BRIEF QTY.NE17S 909 JULY SUN MON TUt WtD THU 1909 ri SAT 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25262728 293031 Hoot rtut It. eSadolpa . awoboaa. Public Accountant. SUnahart, photographer, JHh rarnam. . photo, removed to 16th at Howard. B. B. Comas, sxpert optician, 1510 Doug. qulteble Ufa policies, stht draft at maturity. . 1. Neely. manager. Omaha. Oeorg. K. Moor ia now with the Lnlon Outfitting Co., Iil5-17-1 Parnam 8t. fot Wift-Einvirt tne monthly recar. ment plan of hum loans la surest, cheap. ! t, quickest. Nebraska Bavings and Lota Association, llvt Karnam .treat. Blda (or Tfcfee-atory Brlok Blda will oon be opened for Ui erection of a new tlireo-story bflo building at lis North 8ltenUi street, neat to the Masonic tem ple. It Is to be erected by the Novelty Kklrt company and will be 70x90 feot. The work of excavation has been Completed. uiolde, Bays Coroaaa. Jnry The In quest Into the cause of death of Harry Novick, the young peddler, was .held Wednesday morning and resulted In a vmdlct of death by sclf-lnfliuied angu lation. Novick was burled In the South Omaha Jewish cemetery Wednesday after noon. smtop ia xislag The river nas ruen three-ienthe of a foot sine Tues day morning at this point, giving It a present stage of seventeen and six-tenths fseL A rise of halt a foot Is reported at oioux city ana three-tenths of a foot at Mair. Reports Indicate that the river li falling at Blxmarek and all points north ward of Sioux City. rather and GUI gjnapeot Incendiary Asserting mat somebody has twice tried to ut fire to their home, Samuel Rock and his daughter Mary, living at 1234 Bouth Nineteenth street, have appealed to the police. The daughter communicated with Tollce Captain Mostyn Wednesday morn ing and asked that the matter be Inves tigated by a detective, as she and her father feared that the house might be burned over their heads sometime. She says that somebody set fire to the place The Palace Says "$10 and You Take Your Choice." Omaha's Best Liked Clothiers Offer a Clothes Sen sation. The. Palace Clothing Co., at 14th and Douglas streets, promises to Introduce something different something decidedly unconventional In the way of a clothes ale, and will advertise the event broad ly In all papers next Friday evening, the selling. to tfke place, the day following. "Walk right through our took," says the management, "and choose any suit at $10. "We will have no strings tied to any garment the same little $10 goes whether your fancy lights upon a flS, $10, or oven a 25 or I0 suit." An offer like this Is certainly out of the ordinary when one considers that such famed sartorial productions as Etrouse 4k Bros., Baltimore Clothes; Mil ler make. Franklin System and Sopho more clothes are included. The event will prove as timely as thor ough, for, in buying apparel on Saturday next one will bo able to wear the clothes on th "4th of July." The Palace la determined to make ita "Inexpensive corner" a favored resort for the masses of clothes buyers, and haa lit upon the "any suit for $10" Idea to do so. If you have one, several or even a half dosen suits .you cannot very well afford to overlook "something worth up to $10 for a, mere $10," can you? BLUE. BLACK OR GRAY SERGE SUIT with an extra pair of trouaera of sams or atiiped material. We recently made a moat generous purchase ot handsome . SUMMER SERGES We bought than, right and tbla special offer will serve to keep our tailors active. Let's measure you up today. WILLIAM JKKREMS SONS. Oftv-11 South inth St. PURH WATER la i OIUXiSAJW WATER I oft a poison. The only chnmloaJIj pare water la DISTILLED WATER" Delivered any where in bottles I ia i. ,i. . xoa a ooxjb srromAsa coS 1M east muwti 4a, . I Juna M and again Tuesday night. A white ihsn seen in Ilia faeighborhood tt the time in euepvciea. Fines for aTorthweetera Through con fessions of Judgment In two violations of the safety appliance act. the Chicago A Northwestern Railway company was as sessed In fines by Judge W. II. Mun- ger In United Pis tee diwtrlct court. For Imllar confessions of judgment in two cases -for violation of the twcnty-elght-hour act, fines amounting to were as sessed against the same company. Bo Bounty ea Oopher Claws An en velope containing two small, bloody claws has been received by the county clerk In the following letter; "Thee gopher claws Uent for bounty by Carl Runge, Millard, r'b. The small boy who sent In the claim probably will be disappointed, how ever, as ail the money appropriated by the legislature for wolf bounty has been expended and there Is no other fund to draw from. eversl Of floes for Captain Gisbs Cap tain ueorge 8. Olbbs of the signal corps succeeds to a number of offices at Fort Omaha that seem sufficient to occupy the time of that officer rather fully. He suc ceeds Captain Ott A. Nesmlth, about to be retired, as summary court, ordnance and survey officer, and Captain Charles F. Chandler, transferred to Washington, as Post quartermaster, constructing: uuorttr- master, commissary and fire marshal. C A, Kelping- Boya to Swim 'Learn to swim,'' say the Younir Man's Christian association directors to Omaha boys, and to help thera they have rn nounced a special summer membership for the lads hereby for a small fee boys may join the association for the rest of the summer and receive attention and in struction in the swimming pool. The fee for boys' memberships at the association out ing park on Cut-Off lake has also been cut so that almost every boy can now af ford to learn to swim and enjoy the out door summer sports to his heart's content In the right surroundings and without danger. Ben Dlvirce Bait Dismissed The di vorce suit of Mrs. Jacob Neu, whose mar riage was found to be Illegal after she had been living with her husband for several years and grown tired of the bond, ns been dismissed by Judge Estelle. Mrs. Neu and her husband had never supposed that their marriage wta anything but reg ular, but an Investigation of the divorce decree granted Jacob Neu In 11XM proved that his former wife had never been com pletely separated" from him and he had not the right to re-marry. 8o. Mrt. Neu, anxious to cease being Mrs. Neu, has been legally Informed that she never was Mrs. Neu and need worry no mora about It Monthly Dinner of the Ad Club Copysmiths Listen to Address By William Thompson of Kala mazoo, Mien. "Here's to the best lellows in the best town on earth. Will plant Ad club on tallest totem pole In Alaska." - So telegraphed President It. E. Sunder land of the Omaha Ad club from Missoula, Mont., to the club members assembled Tues day night at the Rome for their monthly dinner and meeting. And ao the ad men had a distant reason for feeling good, as well as several local ones, although It rained so hard during the meeting that William Thompson, the Kalamasoo Stove com pany's advertiser of "Kalamasoo Direct to You" fame, had to stop talking for a minute while the local ad scribes rescued their new straws from breety batha on the window sills. "Omaha for the Ad men in 1910" will be the slogan of the eight delegates from the club, who will represent Omaha at the national convention 'of advertisers at Louisville next August. It was announced that the octette of business fetching writ ers would soon be chosen. The people will probably be asked to raise a fund to boost the Gate city as next year' con vening point for the ad men. "Kalamasoo" Thompson, the only speaker of the evening, who i Intro duced by Vice President T. B. Coleman of the club, made a rather lengthy talk of especial Interest to advertisers, cell ing ot hla experiences and of methods and Incidents In his firm's advertising depart ment. "Successful advertising." he said, "1j having as many people as possible talk about you as nicely as possible. It id the man who makes the noise who wins. Be on the square, deliver the goods, han dle only good goods and don't forget the human element and personal touch In ad vertising. - The best value In advertising is in the good will It brings to the dealti from those who patronise him." Body of Shelhan Found in River Corpse of South Omaha Han Drowned . Twelve -Days A?o is Re covered. The body of Stanislaus Phelhan, S3 years of age. the South Omaha man who was drowned In the river near Sioux City June It, has been recovered at Blair, according to Information communicated to the police at South Omaha. The body was found floating In the water and Identified from the description sent out at the time Shelhan was drowned. It will be brought to South Omaha. Shelhan's home was at 227 Z street South Omaha. He and his brother, Frank Shelhan, sailed up ths river about two months ago on their annual fishing trip. They ' were out in oanoes catching drift logs and selling them to a mill. Stanislaus was returning from a spurt down the liver after a log, when he rounded a bend and was knocked out of his canoe by a quantity of earth that rolled down the bank onto him. Workmen discovered the body finally under the lower bridge at Blair. Shelhan U survived by his father, mother and three sisters, besides his brother. They live together at their home. To Disaolvo the Isles of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and cure biliousness and malaria, take Electric Bitters. Guaranteed. aOc For sale by Beaton Drug Co. DIARRHOEA If you or come member of your family were taken suddenly to-night with Diar rhoea. Dysentry, Flux, Cholera Morbus, or Cholera Infantum, would you be pre pared to check It? Every home should have a supply of WaketWs Blackberry Balsam The moat reliable remedy for all loose con ditions ot Ute bowels. All druggists sU It CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Somt Hew Ordinances Offered at Last Night's Met-ting. BILL BOARDS TO BE REGULATED rhroeder Offers Meaeare to Pat Tax oat the Stan Boards After Dralaaaln Method of Construction. Ordinances were Introduced at Tueslsy night's meeting of the city council to regu late cutting of street pavements, erection of billboards and peddllne; and rntlecMT of .innk. All were rend twice and referred to the proper committees. The ordinance regulating rutting of pave ments, introduced by Councilman McOov ern, requires Issuance of a permit before any pavement or sidewalk can be disturbed In any manner for construction, reconstruc tion or repnlr work. When appllrstlon for a permit Is mmle the city engineer shall make an estimate cf the cost of replacing the pavement nr Klilewalk and this sum Shall b deposited by the applicant with the city treasurer before the pavement or side walk Is disturbed. The ordinance also orders water and gas companies to turn off the water or nan Immediately upon notice being given thRt a pipe Is leaking. Resolution on Dlllboarda. Councilman Schroeder of the Seventh w-ard Introduced the billboard ordinance. This assesses a tnx of 20 cents per running foot on all billboards and requires listing with the city clerk of all land occupied by billboards. So billboard can be built with out a permit from the building Inspector and all shall be removed from the sidewalks a distance of twice the board's height and a space of five feet shall be left beneath each billboard. The peddler, or junk dealer ordinance. was Introduced by Councilman Berka at the request of Assistant License Inspector Mathlesen, who drew up the measure. This provides thkt those Junk dealers who oper ate with a wagon shall pay a license the same as Junk dealers with a stated place of business, the same rule governing reports to the police department to maintain. The ordinance prohibiting free lunches In saloons or in rooms adjacent thereto, was passed without a dissenting vote. The mayor vetoed the concurrent resolu tion Instructing the city engineer to pre pare plans for creosote block pavement, but It was passed over the veto. Council- men Bridges. Brucker and McQovern alone voted to sustain the mayor. After Definite Information. A resolution by' Councilman Berka was passed, requesting all public service cor porations In the city to furnish the council without delay statements showing their gross receipts, net earnings, operating ex penses and taxes. The information Is wsnted in connection with the pending occupation tax ordinances. Mr. Berka also Introduced a resolution requiring the appointment of an assistant veterinarian and slaughter house Inspector at a salary, of $25 a month. The new of ficer Is demanded by the health commis sioner, who stated that It is his belief that considerable meat is told In the city which is unfit for consumption. This condition would not exist, he said. If all meat was Inspected before being placed on sale. Dogs will be denied rides In the city hall elevators In the future under the provisions of a resolution Introduced by Councilman McOovern and passed. Library Board Appointees. The council confirmed the mayor's ap pointees to the Library hoard to serve until July 1, 11)12. Three men were ap pointed: Theodore L. Wlngwalt and Louis J. TePool, to succeed themselves, and Aus tin J- Collett to succeed George Rogers. Mr. Collett Is the mayor's son-in-law, and members of the board say he has ben of much assistance to them In selecting for the library works of a technical nature, lie Is an electrical engineer In the Union Pacific shops. Only one bid was received for grading the Burt street hill on Twenty-fourth street, and on advice from the city engi neer It was ordered returned unopened. The city clerk was Instructed to readver tlse for bids. The city engineer reported the concrete retaining wall, built west of the Sixteenth street viaduct and south of Leavenworth street, to be In a safe condition, and In no danger of damaging the viaduct. He also advised postponement for three months action on the proposed foot viaduct over Nlreteenth street, south of Leavenworth street, for the reason that by that time the affairs of the Chicago Great Western Rail way company, over whose tracks the via duct would be built, will -probably be ad Justed. At his request the city engineer was In structed to place additional storm water Intakes on Twenty-fourth street between Patrick avenue and Burdette street. The Invitation of the Eagles to attend an open session of the lodge Thursday evening was accepted. CORRECTION OF ERROR CUTS RAILROAD TERMINAL TAXES Corporations Save Twenty-Two Thus sand Dollars on Elimination of Doable Assessment. Over $12,000 will be saved by railroad companies operating In Omaha through cor rections ordered In the books of the as sessor and the city treasurer. ' The errors were In both personal and real estate, or terminal taxation, and the cor rections were ordered "for the reason that double assessment was made upon the land I an(j jot, belonging to the railroads outsldi of their right-of-way within the corporate limits of the city of Omaha and on the personal tax books." The corrections ordered, lower the ter minal taxes of the railroads as follows: Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha, from 14.811.46 to Chicago. Hurllngton A Qutncy, from $14, 274.62 to IU.9S8.1I. Mason City 4k Fort Dodge, from S4.S49.S4 to S2.S3S.71 ' Missouri Pacific, from $6,151.71 to St.TSil4. Omaha Bridge and Terminal, from 12.633.23 to S1.213.6I. Union Pacific, from 160.674.99 to $64,927.67 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, from $494.40 to $00. South Omaha ft Western, from $13S.M to $00. The corrections ordered, lower the per sonal taxes of the railroads as follows: fnion Pacific, from S12.017.S7 to S2.S3i3.f0, Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy, from S1IS2.16 to $39 62. Chicago & North-Western, from $34 SS to $8 40. Omaha Bridge at Terminal, from $172 to I4S. AMONG THE HOME MAKERS Itul.tiMil Report of Mrbraska Sav. tnsys aud Loan Asaula tloa. The Nebraska Savings and Loan asso ciation of Omaha closes the first six months, as well as the fiscal year, with a satisfactory report. Assets s mount to $240,900, a gain of $40,000. Rwelpts aggre gated HI 47. Out of the earnings a divi dend of S per cent for the half year was declared, the reserve fund increased by the legal percentage and fTTl credited to the undivided profit account. With the exception of one month In the six the demand for home loans equaled the supply of money. The annual meeting of the shareholders will be held July 7 at the association of fice. Board of Trade building. Three di rectors are to be elected. Omaha Man Will Have Important Traffic Places McVann and Guild Are to Receive Official Recognition at Charlevoix. When the National Industrial Traffic league meets In Charlevoix. Mich., next Tuesday, and considers a plan of reorgan ization, which will be suggested by Presi dent J. C. Lincoln, both J. M. Guild, com missioner of the Omaha Commercial club, and K. J. McVann. manager of the club's traffic bureau, are slated to head Important committees. Mr. McVann Is now head of the commit tee on the uniform bill of lnding and a member of the legislative committee. Mr. Guild Is a member of the classification committee of the league. President Lincoln propose to reorganize the league in a way that the executive committee might have the powers or most of them the directors now have, then each member of the executive committee will head a subcommittee. That one of the Omsha men will be a mender of the ex ecutive committee Is a part of the plan, and both Omah.a men may become members ss well as heads of the Important commit tees. The legislative committee has the follow ing subjects on the docket for the Charle voix meeting: Giving the Interstate Commerce commis sion, in Its discretion, the power to pro hibit the taking effect of advances in ex isting rates. Giving to shipper the right to route freight. Erroneous quotations. Insertion of rates in bills of lading. Right of contract under existing statutes. Railway agreements veewus pools. Penalty clause in classification. The bill of lading committee has these subjects to consider: Uniform bill of lading recommended by Interstate Commerce commission. Standard bill of lading adopted by south ern lines. Order bill of lading as recommended by American Bankers' association. Uniform bill of lading as recommended by American Bar association. Uniform ocean bill of lading. Rain Breaks Up Outdoor Theater Severe Shower Fats Sudden End to "Twelfth Night" in the Sec ond Act. The presentation of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" under Miss Fitch's direc tion, at Manscom park, proved a bad night for 600 people who were gathered on the broad expanse of lawn near the northwest corner of the park last evening and who were sent scurrying to shelter by a driving rain that descended upon the out-of-door playhouse and Its audience during the sec ond act of the comedy. Borne of the spectators found protection on porches ofbouses In the vicinity of the park when the rain drove down, but most of them, seeking dry spots under trees, were drenched to the skin by the sheets of rain foroed underneath bushes and trees. The actors, more fortunate than their patrons, were afforded a dry place in a dressing tent and they escaped the wetting that fell to the lot of the large crowd. The play was proceeding nicely when It was broken up In the second act. It had gone far enough, however, to please the spectators and to make them wish to see tt continued to the close of the final act. By the hastened ending the play Miss Bern Ice Beverly In th role of Olivia was denied an opportunity to display her ability. She had been on the stage of grass but once, and that at a time when she spoke but a few words In a scene with Viola, who was pleading as a lover. Miss Julia Nagl as Viola was not surpassed by any of the other female characters, although Miss Stella Beslln as Maria, a maid, really divided honors with her for the best work. Miss Beslln was more at ease and spoke with less consciousness of her task than the rest of the players. Victor Kerney as Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Wilbur Smith as Sir Toby Bllch were funny, as their parts meant them to be. Others had no chance because the storm broke up the play. During the intermission between the first and second acts a spring dance was given by a company of young girls. Music for this dance was furnished by the Sixteenth Infantry Military band. The band played a concert program before the play was started. The matinee performance of "Much Ado About Nothing," advertised for this after noon, has been abandoned. Rain drenched the costumes and scenery, and rendered them unfit for use, ao the proposed per formance cannot be given today. It may be put on at some future time. COMPTROLLER'S TELEGRAM MAKES NEW NATIONAL BANK Legal Character of City Savings Is Formally Changed by- Order of Government. The City National Bank of Omaha haa fM-mally sucoeeded the City Bavings bank. With the receipt of a telegram from the comptroller of the currency Wednesday morning the legal nature of the bank was changed and business was begun as a na tional bank. The charter number of the new bank Is S.46S. It will be a year probably before the City National bank moves from Its present quarters at Sixteenth and Douglaa streets, its future home Is to be In a fifteen-story building at Sixteenth and Harney, the deal for which Is practically consummated. It was said at the bank Wednesday that an announoement regarding the new building would be forthcoming Thursday. This statement is Issued regarding the change from a state to a national bank: "The officers of the City Bavings bank are the officers of the City National bank. The comptroller will grant the bank the privilege of Increasing tis capital stock to SUlO.OuO with 000.000 surplus upon the ex piration of thirty days' notice to the stock holders. The bank will continue Its busi ness for the present In the Brown block at Sixteenth and Douglas streets. "The savings business will continue as heretofore. "Upon the completion of the increase of the capital seven nior directors will be added, and It la expected more officers will be added before that lime who will be men of experience In banking lines." BlB8-r. Better, Busier That's what ad vertising la Tus Be Oua tor your bust nesa. OMAHA BAMS GAIN HEAVILY Clearings for Six Months Increase $66,683,449 Over Last Year. PUTS OMAHA EI THE LIMELIGHT Advance is All the More Creditable Brcaame This City Did Kot Go Bark wlta Others Two Years Ago. By leaps and bounds the business of the Omaha banks haa Increased until they now occupy the center of the financial stage. A prosperous six months has closed for the Omaha banks with June 30. The result shows the business which hss passed through the Omaha Clearing House asso ciation under the management of W. B. Hughes, has Increased SS6.6H5.449 oxer the corresponding six months lsst year, an In crease of over 22 per cent. March showed the biggest gain of any one month and broke all records for bank clearings In Omaha. March of this year was 171.769,302 and March of last year was tr-fl.T-T.MA, an increase tor one month of $i5.4zais. Omnha's gains are all the more creditable because Omaha did not take a backward step during the financial troubles of 1V07, While most of the cities did not show much of a gain last year over the, year before, Omaha made substantial gains and the Increases shown by Omaha this year are over and above the gains of last year. Here Is a comparative statement of the bank clearings by months for this year and last: 1908. 1908. January I 61.17.t.ft 1 67,l'iS,7S February 41.s11.S03 47.972.78! March M.7?7.2r.4 71.769.S02 April 48.160.09S 60.8J9.296 Mav 48.S12.7R7 61.381W2 June 4K.44K.813 62,146,U2 Totals $294,634,656 S36L318,Wu Increase over the corresponding six months last year, $'. 6X3,449. BOOSTERS F0R THE RIVER Committees Are Appointed to Help Swell Attendance at Yank ton Congress. Following vigorous addresses In behalf of the Missouri River Navigation congress, the Joint meeting of the Omaha branch of the congress and the Real Estate ex change appointed committees to arrange for securing a large delegation at Tank ton July 7. These committees were elected as follows: Executive F. D. Wead, E. J. McVann, William Stull. Delegation John A. Scott. C. D. Bea ton, George Gillespie, J. P. Kraus, W. D. Williams, Byron R. Hastings, E. H. Jam-'S, Harry Christie, C. L. Saunders, II. T, Clarke. Convention W. W. Slabaugh, Q. W. Wattles, Mayor James C. Dahlman, Mayor Frank Koutsky, Victor Roseweter, A. W. Jefferls. Social H. B. Psyne, Alfred Crelgh, W T. Graham, John Steel, J. E. George, Tom I.. Davis, W. E. Rhodes. Q. W. Noble, Tom Kelly. The addresses were made by Mayor Dahlman, F. D. Wead and W. W. Sla baugh. Bigger, Better, Busier That's what ad vertising In The Bee does for your busi ness. UD R GO HING While tha fishing's Unel There's one so long a-waltlng to grab your hook and. line Among the Minnesota Northern Pacific Railway Thouranda of beautiful lakes abounding In game fish easily reached by convenient train service. Those who get their requests In before the books are all gone will receive a copy of "Minne sota Lakes" a work of art to make the angler's mouth water. Well illustrated, with oover in handsome colors, it desoribes the various outing spots, lakes, hotels and rates, how reached, kinds of fish. eto. Address A. M. rrr.-RT.ATjn, Gn. Pass. Agent Northern Paolfio Railway, St. Paul. Mian., or B. D. ROCKWELL. District Passenger Agent ilt Century Bide Des Molnea g,lpJCT...,.r,. Millions Say So When millions of peopl tisa for years a medicine it proves Its merit. People who know CASC4-RETS' value buy over a million boxes a month. It's the bigeest teller be cause it Is the best bowel and liver medicine ever made. No matter what you're using-, hut try CAS CARETS onct you 11 See. tu C ARC A RUTS 10c a bos tor a wack's trsatmeot. ail Snirt t. Blgtrctl teller ia Us warld. Millii. bm a oaoaia. BETTE V Lakes on the t-a-teaf . T- t. , . Drawn for Nebraska Clothing Co. by B. Cory KUrer; Celebrating the Fourth Iropcrljr, requires plenty of flrrM-rackt-rs and flit-works. Next in Importance) Is something; new for the? boy to wear. You will aM much to the little chap's happiness by dressing htm In one of our cool, comfortable and stylish Wnh Suits. These suits are vtirrfully luttl strongly himIv from the best of fast color domestic and Imported washable materials. They're the neatest, hnndsonifat, moot Nfrvlt-cablc And mit popular fiummer gni'tnrnta ever devised for boys' wear. (Siios front 8 to 10 years and prices from 1 to 1 1 HE HOUSE Of Idea! Vacation Tours; noose Yours. Seattle Exposition Tour through the Northwest wonderland, one way North ern Pacific, the other Qreat Northern, via the Black Hills, Yellowstone Park and Spokane $50.00 Coast Tour, Seattle and California One way through the Northwest and over the Shasta Route through California, other way via Salt Lake and Scenic Colorado $05.00 Yellowstone Tark Tour Side trip from Livingston, 5 days, 955.00; side trip from Ogden, D days, $55.00. Going and returning via Oardtncr (official entrance) rail, stage and hotels, 5ft days in the park, $84.fi0. Attractive circuit tour, in via Gardiner, out via Salt Lake and Scenic Colo rado, 54 days, $107.25. In via Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, Yellowstone ana out via Gardiner, 3 days, 90:1.50. Personally conducted Park camping tours, via Cody and the scenic entrance, over Sylvan pass. An eighteen-day tour inviting the highest class of travel, from Cody , $72.00 Cody, Wyo. Diverging point for Park camping tours and hunting confy ... ..$30.75 Sheridan, Wyo. For Big Horn Mountain resorts and Eaton Bros.' Vacation Rancn $25.75 Hot Springs, S. 1). Delightful health resort and location of the million donsi government Army Sanitarium $15.75 Scenic Colorado Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. i. ; .'-.V. I''. . -$17.50 Est-s Park, Colo. Scenic recreation region at the foot of Long's Peak. New Stanley Hotel and Casino Denver's aristocratic resort. Stanley automo biles from Lyons. 1 TRAIN SERVICE. Denver and California From Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and 11:50 p. m. All classes of high grade equipment, through standard and tourist sleepers. Northwest and Puget Sound Via Billings and Northern Pacific, 4:10 p. m.; via Billings and Great Northern, 11:60 p. m. Through standard and tourist sleepers. These are the only through trains Nebraska to Seattle. J. B. Reynolds, 1502 Faroam Lowest Rate $10.50 fo St. Paul or Minneapolis and Return via CHICAGO Tickets on Bale July, 5, 6 and 7. Good to return until July 31. Tickets are good oh the Qreat Western Limited, the finest and most comfortable train between these points; also on another daily train. Full information from , MARSHALL CRAIG, CITY PASS. & TKT. ACT., 1512 Farnam Street. Omaha, Nebraska. mm m a - sjssr .swsv expresses In a limited flatr soenerjr la ths Canadian ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC Stopover without estra chare a.H lke liaise nsiaeiaoies. This L-and of Kncbantmsot" la reached only tr the , Canadian Pacific Railway Throuah train, to Beattla from St. Paul dally at 10;S a m. Xw SuiniM rare, from all plaoea to Seattle and all Pue4 bound cities and return. Alaska and return from Vancouver t6t, by Can. Paotfla' eteama. Tickets for sale by events ot all rallwaya bend for literature and Information. A. C. Ohaw, General Agent, Chicago. NORTHERN MICHIGAN LINE Tho Elegant Lake Steamships Manltou"-"MI$iourl"-MIIIIneli Oflsjr Bar! vali I MTTlM DMWItl IDInsBCO ft) 4 M JtCfcl d otiir tttuvoua fettstav' mmoryt of dm laJavud d4 otir Isuoai bttntav' iwrthora UicLitvss, onnxisij, with mil IIbm U Buriur arx. Lir FuLisM. TmaoKMUm lv and direct ruuia ta tltb mil llaMUJtlAU, is ill n art 4 asm K trt Liwr4 Huavinusr llruuk MstuUt l rversM- ij lirxr 7H print rauaWurt barlj fet. lffissso (alu llatvem FsytosaivrT MiacktaSaaC lolsUMl lllfW iJMsat leVmJa1lM fcl-SJ tUtUDM ib b flSJSjt lartn acd ira.! sva to tvssku- osaTi uneoie 1 listy tffr lite travel vari aaodaru auaven uilm on !( aur. JTor book of loara addrssaai a s rumru r. e ni. j iwi. v-J S4 HIGH MERIT', BUSH City Passenger Agent, Street, Omaha, Nebraska. of the Year GREAT WESTERN Railway ii iiidmiii i i i ii ssBBasmBaa&tr only, ths maanlfleano of the Kockim viewed enroute to ta EXPOGTION at the famous resorts! To, Maultoe Mar View niefeersiu mma bet ealnil ea ike final ' -I f t. to ui&ae evens leee tripe. teeee ibee eole to e aetiehw so ul a, a L L buj n.i k K ii Oft .-JUH '.m