Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1909, Page 2, Image 2
TIIK BEE: CttfAHA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 30, 1909. Bell Don. 611 OTK MOIM Extraordinary Value A Handsome Petticoat, Made of Healherbloom Taffeta, to Your Special Meas ure for $1.98. We have not tried to see how little material this Petti coat could be made of, but how near perfect we can make it. : The object .'of this special sale is to advertise this depart ment in which, we make petticoats and Bkirti to special , measure. This petticoat by actual measure is seven and ono-half yards around the bottom, extra wide deep flounce of four gathered ruffles. Every desirable color of Heather-': bloom taffeta to choose from, except white and black- See ' model at Lining department, main floor. B--2- Questions.' 'Hut that amendment wu a proportion for a duty of t.n cent, a pound on tea and Mr. Tillman wa behind It. It wa defeatKl, but th. South Carolina aen ator pressed so harij and ao lone for his provision that It was after t o'clock be fore a vote was taken and th. aohedule. thui disposed of. Senator Tillman mad. a lengthy speech In favor of his amendment. He was In terrupted by Senator Ptaon of Montana. "As I understand your position," said Mr. Dixon, "you want this duty for protective purposes 7'T "Ys, Yor th. republican side of th. chamber I do," replied Mr. Tillman. ''For this side I want it b res use it will produce a revenue of 16,009,000 year." "You shoot-with ddtible-barrelled gun," retorted Mr. Dixon amid, laughter. The tea amendment was defeated by a vote of i8 to 66. . The- only democrats to vote for It were Messrs. Bailey and Till man. Senator Smith'.' t South Carolina, Mr. Tillman'! eolleugue,- voted .acalnst It. There was another effort on th. part of Mr. Owen to revert tb the question of duties, but In accordance with a previously announced determination, Senator Aldrlch moved to lay on th. tabl. th. Oklahoma senator's-motion, which looked to th. grad ual reduction of ail duties Imposed under the terms of the bill and It prevailed. '' Corporation Tax First. Then the Income tax question was form ally taken up. Senator Lodge moved as a substitute for Senator "Bailey s straight In come tax proposition a theasur. providing for countervailing duties against countries Imposing duties on articles exported to th. United States. "Mr. Aldrlch Imme diately moved th. corporation tax provi sion as an amendment to the Lodge mi ure. thus giving th. corporation tax the position. 6f "third dogree"- amendment, be yond which no further amendment can be offered In th. senate. Senator Flint, who will have charge of th. corporation tax provision, spok. at some"' length oh the provision, and was followed by Senator Plxon, who advocated th. retention of th. Inheritance tax pro vision In preference to any of th. In come .tax measures. Senator Flint ex pressed th. opinion that at th. rate of t per cent on the net earnings of corpora tions, th. revenues would be augmented to the extent of $10,000,000 or $60,000,000. Senator Kean placed th. flgur. at 1100, 000,000. : i , . Senator Cummins began a speech In sup port of, .an Income tax, but had not con cluded jwhen the senats adjourned. Senator Flint will be In charge of th. tariff , blt tomorrow, , as Senator Aldrlch plana to leave the city for a few days' recreation. He has made no announce ment ef his plans. Senator Rout la expected to announce any - tulticlsm of . th. corporation tax amendment ao far as th. legal phasee of th. subject are concerned. At 1)3 the senate adjourned. , A Break for l.lbertv . from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is made when.a,c box of Dr. King's New Life' Fills' is bought. For sal. by Beaton Prug Sees Re&l Idealism in Fight of Americans on Wealth PARIS.' June Signer Ougllemo Fer- I rero. th. Italian historian who visited th. I United -fitatds last year, continues th. pub lication In th. Figaro' today of hi. com ments i on th. anti-plutocratic movements In America, H. oalla attention again to th. lack ot organised.- resistance on th. part ot tb. rich, which he explain, by a general recog nition on their part that th. movement ha been provoked by real abuse, which must b. corrected. Many wealthy people sym pathise with this movement openly, and sum. sons of rlctk men have thrown them selves Into the fight. This fact th. writer considers to b. another proof of th. en durance of Idealism In America, where the basis of everything I. th. theoretical rule ef tb. majority. Th. infiltration of gnu- hot DRJND Pure Straight THE WORLD'S BEST SEVEN YEARS OLD FOUR FULL QUARTS FOR S4.00 v "' i lITrtU IT riBFAlB riUGIT ' . , Is U1 aaUati ft is Rahruks i Ins avVLstv Brand Para Stnuakt uUar'a art. Parieetlr mm u the waa rtcly pur, atraiani wiuii Leaua PrasJ Whiakay is alar Btfple. c.acliif rai laaiiaaniiaq tot madmnal 8. taUag ai falaqr Srararlaa aaai Uatiartaa1 imi- COURTNEY 1044 Daailai ; bshs f .,' pny , ...iji94.., . KEiOR AZ.I, Dim In. - Z-J vr . ' INFATUATED WITH EASTMAN ananaaaan(aa Mri. Woodill Wrote Him' Lurid Love Letter. Which is Pound. EVIDENTLY KNEW HE! BEFORE Woman Poors Forth Story of Her Fatal Feeling; of Attachment to Bankrupt Broker and Fugitive. ST. MICHAELS, Md., June 29.-The feel ings entertained by Mrs. Edith May. Woodill toward her slayer, "Lam. Bob" Eastman, wer. Indicated In a letter signed "Edith," parts of which were found In the bungalow of th. murderer and suicide. The missive, which la In Mrs.' Woodlll's handwriting, and couched lr most senti mental language, was presumably sent to Eastman. It not only Indicates a warm attachment for the man, but seems ' to prov. that she had known him at least a year. On th. same paper In East man's handwriting is the following: "Little Dear: I cannot live after out short of bliss with the coming of our parting ever before me. If we meet In the unknown, let's continue th. blissful times that we spent here. I am with you In vary thought" Tells ef Her Love. The lettor algned "Edith" contains the following passages: Is the Iron Immodest 'when It creeps tfi the loadstone and clings to Its Bide? Is the seed Immodest when It sinks Into the ground with budding Ufa? . Is the cloud rnM whan It softens Into rain an1 falls to earth because it had no further choice, or Is it brazen when It nestles on the bosom of heaven's arched dome, and sinking Into the blue-black Infinity ceases to be itself? Is the human soul Immodest when, drawn by a force it cannot resist, It seeks a stronger soul which absorbs Its no. as the blue sky absorbs a floating cloud, and as the warm earth swells the sea as the maznet draws the Iron? I do not feel myself to be" bold' or wrong for drifting toward you as I do. I would not feel myself wrong to go straight to you tomorrow. - There is ever and always some human soul to love and trust us. and whose con fidence we would not alter. We are not of our own making and our lives belong to another. "Brahma who rules and Is wise." Evidently Knew Him a Year. As on. who waa unconcerned, In every line of It I read only the same adoration that a year's absence would not shadow, and th. wonder comes to me .that- you did not, could not, understand. Surely a life such as yours brines in time understanding you must know lewd from th. modest, the untrue from the true "Dream of you. did I sayT Long for you would be better, for every heartbeat seems to cry out against the .nonrnty of the crime that makes m no longer youra. All the best In everything seems only to exist oecaus. oi you ana tor you. I hate existence away from you. Why do men dare to lift up their voices .gainst th. blessed art? Art In others, which Is greater, stronger, warmer spark of Ood's soul that they poasess, or can lessen the understanding we have on. for the other ana no dirrerence can make us.foicet? Remember always, as yo: loved mar best and though wer. you a, a bandit anv thing my heart wuld beat In responsive ness to yours. plutocratic Ideas among th. masse, te rec- ngnlzed and the republican party, although allied to the Interests of the has realized that It could not adopt too hostile an attitude without provoking revolt. Slg nor I. of the opinion that the picture painted by Maxim Gorky and others of the vicious rich American oligarchy cringing before th. masses is erroneoul, and says th. belief Is , held in .' aome quarters In Europe that - the masses In America ar. organising a revolution to d. poll th. wealthy. . .. ' ,' Signer Ferrero, In pro mint rig the final In stallment of bla articles, . explains the grounds for hi. oonvlctlen that the feeble defense which th. rich men of jn.rn.rica are making against this gntl-nlntncrartk! move ment will not result in a social catastrophe. us Whiskey jWHISKETj K tOuaTtrt'' WkUka U the proalwc of it. aanoath and maJlow. luar- amiticularbr aaa wkUkay & COMPANY Si.. OMAHA. M eOkaa tbaa Naea aasaiawa. .... . Tl .'.- ft for pani- XX " nn laimujr y Dalioanlaa. ..''. y iJ ahivi-at K aar Daaal in ha FREIGHT RATE HEARINGS ON Attorney Sayi Little Beductiom Hare Coit Iowa Roads Six Millions. B0Y8 DBOWN WHILE BATHING lletarr t"nch ss4 Lester Hatching- l.oae Lives In Pool Xorth of Dee Moines Will Enforce Cigar ette Law. (From a Staff Correspondent.) f PES MtllNES, la.. June -Spectal Telegram. ) J. C. Davis, attorney for ihe NnrlhweMern at the rehearing on cer tain rates fixed by the railroad commis sion today told the board that the constant little reductions being made by the Iowa commission was alarming to the railroads. He claimed that an examination Into the railroad book, disclosed that th. freight revenues of the roads had been -reduced atl.000,000 by ' these reductions on minor matters. The commission tonk up the rate of hay carriers. It wa. ahown that the old rata had not been lowered,-but that a new rate had been made when the carriers wer. In boxes or barrels, placing them at third rlass, the custom ever being to place second class freight In third class when In boxes and barrels. Will Enforce Cigarette Law. Jesse n. Hammond has been assured by County and state officials that they will at once begin an enfbreament of the cigar ette law, acting on the Interpretation of the law by Attorney General Byers. De tails hftv. not been arranged, but dealei. will be given a few days to get rid of their cigarettes and adjust themselves to the law. ' ... In connection "with the Drake university medical school the Christian church of Iowa will open a-hospital tft the opening of the school year In September. Two Boja Drowned. Henry Couch and Lester Hutchlngs, acd 12 'and 15, were drowned at noon to day while swimming In a pool north of the city. Both bodies wer. recovered by an Interurban crew. This Is -the fourth' death from drowning In Dea Moines within a week. ' Womnn Mysteriously Disappears Miss - Elolse Minster, aged 10, and a Pittsburg, artist's model, disappeared in Dcs Moines aflvr riding In a drugged con dition from Pittsburg to. Davenport, la., Des Moines police are searching for her and Omaha poljce have been asked to co operate. -When the girl boarded the train In Chicago her condition was noted by a woman passenger. At dawn this morning she . recovered .consciousness and Inquired vhat train ehe was on and where she was going. She, was told it was the Rocky Mountain Limited. Later Miss Minster grew confidential and told that she was an nrtlxt's model for Wellington Moore of Pittsburg, a millionaire artist; that she re membered only of going to sleep In her apartments one evening and awakening on the train In Davenport, and that Moore's w)fe was Jealous of her. The wo man passenger told .the story to a cab man In Des 'Moines and asked that Miss Minster be driven td a hotel. . The other woman again boarded the Rocky Mountain r.imited and oroceeded ' to Omaha. The cabman drove to the Victoria and alighted floodg- . By permitting trains of othef corn to let hla passenger out when he found , . . upe the-traeka of the mo for- the cab empty. Police are trying to un- tangle the mystery. " - At the rehearing by the. railroad commls- slon today on rates recently put Into effect the contention of the railroads for lower rates waa led by F. O. Becker, ohalrman of the western. ,claslflcayoni ..committee. Other railroad representayfs-we. Oeorg H,.,CroFsby"fc-r. Jhe burlington, J. Q. Morri son for th. ChlcagQ .nd Great Western, V. D. Fort for the Illinois Central,' HoTllster for th. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, Carroll Wright, F. H. Simmons and A. W. Kbcrhart for the Chicago, Ruck Island & Pacific, M. J. Golden and J..C. Davis for the Northwestern and Will Clapper for the Wabash. The respondents were represented by G. A. .Wrtghtman for Des Moines. John Won derllch for Cedar Rapids,. M. D, Smiley for Clinton, W. D. Martin for Dubuque and C. N. Fulton of the Lowden Machinery com pany of Fairfield. White Not Candidate. Representative. White of Story county will not be a candidat. for re-election. DtT lng the last few years he has been spending his winters In Des Moines studying law at Drake university, and la now admitted to th. bar and has his shingle hung out with a partner In Nevada. Mr. White will leave the coming fall for Harvard university, where he will take a further law course, and will then return to Nevada. Tie will be In Harvard during th. next session of the legislature. Story county has a num ber of good men 'w Mo will likely be candi dates for th. position. Itlllmaa and Long;. Rcpresentatlv. Paul Stlllman of Greene county and J. L. Long of Osceola are both understood to b. In th. rac. for th posi tion of stat. printer, a position that will b. filled by the next legislature. City Can Do Work. In district cburt today Judge W. 'H.'M'e Henry held that the city of Dea Moines can do work In excess of $200 on the street without advertising for bids. The city coun cil was divided on th. question, and an Injunction waa secured stopping the work on th. Fifth street brldg. to determine th. question In court Hearch for Cnarlea llaworth. Woodward friends of Charles Haworth came to Des Moines to search for him and auked th. aid of the police. Haworth Is th. editor of the Woodward Enterprise. He left horn, last Thursday and haa not since been seen. He has a brother In this city, but he waa not at his horns.- Investi gation discloses -that hla financial affairs ar. In good shape, though his health haa not been well for gome months. l applies far Gssrd, Adjutant General Logan today advertised for 4. C00 pounds of fresh meat. 1.690 pounds of bacon. 240 pounds of lard, 7.250 pounds of potatoes, 1,200 pound, of sugar, MS pounds ef beans, 940 pounds of onions and canned tomato, and (.000 pounds of bread for th. Iowa National Guard durlqg Its summer encampment. Prohibitionist Dre. -Th. central committee of the prohibition party met thla afternoon and dlacussad the work of th. pext campaign. Tomorrow there will b. a conference of member of th. party la th Young Men's Christian association auditorium and In th evening am address by ex-President Whit, of th. United Mine Worker, Teat Hotel W. 8- Johnson of Ida drove, la., altornay for the Iowa Hotel Keeper.' aaaoclatlon, declare, that there will be a teat 'of tb new hotel law which require, a rope in every room that will reach t. th. ground. Th test will probably be mad In th Polk county dlstrlet court whan It la sought to enforce the law. rrrler In Wroaf, Representatlvea of two ef th. railroads In th. federal rat. hearing her. admit that Iowa I discriminated against In th rate, to Dakota and hav. agreed t alter th. matter. . Th. hearing before Examiner Brown was transferred te th offlo. of Attorney Oeurnsey today becaus It la tooler than th. federal building. ' 0:rn Hons In Uma ha. Undr th. nam. of th. Omaha Wall Paper compauy, Ui Nw' York Wall Paper company of Des Moines mill open a branch Wholesale house la Omaha, L. L. French, wbo la- manager of the Des Moloea storo. Is to be manager of the Omaha offlc. and mill hav. charge of the soilness In both Cities. Tho Dee Moines business will be con ducted as heretofore .In connection with similar houses In Chicago, Kansas City and et. Joseph, fcetabllshlag th. Omaha house Is part of a scheme to organise a string Of wholesale houses throughout the middle weet. All of the men Interested In the Des Moines house ait eto. trholdara In th other Store. ' tle-nry Damage By Storm. A fierce wind, hall and rain storm struck Dea Moines about six o'clock this evening, uprooting tr-es, demolishing street signs and flooding cellars. Fully an Inch of water fell. Street car traffic was tied up I Decause of the violent lightning which struck a number- of bitlldlnas. Teli-eraDh poles are flown to th. north and west. Th. Dee Moines river reached the high est stag. this year, recording 13.10. Many cattle were drown,! and are floating down the stream. At P.oone great tree. wer. uprooted, the farmers elevator -was net on fire by light ning and many wind mills were blown down. Th. wind reached a velocity of thirty-two mile, mn hour. . A. C. McDonald.. 60, prominent resident of Cincinnati, la.,, was killed, there dur ing th. storm, by lightning. Seven Men Plead Heat Made Them Beat Their Wives Participants in Carnival of Domestio Warfare Lay All Blame on Weather Man. . WHITING, Ind., June 29 Seven men In Jail today for " beating their wivts will plead In court that the hot wave drove them to assault. The most serious of the attack. Was made by James Brown, who threw a shoe at his wife and tore off one of her ears. H. was arrested ami fined (25. Returning home last night, le beat hla wife ao fiercely that she probably will die. He said his anger against htr nad been aroused to frensty by the wea her. Thomas Bosock knocked his wife down and kicked her In th. face. John IJrezina Interfered. While th. two men I were fighting th. woman Hurried to the police station and swor. out a warrant fcr Bre zina, charging him with assaultlrg her husband. Her huband whipped her would-be protector Into unconsciousness. Bosock said he also was erased ly the heat. The other flv. men charged with "beating their wivea also- charge their rage to the weather. i RAIN BREAKS ALL RECORDS Railroads In Sooth Dakota Are Heavy Sufferers From Damaged ! Track. SIOUX FALLS, p. P.. June 29.-Peclal.) The last few days have been strenuous ones for the various railroads etterlng OUnv TTnlla Ana 1-tn tlia hMVV rait, and tunate roa(Jg tratng have been kept ntinlng. Track repairing rewa hav been warktng day and night to .repair the damag done by washouts, and trains once more ait, run- nlng pretty well v time. I The rainfall ta.ere during the present jnonih has been greater ..than during any 4in In th. last ten years. The total for. the month, has been f .60 Inches. . about half of which fell during the. iaslr week, and mott, of it til two storms. , Dr. Long; floes to Tabor. HURON, S. D., June 29. (Special.) On Sunday Rev. Frederick D. Long delivered his farewell sermon as pastor of th! First Congregational church of this cltr, and on 'Tuesday will go with his farjlly to Tabor, la., where he becomes presllent of Tabor college. Sunday evening a sacred concert was given by the church and a farewell reception was tendered Rev. Mr. Long and family Monday evening.' Rev. Mr. Long wa pastor of the First CfKrega. tional church here for four years. ' . Dentist Meet at Huron.) HURON, 8. D .June 29. (Special Tele gram.) About IOO4 dentists from f various parts of the state are here attending the twenty-seventh annual convention of the South Dakota Dental society. E L. Abel of Huron delivered the address of welcome, to which R. J. Lamma of Ml phell re sponded. The annual address rats deliv ered by W. L. Nelll of Deadwcd, presi dent of the association. 1 Officer to Be Re-Appolated PIERRE, S. D., ' June 29.-(Spi:lal Tele gram.) The appointments of (Insurance commissioner and telephone j Inspector which have been hanging fire for some time will be made within the nlxt day or two, with O. S. Basford reappointed as Insurance commissioner and W.'N. Ego of Centervllle reappointed as tetphone In spector, .i I LADY ABERDEEN AT pETROIT Wife of the Lord Lleatenant of Ire land I Guest off the City. I DETROIT, June 29. Lady Aberdeen, wlf of th lord lieutenant of I it fund, will be th guebt of th City of De-fott thl aft ernon and evening. She wil arrive early this afternoon from Toronij, where she has been attending the Intel tatlonal coun cil of women. M OTXKXBTTa Or OOSAJT EtTX AM SKTFg. Port. NEW YORK NIW YORK...... NEW YORK PALERMO OUJHALTAH CHBKHOVRO LIVERPOOL...... LTV KR POOL. ...... HAMBURG....... DHUMP.N GLASllOW....... CHK18TIANIA... PLYMOt'TH Arrtrad. galled. ,.Chtri If .. Verona ..California I. -Calabria. ,.K. Albart Frlnoaaa Irana. . Barbaroaaa r P. T. . .KatrnuiD ..Baltic .. ,, , .Ramaoa. . -F. tr Qroaaa. . Grampian. ..C. r. Tlals"". f . .Barbaroaaa J. . .K. W. Dar OriMa PLYMOl'TH SOUTHAMPTON... ..rra. Llscalo. LONDON. Mlnnabaha.. PIRAUtg Patraa NAPLKS 1. Euroaa A EKN8TOWN FrKuanl.... , ... MOVlLLg Furnaaala.... a. wr lAigm c rem j the Packag or erved with fresh or stewed fruit i Post 1 Toasties ere delicious. The a XJupis healer tag. lc Luet raeuly sis tie. r PAVE OMAHA WITH WOOD Convincing- Proof of the Value of Wood Blocks as Paring. ADOPTED BY MODERN CITIES New York, After Paris and London, Lead All f ltlea In Creosote Wood Block raving-thlcaa ! ond, Minneapolis Third. Omaha ha earned the reputation of being one of the foremost cities of th?. great west. It has earned It honestly, by entering Into every movement which bar th stamp of thrift, and by opposing every undertak ing which seemed to throttle Its progress. Omaha is about to take a step In paving. This Is of vital Importance to all cities. And yet It is Impossible to make a mistake In the light of the experience of hundreds of the most advanced cltieB In the world. Omaha has reached the stage In lta de velopment and growth when It can adopt only the paving used by the best cities. It Is a matter now of creosote block paving as against the ordinary brick and aspUalt materials. The late Edward Rosewater, writing from Paris, April 29, 190, has this to say of the creosote blocks used In l'aila: "The unexpected does not often happen, but the moxt unexpected sights In the streets of Paris are the wood block pave ments. Fifteen years ago the avenues and boulevards In the heart of the city, which for centuries had been paved with stone, were being repaved with asphalt. Now the widest and most traveled thoroughfares are paved with sawed wood blocks ot about 4x8 inches surface and three inches tulck ness. These blocks are first creosoted, then laid on a heavy base of concrete and oiled. Thus treated the wooden block pavements of Paris are as smooth as a waxed ball room floor. The preference of wood over asphalt Is claimed to be due to the soft ening of the asphalt In the summer season and Its Bllpperiness In winter. The wood pavement Is as Just noiseless, much easier on the horses and more agreeable to drive over than asphalt. It is conceded, however, that, the original cost of wood block pave ment Is much greater than asphalt, owing to the high price of lumber, but Paris is bound to have the best paved street, w hat even the coat may be." From Circular 141, United State Depart ment of Agriculture, appears a compara tive value of the different pavementa. Granite is given 71.0 points at an average cost per square yard laid of $3.26; land stone, 73.0 points, at a coat of S3.60 per square yard laid; asphalt, 76.0 points, at a cost of J2.29; brick, 74.5 points, at a cost ol $2.06; macadam, S5.0 points, at a cost of .99, while creosote block Is given SO.O point at a cost of $3.10. In Baltimore, In the summer of 1901, there were laid several adjacent strips of exper iment pavements, Including sheet asphalt, creosote wood and several kinds of brick. After five year' service and after passing through the great fire, the wood wa. in better condition than any of the other. Thl Is from th government report. From th same report, in front of the Auditorium hotel in Chicago, the oreosote block was laid In 1900, and adjoining asphalt wa. laid. In flv year the asphalt was .e placed with wood, while the creosote blocks were comparatively smooth and even. In 1902, In Ney York, the Metropolitan Street Railway company experimented with oreosote blocks, the wood being planked at either end by granite. In four years the wood was still sound and In position, while the granite on either hide had been renewed three times during the four years. Five year ago New York began with creosote blocks. Today more than 600,000 yards have been used, while for the year 1909 300.000 yards will be laid. Thla la all laid In downtown district, covering lower Manhattan, which takea th. heaviest travel In New York. In Chicago mora than 200,000 yards hav. been laid and a move ment Is on foot now to pav. Adams street from the postofflc. west of th. river. Minneapolis began In 1900 with 2,000 yards. Today It has laid 410,000 and during the year will lay 160,000 yards more. To give some Idea of what headway the creosote block has made in thla vicinity the following cities, with the number of yards laid In each, is given 8q. Yards. 410.000 16 0JO 12,010 I,o00 ii,M 100,000 K.000 62,000 lfc.OuO li.OOO .0j0 Minneapolis, Minn.. Duluth. Minn Virginia, Minn Austin, Minn Moorhead, Minn Aberdeen, S. I) Grand Forks, N. D. Fargo, N. D Great Falls, Mont... Appleton, Wis Superior, Wis La crosse, wis. 12,000 Milwaukee, Wis 10,000 Houghton, Mich l:i,(M0 Calumet, Mich 14,000 Chicago, ill li.uwi Lei Molne, la 55.&I0 Sioux City, la 27.0u0 Mason City. la. 8.000 Shenandoah, la 16.000 lo.JoO 2O.0U0 8.000 2S.OO0 3S,0j0 l,UO0 2.000 i,ow 46 000 lb,0u0 S.000 Indiunola, la t. Louis, Mo. Omaha (viaducts) .... Winnipeg, Canada ... St. Boniface, Canada, itrandon, Canada .... Calvary, Canada ..... Keiiiiia. inn art a Fort Lodge, la Albert Lea, Minn C. U. Holmes, chairman of the Board of Public Works of the city of Minneapolis, said in answer to why Minneapolis adopted creosote wood: Minneapolis adopted creo soted wood block pavement In preference to asphalt because we believe It to be tb. better pavemeut tor our city. The actual experience w. hav. had with both pave ments In this oity haa proved such an opinion, to be correct." In Pari there ar 850 mile of creosote blocks. The Strand and Pjcadllly of Lon don are paved with creosote block. The oldeut pavement In thla country la In New Orleans. It waa laid In 187L It 1 oreosote wood block. Thomas D. Miller, general manager of the paving department in New Orleans, writes the following letter , to Herman Van Schrenk, Mlbsourl Botanical garden, Bt Louis, who 1 th foremoet expert at that point: "The creosote block which war laid In the pavement In 1871 hav been driven over continuously since that time and have never been turned or disturbed In any way, except when It wa. necessary to dig a trench acrosa or along the drive way." Mr. Van Sohrenclt, who afterward exam ined the blocka in New Orleans, .aid that they showed very little wear and were per. fectly sound. Adv. CUEVEXMli TRACKAGE KIGHT Report that Hill and Harrlnaan In terest lteaeh Agreement. CHETENNE, Wyo., June 2S.-8pecial.) It waa announoed today that the Cnlon Paolflo railroad and the Hill Interest had reached an agreement with reference to trackage privilege for th latter through Cheyenne, enabling the Burlington to reach lta Colorado A Hsuthern line from the Holdrege-Cheyenne branch, and vloe versa. None of the details of the reported agreement could be obtained, but It Is stated the Burlington will not build through the oity, and' that It aplleatlon for a franchise to construct the conne t Ing link through the htislnese section. Is to be withdrawn th iioment the agree ment with the T'nlon Pacific Is signed. Old John Keith Sues Railroad for Broad Acres Says He Made Two Good Opinions of Road Flourish Where Before One Feebly Struggled. If all the petitions In civil ill filed with the dlstrlit court were a. movingly written as that of John Keith against the Cnlon Paclflo railroad It would not be necessary to argue the case. Mr. Keith's petition, which Is the work of Attorneys Sullivan and Rait, starts out with the quotation, "An hpneet tale speeds best being plainly told," and then proceeds with five or six typewritten page of In imitable rhetoric sorrow rather than resentment" the plaintiff presents his case. With the rail road company he held many different posi tions, but his principal usefulness con sisted In th. fact "that with suave manner and plausible argument he gently tempered hostile public sentiment and did much to make two good opinions of defendant flour ish where one had feebly struggled before," Rut he severed his connection and la now "In th. land of th. cactus and vine, piling treasure mountain high wher. moths can not corrupt, etc." But h. refuses to help hla distressed former employers. "When bleeding Greece again shall call Achillea, she shall call In vain." But he haa formed no other corporate attachment. He Is yet leal and his affeeflon for th. defendant abide, with him still and will, he bellevea, abide always. This much he ha learned from the dor, to die and know no second love. Once the plaintiff would not have needed to ask for Justice "In the brave day. of old." But time, have changed and at the headquarter, now ar. "th. face, of men who perhaps never heard of the valiant service rendered the defendani at Brady Island, Buttermilk Hill and the state cap Itol." The disputed point arises from the pur chase of 8000 acres of land by Keith from the railroad company for $12,000 In 1900. the ownership of which had already been partially transferred to other persons, While the dispute over ownership was be ing settled, Keith tried to get back his first payment on the property and failed Now he wants to recover the whole prop erty from the railroad company. CUMMINS BREAKS WITH TAFT (Continued from First Page.) no more support to the validity of this amendment than to ours. "2. It does not change the nature of a tax to bestow upon It a different name; and If a mere name was Important or In fluential, the tax proposed by our amend ment could be called at excise tax Just as easily and Just fcs correctly as can that term be applied to the tax proposed by the committee. "3. The stroke of a pen will make the tax authorised by. our amendment & tax upon the right to receive and enjoy a certain income; and it will be a. well deacrlbed as the tax which the committee Insist upon, when It I .aid that It I laid upon the net Incomes of corporations with re spect to the carrying on of their business." ' Colloquy Wltb Aldrlch. During Mr. Cummins' comment on the receipts and expenditures of the govern ment, Mr. Aldrlch declared that with ad ditional revenue to be provided by the cor poration tax he would be greatly surprised If there is any deficit next year. Ills esti mates of expenditures for the present year when the tariff bill wa. reported to the senate, he said, were about $9,000,000 too high, and he had, he raid, congratulated himself that he had estimated within 12, 000,000 of the annual receipts. The deficit for the present year, he added would be about $K.000,000. and not ao great as for merly estimated. Again, he declared that If the tariff bill become a law In It. present form It would next year produce an Income of 1.160,000,000. Sugar Trust Case to Be Pushed Declared Government Has No Thought of Abandoning Prosecution New Point Causes Delay. WASHINGTON, June 29 The govern ment has no thought of abandoning the prosecution of the American Sugar Re fining company on .count of any legal question raised by counsel for the company or for any other reason. Thl statement is not officially authorised, but It la known to represent the view, of the government. The plea advanced by counsel for the com pany . that the statute of limitations operates to bar prosecution contemplated by the government, may, It Is said, delay action for a few daya, but no longer. Men Past rirty danger. Man past mlddl Ufa hav found comfort and relief In rolay's Kidney Remedy, es pecially for enlarged prostata gland, wntcb la vary common among ldrly man. L. , Morris. Dxtr, Ky writ: "Up te a year ago my father auffered from kidney and bladder trouble and vral physlolan pronounced It nlargment of the prostata -land and advlaed an operation. On . count of hla age we were afraid he could not stand it and I recommended Foley's Kidney Remedy, and the first bottle re lieved him, and after taking the aeoond bottle be was no longer troubled with this complaint." Sold by all druggists. Negro Meat Hang. JEFFFRBON CITT. Mo., June . Oov ernor Hadley today refused to grant a repit to Claude Brooks, a negro under sentence to be hanged at Kansas City tomorrow for the murder of mr Hernden. a cripple. Brook' motlv. waa robbery. A 1 Smttl i M MM - ' Toothache Gum Tb oaly remedy that stop loetbeeb inJfanfcy. Ttteeoly toochaefee gam thai alaaa th oavlty a4 praveou deoay. iBUattoet da aot go tea work, go that TtJo art baaa a Taaaaaate taa At ail AraasiM, 1 aaaat. at bi mail. DenTi Urn Cum C I. BENT A CO.. letreM, Hie. BRING CATTLE FROM HONDURAS Kew Importation Arrnngemente at Xew Orleans Pril-4 ItlaT lndnetry i " y". NEW ORLEANS. June -Arrange-ments for the Importation of cattle on an extensive scale from rtpanlsk Honduras Into th New Orleans, market b,gve been perfected, according to Oeorge Blardone, who rec:.d here last night from Puerto Cortex, where he went In thl eoimect Ion, Local meat denier say they believe the movement will assume Important propor tions. . i Quick Action for Your Moner Tou go that by using The Bee advertising column We Close- fF n r P IV y a amv last. 1 , O.nJJf Sharp! Telephone . You? Orders. .'.'-j . We ind. a-3241 Any Time' SPECIAL! Until July Fourth we wlli.glv. A Bottl ef Tin Win rIl with every purchase of a quart or mora of Killer's Whiskies THE BEST FOR HOMHJ USli Full Qts., 80c, $1, $1.25. Cut Prices All .the Time $1.2fi full qta. Willow Brook ltottlrd in Bond 11.00 bottle Oucke.nhelmer Rye 11.00 full qta. Golden Ragle Rye II 25 full qta. Cedar Brook liourbon 75c full qts. fine Cal. Port. ' fcherry Wine .' 95c ,79c 78c .89c 58c 60c bottles Cal. Port and 1 29c ee Claret Wine ....... t $1.60 Fine Cal. Claret. 95c per aallon 750 bottle. Fine Blackberry, .Jgg DILLER LIQUOR CO. 1309 TABXfAaf BT. BHD TOM ODK FKICX UBT. Both Fbonee. ' Prompt Delivery. We Paok and Ship Without 1 Extra vnarge. Traveling Goods Largest stock of 'Trunks, Suit Caae. and Traveling Bag In the city, at the lowest prices. .: We have the best Suit Case for In the country, . ,.. ALFRED CORNISH & CO. Harness, Saddle and Trunk Store. laiO rABXAJK BTBBXT, .'' IV It's a serious problem keeping- well. ID .stilled water: help wonderfully cIeDg tb , avium chemically pure r.rr b.nefiolal, ... MO cents per gallon: Delivered Anywhere In Bottle. OhtAJKA XOB ft OOU STOaVaYOa OO. lath and InwNl Bt. 'Vboa, Ceng. So. Children Know Children are quick tb find th food thingg to eat They prefer "Yello" cornflake, because there's really g tagte of com in them; the rich, deliciuua last of yellow corn. Try them. AHI'IEHENTI. AiS Pome If ILL Ml AN STOCK CO Ihc Burglar's Wife Admission, XOo and (Oo. JTBXT WZBX "Jykl and Byde. : BOYD'S; FAREWELL WEEK TONI0KT Katlneeei Thursday and Saturday. TBB WOODWABO BTOOX CO., IN "Merely Mary Ann" Bail Waas MOYITTO PfCTUBEg. X Oaly luumn Bovalty Chaumey Jeaxon, Wattlba A Warren. Harold Cush man, 'Pop" Ferguson, Trevelougea, Moving Pic tures. New Program - Q Thuraday 'V HOTELS AND tifBl. Sandwlchoo . . . . - Cnti tat inn. f,m th Bst Sandwich Served.. A Full THE UOVTON LUWCH 1U raraam. Doug im a. aviway vp-. If the Best is Not Too Good FOR YOU.-'v thm The Calumet :. r 1 A the place for you. P4j Omaha BfflaVlCZB TlatB TAVDX. TO. LB.