Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    i r
Bu Sour. eia both riomi
Special Sale Colored Fronch
Cordod Piques
Four.piecos $1 Colored French Corded Piques in this sale,
'per yard, Thursday only... 25o
y Special Sale White Cotton Voiles
All our (3o and 50c "White Cotton Voiles in this pale, per
yard, Thursday only 2f)o
Thursday Underwear Specials
Women's gauze cotton vests, low neck and sleeveless, regu
lar 12Vfec value, Thursday, each 8MjC
Women's gauze cotton vests, low neck and short sleeves or
low neck and no sleeves; regular 20c value, Thursday
each 12,2c
Main floor.
Suffragettes Come to Court with
. Their Grips Packed.
Tlreef of Standing,' Some of the 811k
Attlred Spectators Bit. pown
l frriHlolr on tho
"' ' Dirty noo.
LONDON. June SO. Tha US auffragettaa
arrested last night during a raid on tha
house it, commons In an effort to pre-
sent a petition to Premier Asqulth were
arraigned In the Bow, street police oourt
this morning, and attar lengthy arguments
for and against the question of their right
to present' a petition to the premier, tha
magistrate adjourned all the cases until
July S, and tha women wara released -on
their own recognlsancea.
For an hour or mora previous to tha
opening of th hearing tha court building
was surrounded by a dense crowd. Pur
ple, white and green, - tha colors of ths
suffragettes, were largely In evidence and
the leaders of the movement, Including
Miss Pankhurst and Mrs. Lawrenon, ware
early In attendance. ,
Superintendent Wells and Inspector Jarvla,
Ihe chief officers .of the defensive forces
last night, wara In court .with .a large
, number of police witnesses, fir Albert Da
Rutson, chief magistrate of tha Metro
politan police courts, heard the charges,
whluh ' ara threefold, namely, obstructing
tha poflce, assaulting tlie police and wilful
damage. Tha court room waa crowded
with the witnesses, Including 100 police
men and officials, and there waa little
room left for spectator
-A majority of the prisoners, who had
bren bailed out. arfhred at court armed
with valise of all kinds In preparation for
their -exported Incarceration In Holloway
all. ' The waiting room- adjoining the
court; was crowded with women friends
6f tha(prloper,..wJio. when tired of stand
ing, aqt.dowi unceremoniously on the floor
at th' eipense , of.' lhtr . silk and satin
skirts. Many of these women had brought
with them bottles of tea and packages
of sandwiches, and the waiting room
looked like a picnic ground.
i National nffr'ao Meeting;.
SEATTLE, Wash., June SO. The officers
of the' American Woman Suffrage asso
ciation held conferences today and pre
pared for the national convention, which
Win begin, here tomorrow,
in. nere tomorrow. i
suffragette demonstration In Loa -
don yesterday was commented on by the
delegates, who said the situation In Eng
land called for different methods from
that of America. The approaching aut-
.s7-o'S'JL 'J.
W IT ,'.i.7.f ,-r . r; B St 1 i 'n,.
L jf J,.
In' Our E
One Day
at Drandeis
(These suits have been selling at
unci u Dirrt ut. A-mi
frage campaign In the state of Waahlng
ton la an absorbing topic.
The national committee met and heard
report of progresa from various states.
There Is no opposition td the re-election
of National President Anna H. Phaw.
(Continued from First Page.)
from tha ravages of tha Missouri river,
and alnce then he haa been making ef
fort to have permanent Improvements
made there to prevent further trouble.
The ground there has been Investigated
by Captain E. H. Hchulx recently, and
he submitted to the War department a plan
lOT ouuaing or two pne nines at ueca
tur. This recommendation of Captain
Schuli has been approved by the War
department, so that work will be begun
very soon.
Indian Superintendents Change,
The resignation of R. J. Taylor, bonded
school superintendent at the Yankton
Agency, haa been received by the depart
ment and the same accepted. No successor
to Superintendent Taylor has yet been
made. It has hitherto been the policy to
fill such vacancies by promoting someone
Who has been long In tha service, and
this will probably be the course followed
In this Instance.
It Is slated unofficially at the Interior
department that a new superintendent Is
soon to be appointed for the Rosebud
Agency, the arfalrs of which have been ad
ministered by a apectal agent since the
retirement of Major Kelly.
Derision on Corn Rates.
The Interstate Commerce commission to
day rendered a decision In tha case of
the complaint of Bartllng Grain company
against tha Missouri Pacific Railway com
pany, In which the defendant railway com
pany la ordered to establish no higher
rates for tha transportation of corn or
wheat In carloads from Talmadge and
Brock, Neb., to SH. IjOuIs than are con
temporaneously maintained to this same
point from Paul and Julian, Neb. The
Order' goes' Into effect on August 16,' and
continues for .two years. .1 -
Personal Mention.
William Hayward of Nebraska City, who
has been In Washington for several days,
left for New London, Conn., tonight to
witness the annual boat race between Tale
and Harvard,
B. If. Noeltlng of Nebraska City arrived
In Washington today. Mr. Noeltlng has
business before tha Treasury department
senator Uamble this morning aoconv
P" Cn,te S,tM D"trlct Attorney
Wagner to the Department, of Justice and
Introduced him to the attorney general.
Attorney Wagner ha several matters in
connection with tha business of his office
to discuss with the attorney general.
The president today nominated Frank R.
Williams to be postmaster at Hurley, 8. D.
Will A. Campbell of tha Commercial
club of Omaha is at tha Wlllard,. being
la tha city for a conference with Wlllet
M. Hayes, aaslatant secretary of agricul
ture and head of the American Breeders'
association, which la - to hold Its next
meeting In Omaha during tha National
Corn exposition in Deoember.
. Griffith R. Jonea la appointed regular,
and Margaret It Junes, substitute, rural
carrier on route No. I at Cresbard, S. D.
Mary E. Collins is appointed postmaster
at Plerson, Woodbury county, Iowa, rice F.
F. Nichols, resigned.
Bigger. Better, Busier That's what ad
vertising lit Tha Baa does for your busi
ness. Only
f '""""i nr-. ..... 1 1 mi"
nil i, mi i iii iJi ......... iV '
snfis-w' mmmmiBBamBj
Friend of Leon Ling" May Himself
Face Harder Charge.
Bald to llirve Been Seen by Driver
on Floor of Hons the Day
Elsie Htgel Waa
NEW TORK, June 80. The complacency
of Chung Sin. once the roommate of Leon
Ling, who Is wanted for the murder of
Elsie Plgel, on June 9. went all to pieces
this afternoon, when Arthur Logan, an
expressman, walked Into the cell where
Chung Pin is held as more thnn a material
witness, and brusquely shouted, "Hullo."
Logan Is the man who carried the trunk
containing the body of the girl down statin
from Leon's room on the day of the
murder. He has told the police that Chung
Sin Is one of the men he eaw on tha top
floor of the house. Chung, on the contrary,
has sworn by all his ancestors that he
never saw the trunk packed or moved.,
"You are the man," Logan said In Chung
Sin's presence today, "who told me to take
the trunk down stairs carefully. There
was another slim fellow with you In the
room the same that came over to the
office half an hour before to give me the
order to call for the trunk."
thlnnman Is Aa-ltnted.
"All mistake," protested Chung, "never
see you before."
The Chinaman's voice broke, and he
shook as If In fear as Logan was led out
still positive In his Identification.
Chung was not kept waiting long before
he had another visitor this time Martin
Lurla, the chauffeur, who drove a China
man and a trunk from the Harlem laundry
to a chop suey restaurant In Newark, on
tha morning of June 10. The police had a
theory that Chung Sin might have been
the fare and not Leon Ling. But Lurla
could not Identify Chung Sin. and still be
lieves that It was Leon he had In his taxi
cab. ,
A letter from Chung Sin, written since
his arrest to the Society of the Four
Brothers, was today translated for the dis
trict attorney's office. It protest that
the murder was dona by one man, and that
therefore only the murderer should be held,
denounces the authorities and Implores the
aid of all members In freeing him.
Police Distrust Chinamen.
The police blieve more and mora that
little reliance can be placed In any of the
various rewards and offers of co-operation
promised by the clans of Chinatown, and
accordingly District Attorney Jerome today
wrote John fcndlcott Gardner, professor
of oriental languages and literature In Jh
University of the Pacific at San Joso,
iai., requesting his co-operation In the
case, as a trustworthy Interpreter.
With no outside clues to bring the po
lice nearer to Leon Ling, they are work
ing on tha theory that a bird in the band
Is worth two In the buh. In other words,
by bringing home to Chung Sin that each
contradiction In his testimony only mires
him the deeper, It Is hoped that he may
eventually tell the full truth. The great
est hope of getting Leon Is that his pal
will weaken under presxure.
The following of the ilgxag trail Of tha
trunk containing the body of Elsie Sigel
on the day following her murder haa re
sulted In the Implication of several China
men, all of whom, while not actually ac
cused of having had a hand In tha killing
of the young woman, are auspected of nav knowledge of the crime' and, of the
efforts . of Leon Ling to . dispose, of tha
Only one of the seven, Chung Sin, Is in
custody. Of the others, ' Wah Lee, the
laundryman, to whose place In One Hun
dred and Twenty-sixth street the trunk
was 'first taken, has disappeared, and
Lee Sing, the restaurant keeper In Newark,
N. J., Is under surveillance. The four
Chinamen who were in the room adjoin
ing that In which the trunk stood when tna
expressman called to remove tt to Wah
Lee'a laundry, have not been Identified.
Oil Klna- Benches Cleveland Home,
bnt la Silent Abont
CLEVELAND. O., June 10 John D
Rockefeller and Mrs. Rockefeller arrived
here this morning to spend the summer at
their Cleveland home. Forest Hill. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Rockefeller's
sister, Miss Spelman and a retlnua of
fifteen servants. Mr. and Mrs. Rockefel
ler will remain here until about Septem
ber 15.
Notwithstanding the report of Mrs.
Rockefeller's Illness, sha appeared to be
In her usual health and waa reported to be
quite well. She was assisted to an 'auto
mobile by Mr. Rockefeller and an attend
ant. Her husband appeared to be In his
usual good spirits and apparently was
pleased to coma back to the old home.
Ha was questioned regarding the re
ported rupture between Dr. Charles Aked,
$20 up to S35.)
hla New York pastor, and Dr. W. A. Bus
tard, pastor of 1he Euclid Avenue Baptist
church, which he attends while her, but
refused to make any comment other than
to say he had nothing to do with their
quarrel. 'Mr. Rockefeller la superintendent
of fhe Euclid Avenue Baptist Sunday
school. At Forest Hill Mr. Rockefeller
will find ' practically a new golf course,
upon which .he usually spends most of
his time during the warm days.
(Continued on Third Page.)
Ing held for arranging a memorial for
Yale men who died on both sides In the
civil war, stood for nearly two hours with
President Hadley at the commencement re
ception and ruehed tonight from a meeting
of the "Skull and Cross Bones" to board
his private car attached to the midnight
train for Washington.
The "Skull and Bones"- Is a secret soci
ety funded by the preslden.Ce father When
he was a student at Yale. All the Tafts
have belohged to It, and Us proceeding!
are shr6ildei with all the mystery which
characterises college fraternities. The
president ' passed Into the mystic shrine
of "Skull and 'Bones'' temple alt alone to
night, and all of the secret scrvloe guards
had to keep watch outside.
' Gifts to I nlverslty.
Today's commencement was notable In
many ways. "President Hadley announced
the receipt durlng' the last year of glfte
to tha university amounting to $1,000,000.
Of this sum, 1150.000 came from the general
educational board, the allottment having
been conditioned upon the receipt of IVAOOO
from other sources. One gift of $100,000
and three 'of $50,000 each were announced
anonymous. ' '
President Hadley,' Secretary Dickinson,
Dr. Timothy Dwlght, former president of
Yale, and Bishop Lawrence of Massachu
setts were the, speakers at the alumni
dinner, in addition to President Taft.
The preHldent was given an uproarious
greeting, which was renewed when, turn
ing to President Hadley, he addressed him
self to "Mr. .President and Fellow Yale
men." Make Another Speech.
President Taft safd' in part: ''
"Since the fourth, ' of March ' 1 have
learntd a number of things, and I am mak
ing no reference to the weather bureau
either. I have , learned that In the opin
ion of the ..American people one of tha
chief functions of , the preident of . the
United States Is to, Increase the box re
ceipts and the sale of excursion tickets.
"I am not here, and I am not invited
here, on any such, .notion. I have come
because I could, not help coming to be a
Yale man and a part of Yale You will
think possibly, .before the end of this
presidential term that I am as Inevitable
a presence at the. alumni dinner as. the
ham and chicken that, we are all so fond
of. I hope I may have the pleasure for
a great many years of listening to the
kindly benediction that we all value so
much and that we all go ahead feeling
better for, from .President Dwlght..
"I want to congratulate the president of
Yale university upon the degree which
waa conferred orr -tha president of . Har
vard university. In such beautiful, felici
tous and friendly terms as those which
he used this morning.- It made a man
warm to Harvard a; some of us seldom
do. Then, too, -k, -meats -my full approval
that we rthodo, soeo of Yale should
recognise and Sfeja,4o approve .the liber
ality ,at the -thcolglgal, views of Harvard
. Ajtnrovra. ponrtesy to Harvard. ..
"I may also, pta Jn, . the. relatione of the
university what bag. previously been noted
on this occasion a number of times, that
tha courteous convention by. which. Yale
always loses on Harvard class day at
Cambridge, sand Harvard always loses on
Yale class day at' New Haven, la still
men the recognising as a master of
arts that musical critic, Brother Krehbiel
wno, rrom that, chair of power, in the
Tribune offloe at New York, has marked
oown composers and elevated musical
artists,' we may well concur In and ap
"And then the corporation took up the
question of tha navy and I assume from
Its action, although the spokesman of the
university was a little bit chary on that
subject, that It approved he voyage of the
Blxieen battleships around the world, and
that It reoognlxed In Admiral Sperry, the
supreme ability, the supreme equipoise and
ma determination which was able to meot
the requirements of the custodian Of $150,
000,080 worth of United States property.
wnicn, ir lost Could not be ' t-estnr in
mora than a decade; , and I wish to . say
with reference to that trip that while it
waa criticise) at that time here la no single
order of Tny "predecessor ' many of whose
orders tended so nruch to the peace of tha
world,- as the order by which ' ha sent
around not as messengers of war, but as
messengers of peace those wonderful
mechanism known as the sixteen battle
ships of tha United States."
Trlbate to Prof. Bnmner.
nrti .
presiaent spoKe in the warmest
terms of praise and affection for Prof.
William Q. Sumner, who. In retiring ,frm
tha Yale faculty after many years of ac
tive service, was honored with a doctor of
laws degree. In conoluding the president
said: '
"We occasionally hear achoes from varl
oua directions of the dreadful condition
that exists In the universities, but It won't
turn a single Yale man, or a single Har
vard man from allegiance to tha university
of his choioe or from allegiance to tha
conviction, well founded, that there la no
atmosphere with a higher1 moral Insplra
tton than that which you received at tha
old university"
(Continued from First Page.)
Carpet Co 80,000 1 000
g. Omaha Land Co.... 24.000 lO.OuO
Haley ft Lang Co 10,000 1.97S
Forter-Ityereun Hoob-
ler Co 4.W0
H. K Cady Lumber Co. K.OuO t.000
Expressmen's Delivery 21.(00 10.000
Levi Oorman I.K7I 1,000
Omaha Van Storage
Co ,. (.060 '
W. W. Maca M.OuO tOOt
National Rlscult Co... 15.775 , 6.776
O. P. Moorhead ffi.onO .27S
Nebraska Clothing Co. ISO 000 10.000
Western Electric Co.. 51.600 ( 226
Armuor A Co TM one BO.OdO
Omaha Mer. Esp. Co. n.SOO ld.jO
A roar. Transfer Co.... t M
Patrick Lane T 100 4.040
Hayden Bros 400.000 10t,0uu
Ara Von in Dnht Where to Speaa
Year VaentloaT
Tha Orand Trunk Railway system
(double track) offers the choice of many
delightful resorts via Canada, New Eng
land and on Jersey Coast. Special low
round trip farea to many of them. If
you 1U advise how much you hase ta
apend for railroad fare, a publieatloa de
scribing attractive routea to (he sections
you can reach, together with farea. will be
sent you. W. H. Cook son, A. O. P. A., IS
Adaroa atrect, Chicago.
Body of Dfi Moinet Murderer Found
Lying in od.
Believed II Was Trying to KJU Di
vorced Wife After Shooting: fler
Parents Domestic Tronhl
the Canee.
DEW MOINES, la., June S0,-The dead
body of Calvin Llttlepage, who yesterday
murdered Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jamleeon,
parents of his divorced wife near Valley
Junction, was found early today by John
Ritchie whose farm la close to the Jamleann
home. Tha corpse was In the middle of the
road. Llttlepage, despairing of escape from
armed posses, had blown a hole through
hla temple. Officers believe he waa Intent
upon reaching his wife Intending to mur
der her when he shot himself.
Calvin Llttlepage, a farmer living near
Valley Junotlon. a suburb of Dea Moines,
last night shot and killed Elmer Jamleson
and Mrs. Jamleson, both parents of his
divorced wife, and then forced her and
her Infant babe to enter a buggy which
was waiting and flea with him.
Tha murderer then drove toward Adel
In a blinding rain and hall storm, but
waa soon pursued by a posse from Des
Moines. Farmers along the highway, with
shotguns. Joined In the chase, attraoted by
the pitiful screams of tha orphaned woman,
who cried out that she, too, would be slain
by her former husband.
Automobiles were In pursuit of tha slayer
but because of the fesrful condition of the
roads after last night's deluge made alow
The tragedy Is the result of the refusal
of Mrs. Llttlepage to live with her former
husband, sha having bn divorced from
him last May. Threats of murder on tha
part of Llttlepage were often made, ao
oordlng to tha wife's story prior to the
Supposed Corpse
Fools Coroner
Keokuk Man Meets Jury About to
Sit on Him at Door of
KEOKUK, la., June 0. (Special.) It
waa commonly reported here this morning
that Martin Lawler had died during tha
night as a result of having received a se
vere blow on the head during a saloon
brawl a week ago. Securing Jurymen the
coroner and Jury started for the Lawler
home at the edge of town. Upon reach
ing it the coroner was greeted by Law
ler, himself, who denied that ha was dead.
The Jury wag discharged and tha coroner
returned to town greatly disgusted.
Death Shock at
Lawn Sociable
Young Man Electrocuted in Sight of
Friendi While Grasping
Light Bulbs.
WATERLOO, la., Juna $0.-In tha praa-
enca of a large company of young peo
ple at a sociable on a lawn at Urundy
Center, last evening, Ll ie Rogers, aged
18. waa. killed Instantly when ha grasped
an Ipcandesoent light. In either hand to
turn on the current to Illuminate the lawn.
He remained after, death In a standing
posture until the current was broken. Sev
eral who came to hla aid received shocks.
On Stricken While Hauling Sana
. sul Another While
FORT DODOE, la., June SO. flpeclal.)
Two boys have been killed In this vicin
ity during a terrific electrlo storm which
swept - tha entire neighborhood. Albert
Lake of Llvermore and Vern McDonald of
Eagle Grove were tha victims. Lake waa
aged 19 and McDonald It. Tha latter had
a widowed mother dependent upon him
and ha waa struck down while at work
hauling sand. McDonald waa on a fishing
trip up the river near Livermore and a
companion was stunned for a few mo
ments, but later roused and spread tha
alarm. They had taken shelter under
small clump of plum trees, thinking them
safer than large trees In tha vicinity. Tha
lad who escaped waa but four feat from
hla friend.
Bmall tornadoes also have dona much
damage In thla vicinity. At tha L. P,
Larson farm, the entire farm property
waa wrecked and the bouse moved four
feet off Its foundation. Windows wara all
blown In, part of tha roof waa carried
away, one wall fell In, a barn, was de
stroyed, cattle were Injured and killed.
and farm machinery ruined. Stock waa
atruok by lightning all over tha county,
Qrel( Laborers Attack Connnetar
Whoa Train Injaren On (
. H amber.
CRE8TON, la.. Juna SO. (Special.)
Lockrldga waa tha scene last weak of a
small riot, which very nearly ended
sertuoaly for Conductor Michael Mayaa In
charge of freight No. tl on tha Burlington,
On arriving at Lockrldga from Burlington,
about 4 o'clock In tha afternoon, the crew
commenced to switch oars down tha siding
occupied by a string of bunk ears used
by a gang of about forty Oraeks engaged
In construction work. On of tha men waa
asleep under tha ear and waa caught and
aerloualy Injured under tha wheels, several
rlba being broken, hla skull crushed and
Internal Injuries received. Aa soon aa tha
Greeks aaw what had happened they
started for Conductor Hayea waving
shovela and pleka. Tha ercw pulled out aa
fast as posslbl and Conductor Hayea, who
waa cut off from tha train took refuge In
tha station, which was besieged by tha
mob for several hours till a number of of
flclals arrived from Burlington, and Fair
field on a. motor ear In response to a
telegram and got Hayes out of. tha station
and to a train. Tha Injured Oreek waa
taken to Mercy hospital at Burlington,
where hla recovery seems doubtful.
New Sot of CanltoJIata After Her
olds Property May Mean
Row Railroad.
BOONS, la., June SO. (Special Tela
gram.. Another act of capitalists located In
tha aaat la now asking for a Boone fran
chise wtlh a view to purchase of tha Rey
nolda electrlo light properties. President
E. B. Hughes of tha Boone National bank
la the local representative and they will
go before tha oouncll tonight asking for
a franchise similar to tha one that tha
Pratt-Roper people have been negotiating.
While this is not strictly tha Iowa Rail
road company It Is understood that soma
of tha people are Interested and that there
Is In view the bulldlug of a Uaa from
Boone to Waterloo
amVskmk t. 1
- u ? ;- -r.s-- -n ' - - - - - 'A-1 " f Cia41'
1 y.s-
60 ACS0SATS and
The Dollar Troupe
0 Ridars in. U Great
Norninf the
Longest. Richest
Street Parade Ever Seen
Admission ticket and referred aoatg will be on sale drrua r
Mrem-Plllon Ilrug Co., ltttfi and Fai-tumi, at exactly aame price cnargtw
at the ticket wagons.
Today a ti30 Tonlgat at ailB,
"Merely Mary Ann"
JTe Week MOVTirtt nOTUg.
Money to Loan
On reslJence or business properties. '.' , ' ' '
No commissions charted. Funds on hand. No delay In cloalri loMwa.
All laana are repsyatle In monthly installments, or onw hundM dol
lere of principal may be repaid at any time without notice, thereby stopping
Interest at onoe on tha amount so repaid.
The Conservative Savings & Loan Assn.,
114 Harney at, Oma&a, BTefc.
Oao. T. CKlmore, mat rami W. Xnhaa. Staay.
ii. ... n. i
Summer Garden
Conneottns; with moaae's Tlnayard " "
ttkiquk. laTvrrivo, uourma, rnTAjroiro.
Joe Pallatto, Section Hand, Killed in
. Eailroad Yardp.-,
Representative Italians Insist that
Coroner Make Thorooah Investi
gation to Determine Chame
V ter of the Death.
Joe Pallatto. M years of age, a Union
Paciflo section hand, living at'22S7 Pierce
street, was Instantly killed in tha yards at
Thirteenth and Pierce, when a train ran
over him and cut off his head.
Coroner Heafey and Union Pacific Claim
Agent W. F. Zabel supposed It was an ac
cident, although tha coroner said It might
have been suicide.
The former Idea prevailed at the Inquest.
It had been suggested that the case might
have been one of suicide, as . the head
could not ha'tra been more aquarely cut off
if Pallatto had laid hla neck on the rail
and waited for the train to run over him.
The verdlot of the coroner's Jury simply
declared that tha - man came to hla death
by being run . over by a Union Pacific
train. The evldenoe tended to ahow that
Pallatto had been walking across the right
of way toward the water pall to get a drink
and waa atruck by a switch engine.
The body waa picked up by train and
yard men, who found It tying on the main
westbound track Tuesday evening. Tha head
was found lying over twenty feet away.
Pallatto waa a married man, Ma wife
having been left In Italy when ha came
to thla country a number of months ago.
Ha had two chldren In Italy. They live
at Agnone, a small Inland town.
Tha local Italians will bury tha body.
Peralstent Advertising Is tha road to Big
Everybody Should Enow What
Hunyadi Janos Is.
A large proportion of humanity suffers
mora or less from constipation. How, really
few ara there who do not know the dla
trees, pain and general discomfort result
ing from failure of tha bowela to move
regularly. And doo not this suffering seem
foolishly unnecessary when we realise that
tt can bo avoided by tha use of tha proper
and simple remedy, HUNYi.DI JANOS
Water, tha great Natural Laxative? It Is
not only the most efficacious remedy, but
also the most Inexpensive. The cost of a
large bottle Is but a trine and It contains
many doses, aa tt a tumblerful on arising
la auffkilent to always -give certain, quick
and thorough action. A pleasant and
natural relief without griping or bad after
affects. Try it
Look out for unscrupulous druggists, who
will substitute unless you ask for
Ranch, Pimply Facas
Bade clesr, smooth, beautiful.
illetcsM, bUckhusdt, tuubur.
lmm. tklQ-rouikiwas and ridaM
quick I j reaeved. Ss'sat. pUit-
soieM, notl eaecuve kulet
prousuoa ea toe markst.
Sara lo !. Qaa Itial
srita. SO Canas a Pewle.
Maaaiaotared aad far sals by
SfcomiaN A McCormall Drag C ,
lath anal Dodgo, Onto.
lt nato rlaraoy.
horse Fi-Viwi f mm
v--$Bgwii or riuwms '
ft MM A
11ll1 mm ssilluvs
The 10 riyin Viennese
Kvnrats SO Clsvnt 100 Act!
Bit New
ailv at 2 and 8P.M
AlIS Pome:
Ihe Burglar's Wile
Admission, lOo aaa aoa. J
max wsax ' aad Hyde..
People Want o
Good Service
v, and... ,-. .-
' :r.- Good FObd
i- .?1 i -,: r tit
. aad they knew, where to fat It
Hanson's Cafe
... . ... " ii . i
la Becoming- Mora vopnlar dally.
s C5 f rl tji j s It e n. h
mr ta a s wsi w w m war w
We Have Made the Reputation far fj
the Best Bandwlohes served. A. Full Q
IBIS rarnam. 140S Doaglaav y
. mmfm wy-x .. SS
The only flour .
made in Omaha
Allans tn CTv
r YsneUlA,rLU.
all fgrjofeers
is satisfaction. I
You buy right
wheri ybUbin
the AIwcs y
done" QiieJ'
Baker BrosIEkP
One D
- n i iy Marc
T 4 r it !
S flour: S
i a