( 11 TIIK BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUKE 25. 1000. REAL' ESTATE ' IT V FHOPEHTV I'OH Sal.B , (Continued. REAL ESTATE (r,nStlnnd ) CITY PBOPKHTV FOrt tklf.. 1 DO NOT MISS i-. Special Sale of Acre Saturday, June 26th Lots IN JEWELL PLACE REAL ESTATE TA ft M AND HA.MH I.A FOR SAMS Nebraeka- reetlaed. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) MONET TO LOAN Fayne Investment To. WA.NTED-Jty loans. Peters Trust C WANTFD Cltv loans and warrants. Farnam tmlth Co.. IJ Farnam 8t. W. SFCONP M'WTO.AOR loana negotiated. Apply Rooma 417-U First Nat l Bank Bldg. fcell Phone Pomtlti 2311. WANTED TO RENT Good location for summer homo, located on interurban car .'line, north of Bellevue; only twenty minutes from South Omaha. Take ear at 24th and N St., South Omaha, and get off at Jewell crossing and walk east. Over 100 acres will he sold in tracts of one acre up to-twenty. No tract farther than five blocks from -! car line. :. East half of addition has fine old forest trees and blue grass sod. Wst half fine garden, land. (Salesmen on the ground all day. GEORGE & CO. 1001 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 750. r geo. h, McNeill -r ; 2316 M St., So. Omaha. Tel. South 5. $4,000 for 1,280 Acres 1.20-acre Improved ranch, with good 4 room house, ioxSO. Bern. 11x14; granary, corncrlb and chicken house; outside cellar; cattle shed. S2x:U; five miles of wire fenre. Well, windmill and tanka; 1G0 acrea la ArrAeA land. One section la school land. a . . K it I k. .. . . A " ' 1 under ct.mv.tlon and aca flt dw WB are getting Inquiry , for well located N. Y. Neb. railway. It la surely a great bantam ana ypen eeninn. iv una wnu ............ , , i.irT.ri n A i-,ti.. t n . II of his homestead rights nothing or l.""-"' ""T"1 '"'" '- . l. . i . v -... KArn h..n nfferMi in Tim iv lor antieman ana iw i" ' avvu the state. About li.000 will handle the deal. and 7 years. Inquire at S02 Poetoffioe Balance easy. Write ua at once aoout this. NEAR A8HLANU. SO acrea located two mllea north ana .nil mtmmt nt Ashland RfllinrierS COUlliy. one of the beat market town In the atale. WE HA VR HVYFRK for a fi-room house, Tiii. arm h.. annA Rrrwm house, turn i (-mom hou? and a counle of vacant lots. for fourteen horses; granary and large NOWATA I,ANI AND I.OT COMPANY, under cultivation and iMO acrea first class nr. .rFi-mni imji. 'y." ior h.v land. Thla place la about 14 miles from houses Must have sole aaenoy. Nr Mullen, the county feat of Hooker county Land and Ijnt Cornpanv Milt P24 . Nebraska, on the Burlington Missouri t.lfe Bid Phew Red. IK, Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED BANK STATEMENTS JOO.UW.OO 1M.OOO.0O i,0i.tXi 4i .40 MO 16U.UW.0O hay mow, chicken house, hot house ana yards; two wella and tank; so acres in cultivation; 20 acres fine meadow. Frulf of all kinds. W have this at quick rale for 75 per acre and land right around It sold recently for I'.K) per acre. EI. JOHNSTON & CO, Phone Doug. 1236. l'U4 Farnam. Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bid.. Omaha. Phone Red. 1!99. . Open evenings. STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnaces; hot water and hot air combination heating; 2 and 4-hole ladndry hot water heaters, mantel grates, gas Moves repaired, water fronts and flower Omaha Rtove Repair Works. l?o. No.' X7T5. Report of the Condition of the MKHl IIA. 19 A Alio AL, BA1 K, At Omaha, In the State of Nebtaska., at the Close (it Business June U, l-'M. KKSOL'KCKS. Ioans and dlscounm t 4,JT1S31 Oveidratta, aecuied and unse cured f. t. bonds to ei-cure circula tion V. x. bonda to at-cuia C t. de posits I", f. bonds on hand bonds, aecurtlleo, etfi Banking house Due tiom national banks tnot reswrve agentsl I W5,270.5 Liue from stale and private banks and ttankers, trust coni panlra and saving banks i8.K7.41 Due from approved reserve agents 1,129,784.06 Checks and oti.cr cash items 5,348.40 Exihanees for clear ing house i.,w.i Notre of other na- tiunnl banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels ana cents Lawful money reserve In bank, via: Specie Legal tender notes... BIO SNAP FOR 8AI.E. Fine Improved farm. 160. In central Ne braska: all In cultivation but few acres; vases 26 acres alfalfa; handy to town and school; t2ft Dooglns St. Phones: Ind , A-8021, Bell, price 175 acre; good terms: one or me oeei poiieias nw. In the state. Address the owner, x 78, care Bee. ( WEST FAKN'AM HOME, ' $4,000.00 Four rooms and hall on first .floor; 4 bedrooms upstairs. Ex cellent condition; will decorate to suit. Lot 50x141), at south-east corner 37th'and Davenport. -Two squares north of Farnam. If not.'sold this week will lease or,ix year at $35.00. - t?KEEFE" HEAL ESTATE CO. ' 1001 N. Y. Life, Doug, or A-21.V2 22 ACRES . On West I'odge road, with ' ' fine Improvements and , over ten acres of grove! lies hlKH and sightly. Would make a fine summer home. Price on applicative. The Byron Reed Co. . ,. 212 So. 14lh Ht. 'Phone Douglas 2u7. i- MUST HAVE MONEY. The owner of 142."i N, 26th St. must have money and "III make great sacrifice for j. Mutck sule. J4ous hHM C fine large rooms, modern, fin cellar, scret n and Mtorm .V.- liulou s, barn and stwd, XJne tei ractl lo;, .,-pavcd tiiot, eil puld for. This is In easy t',' walkUli; - distance, milking it tha blggey! ffereii. l&lll rash. ha!Hiici to Mult. I -sf. AV. HASP CO., .i 4 Ilium liV",S OO-ill BrandelN Bids:. A-li'. V-, IF YOU HAVE . city property, tarms. laurtt' lands or me. .-I'liand'se to aeil or trade, list them with m. It a you nolhlnt. unluhs 1 i-ffei t a suli U . MHi hell. SI!2 Hoard of Trad- H.il. WHY RENTf 3-r. house, tollrt. gas. sewer, city water; lot 2St120 feet; onlv $1,250. Eaay terma. J. H. lrrutte. Bd. Trade. $(),.")00 FINEST CORNER IN KOUNTZE PLACE 2024 WIRT STREET Nine large rooms on a south front corner lot . 100x124. Lower floor finished In oak. Four large bed roonm on aerond floor and well fin ished attic. Stable for several horsea or auto. Streets paved on both aidea and all paid for. Beautiful grounds, with abund ance of shade. Large porches and numer ous baya. Owner Is a non-resident and has mad a price which will kUl It. It la modern in lis architectural linea, as well aa to con veniences. ould cost you IS.000 to build today. Term can be made. -We can show It at any time. HASTINGS & HRYlfcJN, K14 Harney 8t. A SNAP. 4N0-acre wheat, corn and alfalfa farm 50 acres hog-tight: good Improvements per acre. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. WANTED-T0 BUY PEST price paid for second-hand furnl- $35 ture, carpets, clothes and alioes. Tel. Doug. S'71. BEND for long list; farms to $109 per acre. BKM1S, Hranrteia mag. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA HE ST price paid for Id-hand furniture, sloven, clothing. Wm. Koaenblatt., Tel. Douglas S401. WANTED SITUATIONS 4S 320 acres of upland prairie, black For high grade men. call Omaha Y. M. C. A. sandy soil, nr Caney, Kan., price $20 per ...rB' . WANTKU Position as office girl 323 4"t7 700 acrea of agricultural land In one Bee Bldg. v at,i i Ignited for nil and fcaa and I . some' Is not: located mllea southwest of WANTED Position on farm by reliable N'nnata: nrlce 122 Der acre. man with experience; speaks irman. Ad 478290 acres of extra good farm land, dress George Popa, 24th and P Sta., Omaha. loeated near Wann. Okl.: acres or tnis la as rich aa you will find, 30 acrea has WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men. some draws in It; land raisea su du. oi n,,n The Hoe. corn and oats to the acre; 70 acrea Is leased for oil and gas and Is paying $1 per acre advanced royalty; big bargain at lAi mr acre. 4KH-1 (Ho acres or run vaucy iana, an mouik and part of same Is In a high ae of cultivation: this iana is locaieo. Iihln three miles of Wat ova. Okl.. and x miles from Nowata, Okl.; 500 acres of la practically In one Dody ana zw acres located three miles soutn; me iana is cd bargain VlVpe? a". CepUOna"y KuSbT NOTlFlA i.v tV rluUM ! have land In Xow.fa Co In any size the Directors of The M.sxouil tr.c? vou ma J desire f?om B acre up M folfic Hallway (Jon.pany duly adopted at pHcea'ng" fromMSTo V"' pe'r "aVe! fd ".52 There aro 4,tV flowing oil wells In No- A. p., lw, a m.ee.tl,f . V,.L ... . ... 1 1. m. ert nA. I nOineiB Ul 1 IIS II HHUUn I MtlllU IVlin7 11QUSE.OF.1IOPE.- , , '' W'lshi K. to ' sell Ihelr old home at .1711 171". and 171.VJ California St., that they may pnv off the moriitage now due on their m w non-.e on JTth Ave. There are three nniall cotmpeM -now renting for $11 per V-month. Tlic lot Is ore of the finest in the citv. being WrlK and onlv five blocks iV'from the noafoff iot, an -excellent location -I "for a trifle flat or apartment. About a ' " jmr aro a vacant lot le than 200 feet "'fiohi M-- rold for 7.f(i0 and was con Nldrrert cheap But this must be sold at ni and taklig that In consideration the n'lc- Is Bet at onlv .r.0on. which surely '''f-nni;' a onl-k sale. Look It over art! sub "' nit vour rrfer oiilck to the. ..' .'' .7. Vr: RASP CO., t- ' . ' ' . . Mr. Conductor or Motorman We would like to have you look at the new 6-room modern cottaga at the -southeast corner of 23th and Amet Ave., all modern except heat. Price $2,600, on easy terma. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents, Main Floor, Nev York Life. Itn your iana. . u..ui . ,h. i'nu .if wi ij,iii ,V::"e. r.a' l"?ZTWT3 fn ho Of MssJu?!. on th. .fxth day to Octoter 1. 24 Inches, and distributed lust August. A. U. LK. at nine o clock In tue aa-needed. . . . ',"5?5l .u. (iood water la found from 20 to 40 feet. I w .ATA.rt IXJOK THIS UP. B room house, H12S Half-Cnsa. Only $1,100. Very easy terms. J. II. Parrotte, Bd Trade. r nl rminiv on vmir man. I T e Oklahoma & Cherokee Central R. R. the 2-Jtn day of May , 1M. ''fe.oior. east and west through this county Is a "' nd entf,red n lSLtv Comoanv and certalntv Land will probably double in The Missouri Pacific Railway Company and "a u wlihlnL two r"arsP ySu ycantaf f ord the following rr.amt to miss this opportunity. Ask Mo. Pac. oft"45' respective Boa rds o. lr " " ticket agent about low rates to Nowata. The Kansas and Colorado P' I war iJun.uuuy. a coiinuiiutticu -i-e.w.. BUNGALOW ' h iwth Ave.. B rooms, reception ill, all modern plumbing throughout, fur ace heat, gas and electric light fixtures 111 be furnished; lot S8lJt; price, omy MUX). Moderate terms. C E Carlberg, :U N.- X. Life Bldg. '.. Come In and aee us. or write, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone lied IK. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. ay Company, of tha btate of Kansas; The Central Branch Railway company, a consolidated corporation of the State of Kansas; The Rooks County Railroad Company, a corporation of the ttate of Kansas; The Nevada ana aiinaen kuii pany. a ccrporatlon oi ie buu HOMESEEKERS AND LAND SPECU- sourl; , LATOR8. Nevakla and MUlden Mall way oiupny I Kave a number of choice tracts of land Kansas, a corporation of the busts oi in. and Mver counties. So. Kmuiv IbV 1 rieal In newlv natented Indian I ununa rlo ana fiAirth western Hallway ands. and can furnlwh clear unincumbered Comoanv of Missouri, a corporation of the lllion xor Hll nuus uunuui. i nil uia I Ktate Of MlSSOIirl; 4 In -Oregory. Tripp 1 1 h . WE WILL TAKE Y0UR LOT for the first-payment on a brand new a.r.wm uirirtlv modem house In Crelgh- inn'i First addftlon. price $:t.!O0. Owner will ta a KOtl"bulKllng lot aa first pay- merit and monthly ' payments on the bal- 'anfe If d wired." This cfstalnly la better ' than borrowing - money to build on your '' lot and a whole lot less trouble. The hoaiae ' - 14 ready te move Into.' See ua at once. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Pole Agents, Main Floor, New York Life. " 4316 Erskirie ; - Brick bouae, full lot. , for prices and descriptions. Office at Gregory. So. Dak. Dr. JE. T Spencer, $1,800 About one-half what 'Ihe house cost, tc uay nothing about the lot. "Look at It. Part cash. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y.'Llfe Bldg., Phone Red liKS. . . Ornaha, Neb, $425 for a nice building lot in the south part of the city, well located, with new cottages adjoining, city water, cement wlks, on grade. Terms one-third 'cash aud balance monthly payments If desired, or 6 per cent discount for all cash. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents, Main Flovr, New York Life. TEN ACRES OR THEREABOUT 44 LoTSPOR SALE CLOSE IN. NEAR LEAVENWORTH ST CAR LINE. CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $4,500 NET CASH. THIS IS ABOUT YObK LAST CHANCE TO BUY ACRE PROP ERTY AT ANY 81'CH PRICE AS THIS SEE US AT ONCE. ' TUB PUTNAM CO., 504 N. Y. LIFE. A SNAP. ', '" Two south front lots en Amea Ave., '.$3.' fo bath. Addrees D 20. Bee. only BOULEVARD HOUSE. I2 North 19rh St. rooms, modern, only $2,500. Thomas . Brannau. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. BARGAIN. llKBK AKE A FEW LEADERS t Wa cai' aurely give you a home or In- vestment at the price and terma desired. Five-room cottage, full lot. In Gibson - .atatlon. $! rental terms. : $r cask and $10 per month buya a cottage 'of 4 rooma,- city water, lot 25x130, near Wth and Crrant. at $960. - - Verv chok'e new S-room modern cottage. . exceptionally well built, plenty of room for .finishing additional rooma upstairs; con- - crete walks; alghtly lot. 40x120; fine loca ' Uon: wear Wh and Ames, only $2,500. on best of teriha. See us today and make off.e Thla intD will ao Quickly. '" reslrbl 4-room all modern cottage home near 26(h and Davenport for $S lW. Small cash payment, balance aame aa rent. Uood 5-xoom cottage, partly modern, full lot. near 28th and Douglas, only $2.1n0. Small amount down, balance rental sums. Cloae lu. near ISth and Paul we have a n 12-room n.iderii house and lot 30x150 for VtUi; $200 (BMh, balance same as rent. - Five-room cottage, water, sewr, closet, caa. permanent walka. paved atreet. etc.. near I4th ,and Iavenworth for $1,850; $75 rash, balance $13 per month. RUSSELL & MpKITRTCK CO. 433 Ramge JJldg. Utb and Harney Sts. U OR VL-ACRE LOTS IN 1' HOME .'ACRES ADDITION. $3 IHnrS AND $5 A MONTI! ON Vi ACRES. $10, DOWN AND $10 A ,:. .MON'HI ON V ACHES. 1- .This addition is locate4 t block west of I i'Kert Omaha, only six blocks from Soih and Fort St. car line. If you will go out and '.ook this, ground over and aee how large a piece of ground you are getting In a "4 - or V-cre tract you will surely see that It - Is lo your advantage to atari now to save K er $1 a month and Inside of a few years ou will have a lot paid for and will not (ilea the paymenta each month. Thla Is the . ay a great many peop!a get started to save. It .is a good habit; better get Into the habit right way. . HASTINGS HEYOEN MM Harney St. 1114 R K2d Ave., well built 10-room house, thoroughly modern, good oak floors, nicely furnished, large and roomy. Large lot fjliriTl feet, with large barn. Owner, going lo leave the city, wants to make Immediate sale. I'rice reduced for quick sale to $6,200. It's cheap. We will show It to you. any day or you can call at the house yourself and look at It. n V KHOt.KS COMPANY. Ill Board of Trade Bldg., 16th and Farnam, letepnone: Doug. , ino. a-bhu. LIST your property with Chris Buyer, Kd and Cuming bta iui v RPAL ESTATE FARM AND RA.Mli UNO FOR 1ALE Colorada. .AND for eels' In Colorado within miles of Juleaburg. nice prairie, $10 per acre: down, balance $ years' time. Address Thomas Cochrane, Lincoln. Neb. 6 ACRES $2,250 Tii fin. lgh sightly tract, cloae to Omaha. car Una and pated street; one acre In fruit RlY A FARM! BUY A FARMI In the Denver suburban Irrigation die trlct; 62,000 acres comirg under irrigation within 8 miles of the city or Denver. BUY NOW. The prices are low. You can sell any time at a profit. A SPECIMEN. e-10 acrea. Extra good level section In P.,,x l'.lrler Vallev. all fenced. 100 acres plowed. Will divide Into quarters. Price t:. one-half cash. Terms. Let us tell vou more about this ex cellent proposition and quote you on other plecea. Write now. inrurmaiion. tree. HARWOOD A HARWOOD. 416 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb Mlaaeaota. 820 ACRES well Improved land, '. Red river valley, Minnesota; nothing better oo earth; i-ia per acre., u. i. wuiuuui m,nui cott St.. M- raui, aimn. Nebraska. Nebraska Land. balance cao be cultivated cash, balance to suit. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. -'" First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Phones Douglas 17S1. Independent A-11SS. 2S0 acres, Cuming county, Logan valley, close to town, well impryveo, i.u. 110 acrea, Burt county, near Craig", I . k.,..li I ttM 10 acres. Burt cj.unty, 7 milea to Craig Improved, $72; one-third cash, balance easy terma. &.UK) acres. Omaha Indian lands, Terms $ao0 Thurston couhty, jut on market. Write me. JOHN L. BARBER. (4S Brandels Bldg. lm LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Stockholders' Meetiaa; To the stockholders of THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY: in conformity with the reuuirementa oi the Constitutions and lawe of tha stales oi Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska 'and the BANK STATEMENTS 24,100.00 4.6.4 M 61. 724.M) 9C.4."00 No. IttM. Report of the Condition of Ihe OMAHA NATIONAL BK, At Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, the Close of Husinrss June lU, Doy. RKSOLRCES. Loans and discounts $ 7.21T.!li. i Overdrafts, secured and unse cured U. a), bonds to secure circula tion t". S. bonds lo secure f. S. de posits Premiums on V. S. bonds Bonds, securities, etc Banking bouse, furniture and fixtures Due trom national banks tnot reserve agentsl Due from (ate and private banks and bankers, trust com panies and saving banks Due from approved reaerva agents Checks and other cash Items Exchanges for clearing house.... Notes of oilier national banks.,. Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents Lawful money reserve In bank, via: Specie $i.ns2.sn5 00 Legal tender notes.... $2,3ti8.0O it l.ilK.42 eoo.ooo.oo tf,$,0M 00 4T.17i.00 m;.ii io lTS.OUO.OO 1,286. StM.l9 Current Literature In the July nunibcf of CJunrcr's Is Inaugurated a department of stoilrtles, "Little Stories of Human Interest," In which Is lo be presented each month to supplement the larccr stories of romance and adventure, rxcltlng to tear or to laughter, or to bolh. In this department for July are "A Desperate Voyage," by Theodore Roberta; "A'Soli of Iho. Sutfins." by Jennie Harris Oliver; "For the Sake of Sadie," by Dennis II.Stovall. 2,744,S4S.M 15,000.00 500,000.00 31.0,000 00 74 437. SB 800,000.00 Redemption fund with lT. treasurer 1&oi circulation;. Total $ 7,879, 400. i T.I ABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ....1 Surplus fund ' Undivided prorts, less expenses and taxes pata National hank notes outstanding Due to other national banks Jl,44;i.J7S.l Due to state and pri vate banks and bankers 1,087,600 0? Dividends unpaid .... 21.00 Individual deposits subject to check.... J,127,"80 6S Demand certificates of deposit t 73.00 Time certificates of deposit Certified checks 7,OfiS.&0 Cafhler's checks out standing P9.20003 United States deposits 150.000.00 6.64S.J1.41 3, 000. 00 Reserved for taxes Total $ 7.87,4O0.7l State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss: I, Fred 1J. Hamilton, cashier of the above named hank, do aolemly swear that the above statement Is true tn the beat of my knowledge and belief. FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of June, 1P09. LOUIS W. WF.YMULLER. Notary Public Correct Attest : FRANK T. HAMILTON, JOHN F. COAD, Q. S. ROGERS, Directors, The present number of Smith's- Maga- ime Is one of the beitt we have ever'' seen li-,544.&7 of this publication; and for Interest. " var- 210J 37H lety, and brightness Is good hot weather ,M.!Wi magazine. It opens with a complete novel. 14 " " "The Owner " h V.lhrrn t, !,'., .r.,1 'ji mi " t.-viiiinB m uosen or more snort atones. Redemption fund with V. S. treasurer (0 of circulation).... 1.S19. 263.00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In tnirpius fund Undivided profts, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding. Due to other national banks Due to state and private banks and bankers Due to trust companies and sav ings banks Individual deposltH subject to check Y Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding Gertrude King's styry. "The Debtor." Is one of the great short stories of the year, a tale of old southern Ideals. It Is given a prominent ploce ia this month's .tJmart 29.RO0.O0 Pet. Anne Warner'a bright little. study of feminine fancies. "A Tannin Jacket"! "The $14, J33,W0 .02 Tower Man." by Norman D. Oray; 'Irish $ 1,000.000 00 Songs," by Arthur .Ktriuger;' "The Rico SOO.OOO.W) Pudding," by Johnson Morton; "Uouqueu for the Author," by Miiry C. Francis: by Maravrno Kennedy fW.W7.50 "On the Mountain,' 4.257.4 1.2t Thompson; "Miss Independence," by le- 2 398 1S2 So I v"le l'1ia,,'r. anJ Campbell lacCulloch's "At the Eleventh Hour" are features of 79.701.71 more than ordinary strength and charm. 4 0r.S8'1 44 Tne Smrt Set for July Is an exceptionally 7'. 173.27 interesting midsummer number. . 62.BrtK.S9 $48 Itil 70 ' amoiiion io ' viimi) mountains as a vacation pastuu. Miss 110.134. OS Annie S. reek's description of her exper iences In making the famous ascent of Total JH.333.0S0.02 Mount Uuascaraii. which appears In Tha Slate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss: Delineator for Julv. will b eondurttva to 1. J. H. Millard. President of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the 'econa tnougni. in this number Uf the above a'atemrnt Is true to the best of my magailne, Mabel Potter Daggett tells what United States deposits .. Deposits of U. S. disbursing of fleers Reserved for taxes RAILWAY TIME CARD oath Dakota. Miscellaaeona. Kansas City and Southwestern Katiway Company, a corporation1-' ol tha Biaie oi Kansas; ... jn , . The Fort Bcott central; rmiiwux '-- pany, a conaolldatea corpura.nou m State of Kansas; Kar.opolls and Kansaa 'CentrM Railway Company, a corporation "of the. State of The Kansaa Southwestern, Railway Com pany, a corporation of tn State of Kansas; The LeRoy and caney vauey Air uiu Railroad Company, a corporation or uie t2) For the purpose OI voting upon in question whether sucn tonirsci nu -ti.-ies nt Consolidaiion. bo made and en tered Into, ahall be ratified, aasented to, ap proved and adopted ana sucn consonoaiiun consummated or whether auch Contract and Artlclea of Consolidation ahail bo ro ll " 13) To consider and ote upon me aaop tton of a leaolution accepting the provis ions of Article II of uapter U of the Re rtA ci.,,,1.. r,t Mtite of Missouri. 440 acres -In South Dakota, Improved; i., mn ,n authorise the flllna thereof. one mile from email town; 13 miles from Hil 'ai requlred by Section numbered lu6it of l'cuu u vu vivdv w ...I,.., if, ui.u iv,. njru Kevlsed Dtatutes in ine ut - Must be sold to close an estate. Can dl- .niu.tinn ..t niimv coi-Dorations: and vide If desired. Price $46 per acre. whereby all or any of said corporations imi ..,...,, in wnyt.rn Win iu miles and The Missouri Pacific Railway Company from town on main line of good railroad; nave agreed to consolidate in tne wnoia. Improved, all smooth and under cuiuva- and to consonaaie tm v in lion, anu io lorm nu mhuc. suant to the laws of the States of Missouri, Kansaa and Nebraska, a new, consolidated i Irrigated Lands Big crops of fruit, grain, alfalfa, sugar beets, cantaloupes and vegetables. Fine for homes. Will pay for Itself In two to six years. Annual Income ns INVESTMENT 12 TO 30 PER CENT. Prlcea $8fi to $100; one-fourth cash, balance 1 to 8 years. For descriptive booklet write Isaac Conner,, Chamber of Commerce, Omaha, Neb. lie- liable agents wanted. Buy a Farm or Ranch 5 No Better or Safer Investment will divide to suit. Price, $15 per aoio. T60 acrea Kay county. Oklahoma; Im proved; all under cultivation. Immediate puroiiaser gats an growing crop. -nc, S,oUQ. 320 acrea, Platte county, Nebraska; lin corporation, to be known a The Missouri Pactfio Railway Company, owning, con trolling, possessing and bringing under one manaaemeni all and singular tha lines of proved, and all tillable; close to three railroad and other propertiea, real, personal and mixed. Dowers, rights, privileges. lm munltles and franchises, belonging to any of tha comDanles making such consolida tion, nnon the terms and conditions fixed Ml and all unaoie close to town, mou- - - . b 14 Contraot. and Articles convenience .ucj. , as telephon, . and ftfL: : m To take any otner action in ido pro mises, and to transact tfny other business that may property coma Darore tne meeting. riunh Contract ana Articles oi wonsouaa- tion will be submitted to the meeting of could the stockholders so called for examination lowna in uerman ana rousn aemeiueui. iasy terms. $v per acre. 400 acrea. Merrick county, Nebraska; Ira proved and all tillable: close to town; mod ml convenience, sucn R. F V., per acra. 1.200 aorea In Platte valley, l'i miles from town on II. P. R. R.: 220 acrea sl falfa; 300 acres In crop; balance hay and grabs; fenced and cross fenced; two sets of Improvements worth $11,000. Thl be divided In small farms and aold at $76 and every stockholder attending will be fun to $100 per acre. A GENUINE BARGAIN nisrd with a printed copy thereof, and at AT ibb per acra. ; any Mme before such meeting any stook- ..V, tj.. . noiae. win ue lurnm. wil.. . p...iu '-VJ 2u0 acres good farm la VI? J." ,ror .p""5?. V .! urJi lii business hours to the Assistant Secretary "w" '"" " iJ'-""'-' 0f the Company, at the ornce or the com- mnv in trie city or bl iouis, Missouri. 1V acrea L,ainoure count y, nurui uwni, - niit u.v th. 10. In the famous wheat district; Improved ' nenRnm J. OOTTLn. and all under culUvatlon; 6 miles to good pre,ident of The Missouri Pacific Rallwar town and 1 market. Eay terms. A BAR- Company. uaii ai v per awo. a. H. CALEF. Secretary of The Missouri Paclflo Railway Company. J2toA$ TiT A T TV-T TDReal Estate YYiJLfXVUr 873-75-77 Brandels Bldg., Company, Omaha, Neb. GOVERNMENT NOTICES REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead Weed Biag.. ism ana aruain. PRIVATE money to loan. J wood, 416 Brandels Bldg. H. Sher- r A W 1.' DOOTtt-mi JL no Private money, $600 to $6,000; low rate. PROPOSALS ""FOR DRAFT, SADDLE, lldlnii and nack mules Chief Quarter niKi.r Office. Omaha. Nebraska. June 22, 1W. healed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office, until 11 o'clock a, m.. remri.1 standard time. July 21, lttOS, and then opened in the presence of attending bidders, for Iirty-eignt ids; aran muies vt v , m-nei: rortv-two u araii inuirs, iu twenty-tour tfj numi mi. .r.i (13) saddle mules; and seventy (70) pack mules, for delivery at Omaha, Nebraska, or other prominent railroad points. The animals to comform to specifications for mules. I'nlted Stales reserves the right to reject or "accept any or all proposals or Any part thereof, particulars ana oianxs ioi nrnnosals Kill be furnished on application Envelopes containing proposals should be t . nn.,,.n. . v,ni. mdorsed "Prouosals for Mules, and ad- home builder of tha cities of Omaha and dressed to Major D. L. McCAMrHJ, t hie: iiiiilh llmnlii that 1 am nmurMl tn ln.n I (JUtrtermtlirr. ju-iftu) n-u-w money on residence property at the aame FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. . THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS A, Real Bareain We roavRv balleve tha lot onhd Ava. near S Podge u i $4 .1W la a genuine bargain, ifcal ft., alt paving paid. W. U SaUJUT. 44 B. ef T. Bldg. FOR SALE Twenty -two hundred acres of good farm land, one mile north and two east of North Bend. Fifteen hundred acres under cultivation. 4an-4o sold In small tracts ou easy payments at prlcea from $i0 to $0 per atjre, according tn- Improve- I r- Address Ernest Kein, North Bend, Keh, ' rate that the building and loan associations pay their depositors for tha uae of the money they are lending, thereby effecting a saving to burrow. era of the expense uf managing and maintaining building and loan associations. No commission ia charged for making loana, only a nominal sum Is regulred to cover expense of record ing mortgage and examining abstract of title. Privilege granted borrowers to pay 10 par cent to $0 per cent of tha principal on any interest aato. interest payaoie semi-annually. W. II. THOMAS, 50$ First National Bank Bldg. Telephones: Douglas IMS, Ind. A-1648. $508 TO $i0 0u0 on Improved property ; no delay. (JARV1N BROS., 1H Faruam St. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg $,VW TO $5 OuO on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe H.hI Estate Co., Iwl ,N. Y. Life. Doug, or OFFICE OF THE CONSTRT'CTINfl Quarterrr.rster, Fort Meade, 8. D., June i, 1S09. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this oiitce nnui iv a. in mountain time, July 2. IMS., and the nnened for cons ructlng Intake dam an nine line for water system at Fort Meade Plans and specification may be seen by Intending bidders at tne orrires- ot in chief auurterm-nter. Department of th Missouri. Omaha. Neb.; Department of th Colorado. Denver. Colo.; Department of the Lakes. Chicago. III.; Department o Dakota. St. Paul. Minn., and this office, a which latter plane all information may be obtained upon application, a aeposit $14 to insure return. Is required before rlans are sent on Individual application The I'nlted States reserves tne rignt to r Ject any or ail bids or to accept any part or a M1 that may ne anvantaceous to tn government. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endorsed "Proposals for r'ak I ur and Plre I. tne and ad dressed to the CONSTRCOTINO QI'AR TERMASTER. Fort. Meade, s i NION STATION 10TII AND MASON Leave. Arrive. ...a 7:30 am all. 40 pm ...a $:60 pm a 5.00 pm a 9:20 am ...a 4:10 pm a 6:C0 pm knowledge and belief. J. H. MILLARD. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Z4th cla of June, 1!KK). ? - L: D. SPALTMNO. Notary Public. Correct Attest: . WM, WAT.LACB, L. C. NASH. J. E. BAl'M. Directors, 7:30 am 6:10 pm 8:15 am 8:20 pm 8:15 am .a 7:15 am a 8:45 pm .a 6:00 Din a 7:15 am nlon Pacific Overland Limited Colorado Express. tlantlo Express Los Angeles Limited. t. . aiz:6 pm a o;uv ! Fast Mall a 7:20 am a 6:45 pm China and Japan Mall. ..a 4:00 pm a 6 Pm orth P atte Local a s:m am a :w vui Colo. Chicago Special. .. .al:10 am a 7:05 am eatrtce & stromsDurg Ixical Dl:4upm Pi:wpn alley Local (motor via lane Cut-Off) alOOOam at:45pm Valley Local (motor). ...a 6:30 pm a 9:00 am Hastings-Superior o :id pm a o.m y" Local passengers not carneo uu u'" Nob. 1 and 2. Chicago Great Welters Paul-Minneapolis..... 8:30 pm St. Paul-Minneapolis. Chicago Limited Illlaols Central Chicago Express 'h cam 1. nmeil Kfinn .Kt T'onl Em b 1:15 im Minn .Ht Paul I.trt a 8:00 Dm a 7:16 am Omaha-FU Dodge Local. b 4:16 pm oU:a0am h lea tvo A Northwestern- Chicago Daylight a 7:40 am all: pm Twin City Express...... a 7:46 am alO 2U pin Chloago Local ....aU:06 pm a 3:36 pm K nuv fltv l.ncal a 40 um m.vi Denver-Chicago Ex a 5:10 pm a 8:ii pra Chloago Special.... a :02 pm a 8:00 am California-Chicago Ex.. a $:( pm a 8:28 pm Minnesota-Dakota Ex. ..a 7:00 pm a 9:30 am Twin City Llmltea a:wpin i .w t.. Amroies Limited. . .a 9 :10 nm a 12: 36 pin Overland Limited all:W pma 7:16 am NEBRASKA AND WYOMING DIVISION. Nrfolk-BoneBteel ....... a 7:60 ana al0:30 pm Lincoln-Long Pine ....a 7:50am all:Wam Norfolk-South Platta....b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm Hastings-Superior d a.io pm o v"i Deadwood-Hot Springs a 3:56 pm a 6:20 pm Casper-Lander a 8.65 pra an:wara Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm D l.M pm Chicago, Hock Island A Paclflo EAST. Leave. Arrlvej. Rocky Mountain Ltd.. '..a 8:10 am all:u6pm owa Local a e:w am .o v" Th. umintiltxMr a 7:42 am a z:to am Des Moines Local a :uu pm -7" P'" bl0:86 am b 0:o6 pm Chleago-Eastern Ex a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a 8:08 pm a 8:06 am W I . The Mountaineer.. a 8:00 am a7:am PlilA..A.MAhrailt& Ltd. t innnini a 1:30 am a 5:47 cm Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:20 pm a :0 pm Okla. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm alMpm Rocky Mountain L.td....au:ia pm i n Mlsaoarl Poclfl K. C. and St. L. Ex a 9:00 am a 7:00 am K. C. and St. L. Ex all:15pra a:M)pm Wabaafct St Louis Ex a 8:30 pm a 9:25 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am" aii:m pm Rtanh.rrV 1cal (from Council Bluffs) jD:uipm oiu roaoi Chicago. MUwaokee A St. Past Chicago and Colo. Spec. a 7:36 am all :40 pm r.i ,M ireum Ex a 8:00 Dm a 8:25 pm Overland L.la au:pm i.jjsiu Perry Local rjompra du:ou No. 2riS. Report of the Condition of the NEBRASKA NATIOVAL DANK, At Omaha,-in the State ot Nebraska, at the Close uf miHincab Juno li, ktoj. RESOURCES. Loans and dlscouuia $ I,0o6,6ii5.5 weiuraiia, sec urea and untie . curwl 8,379.70 o. uuuus io secure circuia Hon 200,000 00 otner Donas ty secure C. S. de posits U. S. bonda on hand Premiums on U. jj. bonds Bonds, Securities, etc H,7u0.00 county ana city warrants l,Ja7.07 x.KiiKing uouse, luriuture and llxturrs 84,0f0.00 Oilier real estate owned 23,tfoe.07 win iruin naiionai banks (not reserve agents) $ 144,524.13 uue u om atale and private banks , and bankers, trust com the gospel-woikcis of n great city do to ward "Saving New York In Summer." For the benefit of girls who are planning it trip abroad for the purpose of pursuing some branch of education. . Mltdred Stapley presents "The Other Side of tudylug in Paris." Jn her series, "After Colle&e Days, What?" Ruth Cranston gives encourage ment and advice to the girl , who live at home. A feuture of this Issue la "Cheat ing," a new song by Clare Kummer, com poser of "Darele" and other successful songs. The fiction Includes "A Dixcurd", by Arthur Conan Doyle,' "The. Dead Past," by Alice Brown and "Hilly Brad and the Big Lie", by Ellis I'arker Utitler. F. Mar lon Crawford'a serial! "Siradella,". la .con tinued In this midsummer number. Rud- 167,7,10.00 yard Kipling has written five stories foi: 3.600.00 The Delineator. The first, "Cold iron," .UK-liV o......, , nil. in iiiq ouildlltJC!! IIU , " X lit fashlona for July are beautifully Illus trated. Eduuard La Fontaine Writes of "Fetes and Frocks In Paria," and Mrs. Clara E. Simcox points out a variety of "The Penny Dreadfuls In Dress." paniea and savings banks 12.S70.s4 Due from approved reserve agema 137.402.71 Checks and . other cash Items 66.23K.72 Exchanges fo clear ing house 63,437.53 Notes of other na tional banks a. sao on Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1 191 u Lawful money reserve in bank, vli: Specie J.. 152,411.00 Legal tender, notes.... 17,610.00 Redemption. . fund wlthvU. 8. treasurer x& ol circulation).... Total. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In 1 Surplus fund , Undivided profts, 1bs expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Due to other national oanks $ 420,840 07 Due to state and pri vate DanKi anu bankers .! Due to "trust ' com panies and savings banks Dividends unpaid.'...; Individual deposits subject to' check Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing United States deposits Deposits of IT. s. dis bursing officers...,. i William Archer; the great English critic. In an article In the July McOlures tells the truth for the first time about the negro problem In tha south; Mrs. Fremont Older In "The Story of a Reformer's Wife" has written a fact story about San Francisco's graft prosecutions; Burton J.' Hendrlck shows that more has been learned , about cancer In the last sis years than In the preceding six thousand; AlberHis Ic Creary describes the Battle of Oettyaburg as he saw It when a boy, and George F. Parker concludes his Cleveland papers with the story of tha events leading up to 846,276.13 tne Pre8ldent' famous Venexuela message. The fiction includes OutDdsts of EonrHre." 10,000.00 by Eloanor Stuart, Ike atory of a religious $ t,219 833.G2 ' 8 or uvaa Amcu; iiruiamy, a strong sea story ty 1.1 n- 200.000 00 coin Colcord; "Llllle," by Harris Marten 60,000.00 I vnn m A "Th T.lltla 11. . rn J - ' I - - - ... i , 1 . 1 y . fllB 52 441 17 Threefold Nature," by Marlon Hamilton 18,300.00 Carter. 88,016.38 23,633.32 100.00 851,878.83 9,932.55 166. 230. R5 , 2,796.69 6,?fi8.75 98,359.04 49,238.12 The People'a Magaxlne for July baa a complete novel by William MacLeod Raine. which Is called "Edrlc Ashbrook's Wife." People'a readers will recall many of this writer's charming western stories which have won him reputation. The atory In this number la, re think, the best Rat ne has ever done, combining his strong feeling for the genuine western character and landscape with a lova element that Is decidedly original. "The Spell of Italy," by Caroline Atwater Mason, Is a most delightful book of travel In Italy, Interwoven with history and In- 4.00000 terestlng Information of Important person ages and events. The text Is fieauUfuIly 1.715,fl!2.45 Reserved for taxes State of Nebraska." generously Illustrated In Sepia colored . anepara, cashier of the above 1 wim a irnr.iispieoe itt, color.-; Fub n.mra nanK. ao solemnly swear that the llshed by L. C. Page A Co, V above statement Is true to the beat of my iiuwiwjk ana oener. I . ; . Subscribed .TTa fi".rA52L FVc.. ."A R7! L"1'" r Percy Srebnef. u .w . . , nic till! thnr rf "Ttia PHn.u.',U..I, n . u . " 1 . . 1 11 .nBUIEOi , ' ? .y- 24th day pf Juno. 1909. I W. HCHRIRFR. . A" Notary Public. H. ' W. TATE8. WARREN RWIT7LER h. W. YATE3, JR., , " Directors, WIFE TAKES ANOTHER Bat Sbo and Her lfnshaad Still Aro Friendly anal Keep l Cor . respondeace. BURLINGTON STA, 10TII A MASON Borllnaton Ieavo. Arrive. Denver and California... a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm Puget Sound Ex a 4:10 pra a e:iu pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm Vcrthwess Ex all 60 pra a 7:06 am Nebraska points a 8:45 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Fast Man Di:zupm ari.ro pm Nebraska Ex , ...a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Local b 9:08 am Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm a7:60i,m Sehuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 3:06 pm blO 20 am .a v:is am a s:nu am al2:30 pm a 6:65 pm all:60 pm a 7:06 am a 7:25 am all 36 pm' a 4:20 pm a 8:65 pm a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am a 9:15 am all:30 am a 4:40 pm all 30 am Kansas City and St. Jo.alO 46 pm a 6 30 am Kansas City and St. Jo. a 9:15 am a 8:10 pra Kansas City and St. Jo. a 4:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. " c Sunday only, d Dally except Saturday. enna," etc., deals with tha wooing of Lady Betty Walmlsley the royal ward-and the English adventures of a young Frenchman. Striking pictures of English life of the period, desperate encounters, wild rides and narrow escapea alternate with dance and routs and lovemaklng. The -reader catches a glimpse of smugglers on the Devon .coast MAN ou,wltt,n ,hB revenue officers, sees great men piaying secretly against the govern- - ment for their own stakes,, and la shown the brilliancy and vtclousneas of the. court lire of the time. Altogether It la a book that will captivate and entertain,' one that may be commended to those who like a Jlllllls WMlrAm'i ml f a . ., . i another man. but Mr. and Mrs. w..trm !,.or?r ofJov lventure. Published by aia .. ,.,J, . kittle. Brown & Co. Above books at lowest retail nrloe. thews, X21 South Fifteenth street Mat. Plattsmouth-Iowa Bellevue-Plattsmouth Colorado Limited-... Chicago Ltd Chicago Ex Chicaxo Flyer Iowa Local... St. Louis Ex. WEBSTER STA 15TH A WEBSTER CD lea go, St. Paal, Mloaeapolra St Oaaaatax . Leave. Arrlva. Twin City Passenger. ...b 6:30 am b 9:20 pm Sioux City Passenger. .. .b I:W pm Dll do am Sioux City Local c 8 45 am c AM pm Emerson Local b 6:55 pm b 9:10 am Mlsaoarl PaclSo Auburn Local b 8:50 pm bll :30am OCEAN STEAMERS .CANADIAN PACIFIC Ui8 TKAJI TOU DAYS AT IZi. Waeki' avaUtag Between aloaueai, 44ueaee v aa4 TLXwtytHtk. Two daya on lire Deouiltui 8u Lawreoee river and tbe elwrteat oceaa route te a.u lope. Nothing oetter eo the Atlantic thaa eui tmutwtt Wlrelnas on all steamers. rust dee. I) j secaad, toot eae oiase cabin, &. Ask your ticket agent, or write fee aaU li'fcS taiei. Hud booklet o. a. iEj4vr, a. a, 83C Souta Olark BU Calcago. Bennett's Late Fiction Library Boos Dept. enables you to read tbe newest books at little cost. . . did not part on unfriendly terma and still maintain a rnendiy and fairly regular cor respondence. Judge Troup, who heard Westrom's ap plication ror a aivorce. indicated that he AU of the books reviewed here are on sale mougni n esirom ana nis wire were rather In Brandels' book department. too rrienaiy considering the circumstances He Inquired of Westrom about his past and found that he had been married be fore. "Did you dIVoree her, or she you?" asked the court. "She got the divorce, "On what grounds?" "Well,- our married life was unhappy, ao I gave her grounds," replied the plaintiff In the present suit. The case Is not ended Mrs. Blaine D. Sltxer married at 17 years of age and her husband was but two years older. She admitted to the court that she had married when pretty young and on rather short acquaintance. A decree waa given hr for nonsupport, FUND FOR TAKING THE CENSUS House Paaaea Bill Appropriating; Tea Million Dollars for Kspease of Enumeration. WASHINGTON, June 14-Antlclpatlng the Impossibility of ihe census bill becom ing a law by July 1. the beginning of the new fiscal year, tbe house today passed a bill Introduced by Chairman Tawney of the appropriations committee appropriating $10,000,000 for the expenses of the taking of '.the thirteenth census. To avoid serious results take Foley's Kid ney Reiredy at tbe first sign of kidney or bladder disorder such as backache, urln. ary irregularities, exhauatlon, and you will soon be well. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today. Hold by all drug ThU Jithletlo SUSPENDER Sunports boys trousers ana stocking without wrinkling. Freedom of circulation and quickneag in dress ing assured. For boys in knee trous ers. Made for girls also. pae Only 5Q 75 cents) Worth , rlonl.le it. Dealers replace all defec tivepnirs. "' Bold by Leading Clothing and Department Houses. If not, write Kazoo Suspender Co. Sels Jftehers , .JZ7 Kalamazoo, Mich. v JS-4-6-7 gist" WW