TIIE OMAHA SU!ttAY BEE: JULY 4. 1909. SOCIETY OBSERVES FOURTH Everyone 8cipi to Have Something Planned for Sunday or Monday. WOHLH END WEEK'S T0UB.NET OyealasT o( Happy Hollow's Diarlnf r.rlU.a, ..frday, EI.M A,. , iraft Hmlif r ol D)Dr . . ' ' v Parlies. , . .- ' .'' , ,.. -. - iu- ' ?: ,,. The--oar on (n Foarlh. I am going ar away ' ""' J ' ' , Toda. ' " ' ' " ' Whira I won't hear any noise Of boy Calibrating in a vein Insane An event that I have heard Occurred Soma f'w paltry year ago, Or bo! Why the dickens they Inveet Their nest Of minutely hoarded aah Id trash, .,-..... Whlsh can only end In Imoke, Is a Joke - -That I really fall t seal - Ah, me! ... There were times In nay (oh hy When I Used to play tha rery same .Fool game, ' Bot-aee there! Why, that Is great! And wait Thera'e another rocket shoo! Now who Calls me a traitor, eh? t Ttt, say, I'm a stanch old patriot yet. Ton bet! ' La Tourhe Hancock. eclal Calender, MONrAT Table d'hote, dinner and danoa at liappy Houow, Country and Held clubs: Children's day at Field club; lun dee Woman's club annual frarrien party at the home or Mrs. J. o. Yeleer. TUESDAY Creche auto plonlo at Mr. A. P. Brandels' country place; Mrs. W. A. nmitn. bridge luncneon at neid ciuo Mrs. W. E. Palmatier, Tuesday Bridge club: Ladles' day at Happy Hollow and Field eluhs, and first mid-week dance at Happy Hollow, WEDNESDAY-Ladle' day at Country Club, and mid-week dance at Country and sieia oiud. THURSDAY Table d'hote dinner and dance at Rod-and Gun club; Mine Elisa beth Williams, luncheon at Happy Hoi low; Mrs. W. K. Swlehor. Cosmos club. FRIDA Y Junior Brtriee elnb. SATURDAY MIo Marraret Outhrte and Miss Katherlne Powel. mornlna bridge party at the home of Miss Outhrle; week end table and danoe at Happy Hollow, Field and Country clubs. Everybody has planned something "for the Fourth that Is, everybody has planned soma sort of celebration that, for the moitt part , will-take place Monday and Monday evening. No program has been arranged at the country oluba aside from the special ta ble d'hote dinner Monday evening and the - dance to follow It. Of course golf and tennis will claim many - enthusiasts for the day and many of these will remain for the evening. Many picnic parties have been arranged also. Several little sets In Omaha-have oelebrated tha Fourth with a plonio for yeara and these will fly off to the country aa usual to spend the day. The opening of the new dancing pavilion and bowling alley at Happy Hollow Sat urday occasioned a record breaking number-of dinner parties. About 300 reserva tions were made and several parties of arte were given. The gaiety at the clubs will oontlnue through Monday- and a spe cial table d'hote dinner will be served at all of them fo'r the benefit of those who wish to escape from town for the day. v At Happy Hollow. Largest among the dinner parties at Happy Hotlowlaat evening was. that given by Mrs John O. reiser, Mrs. Charles O. Trimble and Mrs. John Hart for the mem ber of the Bound Dosen club. The round table "was decorated with garden flowery and places were laid for Mrs. W. L. Selby, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Noah Perry,, Mrs. R. C. Peters, Mrs. Plndell, Mrs. Sylvester Ruth, Mrs. E. E. Thomas, Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mrs. Frank Carmichael, Mrs. Henry Van Oieaon, Mrs. P. J. Barr, Mrs. James Ham ilton, Mrs. E. H. Wright of Kansas City, Mrs. C. A. Skeen, Mrs. John Ross, Jr., Mrs, Domain Ledwlch, Miss Georgia Trimble, Mrs. Cullen, Mrs. T. L. Combs, Mrs. Col lins, Mrs. Yelser, Mrs. Trimble and Mrs. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Joel West had as their guest Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Colt, Mr. and Mrs. George C. West, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West and Miss Alio West - ' Mr. and Mr. F. P. Wead had as their guests at dihner Mr. and Mrs. C. Trbxetl, Mis Ona Troxell, Mtsa Alloa Troxell, Mrs, Meare, Mr. Cyrus Bowman and Mr. David Bowman. Dining with Mr. and Mr. E, H. Roblson were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Preston, Mr. and Mr. Ray C;' Wagner and Mr. and Mr. C. H. Beckett In compliment to Mr. ' and Mrs. W. 8. Cowglll of Lincoln, who are their guests over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lane gave a dinner party, cover being placed for Mr. and Mrs. Cowglll, Misses Elisabeth and Margaret Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Lane. Mr. Henry P. Leavltt gave one of the dinner parties, Miss Alice Howe of Wor cester, Mass., being the honor guest. Covers were placed for Miss Howe, Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Laura Knox, Dr. Robert Holllater, Mr. Thomas S. Kelly and Mr. Leavltt Dining with Mr. W. N. Spence were: Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Bllsh, Mis Helen Bllsh. Ml Jessie Spence, Mn Morris Bllsh and Mr. John Brain. Amoog those who gave dinner parties Saturday evening at the Happy Hollow lab were! Messrs. W. H. Gates, who had U guests; Miss dates, six; W. H. Wy maa. four; R. f. Arthur, four; H. D. Foster, flVe; Charlea H. Wright, three; M. O. Haywerd, six; B. O.'Royce, two; J. H. Parents, four; John T. Howard, five; J. J. Dodds, lx; E. H. Bruenlng, two; "Thorn a J A. Fry, twelve; M. F. Funkhoueer, seven; F. L. Loveland, l.; M. N. Robertson, four; F. A. pearles, seven; C. C. Belden, six; Pwlght Williams, four; H. B. Iavltt, ilx; Howard Kennedy,, . four; C M. Powers, three.Mt J. Dinning and C. E. Johannes, eight; Dr. A. W. Nason. five; A. J. Creigh, two; F. R. Balrd. four: T. W. Blackburn, two; H. E. Burnam, two; J. W. Talmer, two; B. II. Roblson. eight; Dr. A. II. Hip pie, four; Dr. A. aV. Somers, five; A. C. Busk, four; C. O. Talinage, four; J. M. Olllan, three; E. W. Ounther, four. " . At the Field Clab. . Mr and Mrs. W. L. Tetter had as their dinner jruest at the Field club last even- In; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilcox of Counoil Bluffs, JMr. and Mrs. Frank Walters, Lieu tenant , and Mrs. Dungan, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chumlea. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mil ler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosewater, Mr, and Mrs. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Martin gavs one of the larger dinner parties complimentary to Mrs. M. E. Herat of Colorado Springs, Colo. Covers were placed for: Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Serat Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dundey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culver, Mr. and Mrs. R. "B.' Zackary and Mr. and Mre. Martin'. " ' Dining with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Penfold were: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Penfold and Mies Katherlne Penfold. Dining together at another table were: Mr. and Mrs. IX V. Sholes, Mr. and Mrs. R.. D. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ewlng, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinning, Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Dale and Mr. and Mis. A. W. Scrib- her. Mr. Hal Yates will entertain at dinner Monday evening at the Country club for Miss Dorothy Morgan. Mrs. Milton T. Barlow will give a dinner Monday evening at the Country club for Miss Brock of Portlar.d, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rahm will entertain at dinner Monday evening at the Field club for Mrs. Stacy of New York. Mrs. W. E. Palmatier will be hostess Tuesday of next week at the meeting of the Tuesday Bridge club. Mrs. Stacy of New York will be honor guest. Among those who will entertain at din ner Monday evening at the Country club are: Mrs. D. M. Vlnsonhaler, who will have a party of twelve to meet her house guest, Mlts Ellison of Maryvllle, Mo. Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Davis will have a party of ten; Messrs. W. J. Connell, twelve; H. P. Whitmnre, twelve; C. F. McOrew seven; . L. Hammer, three; J. E. Baum fourteen; II. W. Yates, Jr., fourteen. The Omikron club has Issued cards to the members for their large midsummer dancing party, which will be given Happpy Hollow Friday evening, July 16, at 8:34 o'clock. This will be one of the largest parties given this summer and the members and friends of the club are anticipating an Interesting party. Dining with Captain and Mrs. John Loonard Mines were General and Mrs. Charles Morton. Captain and Mrs. Horn- brook, Colonel and Mrs. Bannister, Colonel Stlever and Major McCarthy. with Mr. and Mr. J. E. Rowlands were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. W. Purdy, Mrs. Bennett, Mr. Otto Bauman and Mr. Harry Cockrell. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Howland'a guests were Mr. and Mr. Charles Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. G. Durkee of South Omaha. Mr. and Mra. C. C. VanRuran and Mis Blanch VanKuran. Among others entertaining at dinner were Mr. and Mr. Charles Van Court. who entertained a party of eighteen to meet Mra. Blanche Van Court Schneider of Chicago. Messrs. C. J. Morton had a party of four; E. P. 8mith, twelve; W. E Palmatier, eight; E. M. Burton, ten; H M. Howe, six; T, C. Hyson, threei J. H Stors, six; L. D. Willis, four; C. C. Rose water, three; H. C. Kohn. four; T. C. Van Kuran, seven; E. C. Twamley, four; L. W, Kennard, four. was won byVlss Wlley lnd" ine eecctfld tf Mrs. S. P. Swinney. Mrs. William Kellorg of K7T South Twen ty-fourth street gave a card party Wednes day evenlhg for the women of the South Omaha Swastika club, at which five table re used. Those present were: Mra Harry Lynch, Mrs. Orover Harsh, Mrs. ra Mewa, Mrs. Shields, Mrs. Frank Al- vord and Miss Florence Long. Miss Grace Putnam entertained Friday evening at cards at her home for Miss Bessie Blake of Atkinson, Neb. Those present were: Misses Sara Ayres. Nancy Haso, Elisabeth Flndley, Bernlce Thomas, Porothy WengsJl, Grace Putnam; -Maseru. John Lovgren, Frank Pi all. Chandler Trimble, Russell Lockwood, Robert Find ley, Joe McCaffrey and George Richard. Mrs. "William A. Glassford was hostess at a delightful afternoon bridge party Sat urday at her home In Fort Omaha, comflll. mentary to Mrs. Otto Nesmith, who leaves shortly for California to reside. Garden flowers and plants decorated the rooms and veranda and the guests were Mrs. Nesmith, Mrs. Oury, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. W. N. Haskell and Miss Nesmith, all of Fort Omaha; Mrs. Clifton and Miss Clifton of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Cornelius Gar dener o'Fort Crook, Miss Mary Davis of Las Vegas, N. M.; Mrs. ' C. B. Tyler of Council Bluffs, Mr. T. X Mackay, Mr C. D. Armstrong, Mrs. W. J. Connell, Mrs, C. E. Johannes, Miss Valentine, Miss Gil- more and the hostess. At the Country dab. Numerous dinner parties were given Saturday evening at the Country club, One of the larger ones was given by fh members of the PI Upsllon Kappa fra tsrnlty. The host and their guest In eluded Misses Elisabeth Davis, Katherlne Beeson, Elisabeth Bruce, Mellora Davis, Ruth Hammer, Mildred Butler; Messrs. John Daugherty, Harold Prltchett Don aid McWhorter. Hal Brady, Robert Mackay, Lloyd Lomax, Mr. and Mra. T. L. Davl and Mr. and Mrs. Olen C, Wharton. Miss Helen Davis gave a dinner party Saturday evening at the Country club for-Miss Hubbard ' of Wheeling, W. Va, guest of Miss Elisabeth Congdon. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Mrs. C. H. Pickens and Mr. Elisabeth Pickens entertained at dinner at the club In honor of Miss Mllbank. The guest present were Misses Bess Baum, Dorothy Morgan, Alice Carey McOrew, Caroline Congdon, Gladys Peters, Louise Peck Miriam Patterson, Carmelite Chase, Francea Nash; Messrs. Ben Gallagher, Frank Keogh, Dennis Tllson, Culbert Pot ter, Herbert French, Denlse Barkalow, Jack Baum, Ware Hall, Paul Gallagher, Ben Wood, Richard Baum and W 11 lard Butler. Mr, and Mrs. Frank . Johnson enter tained Mr. and Mr. Louis Reed, Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwlck and Mr. and Mra, W. T. Gurley. s Mr. and Mra. D. A. Baum entertained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Hacket of Easton, Pa. Covere were placed for twelve. Other dinner partlee were given by M Denlse Barkalow, who had eleven cuesla Mr. and Mr. C. W. Hull, five; Mr. H, W, Yates, Jr., five; Mr. G. L. Hammer, five. Fleaaarea Past. Mrs. Ella Wiley Thomas entertained the Golden Rod club Thursday evening at high five. The guest present were: Mr. S. P. Swinney, H. Olton, L. A. Lambs mes- ser, L. Hall, C. O. Holt. H. T. DeBolt, Mra. Emma Tldd and the visiting women present were Miss Mamie Wiley, Mr. W, O. Miller and Mra James Appleton Ma gulr of San Francisco, The first prise Hot Weather Drugs at ihe Rexall Drug Stores Tuesday morning. July. tth. we hall plaoe on sale many items that mar be ,terined ei Wea4a.es Drugs," The duality of each item offered the best Thrice! i Colgate Tooth Paste lOo and ZOc (Violet Be Salt bottle 'Mule Team ttorax. to 'Jap Bottles Toilet Lotion l Good Talcum Powder,', one dosen. .lo ....to ...14c ..11.00 ...lie . . .loc iJSe Rexall Violet Talcum i-lb. bar Castile Soap 0o bottle Verona Violet or Carnation I Toilet Water He Meeo,uito Lotion, bottle 24c Flea Killer, kills any kind ol a flea any i where, big bottle Its ATII CAPS. 20c to 8.1c Joss Btiois Keeps away mosquitoes, 19c a bunch, three for ... , tSc Ulngvr Al Pints and quart, sev eral brand at low prices. 43 kinds of Malt Extracts, two for....I5c Per dosen $1X6 to SI. SO f aUaerai Waters, by bottle or case. Ask for everything you need la the drug line. W undoubtedly have It Sherman 1 McConnell Driuj Co. Corner lOth and Dodge. OWL O RUG CO. Corner lOth and Harney, . . Personal Gossip. Miss Harriet Swesy Is , spending the summer In Chicago. ; Miss Laura Goets leaves Monday, for islt in Cincinnati, O. . Mrs. E. E. Kimberly and children left this week for Chicago. Mrs. Irving Baxter ha left for Syracuse, N. Y., to spend the summer. Miss Enza Zeller of St. Paul Is the guest of MIhs Charlotte Tompkins. Mr. Lyman McConnell has returned from a stay of several weeks lrthe west. Mrs. Patricia Lee of York, Va., spent Wednesday the guest of Omaha friends. Miss Irma Thorman of Cleveland, O., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .TiHrus Drwlfuss, Mrs. John W. Battln left Saturday for a visit with relatives in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dodds returned home yesterday from their wedding trip Mrs. D. C. Patterson and family will spend the summer at their Okobojl cot tage. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Copley and daughter Harriet have gone to Denver for a short islt MIrs Mary Munchhoff will leave Sunday for the east and will sail July 8 for Ger many. Mrs. Aleck Johnston of Chicago Is visit Ing Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Skankey, 2628 Dodge street Mrs. Irene Honsaker of Fredonla, Kan., Is visiting Mrs. C. L. Vance, 3858 Call fornla. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Blakely left Friday to spend the week end in Minneapolis and St Paul. Miss Maude E. Wright of Pomona, Cel., arrived Saturday to visit Miss Isabel Baldwin. Miss Delia Hogan leaves today for Fort Sheridan, 111. From there she will go to Toledo, O. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickson of Sioux City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McVann. Miss Mary Davl of La Vegas, N. M. Is the guest of Colonel and Mrs. William A. Glassford. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy and family left Friday evening for their summer home at Macklnao. Mr. William Bauermelster left Tuesday lor a six weeks' visit in California and Seattle, Wash. Mra. Lowrie Childs leaves Tuesday for a visit of several months with relatives in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur" Draper Smith have gone for a three weeks' trip through Ye! lowstone park. Miss Mabel Balcombe has given up her apartments at the Hamilton and is at the Madison hotel. ' . Mrs. A. J. Love left Tuesday for pine Lake, Wis., for a visit of a couple of weeks with her sister. Mrs. Charles Oxford and daughter. Miss Valesca, have gone for a. month' visit In Gregory, S. D. Miss Molly Achtenberg of St. Joseph Mo., will arrive Sunday to be the guest of Miss Pearl Glllnsky. , Claude Long will Jeave the latter part of next week for the south, where he will Visit friends and relative. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Van Court will leave Monday for the northern lake to spend the summer months. Mrs. Charles T. Stewart of Council Bluffs returned Friday from a week's stay at her ranch In western Nebraska. Mrs. A. Lb Noyes of Til ton, N. H., haa arrived to be the guest of Mrs. Thomas L. Kimball and Miss Kimball. Mr. Robert Shlverick haa returned from Cornell to spend the summer months with his mother, Mrs. Charlea Shlverick. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Douglaa, after a visit of a month with their parents In this city, have returned to Chicago. Miss Ida Pearoe of San Diego, Cel., who has been visiting Mrs. George W. Plat ner, left Wednesday evening for her home. Miss Helen Rlnehart, who waa operated on for appendicitis at the Wise Memorial hospital, la now at her home at the Hamll ton. Mr. Fred Lowrey of Sioux City, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. S. Carson Lowrey, Is now visiting friends in Butt. Mont Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Korn of New York City arrived Saturday to be the guest of her parent, Mr. and Mr. Morris Levy. Mr. H. J. McCarthy, 4S Davenport Street, has gone to Chicago to spend th Fourth of July. He will spend the rest of the week at tOtawa beach, a Michigan reaort. Mr. J. L Adams left Thursday for fishing trip In the streama of the Bl Horn mountains. He will be gone about two weeks. Mrs. Frank I.. loveland and Miss Hasel Loveland will leave soon to visit In south ern California and Seattle. They will be gone several weeks. Mrs. Clifton and Miss Clifton of Wash Ington, D. C, mother and sister of Cap: tain Clifton of Fort Omaha, are recent arrivals at the post Mrs. H. 8. Kidder of Chicago, who 1 visiting her sister, Mrs. S. C. Morgan, 1417 South Tenth street, will leave nex Thursday for her home. Mrs. Blanchs Van Court Schneider of Chicago, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Van Court, will leave Sunday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. KIpMnger and family leave shortly for Chicago and Bear Ijike, Wis., where they will 'Join Mr. and Mrs. George P. Moore of Chicago, formerly of Omaha. Miss Harriet Sweesy, sponsor of Company F, high school battalion, and one of this year' graduates from (he high school, left Thursday morning for an extended visit with her sister In Chicago. Mrs. Vernon, who spent the winter In Omaha with her daughter, Mr. W. P. Evan, wife of Colonel Kvana. ha been visiting Mr. M. C. Peter the last week. This sreek Mr. Vernon was th guest of Mra Everett Preston before going t Louls- llle, Ky.. to make her home, while Colonel and Mrs. Evans are In Manila. Mr. Howard Baldrlge haa returned from tha east where he ha made a brief stay. Mr. Malcom Baldrtge, who accompanied him, remained In Pennsylvania where he will spend some time with relatives. Mre. Alfred Millard, accompanied by her sons, Hugh and Ted Millard, and Victor Caldwell, jr., left Tuesday evening for Beau Markla, Ontario, - Canada, where, on the Shores of Lake Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs. Millard have a summer cot'tage. Mr. Mil lard SHU probably Join them- later. . Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm leaves next week for Rockford. III., and. will spend the sum mer in a cottage adjoining the residence of Mr. Wllhelm's niece, which Is located on the 'Rock river, about five miles from the town. MY. Wllhelm will go over for a couple , of weeks the last part of this month. - Mrs. Harry B. Davis and daughter. Ethel,, accompanied by Mrs. H. I. Plumb, leave Monday for an extended trip to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Catallne Is land and the Seattle, expoeltlon. where then .will meet a party of friends who will accompany . them to Alaska - and British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burn, Jr., are enjoying an eastern trip and are expected home the latter part of the week. Mra. Burns is now visiting relatives In New Bedford and Mr. Burns Is taking an. auto mobile trip with some former college friends from Dartmouth. . Mr.' and Mrs'; If.' Jr-sse Psyne and daugh ter, Miss- Hasel Payne, who have been visiting In Denver, spent the week-end as the guests of Mrs. Payne's -sister. Mr, Arthur Pinto and Mr. Pinto' Miss Payne has -many . college friends In Omaha and was a member of this year's graduating class at Smith college. Mrs. William H. Gould, Jr., left Friday afternoon for a ' short sojourn at Hot Springs, S. D., and vicinity. While there she will meet her son, Harry, who I spend ing- his vacation at the Lawrence Johnson ranch south of Edgemont. Mrs. Gould will return in two weeks, but Master Harry will not be home until the first of Septem ber. Miss Susan and Miss Leeta Holdrege, who have been visiting In the east elnce the graduation of Miss Lecta Holdrege, will arrive home about July 15 and will be accompanied by several school friends of Miss Holdrege, who will be her guests for some time. These young people will be In Omaha but a short time before leaving to visit ranches at Madrid, Neb,, and Sher idan, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountte and fm- ily will leave Tuesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountse at their summer home at Mackinac. From there they will go to New London for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harkness. Mr. Hark- ness and Mr. Kountze were classmates at Yale and close friendship exist between the families. At the close of the visit at New London they will go to Westhamp ton, Long Island, where they will be the guest of Mr. Kountse' sister, Mrs. John T. Stewart and family, who are spend ing the summer there. From there they will go to Katonah, N. Y., where they, will visit at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Kountse--Wharettnwvlhi month from their wedding Journey, gbro.ad. Jl Wedding; Bella. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Koa)njnv announce the engagement of their ''daughter, Miss Aurora Wllhelmlne, tor Mr." Roland H. Springer. The weddlna will tak Pjace in the autumn. ' . . . ,' Mr. and Mrs. John 'Mi- Rose Have an nounced the engagement of their daughter Miss Anna KUzabeth Rose, to Mr. Clyde Thomas Hays of Lincoln. The weddlfif will take place early In the autumn. , Cards have been received In Omaha from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Albert Gregory of In dianapolis announcing the marriage of their sister, Mrs. Martha Adell Williams, to Mr. Frank Jame Fitzgerald, both of Omaha. The .ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald will take the St Lawrence trig and be at home to their ftrlends after October 1 at 1314 South Thir tieth avenue In Omaha, A quiet home wedding toolt plfce Fri day afternoon at t o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Spalder, 117 William street, when their daughter, Florence, be came the bride of Mr. Miles A. Colby of McHenry, III. Only relative were present and Rev. Mr. Collar of the Church of the Good Shepherd officiated. Mr. and Mrs, Colby left Immediately for their new home In McHenry, III. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Jane Macrae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.- R Macrae of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Lesslle LeRoy Rood of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, took place Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, 311 Park avenue. In the presence of about thirty- five guests. An Informal reception fol lowed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Rood will make their home In Kansas City upon their return from their wedding trip. The marriage of Miss Elisabeth Sharp less, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. 8. F, Sharpless of Fergus Falls, Minn., to Mr, Meredith Daniel, son of Mrs. N. A. Daniel of Omaha, was celebrated Wednesday even ing at t o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. The bride waa attended by Miss Parsons of Fergus Falls and little Miss Virginia Moore of Omaha, niece of the groom, was the ring bearer. Mr. Herbert Daniel, brother of the groom, was best man. The ceremony wa performed by Rer. Mr. Sharpless, the bride' father, assisted by Rev. Mr. Chlttle. About 300 guests were present at the wedding recep tion. The guest from Omaha were Mr. N. A. Daniel, Mr. John Allen Moore, Little Miss Virginia Moore and Mr. Herbert Daniel. The young people will reside In Manson, la., where Mr. Daniel has recently gone Into buslnesa. A wedding, with the bridegroom and hi attendant in full dress uniform of th United States army, waa celebrated Wednesday evening at Cleveland, O., when Miss Mayine L. Morganthaler was married to Major Harry L. Gilchrist, medical corps, United States army, now stationed at Fort Omaha. It was a home wedding, cele brated at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Harry W. Morganthaler, 1000U Euclid avenue. The awning, reaching from the street to en trance to the home, was hung with American flags and In the drawing room finished ' In gold and white, and decked with foliage and white flower aa a set ting ' for the ceremony, a magnificent American flag and the flag of the Cleve land Grays, of which Msjor Gilchrist and Mr. Hurry W. Morganthaler are both mem bers. were arranged to form a background for tlie altar, with satin kneeling stool and white altar rail flanked by standards of cathedral randies. With the first notes of the wedding march. Rev. Wilson R. Stearly and his assistant, Rev. Edward Owen of Fmmanuel Episcopal church, advanced to the altar, and were followed by Major Gil christ. He was attended by Major Fred erick M. Hartsook. United States army, of Fort Wayne. Ind., as beet man, and Lieutenant Bruce Cotton and Lieutenant Lasalle Rockwell of Columbus, were ushers. ' The bridesmaids, Mtase Vesta and Luclle Schumacher of Masslllon. O.. cousin of 'the bride, followed, wearing Victrolas, Victor Talking Machines, Victor Records we are broad specialists on the Entire "Victor" line and can fill a want quicker, more effectively than any other concern west of Chicago.' Learn to think of US when you think of a talking machine or phono graph. Send for a salesman or send for a -catalogue. We've several hot weather propositions that will interest you, we know. We shall be PLEASED to play for you, ANY of the new records announced today VV by the Victor Coin- 15th and Harney v 15th and Harney iiflilf MWmw For Mire A big seven paasenger Gar. Oet style spsed and silence combined. -Zt at your oonunand 5 LT rmwimw""" i" iiii iiiiiwn iyisiyn i.TT"""" VT r Just call me at one of these numbers Th :-HensrmrJIotel -or Derlghta or Residence BU Dougla lllo. . Douglas 80S Auto. A 17i At any hour and .say; "Send Ike with the big red car" This large roomy, 7-paengr Stoddard-Day ton la the most expensive; rental car In Omaha Cost S3, 500 Sixty Horse Power . i bl fully quipped, pretty, big red car will wlftly carry you any whr you want to go "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and Stat. Best Climate and MeatPlnal Springs la America. First Class Hotels. Ilospl I sis and Bath Houses. Writ t eeretary Commercial Olaa. Hot Borlnis. o. Dak. gowns of white embroidered batiste, with Duch necks and elbow eleuves, and carry IPs' bouquets 'of white sweet peas. The maid of honor, Miss Elisabeth Rank of Los Angeles, entered next, her nown being of white messallne satin and her bouquet of lilies of the valley and white sweet peas. Little Helen Church of Chicago, d rased n white and carrying a basket of white sweet pes, acted aa flower girl, and wa accompanied by a small nephew of the bride, Paul Morganthaler, who wore a black velvet ult and carried the wed ding ring In a large rose. The bride walked alone. Her gown was of white satin, fashioned very simply, and trimmed with Maltese and ducheese laoe. The tulle veil which fell to the hem of th full court train, waa worn away from the face, and caught beneath a half crown of real orange blossoms sent from California. She carried a bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the valley, and wore Major Gilchrist's gift, a brooch of diamonds set in plati num. Dinner, which followed, was served to the guests who were seated at small tables In the dining room. The bride's table In the center was decked with candles shaded In red, white and blue, and with tiny flags as favors, the centerpiece for the table being of white peonies. At I o'clock a reception for about 900 guests was held. Major J. R. McQuigg announced the guests as they arrived, and the Cleve land Gray attended In uniform. The re ception room waa decorated with foliage and ' vases of deep red ' peonies. Refresh ments were served In an enclosed garden, the walla of which were hung with Amer ican flags, and throughout the evening Johnson's orchestra played military selec tions. Major and Mrs. Gilchrist will spend their honeymoon on the Maine coat. They will be at home after August 1 at Fort Omaha, Neb., where the major Is stationed. JySy Salei! "VVe must, close out every trimmed hat. Now is the time to get your Bummer hat at one-half price. HAIR DEPARTMENT Our aim The highest quality at the lowest prices. "VVe make any shade of hair under the sun. We carry every thing from pin curls to wigs. F. M. S&H ADELL & CO, 1522 Douglas Street First Exhibit and Sale or Original Water Colors In Life and Still Life. By IVlatkle Louise IVIeUrlclc Student at Art Institute, Chicago, July 5th to 10th, at ROSE S AUT STORE. 1521 Dodge St. n For th Kntar. Miss Elisabeth Williams will entertain at luncheon at Happy Hollow Thursday in honor of Miss Howe, guest of Mrs. Frank Crawford. Mr. and Mr. Leo Orotte will give an Informal party this evening at their home la bonor ef Mr. Tboruas Millar, jr., Loving and Trophy Cups This season we are making a specialty of Prizo Cups, Solid Sterling Silver and the highest grade of electric plated ware. Prices range from $1.50 to $2.00. It will coat you nothing to see these goods. Ma.wKinicy 01 Ryan Co. Jewelers. 15th and Douglas Sta. of Wasblnjcton, P. C. There will be a dlHulay of fireworks. About twenty gueets will be present. Mrs. William Archibald Smith will give a bridge luncheon Tuesday at the Field club for MIks Alice 'How of Worcester, Maws , guext of Mrs. Frank Crawford. MIks Mai-aret Guthrie and Miss Kath erlne Powell have issued Invitations fur a bridge party to be given next Saturday morning at the 'home of Mis Guthrie, Th Dundee Woman' club will give its annual social affair Monday evening at the home of Mrs.' John O. Yelser. It ' ,to be a garden party and the huabaada ot the member will be guests of th evening, Quick Action for Tour Money Yu get that by using The Be advertising ooIhiu,! .eoti.