10 THE HEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 50, 1000. 1 Great Waist Sail I R(xt Special for Saturday Waltt Sail SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY I I I l I l l I one lot H I Wednesday ! t All the Women's S6 and $7.50 Skirts will go lot, at . . skirt sale: Hundreds of Women's Up-to-Date Skirts Bought at a Great Sacrifice By Our New York Buyer. Every skirt in this sale is a higli grade garment, made in the very latest styles Voiles, Pan amas, Sicilians; also some white Serges and Mohairs women's and misses' sizes black and various colors newest style features and trimmings.. All the $3 and $4 Tail ored Skirts from this 5 Great Basement Bargains At the Flannel Dept. Heavy cheviot and mad ras Bhlrtlne, the 12 kind, from the bolt, at, per yard . ; , At the Percale Pept Regular 10c and 12 He fine bordered dres percale, light and dark styles, at, per yard 6ic Silk embroidered wool baby flannel, our regular 75c quality, at, yd 39c 15c striped poolins, from - the bolt, on bargain square. per yard. 6ic .7Jc 10c white lawns and India linon remnants on r j sale Wednesday, yd.. , Boys and Girls Bring your Compositions. We must have your compositions on "Gas and Its Uses" before Thursday night. Hurry up and you will win a fine prize. OMAHA I Next Saturday, July 3, Any Man's S'ni In Our Entire Stock for 8.n5)M U Lm Everything Included These Soils Dave . Been Selling Up to $35 IMMWtMHWIMMW WtM ejftjsaUaa oday Is Red Letter Day AT TO TT Tf The last Wednesday of each month 10 S. & H Green Stamps will be given free to any person presenting their book at our store. Double Stamps on all purchases. Boys see our price on Fireworks before buying else where; all prioes shot to pieces. We undersell all compe tition. . 204 NorSh KStSi ft Bee. Want Ad ' , A. will rent that vacant nsuse, fill those vacant rooms, or secure boarders n short notice, nt a very small . cost to you- Telephone Douglas 238, Bee '.Office. 17th and Farnam. LAD1KS HOME JOl'KXAL I'ATTEHXS. RED LETTER DAY ALHO LAST DAY OP OI U CHEAT PRE-INVENTORY BARGAINS Ot foil benefit of Wednesday's wales. Price reductions on neuron able merchandise out of all proportion to actual values. To Trading Stump Collectors Bring In all your booka and receive a dollar's worth of 8. & II. stamps free. The value of 8. & H. Green Trading Stamps must be apparent to all. They do not cost cost you a single extra penny and are the means of filling your home with beautiful furnishings without any outlay. We give S. & H. Stamps with everything you buy. They are a part of your purchase and you are entitled to them. Pretty Little Dress With Parasol to Match, at Mere's a Striking Nov. elty. Every Girl Wants It. The parasols are made of the same material as the dress and are trimmed just like them. The materials are of strong, durable percale that launder well. The styles are exactly as shown In the picture; stripes and polka dots on blue or tan grounds; sizes G to 14 years. The parasols are good size and practical, that will delight the heart of any girl. The complete outfit, dress and parasol, lor- (TP -fl Rn Continuing Wednesday to Sell WW a A a women's $25, $29.50, $35 Tailored Cloth Suits. aL.M Every popular shade In the finest worsted materials worn. Every garment a strictly new model, with long coat, finest tailoring and silk linings. Absolutely our greatest sale of the year, choice $10 IF Women a I Another shipment of black and navy brllllan- frs "i . 1 tm Bathing Suits just In. gome have white Bathing sailor collars with soutirh trimming. Borne $5,00 Sniia I have low cut B(l,,are necks witii white soutache. ( ouiis i Kour pretty ,tyles In all, at, each J Notion Day Every Wednesday Dress Shields, featherweight, reg ular 15c kind, at 10 Spool Silk. 100 yard. 2 for ..5 Hoae Supporters for women and children, special, at 10 Darning Cotton, black and brown, 12 spools to box, for . ...15 Hair Pins, Klrby, Beard & Co. make, 6c kind, at, 2 boxes 5 Ironing Wax, 3 for 5 Bias Lawn Tape, 12 yd. bolts, all widths, at Safety Pins, nickel plated, 2 dozen for 5 Stationery lied Letter Day Specials: 100 Napkins, for 10$ and 10 stamps. Dennlson's 25c Lunch Sets 1Q and 10 stamps. Roll Lunch Paper) for ...-10 and 10 stamps. 100 Envelopes, for 106 and 10 stamps. 25c Tablets, for and 10 stamps. Fine Box Stationery, big lot 50c j quality, Including 20 sfps, I Post Card Albums, will hold 300 cards, including 10 st'ps, 19 Red Letter Day Corset Special 69c 25 dozen batiste and coutil Corsets In medium length for .c.afc0 inures, non-rusiaDie boning and two pairs of supporters, best $1.00 corsets, for 75c CORSETS COc Three styles girdles for misses; also medium an.l extreme lengths; batiste or coutil, with supporters all mea,um Bn" sizes up to 30, at, each - 50 A beautiful American Beauty Poster Souvenir to purchasers Wednesday. Wednesday, Candy Day Always a splendid Candy Special here every Wednesday, famous sweets freshly made for the Hurt OPERA CREAM CARAMELS , MARS1IM ALLOWS Balduffs units ivt m I Anrtont Hlnn 30c quality, at, pound quality, for one day, at, pound , 25c Balduffs 15c Pre-Inventory Clean Up in Woodware Depl. k, 30x2U47, .$17.85 111 y of 100 !3r,BELrlfl rolls. REFRIGERATOR nf miu i, oa,.. nuui iiiiiiis, pounas ice capacity, a regular $21.85 refrigerator. Wednesday, at T mr-twa, amrsn.An . . , iir.n, jnuitut wahiiixu MACHINE, operates on any power. Our 116.00 machine am a nm ednesday, for 0 ltf.Oc) CIHXA CEREAL SETS In port ed sets of fourteen pieces In fine decorations, hlghebt grade, the regular price is 7.00, Wednesday, on sale, at ...... 33 Wed AiMi.a r n it.it P1PCS In case lots 1 liHO ahAAtM Manilla tissue, special, at J5d OK per case -- CUKTAX ITBITOENI, size 6x12 tent, made of bass wood, QOn nickeled pins, 1.2b value, at . .OiJC $3.89 In the Hardware-Red Leller Day !2 2 2 ll.SI Lisk Wash Boilers, at ....tl.Ss 20 L.IH waan HoUits, at ....81.49 4& I .In k Wuh Rnllnr. o Zi mm lBc Ir Plrlia imilrh in' .,..1.'. Glass Lemon gqueeur (10 stamps) lOe MamiWAM-Wth any piece at Sue or over we Include 10 k t II stamps FREE. OABOI.IVB ujitt cava win not explode: 11.75 cans, 6 gallon size, for . ...S1.9S II. 60 cans. 1 gallon else, for . ...1.00 11.25 cans, 1 gallon size, for 75o fruit Jar Wrenches (10 stamps) lOo ""i Jr runneia h0 stamn?".,h,f ncludln's "40 stamps with each, up from... 91.64 "cludln 10 stamps with each, up from si..3 ;u" "toves, ons hole, for . .$1.65 Tlv ith,.ach Purchase.) BlJei ni-ii10? and 10 'tamps ins Jap. Sink trainers, for ... 30o and 20 stamps. lS5t quality. No. I, worth Cherry BtOMr,-' ' . ! j. ' and 10 stamps. Bennett's Big Grocery Mexican Chill Brans, pound , Oolden Cofftts, cound ieiie) s lea, pound Beauty Aspararus, can Teas, assorted, pound Eugene Tomatoes, can Mignonette Marrowfat Peas, for Capltnl Country Gentleman Corn, I for .. Tepee Salmon No. 1 flat can Olives, Mason quart Jar ,. Snlders Tomato Boup. large can Pure Honey, Mason pint Jar .lOe--and .86c and ,70c and aoo and . 48o and . 10c and . .So .ISO .16c and .SSe and 80o and 4c and 10 gren JO green 60 gret n 10 green 40 Kren erern 10 green 20 green 0 green 10 green stamps stamps stamps stamps WXOX.S WU1I XlaL, 10 pua4 sack Diamond C Soap, 10 bars for California Prunes, pound Pried Peaches, pound Armour's Sliced Beef, 1 pound jar ...... Cli arm Syrup, bottle Sweet Plokled Peaohea. quart jar Coriuneat. white or yellow, 10 pound sack uornmeaj. it-pouna saca ao ana 80 green stamps .,4o So . ..84o nd 10 green stamps , ..16o oiid 10 green stamps "JUS"" 10 sre0 I""'" ..ooo and to green stamps Natty Our Oxford Tans arc ns pleasing to ourselves as to our customers. They certainly are beauties. Every style imaginable and every leather manufactured. Nothing so popular for this season. $3.00. $3.50 and $4.00 Seo display in windows. FRY SHOE CO., Q Til IKOEBI tj H letb and Douglas Btreets. f One Loaf of BUSTER BROWN BREAD will convince you of Its su perior merits and cleanli ness. Sealed at the oven In waxed paper wrappers. For sole at your grocers, 5c. U. P. STEAM BAKING COMPANY ESSE! Think About Your Eyes Tbsy often pain a little. Ton sim ply give tn.m a rest. But they oiiKlit not to pain with ordinary use. There's something wrong! Now don't cheat your eye and think you are saving money by neglecting them. lot uh examine them imw, and if you do not need KlaHuea we will tell you so. There's no use to kick about wearing them. If nature says classes, why glannes It must ba. Huteson Optical Co., 213 8. 16TH 6T., OMAHA. Factory on the premises. Bulletin From the Auction The following souvenirs were given out Monday, June 2Sih, at Fred Brodegaard & Co. 'a Jewel ry Auction 109 North Sixteenth Streit (Opposite th. Postoffloe) P. J. roran, 3377 South 17th St., Sliver Coffee Pot. Mrs. gchrodel, 2921 Webster St., Cut Glass liottle. J. V. Light, 2627 Decatur St.. Austrlun Ulas. Fred Miller, 215 North 26th St.. Cut Qlaxs and Austrian Glass. Miss Bertha Pwartz. 2614 Capitol Avenue, Silver Powder Box. Auction commences every day. 10:30 a. m., 2 p. ni. and 7:30 p. m. DOJTT TAX& TO ATTEBO. BEGINNING THURSDAY, JULY 1ST, This Store Will Close at 5 P. M. Except Saturday. BIO SAXE OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S OXFORDS PI In THE RE LI A OLE STORK AYD GREAT SALE OF WOMEN'S WASH SUITS ) Manufacturer's Stock Clothing Sale Continues to increase h general interest. Every suit must go before July 4th, and Wednesday we offer you, as advertised: 11 Xu a?not afford t0 delav making your selections as natur ally the choicest lots will go first. More extra sales people to wait on you VV ednesday and we hope to be ablo to pive every customer the careful attention which is our wish. See the 16th St. Window Display. Como early on Wednesday. Your unrestricted choice of all suits left from this big purchnse, all odd lots and broken lines from our own recnihir stncV. nr. tin t ' - - - . V A V R II-u' bluo I Tremendous assortment styles, colorings and ems for selection in screes, cheviots, wor steds, velours, cassimeres, worth less than $10, at one price. etc., all on aie at the one price. i J THURSDAY Your unrestricted choice of the stock, at $3.00 FRIDAY Your unrestricted choice of the stock, at $2.00 SATURDAY All the balance of the suits will be closed at $1.00 Wednesday Furnishing Goods Specials Twelve big squares piled high with magnificent bargain offerings in Men Women's and Children's Summer Underwear and Furnishings. Women's lOo Gauze Vests on sale at, each 5c Women's Knit Drawers, regular 25c values, at 15c Women's Knit Union Suits, 75c values, at 3QC Men's Combination Suits, in poms knit and balbriggan, val ues to $1.50, at 49c and 98e Hose; men's, women's and child ren to 25c values on sale at, Pair 5c, 8Hc and 12V2i3 Muslin Underwear, worth 39o a garment, at 15c 75o garment value 49c $1.00 garment value .....G9o $1.50 garment value 9gc Men's Negligee Shirts, big'as sortment for selection, regular values to $1.50 on sale, choice, at 25c, 49c and 98c Men's Undershirts and Drawers, summer weight, regular values to 75c a garment on sale at, cacb 15c, 25c and 35c 50c to $2,50 Lace Dutch Collars In all the latest novelties, beautiful assortment for selection-on oatmuay, at 50c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 Extra Specials for Wednesday At :bo a. m. One case of eenulna Hope Muslin, 10 yds. limit, at, per yar GW At 0:80 a. m. One case of 2 Be extra large bath towels, bleached, 4 pairs limit, at, each J 15 At 4 p. m. One case of 81x90 sheets. regular price 86c, at, each....58 At 2 p. m. 1 case of 86-ln. bleached muslin. 8c quality, 10 yards limit, at, per yard At 8 p. ru. one case of 15c batiste fine side bands, all colors, strictly fast, at, per yard TH Ten other specials for all day. Ttis Last Day of the Big Grocery Sale Prior to Inventory Bay now and ssts yonrsslf 95 to 60. 20 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar ror si.oo 41 lbs. best High Patent Flour 91.63 10 bars best brands l,nundry Soap.. 85o 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 35c 7 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal 26o 5 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca or Bago.... 85o Gallon cans Apples 850 The best domestic Macaroni, pkg. .. 8v,o 16 oz. can Lu Lu Hcourlng- Soap.... So Condensed Milk, per can 7V4c BromaiiKulon, Jellycon or Jello, pkff..7Ho 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can.... 4c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. So The best Pretzels or Ginger Snaps, lb. 6c The best fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb 88o The best fancy No. 1 Country Butter, per id 8So The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb. 83o Full rreiini. whlti. nr cnliir.H Krllr nw llmbureer Cheese, per lb 17Ho Fancy Cabbags, per lb ..'.7.7 ""was X.SBCOMS UMOnu ande'.'l"1.C.y Lemon"- fr 0n. 15o, SOo TEOHTABI.il ' at' pilCTESl THAT AU OKAl THAJT TOO CAJT KAXSB THXM Fresh Spinach, per peck .....Be 6 hunches fresh Leaf Lettuce 6o 4 buncheH fresh Head Lettuce ........ 6o B qusriH rresu .....10c Large baskets fsncy Rips Tomatoss. . 20c 0 uuni-nri irenn itadisnes 8 bunches fresh Onions 1 a r- f u f'uliHrinw., . V. Jt Fancy Wax or (ireen Beans, ib uuiiciiph rrenn AsparaKUB . Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb o nuncnen rrean rteeis . , . 6 bunches frnHh PI Pl.nt ---- , . - - - .........,.,.wv Fancy Ripe btrawberrles, box lOo Large baskets fancy California Apricots 4(1A . .60 .50 , .6c . .60 . .c , .60 .60 Blackberries, per box lOo L.rn ucumoers. earn b0 JHo DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and Stats. Bst Cjtmals and MeOTrinal Spring, in America. First Class Hotel.. Uosyl. ts!s and Bath Uousea. Writs Is Secretary Commercial Clno, ol aurtnss- So. Das, mfin rni? Weak and nrui mas IUI Wbo find tbelr power ts NTR VFi work and youthful vigor S HCIVsv gone as a result of over. ! work or mental exertion should take UKAY'b NKUVa FOOD P1LLU. Toey wlU i luaks you sat and slaap sud ba a utaa saajn. 1 Bos i S boxes 93.60 by mail. stXKKLaJT McCOITbTBIJ; DBVCI OO. Cor. ISta aa4 Iodge StreeM, OWL PSDO OOsCPAHY. Cor. ISta ul Marsey ftta. Oasaaa. VaU, 13 THE HOT WEATHER HERE Hit yon rot your stammer Bait. If not go to G. A. LIHDQUEST Company 235-236 Pax ton Block They will fit you out at a discount Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cases Matting Cases, $2.00 up. Don't buy until yqu see our lino. Suit Csbps In all sizes and styles from $l.fUl to 918S.OO. Our own make Trunks from $3.50 to 70.00. Our prices are lower than you will have to pay for Inferior grades elsewhere. Inspect our line before buylnf. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam. Doug. 1058 jT, w nasn- -i nirn-T ittsu jr Available Office Space On account of changes being made to accommodate one of our tenants with more office room, we will have for rent on July 1st, a desirable space on sixth floor facing Farnam street. This room is 20x20, in the southwest corner of the building and is well lighted; also has large fire proof vault. Partitions will be arranged to suit permanent tenant The Bee Building Is the best kept office building in the city, and every effort is made to care for our tenants as they would expect. If you con template making a change, we would like to have you give us a call and take a look through the building. We have a waiting list, so that if you cannot find wlat you want in vacant space, let us file your application for rooms. We will be able to fix you out some time. The Bee Building Co. R. W. Baker, Superintendent. 17th and Farnam. BAILEY (i MACfl DENTISTS Baal equipped Dental offlos In the middle nignest grsxis usuciatry at Kasonbie frloea. oaiaJu fillings, Just Ilka tbe tooth. All laatnunactM eaxafully aUrllls4 attar eaah salient. XMIUO HOOK. y AXTOM BLOCK, "A i I ) I I h4 V