Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The omaiia dee
i- or to tba hovatm It ml by th
For NehrasKa Fair.
For Iowa Fair
For weather report see page
Ivomen Mils goods for advertisers.
Corporation, Six Director! and Two
Outsider! Indicted by Federal
Plot Czar's Death;
Anarchists Found
in Royal Palace
Swede Who Killed General and Com
mitted Suicide Was One of
Corpse Pound Floating in Hudson
F.ver is Possibly Elsie Sigel'i
"Yield Not to Temptation"
Crimson Crew, by Superior Strength
and Endurance, Defeats
Grand Jury.
Charged with Existing- u Unlawful
Buiinen Combination.
Prominent Lawyer and Ph'nthropiit
Among Those
Fnmoaa Antl-Trast Statute A
Trouble Grnwi Oot of R
hip of Prin Hu
Heflnliia; Company, ' .V
NEW YORK, Jvily l.-Through -e
mm, empanelled as a federal grand Jury,
the I'nlted States government today laid
the groundwork for another gigantic anti
trust suit In the Indictment of the Amer
ican Sugar Refining company, as a cor
poration, six of Ha director! and two prom
inent lawyers. The defendant company
and the Individual! were charged with con
spiracy In restraint of trade under a crim
inal clause of the Sherman anti-trust law,
which provide! a a penalty, upon convic
tion, a fine of not more than $5,000, or Im
prisonment for not more than one year,
or both, In the cane of the Individual!, and
a fine of not more than 15,000 In the case
of a corporation.
The Individual! Indicted are Washington
Ft. Thomas, president of the American
Sugar Refining company; Arthur Donner
and Charlea It. Senff and John E. Parsons,
all of New York; John Mayer of Morris
town, N. J., and George H. Frailer of Phil
adelphia. All are directors of the com
pany. The othera indicted are Oustav D. Kissel
and Thomas B. Halnett, counsel for Adolph
Segal, whose plant, the Pennsylvania
Sugar Refining company, was shut down
by the trust, and whose fight In retalia
tion, with the testimony brought out in
this suit for $:iO.OOO,000 damages recently
settled nut of court, largely furnished '.he
i m .t ..i v.
in.m ii, i ,i, u,ivp ii piii in ii.ruu mil. i i e
defendants will answer to the Indictments
In the I'nlted States district court on
Tuesday next.
What ladlcfroeat Cfcararea.
Bulky and in blanket form, the Indict
ment contains fourteen ' counts, alleging
conspiracy and restraint of trade. The
closing of the Segal plant, the details of
the S1.2SO.000 loan by which this was ac
complished and various details of the trans
action, are recited fully. The defendant
company, It Is asserted, controls 90 per
cent of the sugar trade In the United
A gist of the charges, most of which has
been brought but "iiwefolora. In" the Begat
Investigation, is that the American Sugar
Refining company, and the indlvlduala
Jointly Indicted with It, accomplished the
control of the Pennsylvania Sugar Refin
ing company, by Inducing Segal to borrow
from Kissel, acting as a broker and the
agent for a lender unknown at the time the
loan was made, whereas, the lender really
was the defendant corporation, to borrow
H.2M.0O0 and to transfer to Kissel, with
a majority stock a voting power, as the
lolder of 2(5,000 shares of stock of the
Pennsylvania company. It la further stated
that Segal was not aware that the Ameri
can Sugar Refining company was the real
'ender, and that he did not suspect the
Jeslgna of the rival corporation.
How Rival Was Crushed.
Segal, as the defendants then well knew,
the Indictment continues, would be de
pendent upon the dividends from the busi
ness of the Pennsylvania company to pay
auch Interest, and to repay the borrowed
principal, and in cave the business of that
company was shut down Segal's financial
affairs would be put In a "ruinous condi
tion," and the hold upon both Segal and
4he company by the defendant would be
continued and greatly atrengthened.
Klssell, it la charged, in pursuance of this
' power, called a stockholder'! meeting of the
Pennsylvania company on December J,
l:07, at Philadelphia, and voted aa a di
rector In favor of the adoption of a reso
lution closing up that company's business.
The Indictments today further compli
cates the affair of the American Sugar
Refining company, which was recently
forced to settle the suit brought by Segal,
and only a short time before waa heavily
fined by the government in the false
weighing cases. The action also dispels
all doubt as to the government's attitude,
which was considered uncertain when
I'nlted States District Attorney Henry A.
Wise sailed for Europe, recently.
' Indlctmeat Follows Civil Victory.
After George 11. Earle had been made re
ceiver for the Real Estate Trust company
on August S3. 1IMM. he claimed the trust
company's difficulties were due to the
pressure brought by the American Sugar
Refining company upon Segal for the dis
charge of his obligations, while at the
same time Segal, not being permitted to
operate his refinery, was helpless to pay.
Mr. Earle appealed to the Department of
Justice. It is understood the attitude of
the Department of Justice was that so far
as representations had been made, the facts
did not differ in theory from the Knight
case, in which the federal courts had held
that the acquisition of four competing re
fineries by the American Sugar Refining
company did not constitute a violation of
the Sherman anti-trust law. Suit was then
' biouKht in the United States district coui t
lit New York, the Pennsylvania Sugar com
pany seeking damages of $10 000.000 from
the American Sugar Refining company.
After a trial of two w'ecks a compromise
was effected oil June 1 The exact terms
of the settlement have not been made pub
lic, but It Is understood the Sugar "trust"
canceled tho Klsaell note of 11.123 000. paid
St-cal lS.O0O.0U0 in cash In lieu of losses
which he claimed he had sustained through
the tdleneos of h!a refinery, and returned
to him the 2-.000 shares of the Pennsyl
vania company, which had hern deposited
as security for the loan of 1901
It was this victory over the American
Sugar Refining company which seemed to
open the way for a federal suit.
The accused men are all prominent in
financial circle.
J oho SL Parson, counsel for the Araer-
(Continued an neeond Page )
STOCKHOLM, July 1. Further evidence
of an anarchist plot to assassinate the
emperor of Russia some time during his
approaching European trip was unearthed
here today. Adolf Vang, the Swede, who
last week shot and killed Major General
Beckman, chief of the coast artillery and
then commltteed suicide, belonged to a
group of anarchists who have been plot
ting the death of the Russian ruler.
Eight Russian anarchists were arrested
previous to the killing of General Beck
man, but their apprehension was kept se
cret. Two of them were found hiding In
the palace. Vang left a letter saying
that inasmuch as his Russian comrades
had been arrested it was impossible for
Mm alone to kill the emperor and conse
quently he assssslnated the first high of
ficial he met.
Taylor to Take
Himself a Wife
One Reason Why Nebraska Man Does
Not Want to Go as Consul to
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON, July L (Special Tele
gram.) A little story In connection with
the appointment of P. E. Taylor of
Tekamah to the consulate at Mauritius de
veloped today In the course of a confer
ence had with Chief of Consular Division
Wilber J. Carr of the frte department.
Mr. Taylor has been very coy about ac
cepting his assignment to the Island of
Mauritius, the climate of which Is said to
be anything but like the climate of Ne
braska. It Is minsmatlc, torrid and en
ervating and Mr. Taylor has been ex
tremely loth to go to such a place, for
ha Is going to marry the daugnter of Peter
Berlet of Auburn. Mr. Taylor blushed
when he told Ihe story of eiis forthcoming
marriage to Mr. Carr. The chief of the
consular bureau told Mr. Taylor that had
he known that he was about to become
a benedict Ms assignment would have been
different, but, as the schedule Is now made
up, he could see no other way out of the
proposition than have him accept the place.
with the hope of an early transfer. Mr.
Taylor, under thene circumstances, has de
cided to enter the consular service, with
the Island of Mauritius as his objective.
He is praying that somebody falls to
qualify before he leaves for his fir-off
post. Mr. Taylor will have thirty days'
Instruction in Washington arid sixty days'
additional before he goes to Africa, and
lots of thing! may occur In three months.
Making it Easy
for Lincolnites
Excise Board Adopts Another Strin
gent Regulation for the
Delivery of Beer.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 1. (Special Telegram.)
To prevent the people of Lincoln from get
ting their beer the excise board has
adopted a rule prohibiting the hauling of
beer from Havelock In wagons to Indi
vidual customers In Lincoln, but provided
that the saloons of Havelock may deliver
here to a central station and the buyers
of the booze miiRt call for It In person.
To help along the new order City At
torney Stewart has decided officially that
the wagons being operated between Have
lock and Lincoln are common carrier! and
aa such come under the rules of the excise
board. Just how manv men It will take
to. prevent the beer depots from becoming
retail liquor house has not yet been figured
out, but the excise board is expected to
hold another meeting ahortly to again
change its rules.
In the meantime common carriers under
the law are regulated by the railway com
mission, so the state may get mixed up
with the excise board before the finish.
Court Orders Rrrleslaatlra to Jail
I'nlraa They Heeogstie Penalty
Imposed on Them.
AUCH. France, July 1. The correctional
court of Auch today fined Archbishop
Ricard 1100 for making public a pastoral
letter in which he denounced secular edu
cation as antt-Chrlsttan and anti-patriotic.
Six priests of the diocese also were fined
$10 each for complicity with the arch
bishop. The eccleslasts refused to pay and
the court ruled that If they did not com
ply with its orders they would be impris
oned for the minimum period.
Kanaaa City Hears Art Talk.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July l.-Halsey C.
Ives, director of the St. Louis School of
Fine Arts, and Lorado Taft, the sculptor,
addressed the City club here today in the
Interests of founding an art. museum in
this city. '
William Perm's
Send Corn
Corn from William Penn's farm, one of
the oldest and iiiom historic farms in the
United States, will he on view at the Na
tional Corn exposition this fall.
Harvey Gray, one of the directors of the
Indiana Corn Crowera' association, writes
here that he, some time ago, sold seed to
tho owner of this ancient Pennsylvania
farm, who haa promised to exhibit the
product in Omaha this fall.
Word cornea from St. Lou la that the Mer
chants' exchange of that city will aend a
special train to the exposition, tba delega
tion of twenty-five which visited Omaha
last year making a report whloh has In
duced a large number to promise to coma.
President Cochran of the Cochran Grain
company who beaded last year's St. Louis
delegation on ta booming the corn show
aa hard aa ha caa and recently deolared
Id aa Interview;
Further Identification Will Be Neces
sary to Establish It.
Clothes Are Missing, Which Adds to
Police Difficulties.
Chinese Minister Calls on San Fran,
risen Chinamen, Demanding that
They Help Find the Miss.
In I.I n sr.
NEW YORK. July 1. Although complete,
identification was Impossible tonight, there
appeared to be a strong probability that
the body of a Chinaman which was found
floating In the Hudson river In the upper
part of the city this evening was that of
Leon Ling or William I Ieon, the alleged
murderer of Elsie Slgel.
The man's height, weight and general ap
pearance tallies with that of Leon Ling.
but as the body was nude except for a silk
undirshirt and had been In the water for
more than a week a thorough examination
will be necessary. Coroner McDonald, who
mp the first to inspect the body, believes
that it la Leon, as do a number of police
men, but until measurements and facial
characteristics are carefully gone over the
Identification will remain in doubt.
IT It is Leon the cause of his death will
be another mystery, although one theory,
that of suicide, would appear reasonable.
The body was discovered by Clinton W.
Bell, a rewldent of Harlem, who was out
In the river In a motor boat with a young
woman. Bell secured the body, then com
municated with the police. Officers were
Immediately dispatched to the scene and
the body was taken to a morgue in the
Bronx, where the examination was begun.
Resemblance to Leon. '
In snllent features there was a marked
resemblance between the dead Chinaman
and the official descriptions of the missing
Leon Ling. The teeth were good, as were
Ling's, the height about five feet four
Inches, which was Leon's height, and the
weight 12S pounds, which was about the
figure at which Leon tipped the scales
w hen he disappeared. The age of the dead
man appeared to be about 25 or 30. Leon's
age was given out by the police as 30.
The right arm of the body was greatly
discolored, but whether from violence or
the effects of the water could not be ascer
tained tonight.
The fact that the clothes were missing
makes identification more difficult and an
autopsy wilt be performed In the morning.
The coroner was unable tonight to arrive
at any conclusion as to how the Chinaman
met his death. Captain Carey of the homi
cide bureau, who has had charge of the
investigation of the Slgel murder, started
for the Bronx when notified that the body
had been found, preparatory to making an
Chinaman la Murdered.
Early this morning Yung Yow, an In
conspicuous, hard working Chinese laun-
dryman of the east side, was found by his
neighbors strung between two wash tubs,
with, his head beneath the. water of one
of them, and his feet in the other. There
wore bloody marks on his neck, bloody
footprints on the floor and a knotted cord
about the man's neck. In the cash drawer
the police found 1 cent.
All attempts to connect the murder of
j Ung with the murder of Elsie Slgel by
Leon Ling nave laueu. There is notmng
to show that the two men ever knew each
other or ever had friends in common, and
they did not belong to the same societies.
Investigation soon showed that Yung was
beaten over the head by flatirons, prob
ably by more thug one man, and then
slung between the tubs until he probably
died by drowning, while unconsicious.
To all appearance he was killed by thugs
for money. His relation! in Chinatown be
lieve he waa killed by white men ,and the
police were Inclined to the same theory,
Quon Ylck Nam, the local Chinese in
terpreter, who will be replaced by Prof.
Gardner o fSan Jose, Cal., who will en
deavor to unravel the Slgel mystery, said
today that he himself suggested Prof.
Gardner's name to the district attorney's
"I was angered," he said, "by the In
sinuations of certain police officers that
I might not be sincere In my work."
Irate Chinese to Help.
SAN FRANCISCO, July L-The bulletin
boards of Chinatown were placarded to
day with copies of a letter from Ng Shau
Chun, acting Chinese minister at Washing
ton, urging the Chinese of this city to
assist in the capture of Leon Ling, wanted
in New York tor the Elsie Slgel Murder.
The tragedy haa started a dress reform
among the orientals here. Llns wore the
latest American clothes and had no queue
tnd as muny Chinese of his description
have been apprehended on suspicion be
cause of their American attire there is a
tendency to avoid annoanee by discard
ing the garb of the white man.
Farm Will
to Exposition
"That trip to Omaha haa been responsible
for a good many things. We were satis
fled, royally entertained and learned a
great deal. Besides the party of twenty
five saw Nebraska. At least eighteen of
the men who are piomlnent grain dealers
and merchants, had never been in Ne
braska and probably never would have
had a reason to go to Omaha and visit
Lincoln at the aame time. If It had not
been for the visit ta the National Corn
exposition, wblcb was made a apecial ex
cursion. "One of the results was the excuralon
which the Merchants exchange recently
gave on the ateamsnlp 'Alton" and which
waa accompanied by a number of Omaha
grain dealer. Wa were treated so well on
our trip to Omaha and stopping on our
return at Lincoln and Kansas City, that
we gave the excursion to even up."
ilii fill ( w jj
9 ,l',l'illlinMjjli''-'
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Operations Will Begin, as Transac
tion is Now Complete.
Lot on Which Building; jWIH Stand
Valued at S27S,000 and Hold
for 905,000 About (se-rca
Yeaira Ago,
Legal steps have been taken for the
completion of the deal Involving the
erection of a fifteen-story bank and
office building at Sixteenth and Har
ney streets. The City National Bank Build
ing company was Incorporated and the deed
of the property signed to that company by
the syndicate which has controlled the
property. The price paid for the lot was
that which The Bee announced Monday,
$275,000 In cash.
The lot on which the building will stand
Is 99 feet on the Harney side by 132 on the
Sixteenth. The syndicate, headed by C. C.
and J. E. George, bought It Beven years
ago for $65,000. The property was originally
the site of the residence of C. E. Balbach, ,
and the neighborhood was then a fashion
able residence district.
The building will be of steel construction
with brick-filled walls and reinforced con
crete floors, all of fire-proof construction.
The trimmings will be of terra cotta. The
estimated cost Is $700,000, which Is $500,000
less than the amount the building com
pany Is Incorporated for.
laaao T. Cook Takes Stock.
Beside the company of Omaha men who
have taken stock In the City National
Bank Building company Is Isaac T. Cook
of St. Louis. Mr. Cook has built office
buildings In St. Louis, Kansas City and
other cities and. haa met with uniform
success. He is putting up a large share of
the capital for the new local building. The
City National bank will not as a corpo
ration take stock, for it may not by law,
but its officers and directors are among
the subscribers.
The officers of the company just In
corporated are as follows:
President C. C. George.
Vice President A. J. Beaton.
Secretary J. R. Webster. t
Asrlstant Secretary J. E. George.
Treasurer John F. Flack.
The Incorporators are:
John R. Webster, A. J. Beaton,
James E. Baum, J. E. George,
I. A. Baum, C. C. George, all
A. L. Schantx, of Omaha, and
Charlea E. Smith, Isaac T. Cook of
John F. Flack, St. Louis.
EiosTstloa Starts at Once.
It Is officially announced that the work
of excavation will be begun Immediately
and the plans are promised, so that con- I
tracts can be let within sixty daya. The
(Continued on Second Page.)
People will have
time to look at real
estate on the 4th of
Monday will be the best
time, for you to make a trip
around town and look at some
of the property that you think
might do for a home. While
a picnic is all right in its way,
a home is a good deal more
imiortant. If you buy a home,
it will be a 4th of July that
you will remember for the rest
of your life.
You bad better plaa to put In tba
day In tbla way.
Letter from
Husband Ends
Death Claim
Dubuque Woman Identifies Corpse
and is About to Collect Life
DUBUQUE. la., July 1. Spec!aO Robert
Pegel of this city, left home during July
of last year, leaving a wife and two chil
dren. Five weeks ago a body was taken
from among the logs of a raft, which had
laid many months in a slough, After bur
ial, the unknown body waa exhumed at
the Instance of Mrs. Pegel, and Identified
by her and several friends as that of the
missing husband. Following this a claim
for $1,000 on an Insurance policy was made
and allowed, and It was to have been paid
tomorrow. Yesterday Mrs. Pegel received
a letter from her husband, dated In Can
ada, where he says he Is working.
New Railroad
in South Dakota
Company Organized to Build Line
from Pierre to Brown's Valley,
Minn., Via Onida.
PIERRE, S. D., July 1 (Special Tele
gram.) A new railroad project, for which
articles will be filed In a few days, is the
Redfleld & Southwestern road, with head
quarters at Redfleld and a capital of $2,000,-
000. It will be incorporated by H. P.
Packard, Peter Norbeck, Z. A. Craln, E.
O. Issenhuth and W. S. Clark of Redfleld,
and J. H. Gropenheiser and L. E. Snyder
of Onlda. The company proposes to build
a line from Pierre to luown'a Valley,
Minn., by way of Onlda and hcedfleld. The
counties proposed to be crossed by the line
are Hughes, Sully, Hyde, Hand, Spink,
Day and Roberts. The proposed line la to
be 200 miles In length.
Governor Vessey today reappointed O.
S. Hasford aa Insurance commissioner and
W. E. Ege of Centervllle telephone In-
kpector. There will be several changes In
the Insurance department, Herbert Gregory
of Weasington Springs taking the position
of assistant fire marshal and assistant ex
aminer and Mrs. G. B. P-ox the position of
fire marshal clerk.
At the organization of the State Vet
erinary board today Dr. J. P. Foster of
Huron waa selected aa president; Dr. J. C.
Trotter, Bereeford, vice president; Dr. F.
L. Moore, Brookings, secretary-treasurer.
The board will hold another meeting at
Sioux Falls, July 12, to examine applicants
as practice.
New Laws in Effect After
Midnight Last Night
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 1. (Special.) At mid
night all the lawa enacted by the late
legislature save those which carried the
emergency clause, became effective.
This Is the holding of the attorney gen
eral, who bases his decision on the reso
lution passed by the legislature to ad
journ April 1 though final adjournment as
a fact did not occur until April 4.
This means that every saloon In Ne
braska must be closed at 8 o'clock Friday
night; that the Home for the Friendless
paasea out of existence and the public
school for indigent children oomes Into
being; that the demurrage law becomes ef
fective; that the governor t)omei a mem
ber of the state printing board and that
the treasurer la relieved of that burden;
that the State Board of Publlo lang and
buildings has nothing further to do with
the Home for the Friend I aa or Its auo-
ceaaor, but that this Institution goes under
control of a governor appointed board, done
Burkett Offers Amendment to Aldrich
Occupation Tax.
Motoal or Insurance Benefit "orlrtlrs
to Be Made Free from Proposed
Hcrfnae Raising; Mrainn'i
. Provisions.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Burkett today Introduced
an amendment to the Aldrich amendment
to the tariff bill relating to the taxing of
corporations, which provides for exemption
of beneficial or other orders from the
operation of such taxation. The text of
the Burkett amendment provides that
nothing in the Aldrich amendment shall
apply to fraternal beneficiary societies, or
ders or associations operating under the
lodge system and providing for the pay
ment of life, sick, accident and other bene
fits to members of such societies, order!
or associations and dependents of such
members. , '
Indian School Affairs.
Former Indian Commissioner Leupp,
prior to retiring from office, caused to be
Issued an order that hereafter Indian
pupils not 14 years of age or over should
not be admitted to non-reservation Indian
schools. This order has stirred up Repre
sentatives Burke and Martin of South Da
kota, and they demand to be shown why
such an order should be enforced, at least
so far as their state la concerned. Thus
far they have not made much progress,
being simply Informed by Indian Com
missioner Valentine that the prohibition
does not extend to pupils now enrolled, or
to thoe whose terms have expired, who
may wish to return, or to those who go
home on summer vacation. Superintendents
have been Instructed to look carefully
over the rolls and see to It that former
students are not shut out of schools for
the coming season. This does not entirely
satisfy the South Dakota congressmen,
and they are seeking to have the regula
tion promulgated by the former Indian
commissioner set aside, so that all Indian
children of whatever age may attend non
reservation schools. If their preference
lies In this direction, rather than to be
forced to attend schools upon their par
ticular reservation. The purpose of Mr.
Leupp's regulation Is to compel Indian
children of tender age, that Is under 14.
to attend school near at home, where
they may have the protection of their
parents, rather than to send them to
(Continued on Second Page.)
under the slogan "Let the people rule,"
and many other laws, which went into
effect last night.
Put there are two laws which do not.
The ill-fated banking law Is Indefinitely
tied at the post; ditto the non-partisan
Judiciary law, which has already been de
clared by a district Judge to be contrary
to the state constitution. The State Board
of Secretaries of the State Board of Health
Is supposed to make room today for the
Board of secretaries appointed by the gov
ernor, but there Is a hitch there also. The
old board met this afternoon and In
structed Secretary Sward to hold onto the
records and letter heads and other
paraphernalia of the board until further
orders. The right of the governor to ap
point will probably be attacked In the court
before the new board gets a chance at
the finances of the would-be doctors. But
the Board of Oateopothy, the Board of
Nurseaj and several other boards get buay
tomorrow without oppaaotna
Winning Crew Shows Superior to
Rivals in Every Way.
Makes Change at Eleventh Hour
Which Brings Victory.
llnrvard Takes Morning Rapes
Freahman Crew tieta Lead and
Holds It from tart
NEW LONDON, Conn., July 1. In a
notable exhibition of rowing by a crew,
remarkable for Its physical power and
endurance, Harvard this evening defeated
Yale In their annual varsity boat race on
the Thames. The Crimson's crew led from
start to finish and won by six boat lengths.
Harvard's time was 21 W; Yale'a 22:10.
By this victory Harvard won Its second
consecutive boat race from Yale In twen
ty-eight years. Not since 1W0 and 1RS1 has
Harvard won two consecutive raoea from
Yale. Since 1KV. Harvard haa won five
'varsity races from Yale, Including to
day's namely. In 1WH, 1SIW, 1S0S and M
Since Wray has been coaching at Cam
bridge, Yale and Harvard have met three
times, and the Crimson has won two races,
Knormoni Crowd Present.
The greatest crowd that has ever as
sembled here on the Thames poured Into
New Ixjmlon today to witness this race.
Harvard's growing confidence In Its boat
ing system brought double and quadruple
the number that usually follow the crim
son to the Thames, while Tale'! determina
tion to win back its glory brought a record
breaking Yale crowd.
The railroads could not furnish enough
cars to accommodate all the people who
fought and struggled for seats on the ob
servation stands. It was estimated thai
at least 40,000 people witnessed the spec
tacle from trains and every other kind ol
vehiclo and from a flotilla of the finest
floating craft that graces American waters.
Itace Always a Contest.
Although Harvard won by a handsome
margin, and administered a crushing de
feat to Yale, the race was nevertheless a
contest-up to the last halt mile. All the
way up the river the two eights rowed
with almost equal precision, and a Blight
of any kind in either shell would have
turned the victory Into defeat within a
few seconds.
But there was r.o break in the Harvard
boat. Rowing all the way two atrokes,
and sometimes three strokes, to the minute
more than Yale, the crimson eight crept.,,
awsy from the blue little by little. For "
two and a half miles Yale kept Within
a scant boat's length of Itt rival. Then
Harvard put on Its power and Increased
Its lead first to three lengths, then to
four length!, and finally to six lengths.
Yale spurted with Its oldtlme determina
tion, but it waa In vain.
Two Sets of Hrothera.
In the winning Harvard eight were two
sets of brothers. Roger Cutler, the Har
vard stroke, la a brother of Eliot Cutler
of the Harvurd bow, while at No. 6 and
No. & the two WUhtngtons of Honolulu
rowed. At No. 4 sat Eliot Bacon, son of
ex-Secretary Bacon, whose two brothers
had preceded him as Harvard oarsmen, as
had their father. Former Secretary Bacon,
leaning against the rail of the referee's
launch, The Scout, watched the race with
anxious Interest until he saw his boy a
winner. Then he Joined the group of Har
vard men who hugged each other in their
Joy. On the Mirage, the boat of the re
gatta committee, which followed the race,
was Postmaster General Frank 11. Hitch
cock, while Secretary of the Navy. George
Von L. Myer, saw the contest from the
United States Steamship Dolphin.
Leas than a minute after the race waa
over the two eights rowed off to their
quarters, Yale In the gloom of defeat.
Harvard amid the noise and glory of vic
tory, to fall Into the arma of 300 old
graduates who had tumbled out of the ob
servation trains and hurried down to the
Harvard boat house. Then followed tha
procession of the victors back to New
London. It semed as though the crimson
flags would never cease to flutter. Old
oarsmen got together amid the excite
ment, however, and talked It all over.
At the Harvard quarters the crew elected
Jesse Edwin Wald, 1M0, of Denver, Coh,
captain for next year. He rowed at No.
7 In the crew. He Is 20 yeara old, 9 feet
i Inches In height and weighs 17 pounds.
Then the" oarsmen boarded a yacht and
went lo the Fort Orlswold house to cele
brate the victory. They were accompanuni
by a large number of friends,
Yalu elected as captain for 1010 Ruthven
Adrlance Woodell, 1010, of Poughkeepele,
N. Y. Woodell Is 21 yeara old, feet 1
Inch In height and weighs 172 pounds.
Record of the Race.
The record of the race, as kept by the
official timers, was as follows:
Harvard Half mile, 2:M; one mile, 8:10;
two miles. 10:45; three miles, 1:10; four
miles. 21:50
Yale Half mile, 2 27; one mile, 8:12; two
miles. 10:4R; three miles, 16:20; four miles.
Winning distance, six lengths.
The stroking of the crews by miles fol
lows: Harvard Start, 39; one mile, 24; two
miles. 34; three miles, ; finish, Sf.
Yale Start. 33. one mile, 31; two miles,
32; three miles, 34; flnlxh. 36.
Harvard's Team Heavier.
The explanation of Yale's defeat Ii not
difficult. Harvard, with a crew which
averaged almost six pounds to the man
heavier than Yale, Was able to row right
through the race at a gait which averaged
two strokes to the minute faster than
Yale's and still get out of this stroke Its
maximum of spetd.
' Any crew that ran row In the form that
Harvard or Yale rowed In this evening and
at the same time average two strokes a
minute moro than its rival and not exhaust
Its men by so doing la bound to win, and
the margin at the finish will be measured
rnly by the physical endurance of the men
In the winning boat.
Comparisons of strokes and scientific dls
cuasions of methods of rowing will not
explain away Yale's defeat. Yale today
had men In lis shell who proved that the?