Germany and had resided In Cuming county nearly forty years, homeateadlng land in St. Oharlea township' at an early day. F peral services were held at St alary' s 5 c i i 6th till 9: SO P. M. - Pure filtered iced water on the main floor. Help yourself. church at West Point Father Kaup of St. Louis, a relative, assisting In the cele bration of the requiem mass for the de ceased. Mrs. Joseph Has. WEST POINT, Neb., July . r Special.) A cablegram conveys the Intelligence of the death of Mrs. Joseph Kase, wife of a nest Point business man, who went to Olmuts, Austria, her old home, for her health about 'a year ago.' A short time after her arrival one of her children- died from scarlet fever and now the wife and mother Is no more. Mr. Kase was at the bedside of his wife when she died and will bring the remaining child of the family home with him to Wast . Point TAFT HONORS OLD SOLDIER (Continued from First Page.) have rendered by their holding high loyalty and patriotism since the war to the present Cay. "Mr. Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, Inasmuch as con gress contributed to this monument and provided for Its erection, I am here offi cially to accept at your hands, on behalf of the government of the United States, this fitting memorial of fraternity, charity and loyalty.". Celebration la Imposing;. All - the regular troops In and about Washington participated In conjunction with the Grand Army of the Republic and the ladies' auxiliary. President Taft was the principal speaker and guest of honor. The program was. Interspersed with musical selections by the 'United States Marine band and vocal solos. Senator William S. Warner of Missouri, past com manler-tn-rh!ef, presided. Major Mepheneon, who was a surgeon in tne fourteenth Illinois infantry, was not only the founder of the Grand Army of the Republic but Its first ' provisional commander-in-chief. The memorial Is the first of the kind ever erected, and while the Grand Army of the Republic raised most of the funds, the Woman's Relief corps gave- valuable help. . Commander Kevins Talks. Bestowing high praise upon the work done by the members of the Grand Army of the Republlo during the civil war Commander-in-Chief Nevlus of the organi sation expressed the hope In his address that the monument would "ever stand as an enduring memorial to the son and sons of the worthy sires whose monument lands at Bunker Hill." " After reviewing none of the campaigns of the war. Commander Nevlu. with arms outstretched toward the street on which the statue of Stephenson stands exclaimed: ' "On this very street In front of us, the (lashing Early made his raid when he ad vanced upon the rapltol city, the only time the national eapltol was In danger and on this same street on the' night of July 10, 184, tho 'boys In blue' marched out to Fort Stevens, and there confronted Early. And then the gallant Sheridan hurled him. bark up the valley with such disastrous results." He declared that It had been by the suf fering, sacrifice and blood of the com radea of the Grand Army of the Republic that the flag had been "raised from the dust and mire, smoke-begrlmet, powder stslned and bullet-ridden and thrown to the breese to float forever over a free land." HENEY IN AUTO ACCIDENT Graft Proaerntor saves Jllmaelf from lajary by Leaping; Oat. CASTLE ROCK. Wash,, July 1 An auto mobile In which Francis J. Heney of P.n Francisco and former United Siatea Senator Fred Mulkey of Portland were traveling from Portland to Seattle overturned near here this afternoon. One membber of the party sustained a broken leg. Mr. Heney saved hi meal f from Injury by JtunglOaV.' . SENATE MAKING PROGRESS Maximum and Minimum Tariff Fro . vision is Tailed. INCOME TAX VOTE ON MONDAY Senator Brown' of Nebraska Saeceeda la Having Time Fixed Waa ta It Acted na Wlthoat Delay. WASHINGTON, July I.-The maximum and minimum provisions of the tariff bill were adopted by the senate today by a vote of 36 to It. The final action on this amend ment came at the close of a day devoted to a lively discussion of the proposed re taliatory measure, that brought out a great variety of views as to the advisability of enacting surh legislation. The provisions of this measure will go Into effect March n, 1910, and ninety days must elapse before president's proclamation applying the maximum duty of 25 per cent ad valorem. In addition to other duties provided In the bill, will be operative. The duty on tea and coffee, as provided i the amendment originally reported by the committee, was, stricken out with the assent of the finance committee,. The sen ate also, agreed to vote on the submission of an Income tax amendment to the sev eral states for ratification, this vote to be taken upon the resolution and all amend ments next Monday at 1 o'clock. laeome Tax Monday. The Income tax question was brought up promptly In the senate today and an agree ment was reached to vote at 1 o'clock Mon day afternoon on Senator Brown's resolu tion providing for the submission to the states of an amendment to the constitu tion authorising the Imposition of an In come tax. This agreement Is equivalent to a declara tion that the senate will proceed with Its business on the fifth of July, despite the observance of the holiday everywhere else. The senators were slow In gathering to day, and much time was consumed In ac quiring a quorum. Senator Aldrlch was In his seat at the beginning of the session, but most of the leaders of the fight against his corporation tax amendment were not so prompt In attendance. Aa soon as the routine business permitted, Mr. Aldrlch called up the tariff bill, but before any progress could be made. Senator Brown took the floor to press his Income tax proposition. He asked that a vote be taken Immediately, but encountered opposition from various quarters, Senator McLaurlo being especially antagonistic. After con siderable debate, the Nebraska senator agreed to postpone action and presented the oroDosltlon for a vote on Monday There was no especial objection, and the vote was accordingly ordered. Brown l'ra-ea Haste. Mr. Brown urged Immediate action, es peclally because, as he said. It should reach k. hnM hefnra the tar II Dill is laaon back to that body. Senator McLaurln said he saw no ne cessity for such an an.enomeni, wrwn would defer the enactment of an .Income tax law. He thought probably pne-fourth of the states would decline io ratify this ctlon by congress, and argued that there after when suoh legislation was sougni the failure of the states to ratify the amendment wouiq o uco men ngalnst It ' ' ..' As soon as the agreement to vote was mde the tariff bill Wis" take'tr'' uD'antJ-'Mr. Aldrlch presented his 'maximum' ana mini mum rate amendment. Mr. Aldrlch Immediately proceeded to sxmal;i ' the senate's substitute for the origlnafVn'aifm'ilm arid mlnlmifm provision of the bill as It passed, the house. ,. The house provides' for a specified Increase jof the ratec of duty , on .nuraerous articles fixed by the-, bill, ni ease- of the failure of ;-the country from which any given article should' come- to grant to- the Im ports from the United States the same terms given 'to Importations from the most favored nations. : t. The senate- committee, on finance pre sented a complete substitute proyidlng for an Increase of 25 per cent over the rates of the Payne-Aldrlch bill against coun tries which by export bounty or otherwise discriminate against the United States. The amendment provided that the ad ditional rate should go Into effect Imme diately unless the president should after March 31. 1910, Issue a proclamation that no such discrimination exists. Contain Discriminative Dnty. The amendment also provided a duty of 5 cents a pound on coffee and 10 rents a pound on tea coming from the countries thus discriminating against' the product of the United States. The measure as previously reported by the finance com mittee was further amended to except the islands of Guam and Tutulla, as well the Philippines, from Its operation. Stating that he regarded this provision as Ihe most Important part of the tariff bill, Mr. Aldrlch read a statement showing the maximum snd minimum laws of other countries. lnce that ststement was pre pared, he ssld, France had adopted rates that varied on an average of 60 per cent. Moving to strike from the amendment the maximum tariff On tea. Senator Daniel criticised the proposed legislation as au thorizing the president to make treaties with foreign powers without submitting them to the senate. "When this amendment is agreed to," he said, "the senate Is eliminated as a treaty making power, so fsr aa these commercial matters are concerned. It la becoming more and more common to eliminate the senate from the exercise of Its powers." Daniel Amendment A greed To. Senators Nelson, Curtis and Root, speak Ing In favor of the elimination of the duty on tea and coffee, Mr. Daniel's amendment to strike out that provision was accepted by Mr. Aldrlch and agreed to. Senator Aldrlch agreed with Mr. Root that there was no necanslty to ho)d a club ovef The countries that export these articles to the United States. Senator Culberson offered an amendment to make nonpartisan - the appointment of the tariff commission and to pay the mem bers salaries of g7.6O0 annually. Mr. Aid rich said experts were to be selected and he did not believe politics would be con sidered by the president In that connection "From the morning pspers," said Mr. Bailey, "the director of the census Is making his appointments for partisan rea sons. If that ia true it is the first time .It Jias been done In the history ; of this country." In view of the report he said he would not trust the executive author ity to make the appointments without some restriction. Mr. Aldrlch said he did not believe census appointments were be ing msde for political reasons. "I know the president of. the United States too well," he ald. "to believe h would permit anything of that kind." Ierlarln the trei-d of the times was toward nonpartlranehip, Mr. Root said the very . purpose sought by the Texas senator would be' defeated by dividing these appointments between republicans and democrats. He pointed to the record of the president as a guarantee that he would not be Influenced by partisan mo tives. "We arc untied In our esteem for the president" said Mr. Money, "but under the dispensation of Providence he might die. and -we might have a bad man like the presiding officer of the senate and he might make" partisan appointments." Money Jabs at Aldrlch. , , Vice President Sherman Joined In the smile that became general as the Missis sippi senator proceeded to show the temp tation of men to make appointments with a partisan bias. "There Is the chairman of the finance committee," Mr. Money added. "He has never been charged with being anybody's good Sunday school boy. He has never been shot at as an angel." Mr. Money further declared that he un derstood the postmaster general was to appoint tho census supervisors, and re ferring to Mr. Hitchcock he continued: "Whatever that distinguished gentleman may be doing, I ha,ve never been able to una mm in the Postofrice department. I have called four or five times to see him and I have never been able to find him. -My experience Is the common experience on this side of the house. I suppose his political cares are so engrossing that he has not time to attend to the duties of the department he Is called to preside over." The discussion of Mr. Culberson's Amend ment was Incidental and when It was con cluded the controversy over the minimum and maximum provision was renewed. Says Maslinam Will Prevail. Senator Shlvely discussed the subject at length, declaring that the maximum rate would be the real tariff. The senate fell Into a discussion of the reasons for the failure of the senate to ratify the reciproc ity treaties negotiated under the Dlngley law. Mr. Aldrlch contended the treaties had not. been acted on because a majority of the senate .was against them. He ad mitted his opposition to the treaties and said no one act of his public life had given him as much satisfaction as his course in that matter. By a vote of 17 to 48 the amendment of fered by Mr. Culberson was rejected, Mr. La Follette being the only republican who voted with the democrats. The amendment limited to four the - number of members of any one party whloh might be appointed experts to advise the president In the matter of discrimination by other countries. An amendment by Mr. Gore, substituting the provision of the Dlngley act authoriz ing the negation of reciprocity treaties for the maximum and minimum clause, was defeated, 16 to 39. An amendment by Mr. Dolllver, author-li ng the appointment by the president of a customs commission consisting of five members, with extended authority for gath ering Information concerning domestic and foreign prices and various matters affect ing the cost of production In lieu of the experts authorized by the finance commit tee's amendment, was voted down, 23 to 28. Mr. Dolllver said his commission would have power to make the tariff rates equal to the difference in the cost of production In tho United States and abroad. The time had come, he contended, to provide for -tariff revision on the scientific plans that have boen adopted by other great powers. He would like to create:, a com mission that would "measure up"' with the Interstate Commerce commission In ability to look after foreign commerce as their Interstate commission looks after In ternal commerce. Mr. Heyburn offered, and Mr. Aldrlch -accopted for the finance committee, an amendment requiring ninety days' notice for the application of the maximum rate .after the minimum rate has been . In force. In presenting the amendment Mr. Heyburn expressed apprehension that as It stood the provision would cause unrest. Aldrleh Cites Dleorlmlnatlon, -, This criticism brought Mr. Aldrich to hlb feet with a recital of .diHcrlmlnatlona that have been practiced by foreign gov ernments against the United . States. France, he said, had Imposed Its maximum tariff against the United States and against no one else. Germany had im posed various restrictions upon American meat and other products and about a dosen other nations had maximum and minimum laws. It waa to protect the American pro ducers that this provision had been framed. Senator Eacnn, approving the Idea, of a retaliatory provision, said he thought the method employed should be reversed. The duties should be fixed, he said, with power for the president to increase a rate If this country Is discriminated against. " Mr. Cummins suggested a substitute fix ing a penalty of 25 per cent of the exit ing duty Instead of 25 per cent ad valorem on countries Discriminating against tho United States, but It was voted down, viva voce. The vote being taken on the maximum and minimum provision It was adopted, 36 to 18. Drainage Chief Comes to Nebraska C. 0. Elliot Will Consult with Cit izens Interested in Various Projects in the State. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. D. C July 3. (Special Telegram.) Senator Burkett has arranged for the chief of the drainage bureau, C. G. Elliott, to go to Nebraska for the purpose of conferences with citizens interested In various drainage districts now organized and In process of completion. Mr. Elliott's principal conference will be held at Lincoln with the officials of the Salt Creek Drain age association, but it Is expected he will also confer with officials of other drainage areas In the First congressional district. The president today nominated Fred H Abbott of Aurora, Neb., to be asslxtant commissioner of Indian affairs. Henator Burkett said today that there could be no doubt of the confirmation of Abbott early next week. Mr. Abbott will take possession of his new office not later than July 10. Mr: Abbott's appointment was agreed upon some time ago. Senators Burkett and Brown having recommenced him for the place. Secretary Halllnger also being fa vorably disposed to Mr. Abbott's appoint ment 8. C. Polley, secretary of the state or South Dakota, who has been In Washington several days, left for Pierre this afternoon. J. C. Jensen of Hloux City, la., has been appointed assistant observer In the weather bureau service. Nebraska postmasters appointed: Hough, Dawes county, Howard P. Mclaln. vice F. J. Coll, resigned; Memphis, Saunders county, Mrs. E. M. Williams, vice C. E, Snell. resigned. GAS' LAW HELD INVALID Oklahoma Coin Knurka Out IWIote Frohlhttlna- Plplnw of Cai from Slat. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July . According to advlree received by local attorneys In terested In the ease, a decision handed down today at Muskogee, . Okl., declares Invalid the Oklahoma law prohibiting the piping of natural gas from that state Under this decision, It Is stated, foreign corporations can now sell the natural furl In other states. Quick Action for Your Money You gel that by using The Bee advertising column FOURTH IN FOREIGN LANDS Celebration of "Country's Birthday In . - European Citiei. IS CHEAT BANQUET IN PARIS Amhaaaadnr White Says Tariff Legis lation la Aimed at France Obaervaneea In London, Ber. In and Cnpenhaa-en. PARIS, July 3The annual Fourth of July dinner of the American Chamber of Commerce at the Hotel Talals IVOrsay to night was exceptionally brilliant. Laurence V. Bcnet president of the chamber, pre sided and covers were laid for mo, among whom were many visiting Americans. The guests of honor Included the American am bassador, Henry White, M. Barthou. min ister of public works: Jacob O. Sch urrrmn president of Cornell university and Patrick I Murphy. Ambassador White, who waa given an ovation, delivered the principal speech, his iertrence to the aid rendered by France in achieving American Independence, and the Increased American prosperity, under resident Taft. calling forth salvos of applause. His most Important utterances constituted an official assurance, addressed niitctiy to Minister Barthou, that the American tariff revision, contrary to the inea prevailing here, was In no wise aimed at France. The ambassador explained that n.. United States, like other countries, In an age of Dreadnoughts and constantly augu- menunK expenses, needed additional reve nue, and, like other popular governments. oesired that the Inoreased taxation should fall on those best able to pay It. tte pointed out that France enjoyed al Rloh Will etl Purchase. ' most a monopoly In articles of luxury ex- ! ported to the United States for the use of the well-to-do, and - these people would still pure-hone regardless of price. On the other hand a slight augtimentation In the price of necessities would reduce consump tion. As the primary object was the In crease of revenue, congress, he said, did not desire to arise tho rate of luxuries to point where Importation from France would be arrested or diminished. He fur ther called attention to the Immense quan tity of French purchases, running Into the millions, which did not appear In the sta tistics. Those brought little Into the United States"treasury, because they were brought back in the trunks of tourists. "I do not claim," said the ambassador, "that In revising the tariff our first pre occupation Is to safeguard the Interests of France or any other Sureign country, but I do insist that the contrary is not true." Commerce Will Adjust Itaelf. After pointing out that the final rate to be retained would be adjusted In con ference, he concluded by saying: 'I am convinced that when our revision has been completed the commerce of the two countries will reciprocally adjust It self as it has always done heretofore. In the meantime I hope that the friendship of 131 years, which has been so advantageous to France and to' the United States and to the peace of the world, will not be chilled by groundless fears that the forth coming and pending American revision Is hostile- to .. French -exportation." ; M. Marthou, after paying a . tribute to the United. States. and President Taft,. re called former President Roosevelt's words to M. Jussersand, the French ambassa dor: "I can imagine war with, any other country except France," as an eloquent expression of the deep and underlying friendship between the two countries. The minister said that France could only await the consummation of 'the, American tariff with some apprehension, which ' perhaps must be felt on the other, because both countries are ultra-protectionists. "There Is good ground, however," con tinued the minister, "for equitable and reciprocal concessions. What we ask Is not a sacrifice, but only a conciliation of our Interests. We cannot consider the hy pothesis of rupture." Less Enthualnam for Liberty. President Schurman, In a thoughtful speech, warned his hearers that there was less enthusiasm for liberty and the rights of man In tho United States and Europe now than there was a generation ago. Ex perience had brought dlfcllluslon. "Under popular government, as well as under monarchies," he said, "man must toll and sweat. Poverty stalks abroad. crime flourishes; the discontented clamor for revolution In the hope of the new Elyslam. Beneath all lies the forces of anarchism and barbarism. "The laws todny seem less concerned about civil and political liberty than about territorial expansion and colossal armies and navies, yet they cannot extinguish the yearning for democratic equality, and socialism is the Nemesis of outraged Ideal- Ism against triumphal materialism." Nevertheless, President 8ehurman' viewed with great satisfaction the conditions In the United States, which had not escaped the conditions of the age, but remained true to the purposes of the Declaration of Independence. He considered natural condi tions -in the United States and the virtue of the people largely responsible for this, but these very conditions, he declared, were the source of the great national danger. Boosts Bls Business. "We have dedicated ourselves," he said, to the exploitation of our resources with an energy so lrreslstable that It would not brook the restraints of law and morality. Material prosperity has blinded conscience. The world of high finance and big business became a law unto Itself by alliances with political leaders and bosses, and some times controlled legislatures, governors and even tars and Stripes A beer just suited to quaff at bom a night-cap for the sociable evening u refreshing draught for the late eupper a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for th connoissieur. Have a case delivered to your horns. Willow Springs Browing Co. Offloe, IW Barney Wt, rnoae Doug. 130. PAINLESS DENTISTRY By Dr. Fickes ' The above heading smacks atrongly of the worst form of Charlatanism and Quackery, for It appeals directly" to the pet aversion of the human race, None of us like to be hurt. This Is doubly true If our teeth are sensitive, All dentists know this and those who are unscrupulous or lacking In ability brazenly promise Immunity from ptoln, only to shamefully hurt the credul ous psttents and Irreparably ruin mouths by their Ignorance and unsan itary methods. Now painlessness In dentistry is practicable but It requires science, equipment, time, carefulness and In nate sympathy. Given these, pain lessness can be attained In every esse, In my office It IS attained In every case. I give my patients praotlenlly no actual pain even In the most sen sitive cavities. A few days ago a lady who came In answer to one of these talks caldi "Doctor, I don't believe In going to dentists who advertise, and least of all those who advertise, Painlessness, but If you can only remove this nerve without hurlng so much After It was over: "I've worried my self sick over the filling of that tooth and It didn't hurt a bit." It oosts nothing to have your teeth examined by me. Dr. J. B. Fickes 216-217 Foard of Trade 1 6th & Farnnm, Roth Phones. THIS IS THE TRAVELING SEASON Let us fit you out with field glasses, binoculars, auto goggles, ete. Complete Line at Reasonable Prices. WCTtN OPTICAL CO. Bight on the Southwest Corner lfltn. and rarsam Its. Where They Test Eyes for (Basses. courts, but the nation which recognizes Its perils Is already immune from the bane ful virus and the history of Ihe present oVcade will be a record of American awakening. For this we owe a debt of gratitude to men like Cleveland, Roosevelt. Hughes, Folk, and, not the least, to a much defeated Bryan." "Today the outlook Is fair and promising. Presldont Taft Is happily demonstrating the possibility of combining a government of law with a policy of Just and sane reform of corporative abuses." Patrick Francis Murphy gave a char acteristically humorous speech. London Fourth observance. LONDON, July 3. The first of a series of Fourth of July celebrations here took the form of a dinner at the Savoy hotel tonight, at which about seventy Americans, mostly business men, were present. C. S. Colton presided and a number of American musical hall artists entertained the diners. The anr.uul dinner of the American so ciety and the Independence day reception at the embassy will be held Monday. Ambassador and Mrs. Whltelaw Reld are among the week-end house party at Ooton Hall, where Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'James are entertaining the king. His majesty, seeing the American ambassador and Mrs. ' Mem at tne station, lnvitea mem ia join him In the rayal salon. Waitress Killed by Her Husband Ml .- I Mr.''' Maude Henry Called from Mother's House and Shot Twice. Mrs. Maude Henry, a waitress at Bal duffs cafe, was shot to death by her hus band, Frank Henry, at 8:30 last night at the heme of her mother, Mrs. Ines Nlckles, 902 South Fifteenth street. Two shots 'were fired. The shooting occurred on the west end of the house on a small porch. Henry called his wife from the house while supper was being served by her mother to two of her brothers and a boarder. Edward Galloway, her brother by her mother's first husband, rushed from the supjcr table when he heard the two shots, only to find his sister had fallen flat on the little porch at the rear of the house. He saw her slayer Teeing north along Fifteenth street and gave pursuit. Henry ran north as far as the alley between Leavenworth and Jackson and turned west. Galloway chased up this -'alley, but the murderer turned Into the space back of the Pantorium on Jackson street and made his escape. ; Henry and his wife had been separated for three months. Mrs. Henry was 13 years old, her birth day having occurred on May JL Her hus band was about the same age. Nobody could - be found that saw tho shooting. A Dort, living next door, at 1607 Leavenworth street, heard the shoot ing, but thought It was the result of boys celebrating the Fourth and did not go out doors until a crowd was collected. Toy Pistol Kills lioy. HAMILTON, O., July t.-The first Fourth of July fatality here this year occurred today when George Marcum, 10 years old, died from tetanus. He shot himself In the hand with a toy pistol. lireen Trading Stamps Lao lo Stamps ll) Sivea with aaca two osan ease of small bottles, de SI 95 livered in lha eitv foe. . " w gJOO In Stamps (IS) 8 Ivan with each twe osan caae of Urn bottlas. 1- ff") OC Hvered In Sa-aCu the city for . Out of town cus tomers add 11.11 ff case and bottles Brewery. S4 aaa BUkory, raoae Song. 1Mb.