Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE HK1;
!! J-'U LU- --
.a't is Well
Supported and Mates
Another Advance.
Getters 1 Tone Hhatr Rmritril Firm-
ess Improved llfmmil Ikiimrt
Pit fteetlment sad Roll Lend
or Art In C'oatrel. .'
OMAHA,. June SO. Vj09.
The wheal market was well , supported
nd advanced again today. Shorts were
itirrm 10 rover tneir Hairs and the aenevai
tone of the market showed renewed firm
ness. The Improved demand ha manned
the pit sentiment and ,Uia bull leader are
main In control.
Corn showed a ftrmer''snd more active
tone and better prices ehould result If the
hipping- demand would, tncreasa a te
celpta are very moderate.
VN heat proved steady to strong and vss
well supported. Buying I ef belter clawi
and reports of rust damage In the horth
weat canned shorts to cover. Offerings are
not liberal and all now wheat will be
readily taken at present values.
Corn wit tincnanard, -but soma firmer,
strength In wheat was the sustaining; fen
lure. Receipts are light and no Improve
ment Is looked for. lemand Is picking up
nd better prices should develop.
I'rlmary wheat receipts were 138.000 bu.
nd shipments were 104 000 bu., against
teoelpts last year of 29,00U bu. and ship
ments of S14.000 bu.
Corn receipts wera 532,000 bu. and ship--menta
were 464,000 bu ,' against receipts lat
ear of 637,000 bu. and shipments of M2,M
Clearances wera 17,ono bu. of corn, none
of oata and wheat and flour equal to 43,000
Liverpool closed MftA higher on wheat
nd unchanged to VI lower on corn.
Local range 6f optlona:
Attlclea.1 Open. Hlgh. Lcir. Close. Yes y.
Wheat I I l "j
July... 100 10!) 09 1 09 I 1 Oft
fiept... 104 1044 I WH 1044! 1 04H
Corn I
July... tt 67 674 67V 67V
Sept... US 044 tt 64 644
July... 4MV, 4V, fS 4K4 464j
Bept... ) 401 SO 407-s 4u
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHIAT-No. 1 hard. 11.2491.28; No. 8
hard, i.24ffl.H: No. 4 hard. si.Ul.M; No.
S spring. il.824n.IF,.
COKW No 2. 7aTUe: No. 8. ta7'Ac:
No. 4, MHfWic; no grade, SSfMiSc; No. 2
yeiiow, nvfiHc; No. I yellow, 7(i7v.c; no.
I white. lOWVWKe: No. 2 white, 70'4SP704o.
OATB No. 1 mixed. 4?&47c; No. S yel
low. 44444l)4c; No. I white, 44f4M4jc; No.
4 white, 474Hc.
RYE No. 2, Wiimc; No. S, 7377o.
Carlo! rterelpts.
Chicago 1 163 86
Minneapolis 65
Omaha 2 42 10
Dulutb. 14
Wheat Price Flactoate JServoaely,
bat Show I.lttle Change.
CHICAGO. 111., June 20. Wheat prices
fluotuated nervously over range of about
lo today and at the close showed little
change from yesterday's final figures.
Corn and oata closed firm and provisions
bout steady.
The wheat' market rallied sharply from
weak openltvg and In the first half hour
prices advanced from Vc to lu above the
low point at the start, owing to general
demand based chiefly on bullish advices
regarding the French , crop, which, It Is
claimed, has been damaged by the unfa
vorable weather.
The heaviness at the opening was due
to the poor response of the Liverpool mar
ket to the advance here yesterday, Dur
ing the day sentiment In the pit veered
constantly, but was Inclined to favor a
higher level, notwithstanding the almost
perfect harvesting weather now prevail
ing in me winter wneat belt.
Freeh reports Of Injury by drought to
the Argentina crop, and buying by north
western Interests on the theory that the
prtng wheat crop must deteriorate some
what before .harvest time, were additional
strengthening Influences. There was' quite
free profit-taking late In the day, which
caused a considerable reaction from the;
top. At the close prices were Ho lower
compared with the previous close.
The feature of trading In the corn pit
was the buying of a large quantity of corn
for July delivery by a leading provision
interest. Total purchasers, which were
aid to cover short sales, were reported to
have been more than 1,000.000 bushels.
lurlng the day. the July option aold be
tween 7040 and 71 He. The market oloBed
firm, with prlcea unchanged to feo higher,
July being at 11.
Oats were weak early In the day. The
close was firm, with prices unchanged to
Voc higher compared with yesterday's
final figure.
Trade In provisions was quiet. At the
close prlcea were to higher to 7Hc lower.
The leading future ranged aa follows:
Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y.
Wheat I
July 1 US , 1 in, l ibh
Bept. t UH1 I 12H 1 U
Dec. 1 0HH 1 10H I 0H
July 70HH T1H 70H
Bept. 7HH 68 67H
I0- - . 7I.-MH .67H
Oata '.' (-.
July . lbQW'- 4S . 48
HepC 42HHi42H'44 41V4
Dae. . . . -43HI 44 H 48HOH
Porlc- f I
July 20 OS 10 40 20 06
Sept SO SO SO 70 SO 24
July 1170 U 80 11 67H
Sept 11 T2H 11 8S 11 72H
Fibs .
July 11 WH il UH 11 00
fiept. 10 82H 11 06 10 2H
1 w1! 1 im
1 US 1 US
1 CTAtl OfHi'4
- WH
68 H
4HI '' 4H
48H44 4SH
20 22H 20 17H
20 4lH 20 4ZH
H 70 11 70
11 76 11 76
H 00 11 07H
11 00 10 87 H
Cash quotations ware aa follows:
FLO UK Firm; winter patents. t.W)
f7S: winter straights. lOBe Sfi: spring pat
ents, 86.006.80; spring straights. t4.6Owi.l0;
bakers, 84 M.S0.
BA RLE Y Fair or mixing. 63962c; fair to
choice malting. 4HQtto.
9EED8 Flax, No. 1 southwestern, II 64H;
to. 1 northwestern, 81. 64'- Timothy, 88.84.
Cloverr I16.T6. .
PROV18ION8 Mee pork, per bbl., 82020
CJ'M.BVfc. iara. per 10 ids., 111. to. Bhort
ribs, sides (loose). IllOOtJ tLlO; short clear
aide (boxed). SU.62Heil.76.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to '42.6U bit. -Primary receipts were
12H.OW ou., compared wim zw.uoo bu. the
corresponding day year ago. Estimated
,uw. v u, iwt Mil. yll,
104 oarel nogs, K000 head.
Kaasava City Onls aaal Provlaloaa.
KANSAS CITY. June 80. WHEAT irn-
changed; No. 2 hard, ll.&tfl M; - No. I
nam, ai.i'i.M; no. 1 reu, i.ii.u, No.
S red, 81 20O L26.
CORN Ho to lo higher; No. I mixed,
7c; No. I mixed, s4tet-7o; No. 8 white,
7tMc: Ne S white, 70 uvc
OATrWUnchanged ; Ne. t white, 3Uc;
HO. 1 nttxen, suhvmc- : - ,
HAY i'nehanged; ' choice timothy, 113.00
11 80 choice frlrle. U 2611.60; choice al
falfa, new. 21t OCktflLAO.
BCTTl'R Creamery extras, 83c; firsts,
23c: seconds. 20c; packing siock, 18a.
EOGrtKitres. 21 He; firsts. IKHc; current
receipts, HHe; second and dirties. 16c.
Rec. Php
Wheat, .bu llKiO 6 OX)
Corn, bu 14 in) to.Ow
Oau, tu i.000 16.0J0
Kansas City optlona closed as follows:
tOpen. I High. Low. Close
July ,
heptembep ..
leoenaber ...
Corn i.
July ,......
September ..
leceraber ...
1 08V 1 0
1 08V 1
1 OuVl 06SH
1 04Hj 1 WH
4Sl 66H
2HI a?J
t UV 1 06H1
1 lV 1 W
Inlth Grain Market.
DULtTH. Minn.. June 89-WHRAT-July,
IL27S; September. II 1JH; No. 1
northern. 81 8S; No. 2 northern, H.26H.
OATftrWi . -
Philadelphia Provision Market.
Firm; lc higher: extta western creamery
nd nearby prints. 26a.
EKli Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby yirsta, . free,, eaaee, 2Jo. at mark;
current recelpta. In returnable cases, 21a.
at aiark; eeiara fli ia, free ease, Uc,
at mark; current receipts, free ctwt, 142)
'HKK.SK Steady; New York full cream,
choke, 13c, full to good. 18tflS4jc.
Unntatlona of 1b flar oa Varloas
NRW YORK. Jimr.'-FUM H-RerelptB,
12. in hlls; Mjiorts. 2,W'bhl.; the market
held firm with a fair scattered local trade
Minnesota patents, 804V. winter
mralKhts.'S'S.C-fitiSi: M Irmesoia bakers, 36.35
'116 '.; winter eitra.' winter pat
ents, h.7.j&7.0u. winter low grades. I
Rye flour, steady; fair to guod. 4.uO94.70;
choice to fancy, 14 ftutr 00.
Co UN M Ka lj Kteadv 1 fine white and vel
(3 W 11 6"vl "0; cor". l-Mfl.: hUn dried.
HYR-Dnll; No. t western, 87c. nominal,
f- o. b, New York.
BARLEY-Dull; malting. 8nfi87c, C. I.
f., New York.
WHKAT Receipts, 200400 bu. Ppot mar
JMflrm; No. 2 red. old, I1.1T. elevator, and
JL4i f o b. afloat, nominal; No. 2 red.
new, 2122V end August, . f. 0 b. afloat;
No 1 northern, Dutntn, old, nomi
nal, f. o. b. afloat; No. t hard winter, old,
II an, nominal, f. o ; afloat. On the
whole, wheat, was quite firm todsy, and
at tlinea nearly lc higher than last night.
Commission houses bought freely on ad
verse crop news from Argentina and
t ranee, and' on reports of showers in the
southwest. Final prices showed Se to Sc
net advance July closed at 11. 2 V Sep
tember closed at 21.19, December closed at
A - a a,,y cl08fl II l'-1
vunn tieceints. I.IOO hi. Hoot msrknt
Steady; No. 2. old. ttOc In elevator and 79c
f- o. b. afloat; No. 2, new, 6c, nominal
winter shipments. Option market was gen
erally vteady, closing to He net
higher. July closed at 7Hc, September
;iurru x idiic ana uecemner closed at Mc.
OATH Receipts. 21.250 bu. Root market
qnlct; mljied oats. 26 to 82 lbs , 0c. nomi
nal; natural white. 26 to 22 lbs., Sttf62c
clipped w hite. 24 to 42 lh . finUifi.-.u
FiCED Hmady ; spring bran. 120.86; mld
dllngH. 8:7 Sli: cltv. 227.BO.
AY-Eas; No. 8, 70tJ75c; good to choice,
HOPS Steady, 1907, nominal; Pacific
coast, iwx, HVii'Mc: 1W7, 10c.
HIDES Firm; Dogota, 20H20He; Cen-
irai America, zisfcc.
LEATHER Steady; arid, SAStfe.
I'RoVltMONS-Keef, steady; family. t .)
914.50; mess, 11.0ltfll 60, beef hams, I24.M
pw; pncKet. ij jtxuu 00; city, extra cut
innia mers, iv.razi ou. t'tit meats, steady;
pickled belllcM, tl! 60.1213 7S; hams. $18. 5ft
Lard, easy; western, 811.1912 06; refined
tesay; continent, 112.40: South. America,
818.26; compound. S.00(lS.2ri. Por firm;
lamuy, izi.nt.u.m ahort clear. 121.OOQi28.00;
mess. 221.UO21.GO.
TAT.UJW-Easyi city,.- -16oi country,
I S-l(m6 12 -16c.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, I
4jfi'o: japan, nominal.
RUTTKR Steady at the advance; cream
ery, specials, lev&tto; official price, 26Ho;
creamery extra, 2rtc; creamery thirds to
firsts, 21fr25Hc; state dairy, common to
rinest, 2ui6c.
CHEESE ftteady; unchanged; new state,
full cream specials, ISHtfMHC '
LOGS Market firm and unohanged:
state, Pennsylvania and nearby selected
white, fair to choice, ?4p2'c; brown and
mixed. 2Sfr24He; western extra firsts, 23
Ktc; rirets. ?ync; seconds, ioiohc.
POl'LTHT-Allve, firm; spring chickens,
24Gc; fowls, lM16Hc; turkeys, 15c;
aressea, rirm; western broilers, 20tf26o;
rowis, HVrflbHc; turkeys, 10MJ2W.
Partly Clondy ' Tharsday After
Cooler NlaTht.
OMAHA. Neb.; Jnne SO. U09.
Showers were scattered thrt'jghout .ie
extreme northwest ai fountain districts
within the past twenty-four houra. and
were general in the Missouri valley Tues
day "lght. Thunder showers continue in
the ."ireme upper Missouri valley thla
morning. An area of high pressure accom
panied liy cooler weather. Is moving down
over the upper Missouri snd Mississippi
vaiieys, ana 11 will oe cooler in mis viuiiuiy
toniaht. with Dartlv cloudv toniarht and
Thursday, possibly preceded by thunder
shrwe;-s this afternoon. The ' weather is
generally clear In the Ohio valley. Lake
region, and Eastern states, and is cooler
along the upper Atlantic roast.
rtecora or temperature and precipitation
compared with the corresponding day of
tne last mree years,
1904 1908 1907 190rt
Minimum temperature .... 69 61 69 62
ppeoipitaficm 20 "fss t 66
Normal temperature for1 today", '76 degrees.
1 ericiency in precipitation since aiaron l,
86 Inches.
Excess for Corresponding ' Period In 1908.
2.9 Inches.
Deficiency for corresponding period In 107.
cm incnes.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Cora and Wheat Resjtoa Oailelln,
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
houra ending at 8 a. m 76th maiidlan .time.
Wednesday, June 30, 1B0O; , . . .
Temp.' Raln
Btattons. Max. Mln fall. Pky.
Ashland, Neb 17
Auburn, Neb.... 86
' 68 . 02 Clear
69' .01 ' Clear
66 .96 Cloudy
67 . .00 Clear
63 .08 Clear
8 .00 Pt. cloudy
6S .00 Clear
( .00 Clear
68 .00 Clear
65 .00 Cloudy
. 64 .11 . Foggy
"" 64 .DO ' Clear .
.'.IB .20 Clear
.i n .00 . ' Clear
37 .00- Clear
M .00 Clear i
:. 67 ;.l.62 ' Clear ' '
68 .00 ' Clear '
70 -.00. Clear
Broken Bow, Neb. W
Columbus, Neb... 90
Culbertson, N'b.. 96
IFalrbury, Neb... 4
Fairmont. Neb. .. 8ft
Gr. Island. Neb.. 0
Hartlngton. Neb. 87
Hastings. Neb.... 93
Holdrege. Neb... W .
Oakdale, Neb...!.. 90
Omaha. Neb 86
Tek amah. Neb ... T
Alta, la. 87
Oarroll. la ...66
Clarlnda, Ia.,...- M
riDiey, la 51
Sioux City, la... 86
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at I a. m. I Not Included
in averages.
No, of Temp.- Rain.
Central. Stallone. Max. ' Mln. Inches.
Chicago. HI 26.. -. 62 .04
Columbua, 0 17 11 , 66 .00
Des Moines, la.... 14 88 68 .06
Indianapolis, Ind . 12 " 90 64 .01
Kansas City, Mo., h 2 68 .46
Louisville, Ky....l 80 70 ' .10
I Minneapolis. Minn, ft) M -64 .28
Omaha, Neb ..18 88 ft .22
St. Louis. Mo 13 0 70 .24
Rains occurred slnoe the last report In all
except the Columbus district, being heavy
at points in tne Kansas city and Mlnne
apolia districts. The weather la cooler
west of the Missouri river.
. L. A. WELSH.
. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau
St. Loals General Market.
8T. " LOUIS,' June 0.-WHEAT-8teady;
track. No. 2 red. cash, new, ILia, old, ll.&o
No. 2 Iiard. I1.2U81.80. nominal; July, ll.UH
U.12H: beptemberj 81.tVO1.0rV
CORN Firm; track. No. 2 cash. 71 He;
No. S white. 747&o; July, 70Ho; Septeia
ber. 67VtctiT0-
OATS steady; track. No. S cash. 60Hc;
No. 2 white. 66c, nominal; July,. 46c; Sep
tember, 4Hc.
RYE Lower at S4o. '
FLOl'R Weaker; red winter patents.
w ixn si.
KEEOTlmothy, l2.7Mj2.2S. t
CVHH MEAL-t3.&0.
' KUAN Lower: sacked, east track. (1 OS.
HAY Steady; tiiootky, 11.00iSpi;.00; prai
rie, 1J LJ.UU
FKOVI8IO.8-Pork. atvadv: tohhUa
$M26. Iard, dull; prime sieam, tll.t2HJ
11.52H Iry salt meats, steady; boxed ex
tra shorts. ll.USi. clear ribs, IU.Uh: short
clears. 11.78. lUcon, steady; boxed extra
shorts. 12 62H; Wear ribs, IU.62H; short
POULTRY Steady; chickens. lJiv
springs. J67!w. tuikfys, Uc; ducks, c;
geese, o.
BCTTER Steady; creamery, 21 ate
KOOS Higher at 19c.
... Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, puis 4,400 2.700
Wheat, bu tW I 8O0
Corn. bu. i(.u0 a'tuO
Oats, bu. l.M U,(u0
Liverpool Grain Market.
No. 2 red western Ktnui -....... i - - .
firm: July, rs4d; oeuieinber, ks IHd, L
cember, 6m td. ,
CORN-8pot. new, American mixed fvta
Oalveeton), steady. 6stHd; futures, quiet;
July. 684.: September. U Id. The cam
; , . wui oe ciosea Mongay
July S. , .
Peoria Market.
PEORIA ill , junt, 20,-CORN-Hlgher;
,No 3llow. No. I yellow. T2cT No.
S 72c; No. 3, 72c; Np. 4. 7140; no grade.
whl"8jOW,r': ,ndr MWN.
Ist Dtj of Fiscal Year and There
is Little Activity.
Their Isaaaare Has Tendency to Boost
the Prlee of Stocks Ciraln Crop
Kevta Points to Prosperity
ad Progress.
NEW YORK. June 30-The last day of
the fiscal year Is usually given over to the
rranaement for the annual and semi-an
nual financial situation, to the prejudti-e of
active Interest In the stock market. Today
was no exception to this rule. lisappoint
ment waa felt also over the lack of con
firmation for some of the rumors, which
started the market Into activity, Including
the fact that United States tSeel executive
committee, which was in seselon when the
market eloped yesterday, did none or the
things which were predicted of It. Home
heavy selling of I'nlted tjtates steel came
irom buyers of veeterday in conseouenre.
The reaction In the stock was much lews
violent than the rise of yesterday and tho
general reactionary tendency was contested
by supporting other points In the not.
The Harrlmsn Pacifies were influential
examples. The advance In these stocks
preceded the appearance of the statement
of May ret earnings, In which the ex
pansion of operating cost proven to ne a
feature only aecnnd to the Increase in
panslon of operating Crist proved to be a
reason, was less than half the gross In
crease In the case of Southern l'acific and
proved to be merely nominal in the case
of Union Pacific
The Northern Pacific statement snowea
a growth In operating cost greater than
the rm In in mss earn In if . so tnai me nri
return was sctually less than In May last
vear. For the Rock Island and Its prinii
pal subsidiaries, the enhanced operatinn
cost modified but little the enlsrged gross
return, leaving a handsome sddttlon to the
net earnlns? nower for the period
Mnnev msrkets were tinmnturoed Dy tne
half yearly settlement preparations. Sub
Iruinrr nneratlons are witnnrawing some
thing from the market. A sentimental
effect merely was produred by the publlca
Hon of a call from the treasury depnrt
ment for return of 22fl.000.Ono of govern
ment deposits, slnoe the installments are
not payable until July is and August in.
More attention was paid to the Intimation
that an early Issue bf Panama canal bonds
or treasury holes might be necessary to
meet the needs of the government's run
ning expenses. Grain crop news pointed
to crosDerous croaress. but export reports
of deterioration In the cotton crop received
some attention. The market closed under
some pressure, but at only small declines
on the dav.
Bonds were lrreaular. Total sales psr
value 84.826.000. United States 2s. reglHtered
the 8s, coupon, and the 4s. coupon declined
H per cent In the bid price on call,
Kale and ranae of Prlcea on the Stock
exchange today were as follows: - -
0les. Hl(n. tmH
AllM-rtielmoni P'a
Amilssmsted Copper
Amerlcsn Agricultural....,
,0 ?2K 1 8l4
1 44V, 4t, 43 H
4."0 t4 4M 411
110 12 :S 8
4.M0 fiT4j 8a Mi
1.100 7iS Ut 744
.... at
l.fX) 14 60 H
6.20 MS '
804 111 110 lWVi
1.M0 12TH 11614 124j
1,0 141V4 4ni HOVi
iX lfll 1"0'4 lorn
son t i' zt
1.700 4'4 4'4j
l.f) IU'4, Its H4
00 IMS 1U4 1'4
3.0 118V. 117 1174j
too 21 II S04
1,400 7S 7I74 7i4,
400 m is h in
tOO 104'-, 104 104
6.i"0 77V 7S T
I'M fa 9 Ot
8,400 24 i 8
tOO 1M'4 1!3 1W)
8,I0 164 4 163H
I, J00 44 434t 4'A
.... tsu
41 S
- "t-V) 14.IS 140S 141
100 t:ft, 43. 23
104 144H l4t4 Wi
v Si
I0 40 3 IIS
14 S' 15 SKVij W JS
1 tOO 61 11 t.2
t) 4J 4 48
l.0 Klli t ln
!J 1I9S 14W 14'W
4"0 74 75 4 7M4j
100 1484 14'4 1484
I0 1S Kt 144
1,1100 M' 604 b
400 !SS t34j S3V
fi sou; as
800 1 !4
700 44 46 4.i H
4) 141 140 H014
300 64 e (liVi 47
700 1401, i4o 140
1.000 73 71 7 J 14,
8,000 41 41S 41VS
1,600 lH 1614 44
100 s tint 11:14
6,100 133 132 132
100 63 I24 C-
. X SHi - t
loO 12 12 11
6. t'K) 15! 151 M
1 (1 11 11
I, 0 UtHt 134, 134
600 114 114 ' 114
1.900 44 4t 48
1.000 44 48 41
43,400 ir7 iu 1M
o0 11 11 31
lnfl yn 104 ih
'11,700 33 32 12
1.5" 71 70 70
1.400 411 44 45
100 17 r -
IO) 48
800 83 13 13
44 100 138 132 13!
I.8O0 131 130 I3"H
t.7O0 11 304,
MO 18 44 4
. 18 34 17
100 34 84 84
1 48 47 47
too (. 4 4
44.7.10 181 143 lmtt
1,00 102 103 K'2
100 41 1 1
II. 100 4 18
l.0 128 126 ltn
7U) 48 4fc 48
400 54 44 54
t"0 22 11 21
.3 57 5 6
1.4O0 13 1. 1H
2Ji) 41 44 84
IO0 72 71 71
H IH 10
American Beet Sugar ...
American Can pfd
American Car A pvundry
American Cotton Oil
Am.r Hide Leathsr ptd
American Ice Securities...
Amarlran Llnaaad
American LjOcomotlTe
Amarlcan 8. R
de ptd
Amarlcan Sugar Raflnlng.
Amarlcan Tl. Tvl
Amancan Tobacco ptd ....
Amarlcan Woolen ........
Anaconda Mining Co
do ptd ,
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltlmora A Ohio
do pfd
Bathlahem Steel
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt..
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
do pfd
Central of New Jersey
Chaaapaaks A Ohio
Chicago Alton ,
Cbloasn (treat Weatern
Chicago A Northwoelern...
C, M. Bt. P
C, C. C. 4 ft. Loula...
Colorado Fuel a Iron
Colorado A flouUiana........
do let pfd
do td pfd
Cosaolldatad Oaa
Corn Products
lMiawar dk Huaann
Ilenver A Rio Granda pfd.
Witlllara' Securities
do lat pfd
. do td ptd
General Electric
Oreat Northern pfd
Oroat Northern Ore. etfa.
Illinois Central
Interbomugh Mat
do pfd ,
International Harveater. . . ,
Inter. Marine pfd
International Pajier
international rump
Iowa Central
Kansas City Southern....
do pfd ,
Loulertlle A NaehTlllo. . .
Minneapolla A Bt. Loula.
M., St. P. I. It. M....
Mieeourl Paclflo
14laour1, Kaneaa A Tataa
do pfd
National Dlacutt
National Lead
N. Rye. ot M. lat pfd
Ne Tor Central
N. T., O. W
Norfolk A Western
North Amarlcan
Northern Pacific
Psclfla Mall ..
Pannarlvania. ,.4
Peoplee Oaa
P., C, C. A St. L
Preaead steel Car
PuHman Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring
Republla Steal ;
do pfd
Rock Ialand Ce ,
do pfd
St. L. A S F. Id pfd ...
St. Loula Southweetern
do pfd
Stvee-Bheffleld S. A I
Southern Pacific
do ptd
Southern Railway
do sfd
Tenneeeee Copper
Teaaa a Pacific
T . St. L A W
do pfd
Union Paclflo
da pfd
V. a. Realty
V. S. Rubber
il. S. Steel
do ptd
I'taft Copper
VIrctnle-Carollua Chora ...
do pfd
Western Maryland
Weetlnghouea Electrlo ...
WeMern lTnlon
Wheeling eV Lahe Kris ...
Wlaconain Central
' E(-dlvldand.
Total ealea for the day, 411, 800 afcaree.
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
433 per cent; time
30. Mutiny, call loans,
loans, iqi per cent. Clos
ers as follows:
. 3 Art Commercial. .. .
100 Atlantic
11.' Butte Coalition 26
.103 raiumet A Arlaona.lui
ing quotations v
Atchlaon ad. 4a....
Atrhieon 4a
do pfd
Bouen A Albany...
HoHon A Maine
ftnelon Elevated....
Pttchbburg ptd
N. V.. N. H. A H
t'nloa Pacific
A ma. Ant Cheat.
Amer. Pnau. Tube.
Arner Sugar
do pfd
Amer. Tel. A Tel.
Ami. Woolen
de pfd
Dominion 1. A S ...
l-deen Klee. Ilium
General Blertrie ...
Maaa. Electric
de Pd
in raiumet at Hacla...4J0
Cupper Henge .
elr Weat
.183 Creana Cananae
. 43 ilia Kovale ....
. I Maaa. Mining ..
.114 Mim.gan
.134 Mohawk
.14" Montana C. A
. 38 Nevada
102 Old lioinlnloB
. 44 Oaceola
.24 Pa-rot
.141 Qulncy
. U BUannoa ..
. Trinity
. 43 I'nlted Copper
.1 I . S. Milling
. 4U f S. Oil
. t fuh .,
. 48 Victoria
.124 Winona
T Wolverine ....
. 44 North Hutu .
. 41
.... 63
.... W
.... 15
.... 11
.... 10
.... 4
.... u
.... 4.
:::: .
.... ad
Miea. Gaa
tatted I'rull
t'nliad Shoe Mack
do pfd
C S Stael
de pfd
Loeatl geearltiee quotations.
Cieetatleaa furnlebed by Samuel Bu
rna. r , 414
I4e York Ufa building, Oraaha.
Cedahy Packing Ce. ta 1814
releatbea. Nek., K L. ea 1116 ...
Ctly ef Oaaaka bonds 4a 14 ....
City ef Omaha aa 1811
Doue.Ua Coaaty 4a Ii4
p A M Bank stock. Uncjla....
Oats City Co 4
hunaaa City Ry. 4a 1818
plebraeka T'eaphone etock f
Meatraaka tlaUarwrltera, Omaha. . .
Bid Aeked
. 83 a
. 83-e k4
. 1 lue
. y2 1(1,
..103 U'3
. ... i
. r 4
. l a
Oaaaka Oaa aa 1811 t' 8y.
Omasa B. U P aa 1413 a,, ru
Oaaahe 4 C. B St. Ry. ea 1314 l'' 101
OauM a C I k By. U 18U 4 lu
Oaaahe C. B St. By. pfd t E-41t.. 44 64
Oaaaka As C. B. St. By eon ' 88 Tl
Oaasaa C. SV St By A AV pld 44
Uua ha Water Co. ea 1144 84 8j Water to. lat pid aa 8.
uuiana kv el T bids. t.e. ptd rj lue K
uiiiiua t) P A T. io. ea lali M
s.irriuan imI aa Iflu tr lu
suaia umaaa Sewer 4e ttt t toS l't
kioui uity Slot Taroa pfa ea ae
tuiuu Siect tarda So., uuwae. ... a
Mew lark Money Market.
NEW YORK. June SO-MONET-On call.
easy, ltj2 per cent; ruling rste, 1 per
cent; last bid, 1 per cent, offered at 1
fer cent. i lnie loans, silently irmer;
sisty days. per cent; nlneiy dsys, lytV
i per cent; six months, 1 per cent.
r r-iiLi.u r.(. ltA,NUh, steady, witn
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 WHO
S" 4.SOR6 for sixty-day bills and at 84.8I06 tor
emand; commercial bills, 64.66iff4 6S
per rent.
HILVEH Mar. RJc: Mexican dollars. 44o.
buNDS Oovernment, weak; railroad, ir
regular. Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
V. t. raf. la, rug ....11 Japan 4a 3
V S. raf. la, cuupon.101 'Japan 4a, Id ar. .. 43
V S Si. reg 1"1 K. C. S lat la 74
I'. 8 3a. coupon 101 L. 8 deb. a (1111). M
V. S 4e. rag Ill u A N. un. 4a ... I'm
V. 8 a. coupun 110 ' M , K. 41 T let 4a.l)
Allla-Cbalreera lat 4a. 16 do lat and ret 4a. 86
Amer. Agri. aa... 101 do gen. 4a 10
A T. At T. ce. 4a.KH MUlnurl pacific 4a. 41
Amer. Tobacco 4a.. tni j, y. f' gen la. . 8
do 4a 111 do deb 4a MS
Atrhieon gen. 4a...lolN Y. City 4enaw).lti
do S. L. lat a. HSN .Y , N.II 188
do c 4e 115 N. A W. let con 4a
do cv. 5a 118 do ce. 4f 4
A. C. L. lat 4a Northern Paclflo 4a. 103.
B. A O. 4a ll' do la... 74
do la 14 an. s. L rf4. 4, ,, t4a
B. A O. g. W. Ia. Pann. ac. 3a 11815). M
Drotiklyn Tran. 4a . 87 do con. '4a 104
Sanada So. lat 4a. .104 Reading gen. 4a... 101
acentral of Oa. 5a. . 1,0 St. L. A H. F. fg. 4a M
Central Leather aa.. 18 St. L. B'rn con. 4a.. 7!)
C. It. R. ofN i.e, 4e 12T dn lat gold 4a 4
. O. 4e 104 Pea board A. L. 4a... 81
C. A A. Ia 75 So. Partre col. 4a... tf
C. B A Q )t 4a. l do let ret. 44 88
C, M. A St P g la W aRlHlthrrn Kf 4,. .n
C, R. I. A t. e. 4a 80 dn gen. 4a 88
do col. 6a 2 t'nlon Pacific 4s 104
de rtg. 4a 41 do re. 4a 110
C , C. C.ASt.Lg 4s ; do,lat and ret 4a..
Colo. Ind. 4e 77 V. 8. Rubber 4e 106
Colo. Midland 4a .. 81 V. S. Steel Id 6a ...106
C. A 8 r. A a. 4a. eVt -car. rhem. 6s. 8
D A H. c. 4a 106 awabaah let 5a 111
do lat re. 4a.... 102 de lit and ea 4a. 17
D. R. O 4a 17 Weetam Md. 4a M
Platlllera 6a 74 Weat. Elao. 5a 84
Erie prior lien 4a.. 80 Wla. Central 4a 84
do gen. 4a 77 Armour 4e 86
00 cv aa, ar. a. i:ii l., b. 4t w., g. 4s. 100
do cv. 4a. ar. B... "5 C. A O. pfd. 4a... .101
Gen. Electric ct. 5a 148 D A R. U. rfd. 5a.
till. Can. lit ret. 4a 31 N. Ry M. 4a 4
Inter. Met. 4a 10 St. LAS. P. g. 6a 80
Inter. Hero. Ma. 4a 71 Bo. Pad lie cv. ctt.iot
Japan 4a It
told. "Offered.
London Btock Market.
IONnON, June 30. American securities
opened firm at to higher, but reacted
on rumors of labor troubles In the steel
trade. At noon the market was dull, un
changed to a under the New York closing
of yesterday.
London closing stocks:
Conanla. money 4414 Jl , K. T 42
do account 84 N. T. Central 137
Anaconda 10 Norfolk A W 81
Aarblaon 116 do pfd 80
do ptd 10 Cntarlo W M
Baltimore A Ohio l!l Pennsylvania 48
Canadian Pacific )! Rand Mlnaa 10
Chaeapeake A O..... . 78 Beading T
Chicago U. W 1 southern Ry 11
Chi., Mil. 4b St. P. ..1(7 do pfd 71
Da Bears 14 Southern Pacific 184
Denver ar Klo u 4" t'nlon pacific.
do pfd 46 dn pfd
Erie 97 V. B Steal.....
do lat pfd 44 do pfd
do Id pfd 44 Wabaah
Grand Trunk 23 do pfd
llllnola Central 1(2. Spanlea 4a
Louisville A N 144 Amal. CeDoer..
... T0
... 23
... 46
... ?
. 64
81LVKR Rar, steady at 24d per ounce,
ivbpa per cent.
The rate of discount In the onen market
for short and three, months' bills Is !U,4i
1 a-16 per cent.
New York Hlnlnsr Stocks.
NEW YORK, June 80. Closing quota
tions on mining stocks were as follows:
Alice 160 Leaovllle Con I
OBrunawIck Con..
4 Utile Chief
.. 7
.. 40
Comatock T. 8-
de bonds
Con. Cel. ft Vs..
Hom Silver ....
Iron Silver
. 24 Mexican
. 18 Ontario
. 82 Ophlr
. 64 Standard
.Id Yells Jacket ..
Bank Cleorlng-s.
OMAHA. . June SO Rank clearings for
today were $2,402,772.27 and for the corre
sponding date last' year 11,864,206.89.
Y' Cotton" Market
NEW ' YORK, June 30.-COTTON The
market opened steady, at a decline of 4
to 6 points under a, continuation of yester
day's liquidation, wnlcn was nromoted l.v
disappointing a general favor
able, weather map. Thet-o was strong buy
ing, however, and the. market soon firmed
up, going about 1 to 3 points net higher
on the active month during the middle
of the morning.
Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 12c:
middling gulf, 12.2T.C. Sales. 480 bales.
Futures opened steady; July, H4Sc; Au
gust. 11.47c; September. 11.46c: October,
11 44c; December. 11 47c; January, 11.44c;
March. 11.47c; May, 11.4.1c.
Futures closed steady: July, 11.4Dc: Au
gust, 11.48c; Peptember. 11.48c; October,
11.4'.ic: November. 11. Wc: December. 11 nlrv
January. 11.4Sc; March. U.4Ac; May. 11 Mc.
Lower at llo.
ST. LOL'IS, June 30 COTTON Steady;
middling llVic; sales none; receipts 879
bales; shipments 1.131; stock 26,878 bales.
Metal Market.
London tin market was lower today, with
spot at flfll 17s td and futuras at 1133 12a 6d.
Locally dull and a. shade lower on the
average, with spot queted at 29 0029.20.
Copper was 2s 6d higher In London, with
spot at 69 and futures at 69 17a 6d. Lo
cally dull and unchanged; Lake, 113.26$
1162; electrolytic at I) JtKKa'13.12H; casting,
el2.7fitfl3.00. Lead waa unchanged at 12 17a
6d In London. Locally the market was
quiet at 6435414.46. Spelter waa unchanged
at ta in ixnaon ana quiet at 4o.40HJ6.46 lo
cally. Iron unchanged at 48s 3d for Cleve
land warrants In London;, locally steady;
No. 1 foundry northern, 816.60wi7.O0: No. 2.
81n.00frl6.b0; No. 1 foundry southern and No.
No. 1 foundry southern soft, f 16, 26ft 16 80.
6T. LOl'Ifl. June SO. METALS Lead,
steady; 843S. Spelter, steady; 16.36.
Olta an! Hosln.
NEW YORK, June SO OILS Petroleum,
steady; refined, New York, 68 66; New York
and Baltimore, 3835; New York and Balti
more. In bulk, 84 85. Turpentine, steady;
46c. Cottonseed oil, stesuly: prima crude,
t.4.364 60, nominal; prime yellow, 86.60a4).06;
July, eo.Wd6.6.
ROSIN jumt; strained, oommon, 83.150
Firm; 42to-
ROSIN Firm: quote: B. 62 KI?2 75; r
33 0in3 15: E, 83 423 50; F, I3 1-MS86; O.
t,t.ftO04.00; H. 84.10; 1, 84 26; K. 84 Suit 4 U6; M.
85.06; N. 80.40; W, O., 85.404JS.65; W. W.,
Dry Goods Market.
day's cotton goods market showed main
tained strength and a stronger tone on
heavy brown cottons. Yarns remain rather
quiet Dut witn a rirmer tendency in prlcea.
Silk taffeta for spring is being ordered
freely from some agenclea. Knit goods for
spring are more active and hosiery Is sell
ing freely. Jobbers closed their semi-annual
sales. The wholesale houses will be
generally closed on Saturday.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
8127V September, fl.131il.lSH; December.
11.10'avjl W- Cash: No. 1 hard, 11.31; No. 1
northern, tl SO: No. 2 northern, fl.28; No. 8
northern, fl.t6HAi.17.
SEIiD Flag, .11.734. '
P RAN In bulk, f-n.60e0P.
FLOUR First patents. i.ii!?6.40; second
patents, f6.10U6.3f); first clearn, 805tf.2o;
second clears, f3.6&'S3.8t).
lasar and Molaaees.
NEW YORK, June 80 Sl'GAn-Raw,
steady; fair refining, 1 42c; centrifugal, V
text. 33c; No. o, 4 46c; No. 7. 4 40c; No. 8,
4 85c; No. 9. 4 80c; No. II, 4.IM0; No. 12. 4 16c;
No. 18, 410c: No. 14. .'Hlc; confectioners' A,
4.76c; mould A. 6.30c; cut loaf, 6 75c;
crushed. 8rl6c: powdered, 6.05c; granulated,
4 6e; cubes. 6 80c.
MOLASSES Steady; Nsw Orleana open
kettle, good to choice, 63c.
Coffee Market.
turea closed quiet, net unchanged to (
points lower. Sales In tha local market
were 16.0(0 bags. Including July at 6 15c,
September. 5.60c; October. 1.60c; December,
5 rV3 Mr: May. 6 60c. Owing to the holi
day, there were no cables from Rrasillan
marketa. Spot quiet; No. 7 Ulo. 7c; No.
4 Santoa, ku3)C Mild, dull; Cordova. H
SIohx City Live Mteok Market.
PIOl'X CITY. Ia . June 8S ISpecial Tele
gram ) CATTLE-P.-vjIp'e 700 head. Mar
ket steady; beevee. 85 0u7.O0; fat cows and
heifers. 84 004j 00. feeders. 84 0uJ4 75. year
lings 83.00(74 60
1MGS-Keoeipls. 6. M0 head. Market 5c
to 10c lower; range of prlcaa, f 7. 30c7. 66;
bulk ef sales, f7.vy1.y
The business of J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers, has this day been transferred
MENT in its Bank Building, 16th and Farnam streets, in the room formerly ocnipied
The old friends of the BRANDEIS BANK will receive a cordial welcome and
of $1.00 or more on a 3 per cent' basis.
This department will be open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M.
On Saturdays, from 9 o'clock A. M. till 9 o'clock P. M.
yaiyii 11 yy" u Biji lyjiflisiLpiiid
Checks on All Banks Cashed
We occupy the same location and con
tinue to do everything our bank
has done in the past except
receive deposits.
Domestic and Foreign
Money Orders Sold
Cattle of All Kinds Are Moving More
Sheep and Lambs I si Moderate Snpelr.
While Prices Are Steady to 66
Little Easier Thaa oa
Official Monday 3.403 6.461 6,090
Offiolal Tuesday S.27S 8 483 MM
Estimate Wednesday ... 7,804 10,868 2,40
Three days this week. ..14 683
Same days last week... 7,664
Hame days 2 weeks ago. 10 471
Same days 8 weeks ago. 9,717
Kama days 4 weeks ago. 11.670
Same days last year.... 7.470
11 534
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha
for the year to date, compared with last
1WS Inc.
464. 688
4W.67S 26.063
l.fc2.24 119.410
6KS.C39 23.077
Tha followmar table
shows tlie avers ge
price of hogs at South Omaha tor the last
several days, un comparisons:
Date. I 1909. 1S08.1807. 1906. 1&06.1904.1C03.
T,. 1 a
t 66 ( 91 6 80 6 151 6 00 8 88
S 8V 28 6 10 6 07
6 77 6 91 633 6 13 (07 (84
(84 6 36 ( 16 1 I 06 ( 78
S 92! ( 83 6 20 ( 12 ( 67
( gl S 80 ( 36 S 16 ( 67
5 83 ( 83 W 6 28 ( 70
6 861 (82 4 43 (32 (14 (65
I 5 86 6 44 5 JO ( 11
( 9fU ( 92 47 6 22 ( U 5 67
6 03 8 46 5 17 ( 081 ( &6
Juno 21...
June 22...
June 23...
June 24...
June 25...
June 26...
7 631
6 67 "J
7 44Va
7 i
7 48Va
7 tx
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
cattle, ttogs. ttneep.
C. M. St. P
Wabash 8
Missouri Paclflo 8
Union Pacific 30
C. & N. W., east 1
C. 4V N. W.. west 72
C, St. P., M. O (
C, B. & Q., east 16
C.,'. St Q . west 26
C, R. I. P., east 4
C, R. I. oV P.. west 1
Illinois Central
Chtcago Oreat Western.. 1
ToUls 130
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of bead Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
June 27...
June 2K... 7 fi4
June 2S . 7 62
June 30
Omaha Packing Co 29 1 740 23
Swift 4V Co CS7 2,100 1,107
Cudahy Packing Co 7: ltd 74J
Armour A Co 347 2.678 Hi
Omaha Pk. Co. fr. K. C... 4
Cudahy Pk. Co. fr. K C... IM
Armour Co. fr. K. C... HO
Carey A Benton 12
W. I. Stephen 58
Hill A Son 43
F. P. Lewis 177
Huston & Co M
J. H. Bulla 17
I,. K. Huss t
F. O. Inghram T
I'nlted Press Beef Co.... 47
I Sinclair 11
Swarts- Bolen
St. Louis
Other buysrs.
Totals 8.101 JIM 472
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morn
ing numbered 132 rsrs as against 128 cars
one week so and 199 cars two weeks ago
Thus It will be noted that receipts this
morning were very moderate for a Wed
nesday. The arrivals consisted largely of
l-ef steers.
There was little better feeling on the
You May Pay Gaa Bills
and Electric Light Bills
market for fed cattle dus largely to the
fact that buyers appeared more anxious for
supplies than they have been on most days
of late. Prlcea, however, were no higher.
Oood. light cattle commanded strong prices
and were very free sellers. A bunch of
yearlings sold at high aa 87.00, the beat
price touched In some time. On the other
hand, heavy cattle were only about steady,
but still they moved more freely than on
a good many days of late.
The supply of cows and heifers was
small and the demand waa good, so that
pretty much everything ohanged hands In
fair season In the morning. There was no
quotable change in priows, the general
market being quoted ateady.
The trade In stackers and feeders was
very limited, the same aa It has been on
most days of late. Both supply and de
mand was rather meager, but still what
few cattle there were commanded steady
Quotations on cattle: Good to eholoe
oorn-fed stems, 80 .400)41. 76; fair to good
corn-fad steers, 86.00iji6.40; common to fair
oorn-fed steers, 8t.0til.00; good to choice
corn-fed cows and heifers, 86.0036 .86; fall
to good cows and heifers, U TbVb.OQ; com
mon to fair cows and heifers, 62.oiXf3.7r;
stock heifers, 88.26S4.00; veal calves, 84.0fct
7.00: bulls, stags, etc., 88. 266. 34: good lo
choice Blockers and feeders, 84.8cCpC.bO: fair
to good stockers and feeders. 83. 76(94. tj:
common to fair stockers and feeders, 83. W
6-3 76.
HOOS The market opened this morning
with a good shipping demand and tha
desirable kinds ot hogs that would do for
that purpose commanded prices that were
not over 6c lower than yesterday. Aa the
more urgent orders were filled and ship
pers dropped out of the market, the trade
slowed up, becoming very slow and dull.
Packers seemed bearish and after the first
round they appeared to want a concession
of as much as 10c. In fact a good many
buyers were determined to take off fully
that much. To call the market fctflOc lower
would Just about cover the situation, or a
big 6c lower. While the market during the
lattar half of the session was slow, pretty
much everything changed hands in fair
scsson. A large proportion of tha hogs
sold at 87 Uffw, with good heavy hogs
selling on up to 87.80.
8 HICEP Receipts were moderate this
morning, consisting largely of California
spring lambs and breeding ewes and a
couple cars of Oregon wethers. Two cars
of mixed native stock were also Included
among the arrivals.
The trade at as very slow from the open
ing and It was well along In the morning
before very many sheep ls.1 changed
hands. Ksrly sales Indicated a compar
atively steady market, but the nluiginh
movement Induced a somewhat eaxier feel
Ing among buying talent towanl aw close.
The general market was aboi sieady to
easiei as compared with yesterday.
California lambs and slic.p a;var.d to
be unusually alow sellers and the fact that
the bulk of aales of supplies consixtrd of
coast rangers, gave the trade a duller tone
than yesterday. The two cars uf Oregon
weihera sold for 84 40.
Quotations on range sheep and lambs:
Good to choice spring lambs. 87 60438.60; fair
c good spring-lambs, (a OO'dTbO; good to
choice yearling lambs, 86 t&a5 76; fair to
good yearling lambs. 64 7646 26; good to
choice wethers, 84.40.04 0; fair to good
wethers, 84. 104 40, good to choice ewes,
34V44.60; fair to good awes, 83.iiOiH.00;
feeder yearlings. U bv'a 00.
t. Leels Live toelt Market.
ST. LOUIS. June S0.-CATTLIi-Recelpis,
t.lC'i head, Including 8.811 Texans; market
ateady: native shipping and export steers,
!6 2fyQ7 1S; dressed beef and butcher steers,
r.76i34.ti0; steers under 1.000 ponds, 64.MK0
00; stockers and feeders, 83 ttJ4 76; rows
and heifers. 63 764V7 00; canners. 83 t SO;
bulls, 83 703(10: calves. 86 (OtJI SO; Texas
and Indian steers, 83.701341.60; cows and
heifers 32 60t?6 M.
HOO8 Reoelpta, 7.4)8 head : market
steady; pigs and lights, B.6A67.M; packers,
7 667.80; butchers and beet heavy, 17 660
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 6 28
head; market 16$26o lower; native muttons,
MW46; lambs. 60O32: culls and
bucks, 63.4&3&B; stockers. 63.4fr.Ha0.
Kaasas fltr Live Stark Merket.
KANSAS TITT Mo.. June 80 -CATTLrV-Rweipls.
T.uOO head. Including 2 000 south
ems; market for heavy steers b&lOc lower;
other rattle steavdy lo lOo higher; yearlings,
V 26; chMr export and dressed beef
steers. 8o 40.i7.8B; fair t j good. 84 7heJ4 Hi;
westsrn sieere, 84 7Mr4 8f.; stockers and
feeders, H7Ufl i. southern steers, 3 fctf
You May Pay Telephone
Bills and Lodge Dues
6.76; southern cows, 62. 7104.20; native cows,
32.40'U6.75; native heifers. 34.06a7.00; bulls,
33.2&ui 50; calvea, 8j.75'7.uO.
HOOS Receipts, 12.0UJ head; market 19
10c lower; toil, 87.r; bulk of sales, 87-31
7.H0; heavy, 37.70y7.85; peckers and butch
ers., llsht, V.WuT.iy. pigs, 3o.003
HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000
head; market for sheep l.Vo2fc lower; lamha
2fJ50o lower; lambs. 80.007.76; yearlings,
64 2.S4S5 2; wethers, tj.'.ltf 4. ,5, ewrs, 13.2M0
4.25; stockers and feeders, 82-7t4J4.ii0; Texas
muttons, 33.60y4.60.
Story of Day's TrwdlaaT 368 Cattlet
Hoara. aad Sheep. -
CHICAGO, June JO.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
estlmuted at 15,000 head; market strong;
steers. 5.6Otf6.40: cows. 4.00.'u6.J6; helferm
!l.bO-(7 00; bulls, 3.404.2E; calvea, 83.O0-37 00;
stockers and feeders, 83.3v4rti.Si.
HOOS Receipts, estimated at 26,000 head;
market 54; 10c lower: tiholoe heavy, fJeV
BU&; butchers, fY.NiWnou; ngnt mixed,
70: choice light. 67.64Krt7.76; Dauklnc.
7.8o; plga, 8fiio7.26; bulk of sales,
mated at 18.000 head; market ateady for
sheep and 1M26C lower for lambs; sheep,
H',Ki4.;6; lambs, 87.25-u8.00; yearlings, 84 .W
nt. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH, June 80.- ATTLli Re
ceipts, 1.800 head; market steady; steers.
64 MKi-S 76; cows and belfers, 2.(otJ.50;
calves. P .007.00.
HOGS Hsceipts, 10.000 head; market (4)
10c lower; top, 87 81; bulk ot sals, fl.UH
MHEEP AND LAMBS "Receipts, 200
head; market steady; lambs, 3i.Wa-8 00.
Stock la Slajht. .
Receipts at the sis principal western mar
kets yesteraay were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha
Sioux City .,
St. Joseph ....
Kansas City ,
St. Louis
. 700
. 1 CO
. 7.000
. 6.122
.S8.624 71.S93 84.128
a . . . V ' ; tm ,
Meeaentrer Boy Falls Dowa Elevator
baft Fifteen Mlaatea After
Oolasr to Work.' .
KANSAS CITY. Mo., June 80 While de
livering Ills first message for a telegraph
company, fifteen minutes after he had
been put to work, Leo Rend, aged It years,
today stepped Into the elevator shaft at
the R. A. Ing building and fell eleven
stories to his death. ' ' i
Ckeyeaae Property Orows.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 80 -(Special. )
The city canvassing board has completed
Its work, and finds that the total assessed
valuation of Cheyenne property la tlO.SOO,
000, which Is an increase of over 63.000,000
over last year.
Herbert L Gooch Co
Brokers an. Dealers
Oaaaka Offices SI Sf. T. XOfe StULg,
8seU Taiepaeae, 2oaTl4VS 881,
IaieaaVeat, A-SISi aad adUI.
Oldest and Largeat Uoaae la the aVaie.
and other Uv Stock Insured acsinsi
accident and dlaease,"
Address Ths Live Etock Reciprocal
Underwriters. 410 Unfed Hank indg,
oloui City, la.