Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
I tb most powerful business
fitter In the Mt, becaao It goea
to the homes of poor and rich.
For Nebraska Oenerslly fair.
Kor loa Partly cloudy.
For weather report wr page I.
Pittsburg Company Makes Conces
iont and Strik it Formally
Declared Off.
Bluntly Informs Both Sides Differ
ence! Most Be Settled.
ed and Griev-
"Swing Rum"
ancei Wi.' '
-.khh Cirhaoffi 4 Tnrfcnlont
I riMVds Make More or . j Tronhlo
-All rare Will Baa Rega
in rly Today.
I'lTTflBUIlU, June M. At 10:80 o'clock
Ionium the street railway strike, whloh
has coet the olty of Pittsburg over $200,000
In two day, waa offlulally declared to be
at an end.
In the private offices of Mayor William
A. Ma see article wen signed by officials
of the Pittsburg Railways company and
an executive committee from the Amal
gamated Association of Street and Electric
Hallway Employes, which will for years
to come prevent another tie-up of the 400
miles of street railway tracks In and about
Greater Pittsburg- and Allegheny county.
The strike, It developed tonlKht, was the
outcome of but two points of difference
bet K een the car company and the motor
men and conductors, one being the alleged
neglect upon tn part of the car company
to shorten "swing runs" and the other of
the refusal of these railway officials to
reinstate discharged men without proper
Mayor Work Hard.
All during the day Mayor Mage made
vain efforts to bring the two factions of
the traffic tangle together. At f o'clock
tonight no amicable adjustment of the
differences of the men and the car com
pany seemed In sight. The mayor, how
ever, did not give, up the fight, and as
Inte as T o'clock wrote a letter to both
the car company officials and the union
men, asking their attendance at a confer
ence In his offices at t o'clock.
When the warring factions assembled,
the mayor stated what be thought was
only the Just deserts of the residents of
Greater Pittsburg, and suggested that the
temper of the people seemed to Indicate
they would neither tolerate rioting nor
prolonged traffic disturbances.
Cora pnny Make Concessions.
it was pnly after the mayor had made
his sentiments extremely plain that the
cur company official and union men
finally agreed -set. tie , J bole diffar s.
With slight araalfJoatlpns an agreement.
allowing discharged men proper hearings
before superintendents, and the assurance
of tht car -company that the secretary will
shoiten "swing runs" fifty per cent, was
drawn up and signed.
Greater Pittsburg's first street railway
tleup was thereby effectively avoided.
There will be no ratification meeting of
the men tonight. Union headquarters were
at once notified by Mayor MaQee, and the
executive committee was Instructed to
liotify the picket at the various car barns
to call th men for duty, commencing at 6
o'clock. It la said that by 7 o'clock all the
3.600 cars In Greater Pittsburg will be
operating on regular aehedule.
H lot I a a; Breaks Oat.
The two-day-old . Strike was showing
Burns of beating bloody results. Riots
broke out In more than one car barn dur
ing the day. At two places shots were
find between officers of the city and
county and what are alleged to have been
union sympathiser. He one waa wounded.
Two county detective ralaaed death by
a narrow margin In the afternoon, bow
ever, when a crowd of person around the
Franklin street car barns set upon four
teen strike breaker. The of floors at
tempted to pacify the fighting men. The
crowd devoted their attention to the of
ficers and after beating them unmerci
fully dragged them to a hlgb bridge over
a ravin near th car barn and threatened
to tbrow them over th rail. If they re
fused to promise to keep out of the clashes,
between th strike breakers and the friends
of th strikers. Th timely arrival of
the police saved th offloer from prob
able death. -
ftmeUm ArO Okatrnoted.
Rioting reached th down town section
early in th afternoon. A orowd around
the Herron Hill oar barn placed obstruc
tions en th oar track in the shape of
plU4 of lumber whea It was rumored that
car would b taken from the barn by
non-union crew. Th polio dispersed the
hooting and hissing mob and removed th
timber from th track.
Report of activity on th part of the
union picket also filtered Into th polloe
station all during the day.
All th polloe fore of greater Pittsburg,
numbering aver LSM man, were constantly
on duty, augumentsd by special deputies
sworn in last night and today by the sher
Iff of AttsCbeny oounty.
Nat a oar wa In operation today with
th xeeptton of a United 8 Late mail
Miners Quit Work
in Kansas Field
Sheridan and MeCormiok Companies
Announce They Will Grant
Workmen's Demands.
PITTSBURO. Kan., June x. AU th
miner in th north end of the Pittsburg
cvl field, about S.M0 In number, quit work
today. No strike had been called, but the
men decided to suspend work until a de
cision is reached In the checkoff dispute. It
is possible that a formal strike order will
be Issued tomorrow, calling out all miners
of th southwest.
A break in th ranks of th operators
occurred today when two companies, th
Sheridan Coal company and the MoCor
miok Coal company, announced they would
grant th miner' demands.
Three Tihwss Jane Bride.
CHICAOO, Juno Si. Th all-ihlcago
reouraa for Jan bride will bo broken
tins month, according to a statotaent mad
by Morris Baliiionaou, clerk of tb mariiag
l license aeparuoeat, today, at na isauea
.oat Ucenaaa fax this mouth. Th ro
erd ma4o lass Juue la I. SUA. It fat oaaeoted
" teura wlA be w,uad fry. aawut asi
Dispute on Census
Ends and Report is
Adopted in House
Conference Agreement Provides for
Examination! in Statei iii Which
Applicants Live.
WASHINGTON. June 28. An agreement
on all th dl.sputrd points in the bill pro
vldlng for the thirteenth censi
mi war
wis ac-
reached today and their report
cepted by the house, leaving nothing but
fthe action of th senate and signature of
the president to make It a law.
The bill's most Important provision per
tains to the general civil service and not
especially to the census. This provision re
quires that hereafter all examinations of
applicant for positions In the government
service from any state shall be conducted
In th state In which such applicant re
sides, snd that persons taking the exam
inations shall have been actually domiciled
In the state for at least a year previous to
examination. The provision Is Intended to
prevent the appointment ' of residents of
Washington upon Indorsements obtained
through the malls, a practice which It
Is claimed has been carried on to such an
extent as to mean an abuse of It.
Competitive examinations are provided
for, but this requirement Is not made ap
plicable to supervisors and enumerators.
Only one person from a family will be
admitted under the examination, and this
provision Is made general to all branches
of the civil service. A geographical ap
pointment is also provided for.
The appointment of emergency employes
for a period not longer than sixty days la
authorised, but It is required that these
appointment shall b made from the
eligible list.
More Raids on
Bucket Shops by
Ohio Prosecutor
Office of Grain Firm at Cincinnati
Broken Into and Two
CINCINNATI, O., June 28 County Prose
cutor Hunt' spectacular raiding campaign
against th bucketshops was continued to
day, when he and ten deputies overpowered
two armed watchmen and raided the of
fices of th Consolidated Stock and Grain
company. C. A. Acton and C. B. Fox were
arrested and all the books of the con
cern were taken and the wires cut. The
men were arraigned and held to the grand
Jury. Ten days ago this same company
was raided by Hunt and his deputies, when
Louis W. Foster and W. D. Klausman i
were arrested and Indicted later by a grand
Jury on the charge of running a bucket
shop and defrauding th public Twenty
customers of the alleged bucketshops were
hM prisoners behind the locked .floors of
th concern for several, hours today In
order to obtain their oorrect name for
A few days ago Hunt raided the Ryan
Brill Brokerage company and held a num
ber of customers as witnesses, and one
hour later a special grand Jury Indicted
John Ryan, a well known sporting man.
on a charge of conducting a buekatshop.
Ryan hurried back from Atlantic City and
gave a 1600 bond for his appearance In
Thirty creditors of th Consolidated
Stock and Grain company, who are here
from a number of town In th west and
aouth, are trying to effect a settlement of
claims. W. H. Klausman, B. H. More-
head and Louis W. Foster are the leading
spirit In the alleged bucket shop. It Is
said today that the concern owes Its cus
tomer between tiOO.MO and IH400.
Taft Will Attend
Waterways Meet
President Will Go to New Orleans in
November to Lake-to-Gulf
NEW ORLEANS, June 18 That several
president of American republic may
meet her during the Lakea-to-the-Qulf
Deep Water War association convention.
November 11-U, I th hop which has
boon atrengthoood by a press dispatch from
Washington announcing that President
Taft will spend on day lh New Orleans
upon that occasion. Invitations to th ex
ecutive of Mexico and Central American
republic and Cuba will, It la atated, be
earnestly extended by th committee In
charge of the arrangement for th water
way gathering. I
California Bnprent Conrt Fpholds
tatnta Passed ky Last
BAN FRANCISCO. June . The direct
primary law enacted at the late session
of the legislature waa held to be consti
tutional In an opinion rendered today by
the state supreme court. The suit was
brought by the socialist party against the
election board.
Ducks Swim in
Since That
A good day for ducks, sural
Astride a high stool in the center of a
pool of water in the parlor of hi modest
horn at Thirteenth and Grace streets, Wil
liam Harria, Ilk th doge of ancient
Venice, rules his portion of th city and
watches his ducks swimming from room
to room a th doge watched gondolas
plying up and down the canal of the city
built over the sea.
For th horn of William Harris la com
pletely surrounded by water and tbe lower
rooms In his house, a small old dwelling,
are Inundated. Water In th parlor, or
front room of hi house 1 about fifteen
tnaae deep and In th kitchen It I deeper,
and ducks, whloh th householder raise
for a living, are enabled to swim In and
out of th house at will.
Of a cheerful and uncomplaining disposi
tion. Mr. Harris, barefooted and with his
trousers rolled to tho knee, said that th
water la not nearly aa high aa It had bean
t other time, and pointed out th hlgb
Judges Vandeventer and T. C. Munger
Hear Arguments for Order to
Prevent Its Enforcement.
John L. Webster and W. V. Allen
Appear for the Banks.
They Contend it Takes Property
Without Compensation.
Attorney General Thompson and
Associate Answer that Plaiatlsls
Have Adeqaate Remedy
at Law.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 8. (Special.) Argument
for and against the constitutionality of the
banking law enacted by the late legisla
ture were heard by Judge Willis L. Vande
venter of Cheyenne and Judge T. C. Mun
ger In the federal court today.
Representing fifty-two banks which are
attacking the daw, John L. Webster and
W. V. Allen argued for an Injunction to
prevent the law being put In force July
2. while the application for the Injunction
was resisted by Judge I. L. Albert of Co
lumbus, C. O. Whedon of Lincoln and At
torney General Thompson, representing the
The Importance of th casa attracted
many of the members of the bar to th
court room and several of them remained
throughout the day notwithstanding the
heat In the room was almost insufferable,
for when the windows were raised the
noise from the street almost drowned the
voice of the speaking lawyer.
Though General Webster thought It would
take only two hours for the plaintiff's
side of the case to be presented It was
after 4 o'clock when he and Senator Alton
had concluded and Judge Albert opened
for the state.
As a preliminary to the opening argu
ment o. General Webster, the state filed
a motion to dismiss the case alleging there
is no ground for the Issuance of the re
straining order or an Injunction, for the
reason that the plaintiff has an adequate
remedy at law; the Issues were Improperly
Joined; the court ha no Jurisdiction; and
It had not been shown that the amount
Involved did not amount to 12,000.
Judge Vandeventer took this filing in the
nature of a demurrer and thus gave to
the plaintiff the right of the opening and
closing statements.
Baaia of Arajamenta.
The arguments hinged on the following
points raised by the plaintiffs:
The levy for the creation of the guaranty
fund Is repugnant to the federal and state
constitutions because it takes property
without compensation and applies It to
tho payment of obligations of other banks.
"Section 62 provides that claims of de
positors shall be settled before any other
claims, except of federal, state, county
and municipal taxes. This does not give
other creditors the same light to secure
their money.
"The act Is Illegal wherein It provide
for the payment of fees Into the general
fund of the state, and It Is illegal wherein
It authorises the state banking board to
pay rewards out of the guaranty fund for
the apprehension of persons who violate
the banking law.
"The aot I Illegal because It prohibits
private banks." This, It was argued, la
a violation of the federal constitution and
a violation of the contract specified In the
charter granted these private banks.
Albert Opens for State.
Judge Albert opened for the state, direct
ing the principal part cf his argument to
the right of the state to prohibit private
banking. He argued that no on could
engage In the banking business without the
consent of the state, whether private bank
ing or corporation banking, and that the
state had a perfect right to refuse the per
mission to the private individual.
C. O. Whedon will begin his argument in
the morning.
Bishop Nuelsen
at Conference
Meets with Presiding Elders in
Effort to Further German
CINCINNATI, Jun 28,-German Metho
dist presiding elders discussed today with
th German bishop of th cabinet of
bishops German Methodist church work In
general. Bishop John L. Nuelsen of Omaha
waa the presiding officer. The discussion
was devoted to plans to Induce greater
numbers of German young men and women
to lake advantage of the three German
colleges located at Berea, O., Wallace, Mo.,
and Charles City, la.
Last Big Rain
water mark left on the interior wall of
hi dwelling about three week ago. Mr.
Harris, who 1 compelled to do her house
work by stepping from chair to dry goods
box and thence to the bottom of an over
turned pall, doe not think It I so "funny"
and It s nut safe for a duck to cross he
path or get In her way.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harris, elderly
people, nearlng the a of three score
years and ten, have lived In this same
house at Thirteenth and Grace street for
over forty years. They say they have
spent the happiest years of tbslr live in
th house and would not think of moving.
However, year ago before atreeta were
graded, which now hold th water from
flowing unobstructed to the liver and be
fore sewer were built to bring water down
In torrents from the uplands, U Harris
horn waa not considered to be in a bad
location. A beautiful meadow land sur
rounded their home when th house was
built in th early days, but now railroad
tracks gur round the ho us on all aid.
From the Washington Sunday Star.
Senator Burkett Sees Hope for His
Dream Coming True.
Senator Brown Prevails with Treas
ury Department to Listen to
Appeal from Omaha Com
! uierrlal Clnb.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June 28. (Special Tel-ram.V-Among
the ew'ji ambition of
Congressman Burket;- when- he represented
the First Nebraska district In . congress,
was to straighten the Nemaha and reclaim
Its broad valley from Inundation by period
ical overSow. The Nemaha valley through
southeastern Nebraska and Its crooked
ness Is proverbial. He began down In
Rlchardsun county and secured the co
operation of the government with the peo
ple there! and since then has been grad
ually extending operations upstream. At
present there Is a force of engineers In
the vicinity of Table Rock, and th sena
tor has Secured the promise of the de
partment to keep the engineers actively at
work, and before the summer Is over they
hope to ret up as far with their plans
as Tecumteh.
In speaking of the matter today. Sena
tor Burke said: "Thousands of acres of
the best land In the world can be re
claimed b a little organized effort, and
my opinion Is the government can do no
more activt service than in lending assist
ance to lie several communities where
such condlUonse exist."
Lla-ht' for tbe Omaha Clock.
Senator Brown, although he was busy
counting mfes for his resolution, reported
from the (committee on finance today
favoring a vote by the states on a con
stitutional intendment providing for the
graduated itronie tax, took up with the
Treasury d.bartment an order which was
to go Into ffect on July 1, discontinuing
tits lighting 'of the clock In the Omaha
postofflce toer. This clock Is lighted by
the fovemmifit at a cost of $1,000 a year,
and as the atthorttles in Washington have
got a fine Break of reduction and re
trenchment, Siey saw a way to save a
thousand dojars by discontinuing the
lights In the; clock tower. The Omaha
Commercial Hub, through Its commis
sioner, called: the attention of Senator
Brown to the tirder. and protested against
Its enforcemeifc. Mr. Brown In turn pro
tested to the ?reapury people, who agreed
toa reconBlderlon and the senator hopes
that the postofee clock will be Illuminated
during the coiiing fiscal year.
Itttr on Tin.
Senator Gamble's amendment providing
that when 1.600 tons of tin yearly are pnv
I duced In the Unfed States that the duty on
1 tin shall be 4 cts per pound win adopted
by the senate today. Under existing law
production Is f.ted at G.000 tons per year
when the same tate of duty is to be col
lected. This hart vlrtuully made tin a free
commodity, as t total tin product of the
I'nlted States h; fallen considerably be
low the provision In both the IMngley and
McKlnley bills. ?lie Gamble amendment Ik
of very great In f rest to the Black 11111m
Prraeiial Notes.
Secretary William Hayward of the na
tions) republican i committee arrived In
Washington yesteiay on personal business.
It Is understood h will have a conference
with Postmaster General Hitchcock anil
the secretary of tie treasury. He paid his
respects to the pretident this afternoon.
W. C. Cook, chairman of the republican
state committee f Sioux Falls. United
States Attorney El E. Wagner of Alex
andria, R. J. Hourtnn of Kloux Falls and
John Q. Anderson pf Chamberlain, S. I.,
are In Washington today and were In con
ference with henaurs Gamble and Craw
ford. Senators Brown and Burkett today united
In the recommendatcm of Lewis N. Trailer
to be postmaster at Ralston, Douglas
county, Nebraska.
Former Congressiran Frank Boyd of Ne
braska had an exc.llng adventure on the
streets early Sunday morn'ng. He was on
a street car, when mi altercation arose be
tween the conductor and a passenger.
Boyd was giving th row- some attention,
when he felt a hand In his pocket. He
truned. but not qulifc enough to grab the
man, who Jumped from the car, with the
Continued on Second Paav
No Danger at
Pathfinder Dam,
Says McConncll
Supervising Engineer Denounces
Story that Flood Threatens Big
Reservoir at Casper.
CASPER, Wyo., June 2S. (Special Tele-1
gram.) Supervising Engineer McConnell of
the Pathfinder irrigation project authorized
the statement that there Is absolutely no
darker from flood. He says he will blow
out the end of the dam If the danger point
Is reached, thus diverting th water and
avoiding a flood.
In any event, he says, the water has still
fourteen feet to rise before going over the
lowest point south of the dam. A force of
men ts building a temporary dam that will
hold the water should It rise to this point
and will provide for a further rise of eight
to ten feet.
The river above the dam 1 slowly fall
ing. The rise In the reservoir at the face
of the dam Is less than eight inches In
twenty-four hours. The spread of the water
Is over 14,000 acres In the reservoir and If
the rise continues as at present It will hold
for fifteen days, but the fall of the river
will lessen the rise dally, aa It ha been
doing for the last three days.
Mr. McConnell Is Indignant at the scare
Btorles that have been sent out and say
positively there ts no foundation for them.
No alarm Is felt by tbe people In the valley.
Fight on Summit
of Pike's Peak
Keeper of Summit House Has His
Head Broken by Boister
ous Guest.
As the result of a fight at th Summit
house. Pike's Peak, in which a club was
the principal weapon. Howard H. Robinson,
manager of the hotel, la In a local hospital
with a broken head, while John A. Clarke
and George Shipley, both of Chicago, are
In the county Jail. The trouble started
over a complelny by Robinson that the
young men w ere boisterous 'and were an
noying other guests.
It Is believed Robinson will recover, al
though he I not considered out of danger.
Shipley and Clark will be held until the
physicians make a definite report on Robin
son's Injuries.
HANOVER, N. H., June 28.-John A.
Clark of Evanston, 111., and George Ship
ley of Oak Park, 111., who became Involved
In a fight with a government caretaker on
Pike's Peak yesterday, were graduated
from Dartmouth college a year ago. Both
were prominent In athletics.
Von Buelow Will Retire
After Tax Bill is Passed
BERLIN, June 28. Prince Von Buolow
authorized the announcement that h In
tends to retire from the chancellorship of
the empire in any event as soon aa the
pending finance reform meaaur la dis
posed of In on way or another. Tbe
prince remains in office only temporarily
In an endeavor to pass the bill.
The semi-official Norddeutsche Allegen
eine Zcitung, commenting today on the va
rious reports published tending to weaksn
the significance of Chancellor Von Hue
low's statement, says:
"Prince Von Buelow besought the em
peror to permit him to go at once, but hU
majesty In the warmest terms expressed
the wish that the prince remain in office
until the financial proposals bad been put
through th Reichstag."
Emperor William has not considered the
question of a successor to Chancellor Von
Buelow. The most probable choice, hoa
cver, la Dr. Yea BUmaaurdioilweg, im
Woodill Case Ends with Compromise
Inquest Verdict.
Humble Tomato Vine Marks Last
Restlna- Place of "Lame Bob"
Eastman, Broker and
ST. MICHAELS. Md., June 28. With a
compromise verdict of the coroner's Jury
that Robert E. Eastman either killed, or
was accessory to the murder of, Edith
May Woodill, and the declaration of State's
Attorney Taylor that he was through with
the case,, the strange dual tragedy became
a closed Incident today.
Four of the twelve Jurors who listened
to the testmony at the reopened Inquest re
fused to sign th verdict, and the words
"or accessory to the crime," were added to
the draft, which, approved by the major
ity, bluntly accused Eastman of the mur
der. None of the four dissenting Jurymen
would say that any other person than
Eastman was responsible for the girl's
death. Theymorely wished to protest, they
said, against the manner In which the in
quiry was conducted, declaring that much
available evidence was not adduced.
The letter left by Eastman for his wife
In which he declared that Mrs. Woodill had
bean killed by a woman In a Jealous
frenzy, was not read to the Jury. The offi
cials seemed to take it for granted that
all of the evidence unearthed since the
finding of the body, was well known to
the residents of the community, and that
It was unnecessary that It should again ba
Widow at the Grave.
The Jury sat for a time today In the
bungalow Itself with Eastman's unmarked
grave not fifty feet away. Mrs. Eastman
had visited the place earlier In the day and
had stood dry eyed for a time beside the
new made mound. Some one with 111
Judged humor, had planted a tomato vine
on the grave, Mrs. Eastman, thinking the
vine a native flower, asked what It was.
No one had the temerity to tell her. She
stood by the grave until at last a convnl
s Ive shudder shook her shoulders. Then
she was led away.
Th final theory of the authorities Is
this: That Eastman was In need of money;
that he probably had been getting money
from Mrs. Woodill for some time; that he
undoubtedly knew something of her past
life and that he had been blackmailing her;
that he attempted to continue this practloe
and that th woman rebelled, Intimating
that she, too. had found out things about
Eastman, and that If driven to It, would
expos him.
Eastman' dread of serving a term In the
penitentiary Is well known. His wife has
said that he told her he would rather com
mit suicide than be confined In prison. The
pawning of the Jewelry the authorities se;
down to the desire of Eastman to get away
When cornered the man decided thot his
(Continued on Second Page.)
perial secretary of state for the Interior
and vice chancellor. He has been In close
contact with the emperor for ten years as
president of the province of Brandenburg
and Imperial secretary, and his personal re
lations with the emperor are cordial.
Prince Von Buelow, who came from the
German embassy at Rome twelve years
ago, without title to the foreign secretary,'
will go back to Rome and live In the villa
recently purchased by him there at a co.nt
of 1500.000. Twelve years ago he was u
poor man. He retired with a large pri
vate fortune and th rank of count and
On th day his majesty gave him the
latter title, Von Buelow was notified that
his share of the estate of Herr Godfrey,
the wealthy sugar merchant of Hambuig,
amounted to 1.3'.5,uOO. Her Godfrey nas
never met Prince Von Buelow, but had be
but had be-
.rid left him
come Interested In his caiear and
this tvrtuajr,
Discussion of Schedules is Finished
After Seventy Dys of Orating
and Debate.
Cummins of Iowa Will Open' Debate
for Income Tax Today.
Senator Aldrich Gives Structural
Steel a Little Boost.
onthrrn Senators, However, Lose
Plant to lleniove Dnty from
t'otton Ties Odds and Ends
Are Disposed Of.
WASHINGTON. June 28. After seventy
days of almost continuous debate, the sen
ate today at :45 p. rn . concluded Its dis
cussion of the schedules of the raync
Al.ltich tnrlff bill. Five minutes after
word the senate adjourned for the day to
permit the slight preparation possible In
so short a time for the debate on the cor
poration and Income tax questions, which
will begin soon after the senate convenes
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
The early adjournment afforded the tired
senators a little much needed relaxation
from long hours in the over-heated senate
chamber. Many of them embraced the op
portunity to go to Fort Myer for the pur
pose of witnessing the airship tests and
others attended th base bail game at
American League park. Senator Aldrtcli
wus among those who went to Fort Myer.
He has been greatly Interested In the
flights made by the Wright brothers, and
very much desired to see their machine
In action. Those who went to Fort Myer,
however, were disappointed, for an un
favorable wind prevented a flight.
A Joint resolution proposing an Income
tax amendment to the constitution was
today reported to the senate by Mr. Aid
rich from the finance committee and
ordered to be printed and He on the table.
The proponed amendment Is as follows:
Article HVI:Th congress shall have
power to lay and collect taxes on Incomes
from whatever source derived, without
apportionment among the several states
and without regard to any emuratlon.
Mr. Aldrich said he thought this amend
ment might be passed by the senate with
out debate, but Mr. Borah replied that
he could not give his assent until the In
come tax amendment to the tariff bill
should be disposed of.
Mr. Aldrich made no further effort to
obtain action.
Aldrich Plana Vacation.
Mr. Aldrich told some of his friends that
he would take a few days oft duty for a
water trip of some kind, If tt ' develop
that the discussion of th Incom tax I
likely to be an extended one. In this
event Senator Flint of California will take
charge of the bill, and Senator Root, who
aided Attorney General Wlckersham in
drafting the corporation tax amendment,
will take charge of the measure.
There has been som discussion of post
poning the Income tax and th corpora
tion tax amendments until the next regu
lar session, but this suggestion ha not
met with favor. Senate leader take the
position that a move of thla character
would embarrass President Taft.
It Is now expected that only on vote
will Intervene between the assembling of
the senate tomorrow, and the taking up
of these questions of internal taxation.
Senator Tillman ha pending an amend
ment providing for a tax of 10 oents a
pound on tea, and It I believed that this
provision will not lead to further debate.
Cmnmlna Will Open Fight.
No Intimation has been given of other
amendments and th discussion f'.obably
will be shifted Immediately from the tariff
to the Internal revenue, and It Is under
stood that the opening speech will be mad
by Senator Cummins of Iowa In support
of an income tax amendment as a part of
the tariff bill, In contradistinction to the
movement for a corporation tax and an
Independent resolution looking to the Im
position of an Income tax through the In
strumentality of a constitutional amend
ment. The finance committee' Incom tax
onstltutional provision wa presented to-
dy, and a the corporation tax amend
ment was Introduced soma day ago, bolh
are now before th senate in regular
foday's proceedings consisted of a gen
eral and final clearing up of th passed
oer provisions In both the dutiable and
free llHts of the tariff bill. Cotton bag
Ctng and ci tton ties and Incidentally bind
ing twine, occupied much of th senate's
time. Early In th day Senator Mc
Laurln moved to plare bagging on tho
free list, and contrary to th general x
pectatlon, the motion prevailed. Th south
ern senators were, howevr, not SO for
tunate with cotton ties, which thy also
desired to have made free of duty. Sena
tor Culberson proposed the change In ties.
He came within seven vote of winning,
the vote standing 31 to 38.
structural Steel Duty Ralaed.
The duty on structural Iron and atcei,,
etatued ut more than 9-10 of a cent a
pound, was Increased from S-10 to 4-10 of
a cent per pound, being an addition to the
house rate of 1-10 of a cent. The rate on
steel of a lower value was left unchanged.
Senutor Stone offered an amendment
placing steel products on the free list. It
was voted down. Senator Cummin then of
fered an amendment materially reducing
such duties. It met the same fat. The pro
gressive republicans, as a rule, supported
both amendments.
On alnc In pigs there was also an addi
tion of Vi cent a pound over the house rat
of 1 cent.
Ineffective efforts were made to have
school books and salt placed on the fie
Hut. and Egyptlon cotton placed on th
dutlble list. Senator Bacon, who offered
the amendment for a duty on cotton, said
that at, the same rates placed on wool,
cotton aould produce a revenue of S,000,0u0
a year. He proposed 4 cents a pound.
Senator Tillman also declared that by the
adoption of hi slO-cent rate on tea an
other SU.0O0.0UO would be added to th
treasury receipts.
Addressing hlmxelf to Mr. Aldrich a
the embodiment of the I'nlted State sen
ate. Mr. Tillman was Interrupted by the
Rhode Island senator, who suggeated that
there was somethings that ceased to be
I "He Is th senati
Jaiid b kuvw U."
t of th United States,
decWWl Mr, XlUiaaa