Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tiin rKF: omaita. Wednesday, .tune so, iooo.
1909 JUNF I90
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12 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 II 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 2122 23 242526
2728 2930
im Boot MM It.
Badolpa 9. SJwoboaa, Public Accountant.
Blneaart, photographer, lsth A Farnam.
era, photo, removed to 16th Howard.
B. B. Oomba, expert optician, 1(20 Dour
Iqaltable Ufa Policies, eight draftaat
maturity. R. .D. Neely, manager, Omaha.
Oeerge M. Moor ta now with the
Union Outfitting -Co., 1115-17-11 Farnam 8t.
Owaerafclp la the hope of every
family. Nebraska Savlnga and Loan as
aoclailoti "will show you tlia way. Board
of Trade building.
S. wt O. lawyer Fined Tea Dollars
For begging money from varioua person,
Including the man who prosecuted him
In police court, , Phellz L. Patteinon, a
down-and-out lawyer, has been fined flO
and coeta. He went to Jail In default of
payment sf .the fine Imposed.
atolrsaone front X tig lend to Utah Eight
Mormons on their way from England to
1'tah arrived In Omaha yeaterday In a
special train. They visit thla olty until 4
p. m.i when they will depart over the
I'nlon Paelflo for Utah.
Itusokeea for Sr. Ward A luncheon
waa given at the Omaha club Tuesday noon
In hener of Dr. Henry B. Ward, dean of
the University of Nebraska medical fae
ulty. Anient the guests were Drs. Mtlroy,
Ulfford, Bridges, Btokes. Flndley, Ward,
Johannes and 'JL. B. Somera.
oath Omaha tot at Tea Thousand
Bouth Omaha rsal estate Is selling for good
money. T. F. Maloney haa disposed of a
vacant lot on Twenty-fourth atreet between
N and O streets try J: C. Vacek for 110,000.
The lot. which Vacek Intends to build on.
Is lust north ot Dr. W. J. McCrann's prop
erty. Bart Attends Wedding at Tremont
Horace O.' Burt, 'president of the Chicago
Great Western, passed through Omaha
Tuesday morning enroute to Fremont to
. attend the Schneider-Turner wedding. Miss
Etta Schneider la a daughter of R. U.
Schneider, associated with Mr. Burt In
. rnrnltare Dealers 7ota Berly Closers
Kour furniture dealera have joined the
f.rly closing movement, agreeing to ahut
t)P shop at t p. m. except Eaturdaya during
July and August. The dealers are the
People's Stole, Union Outfitting company,
Hartman Furniture company and Central
Furniture Company.
hnakSi They Xave Spoiled Bis Trip-
Frank D. ' Qrlffln, the colored cook who
longed for a vacation and la said to have
been preparing to leave Omaha with Ut
of his employer's money when arrested,
has been bound over to the district court
on the charge of grand larceny. He waived
preliminary examination In police court
and Judge Crawford fixed his bond at S5U0.
Appeal la Blevatlea Oases The Union
Pacific, TUilroad company haa filed Its
formal appeal to ths United States circuit
ennrt of appeals against tne judgment ot
the circuit court for the Neoraska federal
district In the matter ot elevation claims
of the Updike Grain company, the Nebraska-Iowa
Grain company and the Crow
ell Lumber and Grain company.!
Aaks Money for Box's Disfigurement
Joneph E. Tyson, a son of Henry Tyson of
3010 North TWenty-thlrd street. Is suing
through his fatb.er14he, Omaha Ice and Cold
Storage company In district court for 110,000.
The petition asserts that In the summer of
IMS the boy, then about I years of age, was
playing In an Ice wsgon with the permis
sion of the driver when a heavy chunk of
Ice iell upon his head, disfiguring hla face
and permanently Injuring htm.
Bids for Mew Car Barn The Omaha ft
Council Blulfs Street Railway company
will open blda Wednesday ror the construc
tion of the new re-enforced concrete car
house at Tenth and Pierce streets. The
bids were to have been opened Tuesday,
but O. V. Wattles, president of the com
pany, and several other directors wanted
to attend the occupation tax hearing In
the city council chamber. The grading is
nearly completed for ths new structurs and
the contractor may begin work at once.
Bolls Taken to Iowa On Iowa requisi
tion, papers for his removal on the charge
When 63 Years Old Eye-Balls and
' LMs Became Terribly Inflamed
Was Unable to Go About Home
. Remedies and Professional Treat
ment were Equally Unsuccessful.
"About two years ago my eyes got
In such a condition that I was unable to
go about. They were terribly lnllamod,
both the balls and lids. I tried home
remedies -.without rein. Then I de
cided to go to our family physician, but
he didn't help them. Then t tried two
more of our moat prominent physioiana,
but my eyes grew continually wore.
At this time a friend of mine advised
me to try Cuticuraj Ointment, and after
using: it about one week my eyes were
considerably improved and In two weeks
they .were almost well. They have
never given' Mo any trouble since. I
was then sixty-three years old and am
now alxCr-flve, 1 shall never fail to
speak -a word c leiee for the Cutkmra
Itemed iea when I have an opportunity,
and I trust that this letter may be the
means of other being cured as I bar
been. G. B. Halaey, Mouth of WUaon,
Qraysoa Co., Va., Apr. 4. 1906."
Eczema, Rashes
And other itchinr, burning, bleeding,
scly tod crusted akin and scalp humors
are instantly relieved,
and speedily cured, la
k Tk'-ef ti majority w ,
by warm tains wita
Cutloura Soap, to
cleanse the skin, gentle
anointings with Cutl
oura Ointment, purest
and sweetest of emol
lients, to soothe and heal
rf. Cutloura JUssuivent liquid or pills),
to purify the blood. Guaranteed abso
lutely pure and may be tssnd froua the
oiu ot Urta.
ruttrara aep rMs t. OSMSMat (Ste , tosotvesS
(NAr ). u.4 VbxM tuto4 I11S .MO. art e
UmadMut -ociiT V ' i"
flUM trraa, CMHsna ea
ista Ms
of emhesilement, Ridolph A. Kntls, a
former signal Unlit tender, was taken to
Connrll tlluffs, after brine held In ths city
Jail for severs! dsrs. He u irrwlJ
hn he appeared In police court one day
last week to be examined on a chaise of
wife abandonment The tatter case la aet
for hearing In pjllre court July 1. The
In a complaint allege that Kolla embea
sled I2S0 of the funds of a wholesale gro-
cerj' firm for wllrti he had been traveling.
Boy Givps Life
for One Ride in
Freight Elevator
Loyal Jensen it Warned by Father
to Keep Away from It, bat
Fails to Obey.
Ixyal Jensen. 11 years of age. son of
James P. Jensen. 22 South Twenty-sixth
street, died St t:W Tuesday morning of in
juries sustained In an accident on the
freight elevator of the firm of Brlnn A
Jensen, 1111 Harney street, Monday after
noon. His father Is the Junior member of
the firm.
The father had repeatedly cautioned the
boy to keep away from the elevator, but he
was unable to resist the temptation and
his first ride rtas pis last. He died at the
Omaha General hospital.
The lad had been at the paper house
with his father for a short time.
hen the latter stepped out for a
few mlrutes, and Loyal, to amuse himself.
nnounced to K. P.. Moore, an employe.
that he was going upstairs In the elevator.
Moore told the boy to atay away from the
The next seen of Mm was on the second
floor by Miss Maud Williams, who dis
covered he had come up In the elevator.
She cautioned him to keep out of It
and then forgot about the child until she
heard a scream that pierced every corner
of the four-story building.
Moore went running to the third story.
where the boy was found fastened between
the floor of the rar and the edge ot the
floor of the third story. He was uncon
scious, with his feet and legs In the eleva
tor, the small of hla back squeezed between
the car and the floor and the rest of his
body and his head and arma hanging be
The boy was extricated from his position
by Moore, who carried him to the main
floor. The police auto ambulance carried
him to the hospital, where Dr. Condon and
Police Surgeon Newell cared for him. He
revived on the way. Hla father and mother
were anxloua waiters at the hospital while
the physicians performed a number of
operations to save his life.
Company to Take
Over Independent
'Phone Property
Nebraska Securities is the Name and
it is Incorporated for Three
Fourths Million. .
The Nebraska Securltlea company, a cor
poration to take over the Independent Tele
phone company, filed articles of Incorpora
tion Tuesday. The new company Is to
have a capital stock of 1750,000, which the
articles say shall bs paid up on Issuance.
The new articles are signed by Walter
Grover, George B. Shoemaker, T. M.
Phlpps. Charles P. Flynn and Albert VS.
Wilson. Mr. Wilson Is attorney for Jo
seph Harrla. the Chlcagoan ' who acquired
an Interest In the Independent company
some months ago. His telephone construe
tlon company was then one of the principal
creditors ot the Independent Telephone
R. A. Ebersole. general superintendent
of the Independent Telephone company,
would aay nothing other than that:
"The Nebraska Securities company has
been Incorporated, but Its relation to the
Independent company cannot be discussed
because several Contracts remain unsigned."
A slgnlflcsnt paragraph In the articles
for the Nebraska Securltlea company says
that "It may acquire, hold and own and
dispose of any and all propertied stock
and bonds of companies of a similar kind.
Some of the names appearing among the
Incorporators are mere 10 mi me
number rather then to represent prospec
tlve stockholders.
Thorpe Feels
Shock of Bomb
Veteran Jockey ii Knocked Sown by
TMnj that Wrecks Chicago
Charles Thorpe of Geneva, veteran
jockey, who waa laat week In Chicago at
tending the Grand American handicap
shoot, tells ot a thrilling experience In
Chicago the other night when the bomb
blew up the cables leading to the tele
phone exchange.
Mr. Thorpe waa Just entering hla room
at the Saratoga hotel across the street
from the explosion, when he heard a terri
fic noise. He waa In the act of Inserting
the key of his room Into the keyhole when
the shock knocked him over backward.
There was surely some excitement
around there about that time." aald Mr.
Thorpe. "Broken glaaa fell on all aides
and men and women ran screaming, but
soon all quieted down, aa there waa no
firs- Quests hurried from their rooms to
find out whst was the matter."
t'aloa Faetae Faralahea Speetal far
Members ef Brotherhood of
Loeesaotlve Eaejlmeera.
Two hundred members of the local
Brotherhood of Ixjoomotlve Engineers went
to Lincoln this morning to attend a meet
ing of the union. The engineers went
on a special train, furnished by the
Union Psolflo officials, at T o'clock and
will leave Lincoln thla evening on the re
turn trip at 10. The engine and coaches
were decorated.
The program of the day Includes speeches
by W. S. Stone, grand chief of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers; O. A. Oar-
ret taun, president of the Order of Hallway
eonduotora; C. H. Morrison, president of
the American Railway Employe and In
vestor's association; F. L. Lee, grand
master of the Brotherhood of Railway
trainmen; W. 8. Carter, president of the
Brotherhood of Looomotlve Firemen and
Rnglnemen and prominent railway offl
elals of this part of the country.
Everyone would be feenentea by taking
Foley's Ortno Laxative for oonstlpaUoa.
itomaoh and liver trouble, as It aweeteos
the stomach and breath, gently stimulates
the Uver and regulates the bowela and Is
much superior to pills and ordinary lex
a Uvea. Why not try Foley's Orlne Laae
Uve today t Sold by all druggists.
Be Want Ads stimulate business neves
Thus Saying- Harry Norick Takes His
life by Strangulation.
Tells Children la Xelchboorhond Ite
Prefers to liana lllmaelf Than
Contlnae Ills Baalneaa aa
a Peddler.
"I would rather nang myself then
Harry Novlck, a Russian Jew peddler, M
years of sire, who boarded at the home of
Mra. Louis Bessell, 1313 Pine street, hanged
himself to a street car trolley pole at
Eleventh and Locust streets and is dad.
The man was found by John Larson.
Fifth and Ixcust. at 1:30 Tuesday morn
Ing. I .arson, reported t:. matter to Officer
Heald, tht nearest Omaha policeman, and
he reported It to the coroner'a office and
an aaslstsnt hastened out to tske charge
of the body.
Larson found the man suspended by a
leather strsp, evidently off a horse's har
ness. One end was attached to the pole,
the other wrapped two or three times
around his neck. In his pockets were a U-
caliber revolver, a knife, a watoh still
running, an empty purse and a
letter which proved to be from hla
father In the old country, written In Rus
sian, Inquiring why the family had not
heard from him In two months.
Novlck was a peddler. lie owned his
wagon and horse. But he had tired of this
work. Children In the neighborhood where
he lived heard him remark Monday after
noon, aa he left the house:
Tlre.l of Peddling;.
"I am tired of peddling. I would rather
hang myaelt than peddle some more."
He left the Bessel home at 4 p. m. after
donning his best clothes. He was not
heard of them until the report of
hla death reached Mra. Bessel. He had
boarded there about three months, and
had been In this country a year. He had
two brothers, who also are peddlera, Sam
Novlck, 1719 Castellar street, and John,
Eighteenth and Dorcas streets.
Hard luck and failure In his peddling
business are assigned by his relatives as
the probable cause of Novlck'a suicide.
They say he threatened to kill himself six
months ago, when he was peddling rags,
but they dissuaded him from the Idea, ad
vanced him his team and wagon and
stsrted htm In the fruit peddling business.
When he returned home from work at
4 o'clock Monday he threatened to throw
away his unaold load of fruit, but neigh
bors bought It out of pity. Then he donned
his best clothes, left his team standing
hitched, after removing one of the reins
from the harness and disappeared.
Coroner Heafey will hold a post mortem
examination to see if he took poison. The
Inquest will take place
Wednesday morning.
at 10 o'clock
All Chinks Arc
Closely Watched
Every Chinaman Who Enters Depot
is Regarded with Suspicion
Since Sigel Murder.
"All eyes are on the Chinese now," said
Btatlon Master Keene at the Union depot.
"Since the murder of that Slgel girl In
New Tork, and the beginning of the hunt
ror her supposed slayer, Lon Ling, every
Chinaman who comes Into this station Is
looked upon with suspicion by the police
and civilians.
"The Chinamen all look alike to most
people now and whenever one of them
comes along toward the gates from a train
you can Just see every man and woman
around here eyeing him aa though he were
the murderer of the missionary.
"Thla morning a chink, about five feet
In height and with a deep squint, came in
from the east. He looked so much like
pictures of Leon Ling that I gave him
more attention than I usually do.
"A traveling man who was Just going to
leave town noticed him also, and came up
to me to say that the Chinaman looked
mighty like the suspected murderer. He told
me the fellow ought to be watched and we
called a policeman's attention to the fellow,
"Tne cop set our suspicions at rest Im
mediately by telling ua that the yellow
man had been living In Omaha for three
or four years. The policeman knew blm
"But that Illustration will show you how
suspicious every white man Is of the China
men since that murder In the east."
Federal Aathorltles Get the Sfaa
Believed to Be Impersonator of
Secret Service Offlcer.
Walter Osgood, believed to be the man
under Indictment by the federal grand Jury
of April 2S on the charge of Impersonating
a government seoret service officer and of
obtaining money on checks through that
Impersonation, was arrested late Monday
afternoon while at work for the Orove-
Wharton Construction company at For
tieth and Lake streets. He was working
under the name of "Buck Walters" and la
said to ba the man who was secreted In
the bedroom of his cousln-ln-law, Mra Jen
nie Florlne, at Florence, last Thursday
night when the federal authorltlea were
held at the door by the woman and her
Walters, as he calls himself, refuses to
be questioned as tohls Identity or the
truth of the allegations. The authorities
are convinced, however, that he Is ths man
they want. Secret Pervlce Agent H. ' B.
Mills and Deputy United States Marshal
McCallum made the' arrest. Agent Mills
first locating the man.
The offense with which Osgood Is
charged occurred March IS. When the
grand Jury returned the Indictment, the
bond was fixed at 11.000. This Osgood waa
unable to furnish and he was committed to
the county Jail for safe keeping. He was
arreated on a capias.
Osgood Is said to have made Ms home at
the Florlne houss In Florence. Through
their friendship for him, the two women
resisted the officers when they went to
the house last week to take Mm Into cus
tody, and so they have been bound over
to the grand Jury, the charge being resist
ing federal officers.
Doctors' Prescript loaa.
It has been proved over and over again
that the doctors ot this country freely pre
scribe proprietary medicines In Latin for
their patlenta until they are advertised to
the public, after which time they consider
It a duty to Immediatelycondemn the very
aame medicine, not because the prepara
tion Is any leas valuable, but because It I
not "ethical" to prescribe an ad vert lee J
medicine. There are. however, many phy
slcians of recognised stsndlng broad
minded enough to continue to prescribe
such standard remedies oa I.ydla E. Pink
ham s Vegetable Compound, which they
know to be good.
Bee Want Ada stimulate business moves.
New Hotel Will
Stand at Farnam
and Nineteenth
Building- to Be Erected by Graham
Bridg-ei-Gifford Work on Chris
tian Science Church.
The new building at Nineteenth and Far
nam erected by the Graham-Brldges-Olf-ford
syndicate Is to be a hotel and store
structure. It has been supposed that be
sides stores the building would be given
over to offices, but the plans have been
drawn and the contract let with the hotel
purpose In view.
B. J. Jobst has secured the contract for
the building, which will cost 190,000. The
plana as drawn by Fisher A Lawrle call
for a three-story and basement building
built of brick, Ita horizontal dimensions to
be lZ2x!3 feet. On the Farnam and Nine
teenth atreet sides faced with
Omaha hydraulio pressed brick of a rich
red color and laid between a similarly col
ored mortar.
The second story sill courses and all of
the trimmings above this point are to be
made cf Ivory-tinted terra cotta. Birch
will be used for the Interior finish.
W. T. Graham and Dra. Harold Clifford
and W. O. Bridges will put up the build
ing together. Each owns one-third of the
land on which the building will stand.
Construction Is to be begun Immediately
by the general contractor, who expects to
have tlie building completed before snow
Work will also be begun In a short time
on the First Church of Christ, Scientist,
at Twenty-fourth street and St. Mary's
venue. The building will cost In the
neighborhood of $100,000. The contract has
been awarded to Gould A Hon.
Saloons Object
to rrec L.uncn
Operators Cheer Council Committee
When it Recommends for Passage
Prohibitive Ordinance.
Nearly 100 naloon keepers occupying
seats In the rear of the city council cham
ber cheered lustily when the council com
mittee of the whole yesterday afternoon
recommended for passage the ordinance
prohibiting free lunches in saloons or
rooms adjacent to saloons.
C. E. Fields, representing the saloon
keepers, addressed the council at length
In behalf of the measure. He said that
saloon keepers had In the past made sev
eral agreements to do away with the free
lunch, but that these agreements had In
variably been broken. The saloon keeper
does not wish his business brought Into
disrepute, said Mr. Fields, and according
to him they can maintain a higher grade
business If the free lunch Is ordered out
and kept out by olty authorities.
Ihe city clerk waa Instructed to adver
tise for bids for casualty insurance for
those men In the employ of the city en
gineering department who are engaged In
hazardous lines of work. City Engineer
Craig told the councllmen that he thought
It would be cheaper for the city to pay for
casualty Insurance for these men In dan
gerous positions than to run the risk of
having to defend suits for damages.
The claim of Thcma Johnson for per
sonal Injury damage 'was presented and
referred to the ' finance committee. Mr.
Johnson was injured by a'defectlve side
walk on July S, 1305,-and brought -wilt In
distrlot court for $10,00amages.-The In
Jury caused paralyalsA and ' his attorney
aald It ta but a question ot a few weeks
how long he will live.,, In the hope of
naylna him damagea for, the Injury a com
pronilsa for SLOOO with the city 1b offered.
Special Excarsloa Fares
Grand Trsnk Railway System
, Bummer, 1009,
Chicago to
Montreal and return, $80.00.
Quebec and return,: (14.00.
Temagaml and return, $21.60.
Portland and return. $27.36.
Old Orchard and return, $27.33.
Boaton and return, $26. $0.
New York and return, $25.50.
Atlantlo City and return, $28,70.
Asbury Park and return, $25.S6.
Corresponding fares to over one hundred
other places In Canada, Mew England and
on Jersey Coast. Tickets good thirty (30)
days. Liberal stopover arrangements. SL
Lawrence River and Rapids included at
slightly higher fares. Time tablea, de
scriptive literature, eta, can be obtained by
mall from W. 8. Cookson, A. O. P. A., 1SS
Adams street, Chicago.
Bigger, Better, Busier That's what ad
vertising In The Bee does for your bust
ness. Bolldln Permits.
Henry Schestedt. Twenty-second and Bur-
dette streets, frame dwelling, $2,200; Ideal
Cement Stone company. Seventeenth and
Cuming strsets, cement Block onice,
Joseph Lander, 1929 South Twenty-first
street, alterations ana repairs to dwelling.
$600; Anna Krlsa, 1430 South Twelfth street,
frame dwelling. $1,800; Oust Carlson, Thirty-sixth
and Franklin streets, brlok dwell
ing. $2,000; H. Krasna, Sixteenth atreet and
Capitol avenue, underpinning of north wall
of Masonic temple, iluuu; a. j. Bcannell.
Twenty-eighth atreet and Fowler avenue,
frame dwelling, $1,160; B. J. Bcannell,
Twenty-eighth street and Fowler avenue.
irame aweiung, ,uv.
The Newest Summer Collar
Made Collar
2 for 25c.
In "Elk" we have
succeeded in putting style and
snap in a low. comforfahle. warm
weather collar.
"Outing," "Yachting" and
Varsity" Standard Summer
Styleswill also be worn this season-
"Kaiser" is also a low, com
fortable Summer style.
Any styles you buy in Corliss
Coon Brand are hand -made,
strong, long wearing collars of
the "Better" sort.
Your Foroithor has them or eaa
ut them lor sou without delay.
City Conncil Recommends Passage of
Sanitary Ordinance,
Mayor Koataky Home froaa Chicago
Peter Sheaada Confesses At
tempt to Boh Reawcckl'i
aloe a.
The city council at Us meeting last night
recommended the passage of the sanitary
ordinance and the three ordlnancea elimin
ating the five-year clause from three pav
ing bond contracts aa requeeted by To
ledo brokers and ordered the city attorney
to draft an ordinance eliminating aales and
performances by street faklra.
The sanitary ordinance Is a long Instru
ment consisting of ninety sections, cover
ing all the points ot sanitation, building
and drainage. It la copied carefully after
the ordlnancea of New York, Chicago and
Omaha. The aim waa to provide for all the
conditions of a metropolitan city. The or
dinance met with considerable opposition
on account of Its length, aa some members
objected to the expense of publishing it.
A long petition was received from promi
nent business men of the olty asking that
the street fakirs be kept from exhibiting
or selling wares on the open streets of the
city. This refers to the traveling fakirs,
who sell knives. Jewelry or give patent
medicine showa. The Council instructed
the city attorney to draft an amendment
to the general license ordinance In this
The thiee ordinances desired by Spltier
& Co., were Introduced and will be passed
as speedily aa possible so aa to facilitate
the sale of the paving bunds. The new or
dinance makes no mention of a five-year
option tor the retirement ot these bonds.
1'he city attorney recommended the pas
sage on the ground that the clause was
material, as there was a charter provision
covering the point which no city ordinance
could repeal.
Dan Hannon was awarded the contract
for the construction ot the Twelfth street
sanitary sewer.
Petitions, SBklngior the grading of 8
street from Thirty-second to Thlrtletn,
and Fortieth street from Q to P streets.
were received. A petition was also re
ceived for the grading ot Polk street from
Thirteenth to Railroad avenue.
The claim for city obligations to the
amount of $14,686, due at the fiscal agency
in New Tork, was allowed. This amount
Is drawn from the Interest fund.
F. Q. Wallwsber was awarded a con
tract to handle the city garbage for a
period of three years. Mrs. Peter Woods
has a license for this work, It Is main
tained by some that this action of the
council will not stand, aa it Is claimed
the city haa no authority to grant a
monopoly of this buslneas.
Numerous grading ordinances were rec
ommended for passage.
Tho council will meet as a Board of
Equalisation July 13 and 14, to adjust spe
cial assessments of sidewalk taxea. Un
der the new charter the council meets
every month for this purpose.
The council adjourned until 11 a. m. to
day, when the ordinances covering the pav
ing propositions will be submitted for sec
ond reading.
Mayor Home from Chicago.
Mayor Frank Koutsky and the olty engi
neer, Q. W. Roberts, returned from Chi
cago Sunday. While in Chicago they ex
amined the asphaltum concrete Davlna of
Michigan avenue. This Is a concrete of
ohlpped stohe, "bound by asphalt Instead
of cement. They were pleased with it
because' of Its durability and the fact that
it can be laid for about one-third less
than any other paving. There la no pat
ent on tne process, and any contractor
can manufacture this kind of concrete.
It is probable that this kind of paving
may be Included In the future estimates
of the city engineer for all classes of resi
dence streets.
Confesses Attempted Borslary-.
ueteouve i h. Shields arrested Peter
Shensda yesterday, who has been an In
mate or the Omaha hospital for over
month, as a suspect In the attempted rob
bery of William Roxlweckl's saloon on the
night of May 11 The man under arrest
Is supposed to be one of a party of three
who broke the glass of the front ot the
saloon when Roxtwecki, who sleeps In the
apartments over It, heard them. He got
a revolver and fired down on the men from
above. Later, after the last serious shoot
ing between officers and a prisoner In
Council Bluffs, Shensda sought admission
at the Omaha hospital. He said he had
been in range of the shower of bullets and
was hit in tho leg. The hospital authori
ties discovered that the bullet ranged too
straight down to have been shot by a man
standing on the atreet. This fact came to
the notloe of Deteotlve Shields and he re
membered the shooting by RoslweckL Yes
terday be brought the man to South Om
aha. When fsced by Roclweckt he con
fessed that he had attempted to break Into
the place. All three men are residents
of the Immediate neighborhood. Shensda's
leg had to be amputated because of delay
In securing surgical treatment
Funeral of Mrs. Bonce.
The body of Mrs. Wesley Bunce, who
was the mother of Mrs. 8. J. Acker, and
Mra J. N. Laird of this city arrived from
Long Beach, Cal., last evening. Mrs.
Bunce was an elderly woman and had
made her residence In California for a
cumber of years. Her daughters are both
Points li in.
; f
lie i t jrn
For -
Hot Weather
trip, or
A Cool Pair for Your Outing July 4th at
well known residents ot South Omaha.
The funeral service will be from the resi
dence ot Mrs. S. J. Acker, 1315 North
Twenty-fourth street at 1 p. m. today.
Dr. R. L. Wheeler will conduct the burial
service. The Interment Is to be at Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Maglo City Gossip.
.letter's Gold Too Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. &
W. C. Lambert has returned from a trlD
to Seattle, Spokane and British Columbia.
Jack Parks, who was severely Injured
several days ago at Armour A Co.'s plant
la able to be out again.
George Collins reported yesterday that
some one had entered his shop recently
and took 100 pounda of white lead.
Dorothy Wordeman received the nrlse
of a gold watch offered by an Omaha firm
for the moat popular baby. She received
46,000 votes.
William McCoy and a boy named Ste
phens were arrested yesterday on the
charge of taking a supply of buttons from
the manager of the medicine show at
Twenty-fifth and O streets.
Dennis McLaln was arreated VHtunii
under the charge of assault with Intent to
wound. McLaln la a South Omaha con
stable attached to Judge Caldwell's court
tie gave Donns ior nis appearance.
Blanche, the -year-oId daue-hter nt r
and Mrs. William Firman, died Sundav
night. The funeral will be from the resi
dence, 266 South Twenty-first street.
II p. m. today. Rev. Bothwell will have
charge. The burial will be at Laurel Hill
Jrag Gropn. a glnsy camnlna- at TM,tv.
sixth and Q streets, was Bhocked severely
by lightning yeaterday morning. The bolt
struck a tree under which his wagon
stood. He was revived after a time, hut
will be unable to be about for soma iimi
as he seemed partly paralysed.
FOR SALF5 Lara-eet and frhf
of fire works ever displayed In South
Omaha. At low prices. We buy for two
sioree ana can sen rneapcr than anyone
else. Fl-e -works from one cent up. We
also carry a big stock of flags, paper bal
loons and Chinese lanterns. See ua first
we can save you money. We also give show
iiuaeia tree. i. ra. nosaau, iffYlh J. BU
Bigger, Better, Busier That's what ad
vertising In The Bee does for your bust-
Colic fif OB
Wcntworth military Academy
Oldest and Largest In Middle West Government SuDerviion
DrfllSMtCourfe.y.7 2 "Pt". Infentr ArtUlery fnTc.ltu y
Aaie. ??7J)nSt!,d)r p?ro ,of Universities, Government
Academies or for Business Llfa. Accredited by North Central
cSneCS?ScCh0?,'nn, Colleges. M.nua, Training Sw"u
Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, address
Th B,ffrt"7. Bow A. 1-ea-lngton. Mo.
A n1a. wk... 1
r, . .
iiiutttx n. ttussjsiji., Head
'rY..efWeaa I I
Ana blrla " r X ImA
High standard, attractive- eur
reundlnge, happy heme life).
College preparatory, academ
ic and collegiate oeureee.
Certificate admits to Vassar,
Wellesley, Smith, Mount Hoi yoke.
University of Chicago, University
of Nebraska, etc.
Full equipment for instruction
In Domestic Science and Dramatic
Native French and German
Exceptional advantages In music
and art.
The Bishop of Ncbratkrx
rresideat Board of Trustees.
Bdlta D. acenden, B. A MaetpaL
opens next Monday, June It. Low rates.
naauiirui i oral ion, eiceiient advantage.
Teachers' examination held at cloae of ths
eaalon. Certificates good In any county
In the state.
Tabor College, Tabor. Ia.
with aenTi-mlliUry' dl.c!Jl...7" SXXryXSrFr ',
Location healthful and building , fir. W al'h'leCCTd ilVrerure'rv,'.
Oxfonls thnt embody every re
quirement you coukl think of, in up-to-date
styles, liandsomo shapes,
fashionable lenthers, perfect fit,
high grado materials and first class
And beeauso of the presence of
these indispensible qualities you are
insured of a more comfortable fit
and more satisfactory service than
can be found in ordinary oxfords.
It's surely worth your while to
let us demonstrate that our oxfords
are, as we guarantee, the "best val
ues in town," at tho price.
Come in today and let us fit you
as only our shoe expert can
with a new pair for your vacation
Mrs. I.nla I,. Adams Says Pant Is a
Minor and Spends Ills Money
Mrs. Lulu L. Adams, a ho was married to
Paul Adams in February of this year, has
filed a petition against him for divorce, al
leging that he Is a minor and under ths
care of a guardian, who cannot' keep him
from spending hla money foolishly or make
him take care ot Ms wife.
He has an estate of $2,600, but, she says,
has made her support herself by trimming
Decrees of divorce were granted Tuesday
by Judge Troup to Annette B. Pilgrim from
Michael A. Pilgrim, and to Delia A. Snyder
from Myron P. Snyder.
The care of
is an art
Why It's Better "
The only toasted cornflakes mada
.exclusively fro ha yellow corn are
"Yello" cornflakes. The kind with
the rich com flavor. Try them. You'll
not go back to the old kind.
" u"u-
Kearney, Nebraska,
EVERY parent has ideals
in regard to the kind of
training his boy should receive
when he goes away to school.
Racine College has a remark
able record in the matter.
Write for our little book "The right
school for your boy." We send It and
our catalogue tree.
Raoine, College
Raolne. Wis.
Summer camp affiliated.
Information concerning the ad
vantages, rates, extent of cur
rtuulum and other data abuut the
best schools and colleges can be
obtained from the
School and College Inforrmtlon
Bureau of (be Omaha Bee
Alt Information absolutely frre
anl Impartial "atB1o m- ' , y
particular ucuool ciu-crf ully Xui.
alalia ttd ra4i-kt
ff Wrtot for aas Iras book and knowbw-
war r aoaia etair lac baHMM ill at Ll
Liacela. M. mtumat am. A vorktai tckool
II llju iiiu sol bit iniuw wlio ttttn tn4
1 1 toss Sm bit eartsf UoM. 900 MwlcoM Um 1
1 1 rr- VV ut eoanurif plsrinf eur (raduaics I I
l ia too Hriae akuOMi. Tboraurk. nc- CI
Ileal. Casks el nun gjualutaa 1IM,
ASaVaeM Smls.i. Ceilese JfJ'
k ae eM VkMMMa ln,l rjr
Se LMgaWltftf lgeBfeeej jS,