12 TITE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1900. 0 'ty mm We bought a New York Mfgrs. Samples Women's Neckwear The New Dutch Collars Jabot Rabots Tailors Mull Ties. Etc. Nearly 100 styles of high class novelties in women's neckwear lace and embroidery trimmed exquisite motifs, medallions, hand embroidered, French Vals., some linen embroidery styles fine white and fancy colore. . Worth TN pq up to )J iV-srv each. I ' ' Women's Rubberized Silk Raincoats In plain bine, brown and gray, collar and cuffs inlaid 'with contrasting color silks button and QQQO ; "strap trimmed A new lot just received Jf O actually worth $15 each, at Women's Fine Wash Coat Suits for $5 Score? of new- arrivals in this group various colors and whit made of fine reps the practical and pretty tf C suits for summer, at PU Dutch Neck Waists $1.39 Llngerta,1 Waists and Barred Swiss Tailored , Waists -k ehartutng veriety many elabor ate, trimmed- main floor bargain square, worth up to $2.60, for M:. $1.39 $2 Shirt Waists at 98c Both the dainty lingerie and the smart and practical tailored styles white or colored waists worth regularly $2.00, each, at 98c Closed All Day Monday, To Celebrate Fourth ot July BEGINNING TUESDAY, JULY 6TH We Close at 5 P. M. Until September 1st (Except Saturdays at 10 P. M.) Thursday and Friday of This Week We Will Remain Open Until 6 P. M., As Usual. 4 Lust Day to Bring in Your Essays In our School Composition Contest Children who have registered bring In your compositions on "Oas" at once. Thursday is the last day. OMAHA i. a, Li xr 1 REGENT SHOE CO., 295 S. 15th Street. WHY NOT NOW SELECT THE WATCH YOU HAVE WANTED SO LONG? Boy' Watoh, ooa t SO i Ladles' C.'J I IV.lo !. . . ;i3.00 to 838.00 Gents' Gold Filled. . .910.00 to 30.00 I Solid Gold equally low. MAWHINNEY &. RYAN CO.. atlfh ami Woa Bopairtng. riftaaath, and Xtouglas artr. A Bee Waal Ad si k The barefoot (andal season In here thin in the popular shoe for lum msr wer. Just what you want to rst your tired feet cool and comfortable Genuine felt soles, with no nails to hurt the feet. Upper made of genuine Russia Calf Black or Tan colors. Child sizes 5 to 8 at 31.00 Child's sizes 9 to 11 t $1.35 Misses' sizes 12 to 2 at . . $1.50 Boys' sizes 3 to 6 at $2.00 Women's sizes 3 to 6 at $2.00 ITheee sandals will stand the wear of a real boy or girl. Write for our 40 page Catalogue. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street 8 TmTPTTTT h r U I 9 lit mi vnm&0' Bulletin From lha Auction The following souvenirs were given out Tuesday, June 29th, at Fred Brodegaard & Co.'s Jewel ry Auction 109 North Sixteenth Strctt (Opposite ih Voitoffloe) Mrs. O. Moore, Florence, Neb., Cut Glass Bottle. W. W. Tatum, Model Loundry, Set Combs and Scarf Pin. Mr. Kelley, General Delivery, Gold Locket. Auction commences every day, 10:30 a. m., 2 p. m. and 7:80 p. m. JDOJTT TUL TO ATTXITS. "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and Stat. Bait Climate and Medicinal Springs la America, First Claaa Hotels. Uoapi. tals and Bath Houses. Write to Secretary Commercial Olno. Xot Bprtnia. Uo. Sal. Reliable Dentistry AT Taffs Dental Rooms THIS IS THE TRAVELING SEASON Let us fit you out with field glasses, binoculars, auto goggles, etc. Complete Line at Reasonable Prices. WURN OPTICAL CO. BJfnt on tta goathwest Corner iota and r amain Bta. Wnere Tbey Teat Byes (or Olaases. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tae r Paper that Reaehea All of the LIt Stock H. HOTELS. la b saopplag Slstriot. llth and MoOea, oa "Tattloeat liana." vnn yrxfl mtr v.aT'iffttt ... - . r - ' "21 vfeyS V.tT.int -rerrm or . esssre Ijuurdcrs en -sburt '.m-tlce. a "stcsry sfnall cost to ybo Hotel Kupper lltn and atcOe. Kansas City. Mo. In the Shopping- Btstrlot. ear all the Theaters. 800 Beaatlfal Booms. . 100 Private Baths. Bot and eold water In all rooms. Itpaeloas lobby, p flora, Telephoae In every room. BeaaUiol Cafe, Vertect Oulsln. $1 to $2.50 Per Day Basopeas Flam. I KCPPEK-CENSON EOTEL CO. F. A mXBSOB. Mgr. Km lragjton FHlnt Inn TjiirTiiTTjr IX MM S. 4 K. OBBBV TEADHia STAMPS rm Tnvri of stvarv nnrAhnvasi hsirov. 0t t hatm stir li loin yon tray. Commencing Thursday, Great Clearing Messaline m Foulard Dresses aaaaMMaBaaaaaBaaMaaBaai 1 $15 Buys Silk Dresses Worth $25. b Every one of these is a handsome one-piece model of the q newest vogue. You can choose from plain colors or fancy ajj patterns. There's a wide variety of cleverly designed styles and most any of the popular new shades is repre- l t - XT 1 ' T A ' 1 i i i T Bcuieu in ine Biiowiug. n is a reni ireai to get these fashionable dresses so sharply j pric reduced right in the heart of the season. Actual $25.00 values Women's Tailored Suits VBnaenanaMBSSSSSSSalananalBSa $25.00, $29.50 and $35.00 Suits $10.00. One hundred and three of our handsomest cloth suits remain in this lot now selling at ten dollars.. Not one was less than $25.00. Many were $35.00. This season's best styles, fabrics and shades. Choice. . . . $10 Thic Stnrp Will Close at 5 P. M- UblililillllJ IliUldUUI sin " -----3 J I . . .teaa Excepting Saturday at iu r. m. iui SEE THE BIO BARGAINS THURSDAY. THE RELIABLE STORE 1W i u i l3 llvIS 7' TV MUSLIN DERWEAR AT SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS. Garment Bargains Greater Than Ever Kit" LAWN SACQUES A purchase of a large lot of pretty, cool, light colored lawn dressing sacquea and short kimonos on sale Thurs day. Choice of light floral effects, All are beautifully made, clean and new; $1.25, $1.60 and $1.75 val ues 69 HOUSES DRESSES Still another new line of neat one piece dresses for home wear. Made of fast color per- chambrays, nurse cales, plain stripe ginghams, etc., high and low neck and band trimmed, all sizes $2.50 LIGHT SERGE RKlIiTS A practical summer garment, white serge with a black stripe. Made coat style effect with black covered but tons all way down front. Quality of material Is very fine. It's a handsome style garment, worth $12.50, at $5.95 DUTCH NECK WAISTS Of white lawn, one is a pleated or tailored garment, another has embroidery insertion trimming; both have the cool Dutch neck collar with lace trimming $1.00 Last Lot Geneva Silk Hose pslrs for SI Manufacturer advises of an advance in price soon. Geneva Silk Hose are not pure thread silk, but to all appearances are very similar. They have the brilliancy and swish of real silk and are very durable; BOc is regular price THKEE PAIRS... $1.00 Silk Gloves. Tasma long silk gloves, woven double tipped fingers, broken sizes, values to $1.75: Knit Underwear. W o m e n's sleeveless vests, full taped arm and neck, Swiss rib bed, 15c goods lOc Handkerch lef s. Women's all linen handkerchiefs, 12-in. size, and H-ln. hem, actual 8 He quality Manufacturers' Stock, 250 Dozen Dutch Collars and Jabots They Are Samples and Closeouts In a"3reat ' rp tt j jp q-px w v One Day Sale 1 1 U IXOIJIX I 250 dozen Of the prettiest, daintiest lace and embroidered trimmed Dutch Collars; some have jabots attached, also detached Jabots. n-very one Is new, clean and fresh, direct from the maker. Most popular of the year's summer styles. CHOICE, 50c COLLARS, AT Ti l t 4"i It rf Several rases on sale now; tri color and UU11 11112 Stars and Stripes Bunting, for decora- for the 4th tlons; bright, clear colors, regular price 6 He; special WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS, in voiles, panamas and fancy mixtures, the regular $7.50 val ues, at, each $2.05 July 1st Specials that will set all Omaha talking. Don't judge the offerings by the selling prices, examine the garments, the quality will surprise those who expect the most. 200 SILK DRESSES, values to $20.00, for $0.50 300 BEAUTIFUL WOOL SUITS, values to $35.00, at, each $10.00 DAINTY LINGERIE DRESSES that sold regularly to $0.00, at, choice $3.00 TWO PIECE WASH SUITS that sold to $10.00, on sale, at, choico $5.00 FINE LINGERIE DRESSES that sold regularly up to $35.00 choice, at $15.00 SILK AND NET WAISTS, hun dreds of them, values to $5.00, at, choice $1.50 SEE THE NEW "KNICKERBOCKER" TAILORED WAIbTS 40 dozen beauties just received by express, most beautiful, and reasonably priced. 50c Embroideries 22ic A magnificent line of extra wide embroideries in floun cings, allovers and corset covers, big assortment of beautiful patterns, qualities sold regularly at to 50c a yard, all at one price in Thursday's sale, at ai ' J per yard KMaWIMWTIWrrVyn'lB Lace Collar Sale Regular 50c to $2.50 quality LACE DUTCH COLLARS A beautiful line for selec tion, including the very lat est novelties, at 25c 50c 85c $1 $1.25 You cannot afford to miss these wonderful bargains. Your Unrestricted Choice Thursday of All Suits Left From Our Big Manufacturer's Stock Purchase Immense assortment of styles, patterns and colors In blue serges, cheviots, asslmeres, velours, etc. The greatest bargains ever offered In any store In the land. The suits are worth regularly 10 up. Tlio pants alone worth more than the price of the suit In Thursday's great sule. Come early. j Every Snit.Must Go Before July 4th Tremendous Clearing Sale MEN'S SUITS NEXT SATURDAY Our entire stock men's high quality suits at most astonishing prices ever made by the Bennett store. Remember the day, commencing Saturday, July 3d. In Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Breakfast Coffea. 2 pound can 480 and 60 green stamps Bennett's Teas, aimorted, pound 680 and 75 green stamps Hippo Washing Powder, i packages BSC and 10 green stamps Yankee Knn Toilet Hoap, 2 cakes 8So and 10 gren Htumps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, can B4o and 20 green stamps Poppy Condensed Milk, can lOo and 10 green stamps Clam Chowder, per can So J. M. Pumpkin, I cans for 9Bo and 10 green stamrs Batavla Salmon, tall pan 82o and 10 green stamps c B7BCZAZ. omian OmaJPES, Per pound Bweet Pickled Peaches, Mason quart Jar . Toasted Rica Biscuits, package Ellen Sardines. Imported, for Armour's Corned Beef, can Armour's Veal, Beef and Ham Ixiaf. for Minute Gelatine, S packages for Oyster Crackers, per pound .860 and . lOo and .lOo and . 14o and .loo and .850 and . .So greeji stamps green stamps green stamps groen stamps green stamps green stamps Air, irmaar, slua ' 'auw maakrnockfk troot- Caaoeiag ama cjutvpta. Qood ancier. 2.1 a Any, I lit. (i a wwk- acra. . Ctibava, l.ss s. Rfernr. Tourial iMjil, 1 anaillsn Pax Available Office Space On account of changes being made to accommodate one of our tenants with more office room, we will have for rent on July 1st, a desirable space on sixth floor facing Farnam street. This room is 20x20, in the eouthwest corner of the building and is well lighted; also has large fire proof vault. Partitions will be arranged to suit permanent tenant. The Bee Building Is the best kept office building in the city, and every effort is made to care for our tenants as they would expect. If you con template making a change, we would like to have you give us a call and take a look through the building. -We have a waiting list, so that if you cannot find what you want in vacant space, let us file your, application for rooms. We will be able to fix you out some time. The Bee Building Co. R. W. Baker,' Superintendent. 17th and Farnam. Friday your choice fJICJ af any suit from 2X the great purchase Saturday all suits from this big pur chase will close at $1 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR ALL DAY THURSDAY IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM 6c Apron Gingham Checks, at 24 15c White Goods, at 7 19c White Goods, at 10tf 36-inch Bleached Sheeting, at ...5 36-in. Blue Percales, 12V4c quality, at, yard 7H 15c OrgandleB, at 10 12V&C Organdies, at 7(" BIO JULY GROCERY OPENING SALE All Surplus Stocks to be Reduced at Once: 59c Silk Mixed Wash Goods, at 23J 12 Me India Llnon, at 7C 15c India Llnon, at 8 18c India Linon, at ,. lO 15c English Long Cloth, at ..7 19c Towels, Bath, at 12 Hi 15c Towels, Bath, at 10 12 c Towels, Bath, at 7' 10 other Specials. Buy bow and sas yourself 86 to 50 20 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar for 81.00 48 lbs. best High Patent Flour .... (1.65 10 bars best brands L,aundry Soap.. B5o 8 lbs. choice Japun Hire Sdo 7 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal 35o 6 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca or Sago.... Siio Gallon cans Apples aso The best domestic Macaroni, pkg. ,. 80 16 os. can l.u L.U Hrourlrig Hoap.... Bo Condensed Milk, per can 76c Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, pkg., 70 011 or Mustard SardineH, per can.... 4c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 6e The best pretzels or Ginger 8naps, 11). 6c The best fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb aao The best fancy No. 1 Country Butter, per Jb 88o The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb. 830 Full cream, white or colored, brick or llmburger Cheese, per lh 17Ho DON'T FORGKT lzuovs uncus lemohi Large, Juicy I.emntiH, doz. 15c, 20o and 85o Trash Vegetables at rrtoea That are Cheaper Than You Can Hatse Tham. FrcHh Spinach, per peck 6 bunches fresh l.euf lettuce fo 4 bunches fresh Head Lettuce Da 5 quarts fresli Peas , ..loo Large baskets fancy Klpe Tomatoes .. 20c 5 bunches fresh Kudlshes Co 8 bunches fresli Onions 6u Large Cauliflower, per head 6o Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb .......to 2 bunches fresh Arparagus Do Kanry Ripe Tomatoes, per lb to 8 bunclien frexh Meets fo 6 hunches fresh Pie Plant , oo Fresh Cabbage, per lb 2Vie Fancy Ripe Htra wherries, box 10c Large baskets fancy California Apricots at 40a Blackberries, per box 10c I.Hrge Cucumbers, each la Fancy Cabbage, per lb 2V4o TRY HAYDEK'S FIRST IT PAYO The Wedding Gift would be very much appreciated If the bride knew It came from our store. Everybody knows we carry only relluhle goods. Our name on the box carries confi dence with it. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St "'JUWJ urn issay m wswsrsi "fc 7$l K V "KC r irr w w sv it a jb j jh j ir- f jxi. ItlTIIKKFOHl) & JK.NSKVS entire stock of magnificent imported and domeKtlc designs will be sold regardless of their former value price ranglug from 3 cents. Come and look them over at 22 O O 8 FARNAM STRP.PT rum,,P n-aaaf Yfjs DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 1509 it y . . . ' me office. 'Vheaei D. 175a. V WW asas, ny nvw fs-vw from 98.00 f . - - ' 1 sreiBAssa sKrwag dvo rulings, ap from &Oo Voroelals fillings, up from 81.60 ridge Work, cat tooth, up from 98.50 DVrves removed, with out pain. ALTSOLAB WOKI A PBCIAX.Tf. 'Work yuaraatesa1 tea ysars a L A 0