Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Tire Omaha" Daily Bee.
Remits of Imuranct Qui.
The state superintendent of Insur-
FOUKDED BT KDWARD ROMWAKR- lnct n w York presents some In-
terestlDf figures regarding the results
Katared at Orntbt poatofflca aa Sacond
eliaa mat tar.
of the Insurance upheaval In 105
He does not disguise the feet that New
York companies have lost heavily In
mvaua (Tffiar-nivTinH. hitatnaaa as a result of the unnmirM.
; b2 2Vsdrr.'l;..::" bnt po,nu out that tbejr thor
delivered BT carrier. oughly purged and are rapidly re-
Dan r Bea (Inoiuding Sunday). per gaining lout ground. He Insists that
K Inyestl.atlon and re-
rTwim bm (with Suniiv), pr Mk;J ,trCtvl legislation which followed
;; i
ftnnday Bee, one year.
AddreM all complaint, of lrrnilr IB
dauvary to Ctty circulation Department
Omaha Tio B Building. .
8Duth Omaha Twenty-fourth ana n.
Council HI uf fa II Boott Streef
Lincoln 611 Little Building
Chlor-l Marqnatte Bulldtnf.
vw Torh Rooms U01-1101 No. wast
Hilrtythlrd street. .
Washington 75 Foortoanth "treat.
Communications relating to
will benefit both the companies and
their policyholders. As an evidence
he cites a saving for eight companies
of $9,682,000 over what would have
been required under old conditions to
conduct the same business.
The law limiting the amount of In
surance to be written by any one
company In any one year Is touched
tortal matter should ba addressed: Omaha np0n fcut lightly, the commissioner as
lie. Editorial Department, sertlna that there Is only one com
' i.i mJIm nftnv tn tha T'nlted RtAtpa which emild
Remit by draft, express or "" " ' " .
hie to Tha Be moii.mnaj
conme. rwwn vi.w.--. - , . i -- v "
Omaha or eastern axchanf ea. w menB- increase in the aggregate as
aets of the companies
of 1 1-irvnrvr n ermCTTtATION.
State of Nebraska. Douia Co""7of ns ot business has been most seriously
Bee publishing Compaoi. aing duly objected to by the companies for rea-
eworn. says that tha actual oymoer ox
.. . . . . . t . 9
.-v. m V rllr Mom- sons mat ougni to nave weigni ana
ins. Evening aod Sunday Bee printed dur- n tn) particular alone they are ask
in? the month of May. 110.. was a. foH
i .rso
... am
a.... ; kraoo
10 40,10
la eovaio
la 44,100
i o,fo
U... AA10
la sroo
IT 040
'Returned eopta ...
Net total 1.S4S.S1S
Dally a varus 4ttalS
' Subscribed In my preeenc and awora to
osiers ma iiua Slat day of May, if
m. y walker,
Notary Publlo.
the commls-
In for relief.
40.1tO ,. .
an lie I udv pviui uinuu vj
40,140 sloner la beyond controversy and that
40,400 g that both the companies and the
astoo policyholders will be beneficiaries of
40,180 the house cleaning. Exposure of
f"? abuses generally hurts temporarily,
40,100 but the ultimate result la good. Un
40,440 less exposed and stopped abuses grow
!rf until often total collapse resulte. It
turns out. inai tae reforms inBiuuieu
not only decreased the cost per thou
sand of doing business, but have
rained the average rate of income
from Investments.
Omaha, while insisting on the princi
ple of the occupation tax, want to deal
fairly with tbelr public service corpor
ations, and likewise want these cor
porations to deal fairly with them.
There is no good reason, therefore.
why the occupation tax ordinances
cannot be adjusted to meet the condi
tions of the several public service cor
porations In a way that la fair and not
vindictive, and at the same time firm
tn the assertion of the public rights.
Warning' to Cuba.
Tbe Department of State at Wash
ington has addressed a sharp note to ling him that right, but he Is entitled
Change in Oleo Law.
A change Is advocated by Secretary
of the Treasury MacVeagh In the rev
enue duty upon oleomargarine, which
now Is one-quarter of 1 cent per
pound upon uncolored and 10 cents
per pound on colored. He proposes
to make it a flat rate of 2 centa per
pound upon all grades. As a revenue
producer the change would probably
Increase the government's receipts,
but state laws would in many In
stances make It impossible to sell the
colored product at all.
What- Is more Important to the
dairy Interests Is Mr. MacVeagh'a rec
ommendation regarding the marketing
of the product. The law's design was
to prevent selling oleomargarine for
butter, but It has In large measure
failed and the secretary proposes to
remedy this by changing the style
of putting up the product. lie would
have it put up only in one, two and
three-pound packages, each package
to be wrapped and stamped In such a
way that It could not be opened with
out destroying the stamp or the brand
Ing of the word "oleomargarine."
Such regulations, he holds with ap
parent reason, would make it difficult
to substitute oleo for butter at any
stage from manufacturer to con
sumer, which it is now charged is
frequently done.
If for reasons of price or any other
cause the consumer desires to use oleo
there Is no apparent reason for deny-
ferted. It a poaalhle that Wall tret over
eatlmalea Mr. Marrlman aa a factor tn the
value of hla aecurltiea.
Rrlerea Pluck, of Allmoay,
Chlcasfl Tribune.
Howard Ootild may have tn ccnnnmlee.
After pa) Ing Mrs. Gould her tK.COO allmon)
he will have only 1714.000 left out of his
yearly Income with which . to buy the
necessaries of life.
ore of the Job.
St. Paul Pioneer Preea.
Plenty Hordes, the Sinus, chief, hns Jiiet
died. Announcement of the name of hi
euccecor haa not been made, hut It Is
reasonable to expect. In view of prcaent
day pronresa, that Enough Aeroplanes will
get the Job.
Around New York
mipples on tha Carraat of S.lf
aa Seaa ta tha Oreal Amerteaa
Metropolis from Bay ta Day.
(' Tbla Do Traef
Loulavllle Courier-Journal.
It Will be something of a Jolt to the few
remaining members of the once militant
popullat party to aee former Senator W. V.
Allen, aa attorney for the banks of Ne
braska. leading a fight In the court
against the deposit guaranty law.
Summer Time Trnaedlea.
Baltimore American
The season la at hand for the annual
Pilnday drownings. Every summer the
warning for prudence and care Is given
and Just as regularly the warning Is dis
regarded. This season will probably have
Its due share of water-pleasure tragedies.
f all for tlnrveat Ilanda.
New York World.
From" the wheat fields conies the an
nual call for help. Kansas alone will ask
for twenty ffvi thousand men. Nebraska
Missouri, Oklahoma and the Dakotaa are
In urgent need of farm laborer!, and State
Free Employment bureaus are working
overtime. The problem ts now to bring the
laborer to hla work. Of tha army now
being shipped to the front, a large number
will be college students. While the tlma Is
sbort and the hours long, the work of the
farm laborer presents many attractions and
should be very satisfactory to a man of
even ordinary physical powers.
Sabwrtbara laaTlaat ( ltr ten
para r 11? ehM hava The Baa
aaallaa ta thoaa. Aaaraaa will ba
ikuagea aa (tea mm NiMti4.
the Cuban government regarding its
failure to comply with the terms of
contracta for publlo Improvement let
by the provisional government. Al
though the contractors have done the
work, payment Is delayed and the
United States considers it is responsible
tho for Beelng the contractors fairly dealt
with. Delay in perfecting Havana'a
sanitary system as promised la also
In the case of balloon weddings we protested against. This is particularly
presume the divorce court ia the para- pertinent owing to several cases of
hute. I yellow fever in the - Cuban capital.
which might have been prevented by
If the senators are tired they might proper sanitary measures. Tha inti
issue rain checks
" The automatic sprinkler
heavens is working overtime.
Speaking on the subject, "When
8 o'clock comes," when does 8 o'clock
Under the new port regulations no
achooners may crosa the bar after
8 o'clock.
postpone the mate trade relations between Havana
and American citlea makes this
primarily important.
The United States as sponsor for
Cuba has not only the right, but it
Is Its duty to keep Cuba in the straight
path, but there Is a feeding among
Cubans that their government should
not be held to too strict an account
ability, In view of its Inexperience and
handicaps. There ia undoubtedly
much force in their argument. A
country which has been In a turmoil
for 'centuries and without experience
We BUggeot that Mayor Jim invite ,n aelf-government cannot Justly be
imself now to celebrate next Fourth measured by the strict standards of
cf July In Omaha. older and previously better ordered
nations. Cuban officials have much to
The new president of Harvard starts contend with which we, perhaps, do
out badly by letting hla team be beaten not fully appreciate. Revenuea are
by Yale In the rubber ball game. Inadequate and the people illy able to
sustain burdensome taxes. The island
Tne June rise in the Missouri haa u undeveloped and demands for pub-
been ao delayed that It will have to lie works are heavy while official ex-
uwl Itself tho June-July rise this time. Iperlence ia scanty.
There is no reason for Cuba's being
Tbe demo-pop World-Herald's non
partisan distress over Senator Burkett
!s truly pathetic, r
" Someone haa been arrested for forg
ing Congressman Klnkald'a name. Tho
congressman doubtless feela duly com
Senator Davis of Arkansas suggests
that the aenato la too email for Mr.
Bryan. Mr. Bryan haa alwaya thought
the White. House about hla site.
Thirteen must be an unlucky num.
ber for tbe British suffragettes, for tho
thirteenth effort to gain access to the
premier landed them in prison.
permitted to violate Ita ; agreements
and for their own good the Cubans
should understand that they must live
up to them, but at tbe same time dls
cretlon in handling the question ia
essential. There la no reason for be
lieving that tho administration will
take any other coarse with Cuba, for
President Taft has given ample evi
dence of his interest in the Cubans.
to protection against fraud and the
government Is also entitled to protect
Itself against evasions of the revenue
The ordinance designed to abolish
the free lunch counter has been passed
up to the mayor's free lunch counter.
The purport of the ordinance has been
more or less misrepresented. The or
dinance does not prohibit the giving
away of free food, but prohibits the
selling of liquor in the same premises
where the free lunch counter is main
tained. This ia a distinction with a
An Array of rx-pendrnta.
Boston Herald.
Fully J.000 of the United Slates civil serv
ice employee of New York City met at tho
Grand Central Palace Sunday and discussed
the problem "how they and their fellow
government employes throughout the coun
try are to be provided for In case they
lose their positions through old age or
sickness." Every speaker during the after
noon confessed dependency on the govern
ment. Self-reliance was unheard of. "What
will the government do for us?" was the
plaintive cry. Dependency appears no
longer to be a misfortune or a cllxgrace.
It Is a privUege for Which half the world
appears to be clamoring, with the em
ployes in the public service leading the
It is quite evident that Mr. Bryan
was wise not to volunteer his services
to draft that bank deposit guaranty
law, even though the legislature had to
hire an outside lawyer to do so. It is
easier to talk about making bank de
posits safe than to formulate a law on
the subject that will withstand the
legal pickaxes.
the Pennsylvania refinery
The Sugar trust evidently
The Sugar trust pleads the statute
of limitations against criminal prose
cutions in
thinks that if it can stave off getting
caught for three years It is all right,
but the managers are likely to get
tripped up some of these days.
The czar of Russia Bleeps in the in
ner one of seven rooms, each of the
others being occupied by a company ot
troops. -If It is as hot in St. Peters
burg as here the czar would defy fate
and take a chance by coming out Into
the glad moonlight and enjoying the
evening breeze.
The suggestion is made that fenders
be placed on automobiles. Before It
ia done some good mathematician
should figure out Just how high an au
tomoblle going, forty miles an hour
would throw a man when be strikes
a fender Bet at an angle of 45 degrees.
The Occupation Tazei.
The. city council seems at laat to
have buckled down to the formulation
Recent tragedies in Texaa auggest of the long promised ordinances to
tbe advlpabillty of requesting all pew levy occupation taxes on public service
bolder to check their pistols in tho corporatlona. While tho council la
Vestibule before entering the church, made up equally of republicans and
democrats, all of them were elected
If Mrs. Gould cannot get along on on platforms distinctly committing
that $36,000 allowance there are them to the levying of these taxes. The
plenty of people living in tolerable republican platform promise la
comfort who will trade incomes with couched In these words:
ber, An occupation tax In reasonable amount
to compensate for the uae of the street
'-Washington papera are already dls- and alleys by the various publlo service
cussing the regular session of congress corporations.
which meeta In December. What's Tne democratic platform pledge
the use of crossing the next bridge un- rea(:
Wa favor a reasonable occupation tax on
the public service corporatlona.
Tho only open' question, then, is to
arrive at what constitutes a reasonable
tax. On thla question the councllmen
have some guide posts. When the
Independent Telephone franchise was
voted two years ago the royalty waa
fixed at per cent of the gross re-
Secretary Nagel asserts that 10 per celpta. Previous to that tho gaa corn-
cent of tho employes of bis department Pn' bad ncorpol in lta franchise
aro Inefficient and will have to go to royiMj of 6 centa per thousand cubio
reet on ail gaa pcMa to private con
sumers, amounting at that time to
til we get over thla one?
-. eeven inaiana men pieaaea tne ex
treme heat aa an excuae for beating
tbalr wives. Tho heat must have a
peculiar effect In Indiana, for out thla
way It tends to create an aversion to
violent exercise.
i make room for folks who can and will
do aomethlng. That ia one way of
aecurlng results which will tell In gov
ernmental economy.
something less than 8 per cent. Tho
I ordinances which went up to the au
premo court from Lincoln bore dlffer-
Tho Society of Marine Architects ent ratea, with a maximum of from S
haa declined to vote Noah an honorary per cent to 6 per cent, with various de-
membership In that organisation, auctions, and the supreme court held
Noah'e boat may not have been able to at least that tbey were not unreason
, beat tbo present-day ocean greyhound I ba
recorqV but aa a cargo carrier lta rec
ord 1 still supreme.
It la to be noted that all these roy
alties and taxes are based on groaa re
ceipts, not net receipts, and tbatNhe
Tbo Commercial club executive com- character of the corporation ia recog
mlttee haa reaoluted an endorsement nised. If at all. Is tho rate of tho tax
of S former candidate for congress applied. If tho rate were made pro-
and. aa often mentioned candidate for gresslvo the minimum could bo the
governor for appointment to tho bon-lsame for all tho corporations and tho
orablo position of superintendent of point of increase adjusted to the vol
the censua takers In thla congressional I umo of business.
ilstrlct. A promotion? Wo are satisfied that the people of
The firemen on the Georgia railroad
have declared themselves satisfied
with tho results of the recent arbitra
tion and the company is also pleased.
They could have saved much trouble
by taking that way before the strike.
King Edward, Emperor William and
the president of France are said to be
farmers, but It Is more likely they are
only agriculturists. At least there Is
no record of either one of them drlV'
ing a self-binder from eunup to sunset.
The World-Herald Bays it does not
believe In civil pensions. We remera
ber an occasion, also, wnen it pro
tested in vigorous, and not tooele
gant, language against pensioning the
veterans of the civil war.
Wo Vital Chanties In the Army Serv-
lee Uniform.
Washington Herald.
It must be gratifying to army officers
to learn that the military authorities In
Washington have decided to do no vio
lence to the required design of service
apparel. The sentiment of the commis
sioned personnel has been very emphat
ically expressed by Major General Thomas
II. Barry. U. S. A.. In hla -rennrt am tha
late commander of the army of Cuban
pacification. General Barry Intimated that
there has been altogether too much Inter
ference, . with, i the uniform, and that the
experts havogone Into a microscopic
refinement 6f distinctions which, are pf
no special advantage In a military way.
and certainly hot to the Individual, who
must conform to any changes made in
the uniform at his own expense. Pre
sumably, General Barry refers to such
minor alterations as the adoption of dull
finished insignia and the elimination of all
that is conspicuous In the way of bras
buttons and gHt. This, however, refers
only to the fighting dresa of the officer,
who Is still required to provide himself with
a purely ornamental uniform for the occas
slons of show. That uniform is, In some
instances, gorgeous and glittering to the
degree of barbaric splendor.
It haa now been decided that the ur.i-
lform will be allowed to remain as It is,
and the new edition of the regulations on
the subject will be confined to bringing
the official requirements up to date. Thla
must ba gratifying news to army officers,
who realise that every change means a
draft upon their financial resources, with
no certainty that the change will remain
in effect. It is easy enough to amend the
uniform, because there are officers In
the service who alwaya entertain Ideas
which they think are worth official adop
tion. It Is assuredly the part of wisdom
and consideration of the Individual which
finds the military authorities refraining
from further molestation of the army unl
The University of Nebraska may be
in a bad way by reason of losing
valued professors, but still not In such
a bad way that It cannot find appli
cants for all of the vacancies od Its
staff that may occur.
Tha Smell Telia.
Washington Herald.
Tha mora Senator Beverldge stirs the
Tobacco trust mesa, the worse it amells.
By and by It will probably smell even
woise than soma of Its own pipa mixtures.
Stlmalant for Patrlota.
Boaton Herald.
The recent disturbance over the coming
oerrua and the Increased appropriation
therefor has wermad tha hearts of the
thcusands who stand ready to serve their
country by helping count their fellow men.
BaaaTaT'rattaar One Maa'a Important,
Philadelphia Record.
It haa got ao now that Mr. Hitniman'a
pulse and the efficiency ot hla digestion
are Items of financial news. But after al
lowing for his talents In railroad finance.
It remains true that If he should dkt today,
the transportation facilities of the country
would not be reduced on car or one mile
of track, and tbera would not be a pound
leas of merchandise to ba tranaported. and
the orders for gooda to be shipped over tha
Harrimao lines would ba wholly unaf
Prospective Harveat of Bnalneas for
Lawyers and Judaea.
New York Press.
There will be puiiles enough In the
law Imposing a. tax upon corporation
earnings, wa fancy, to keep all the law
yers un.l Judges of the country busy for
many yeara Where, for example, la the
Una to be drawn marking the exact point
at which euch earnings begin? What
kind of earnings will do? What will be
allowed to go into expenses or fixed
charges to eome off the taxable earnings?
Doubtless questions like thla can be
straightened out some time. But there
are so many possibilities that they stag
gor the mind which would like to get an
Idea of what la going to happen.
Mr. Harrlman, of the great "Pacific
aystem," is now retiring the preferred
atock of the Southern Pacific. The earn
ings now paying dividends upon this stock
would be subject to the proposed tax If
the stock were not retired. One of the
choices offered to those preferred stock-
lio.ders la that they may exchange their
shares for bonds of the aame company.
SuppoMe all the preferred stockholders ex
changed f.ielr shares for such bonds. Then
would the funds otherwise subject to the
tax become Immune? And. If h
would the Immunity of such funds In one
corporation aeam In comparison with those
of another corporation not able to dodge
the tax by such exchange?
Then there Is another question. Sup
pose a corporation having earnlnga of
100,ono a year rents the building or build-
I L. I l- I . ,
una wiui ii n uccupia. rxow, suppose a
syndicate of the atockholdera of the cor
poration buy those bulldlnga or other
buildings for the corporation to occupy
Then, suppose the syndicate of atockhold
re Increase the rent charged to their cor
poration ao that It will abaorb the $100,000
of earnings. How about that?
snyno one ining aeeme - to be aura
about the measure for a new tax. If
It will be Interesting to see what It looks
like when It Is framed. It will be far
mora Interesting to aee If anyone can de
cide what ought to be happening, or even
what la happening, after It U In opera
Agitation for woman suffrage In New
Tork differs radically from the methods
of the London sisters. The latter are a
Scrappy bunch, preferring short-arm Jolts'
on masculine mugs to the usual womanly
means of making an Impression. Differ
ence In the calibre of men dealt with re
quire different methods of procedure.
The New Tork suffragists wisely cut "the
manly art" out of the program, and will
reach the manly heart iy a more expedi
tious route. "No vote, no wedding bens,
Is the motto of the slaters who are enlisted
In the cause. Mrs. Oliver liaaard Perry
Belmont advised this course one sure
to bring the lordllnga to their knees. No
single woman will receive the attentions of
any man mho will not pledge himself to
work and vote for equal suffrage. Hus
bands of suffragists are expected to Join
In tha crusade or take to the woods. A
paper binding the members to the Belmont
pledge Is going the rounds and the girls
aro signing with the courage and reckless
ness of would-be martyrs. "Within a
month," says the secretary of the New
Tork sufferers, "we will have the name of
10.000 girls eligible to matrimony who have
pledged themselves to abide by the reso
lution. In six months we should have
nearly 100.000 girls, and when the men who
won't give us our rights see that It's a
question of votes or wives they'll choose
the wives."
The pledge reads: "We, the undersigned,
hereby declare that we will not Indulge
In matrimony with any man who Is not
willing to sign an agreement that he will
not only lend his moral support to suffrage,
but will work patiently and hard toward
Its support and success.
Save for one side of his face which still
shows him to be a Caucasian, John McFall,
of 31.'i West lth street, has turned a deep
chocolate color and would bs taken any
where for a negro. McFall, who Is 37
years old. Is a street car driver and on
Thursday he applied to Pellevtie hospital
for treatment to restore him to his natural
Vr. Leroy examined him. He was un
able to diagnose the cane. One solution
is that McFall Is suffering from melano
sis, one of the rarest of diseases. Another
theory is that nitrate of silver, whtoh he
has used for years to paint his throat be
cause of bronchial trouble, has brought
about the change, which has been gradual
the disease appearing In spots, which ran
McFall was sent to the city hospital
where he will be examined by skin spe
cialists. A little exptrtenoe practicing law In New
York la apt to make an attorney stop, look
and listen bfore he takes a step, accord
ing to United States District Attorney Wise,
a ho prosecuted the sugar caaea. Mr. Wise
told the other day of one of hla early cases,
whe: the paint on his shingle waa hardly
dry. He was prosecuting a man for agsra
vated assault. One of his witnesses had
told a hair raising yarn of his experience
wl:hshe criminal at the bar.
"Tou know," said tha witness, "Jake's
mighty hot tempered. First thing he does
when he gets mad, is to yank out a knife
and try to cut your heart out. WeU, he
comes at me with a big pigsticker one day,
and I was sure scared. Looked like ho naa
me, for I was cornered. Couldn't get away
noways. But I was foxy, seer ai
run toward me, I run toward him. And
just -as he got close to me, I Jooked aov. n.
and hs fell ovr my back, -men,
could get up. I had kicked him a belt In
the Jwr, and tooken his itnue away irwiu
him. Jake ana me s oeen buu
That tale looked good to Wise, aa s.iow
ing the savage and barbarous tendencies
the man on trial exhibited. So he called
the teller. On the stand me man flatly
denied that he had ever exchanged a crosa
word with Jake. "Never heard nothln
about his having a bad temper," eald the
witness. "He's always been peaceable, o
far as I know."
Wle was thunderstruck. "But didn't you
te41 so-and-so." said he. "mat Jake once
rushed at you with a knife?"
"Sure I did. Mr. WlBe," said tha wltnees
calmly "But lemme tell you. When I get
to talkln- I'm Just naturally one of the
dernedest liars you ever flapped a oar at
But I'm under oath now."
Mr. Wise backed out of that case the best
way he could.
Mightiest among tha force.
alyse the civic Hfs of New Tork . th.
traction trust, with it. 166 m.lea
and It. aggregate stock and bond capi
talisation of $701,136,911.
This .Inlster monopoly seems to reach
into both the democrats and republican
parties. It. paid agents have been lead
ers In both. It haa even spent Immense
sums in organising "Independent clU-
However leadera or factlona may divide
and quarrel, the vast alliance '""""'
i. rnreaonted by the traction
trust and its daring leader furnlshea the
.upreme mother-motive of metropontan
politics. It is supported by Interest" rep
resenting billions of dollars. The keenest
legal minds are In Its service and It has
drawn several cabinet officers to Its pay
-n Trolned criminals do Its Diaaing.
w.' f-anrhlae-a-rabblng and stock-water-
th. management of political conven
.i. ,.r the manipulation of courts, It haa
methods that range from raw bribery to
the undermining Influence oi a
A Strong Bank 0
is the best place for Savings.
You cannot more safely invest
your savings than by taking out a
3 Certificate of Deposit
in n bank which has
Cash and Reserve Funds $5,600,000.00.
Total Assets of over . $13,000,000.00
The latest published statement shows that this ,
bonk has interest beuring certificates of $2,086,687.49.
i .... .
As Alfred Q. Vandcrbllt aa a he does not
care what people say about him, consider
able frank opinion aeems to be gjlng to
The Young Turks face a serious financial
problem. They have found that Abdul
Hamld ha 21.'iOt)0O0 tn German bank.
The problem Is how to get It.
The supreme court of Rhode Island has
decided that a man's face Is not his own.
If another man wanta to photograph and
use It for advertising purpose.
Now that Senator Depew has paid Me
railroad fare for once In his life, It will
probably be necessary for him to go up In
an aeroplane or down In a submarine In
order to enjoy a little excitement.
The tears of a wife Induced former Gov
ernor Hoch of ' Kansas to pardon her
husband, a swindler of comprehensive
ability. Norn- a new bunch of victims are
shedding copious regrets because tha ex
convict beat them up and down and side
ways and didn't say, "Suckers, Goodby!"
Mrs. Nellie C. Upham. who runs mines
Colorado, has to report reptilarly to
her husband, although he Is "back east'"
practicing medicine and knows little about
mining, but he ts president of her company
and so must have the reports, and no
oubt takes his wife's word for It In every
A carpenter of New York City who de
serted his wife thirty-three years ago
came back the other day In quest of fatted
calf. HI. wife .aid .imply and finally
something that meant "On your way."
Without derogation of a charming sex It
may be remarked that women of such
superior Judgment are very rare.
Mrs. Isaac L. Rice, the antl-nolse crusa
der, Is the wife of the president of the
Holland Submarine Torpedo Boat company.
She sold her beautiful home on Riverside
Drive, New York, and moved to the St
Regis hotel, because the tugboat captains,
agalnat whom she began her anti-nolHe
war, took special delight In tootinK their
whlatlea at all hours of the night when
ever they pacased her house.
Secarltr for Oeputlta.
Boston Herald. ,
The Nebraska bank deposit guarantee
law must stand the test of constitutional
ity on the Joint pleading .of fifty-two banks.
state as well as national. It la alleged
that the law Is confiscatory, taking prop-
erty without due process of law, and hold
ng one bank responsible to assessment
for the liabilities of another. It will be
difficult to formulate any scheme of as
sociated guarantee of deposits, state or
national, which does not Impose such lia
bility. Better by far to perfert the system
of banking and currency and reduce to a
minimum tbe possibility of bank failures
and promote the voluntary establishment
of a standard of security which shall be
In Itself a sufficient guarantee to satisfy
depositor! .
iu..nt.r Herrlott. the oldest man In
Yonker.-he boasts 107 xnrr
, r. tt-v, v a man snouiun v ii
. Ha .t least 100. and perhaps 128 or 150.
My theory Is Juat to eat ana anna ana
.v all vou want, and live ouiooor.
you can, and take long walk., and never
i. .,,rlf ret excited or worried," he
i' i'v. followed that course all my
f nd I ain't been alck a oay aince
d the measles, when I waa a nine
shaver running aronna m. n.o
wlrk-on-the-Tweed, In Scotland, where
waa born.
"It'a worrying and Retting excited that
b men old. It ain't liquor that Is.
Kood liquor nor 'baccy, nor rich vlttlea
It's worrying about things and losing your
temDer. Don't fret about anything that's
my motto and if you have to fight don't
get het un over it. but fight coot and de
liberate, and you'll not only win the fight
but find your nerves In better condition
"Don't you think whisky drinking Is bad
for the aystem?" he was asked.
"No, slree." he said. "A quart Of Scotch
a day won't hurt a man If he's a regu
lar man and It's good Scotch. In my day
whisky a whisky; thla stuff they make
nowadays la p'lson., I've always noticed
It'a the fellowa that alwaya a hollerln' tee-
totallsm that are pale and puny. In the
hlghlanda o' Scotland thev drink more
whisky than anywhere elae In the world
and I reckon nohody'll Bay they aln'
strong, big men and raise big families.
"As for beer It'a a food. I'd drink half
a keg a day If my daughter. Mary Anna.
hadn't taken away my bank book, so
can't get my money. Hut I drink all
can get."
"I supiKihe you are saving up for the
rainy day. Mrs. Smltherwell?"
"Not exa-tly. My husband and I are
saving up to pay for the operation eom
doctor will tell me I shall have to umleiKo
some time.' Chicago Record Herald .
"Why do you want Wealth?" asked tho
"For the pake of the power It will bring
me," replied the financier.
"And why do you de:re power?"
"For the sake of the wealth it will en
able me to accumulate. "V-Washlngton Star.
"How long will eggs keep 'anyhow?" said
the casual customer at the lunch counter.
"I have mot some In m career." an
oicd ih. rim-lr vlnnrnv lookina man with
the deep, tragic volca who sat next to
htm, "that I am Willing to swear had burn
tarl"-:hlca-o Tribune.
"Do you so our family on thtl
"Oh. no. They go and stay a motitli.
The da- before they return I start on ft
two week's trip that gives me six weeks
of rest." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Ma." said a newspaper man's son. 'Vf
know why editors call themaelvea wa,' "
"So h the man that doesn't like the article
will think there are too many people for
him to tackle."
dere'a wus
France's Back Camber Fleet.
Brooklyn Eagle.
France may be humiliated to learn from
the report of the Parliamentary commis
sion that Its fleet I. a back number, but
the revelation, cosily a. It la, ta leas ex
pensive than the demonstration that lit
army was obsolescent, made In 1S70-71
Military weaknesses discovered In time of
peace are more cheaply remrdled than
military weaknesses disclosed by war.
"Mike," said Plodding ePte,
t'lnirs dun gold brlcka." 1
"What's haorjened?"
"De lady up de road said flat If I'd cho,
an armrui oi wooa sne a gimme a cane.
"Didn't she keep her word?"
"Yep. She handed me a cake soap."
Philanthropic Visitor (at county Jail)
Satnn, vou know, finds mischief for Idle
hand! to do.
1'i-lKonrr Yes, sir; and sometimes he
finds mischief for busy hands. I'm here
for counterfeiting. Chicago Tribune.
T idy Will you send this rug on appro
val? SHlesmnn Certainly, ma'am.
Little filrl (who Is with her mother)
Hudn't you better tell him to be sure and
get It there on time, mamma? You know
we give the party tomorrow night. Life.
Ph" Does the course of their love run
smooth? I
He Oh. yes, there are banks on both"
sides. New York Telegram.
"When you are late to dinner how do,
you apologize to your family?"
"I don't try," answered Mr. rtlgglns; "I
plunge into a technical description of tho
i... H vam that i. al . ... unn - A Inta.Mtl
and my wife and daughter so mystified mJ
that I have the conversation all my own
Washington Star. W
LUhX JUi ALL JiluJiJ,.
Chicago New..
The pensive maid,
iiTi'ne, astute,
Uue gul arrayed
in outlilng aulu - J
Tho aiunmiig queen
in raiment new,
With stately mien.
The goif glri, too.
The daiil neat
In yachting dress,
The one petite,
With auburn treaa,
The hammock mlsa
With accentu low,
The girl you Klsa ,
iiefoit) you ao. . .
The artless, coy.
Confiding pet.
And (vote, ahoy!) ,
The suffragette
I love them all,
Sedate or gay,
Or large or small,
Or any way.
I love th lot
They do not care.
Though; love they've got
From everywhere.
I'm at their feet,
I'm free to at ate
But oh. you sweet
Girl graduate!
The best coffees are thoee properly
aged to concentrate the flavor and aroma.
The next essential to a perfect cup of
coffee is skillful blending and roasting.
is properly aged. None but "Old Crop"
coffees are used. Dozens of lots are
sampled tested ly taste. Those that have
the right "cup qualities" are blended,
roasted, and again drawn and "tested by
taste." If up to the OLD GOLDEN
standard, the coffee is packed in flavor
retaining packages. In this way only can
we maintain the exquisite bouquet, appe
tizing flavor and full-bodied richness of
Buy and try a pound to-day'
iff cents, a grocers.
TONE BROS., D8 Moines, Iowa.
Hillmrt mf (Aa fmmom Tom firas. Sww.
I iST4M iafli iSjsfSSaai m ma K