OIE BEE: OMATIA. WEDNESDAY, TUXE 30, 1900. 8 11 Want - Ads Arerttoe.atr far tka waat ad eetawae win ke takes aatll ee. far tka errata- ralrloa aaa aatll III a. I as. far tka aaeralasT wil Seeder 1 tleae. Casl f weat ke Cask am WMaur all erarre " t eas ul aa aaeertteeeaeat will reeste far leas tkaa SO aeate foe first liMrllM, Rate aaalr ta aftkaa Tka Dally a laager Baa. Ceasklaatleae af laltlaU ar aasekere era at aaa war. Always (! aim wtHi ta a ! CAift RATES FOB WAUT AUS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa ( fasertloa 1 1-1 eeata war aaa 1 ' real aer ward far aaak eakerejaeat liMtllai. Emi laeertlea asaae aa aaa dare, t 1-t caata aaa werai 1.0 Weat aaa far Tka Baa aaar aa at lay of tka fellawfas stores ' aaa la rear "tent rasrlet" tkey ' ara all kraaek afflaaa far Tka Baa aaa rear ad will ka taeertea last mm I a row ally l aa tka aaaaa rates aa at ' tka saata atflea la Tka Baa Ballalag, ; Seeeateeatk aael raraaaa street I Allach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. I Feranek, 0. A., 1409 8. ltth St. : Bcrht Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 934 and Cuming, i Blake's Pharmacy, 2MB Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C. R, th and Pierce eta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2813 Military Ara. Conte, J. B., (let Ave. and Farnam St Criesey pharmacy, 34th and Lake Sts. Cermak, fcmll. lanM 8. Uth St. Ehlera, P. H.. 203 Leavenworth St Poster Arnold!. Hit N. 26th St. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 4tn St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Snyder Pharmacy, 10th and Lake fits, Greenough. G. A., 134 S. lOtli St. Greenough, O. A., 1GM ft. 10th St Hayden, William C, 9P90 Farnam St. Hoist, John, 624 N. ltth St. Huff. A. L., rZt Leavenworth St. ntnituui rui H rnarmacy, iwi sum ow jving, ii. n., r arnam nt KctintM Place Pnartnacr. 2401 N. 84th St. Lsthrop. Charles E., 1324 N. Mth St Patrick Drug Co.. 16tt N. tU St. DEATH AND FCHERAti NOTICES. FLYNN llllam F., formerly of Omaha: Al4 In Dorchester. Mass.. June Zl. Hroiher of Marv McNemara of Dorohes- tr nd the late Catherine Flynn of Omaha. Aged S9 ear. Interment in Brookllne, Mm. ' GARDINER Carolina, June 2S, 1908, aged 78 years. rim.l services will be held at family residence, HJS North Nineteenth street, Wednesday, June au, at I p. m. imnunui Forest Lawn cemetery. JENSEN Loyal Percy, June 29, 1809, aged Ill years 2 months 4 days. I Funeral from famtlv residence, 822 oum Twenty-slxlh street, Wednesday at 2 p. m. Interment Sprlngwell cemetery. Friends invito NEWCOMB-Martha E., June 28, 1909, aged 7 years. 1 .....i.. .m ha t.M at family ifv; Km.th Twentv-elehth street. Wednesdav June 30, at I p. m. inurinnu Prospect lllll cemetery. rniTH-s.nfnrfl o at Hastings Neb., of Funeral at Hastings. June w. BIRTHS AND DEATHS t-,.... GetZSChmann, 2018 Dupont k Doleys, 1732 South Four; Births Charles . , hAv Prank teenth street, boy; Krland Burgeson, tilt Burt street, lrl. Deaths oeorge wniie. iwOTuin street, 4ti; Anna a. """f ""'"'" street, 67; Mrs. Margaret nvium, m. scph's hospital, S3; Robert Johnson, St Joseph's hospital, 41; Harry Johnson, 4124 Ames avenue, 42; Marie Brown, 21 Brls- tol street, 33. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th. fnlTowlna ' marriage licenses have V..n n -1 ! s4 ' K'.m. ni T4eal1nra. Age. . h , 0., i.nK fvnhnn Omaha - : oa Hattle C. Kruger, omana Lewis C. Thompson, Hawarden 26 Ketta L. apeake, omana . . m i .-win finitth Dmlhl 24 Maude Murphy, South Omaha.... Bert McNealy, Louisville, Neb.... Daisy McNealy, Louisville, Neb.... Charles E. Cobbey, Beatrice, Neb.. Mabel M. Snyder, Omaha Viiiiwn Anokls. South Omaha.... iierimiu, "--. - on "!24 JJ ...29 Jiikullna Kucenovska, South Omaha.... 18 i ANNOUNCEMENTS nu n safe and Iron Works makes a rxtmaltv of fire escapes, shutters, doors ( . V n An,...n nrnn litQ k ii,, k i and safes. Q. Andreen. prop.. 103 p. Ultu I SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.. 1804 Famaro uu iei. iu.im iw. MONEY TO LOAN LOW KAT1. In sums to suit. 110 Rea RldK. 'Phone Doug. 2M4. 1TVM AVT I M V AJ Ul W UaHaWA a,r rare. A -a VWa RADIUM WATER. NATURE'S REMEDY. Try a gallon. II. It Ii wonderful .No- wata bina ok &ui diui, .t . x. I Ufa Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Red lumt. Open evenings. Monuments. J. F. Bloom & Co., 1816 Farnam. U POUNDS sugar, 81; sold only with 31 order oi otner gooas. noyune lea 'ja. 406 N. 16tU SU Doug. 2446. Ind. U 2446, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. .r .i..n ..... n.nams. stiff .nrf moft hata 1116 FaxnamT nata. w '". HUL8B a RIEPEN. funeral directors, sue- I, - . . 11 -im a ,it.W &J. . JL 1GN PAINTING S. Ii. Cole. 1301 Douglas. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. CMAHA Mirror and Art Glass C. art glass mitre cutting, beveling mirrors of all kinds, resuveruig auu naming, oirice ' i.M 'v ! PIANOS TUNED for 11.50. month of June; prompt service; work guaranteed. 1 'PUone D 1091 Corl Piano Co.. 1616 Farnam. ! Missouri filters made a sold. 1310 Howard. UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau, 204 Old Boston Store Bldg. Music Indexing cabl I neuv JENSEN'S Sanitary House Cleaning Co. Residence phone evenings. Bensou 252. I Douglas TO; Ind. A-8U37. i 600 MEN and women wanted to hear EUe- ; abeth Towne. Lyric theater, July 1. AUTOMOBILES . -. " . ..,., , MBBLMS-m., L'r LV"."aerw cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co.. MM4 Farnam St. - MODEL X. -cyllnder Oldsmoblle. i- naasencer touring car. Excellent condition. At a bargain. Freeland airoa.-Ashland Co., UUa rai'um umana. BEND for our Use of seoond hand cars. PERIurTT AUTOMOBILE CO., lkU Farnam St. BRAND new Mason Tourabout with Toy Tonneau. full equipment, glass front, will aacrlfloa. A. F. Dean,- Rockwell City, la. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO., storage, auto mobile repairing, dlamoad Urea. 8413 Har ney. STORAGE. centrally located, opposite library, Ull Harney St. Brick P. Kuhn. FOR SALE Fine electric automobile, al most new, bargain. I. Zlegler. 'Phone Doug las ltoL BARTER AND EXCHANGE v CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil. gaj and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis. Baiauat Graham A Co., Selling Brokera, New York Lite Building. Montreal, Can ada. A GOOD paying restaurant at a bargain M laaaiy.goon. Addreas K 86, oare ee. BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) WANTED Small Farm Near Omaha Or Council Bluff In exchange for fine 1.600 ecre well Improved reach tn Nebraska. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Suite 636 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phone Red 1990. Omaha, Neb. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT t We have farm, ranch. HOMES IN OMAHA. We will trade with you. Come In and eee ue. Nowata Land and I-ot Co., (iilte 624. N. Y. Life Bid.. Phone Red lain, Oraaba, Neb. Open evening MY nice, clean stock of merchandise. In voicing $.". Douglas county, for "clear home. bulMinc or Improved farm; no mort gaged property. AddrcsB B 18, Bee. We have clear western land for city or town residence property. 480 Urandela wag. BKMIS We handle exchange for reliable parties no profeosional traders need lint; quick action. BEMIS, BRANDEIS BLPU. BUSINESS CHANCES Tr nir.T in or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-3367. ONLY drug store In town of 700. Two doctors prescribing, uooa Business. Ad dress Y 3&, cars liee. WESTERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 4U8 Hee Vldg. Tel. u. iw VRir.R IneMa Information, free plans, par ticulars and valuable free advance advices on Golden Opportunities for everyone, everywhere. Including free money-making buBlnesH openings, manufacturing cnances, cheap farms, lands, lots, house, buildings, inventions, stores, lactones, investments. etc. Everybody write. No fake. All ab solutely free. Postcards answered. Aslt for copy of greatest buyers and sellers magazine on earth free, it is a tning oi beauty. Address Eeveryday Life Maga sine, Dept. 78, Chicago, 111. A restaurant, bakery and confection ery business in a good Iowa town. 8ales average $35 per day. Must be sold quick ana cheap. Address y lrj, care Bee. FOR SALE Cheap, a first class cable tubular well machine complete; engine, tools, etc.; good as new; owner going into the oil fields and cannot uae machine there. A dirt cheap price will be named by writ ing. L. E. Evans, Monowt, Neb. THE owner of one of the best paying general merchandise stocks In north oentral Nebraska must go west for his health and offers for sale a business that aver- ages tA) sales per day In a small town, not mucn expense, i nis win pay ror nseii in a year and a half. Would trade for real estate or sell with only small amount iaown. u. n.. r.vans, moiiowi, iseo. GENERAL MERCHANDISE and lmnle- ments, In good western Nebraska town. Cash sales 13,000 per month. Will take 111,- uw to nannie It. iso traues. Aaaress x , care Bee. : : TT FOR RENT Store room, lust vacated. in maagett Duiming; an tnoaern ana up Jo date; sue ZZxbO. Wm. Madgett, Has FOR SALE The best Reneral merchan- u uumn-s anu uuuuimk hi m sow uvc business town, on the Ashland and Sioux iv ii , x v. i,. iicn, v: 1 1 a 1 1 bivv k, iiiiiii, i.i ,n frame building, with basement and sec- '"i"' VT. aiiu owruifii Di'i 1 1, 1 1 iru i. uuvu icmuii iui selling. This is a snap for somebody. For further Information write to Box B, Ueh- llng. Neb. 10-ROOM modern rooming house within w blocks of postofflce; will sacrifice for oniric sal. Address H T Ree mcit Bale' Address H 7. Bee. GOOD stock, new and second hand fur- nlture. located In central Neb. town; also 6.y,ar lAa8e on bldg.; will exchange on iom automobile. Address Y 801, care nee. GRAIN elevator in first-class condition for Bale; good territory, good trade, best reason for selling. Address Helblg ft Co., 629 Bee Hldg. PARTNER wanted at once; At manufac turing business. Must Invest 1300. This is la live wire; Investigate. Address G-23, Bee. FOR SALE Pslnt and paper-hanging shop, cheap. 1414 S. 13th St. arnpir of nr.i m.rnh.nHi.. ..i. will sell or rent store building and dwell- ing. Address Chas. Wltte, Elkhorn, Neb. ' rrT mtui. , ... I v,. . -j. f . i j n v a iii.iu, it tuncn a i once; ono or the best paying country news PaP,",, ,n Nebraska; nearly all new power Hium, nuuu reason jor selling; a snap ror some one. Write qulok. Address Y178, oare DENTISTS BAILEY MACK. 8d floor. Paxton. D. 1086. TAFT'S dental rooms, 1517 Douglas St. . t.' n. rivrvca, ion ana r H mum ne s a dentl,t; DalnU extraction. 60 cents. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1(505 Farnam St. Douglas 617. I"l R FQS M A W CRQ I MllaiWWIIiniWIIM IN FAMILIES Miss 8turdy. Tel. Ind. A 2677 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1628 Farnam, TERRY College. Mth and Farnam Sts. EDUCATIONAL 6UMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLES COLLEGE F.nter now foi'Complete training In all commercial branches including bMkkeep- civil service, railway mall and all govern ment grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request. Address H. B Boyles. President, Omaha, Nab. Both 'Phnnal Official training school for U. P. R. R. Telegraph Department. MISS DeWITT will continue classes In music during summer months. Special at- tention to beginners on pianos. Phone Red mz& 1 1 nrTrATiurs I V t Omaha Det. Agency. 42 Paxton Blk. D. 1318. G. M. WAKDELL. 2728 Farnam St. H. 4772. A. J. ADLER, 617 Karbach Blk. Doug. 2832. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices. Buy direct from Ira nortera. save dealers' profits. 1214 Har ney, or 'phone Ijuui(, 22is, and agent will call. MARINELIX) Consult the expert derma toloKtat. luabelle S. Paul of Chicago, re gardlng that case of acne blackheads and nlmnles. First treatment to I iu tiifii case FREE. MAR1NELLO positively will cui It. llobson's Beauty Shop, 1D08 Douglas bt. Entrance through Kern millinery. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty, Lessons Tuesday, inursnay and batur days Firing daily. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, fe4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. nea bws. Instructions In China and water colors at SPECIAL RATES during the summer months. M. R. Emlg, Studio 938 N. Y. L. WE RENT, repair, sell needles and part 11 sewing machines. Nebraska Cycl 15th and Harney Sts. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best. Only one office. 1 13 Jones St. THE PANTORIUM. TRUNKS, suit cases, traveling goods and leather novelties: high class repairing Frellr.g & Stelnle )K0 Farnam St., Oppoalta City Hal FLORISTS nn a vnrTQ cut flower dept. SOlJm blDE New store. HESS a nam. 8WOBODA, Florists, 1411 Far HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dall from our hothouses, for June weddings and decorations. Douglae U& 1619 Fa nam, BEE want-ads sell more real estate than any medium in FLORISTS- (Continued.) J. H. BATH, 1CJ Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000, HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aaa Office. STENOGRAPHER. Insurance, S0-l0. Stenographer, retail firm, 114 per week. Bookkeeper and stenographer, real estate, $40. Stenographer and Bookkeeper, commis sion firm, J50. If you are in need of a position aa stenog rapher or bookkeeper, don't fall to see us at once, for we have several exceptionally good ones. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory aad Trade. inn (-.tAt.r wanted In baa and horse cloth Ing departments; steady work and good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. Uaaaekeeaera aaa Demeeftea. niRT. for reneral housework, In small family; good wages. Mrs. Cowdery, IS2n So. 36th St. GIRL for general housework. 8409 Cali fornia St. 'Phone Harney 1756. GENERAL housework girl, family of S. 3224 Harney. Telephone H 4078. WANTED Girl for general housework, to go to lake resort for July and August. Permanent place. Apply 104 So. 84th St. Tel. H-1135L SMALL family wants capable girl; good wages. Call at 3225 P.- r?d St., Omaha, or 'phone Erlckson, South 252. WANTED A cook, at 202 Woolworth Ave.; 18 per week to right party. Apply at once. Call Sunday. WANTED Elderly lady, to assist with housework; good home for rlghv party. A. Anderson, 59th and Pacific. MAID for general housework, good cook, no washing, reference required, wages 125. Thomas Brown. 1824 Wirt St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1538 Park Ave. Tel. Harney I486. GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. J. M. Dow. BOOS California Su WANTED A nurse girl. 4643 Dodge. A GIRL at 3122 Chicago St. No laundry or chamber work. WANTED Experienced girl for second work; good wages. Mi Dodge hi. GIRL for general housework, 516 8. 22d; between St. Mary Ave. and Howard. A GOOD girl for general housework. 1544 N. 19th. WANTED Bohemian girl between ages 14 and IS for general housework; one who can sleep at home. 1128 N. 16th St. WANTED Housekeeper, 608 N. 38th St. Good salary to a good woman. Call Har ney 74. WANTED Attendant for elderly lady, Apply 3707 Jones St. WANTED Girl for general housework 2828 California. GOOD girl for general housework; no washing; good references. 8722 Pacific St Phone Harney 1260. MIDDLE aged lady or competent young girl to assist with care of children and ght housework; references exchanged. 618 zza Mt., south omana. GOOD girl for general housework; good wages and good home. 615 S. 29th St. GIRL for general housework. Call fore noons. 1526 Wlrst St. Mrs. E. H. Ella. Tel. Webster 1229. WANTED Girl for general housework to go to Clear Lake, la., this summer. 104 S. S4th St. Tel. Harney 113S. GOOD plain cook wanted at 2406 Harney St. Tel. Douglas 183. GIRL to work for room and board while going to school. 602 S. 16; h. MAID for housework. 2123 Cass St. Miss Callahan. GIRL wanted to assist with general housework. 2116 Cass. GIRL for general housework. 2421 Spencer 6t. 'Phone Webster 1IW7. WANTED Girl for housework. 703 S. 16th. WANTED An experienced s'econd girl. S17 8. 87th Bt. A COMPETENT girl for kitchen work. E10 8. 22d St. Mrs. Hadra. Douglas 4430. GIRL for general housework. 3126 Chi cago St- Tel. Harney 2176. GIRL for general housework. 2013 Doug- GIRL to take care of baby from 8 to 6; go home nights. 560 8. 26th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2828 California St WANTED Competent second girl, out of city; 830; transportation furnished; no laun dry. Apply Mrs. Hiubps, 1W4 r arnam. WANTED A girl for general housework; two in family. 2029 Dodge. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family, good wages. 2XW Lo cust. GIRL or woman to assist with house work; 'phone Harney 2608. 3710 Cass. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Tel. Harney 9M, or call 3604 Harney St RELIABLE girl for general housework: family of three grown people. 2616 Harney St WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family, separate apart ment with bath, best wages, permanent place. 3504 Woolworth Ave. Tel. Harney 1849. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no children. 1103 Faik Ave. GOOD girl for general housework. Mrs. J. M. Flynn. 1614 Castellar. 'Phone Red 64o4. GIRL for general housework, small family, 85; flat pieces sent to laundry. Tel. Harney 3464. Mrs. O. C. Edgerly, 5110 Cum ing St GIRL for general housework. 1810 Emmet St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 2648 Harney St. 'Phone Harney 111. WANTED Competent girl for general house work, good cook, also second girl. Apply. '3411 Farnam St Good girl for general house work, family of 2. good wages. J. J. Derlght, 1818 Far nam St If lseellaaeaaa. WANTED Pupil nurses at the Douglas countv hospital, 40th and Poppleton Ave. Tel. Harney 447. FIVE girls to press ladles' skirts; good wages; steady work, zmn ueavenwonn hi. WANTED Experienced linen room woman. Apply Housekeeper, Hotel Rome. WANTED Toung girl to run Ice cream stand with carnival company. Address 8. Krause, Blair. Neb. WHEN you reply to advertisements which appear In these Want Ad. columns kindly mention the fact that you saw Uieir ad vertUscuieut In Tbe Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, ftellcltera aaa Saleawea. ATTENTION. ELECTRICIANS. Wanted, twenty skilled wtremen, wages from 93 to 14 per dny, steady work for competent men. Charles C. Montgomery, secretary free employment department. Business Men'a association, &2& N. Y. L. Bldg. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir culation manager The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Sideline salesmen In every state calling on the hardware trade, to aell porcelain numbers and letters on commis sion. Entirely new line. Pocket sample weighs five ounces. The Cambridge Tile Mfg. Co.. Covington. Ky. FOUND A new money maker; a house hold necessity; every home buya. G. Han lev. New York, sold 131 first two days; made IS2: sells Itself when shown; people borrow money to buy; costs 4uc; sens si; 300.000 sold In New York since September; write for your county. Catalogue free. U. B. Co., 727 Main. Leipslc, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED-At the Humph rey nursery. Humphrey, Neb., to sell nur sery stock In Nebraska; must be exper ienced, sobet snd reliable. EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen by whip manufacturer to solicit best retail dealers on liberal terms. References re quired with application. A. J. Cook Whip Co., Westflcld. Mass. WANTED Sales manaser for Nebraska. We are manufacturers of a new hlgti clsss nri.rtialr,r .twriaiiv. Want exnertenced man, good pay. See Barlow, Hotel Loyal. Clerical aad Office. EXPERIENCED order clerk. 855. Traveling salesman, coal, 1100. Stenographer, 175. Asst. bkpr., 160. Two telegraph operators, 870. If vou are in need of a position, call or write for a complete list of vacancies. WESTERN KEF. & BOND ASS'N, INC. 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED First-class prescription clerk. Sherman & McConnell, 16th and Dodge. TWO hotel clerks, Wyoming, 840-150. Night clerk for hotel, out of city, 820, board and room. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. Boys. BOY with experience to work In bake hop. 1S29 North 24th St. Factory and Trades. WANTED One all around butcher, one that has experience In meat cutting pre ferred. Good pnv to right party. Call or address J. W. Walter, Sterling, Colo., Box 193. CIGARMAKERS wanted at once. West ern Cigar Factor, Haitington, Neb. BRICKLAYERS, Wanted at Institution, Glenwood, la. Rate 66 cts. 9 hrs. work. W. J. Zittrell, contractor. Bllscellaueoaa. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Ass n.; co fees. Call 525 N. Y. Life Bldg. LEARN to earn 3100 per month; write O. D. B., Northwestern Automobile School, Omaha Commercial College Bldg., Omaha. MEN Learn barber trade. Splendid pay after few weeks with us. Shop experience and wages while learning, loois, demon strations, examinations and diplomas given. Big demand for MOLER graduates Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 S. Mth St. WANTED First-class bushelman and presser, at once.. Bell 'phone. East, the Tailor, Grand Island, Neb. DRUG atcro and Job?. Knlest. Bee Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. WAOON UMBRELLAS, now only 81 runabout and almost new cabriolet. John son, Danforth Co., 10th and Jones. Tele phone Harney 623. FINE horse, runabout buggy and harness for sale. H. O. Steel, 642 Brandels Eldg. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday morning, on Eleventh or Douglas Sts., Christian Science quarterly In case. Leave at Bee office for reward. LEFT at the Burwood Sun. eve., gray cravenette coat; leave at box office or 'phone Harney 8646; reward. Will party who took silk umbrolla from west side Hanacom park car MoniUiy even ing, please return to 16th and laieg Sts. and receive reward. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nervo Food Pills, 31 a box, postpaid, fcherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton's Medical college 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attentlan paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'PUone Doug las 1167. Calls answeted. day or night MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices in 6 principal cities, 'iolmuu, Room 6U, New York Life Bldg. U Record Mortgages 3 r 8 File your name 3 with other companies, I or I Charge extra for 8 extensions of time, 8 or 8 Charge you an We Do Not lUt Application fee. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone. Doug. 2295. Entrance: 306 S. 16th St. UU31S9 MONEY TO LOAN MISUil UHlt ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. tMli 8U8 SALARIES. ETC:. Uill II at the cheapest possible) 'ate In M 18 the city. Open until 9 30 p. m. 8 13 Tel Douglas 2036. Ind. A -2036 11 13 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. mt 8MI58 601 Brown Blk., 3W1 lmt Opposite Brandels. tUHUl MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port Sts.. warehouse 2207-09 Izard St. OFFERED FOR RENT tJoardlag aad Rooma. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. TWO connecting rooms with board, to permanent couple or two gentlemen. In modern home; references. 1918 Cass. Pnone D. 1476. ROOM and board, 2213 Howard St Mrs. I. P. Majors. Both 'phonrs. TWO modern front bedrooms with board for four gentlemen; 86 each. 818 So. 21st Bt. FRONT parlor with board In private family; walking distance. 211 South 2th Ave. FOR two nioa Jewish young men. 2226 Poppleton Ave. LARGE front room with cloaet, for two; 86 each, 2211 Douglas St. NICE front room aiUi board, tea Far nam Sb Nebraska OFFERED FOR RENT Board lag aad Roowa Coa tlaaed. FAST and south side rooms with board reasonsble rates. 213 8. 26th St., Tel. Doug las 8138. A-4S55, FURNISHED rooms, with breakfast. 811 S. !9th Ave. NICELY furnished modern front room In private home; suitable for one or two gen tlemen; electric lights; breakfast and din ner. Telephone Hsrney 4686. Good board and room for 2 or 3 gentle men. Private family. Tel., Harney 4768. Faralaked Rooms. FURNISHED rooms by the week; electric elevator, hot and cold water; rates reasonable. Oma Hotel. 16th and Jackson. PLEASANT rooms; two south windows; also large front, modern, 614 N. 23d. Phone R. 4S64. FOR RENT Desirable front room; pri vate family. 2403 Harney. WELL furnished front room, modern; private family; nice lawn surrounds house. 702 S. 29th St. FURNISHED room 810 per month. 8416 Lafayette Ave., Bemls Park. Tel. Harney 4730. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board. Ideal location for the summer. 614 Park Ave. COSY room for one or two gentlemen. 708 S. 17th St. ONE large front room. 120 N. 25th St. LARGE furnished front room; 827 8. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 6227. FURNISHED rooma: suitable for two; southern exposure; board If desired. 4016 Hamilton St. NICE, newly furnished back parlor and one bedroom; strlotly modern. Private lam lly; near high school. 313 N. 20th St. BEAUTIFUL front room; board If de- sired; lady preferred. 2406 Cass. TTnt(1 "Rnnuet Formerly Karbach ilOiei DOquei ,5tn an(1 Howard SU. STRICTLY modern rooms. 1817 Leaven worth, 3d floor. Phone Douglas 6001. LARGE, cool, modern rooms for gentle men. 1913 St. Mary's Ave. ONE large, nicely furnished room. 901 N. 17th St. VERY desirable double room, nicely fur pished; fine locality; walking distance: also large single room; modern. Telephone. tt4 t. atn su TWO nice south front rooms. 4940 Capitol Ave., Dundee. LARGE, cool front room, newly fur- nisnea; an modern; private family. 711 N, Uth. Tel. Red 6336. FOR RENT Furnished room In all mod ern house. 1041 Park Ave. Tel. Harnev sunt. TWO furnished south front rooms; newly decorated; private family. 2222 Howard. Mrs. orr. GOOD rooms. X? ner week: free bath Ogden Hotel, Co. Bluffs. TWO modern front bedrooms, with board, ior tour gentlemen, tit a. Hist St. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished room, Park Ave.; modern, electric lights, gas, .bath, near first-class boarding house. rnone narney 845. TWO suites of nicely furnished and at modern house; no children. 424 N. 40th Call after i p. m. FURNISHED room; house new; plenty or not water. 318 N. wth St. FURNISHED rooms for rent; bath; one or two gentlemen with or without board. 3i04 Sherman Ave. PARLOR and alcove, suitable for two young men. 2210 Harney St. FRONT room: modern, walking distance, Board if desired, 1506 No. 17th St. Webster 453. MODERN room, walking distance, 88, 2602 oodge est. NICE, small furnished room for a fine gentleman, with everything modern. Rea sonable. 2218 Douglas St. NICE, cool sleeping room, east front. modern house, 86 month. 2204 Ohio. Webster 016. COOL, front room, one or two gentlemen modern. 97.60. 2008 No. Uth St. Apartmeats aad Flats. THREE and 6-rootr. flats, Scargo Bldg 6'6'4 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'phones. 8 AND 4-ROOM Apt, modern, 816 g. 22d FOR RENT 6 and 6-room flats, all mod ern except furnace,, situated on 13th and castellar. Tel. Douglas 6666. FOR RENT. Six-room flat, modern except furnace, 920 per montn. m.vt in. ioin hi. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. Doug. 6108 or A-2033. BY July 1st at 30th and Farnam. new. strictly modern five room. St Louis Flatu, l eiepnone nariiey en as. FOR RENT 6-room lower flat; close In all modern, low rent to good tenant Ap piy at wt n. intn pi. NEW, modern 6-room St. Louis flat; will be finished July 1; 1737 Georgia Ave.: nice lawn and shade trees. Phone Douglas 3233, 11 to 12 a. m., i u I p. m- SIX rooms, new, strictly modern, oa finish. 27th and Jackson, 836. BEMIS. Bran dels Bldg. LOOK at 538 8. 2ith Ave., attractive 5 room apartment; first floor of practical! new brick; strictly modern; In best condl tion; 135. Harney liue. Housekeeping Roams. FOR RENT 3 rooms upstairs, 1618 N. 25th, DESIRABLE modern rooms on th ground floor: furnished complete for house keeping; gas for cooking; easy walking distance. 114 caniornia mi. NEWLY furnished rooms, suitable for two for light housekeeping; near Hanscom park, one block from car line; light; cook ing gas; L'm, una Ul puune. luut a. SIS USE of parlors, dining room kitchen, laundry ana pearoom, iia montn, 43 rar nam. ROOMS for light housekeeping; nicely furnished. 616 N. zutn tit. PART of nicely furnished flat with gas range for rent; everything up to date; mar ried couple or z young business ladles pre ferred. 820 N. 5-th t., Omaha. MRS. DAVIS. 618 8. 26lh St., can aocom moaaie married couple or two gentiemei wttii nicelv furnished room and board: als single room. In quiet select home, mod erate. TWO nicely finished rooma, walking dls ance. 2425 uooge. rnone, tiea-oie. 2 OR 3 nicelv furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping, ails Davenport LA'KQE room for rent gas, furnace 1930 Dodge. NICE unfurnished rooma, for housekeep Ing 419 S. 20th bt FURNISHED rooms for Mrs. Ellis. 1719 Cuming. housekeeping LARGE, pleasant front room. wit kitchen, on main floor, with housekeeping privileges. 2001 Burt St THREE nice, new, modern furnished housekeeping rooms, 30. At 646 B. 81st OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaerkreataa; Roesae Ceetlaaed. EXTRA large room, with alcove nd large closet 935 8. th St. 'Phone Led 6W. TWO fTent room. furnished complete. for light housekeeping, ail 8pencer St. Tel. Webeter 6410. TWO. nicely furnished, with gas rat g and link; no children. SIS 8. 18th Ft. HOUSEKEEPING. 2d flnr; alklng distance. 622 N. 2Td modern: THREE unfurnished rooms first floor. 810. 610 S. 80th St. TWO modern unfurnished rooms. 1918 Webster St LARGE double parlors, first Iloor, mod ern. 112. 809 & list. Vafaralskeel Rooms. THREE elegant modern room on 1st floor., 9 on third floor; also furnished rooms. Phone Included. 616 S. 22d. V aralafeed Rouses. ROOM furnished cottage, all modern. Clark St. Inquire 1907 Howard. 1911 8-ROOM modern furnished house, July 1 to Oct. 1. 4232 Douglss. Tel. Harney 4.44. Hoaeea asi Cottages. FIVE rooms, modern except heat. 1916 N. 84th St. 318. Six rooma, modern except heat, 123 N. 87th St.. 118. Six rooms, modern except heat, 1116 S. 9th St., 919. Seven rooms, modern except heat, S&33 Grand Ave.. 126. Five rooma, modern except heat. 2622 Sherman Ave., 115. Five rooms, modern. 8508 Sherman Ave.. 830. Five rooms, modern. 2219 8. 2th St., 327.50. Five rooms, modern, 617 s. znth Ave., J35. Six rooma, modern, 256 Harney, 8o. Seven rooms, modern, 2206 N. 24th St.. 821.60. Seven rooms modern exceot heat. 2208 N. 24th St., 321.50. eeven rooms, modern, 609 s. Z6tn Ave., MODERN HEATED APARTMENTS. Two 4 and 6-room modern heated apsrt- ments, close tn, and almost new, 117.60 to 857.60. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1614 Harney St MY HOME. 2624 Charles St. Modem ex cept heat, 6 rooms, reception hall. Almost new, 12. FOR RENT. Two strictly first-class 7-room houses, all modern and In excellent oondttlon. 4113 and 4119 Hard St Eight-room house, strictly modern, good location. 908 N. 40th St. Attractive 8-room house, almost new. one block from Farnam or Walnut I Sill car lines; strictly modern. 4102 lsard St. THE 8. D. MERCER COMPANY. Phones, Douglas 1636, Independent A -1536. FOR RENT: 7-rooro, new. modern i,ouse and large re ception room; hard wood finish, combtna tion fixtures, east front, beautiful lawn; 704 N. 23d St. 34a 6-room, new, modern St. Louts flat, com bination fixtures, reception room, hard wood finish; 714 N. 83d St. 312. 6-room modern St Louis flat, reception hall, combination fixtures; 718 N. 23d SL IM. 9-room modern brick house; 2009-2011 Wll lis AVS.J26, 8 rooma in apartment flat; 1919 Clarke, 89. 3 rooms in apartment flat; 1817 Clark 8t.-W.60. 4 rooms, 1734 So. 18th St. 310. C. M. BACHMANN. 426 Paxton Block. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. barker Blk. MODERN 7-room house, desirable loca tion, shady lawn; cheap rent Inquire 1411 Vinton St. FOR RENT-1332 So. 26th Ave.. 6-room cottage, modern, except heat, 822. Inquire 1817 so. a in Ave. OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. store H. H. goods; storehouse, lim-n rs. 19th, office 1G09 Farnam. Tel. Doug. irc. EXCELLENT modern furnished rooms for housekeeping: easy walking distance pretty street; first class neighborhood. 2674 Harney St. rei. ilea 2824 LEAVENWORTH, 8-r., mod., 136. 8625 Davenport, 8-r. and 1-acre lot, 836. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152, A NEW seven-room all modern house one block from car, In Dundee. 830. 'Phone Harney 2568. FINE all modern house of 12 rooms on 8. W. corner 27th ana jaegson: references required. 360. Bemls. Brandels Bldg. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort, all modern, 4 or 6-rooro flats. Apply 220 N. 23d. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros. 318 N. Y. L. ELEGAN'l 6-room flat located at 610 S. 27ih, all modern; price, 835. Bemls, Brandels Bldg. nniTCPO In alt parts of the city creiah Sons & Co.. Bee Bldx HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded chean freight rates: moving ana storinz, Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 391. ALL MODERN, s-room nouse on 8. 27th St.; newly papered and varnisnea; J22.d0. Phone Webster 17s. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. SIX rooms, second floor, 1106 N. Mth, city watef and toilet, 115. 7-room modern house, zstn and Burt, 925. CHRIS BUliiK, ZM and Cuming. 2TC7 PACIFIC ST., 8-room thoroughly modern house, oak finish, 840. A. G. Elllck, 02 See Bldg. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO Tel. Douglas 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, household goods. 6-ROOM cottage, l10 Charles, 820; water rent paid: modern except heat; fine sur toundlngs, paved street. Tel. Webster 25te, Ohtces. SOUTHWEST corner office on sixth floo of Bee Hldg. will be for rent on July 1 This room has about 400 square feet floor space, and vault. We have a smaller room on fourth floor of Bee Bldg. that we will rent to good ten ant at 818 per month. If you deaire good orrice space rue your PDI lea tion with us. There are changes be' Ing made from time to time which ma suit you exactly. The Bee Building Co Uth and Farnam. Desirable offices. Karbach Blk., 15 & Doug. Stores. SCARGO Blk.. Bouth Omaha. 629 N. 24th Hall. 488 Ramge Bldg.; both phones. GRAND ISLAND STOREROOM FOR RENT. Fine retail storeroom for rent In best business block In Grand Island. Address, A. O. Abbott, Grand Island. Neb. WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men lion i ne iite. OFFERED FOR SALE 8x5 CARD CASE. Solid oak case, made by the Library Cj reau Furniture co. inis is exceptional! well constructed office furniture and will last a lifetime. Call Bee office. 17th an! r arnam. Plaaoe and Maslcal iBstranaeats. I HAVE one of the best pianos eve shipped Into Omaha, purchased from n employer while working In a muslo stoic I will sell this picked instrument cheap for caan; reason (or selling, 1 now need tn money worse than my wife needs the piano. Address L 67, care Bee. W HEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Mae. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prlc sold and rented, rent applied; easy term shipped anywhere for examination. Wri for large bargain list and -offer. B, fiwoiisen Co , 417 8. lsth Bt, Ornate Ke OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters Coatlneed. speciaiTkaij: or TYPEWRITERS We save you from SO to 78 per cent on a typewriter and will give vou a machine that Is to every practical purpose equal to a new one: covered by our I years' guar antee. Cash or time payments; or we will rent you a machine and let the rent apply. No. I Monarch Visible, perfect con dition 94I.M o. 10 Smith Premier Visible, used 1 month 67.90 No 6 Remington, over 155 000 like new 48.60 No. 3 Oliver, thoroughly rebuilt 86.00 o. 3 Smith Premier, like new 85.90 o. 4 Jewett, thoroughly rebuilt 21.60 No. 1 Desmore, thoroughly rebuilt.. 22.50 No. 4 Underwood, thoroughly rebuilt.. 45.00 Large stock of 22 different makea from hlch to telect. Call and inspect our tock or write for large bargain list B. F. SWANSON CO., INC., (Est 1904. Stores: Omaha. Dea Moines. Lincoln.) 417 8. 16th Kt.. Omaha, Neb. at lseellaaeaaa. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all no orders, catalogue free. Sherman m McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Second-Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been la use at the Bee building. They are each i;5-horsepower return luoutar boilers, 78 Inch dla'iicter by 13 leet long. They have 18 C. I. tubes, 3 Inches by 13 feet. Work ing pressure 150 pounds per square in oil. Heat surface 19.0O9 square feet. Grata area 3m square feet We are very anxious to dispose of these Doners immediately and will aell at a bargain, if taken at once. THR Pl.E BUILDING COMPANY I7th and Fiirnam Sts., Omaha. Nsb. SEND us your mall orders for drns-: freight pnld on 110 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. FOR SALE-Cash reaister and safe. Ad- ress J 679, care Bee. PING PONO billiard table: cost s7 00. Price 110.00. Solid oak. 808 N. Mth St. COIW WOOD FOR SALE Maple and Cottonwood, one-half mile west of Millard on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad. Can furnish from 300 to 500 cords and will sell at 82 per cord on the place. U'KEKFK REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas or A2152 FOR SALE New and 2nd-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Hruns- wick-iiaike coilender. 407 8. 10th St. PINE safe, burglar Droof. rood condi tion: must be sold at once; located 2207 zara. FOR SALE A scholarship Includtnc board and tuition In the St. Charles Mili tary academy, St. Charles, Mo. Regular price 3285; offered for 3236. Splendid school for boys. Address H 63, Care the Omaha Bee. WE HAVE on hanit a nnmhar of Inlr barrels which we will sell at 50c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tl. D. 1614. Dr. Katheryu Nlckolas. 60 N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY Boliclta caBtoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair ana sen at i rv. inn St.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. DRUNKENNESS, drug habit cured to stay cured, under positive guarantee. Write En- sor Remedy Co., Dept. u. bo. omuna, Noo. ANY lady wishing to be cared for In private home during . confinement reason able. Mrs. 8. C. Carson, 110 St Mary's Ave. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swedish massage. 308 Old Boston Store. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., council uiurrs, ja. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam, A nXTVyTP treatment. Mme. Smith, MAUJNrj 6a 8 16th St.. third floor! SPRING PARK VILLA AND COTTAGES Bald Eagle Lake, Minn., now open for the season; a delightful spot In which to spend the summer; large grounas. oeauuiui trees, electric light, bath, attraotlve reception and dining rooms. Table strictly first class; fine beach, sailing, tennis and fish ing; forty minutes' ride from Twin Cities. Apply to Mis. M. D. Miller, Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young women s christian association, inn ana Howard Sts.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise as sisted. A deaconess representing the asso ciation meets trains at the union station as travelers' aid. DR. EGGERS, private confinement home. 1616 Martha St. Tel. Douglaa 6230. MAGNETIC Treatment. Emmelln Brott 2319 S. ICth. Doug. 6186. YOU will never stopyurklcken until you drink Shogo Llthia. Green's Pharmacy, Phone Harney 686. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing Lyngstadt Printing Co., 16th A Capitol Ave. YAFFE PTG. Co., 807 Boston Store Bldg. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1856; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam 8L GANGESTAD. 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATK TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. MAKE us an ofrer on 6 room, west front, 4-year-old strictly modern, full 2 story frame home, on 3613 Sherman ave. Large lot. nice lawn, cement walks, paved street, alley; house Just papered. A first class home, well built and In good repair. HARWOOK & HA It WOOD, 415 Bee Bldg. GOING CHEAPLY. SUBMIT OFFER. Very choice new 5-room modern cottage, exceptionally well built, plenty of room for finishing additional rooms upstairs; con crete walks; sightly lot. 44x120; fine loca tion; nrer 36th and Ames, only 12 600, on best of terms. See us today and make offer. This snap will go quickly. Fle-room cottage, water, sewer, closet, gas, permanent walks, paved street, et. near 2tth and Iavcnworth. for 91.850; m cash, balance 815 per month. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Sta, Field Club Lots We have 4 east front lots one block from F'leld club at 8 each. W. L. SEL3T. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. IF YOU HiVB city property, farms, ranch lends ar mer chandise to aeil or trade, list tbea with ni It costs you nothing unless I effect a saie. W. W. Ultubell. 832 Hoard ef Trade bulg. I