THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1900. The Omaha' Daily Bee, FOUNDED Bf EDWARD ROSBWATER VICTOR ROSE WATER. EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflce M aeoand clui matter. TERMS OF 8TJB8CRIFTION. Dally Bee (without Sunday), one year..jw laUy In and Sunday one year DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Sally Bee (Including Sunday). Pr week..Vjc Dally Hf (without Sunday). Pr . 'r; Evening Bee (without Sunday). Pr Evening Bm (with Sunday), per "'; Sunday Bee, ona year JTM Saturday Baa. ana year.... in Addraaa all complaints of Irregu delivery to City Circulation Department. orncES. Omaha Tio Bee Building. Siuth Omaha Twenty-fourth ens n. Council Bluffs II Scott Street. LIncoln-tU Little Building Chlrago-lMi Marquette Bulldlnt. New Tork-Rooma U01-UM No. U West Thirty-third etreet. . w w Washington m Fourteenth "treat, n. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new. nd edi torial matter should ba addreeaed. Ornana Uee. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or I' rayable to The Bee lubM-litneComPFj Only 1-eent stamps rece ved In PM'' mail accounta. Peraonal check.. Omaha or eastern exchanges, not acccpteq. STATEMENT OT MnrTT.ATION Stete of Nebraska. Douglaa Con7. ".h. Oeorge B. Taachuek, treaaurer ot The Bea Publishing Campanj. AuJrt warn. .ay. that the Mtuej mimb.r of full and complete eopleo of The Dejlly. Morn ing, Evening and Sunday Bea tng the month May. list, waa aa fol- 'iT.'.1 4,tS0 XS t 00 It ." 4S.4S0 W 4 aa.oao si 40.4W s,seo II 40J10 44MM 8 " T 40.S40 S4 S .... V44 ST.400 4 . 14 40AM ST . uii 1 40.440 ............ - IS 40.S10 B 4170 i una aa. SS.S40 I.'.'.'....'.. OJT1 M 4080 IS.......... 4010 1 14 ST.SOS Total.. 1SSS00 IT..' 40.M0 Returned aoplea S, 5 Nat total 144.014 Daily average 403l GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Treaaurer. Subscribed la ray praeenoe and .worn to before ma this Hat day of May. 10 M. T. WALKER. MoUry Pub I la Snawertfcwra lenvtnat Uio city team porarlly ekamld kave The Boo alio them. Address will ho ekanajeel aa aftea aa reejaested. Are the riders on the tariff bill joy ridersT Sane Fourth of July resolutions are good for a few more days yet. The hot weather appears to be hav ing its effect on the august senators. Our friends down at Lincoln will watch the 8 o'clock lid go on In Omaha with a fellow feeling. The fight on the summit of Pike's peak might called a wayup affair. The house turned la the low score In the tariff golf game which , gives your Uncle Joe a lead over Aldrlch. The Lincoln Star has a learned edl torlal disquisition under the caption, "Truth Is Natural." Why not stick to it, then? The prevailing opinion that the Chi nese are truthful has reoelved a severe setback by the varied stories told by Chung Sin. . The European doctors are now operating on Persia and not a single objection has yet been made to the vivisection. The big battleship fleet Is going to have a sham fight Just to be In trim in case) the real thing should come along some day Thirty-five million young lobsters have been liberated along the Maine coast and still the women at the sum mer resorts are not all happy. As Prof. Starr, who said all women are savages, Is a bachelor It is hinted that he knows as much about It as an old maids' mothers' club knows about raising babies. Mrs. Howard Gould says she values the salvage of her reputation at more than 11,000,000. At that rata what would It be worth If the whole struc ture was Intact? Likewise note that South Dakota bankers are not falling over each other to avail themselves of the de posit guaranty law, which In that state Is voluntary. A scientific Investigator asserts that 1(00,000,000 worth of fuel value Is wasted In smoke each year and we are all prepared to believe It every time we pay a coal bill. The supreme court of California has Just upheld the constitutionality of tea direct primary law. This offsets Illi nois, where three direct nomination laws have been declared void. Harvest hands are so scarce In In dlana that women have been pressed Into service In the fields. That Is pretty tough, but the farmer's wife Is generally equal to the emergency. The World-Herald la not a believer In civil peastona World-Herald. It Is to be noted, however, that the World-Herald discreetly kept its opln Ion to Itself while tha late demo-pop legislature passed a bill for civil pen slons for public school teachers. The calamity threatened by the gov ernraent in proposing to discontinue the light illuminating Omaha's post office clock should, by all means, be averted, particularly at this crucial time, when It Is so highly Important that every facility be afforded our peo ple to know when the bands point to lbs figure "a." Pittsburg- Strike Settlement. Tbo Pittsburg street car strike set tlement afford new evidence of the power of public opinion In such con troversies. For two days the lack of rban transportation paralysed the greatest Industrial center In the na tion until the mayor made It plain to the contending parties that the people had rights which must not be Ignored. The conference between the mayor, the strikers and the street railway of ficials disclosed a strong determina tion on both sides neither to yield or compromise, but the mayor finally won. What the mayor proposed to do in case of refusal to settle Is not stated, but Indications are that he used stronger means than simple persua sion. Whatever it was It accomplished reanlts and the great factories upon which the life of the city depends and hlch are so Important to the en tire nation, are able to resume opera tion In full force, which was lrapos- lble with the traction lines falling to carry workmen to and from the mills. What has happened In Pittsburg Is liable to happen at any time In any city In the land and the settlement there should be an object lesson to those whose stiff-necked policy re fuses to accept equitable means for djustment of labor difficulties. This criticism applies equally to both em ployer and employe. Where indus tries are Interdependent no Individual or set oi individuals has a right to disturb all by a general stoppage ex cept as a last resort. The public has suffered too often from needless strikes, and In this Pittsburg case has served notice that It will not stand Idly by. Amending; the Civil Service Law. The census bill which has passed the house after coming back from the senate, contains amendments to the general civil service law, which will chance nresent practices radically. It provides that examinations must be held In the state where the applicant has an actual residence, thus checking the tendency of Washington people to monopolize civil service places and providing for apportionment by states of the places in the service. The pro vision which will work the greatest change, however, aims to prevent more than one person in a family be ing admitted to examination. This will not affect employes how In the service, but In the future will effectu ally stop entire families from find ing berths in the government service, which has been an abuse too common in the past. This legislation has been secured after a hard fight. President Roose velt vetoed the census bill passed by the last congress because the civil service feature had been altogether eliminated and the friends of the old bill threatened to pass it again, but Instead congress has greatly- broad ened the civil service feature In the bill, as It goes to President Taft for his signature an1 will doubtless secure his approval In its present form. Governmental Bevenuei. Practically every great nation in the world la today confronted with a def icit In revenues or lacks sufficient in come to carry out projected pians. Russia is troubled wltti a chronic de ficit, Austria and Italy are overbur dened and France, England and Oer many are seeking out new,, sources of taxation. France even proposes a dog tax to raise several million francs, the German chancellor's budget proposal has been rejected In part and the new British budget Is declared to be revo lutionary In Its searching out new fields for taxation. In our own coun try, while there Is a deficit, the condi tlon is not so serious, for there re mains a wide margin between present revenues and what can be raised with out courting disaster. A large portion of the Increased de mand for taxes Is due to Increased mil itary and naval expenditures In each of the nations, but this Is by no means all of It. Everywhere the scale of In dividual living is rising and people are requiring of governments greater ex penditures to meet the conditions. More Is exacted of government with each year and in the more paternal forma prevailing In Europe this Is true to a greater extent than in the United States. How long It will be until the limit is reached Is not discernible, but the fact Is clear that a reaction must come, and come before the strain is too great for present social forms to bear. Comptroller's Credit Bureau. Limitation placed by law upon the amount which a bank may loan to one borrower, coupled with the mag nltude of the loans required by many of the big corporations, has brought Into being a system of commercial paper brokerage by which the loans are split up and sold to numerous banks. This In many instances has led to exoesslve borrowing and losses to the banks through lack of accurate knowledge of the amount of paper which the creditor had floated. Comp troller Murray has devised a plan to prevent overdoing the commercial pa per business through the medium of a treasury credit bureau without un necessary publicity of the private af fairs of the borrower. It Is hoped by this means to reduce bank losses by compelling banks more promptly to curtail loans when excessive. While It has always been the prac tice of examiners to compel bankers to shorten up loans when excessive under the present system there Is no check against brokerage paper or loans made direct by different banks to the same party. It is proposed that these government records of the amount of paper dlaxousted by In J I viduals or corporations should not be open to public Inspection, and thereby the borrower's private business af fairs protected while a check would be placed upon wildcat borrowing and pyramiding. Comptroller Mur ray has Instituted various Improve ments to make bank Inspections more effective and a more certain check upon reckless banking, but this plan, If successful, should aid honest bankers In a field where they are not fully able to protect themselves. A Serious Condition. A serious condition is confronting the people In Nebraska through lack of facilities to take care of the insane. Notwithstanding the fact that the state Is maintaining three commodious In sane asylums, it has been necessary to shut the door on a large number of unfortunates who should be accommo dated, and as a consequence the vari ous counties, and particularly this county, is compelled to keep the ex cluded Insane at the county poor farm or in the county Jail. Irrespective of other considerations, the detention of insane people in a Jail is entirely at variance with mod ern Ideas of handling these unfortu nates, because what they need and are entitled to Is scientific treatment and medical care. It is. of course, impos sible for any locality or subdivision of the state to maintain a local asylum for the Insane, this duty properly de volving upon the state, and yet for lack of housing room and maintenance appropriations this state is unable to meet the requirements. Prior to the last legislature The Bee suggested that our whole body of laws with reference to the detention, care and treatment of the insane should be revised, and particularly that the in sane who themselves have property or responsible relatives should be re quired to reimburse the state at least for their food and clothing. This Is no more than Is exacted In many other states where remission of the mainte nance charge Is extended only to those who are Indigent. Although our late legislature was evidently too busy with partisan politics to give attention to the needs of the state's helpless wards In and out of the Insane asylums, this problem Is becoming more and more pressing and the solution should be worked out without unnecessary delay. If the governor should call Into con ference the heads of the three state asylums to outline a policy and agree upon a plan of action some of the diffi culties might be obviated at once. The engineer in charge of the Path finder dam denounces as canards the reports that the big structure Is In danger. The breaking of this dam, In tended . to store the waters of the Platte for Irrigation purposes, would be a great setback coming at the In ception of the system of water storsge. We are waiting for Mr. Bryan to read ex-Senator William V. Allen out of the ranks of the reform forces for having the temerity to accept s re tainer from the law-defying bankers and to appear In court to help them fight his pet deposit guaranty scheme. The rumor from Washington that Secretary Wilson was to resign is au thoritatively denied. Little credence was placed In it as it was generally understood the secretary was satis fied with his place and the adminis tration satisfied with the secretary. Edgar Howard says that If Bryan won't take It he has a preferred candi date for United States senator. Judge Howard had a preferred candidate last year for the democratic nomination for congress In the Third district. Won der if they are one and the same. If the city Is short of funds a good policeman could earn a month's salary In a day by picking up some of our automobile scorchers who are again showing reckless disregard of all speed restrictions. Better slow down before the accident occurs. And now It Is announced that for mer President Reyes of Colombia has not only permanently quit his Job but that be Is a fugitive from Justice. Presidential timber In that part of the world Is not usually of the sound variety. Governor Shallenberger thinks be has gotten democracy and decency united in Nebraska for the first time. If democracy were decency this mas querade of nonpartlsanshlp would be entirely unnecessary and uncalled for. The Kansas miners have decided to quit work for a tlms owing to a wage dispute. There are a whole lot of other people who would enjoy a rest at this time, but do not feel that they can afford It. Back from a tour of the orient Colonel J. Ham Lewis declares himself In favor of a commercial and defensive and offensive alliance with China. J Ham got back at Just the wrong time, The experience of the Wright broth ers at Fort Myer shows that there are other places besides Fort Omaha where atmospheric disturbances Inter fere with air navigating experiments Bead la the IVaaaea Now. Washington Post. The men who tnereaae the prloa of toe to the poor in hot weather are among thoae who wtre overlooked when Dante made up the rolla. Will Bryan Olraasaaerthat New Tork Sun. Senator, Jeff Devla of Arkansas My. he hopes that Mr. Bryan 'will never circum scribe the field of hi. usefulness, the field oi hla eternal greatness, by accepting a seat In tbo United States aenata." Aa a matter of fact, Mr. Ftry.n refuses to com mit himself; but If he could c hie way Clear to Senator Burkett a seat, no fear of falling In the estimation of Mr. Davie would prevent Mr. Bryan from taking the oath and tha field of clrcumacrihed use fulness. Aeoaaaaaadatlngr Rnierenele. Waehlngton Herald. Mr. Bryan aaya he will not be a candi date for the senate unless "iom emer gency arises." Rmergeneles are mighty accommodating about arising on occasions, however. A Repatatlon In Peril. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Carnegie Jeopardises hie reputation for eerloua thought when he advises Great Britain to Inaugurate the movement for general disarmament He must be qualify ing for membership in the humorlats' organization. - Maklaar the Peorleea Sit t'p. Wall Street Journal. Fifty-two Nebraaka national ami state banks have aeked the federal court at Lincoln to reatraln the State Banking board from levying aaeeaamenta to guar antee bank deposits. This muat be annoy ing to Mr. Bryan. Mark Depeada on the Time. Boston Herald. A dlatlngulahed commencement orator has Just said that "the first duty of young womanhood la to learn to say no." Very well, learn how to say It, but also learn how not to aay it when tha right ona finally gets his courage up. Other Ileroea Than Soldlera. New York Herald. It Is well that we ahould remember the fine patriotism of our cltlsen soldiers, but even they were workers before they were warriors. They did not fight for money. They did not fight for conquest. They tip held a republic of equal rights and equal opportunity, which In Its last analysis is a republic, of free men and free Industry. To forget in our glorification of the soldier the cause that made him bear arms Is to deny him true honor and make war itself an object of admiration regardless of Its pur pose. A peaceful nation should have some common Ideals aside from those which war sets up. If wa would celebrate heroism It is to be found all about us In humble sta tions among the men and women even the children who toll. HAS PEARV REACHED TUB POLK t Coolln Hope. Offset Rigors of a not Spell. Baltimore American. Every humid citizen la a well-wisher of Peary at this time. Like a breath of air from bergs not mortgaged by the Ice trust comes the Intimation that the dauntless aa- sailer of the difficulties that beset the quest for the pole has overcome them all and ' has painted the stars and stripes where weather lurks aver below tero. The basis for the belief that Peary has reached the goal of his endeavors la not assuring; It .Imply presents ona or two elements of frayedout probabllty. Bo that It Is too early for cltlsen.' Committees to form and for Mr. Taft to draft one of his Inimitable aalutatoriea to the men who advance the lines of civilisation. Upon tha principle that no news la good news, tha friends of the arctic explorer are vielng with ona another in dreaming of the achievement of the essayed and oft-delayed undertaking. They are pictur ing him with an. aurora borealla halo about hi. head, framing a wireless for the first station tie shall reach: "I have found the pole, and It 1. ours; my con gratulation, to the American people." Thl. I. all very fine, but the negative testimony Is not always replete with as surance. It I. not necessary to point to tha vacant entrie. in polar exploration where tha return of the adventurous crew I. not entered because there wa. no re turn. It I. not necessary even to hint disaster. Peary is an accomplished far ther-north man and his return 1. looked forward to with full expectation. The majority of the people, however. will limit their expectation, to such a. other explorer, have brought back eclen tlfle. and geographical data, with faunal exhibits and perhaps a new record for nearness to tha point of endeavor. Tet It I. fine to reflect upon.uch a cooling subject in the heat of summer aa Peary at tha pole. The perspiring cltlsen really cares little whether or not he actually arrive, at the pole; the thought of him in aero temperature Is enough of itself to enctt envious congratulation.. SURVIVORS OF CIVIL WAR. Bstlasatos Prepared by tkie Record and Pension Office. New Tork Bun. According to an estimate prepared by the reoord and pension office in ISM, re viewed In 1894, and again reviewed in 1905, by the military secretary of the War de partment and accepted aa the most accu rate estimate possible, the probable num ber of Individual Midlers alive at the end of tha civil war was 1,862,173. excluding deserters. In table one, which I. an estimate of the number of survivor, in each year after ISM, the survivors In 1900 are put down at es,t3a. It appears, then, that more than three- eighths of the union soldier, alive In June, 166, are living at this moment. In 1909, forty-four years later. The author of tha report states that "tha life table which wa. used In the calcula tlons Involved In the foregoing estimate is baaed upon the experience of Insurance companies with a selected class of lives, and It. rate, of mortality are somewhat lower than thoee.of other tables that are based upon uneelected lives." It 1. further explained, however, that the veterans are much better cared for than ordinary cttl sana. In that they enjoy Jhe benefit of liners,! pension laws, preferment in muni clpal, state and federal employment, and tha moat sedulous care by relief associa tions and In soldiers' homes. In this way their ohances of longevity are materially increased, so that the life estlmatea re suiting from the experiences of well con ducted Insurance companies will probably apply to them. Nevertheless the calculation that In 1909 there are stilt 668,8.12 surviving out of total of 1.652,171 who were living In 1S6E, forty-four years ago. seems buoyant, to say tha lesst. It Is not easily conceivable that the average age of the recruits en listed In 1161 could have been less than twenty years. It waa perhaps considerably more; but accepting that basis, the aver age age of the survivors today who en listed in 1M1 must be at least sixty-eight. and of the survivor, who enlisted in 1804 at least sixty-five. That I. a mighty fine record for nearly 106,000 out of a little over l.SM.Out of men taken haphasard in the first place and enrolled without great severity of physical examination. We think wa may regard the estimates of this War department memorandum without any great amount of hesitation, Let ua add to the 1,661.173 survivors In 1G8 the S&S.ta who are known to have died during the four years of hostilities and so reach 'the grand total of 1011,701 for the honor roll of tha civil war. Washington Life Short Sketches of laoideats and Epi sodes that Mark the Progxeaa of Bvent. at the national Capital. Wonder stories rolled from the west to the east find ready acceptance by the newspaper phonographs of Wsshlngton. There la a happy concord of good will between visitors and Washington report ers, and the vocal efforts of the farmer are fitting music for the latter. A sample of the kind pulled off In Washington by pilgrims far from home, the whoopee of John Errington, a Wyoming stockman, oe- serves an encore. "The most unique Fourth ot July stunt will be pulled off at Lander," he said to a Washington Post man. "You know or rather, you don't know, that Just outside of Lander there I. a lake of nat ural oil. This wa. collected from the overflow and waste of wells bored to find oil. There I. no railroad outlet nor pine line from the Lander oil flleds, and .o the oil wells have been stopped temporarily. They have all been capped, but, naturally, there has been a leakage, and thla is what forms the small oil lake. On the night of the Fourth of July. after a day of horse racing, wild west events by Indians from the adjoining reser vation, and general hilarity, the big stunt will he pulled off. The whole oil lake 111 be ant on fire, and the Illumination will be sufficient to light up half the state of Wyoming. I think I am right in saying that it will be a most remarkable sight, and I am glad to know that I will be home In time to see It. Moreover, there will be absolutely no danger attached to the firing of the lake." "Judging by the talk about the Capitol," rites the correspondent of the Brooklyn committee on ways and means, will fight very hard in conference for the substance it me r-ayne Din. Mr. Payne is under itood to feel that the country approves he main DrovlMons of the Pavna rather than of the Aldrlch bill. In some in stances, as eloves and hnalnrv were engrafted upon the Payne bill against the protests of the author. Now hat the people have spoken, Mr. Payne will feel warranted In contending for bill which he honestly believes to be fair. The ruthlessness of Aldrlch In tariff-making stands out In sharp distinction to the fairness and breadth of Payne, which. It may be said, have been something of a revelation to many of his colleagues as well as the country. Whatever measure goes through. It will bear the name of Payne; and the Auburn statesman I. de termined to put the best that Is In him into nis crowning work In congress. While many of the dlsaarraementa in hm two bills are being quietly harmonlxed In aavance. on some questions there can be no retreat for one aide or the nthr xti Payne Is not friendly to the plans for special taxation, but may ba overpowered by presidential Influence. He always has believed In free hides and he I. con vinced, also, that only a revenue duty, if any at all, should be Imposed on lumber. His maximum and minimum plan differ, radically from that of Mr. Aldrlch. but no doubt the Aldrlch tilan win k ... " umiinu preferable. 'The essential difference Payne and Aldrlch Kin. mail ... I . Payne did not hesitate to put certain raw materials on the rreo list, thus permitting corresponding reduction. In the duties on manufactures. This was specially note worthy of hides and leather and Iron orb and the more crude manufacture of Iron and steel. The Aldrirh union ui itra written obviously In the Interest of the aggregations of Organlted capital, while the ways and mean, committee was guided more by actual economlo condi- won.. many senator, who have voted steadily for the Aldrlch aylng privately that the bill will be rea. onably satisfactory to the country when the conference committee get. through with It." Another young man has been n- i Washington for working the old bunko ousmess on the patriotic statesmen, report, the Cleveland Plain Dealer correspondent. The latter waste a lot of time denouncing newspapers and complaining about the hor ror, or puioicity. When they are caught for anything In the swindling Una, how ever, It Is nearly always on a nrnnosltlon to have their picture, and flattering sketches of themselves printed In tha n. per.. In this case Senator Burrows of Mlohlga, Representative Hull of Iowa, Rep resentatlvo Bart hold t of Missouri and Ormsby McHarg, assistant secretary of commerce and labor, have admitted effort. made to secure advertising for thnm,i.. and their virtues. The shrewd young man In tha n,.. a mistake when he tried to work hi. gams under the name of the Associated Press. Of course every one of the four should have known from the first that th a... elated Pres. does not sell advertising to earnest statesmen. Ormsby McHarg, new est of the lot in publio life, did remember this, after he had given his check and the canvasser Is now Incarcerated In the local bastlle. But the record stands that at least four prominent publio men were a. eager to pay to advertise their shining virtues a. a clothing house Is to boost a aala nf shop worn goods. Senator Burrow, of Michigan ha. been In publio life long enourh. It wnnM .eem to know better. Moreover he ha. a good deal or publicity in the normal courae of event, and la generally treated pretty well in print, even a. he behave, fairly well in the senate. Hull of Iowa Is chairman of the military affairs committee of the house and another veteran of nubitn ur He Is personally unpopular and perhaps reit mat ne must pay for any pleasant word said of him. Moreover, there is not much excitement about the military com mittee In the.e piping day. of peaoa. Rep resentative Richard Bartholdt of St. Louis Is the man who has made hlmaaif rMi.,. lous by his frantlo oampalgna in his own behalf as a candidate for the Nobel peace prise. Ormsby McHarg, aa ha. been said, 1. new to the game. The next time you hear that old line of talk on the deetre to eacapa horrid pub licity and "Isn't It Just awful how th.v put everything you do Into the paper thee days, ana am you read the account of my speech at the church social?" why just remember Burrows, Hull, Bartholdt and McHarg. A Second-Hand Application. Pittsburg Dispatch. It was supposed that so great a llttera teur as Senator Lodge would not palm off on the senate as his own the application of Byron's lines made twenty-five yeara ago In the house. In confessing how home Interests induce a senator to vote against his economlo principles he pretended to be reminded of 'TIs sweet to hear the honest watchdog's bsrk. Bay deep-mouthed welcome a. wa draw near home. Hoi man of Indiana, the Oreat Objector, had been opposing every appropriation for publio buildings until one for hi. home town of Aurora wa. reached. He waa allent, and Mr. Hatch of Missouri then quoted the familiar couplet. Mr. Lodge wa. in the bouse at the time. TATf WJl Think Mm Whenever, wherever, however you see an arrow, let it point the way to a soda fountain, and a glass oi the beverage that is so delicious and so popular that it and even its advertising are constant inspiration for imitators. Ate you hot ) 1 Are you tired ? Ar you thirety? Do you crave something just to tickle your palate not too sweet, but ahve with vim and go? Coca 5c Everywhere Sa COST OF THE CRIISE. Amount Simmers Down to Actoal Cost of Repairs. New Tork Tribune. A creditable and gratifying epilogue to the recent world-encircling cruise of the American war fleet. In the report of the assistant secretary of the navy concerning the cost of the repairs to the sixteen big battleships which were made necessary by the wear and tear of nearly fifty thou sand miles of voyaging in all seas and sones and climates. It will be recalled that critics of that cruise, apart from the political and diplo matic aspects of it, which they assarted were mischievous and dangerous In the extreme, dwelt with mournful Insistence upon the Injury which would be done to the vessels themselves. The sixteen ships represented a value or a cost of nearly tl3,000,000, and there was danger that a number of them would be lost outright, while It waa certain that all which got home from the cruise would get here In a crippled condition and would have to be put out ot commission for a year or more while they were being largely rebuilt at enormous cost. The fact Is that while the ships have been home only- a few months they are now all In perfect condition again, with every repair completed, ana the total cost of all the repairs has been only $M),2S0 for the sixteen. That Is only about 13,100 for each ship. It I. only a little more than a dollar a mile for the sixteen for a year's cruising. It would scarcely be poslble for predictions of disaster to be more com pletely refuted, or for tn skill of our shipbuilders, engineers and navigators to be more finely vindicated. But after all there Is no occasion for surprise at this fine showing. Eleven years ago this spring the Oregon made the thith erto unrivalled run from San Francisco to the Florida coast In record breaking time, and arrived at her goal without a single rivet loosened and with every detail of hull, machinery and armament ready for instant action. If the old Oregon could do that, why should not sixteen improved Oregon do even greater thlngsT PERSONAL NOTES. John D. Rockefeller has cauaed to be oonetructed on his estate a rainbow foun tain that throw, out the prismatic colors whenever the sun Is shining. President Taft was a good Oreck scholar himself at Yale, but the cane of the Georgia hsw convicted of stealing a 40-cent Gretk textbook must have appealed to him aa an extraordinary example of an appetite for classical learning. At any rate, the boy wa. pardoned. Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell holds the on'y honorary medical degree ever given by Oxford university, and he Is also the only missionary whom the king of B-ngland nan made a companion of fit. Michael and St. George. He I. a surgeon, magistrate and patron saint in Labrador. Consolidation of financial institutions Is an impressive sign of the times. Follow ing the Omaha example, the Continental National bank and the American Trust ami Savings bank of Chicago have been merged. The united institution will have capital and surplus ot 1,000,000 and deposits of $113 000,000. Miss Soo Hartman, a member of the senior class at Cornell university, has been awarded a prise of J00 by the New York State Woman Suffrage association for the beet essay In favor of equal suffrage In a competition In which six colleges and uni versities of the state were represented. Tl e title of the essay was "Woman Suffrage Eaaentlal to Democracy." Mrs. Fanny Bullock Workman haa added one more superlative to her record of moun tain climbing. Not that she has climbed higher than ever before, but that she had mounted a peak never before attempted This is the Pamirs, part of "the roof of the world," a height of 21.360 feet on the water shed between the Hlspar and KUfo glacleia. on the edge of Turkestan. n f.r-f.-.i i Our product and reputation are the best advertisement we can offer A. L Reet, 1210-lZll Howard St Oaaaka enever you see an Arrow of Coca-Cola u cooling. Coca-Cola relieves fatigue. Coca-Cola is tKint-qucncKing. - Cola is delicious. Whenever you tee an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. PRINTED PLEASANTRIES. "Father, what is human naturet I heard a man say it was only human nafxire for the democratic senator, to vote for high duties on augar and pineapples?" "Human nature, my .on. Is tha excuse commonly offered for a man who Haa been acting like a hog." New York Post. "Tp Scribbler writing any fiction these days?" "Oh. yes: more than he can attend to. He haa order, for six summer resort book lets." Puck. "That girl's graduation essay shews re markable maturity of thought." "Yes." answered Miss Cayenne, "ahe looks like sweet sixteen, but .he write. like sixty." Washington Btar. "Mary, after the week Is otit I shan't need your services," the boarding house keeper told her cook; "your cooking doesn't suit me." "But the boarders seem to like ft, ma'am!" "Yes. That's why I roust get another cook." Bohemian. . "There Is certainly one queer and" con tradictory thing about business building operations." "What Is that?" "Whenever a man wants to expand hi. building for business he calls In a con-, tractor." Baltimore American. ' ' - "Gosh. I guess those city folks meant what they said when they told u. that they came up here to get a good re.t," "They're taking It easy, ehT" "Tsklng It easy. I should say they are. Would you believe It, not a one of 'em haa got out of bed before 6 o'olock any morn ing since they've been here." Detroit Press Press. "Dad. what sort of a bureau Is a matri monial bureau T" "Oh. any bureau that has five drawer.' full of womenSs fixing, and one man's tie in it." Houston Post. BJInks I can tell you what It I. that makes money so scarce. Kplnks So can I. It's sitting here dls tenlng to you talk, when I ought to be at work. Cleveland Leader. Anxloua Father Well, doctor, which I. It a boy or a girl? Doctor Worse than that It's triplets. Los Angeles Express. THE COWBOY'S LAMENT. Arthur Chapman in Denver Republican. Things don't seem like they useter In this good woolly West: I've got a bitter feeling gnawln' here be neath my vest: '.'here ain't no kick on wages, but, stranger, darn the pay! When the spring rourdup to over I have got to help pitch hay. It ister be the oowboy waa moat always on the roam; He didn't see a pitchfork, and the saddle was his home; But the game Is worked soma different In this dark, degenerate day. When a feller takes Tils spur, off and get. In the doggoned bay. So Jest take my chaps and lose 'em bring the pale blue overalls Bring slong fhat shirt of htelc'rT there la nothln' now that galls; I've shocked my Cheyenne saddle, for the puncher's had his say There is hayseed down my collar, so come on with hay more hay! SALT SULPHUR WATER also the "Crystal Lithium" water from Excelsior Sprints, Mo., la 6-fiUoa sealed Jugs. 6-gallon Jug Crystal Uthla Water. .$a 6 -sail on Jug Salt-Sulphur water Buy at either store. We sell o'er 100 kinds mineral water. Sherman & McCcnnsII Drug: Co, Sixteenth tad Doitfs St. Owl Drug Co. Sixteenth and Uarnsy St. jjk rv.r ' 1 m J.V