Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1909, Image 1

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The Oriaiia 6ee
The -f Omaha Daily JBee
fnt WehrssKa Fair.
KorJow a I-air
For weather report se pare I.
. r iu irrq WP1T MrAnm It fnM
f" tb' hon,M ' Poor and rloa.
V . .
. . ..
4 t
I . 2orah of Idaho Joint Cummins in
, ; ' Opposing Revenue Plan of '
J ' President Taft.
He Scores Aldrich for His Attitude
Toward Legislation.
.Far-Western Senator Thinks Corpora
l tions Get Best of It.
la Absence of Rhode lalanv
They Tahe Char of Proal
and Force Rarly Adjonm- '
meat of Sena to. .
- valued at $.'i0, were stolen from
WASHINGTON, June . Income ta. V," lltngton hotel la.e store last Feb
was practically the only subject, and Sen ' -id that the articles were found In
, atom Cummins of Iowa and Borah of
i Idaho, the only speakers, before the senate
: today. Mr. Borah was not heard until
k i. towards the close of the day'a session.
:V,wben the Iowa senator yielded the floor,
which ho had held since yesterday,
.Mr. Borah took for his text the declara
tion made yesterday by Henator Ainncn,
to tne errect mat n woiua not voie ior
. the corporation tax amendment only as a
means of defeating the Income tax. and.
without resorting to personalities, he
i , criticised the position of the chairman of
the finance committee, who had presented
the corporation tax amendment to the
senate. Mr. Cummlna also paid his
respects to Mr. Aldrich on account of his
avowal of yesterday.
Much of the time today was devoted to
the consideration of the nation's ftnanoe,
but considerable attention was given to the
. general merits of a tax on Incomea, which
Mr. Cummins defended aa the most
rational because the most just, of all taxes.
Estimating the total revenues under tho
Aldrich-Payne bill at 1360,000.000 and those
to be derived from the internal revenue at
$2ltf000.000 he predicted that at the end of
the fiscal year, Mil, there would be a
deficit of not less than $175,000,000.
I Mr. Cummins said that If the finance
! 'committee's resolution providing for the
submission to the states of a constitutional
alii ndment for an income tax should be
I presented to the senate he would vote for
lt. but not with any hope of Its success.
I'nmmlna Malta Al.lrla.fc.
, ' '
I I. ,' Senator Cummins took the floor, as soon
I as the attendance of a quorum had been
secured, and continued his speech in favor
of a straight Income tax and against the
administration's corporation tax hill. He
commented on the absence of Senator Ald-
"After the acknowledgment which he
l . tneda to the senate yesterday with respect
to "his vetw-tn hsmglnir forward th-.i wvl-
metit that we are now considering." said
' Senator Cummins, referring to Mr. Aid'
rich's statement that he favored the cor
poration tax to defeat the Income tax
amendment, "he needs the restoration and
the recuperation of salt air. I would want
tu take a trip lasting about 1,000 years if
I should be compelled to make a confes-
t slon of that sort with respect to a measure
.' brought forward by myself.
. In the course of his several hours' speech
, ,' Mr. Cummlna attacked the constitutionality
fof the proposed corporation tax, and aJ
would not furnish sufficient
revenue to make
up the existing treasury
1 , Borah A galas t Taft Plaa.
lf. Cummlna was followed by Senator
Borah of Idaho, who also spoke in support
of a straight Income tax amendment to
the tariff bill. Prefacing his remarks with
a statement that hi text would be the
words of the chairman of the finance oom
mlttee "I shall vote for a corporation tax
.' aa a means to defeat the tnoome tax"
I Mr. Borah declared his opposition to the
i f corporation tax. which he regarded as an-
V " otner means lor taxing the consumers or
' V the country.
1 real lie," he said, "that the ehance
for enacting an Income tax has practically
I been removed, so far aa this session is con
t it-rned. but I am sufficiently devoted to
' t the faith to believe that It is only removed
- for a time," he declared.
-0it naa levorea me lnrome ibx, ne saia,
aiiee It would have mado possible
trtbutlon of the burdens f the govera-
oiit between the consumers and wealth. If
was proposed to lay an additional burden
consumers in the form of a corporation
he would prefer following the course
'geeted at the beginning of the session
the chairman of the finance commute.
retrenchment in the expenditures of the
.nrhinent In the expenditures of the
nment to svold the necessity for
Vn additional burden upon the people.
Jjy. - I-sr.
i nuuesllotiably. Mr. Borah said, the
Mnrnnratlnna of the rntmlrv hiw
a t tranxierrea inoir iu me, consumer.
ill I'M tnta who do not transfer their
i. I sj." ha continued, ."air the Boiaers of
I S 'mi'iions of bonds, who are exempteJ from
' ! operation of the las it is hero pd posed
f I 'to Pa"
1 f Today, he said, taa great corulSratlona
f kno" St that they co carry this proposed
i ji11 dv,,ln th-i ,'he tax be pit upon
Prrerr,nS' iM th Income tax.
t avoring a resubmlatKn of the Income tax
' to the supreme court -f the United States,
Mr. Borah said ha jud not attack the
iVrlty of that-co-t.
1 j Yet." ha said, "wa.n that sourt differs
v jnd Ly a bare maJ6rty of one. overturns
I', practice of a evctiry, who will tell me
undor such i1"umitanca It la an
upon the d!Sitty of the court to
n to again j sider that Question."
ah will c4T'uiue his speech
rgcsu Slave laalng.
it ot 1,'aiifornla today took
V's pict In charge of the
there day s oceu-
aa. V
more serious than a
the proceedings,
ourioalty as to wher-j
a on his brief vaca
tnformatioa on this
l mat o'
iJ vantage
S tha "I
rthe ord
d, des(K
t that no was on
vantage of the ab-
"insur gents"
order of bual-
1 . mm
I I 1 V
.111 v
Gingles Mystery
May Clear at
Trial in Chicago
Lawyei for Girl Found Gagged and
Bound in Hotel Will Explain
CHICAGO, June SO.-When Ella Glngles
was placed on trial here late today It was
promised by her attorney, P. H. O'Donnell,
that the sensational mystery surrounding
the finding of his client hound, gauged
and unconscious In a public bathroom at
the Wellington hotel last winter will be
cleared up. Judge Brentano's court room
was crowd! with women when the trial
The girl of mystery was brought In under
the guard of a negro deputy sheriff. She
was dressed In a white suit and appeared
perfectly recoered from her long hospital
- The work of selecting a Jury was begun
once and MIbs Glngles took an active
t, frequently offering suggestions to her
-er. Prosecutor Short made a state
V '- of the case, saying that two pieces
Glngles room. No mention or me
underlying motives and dark byways of
the case was made. Four Jurors were se
cured at the clove of the session and It Ik
expected that the panel will bo completed
Ella Olngles, an Irish girl, who came to
Chicago, It Is said, from Canada, first
nm into oubllc notice a year ago, when
she was charged by Miss Agnes Barrett,
her employer, of purloining certain articles
from the complainant's lace shop to the
value of . A fow months later tne
Wellington hotel Incident occurred.
Attorney O'Donnell ald today that not
only would this eplttode be cleared up, but
that light would be shed on the sudden
death a few days ago of Mrs. Cecilia K.en
on, a clone friend of Miss Barrett and the
state's principal witness. Miss Kenyon
dlfld suddenly at a roadhouse on the south
ern outskirts of the city. The man who
accompanied her was allowed to escape,
It is said, without testifying at the coro
ner's Inquest. This man's name is Known
to Coroner Hoffman. He Is said to stand
high, both politically and commercially, in
Mr. O'Donnell also promised that ne
would show that all of hlB client's troubles
had been due to an attempt to rorce ner
Into a life against which womanhood re
volted. Gore Has Plan
to Divide Bill
Would Make Each Tariff Schedule a
Separate Measure for Con
venience of Antis.
WAS KINGTON, June 30.-In the senate
today Mr. Qote made tho novel suggestion
thutr trie, finance committee should report
each schedule of the tariff bill as a
separate bill, so that senators and represen
tatives might vote against the portions of
it they may not approve, while voting
for the parts acceptable to them. Mr.
Oore argued that It would also afford the
nresldent an opportunity to veto, any
schedule not satisfactory to him. Con
slderatlon of the resolution was post
Stubbs May Leave
Topcka Club
Kansas Governor Objects to Plan
of Keeping- Liquor in
TOPEKA. Kan., June SO. Governor
Stubbs today served notice on the directors
of the Topeka club that he will cancel his
membership unless the plan of keeping li
quor at the club Is abandoned.
i Man
4 Second
Are ratally
Maa Tries
MIDDLESBORO, Ky., June 80. J. "W.
Mayes, engineer on the Norfolk 4 West
ern railway, and Kobert Culbertson, both
living in Norton, Va., fought a duel in the
streets of 'Mlddleboro last night. Anna
Hayes, over whom the men were jealous,
was shot twice and la dying. Mayes was
shot twice and cannot live. Culbertsan
suffered a wound in the arm. Mayes,
mortally wounded, fled and later attempted
suicide I by lacerating his throat with a
pocket knife.
J. K. Coddlna of Westmoreland Will
Succeed W. H. Haskell, Who
TOPEKA, Kan., June SO Governor Ptubbs
today appointed J. K. Codding, a West
moreland lawyer, warden of the state pen
itentiary to succe W. H. Haskell, who
resigned. Mr. Codding Is attorney for the
state temperance union and has been active
In prosecuting "jolntlsts." He was formerly
a state senator.
Uncle Sam Forbids Army
to Buy Trust-Made Goods
The United States government has laid an
Interdict against the purchase for Its own
use of goods made by a trust or a company
which has been "adjudicated to be a party
to an unlawful trust or monopoly."
The American Tobaoso company the To
bacco trust has been temporarily enjoined
on this ground and the commissary of
the Department of the Missouri forbidden
to buy any ot the smoking or chewing to
baocoa made by the trust or Its allied com
panies. Omaha wholesalers have bad a communi
cation to this effect from Lieutenant Colo
nel Eastman, chief commissary. His com
munication reads as follows:
"I am Informed by tho ooramlsaary gen
eral. United States army, Washington, D.
C, that the secretary of war has directed
that bo contract oa behalf of the govern
mot bo entered Into directly with any
President Taft Says it Will Be "Bele-
gated to Opposition! if it
Short, EpigTamatio Speech Taken as
Significant by Crowd.
More Troublesome to Determine
Than What is Whisky!"
a llamorons Vein Chief F.xeratlve
Kef era to l.irk of Organised Oppo
sition to Dominant Political
Organise t ten.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 30. President
Taft paused In the course of an after-dinner
speech to 1,800 graduates of Tale,
gathered at the annual alumni feast to
day, to Issue a serious note of warning to
congress, and to the leailers of the re
publican party. The president declared
that. If the party which placed him In
powi r, ami so long had controlled the gov
ernment, failed to live up to Its promises
and the expectations of the people, It
would he relegated to the position of a
minority opposition.
Mr. Taft had been speaking humorously
of recollections of his own college days,
which made his sudden change to a serious
tone of the lmportunt utterance upon na
tional affairs all the more impressive. The
president spoke extemporaneously, and his
utterances as to the duty of the party ot
which he Is nominally the head, seemed
the result of a sudden Impulse, rather
than of utudied Intent.
Mr. Taft made no effort to explain his
warning. The Yale men caught his mean
Ins, and the significance of tho remarks
coming at this time of the tariff debate,
however, and they stood and cheered for
several minutes. He had been speaking of
Secretary of War Dickinson, a democrat,
upon whom Yale today conferred an
honorary decree. He taunted the demo
cracy with the best of good humor as to
its present day condition, and this led him
Into the declaration as to his own party.
Comments on Deniocrury.
After paying trlbuteH to others upon
whom the university today conferred
honorary degrees, the president came down
to (Secretary iJlckinson and said:
"You went south of the Mason and Dix
on's line to get a secretary of war to give
a dcuroe to. It Is well that you did, bo
cause he is going to build the Panama
canal, and other universities will follow
where you got In early.
"One of the difficulties that has con
fronted Brother Dickinson, out in Chicago,
where he has a temporary rexldence, was
a discussion as to what constituted an or
thodox democrat, and whether really ha
ought to be counted as a democrat, if he
allowed himself to go Into a republican
Well, when you com to discuss what Is a
democrat these days, you are presented
with somewhat the same difficulty that
I have before me now in giving certain
rules for the construction of the pure food
law as to what whisky Is. They say
there Is 'straight' whisky, and then there
Is 'rectified' whisky, and then there Is
'Imitation' whisky. Now, I speak with a
good deal of hesitation In saying whether
my friend Dickinson Is a 'straight' demo
crat, or a 'rectined democrat. I would
not dare to say in his presence that he
was an Imitation' democrat.
'The truth is. and speaking seriously,
I consider myself almost fortunate that
I was ab'u to obtain for that Important
place In my cabinet a man who repre
sented the highest Ideals of the south; who
knew no section in his patriotism; whose
coming Into the cabinet was significant of
I the friendliness of a large element in that
southern section, that It Is in my heart
to bring closo to the north.
Repaltllean Pwrty Troubles.
"Vow. my dear friends, In suggesting dlf.
ferenees among democrats I am far from
Ignoring some difficulties that there are
on our own side. I remember In 1904 that
Charles Prancls Adams gave what I may
call a perfectly good Adam's reason for
the election of the democratic candidate
over the republic candidate. He said
that one of the essentials of a free gov
ernment was an ahle, patriotic and effi
cient opposition and that as tha demo
cratic party had utterly failed In reaching
toat Ideal he was in favor of putting the
republican party In that place.
"Now, I venture to say, that while that
may not be the reason which shall move
the American people, it is true that If the
republican party does not live up to Its
promises and what the people expect of
It, It will be relegated to a position like
that cf his majesty's opposition, and,
therefore, I may say by way of caveat,
that we have troubles of our own."
President's Busy Day.
The president had a busy day as the
honor guest of the Yale commencement
exercises. He attended a meeting of the
Yale corporation, spoke at the midday din
ner of the alumni, presided over a meet-
(Continued on Second Page.)
corporation which has been adjudicated to
be a part to an unlawful trust and monop
oly and to be carrying on business in vio
lation of law, nor with any middleman or
agent of any such company or concern,
where It Is known that such middleman
or agent Is acting for sucn unlawful con
cern. It will be necessary for me to select
some brands of tobacco, both smoking and
chewing, to supply the posts of (his de
partment which Is not made by any cor
porations or any ot ths allied companies of
such corporations named In ths letter above
referred to.
"A Hat of the allied companies of such
corporations Is enclosed herewith."
Wholesalers are accordingly bidding on
other brands than those heretofore chiefly
furnished. There are just fifty corpora
Uons allied with the American Tobacco
company which Colonel Eastman "i"'ys.
-. '" f4 .TV it
From the New York World.
Cheyenne and Standing Rock Re
serves Will Soon Be Ready.
Department of Interior Ripecti Re
ports from Commission Soon and
Will Issue Proclamation
In Anuust.
(From a Staff Currespondent.)
WASHINGTON, June . (Special Tele
gram.) Senators Gamble and Crawford
wtu-e at the Interior department this morn
ing to see about the opening to white
settlement of the Cheyenne and Standing
Rock Indian reservation, and found that
It Is expected all will be in readiness to
issue a proclamation opening these lands
during the latter part of August. The
commission engaged in appraising and
classification of the Indian lands has about
completed its labors on both reservations,
and the report Is expected to reach the
department within the next few weeks. On
the receipt of this report the proclamation
will be drafted and lssue.l before Septem
ber 1. It Is now believed that all will be
readiness so that the actual registration
of prospective settlers upon these reserva
tions may begin about the first week In
The department now has under con
sideration the claims of the various cities
and towns desirous of being named as
registration points. Senators Qamble and
Crawford have each received numerous
letters from officials of many towns all
wishing to be assigned as registration
points. The selection of the points where
registration will occur Ilea entirely with
Interior department officials and they will
make the designations with a view to ac
cessibility of the towns to the lands to be
opened, railroad and other facilities to ac
commodate the crowds which will assemble
to take a chance for these new lands.
More Land Hentored to Kntry.
The secretary of the Interior has vacated
the order of withdrawal under the reclama
tion act in connection with Belle Fourche
project In South Dakota, as far as the
same relates to 137,700 acres of land in the
Rapid City and Belle Fourche land dis
tricts, and restored the said lands to public
domain, where not otherwise withdrawn,
reserved or appropriated. These lands are
subjected to settlement on and after Sep
tember 28, and to entry, filing and selection
on and after October IS, Settlement or oc
cupation prior to September 28, 12)09, being
expressly forbidden.
Curbing the Mlssoarl.
Through the efforts of Senator Burkett,
Decatur, Neb., will be benefited by the
expenditure of at least STi.WO for the Im
provement of the Missouri river banks near
that place. The senator received tis In
formation from the War department today.
Last winter Senator Burkett was Instru
mental In securing the services of the
War department In helping protect Decatur
(Continued on Second Page.)
The sleeping fox
catches no poultry.
Look to the want ads If you are
awake to opportunities. The little
ads are used by so many people
and In so many ways that the want
ad pages are aa Interesting as any
In the paper.
A better position better
help a better room a better
house or a bargain in a lot
or a wash machine may be
youra on account of the want
ad habit.
Have you read the want a4 yet
II" " . v "
pgr mmm
Two Degrees for
Charles W. Eliot
at Harvard
Number of Graduates at Cambridge is
850 Many Distinguished
CAMnRTDOE, Mass., June SO. With
thousands of foyat alumni assembled, and
with the first president emeritus in at
tendance, commencement at Harvard uni
versity today was a notable occasion. The
usual Ideal Harvard commencement
weather prevailed, with sunny skies and
cooling breezes.
The candidates for degrees in course
numbered 860.
At 10 o'clock the president and fellows,
overseers, faculty and other officers of the
university, the candidates for honorary and
course degrees and tho large number of
distinguished guests, formed In procession
In (he college yard and marched to San
ders' theater, where the exercises werr
held. The invited guests Included man
distinguished public officials, military and
naval officers and heads of educational
In the theater the commencement, ora
tions were delivered by the students. The
conferring of the degrees followed.
The honorary degrees of doctor of medi
cine and doctor of laws were conferred
upon Charles William Eliot, former presi
dent of Harvard.
President Lowell, in conferring the for
mer, said Dr. Eliot had "accomplished
more for ths progress of the medical
education In this country than any' other
living man. He found our medical school
brick and left It marble."
Found Dead
Under Culvert
Wealthy Farmer of Wichita Evi
dently Murdered, Though Body
is Not Robbed.
HUTCHINSON, Kan., June 80.-C. B.
Glest, a wealthy retired farmer of Wich
ita, Kan., was found dead under a culvert
five miles from Burrton last night, by a
boy named Glest, no relative. He had died
from gunshot wounds, a portion of the
neck belr.g blown away. No motive for
murder Is known. Glest's porketbook was
undistributed. The coroner and sheriff are
Alleged Filibuster Vessel
Stopped in New York Harbor
NEW YORK. June 30.-The British
steamer Ethelwold, a small and harmless
looking little steamer lying at the outer
edge of the forest of shipping which skirts
the south Brooklyn water-front, was neld
up by United State customs officers to
night on suspicion that the vessel was
about to engage In a filibustering expe
dition against the little West Indian re
public of San Domingo.
The order to detain the steamer was re
ceived tonight from Assistant Secretary
McIIaxg of the Department of Commerce
and ' Labor at Washington, and as
promptly executed by William Loeb, col
lector of the port of New York. The
Wakhlngton advices are that the minister
from Haytl hud complained to the State
department that the Ethelwold was te
lleved to have been engaged by Jose SL
Pierre Glordanl and General Juan Jimlnes,
San Domlngane, to lead In a filibustering
Within an hour after receipt of ths order
Collector Doeb had two customs officers
on the ship. They were placed aboard
with orders not to let It sail.
Equalization Board Has About Con
eluded Its Labors.
llayden Bros. Have a 108,000 Cat
from Their Assessment, and Many
Others Make Successful Pleas
for Redactions.
After several weeks of wrangng with
property owners over their assessments,
Uie county board of equalization has con
cluded its scheduled business and ad
juurned. Nearly 600 clalma were heard
most of them concerning personal prop'
erty, as real estate cases were not taken
up unless absolutely necessary. The biggest
reduction made was upon the assessment
of llayden Bros., which was cut to $t000
from $4UO,000. Another big change was in
the case of Mrs. Mary E. McMenemy, who
wag. at first taxed upon llti.DGO, but upon
showing thut an assessment transfered
from Washington county was no lunger
valid, her property was valued at $900. The
lual case considered was the protest of
II. P. Iavltt, representing the Continental
Trust company, whose assessment tha
board raised from 12,600 to $6,700. Mr.
Leavltt asserts that the securities upon
which taxes are being levied are owned by
clients of the trust company and not by
the company itself. The mutter will prob
ably be considered.
The board, which consisted of members
Brunlng, Trulnor, Bedford, Plckard and
Kennard of the county commissioners,
County Clerk Haverly and County As
sessor Shrlver, with Mr. Tralnor as chair
man, will not dissolve organisation, but
will meet again next Saturday to consider
emergency cases and hold together until
about August 1. when final reports will
be received from the state board.
K 11 any Redactions.
The following Is a list of ths biggest
changes that were made by the board a
the solicitation of the property owners
Names. AaMeNMed. Red. Ilic
M. YVallsten Co f 17.600 $ 6.0u0 $.
Mary . McMenemy.. lii.K0 ltf.OM)
J. 11. Millard....
. 1,.'"0
Elizabeth Maloney..
Charles Gruenig
Ellen E. Cannon
Grace Walton
E. W. (lunther
A. Mandelberg
2. 000
Omaha Transfer Co... 12.0U0
Union Stock Yards Co. 106.WO
O. W. Type Foundry.. 42.000
Barneon & Haas 6.876
Cenfl Coal & Coke Co. 83,000
Mets Bros. Brewing Co. M.OUO
Omaha Furniture &
(Continued on Second Page.)
Captain Brown and ail others In author
Ity were found tO bo a.shore when the ves
sel Was visited tonight.
Cuxtoms Inspector William E. Dodge ex
plained that he and Inspector R. W. Reul
bi-rger had come aboard scarcely an hour
before to see that tho vessel did not sail
lie aid no Inspection had been made of
the cargo arid none would be undertaken
tonight, and that although he knew noh
lng definitely of any filibustering, he did
know that something of the sort was sus
pected. A search of the cargo, he said
would protubly be made tomorrow.
Jose St. Pierre Glordanl. whom WuhIi
Ington advices Implicated In the allege
fllllbuster, was former consul general in
New York from San Domingo, and was
later the agent of a formidable consplr
acy against Haytl, San Domingo and Cuba
He was convicted In New York about
year ago and sentenced to six months'
Oeneral Juan Jimlnes was formerly prcn
Ident of San Domingo and was leader of
the Jlmlnesitat plot to overthrow ths gov'
ernment of the little republic,
Federal Judges Issue Order Restrain
ing State Officers from Putting
it Into Effect
State's Attorneys Are Given Twenty
Days to File Brief.
Case Then to B Disposed of on Its
Old Hoard and Kmployee Will ten.
tlano to Perform Duties List
of Men Mho May Be
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 1 (Special.) Members
of the State Ranking board and the secre-
ary to the hoard have been temporarily.
enjoined from putting Into effect the new
banking law enacted by the late legisla
ture. The temporary Injunction was Issued
by Judge Van Deventer of the circuit
court of appeals and Judge T. C!. Munger
of tha federal court this morning, following
two days' hearing on the application.
The" attorneys for the state were given
twenty days In when to file briefs In op
position to the application to make tha In
junction permanent and the attorneys for
the plaintiff ten days after that In which
to reply.
The application for the Injunction was
made by fifty-two state and private banks,
represented by John L. Webster and W. V
Allen, while the state was represented by
Judge I. L. Albert of Columbus and C. O.
Whedon of Lincoln. Attorney General
Thompson advised with the latter two, but
made no oral argument In the case.
Examiners Majr Lose Jobs.
The new banking law which has been en
joined created a banking board composed
of the governor, the auditor and ths at
torney general, the governor taking the .
place of the state treasurer, who was f
membeY of the bosrd under the old lsw,
ITpder the new law the governor was given
power to make all the appointment and
he had already appointed Samuel Patter
son, secretary, and seven examiners. These
persoos would have assumed their offices
on the morning of July S had the Injunc
tion been denied. As It la the old secre
tary, E. Royse, and the present examiners
will hold on until the esse Is settled.
In addition to Samuel Patterson, who,
at least for the present, will not take his
job, the following examiners appointed by
Governor Shallenberger will not connect
with the state pay boa unless the perma
nent Injunction Is denied: Charles R.
O'Malley, Omaha: H. P. Dowllng, Grand
Island; E. H. Lulkhart, Cedar Rapids;
Floyd Cobolt, Llnoolrti L. H. Tats, Omaha. "
C. W. Erwln and C II. Beaumont, who
were examiners Under the Old law. Were '
reappointed by Governor Bhallenberr un
der the new law, but they will not be
affected. Treasurer Brian Is opposed to
giving a place to any examiner who ac
cepted an appointment at the hands of
the democratic governor, but the attorney
general and the state auditor have no In
tention of disturbing the examiners with
two commissions.
The legislature which enacted the new
law also appropriated $3,000 a year, or $1,000
Increase, for the secretary to the board, and
this salary will be drawn by Mr. Royse,
pending the final disposition of the suit
and the salary of the chief clerk was
Increased $300 and the satary of ths stenog
rapher $200 a year.
History of New Law.
The new law was the result of weeks of
toll by a special committee composed of
members of the senate and house of the
last legislature. After working over the
bill for some weeks, ths committee asked
for permission to employ counsel to draft
the measure, Mr. Bryan having left ths
state without doing It, and I. L. Albert
of Columbus waa employed. Judge Albert
drafted a bill which in all particulars did
not suit the committee, and tha Albert
draft was materially changed.
When the attorney general was Consulted
he advised that the guaranty section pro
vide that the banks may either give a
guaranty bond or contribute to a fund
for the guaranty of ths desoslla. This
advice was Ignored and the committee
drafted its compulsory guaranty section,
which was upon the one point mora than
any other that the opponents of tha law
made their most objections.
At this lime there are 664 banks char
tered to do business In Nebraska as state
institutions, of which fifty-three have been
chartered sine January 1. Fourteen banks
were chartered In June.
Cause of Strike
Dead at Pittsburg
One of the lien Whose Grievance! Led
to Trouble Diet Without
Benefiting", -
PITTSBlTRO. I'a., Jun 30 Death 'ef
fectively settled one contention of ths re
cent street car strike in this city when
early today Murray C. McOlbney. a motor
man, succumbed after a brief Illness. For
several years he had run a work car and
when he left thut recently he was placed
on the extra list by the company. In his
case the question of seniority was one of
the most important to be adjusted before
the strike was settled. He was finally
restored to his proper place by the com
pany, but died today, without having bene
fited by the battle fought for him by
more than $.000 comrades. '
Heport of Many Ueatha at Nlles,
N. I)., Proves to Urn in
true GRAND FORKS. N. D., June . The
latest report from Nlles, N. I)., where a
tornado late yesterday was supposed to
have killed eight perHons and injured many.
Is that only tight persons war slightly
Injured and that ne waa killed.