THE BEE: OMAHA, MUM PAY. .JUMfc 21, lifljy. Want Ads Adrertlseaaeata far tba wit mm eotataae will aa takea III lla. the areata ealtlaa til 1 8 a. m. fa, tk aearalaaj aaa Saaaar -tlsas. CTaea aaaat areaaaaaar all aera fa waat aaa aaa mm aaertlaoeaat will be aeetea far leas taaa M ( fleet laeee-tfea. IUIh !' t eltaer Tba DallF day Baa. Caaablaatleaa ml laltlala ar aamkara aaat aa wareU Al ware eta werde ta CASH RATES fOK WANT ADS. REGCLAR CLASSIFICATION Oa laeertloa 1 l- coats ar wvr aa 1 caat aar war fa aaeoa.aeat laaarllaa. Back laeertloa atade aa da day a, 1 1-S eeate aer ward) .S4 ar llaa eaeata. Waat ada far Tba mar ' at aar at tka following drac ataree mi la yaar "ear a a aragalet" tbr ara all braaak affleee far Tka Baa aad yaar ad will ka laaartad aa aa aresaatly aad aa tka aaaia rataa aa at tka aaaia afflaa ta Tka Baa Balldlaaj, Seveateeath aad raraaaa atraatat f Albach, W. C, 40h and Farnam. Beranek, 0. A , Iwt S. lth St. Hecht Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Bemle Pari: Pharmacy, 3d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, fe2S Bherroan Ave. Coughlln, C. R., th and Pierce Sts. Clifton 5X111 Fharmecy, 2318 Military Ava Conte, J. ., Jlst Are. and Fernam 8t Crlssey phar.nacy $4th and Lake St C'ermak. Eml 1204-8 8. 11th St. EMers, P. ti.. 3twa Leavenworth St. Foster Arnold!, 218 N. 25th St Freyta. John J., 1814 N. 24tb St. Floien..t Di Co.. Florence, Neb. Snyder rhanracy, 20tn and LaKe Sta, m. . .noiv.ii. 'J. A., i4 S. tOtli 3t Gr enousli. O. A., 1H34 S. 10th St !:, winiam C, TVO Farnam St. Hoist, "o,mi. X?4 N. 16th St Hm'. A. 1. 2V24 Leavenworth St J'rlt Pharmacy, 1401 8. 9th St K.i.i,-, II. h,( :SJS Furnam St. Kuuntr l' Phormncv. 2501 N. 24tb St'iinp. Cimrks E., 1324 N. 24th St !-.' ..' II..- Co.. ICC? N. 24th St 1 ouaK MOT1CES. llmiiulv llrethrrn Notice. The Oir.iha todjres will Install their offi cers jointly Monday evening, June 21, at the Masonic Temulo. l'ith and Capitol Ave. A I! miniiberx are urgently requeuted to be present. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makea pecialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sales, u. Anareen, prop.. n a. lutn. THE Rev. Cbas. W. Savidge has married l,t03 couples and Is praying to marry 2,000. If you want him to marry you Tel. Web, 2444 or B 1430. Monuments, J. F. Bloom & Co., 1815 Farnam SHOES repaired right, called for and de livrred free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1S04 Farnam St Tel. Douglas 7t6. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, in sums to null. 310 Bee Bid. 'Plume I)ou(. 214. L.MUIM UUAN COMPAiSy. RADIUM WATER, NATURE'S REMEDY Try a gallon, II. It la wonderful. No wata Land t Lot Co.. Suite 624 N. Y Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Red 19M). Upen evening. S3 POUNDS sugar, II; sold only with $1 uraer vi omer gumi. juoyune Tea civ M N. 16th St. Doug. 2446. Ind. B 2448. WE clean straw, panama, stiff and soft na's. i4i f arnam. HULSB & RIEPEN. funeral directors, suc cessors to liairy B. Davis, 709 S. 16th St. 8ICJN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 130J Douglas. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. OMAHA Mirror and Art Glass Co, art glass mitre outtlng, beveling mirrors of an ainas, resiivering and Iraming. Office aim laoory mil cuming bt Both phones. PIANOS TUNED for $1.80, month of june; prompt service;, work guaranteed 'Phone D 1093. Corl Piano Co.. 1615 Farnam. Missouri filters made & sold. 1310 Howard WANTED Merry-go-round, also free and paying attraction of all kinds for Iniv 8, celebration. Hamburg, la. Address, Dana r. Ulng. AUTOMOBILES RAMBLERS New, 4 and 2-cyllnders, 30 per cent discount Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 Farnam bt 8TORAGE, centrally located, opposite library, 1812 Harney St. Brick p. Kuhn. SEND for our list of second hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St. PAXTON -MITCH ELL CO., storage auto mobile repairing, diamond tires. 2318 Har- -1-w- FOR BALK Fine electric automobile, al most newl bargain. 1. Zlegler. 'Phoue Douglas 1G9L Motorcycles. Merkel motorcycle is best. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WILL exchange 300 acres of timber land In Wisconsin for stock of goods; land will be priced worth the money. A. E. Kull, Burke, S. D. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT T We have farms, ranches, HOWlid IN OMAHA. We will trade with )ou. Come In and see us. Nowata Land and Lot Co., suite 621, N. Y. Life Bldg., 'Phono Red 1319. Omaha. Neb. Open evenings. I HAVE decided to locate In Omaha and will exchange my S7.4O0 equity In 160 acre Saunders County Improved farm for a clear home. Addiesa D 92. Bee. 160-AC" RE farm Saunders county for town or city property; valued at 16,500. Ad dress J 43 care Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160-acre clear Nebraska farm, value 36.000, for prop erty lu I'lilinKo or vicinity; will add cash. Mm. C'T T.. H2 W. 71st St.. Chicago. OMAHA INCOME to exchange for clear land, first class property. C. P. Traver. 704-& N. Y. I Bldg. IF YOU want to buy, sell or exchange; farms, tow n . property or merchandise; write or call on Interstate Exchange, 2i8 Neville Block, Omaha, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES ONLY drug store In town of 700. Two doctors prescribing. Good business. Ad dltss Y 130, car Mi. WESTKRGARD can help you get in or out ot business. 403 lite Bldg. Tel. D. Mi. WANT partner to murket new Invention: household niticio. big profit; redtrences. Address 'JM. lie. WE START you In the cotton glove bual- iifs for a few dollars. Money In it. .Not Nlk-Ti Co.. VUllsca. Ia. FOR, SALi: Moving picture theater tittn.- must sell at once; population 3 OuO na lomr-cut.un. Lrlce Hit). Addrebs Y Si car, titv. JEROME with Its thousands of fertile acre Invites you lo become a i-ttlzen In the heart of the great Twin Falls North did tract. Healthy climate, comforts of electric lights, running water, telephones, r.llroMd. make It the Ideal spot. Scores of ?eirailca ieoi:l now res dents. Splendid opportunities, set forth In straight, busi ness talUa. will be sent for the asking. The most nlrY-lv Vpuwn irrigation country In A met lea. Jerome Commercial Club. E. G. Reed, necieiary. Jerome. Idaho. 10-HOOM modern rooming house within two blocks of lostofflce; will sacrifice for lu'.t-k ealc. Address H T. H'e. .. old established rrsl e-ttj bulne.j; want u lrt!-- Addrecs ii 44. ci lice. BUSINESS CHANCES IContlnuea.) GENERAL MERCHANDISE and Imple ments, In good western Nebraska town. Out! eslea H.000 per month. Will take 111. 060 to handle It No trades. Address T 94, tare Bee. GROCERY store for sale, on aeoeunt of other business. Stork and flirtures worth from V'jOO to IfiOO. Address CI7, care Bee. MT nice, clean atnck of merchandlae. in voicing Kim, Douglaa county, for clear home, btilldln or Improved farm; ro mortKak'd property. Could carry 2.0nO back on the stock. Address C-678, care of Bee. INVESTORS with $110 or more double your money In land. Address, N 5t care Bee. WANTED A good dry goods man. gro cery man and Jewelery man, each, with a 5ood stock of goods, to go Into a fine large epartment store. Address Y 176, Bee. LADY, with 1300 cash, to take half Inter est In new business and give services; splendid proposition. Address Thomas Clark. Prexel hotel. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 6431. I CAN make you happy. 416 Karbach Block. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D. 10S5. nTt FirKRS. 16th and Farnam: he's a good dentist; painless extraction, M cents, DRESSMAKERS IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. D. 4220. McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sta EDUCATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLES COLLEGE F.nter now for complete training in all commercial branches, Including bookkeep ing, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway mall and all govern ment arade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request Address H. B. Boyles, president umana, xvau. coin 'Phones. Official training school for U. P. R. R. Telegraph Department MISS EMMA GROSS and Miss Carol Marhoff are conducting a summer school at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, 306-311. "Phones Webster 2777. Webster 21J0. DETECTIVES Omaha Det Agency, ta Paxton Blk. D. 131. G. M. WARDELL, 2722 Farnam St H. 477: A. J. ADLER. 617 Karbach Blk. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices. Buy direct from lm nn,i,n save dealers' profits. 1214 Har ney, or 'phone Doug. 2283, and agent will call. Instructions In China and water colors at SPECIAL RATES during the summer months. M. K. femig, studio hjo in. x. ia CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. .Minns Tuesday. Thursday and Satur days Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, $94 Brandcls Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. wr HEMT. renalr. sell needles and parts for All sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., lMh and Harney Sta. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best Only one office, 1S13 Jones M. THE PANTORIUM. TRUNKS, suit cases, traveling goods and leather novelties: high class repairing. Frellng & Stelnle, 180c Farnam St., Opposite City Hall HOBSON'S Beauty Shop, June 22; spe cial demonstration or Maiineno methods, bv Isabelle S. Paul, expert Dermatologist, of Chicago on skin and scalp. Jar of cream free to every caller, l&us Douglas at. FLORISTS CT? MnVTC! CUT FLOWER DEPT. 131iViNLr:(10 SOUTH SIDE New store. HESS & SWOBODA, Florists, 1418 Far nam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses, for June weddings and decorations. Douglas Liss. 1519 Far nam. J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. $000, FOR GARDEN AND LAWN BUGS. BUGS. BUGS. Yes, they're on your plants. Use STEWART'S UKK HOT STEWART'S, 119 N. 16th St. Opp. P. O, HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trad. LADIES and school girls wanted for art work; experience unnecessary; work taken home; call afternoons. tu H. istn. lloaackerprra aa Duoieadce. COMPETENT girl for general housework two in family; 35 a week. 70S S. 29th St Tel. Harney 942. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1433 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. WANTED-Young clrl to assist with housework and help care for children. Mrs. J. I. Morris 3409 Burt St , WANTED A thoroughly competent and reliable woman for general housework; two In family; no children; best of wages. 1(H N. diet Ave., Miss Baum. GIRL for general housework, once, 1111 So. 31st; good wage.?. Apply at WANTED GUI for general housework white or colored; small family and small flat; good wages. Inquire 2303 Dewey Ave. 'Phone Dougles 6401. WANTED A girl, colored preferred. S. 29th St. 506 GERMAN or Polish girl to assist with housework. 4219 f arnam. WANTED Experienced nursemaid for child, at seashore, for the summer; perma. nent place afterward. Mrs. John L,. Ken nedy. 406 So. 40th St. WANTED Good capable girl for general housework. Apply at lsui mnney. GIRL Experienced In general housework no washing; two meals day. Telephone Harney ItM. 6002 Dodge Bt. GIRL to work for room and board; three In family. 1316 South 31st. SMALL FAMILY wants capable glil Good wuue.s. Call at 3225 S. 23d St.. Omaha. or phoue Lilckson, South GIRL for general housework; have laun dress. Tel. Harney 348. 117 N. 40th bt. Experienced girl for general housework, 7.11 Poppleton Ave. Phone Harney 1.Z6. EXPERIENCED eirl for general house work: family of two; reference. Mrs. Spence, 130U South 31st. G1KL for general housework; good wages. 2216 Burt St WANTED Olrl for general housework, at u23 N. mil bt. Mrs. John Williams. GIRL for general housework In five-room modern house; three In family; good wages; good home, call wx N. zttn Bt. GIRL for general housework. In small family; good wages. Mia. Cowdery, U-o So. 3lth St. EXPERIENCED second glU for sma family; good wages, nxl liodge St. WANTED Good girl to go to Lake Oko bo J I for the summer. Tel. Harney lMn. GIRL wanted for general housework In family of two. 3.19 Jackson. CI ilia fcr aenti-al l:o ' oik. fuiui.i. i'hoiH Itaiutv 1755. im Call Find a through HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Mtscell TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Pupil nurses at the Douglas count v hospital, 401 h and Poppleton Ave. Tel. Harney 447. SEAMSTRESS, for alterations and repair ing; good wages, steady work. 2!I07 Leav enworth St. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, flollcltora aad aleamea. WANTED A solicitor wtth horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir culation manager The Bee Publishing Co. THE Stlmpson Computing Scale Com pany, Detroit, Mich., has good territory open for the sale of Its high-grade auto matlo computing scales; experienced spe cialty men preferred. Write for special proposition. AGENTS wanted to sell high grade household specialty In every home; big profits; send for particulars today. Address V 93, care Bee. ATTENTION. ELECTRICIANS. Wanted, twenty skilled wlremen, wages from 13 to $4 per day, steady work fo competent men. Charles C. Montgomery, secretary free employment department. Business Men s association, 5Za N. . 1 Bldg. WANTED Reliable solicitor to promora Cuban land deal; men satlsfleld with less than 1,'iU to $100 per week need not apply; exclusive territory for right party, Mon day. 6 to 9 p. in.. Dallv thereafter. 10 a. m. o 9 p. m.. D. L. Kllien, Mom lau, Millard notei. WANTED Traveling salesman for a wholesale saddlery house. Address Schulze Bros. Co., Duluth, Minn. WANTED Experienced overall, pants nd shirt traveling salesman to cover Kansas or Nebraska or Oklahoma or Mis sourl or Arkansas. Must positively be ex perienced In the line and have sold same at least one of above states. The Ehrmann Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, lnd. DRUG store and jobs. Kntest, Bee Bldg. Boys. WANTED Pin boys. Courtland Beach Bowling Alley. Apply Saturday afternoon Factory aad Trades. ELECTRIC WORKERS NOTICE Stay away from Omaha, Neb. strike on. WANTED at once, an all-round black smith; must be good on repairing all kinds of machinery; good wages to right man. Apply to w. A. sweigard. snarp.sburg, la WANTED Good, sober reg. pharmacist; give age, experience, rererences, national, Ity and salarw expected. Address Dr. H Ahrens, Mapleton, Iowa. WANTED Tinners, cornice makers, fur nace men; first-class wages; 8 hours, open shop. Apply Geo. Schmltt, Sec., room 213 continental ttiag., Denver, coio. Mlecrllaneoaa. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Assn.; ro fees, can 625 w. x. Lite Bldg. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work; careful instructions py experts; tew weens com pletes: tools given; board secured: ex. perlence In shops before completing. Moler Barber College, lit) s. I4tn St. tan or write. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY furnishes help to all who employ labor and finds positions for all who want work. Office 115 N. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1856. LEARN to earn 100 per month; write O. u. a., Nortnwestern Automonne ncnooi, Omaha Commercial College Bldg., Omaha. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaee aad Vehicles. WAGON UMBRELLAS, now only II; runabout and almost new cabriolet. John son, Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones. Tele phone Harney 64. FINE horse, runabout buggy and harness for sale. H. O. Steel, 542 Brandels Bldg. FOR SALE High class driving mare very cheap. 122 So. 39th St. Com, Birds, Dogi and Peta. FOR SALE Fine breed small Fox Ter rier; fine watch dog. Phone Webster 1717. LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's gold watch with leather fob. with letter B. Return to Bee office. Reward. STRAYED Fox terrier, carrying female 1909 tag and flat and braided straps. Re turn to 212 So. 25th St, or call Tel. Doug las 31J8. ; MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man, Gray's Nerve Food Pills, II a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton'a Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered, day or night MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. SBf Record Mortgage! I or File your name with other companies, I or I Charge extra for $ extensions of time, I or I Charge you an We Do Not Hit Application fee. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., US Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone. Doug. 295. Entrance: 306 8. 16th St MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 16 principal cities.' Tolman, Room 513, New York Life Bldg. !$ MONET TO LOAN tllHI ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, $WI IMI 8ALARIES. ETC.. MW1 II at the cheapest possible rate In It II the city. Open until (:S0 p. m. II II Tel Douglas 2036. Ind. A -2036 ll OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. till fcim 501 Brown Blk., UiUt Utmtt Oppotlte Brandels. ttttlUt MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office lth and Daven port Sts.. warehouse 2207-09 liard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlag; aad Raooaa. DEWET European Hotel, 13th and Karnam. CONGENIAL home for young married couple, with private family. In Dundee; new, modern house; hot and cold water. Tel. Harney 2W1. PEOPLE desiring a home can find all the comforts of a home at the Pleassnton. Beautifully furnished rooms, delightfully cool, shady lawn, everything strictly first class. 206 S. 26th Ave. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms; also lsrge single room; fine shadv lawn: near Han M.uin pa: k. Buaid It desired. JU16 Pacific with partner "BEE OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Faralsaed Rooms. DESIRABLE modern rooms. 220 N. tad St STRICTLT modern rooms. 117 Leaven worth, 3d floor. 'Phone Douglas toot Hntp. RnmiPt Formerly Karbach. XlOiei iDOquei tt(h and Howard Sts. KITCHEN and bedioom. modern. 1814 Dodge; all NICELY furnished room In new modern house, private family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport St. FURNISHED rooms by the week; electrlo elevator, hot and cold water; rates reasonable. Oma Hotel, 15th and Jackson. FURNISHED rooms, with breakfast. 211 8. 29th Ave. ROOMS like mother used to keep, under new management. The Hamond. 2120 Douglas St. EXCELLENTLY furnished rooms, mod ern, close In. 820 N. 20th. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty of hot water. 816 N. 19th St MODERN furnished rooms; reasonable. 602 N. 16th St. NICE, clean, newly furnished, newly decorated rooms; all modern. 2224 Chicago. VERY desirable room, fine location, walk ing distance. 218 S. 26th St. NICELY equipped room, modern In every respect, with board, reasonable. 1919 St. Mary s Ave. LARGE front room and back parlor, mod ern. 60ti N. 17th St. A MODERN and very choice front room In walking distance. 321 N. 26th. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board, vacant June 20. 614 Park Ave. LARGE east room, private family, 8. 26th Ave. 'Phone Harney 33K8. 114 FURNISHED rooms; house new; of hot water. 316 N. 19th St. plenty ONE nice clean sleeping room, modern. 620 N. It8h St TWO nicely furnished rooms, suitable for four gen:lemen; board If desired. 2029 N. 19th St. CLEAN, quiet e0om, 2 per week. 308 N. 22d St. NICELY furnished room; fine location; walking distance; private family; privilege Of bath. 216 N. 23d St., $10. NICE clean single room, modern, 87. 2003 Burt. IF YOU LIKE to rent one elegant fur nished room, all modern, with alrove suit able for one or two ladles and gentlemen, call at 702 8. 17th St. Telephone Red 2434. FURNISHED room on first floor In mod ern house; no other roomers. 100S Center. TWO nicely furnished rooms, will ac commodate 3 or 4 gentlemen or ladles. Call 120 N. 2ith St. Tel. B 289. NICELY furnished front room for two persons; $10 per month. 2518 Indiana ave. LARGE front room In a modern flat 629 8. 19th St NEWLY furnished rooms, 605 N. 20th St, Tel. Douglas 4679. LARGE south front room and alcove, also smaller rooms. 2702 Farnam St WANTED Lady' to room' with two girls; close In. Ind. A -3528. FOR RENT Lai-re room' for a-entleman with man and wife; ne wflat; 16 mlnutea' walk; west postofflce. Address D 68, Bee. Apartmenta aad Flata. THREE and 6-rpom flats, Scargo Bldg., 5'CH N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Hall, 433 Kainge Bldg Both phones. HANDSOME apartment In fashionable north end apartment house, lnd. A-376. So0 flat reduced to 827.60. 6 room, all mod ern, newly repaired. 514 N. 22d Si. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. FOR RENT 8-room flat. 2222 Doualas T0. Apply W. N. Chambers, 222 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1206. 503 S. 22D, new 8-room, up-to-date, brick flat, all hardwood finish; fine neighbor hood. Inquire H. Gross, 501 S. 22d. Red 44S7. Housekeeping; Roonsa. TWO or three nicely furnished house keeping rooms. Strictly modern. Every convenience. Walking distance, 114 N. 26th St. uoth pnones. T'VO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2214 N. 19th. Telephone B-21(i3. KITCHEN, bed room and pantry; mod ern; partly furnished, $10. 2003 Burt MODERN suite of rooms for light house keeping. 2121 Webster St. S'JlTE or three housekeeping rooms, urge, airy, main iioor; nannsomeiy fur. nlshed; piano. A-2744. 2917 Mason. FOR RENT 8 rooma upstairs, 1618 N. 2Mb 2 or 8 NICELY furnished rooms complete lor light Housekeeping. 2U1B uavenport St. tafaralaaed Rooma. SIX elegant rooms, on main floor, mod ern, with large porch, 216 N. 22d St. THREE rooms, 1120 N. 17th St. Furalshed Roaaea. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern. 1911 Clark St. Inquire 1607 Howard. FLAT for rent, furnished, all modern four rooms and alcove, with piano. Call Tel. Harney 42U8. FOR a year or more, 8-room, furnlsned house, 1002 So. 33d St. Tel. Harney 1901. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 7 ROOM house from July 1st, to Oct. 1st. 4232 Douglas. Tel. Harney 4344. Hoaaes and Cottages. FOR RENT: 7-room, new, modern nouse and large re ception room; hard wood finish, combina tion fixtures, east front, beautiful lawn; 704 N. 23d 8t.-40. 6-room. new, modern St. Louts flat, com bination fixtures. reception room, hard wood finish: 714 N. 23d St. $32. 5-room modern St. Louis flat, reception hall, combination fixtures; 713 N. Z3d St ISO. 9-ioom modern brick house; 2009-2011 Wil li! Ave. 125. 3 rooms In apartment flat: 1919 Clarke, 19. 2 rooma in apartment flat; 1917 Clark Si. $8.50. 4 rooms, 1734 So. 13th St. 110. C. M. BACH MANN, 446 Paxton Block. 8-R. mod. house, 2409 Lake, $21. S-r. house, cltv water, 70S N. 32d, $10. 4-r., house, 705 N. 32d. $12.50. J. H. PARKOTTE. 3 BOARD OF TRADE. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Harker Blk. I rooma, second floor, 1706 Lake St, mod ern except heat. $15. I rooma, second floor, 1106 N. 20th; city water and toilet; $15- 7-room modern house, 28th and Burt Sts., $25. CHRIS BOYEK. 22d and Curatng. 2!7 PACIFIC ST., l-room thoroughly modem house, oak finish. $40. A. G. Elllck, 502 Bee Bldg. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. Tel. Douglas 14t. We guarantee moving plsnos, household goods. HOUSES-Peters Truat Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. FOR RENT 1332 So. 25th Ave.. 6-room eottuge, modern, except beat, 22, Inquire money g j. j B W dill cl v&o OFFERED FOR RENT II eases aad Cottages Contlnned. FOR RENT Modern 6 room corner cot tage. 21st and G. St.. South Omaha. OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. store H. H. goods; storehouse, 11JU-24 rt. 19th, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug, ioitf. FINE all modern house of 12 rooms on 8. W. corner 27th and Jackson: reteiences required. 160. Be mis. Brandels Bldg. FOUR-ROOM; city water; barn. 1525 N. 19th. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort, all modern, 4 or 5-room flats. Apply 2-t N. 23d. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnim MODERN 8 room houfe at 2214 Webster. Nice yard and shade trees. u. C KM "It. IV, 1617 Farnam St. DESIREABl.E cottage, modern except furnace, for rent or lease, furnished. 3318 S. 20th St. ELEGANT 6-room flat, located at 610 8. 27th, all modern; price. $35. Bemls, Brandels Bldg. tTnTTSTT3 Prts of the city. UUUOLO Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. SJi. WHEN you reply to advertisements which appear in these want Ad. ceiumns Kinaiy mention the fact that you saw their ad vertisement In The Bee. OrOeea. SOUTHWEST corner office on elxth floor of Bee Bldg. will be for rent on July 1 This room has about 400 square feet floor space, and vault. We have a smaller room on fourth floor of Bee Bldg. that we will rent to good ten ant at $12 per month. If you desire good office space file your application with us. There are changes be ing made rrom time to time which may suit you exactly. The Bee Building Co., 17th and Farnam. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located cn the busy eumer of 24th and N sts.. South Oir.aha. Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, ttth and N Sts New addreaa. Bolldlags. FOR RENT Warehouse with trackage. Inquire John R Webster, 704 Brandels Bldg. (16)-M92i Stores. SCARGO Blk.. South Omaha, 520 N. 24th, Hall, 418 Ramga Bldg.; both phones. STORE room 22x60. Phone Red 2M. 316 So. 13th St. TWO story and basement, brick building 3Sxr32, at 1116-18 Douglas. Store room basement. 15'0 Harney St. C. REDICK. 1617 Farnam St. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltaro. 96 CARD CASE. 60LID oak case, made by the Library Bureau Furniture Co. This Is exception ally well constructed office furniture and will last ft life time, can Bee office, nth and Farnam. ' liu) 145 HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. Doug las 594S. Plaaoa aad Maatcal Instruments. PIANO $185 buys my $400 mahogany f ilano. Usi-d since Christmas. Hurry; leav ng city. Address D 3, Bee. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make: all prices; sold and rented, rent applied; easy terms; shipped anywhere tor examination. Write for large Dai vain list ana oner. a. f Kwanson Co.. 417 S. 15th St, Omaha, Neb M lacellan eoua. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all $10 orders, catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. SEND us your mall orders for drugs ficlght paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16J 796 FOR SALE Cash register and safe. Ad dress J 579, care Bee. (16) 448 We HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell at 50c each They are fine for rain water or ashes Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. Office Fixtures We have a handsomely decorated oak counter, hand-carved, with ten-Inch mar ble buse, which we are anxious to dispose of. This counter stands K' leet IHuh and Is provided with a cashier's wicket. alo cabinets and drawers for papers, etc. For further particulars call at The Bee office. l'tn and Farnam sts. lis) 47 FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead tba world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke Cullender, 407 S. 10th St. tl6) 793 BICYCLES gents', Davenport. ladles' cheap. 1814 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON, INS., 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. 104. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. 608 N. Y. L. Itldg PAINTING GET your house painted reasonable. Nelson. 26U3 N. 20th. Phone Web. 4002. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red J117 WHEN writing lo advertisers, kindly men tion, The Bee PERSONAL OMAHA blaminerciU lu.. Kanige Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off tlothnik. in luxt. an. 'tiling you do nut need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 1Kb St., for cost uf collection to tna worthy poor. Call piiuns uu,aj 41J.1 and wagon win can. Uit Jfc DRUNKENNESS, drug habit cured to stay cured, under positive guarantee. rite aor Remedy Co., Dept. G, So. Omaha. NuO. CAREFUL attention during pregnancy and confinement, in private home. Mis. S. C. Carton, 1M0 bt. Mary's Ave. D. 31, MASSAGE AND BATHS Mineral baths, electric, vlbiatlng and Swedish maskage. 3ua Old Boston Store. SPRING PA UK VILLA AND COTTAGES Bald Eagle Lake, Minn., now open for the season; a delightful spot in which to spend the summer; large grounds, beautiful trees, electric light, Oath, attractive reception and dining rooms. Table strictly first class; fine beach, sailing, tennis and fish ing; forty minutes' ride from Twin Cities. Apply to Mrs. M. D. Miller, Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. HALL'S safea, new. Id-hand. 1U8 Famara. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Voung Women's Christian association, 17th and Howard Sts., where they will be directed lo suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A deaconess representing me association meets trains at the Union sta tion aa travelers' aid. Hi)tij PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, elm-trie, vibrating and Swedish massage. Ui Old Boalun Store, PERSONAL (Continued.) f A flVPTTP treatment. Mme. Smith. a 16th. third floor. DR. EOOERS, private confinement home. 1M Martha St. Tel Douglna 6230. PRINTING rilONE IND. A-2620 for good printing Lyngstsdt Printing Co. 16th A Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 18": prompt service; get our prices. 1.10 rat nam St OANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Lite. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL KSTATF TlTLE-TRUST CO. CH AS. E. WILLIAMSON, President CITY rnoPEHTY FOR IAI.E. I WANT a lot to build a house on: give description and price. Address E 30, care Bee. IF YOU HAVE city property, farms, ranch lands or mer chandise to seil or trade, list them with me. t costs you nothing unless I effect a sale. W. W. Mitchell. 332 Board of Trade Bldg FOR SALE Rv owner. fin modern house, 421 N. Slst St.; every convenience. It u-rtn't rnnt much I Anil mt' It nA thtn we can arrange about the price. Key at 406 e. loin ot. j. a. njirn. BOULEVARD HOUSE. 2248 North J9th 8t.. t rooma. modern, only $3,600. Thomas Brennai;, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 82d and Cuming Sta (19) SO LOOK THIS UP. 6-room house, 3128 Half-Cass. Only $1,100. Very easy terms. J. H. Parrotte, Bd Trade. GOOD 6-room house, practically new, $1,600. Can sell 6 lots with this at $00 each McEftchrnn Realty Co., 1924 Lake St. Tel Webster 1661. WHY RENT? 5-r. house, toilet, gas, sewer, city water; lot 35x120 feet; only $1,250. Easy terms. J, 11. Parrotte, Bd. Trade. WE have customers for 4 and 6-room houses In north part of city. If you want to sell, call us. 1 )ean-Andrewa Co., 422 New York Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAiXCll LaA U FOR 8ALB i Colorado. LAND for sale In Colorado within miles of Juleaburg. nice prairie, lis per acre; V down, balance 6 years' time. Address Thomas Cochrane, Lincoln, Neb. Minnesota. FOR SALE Mv home farm of 68 acres good buildings; splendid soil. Write for particulars and picture of buildings to L. I lemons, Kujh city Minn. Nebraska. SEND for long list; farms $6 to $100 per acre, BEMIS, Brandels Bldg. GOOD LAND CHEAP. 640 acres, western Nebraska. $3.25 per acre; ism cash, $1,280 payable in eight years, 1160 each year: low rate of Interest. M acres In Dundy county, Nebraska, $5.50 per acre. All cash. 160 acres In Kimball county, Nebraska, four mlleh south of Dlx: Swedish settle ment; every acre can be cultivated. Price $10 per acre. 80 acres In Polk county, Nebraska, near Osceola. $46 per acre. J. G. BONE. Council Bluffs, Ia. 312 Shugart Blk. 'Phone 014. LAND FOR SALE. WELL CULTIVATED and Improved 160 acres, rne southwest quarter of section 26, township 14, range 10. adjoining Gretna, harpy county, Neb. f or terms apply to Mrs, Minnie 8. Deerson, Elkhorn, Nebraska, or General John C. Cowin, Ware Block, Omaha. BIG SNAP FOR 8 ALE. Fine improved farm. 160, In central Ne braska: all In cultivation but few acres 25 acres alfalfa; handy to town and school; price $75 acre; good terms; one of the best In the state. ' Address the owner, Y 76, care Bee. Booth Dakota. HOMESEEKEUS AND LAND SPECU- IiATORS. I have a number of choice tracts of land In Gregory, Tripp, and Myer counties, So. Dak. I deal In newly patented Indian landf, and can furnish clear unincumbered titles for all lands I control. Write me for prices and descriptions. Office at Gregory, So. Dak. Dr. E. T. Spencer. Mlscella IMPROVED farms, wild land, stock ranches, Minnesota, Dakotas. Montana. Bed rock prices. D. F. McMahon. Endlcutt, St. Paul, Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wed. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22) 616 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood. 616 Brandels Bldg. ' (22) 818 PAYNE. IO.STWICK & CO., N. X. Lif. Private money, IMi to $5,000; low rate. FIVE ER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BREXNAN. Room i, ,cu- York Life Bldg. $500 TO $200,000 on Improved property; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St Good 6 FarmMortgages Always on hand and for sale In amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, LOWEST IlA.rtS Bemls. Brandels Bldg. $500 TO 15,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Ebtate Co., 1U01 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2162. (22)-iUl WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam b.ulth & Co, 1320 Farnam St MONEY TO LOAN Payne Invesment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply R'ioius 417-16 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell Phcne Douglas 316. 22 62t REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-room house, a 6-room house and a couple of vacant lots. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. Phone Red I'JJ. open Evenlnga I HAVE 1400 and want to buy a 4 or 5 louiti house of uniiir only; location no ob ject, but must be worth the money. Ad dress E 69, Bee. WHEN you write to advertisers, remem ber that !: takes but an extra stroks or two of tne pen to mention the fact (hat uu uiv the ud In The Bee. STOVE REPAIRS NEW furracts; hot water and hot air com bination healing. 2 end 4-hole laundry hot water healers, mantle grates, ga.i stoves repalr:d, water fiuiils and flower vases. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206 1206 Douias St Phones lnd. A-3621, Bell Douglas t-60 -826 WANTED-T0 BUY BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture, stoves, clothing. Win. Rosenblatt TeL Douglas b40t (25) 8J8 DIRT to fill several lots or piece nigh up property near Eighth and Doicas; must be cheap. Address A 25, care Bee. BEST price paid tt second-hand furniture, carpels clulnes M shoes. Tel. Doug. I97L WANTED TO RENT WE are retting inqulrlee for well located bouses. Must have soie agency, nownn Land ard Lot Company, suite 434 ti. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red W9S. Omaha. Neb. Opto evenlnga. (26) U Wanted to Kent. A suits of rooms, furnished, or smsll furnished house. In desirable location, for the summer by two ladles. References ex changed. I). V. SIIOLES CO., Ill Bd. of Trade Bldg., lth and Farnam. Telephones: Doug. 49; Ind. A-2049. WANTED SITUATIONS For high grade men, eal! Omaha Y. M. C. A. YOUNO Japanese wants housework In family. Help, South Omaha. Tel 1818. POSITION WANTED By a house painter. Call on Peter J. Schmlts, 2214 Douglas St., or phone lnd. A-1470. LEGAL NOTICES otlee of Stockholdere' Meeting;. To the atockholdera of THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY: In conformity wtth the requirements of the Constitutions and laws of the states of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and the by-laws of the Company. VOU ARK HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution of the Board of Directors of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company duly adopted at a meeting of said Board on the fth day of May, A. D., 1909, a meeting of the stock holders of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company has been called to be held at the ortlce of Uie Company, Room 706 Missouri Paclflo Building, In the City of St. Louis, In the State of Missouri, on the sixth day of August A. D. 19UW, at nine o'clock In the foronoon, (1) For the purpose of considering a Con tract and Articles of Consolidation bearing date the 29th day of May, lMtt, neretofore made and entered into by and on behalf of The Missouri Paclflu Railway Company and the following named corporations by order of their respective Boards of Directors: The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Rail way Company, a consolidated corporation of the 8tate of Kansas; The Central Branch Railway Company, a consolidated corporation of the State of Kansas; The Rooks County Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas; The Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com pany, a corporation of the Slate of Mis souri; Nevada and Mlnden Railway Company of Kansas, a. corporation of the State of Kansas; Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company of Missouri, a corporation of the State of Missouri; Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company, . a corporation ol tba Slate of Kansas; The Fort Scott Central Railway Com pany, a consolidated corporatiou of the State of Kansas; Kar.opolls and Kansas Central Railway Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas; The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com pany, a corporation of the State of Kansas; and The LeRoy and Caney Valley Air Line Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas. (2) For the purpose of voting upon the question whether such Contract and Ar ticles of Consolidation, so made and en tered into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap proved and adopted and such consolidation consummated or whether such Contract and Articles of Consolidation shall be re jected; (3) To consider and ote upon the adop tion of a resolution accepting the provis ions of Article II of Chapter 12 of the Re vised Statutes of the State of Missouri, 1899, and to authorise the filing thereof, all as required by 8.ctlon numbered 1059 of such Revised Statutes In the case of con solidation of railway corporations; and whereby all or any of said corporations and The Miasourl Pacific Railway Company nave agreed to consolidate In the whole, and to consolidate the stock of the re spective companies making such consolida tion, and to form and make under and pur suant to the laws of the States of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, a new, consolidated corporation, to be known as The Missouri Paclflo Railway . Company, owning, con trolling, possessing and bringing under one management all and singular the lines of railroad and other properties, real, personal and mixed, powers, rights, privileges, Im munities and franchises, belonging to any of the companies making such consolida tion, upon the. terms and conditions fixed and stated by said Contract and Articles of Consolidation- (4) To take any other action In tba pre mises, and to transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Such Contract and Articles of Consolida tion will be submitted to the meeting of the stockholders so called for examination and every stockholder attending will be fur nished with a printed copy thereof, and at any Mme before such meeting any stock hold, will be furnished with a printed copy of such Contract and Articles of Conso lidation upon application therefor during Duslness hours to the Assistant Secretary of the Company, at the office of the Com pany In the Cltv of St. Louis, Missouri. Dated. May 29th, 1W. GEORGE J. GOULD. President of The Missouri Paclflo Railway Company. A. H. CALTCF, Secretary of The Missouri Paclflo Railway Company. J2toAI NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED bids for the erection of the superstruc ture of a new Catholic church at Falls City, Neb. (stone and brick), will be re ceived by the Building Committee up to the 8th of July, 8 o'clock p. m. Plans and specifications may be seen at the hard ware store of Messrs. L. Wirth & Winter bottom, and at the Catholic parsonage. The Building Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Church Committee. Rev. H. Bex. Pastor. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Nebraska, June 19, IM. Sealed proposals, In tripli cate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 11 .o'clock a. m., central standard time, July 10, 1KO!'. and then opened In public, for the construc tion, plumbing, heating, electric wiring and electric fixtures of an addition to Post Hos pital at Fort Omaha, Nebraska. Full In formation furnished on application. U. S. reserves the right to reject any or all bldx. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for addition to Hos pital," and addressed to Captain George S. Gbbs, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Omaha. Nebraska. J21-22-2$-24-JS-! FORT ROBINSON.. NEBRASKA. June 17. 1 WW. healed proposals for furnishing and Installing metal frame screens, metal weather strips, and screen doors In one field officer's, two double csptalns', one double lieutenants', one ten-set bachelor officers' quarters and two double cavalry barracka will be received here till 11:00 a. m. July 17th, 1909. Information and specifica tions furnished upon application to this office. Envelopes containing propositi should be endorsed. "Proposals for screens, etc.," and addressed to "ConstrurtUnf Quartermaster, Fort Robinson, Nebraska." J21-2?-21 OCEAN STEAMERS CANADIAN PACIFIC UBS TUAJT VOU DAYS AT BE A, 7aakly Sailing Belweea ateatreal, uB aad Liverpool. Two days on the ue.miirui Bt Lawrence titer and I lis shortest ocean route to JCu tope. Nothing; oetter on the Atlantic thaa eur Lmpi esses. Vlrols on all stramera. rlrat claaj. 90; second. 60 oae alaaa cabin. Mb. ASK yt,ur ticket agent or write for aaU rales and hnnklet. 0. Z. BEKJAMTIf. 0. A 32 South Clark St.. Chlrsro. Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you wtt iomethlng call '."fiOD Douglas 23S and make It Known through Ilea Want Ad D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. B. L. Rsmaccletll.) AUtrXSTAJrT STATU VSTSSniAJtXaJr, Office aad ateapltaJ, 8S1S Haeia