Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1909, HALF-TONE, Page 4, Image 20

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White Goods
All $1.00 Swisses G9c
All 85c Swisses 50c
All C.r)c Swisses 49c
All 50c Swisses 35c
All 25o Swisses 18c
French Lawns. 4 5 Inch wide, it,
yd 79 50 and 39
Opera Batiste, 4 5-lnch wide, at, a
ard 50 45 and 39
rerslan Lawns, at, a yard, 25
10 15 and 12 H
Flaxon, looks like linen, at, ayd.,
30 30 25 and 19
Merc. Batiste In checks and stripes
regular 60c grade, yard. 30
English Long Cloth, at, a yard,
10 15 13H and 10
Indian Head Auto Cloth, Touring
Cloth, at. a yard. 18 15
and 12 H
Dress Linens In all colors, at, a
yard.. 394 25 and ...10
June Clearance Bargains
Curtains, Drap'ries
Brussels Net Curtains, 52 in.
wide, 3V2 yards Ion;?; spec
ial, pr., $12.50, $11.00,
$10.50, $10.00, $8.50
Cluny Curtains, white and
ecru, with lace edge and in
sertion, pr., $10, $8.50,
$7.50, $6.50 and $5.00
Cable N'et Curtains, white or ecru,
54 Inch wide, 3 yds. long, pair,
$6.50 $ti $5.50 $5 $4.50
and $2.03
Harnett Curtains, 10 different de
signs 'for selection, at, pair
$4.50 $3.08 $3.50 $2.08
Nottingham Curtain, all the
choice new patterns, special, pr.,
$2.08 $2.50 $2.25 $1.08
Cable Met Ciirtnnw, 2 V4 yard long,
36 In. wide, sale price, pr.jgl.OQ
Filet Tiftn, Madrasse, French
Mufdlns, Itoprw, Drapery Hilks,
Cretones, Swisses, and all kind of
Drapery Materials at Tremendous
Bargain Frices Monday. All Sam
ple I'ortleres will bo closed at one
third regular prices. t
Grand June Clearance Sale ot Strictly Dependable
Lines In Our
High Grade Linen Department Monday
Splendid double damask tablo
cloth, border all around, size 8x
10, dew breached, warranted all
pure lluen, worth $5 each, Mon
day, each $3.00
Silver Bleached Hemstitched
table cloth, pure flax, size 8x10;
usually sell at $2; Monday, at,
Pure Irish Linen Dinner Napkins,
full size, pretty range of pat
terns, worth $3.50 dozen, Mon
day. 6 for $1.10
Magnificent furniture Clearance Bargains
The blue tag3 indicate special bargains will be very
much in evidence in our Furniture department Monday.
Only a few of the items mentioned here.
$6.50 White Iron Urib, like
cut, at $-1.95
Several other specials in
children's beds, cribs and
$4.00 Large Arm Rocker
Mission oak, a big snap at,
each $2.75
Folding Go-Carts, of all de
scriptions, at the very low
est prices. See Monday's
special, at
- U Pawerfiil.
.aio JmUe Underhlll." said K.
U. h row lie of tho engineering
department of the Southern Pa
cific, "was perhaps one of the
greatest characters that ever
.ntored the service of a rall-
rotil. It was the facile disposition that led
to hln bring appointed right-of-way agent
by Hit r1 i -thern Pacific.
"l.'rdt rhlil was all things to all men.
The ribald callfd htm a reckless blade, the
learned c-.lled him one of the elect, and
the good churrhuoer declared that the pul
pit, would have had one of Its brightest
ornaments If he had only heard the call.
"He was the most successful right-of-way
getter that the company ever had,
perhaps, with the exception of my friend,
J. It. Buel. who can charm a bird off a
bough with Ms, eloquence.
"Underbill was sent up against a tough
proposition. There waa a farmer whose
land lay right In the path of the road,
and he waa coy about selling. Underbill
was sent to see htm. They were out drlv-,
lug when the farmer turned to Underhlll
and said:
" 1 want to do the right thing. Judge.
have prayed all night for guidance In this
natter and I have not been given light.'
'We will pray for light right now,"
aald Underhlll. and getting on bis knees
be made a fervent prayer for the farmer
Gleanings from the Story Teller's Pack;
Wash Goods in Our
Famous Domestic Room
15,000 yards of the finest 15c wash
goods ever shown In this town, ab
solutely fast colors.
10,000 yards of Arnold's Celebrated
25c Swiss Applique, all colors, on
sale Monday, at, a yard.. 124
10,000 yards of 16c White India
Llnon 4 6-lnch Lawns, all at, a
yard 7
India Llnons, fancies, etc,.. .... .Q
Remnants of White Goods, at.3H
Apron Checks 2?4
Amoskeag, the genuine article. 5 W
15c Batiste 10
15c Organdies 7
Alberta Satin, 25c grade 10
Best Thompson's Prints 4
10,000 yards of high grade remnants,
worth up to 50c at, yard, 24
34 5 7W and 10
Fifteen other specials.
of Unusual Bargain Interest
to Our Customers Monday.'
35c Silk Elastic Belts. . .19c
$1.00 Silk Elastic Belts. .49c
$2.00 Handbags, leather
lined . . . . 95c
50c Rope Shopping Bags, 25c
75c Hair Rolls, each 39c
20o Jet Hat Pins, at 10c
35c Satin Pad Supporters 19c
.China Department
June Clearance Specials
8-Inch Jardinieres, blended color
ings, with tefft glaze, spe.65
Slop Jars, bandied and covered
each 40
Decorated Wash Bowls and Pitch
ers, special . , 35
Alfred Meakln English Pora-lain,
handled cups and saucers, at,
set GO
$20 Dinner Sets, 100-plece, pretty
decorated. Just 250 of them In
the lot, choice 0.03
Gas Drop Lights, complete with"
stand, burner, shade, tubings and
mantle, at SO
Decorated China Cups and Nau
cers, Austrian, Bavarian, French
and English China lncluded--choice
Monday, per set. . , -60
Full Bleached and Cream Fringed
and Plain Hem, regular price 19c
Monday, each 11
Huck Towels, grand assortment,
plain, white and colored borders,
worth 25c, Monday, each.. 14
Jumbo Oriental Turkish Bath
Towels, large and heavy. - come
enow white and cream; worth
45c, In one lot Monday, ea.23
During this sale all mail orders
will receive our most careful and
prompt attention.
$25 Golden Oak Buffet. . .$18.50
27 Golden Oiik Buffet. . .$20.00
930 Golden Oak Buffet. . .$22.50
2i Gulden Oak Sideboard . $10-50
$28 Golden Oak Sideboard . $10.75
$:i5 Golden Oak Sideboard . $24.00
The bigest line ever shown
nnd prices in every instance
insures the purchaser a neat
$3.25 Porch Rocker. .$2.35,
$3.50 Porch Rocker. .$2.65
Canvas Cots and woven wire
cots at $1.25
Canvas Stools 25c and 35c
Sanitary Steel Couches, spec
ial for Monday only $2.85
to sell his land to the Southern Pacific.
"Awestruck, the farmer listened on his
knees to the powerful Invocation of the
judge, and when Underhlll resumed his
eat In the buggy he said:
" 'I have been given light. Judge. I'll
ell the land at the figure you name.' "
San Francisco Call.
Gets Married 4 a Good Job.
Governor Hadley told the other dy
how he happened to select Henry Andrae
for penitentiary warden: ,
"One day Henry and I were out sleigh
riding, an old negro driving. We passed
the penitentiary and the mansion provided
for the warden. I asked Henry if he ever
had thought of being warden. He said
he didn't know that he had.
" 'Well, do you think you could fill the
bill?" I asked.
" Tea renlled Ilenrv. 'I could.'
" ut, I said, "there la one vital objec
tion to your appointment.'
"Henry looked somewhat pnxxled over
to the warden's mansion.
" 'You're not married. Henryr I re
minded him.
" 'Hoi Is that the objectlonr he asked.
"Just then the old darky drove over a
rough place and the sleigh turned over.
We were dumped out In the deep snow.
I got up sputtering snow, but Henry dis
regarded the accident altogether. He
All our fine Wash Goods must
be sold before the lsi of July.
Ait our 750 -Silk Mixed Wash
Goods 50
All of 69c Silk MUed Wasu
Goods -38
All our 60c Silk Mixed Wash
Goods 33
All our 38c Silk MUed Wasu
Goods 20H
All our 35c S1U Mlied-Wash
Goods 23
All 'our 29c Silk Mixed Wash
Goods 18 t
All our 25c Silk Mixed Wash
Goods 1GH
All our 20c Silk Mixed Wash
Goods '. 12 H
All our 18c Silk Mixed Wash
Goods 10
All our 16c Silk Mixed Wash
Goods 8
The above Includes all ginghams.
Ten other specials for all day.
x.nrnra sepajiticect.
All th new shade In Lustral,
Heatherbloom, Tiro and oil the pop
ular grades of lining. Tailors' trim
mings a specialty.
Omaha's Greatest Rug Sale "Kf
$45,000 Stock of High Grade Rugs
The surplus stock of a big Philadelphia mill and one of New York's best known wholesalers.
In these purchases we secured without doubt the greatest line of Rug bargains ever brought to
Omaha or the west and we're going to place them on pale Monday, and while the stock lasts, at
$45,00 Burtworth, Royal Wilton and
Art Loom Seamless Wilton Rugs
Guaranteed perfect, 9x12 size-r-nothing
to equal them ever before
offered at sale price $29.75
$12.50 High Spire Tapestry
Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size
splendid line of patterns, at,
choice $6.98
$12.50 Brussels Rugs; seamless
10-wire quality, 6x9 size; 15
patterns for selection; on sale
at ..$5.98
Come Early Monday and Get
Choicest Garment
We intend to make the second week of our Great June Clearance the
most delightful to our customers, from a bargain standpoint, they have ever
known; Monday's showings are certainly most superior.
1 1 I
II v
BBSS, . - -
looked me In the eye and said: 'I'll tix
that right away. Governor.'
"And Andrae did fix It, for the cere
money took place the other day." Kansas
City Journal.
Why tK Jndfc-e Didn't Win.
The last time Senator Warner passed
through St. Louis he explained what had
theretofore been a great political mystery.
"Judge Selden P. Spencer of St. Louis
waa a candidate before the last republican
convention for delegate-at-large to the na
tional convention," said the senator. 'The
Judge had a strong following and It seemed
to be a foregone conclusion that he would
"In addition to his St. Louis friends he
waa backed by the strong Kansas City
delegation, under the leadership of State
Chairman Dickey. Conventions, however,
are peculiar things. It Is said that you -an
never tell what a Jury or a convention will
do, and I am Inclined to think that is
"Dr. Alonso Tubbs of Gasconade county
presented Judge Hpencer's name to the con
vention. He made a rattling good speech
for Judge Spenoer, but In the midst of It
I observed a hurried conference In the
rear of the hall among the negro dele
gates. .'"Wfren the roll call began the negroes
all voted against Judge Spencer, and their
Tote waa sufficient 50 turn the tide and
20c Laces Monday 5c
Another Big Lace Sale Day
With an immense assortment
of fine Mecklins, German and
French Vals., Zion City and
Elyria Laces, including many
new patterns just received;
actual value to 20c yd.,
at one price, per yard. . . .C
Vals., Torchons and Point de
Paris Laces, worth up to 15c,
at 2V2C and 3V2C
Big Clearance Bargains in
Boys' Clothing Peparlmenl
$30.00 Quality Ax
min&ter Rugs
10-6x11-3 size
border on ends
only, otherwise
perfect; on sale
Monday, $12.98
$13.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs;
9x12 size, big range of pat
terns for selection, all perfect;
choice $7.75
$3.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs; 27x
54 size; choice ...... .$1.49
$2.50 Velvet Rugs 27x54 size;
on sale at 98c
First Choice
Extra Salespeople to Wait on You.
Styles at Quick
Nobby Wash Suits, in linens and reps, values to $20.00
choice $12.50
Lingerie Gowns and Dresses The choicest assortment we
have ever shown, matchless values. . $10.00 to $50.00
All Our Fine Gowns Marked at Just Half Price.
$100.00 Gowns $50.00 $60.00 Gowns $30.00
$75.00 Gowns $37.50 $50.00 Gowns $25.00
$40.00 Gowns...... $20.00
Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Wool Tailored Suit in the
house, none reserved, splendid assortment for selection,
Monday at r... JUST HALF PltlCE
100 Pretty Wash Suits All
colors, regular $7.50 values,
at $3.95
$15.00 ' Covert and Panama
Coats, 54-in. length tans,
grays, navies and black
choice $9.90
Dainty Wash Dresses Lin
geries, lawns, etc., white
and all colors, $7.50 values,
at $3.95
Women's Long Linen Coats,
all newest styles, $10.00 val
ues, at .....$G.95
$3.00 Indian Head and Linen
Dress Skirts, nobbiest new
styles, at $1.95
cause his defeat. As the convention was
adjourning I called one of my negro friends
and asked him why his men voted agalnut
Judge Spencer.
" 'Why, Senatah,' the negro roplled, 'most
of de cullud delegates are bahbahs and
waltahs. Dey don't have nothln' agin Judge
Spencer he's a fine man, he Isbut you
know dat Doctah Tubbs. He's de author
of de antl-tlppin' bill. He's de man wo
was after, an' we had to vote agin the
Judge to git the doctah.' "St. Louis Post
Dlupatch. Talkies; of Kace Salrlde.
Reflections on race suicide caused Zell
Hopkins of Junction City to recall the re
mark made by a woman at whose home a
number of people took supper one night. In
the political campaign last fall, down in
Sumner county. Tills particular woman,
though young in years. Is the mother of
seven children. Naturally, the children are
reasonably close to one slxe. When the
"campaigners" went Into the - woman's
house one of them noticed the bunch of
children, and aald to the woman In a
friendly way: "These all yours, or Is this
a picnic?"
"They are all mine," she replied wearily,
"and It's no picnic." Kansas City Journal.
Bedroom Baak a Failure.
Because he thought that under a rug In
his bed room would be a safer place for
bis wealth than a bank, Edward Fahey, a
well known young man of Chester, Pa.,
Is out Just 195. Fahey had a check cashed
on last Saturday morning and took the
money to his home on West Seventh street.
Grand June Clearance of Yard Wide Silks
Thousands upon thousands
ular retail prices. Greatest Silk
Yard wide Messalines, Princess
Satins, Peau de Cygnes; regu
lar $1.50 and $2.00 a yard val
ues, at 98c
Yard Wide Stripe Pongees
Fine line of colors, regular 85c
values, at 40c
$2.00 Black Peau de Soie 36 -in.
faced, guaranteed, big bargain
Men's Summer Underwear
At Sweeping Reductions
$35.00 Sanfords, Smiths and Biglow
Axminster Rugs All new designs
and guaranteed perfect, Dxl2 size;
Monday $19.75
8-3x10-6 size, same quality as above,
at, choice $15.48
$15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs;
nine different patterns for
selection, 9x12 size; on sale
Monday, at $8.98
$5.00 Axminster Rugs Best
quality 36x72 size, all perfect,
an immense line of patterns,
at ,....$2.75
Clearance Prices
A complete line of Klosfit
Petticoats, best underskirts
made, up from $1.25
$3.00 Long Crepe Kimonos,
beautiful patterns. .$1.98
$1.50 House Dresses. . .9Sc
Beautiful Summer Waists
of all descriptions at delight
ful bargain prices. '
New Lawn Waists, regular
$1.25 values, choice.. 69c
Linen, Tailored and Dutch
Neck Waists, in almost
endless variety; special bar
gains, at $1.98 to $5.00
He was advised to put the notes in the
"It will be safer here under this rug,"
he told his mother, Mrs. M. B. Fahey,
who Insisted that he was taking some risk.
Nothing more was thought of the money
until a colored boy who is employed In the
family was sent upstairs to do some clean
ing, Mrs. Fahey forgetting about her son's
hidden wealth. When Edward came home,
went upstairs and found everything topsy
turvy, he made some inquiries, as the
money was gone. The colored boy Is also
Trying it on the" Cat.
This story by Robert '.. Watson of Min
neapolis, Minn.:
"An IrUh' laborer entered a drug store,
and, drawing a paper bag from his pocket,
poured on the counter a number" ot sticky
and unpalatable-looking candy lozenges.
" 'Can ye examine them swales?" he
" 'They look queer. What Is the matter
with them?' Inquired the druggist.
" 'Plzen, OI'm a-thlnkln'. Did ye Iver
see such stuff? Dlnnls Daly give them to
me bye, and Dlnnls Is no friend o' mine.'
" 'Well, 1 can make an analysis.'
" 'All right. Ol'll come tomorrow on me
v. ay from wurruk.'
"The Irishman had reached the door, but
he suddenly stopped with his hand on the
" 'An' how much will that 'nolysla be
costln' me?
" 'Five dollars,' waa the answer.
"Paddy walked over to the counter and
PIlTS't Pays
of yards of beautiful new silk,
Bargains Ever Offered in Omaha.
$1.25 Black Peau de Luxer I
36 in. wide, suitable for coats
and drwsos, yard 89c
$1.35 Black Moire Velour 36
in. wide, just the thing for
coats, at SI. 15
wide, double
$1.00 and $1.25 Silks; every imaginable weave
and coloring, odd piece and short lengths, up
to 20 yards in two lots, at. . .48c and 39o
at, per yard,
Mail Orders Filled From
Daily Ads
50c Embroideries
A prodigious assortment
o 18-iii. Skirt Flouncings and
Corset Cover Embroideries,
in Swiss and cambric; to
gether with odd pieces of 27
in. Flouncings.
20c Embroideries Monday Do
All broken sets, odd pieces of fine
Swiss edges and insertions and a
big lot of 5 and 6 yd. strips, at.
yard O
Sheetings, Muslins, Sheet, Etc.
In Our famous Domestic Room
Iron Mountain 9-4 unbleached
sheeting, worth 25c, yd. .17
Pepprel Bleached Sheetings, 9-4
genuine article 19 H
8-4 Pepperel 17 W
Pride of the Farm, worth 10c
at 7H
Bric-a-Brac, worth 8 He 5J
12c All Linen Crash.... 8W
19c Russian Crash H
Dreamland Sheets, 81x90, worth
85c, at 67
Dreamland Sheets, 72x90, worth
75c, at 50
Pepperel Sheets, 81x90, worth 85c,
at GO
Pepperel Sheets, 72x90, worth 76c,
at f0
Pillow sups. 8H 10 12H
15 10 and S5
Extra Specials for
At 8 A. M.
I case of the Famous Edward's
36-lnch Bleached Muslin, 10c
values; 10 yards limit, as long
as It lasts; only, yard. 5
At 9:30 A. M.
1 case of 15c printed organdies;
all fast colors; very pretty de
signs, as long as case lasts. .5
At 19:30 A. M.
1 case of 12c white goods. .5
1 case of heavy bleached Muslin
White Goods Sate in
10c India Llnon 3
12 Vic India Llnon 5
15c India Llnon .'-8H
19c India Linon 10
l&c English Long Clot. . . 8W
25c English Long Cloth 10
25c Persian Lawns, 46 Inches
wide 10
8 5c Persian Lawns 15
$1.00 Sheets, 81x90 GO
85c Sheets, 81x90 50
Extra Special Flour Sale For Monday
The best Flour is now worth $1.85 a sack. We want every housewifa to try
a eack of our best HlKhi st Patent Flour, snrl tn in.inr mi t h
will sell It Monday only PEB 43-POUKD BACK $1.85
SO lhs. best Dure Cane Granulated
fiUKST 100
10 bars best brands Iyaundry goap 25c
7 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal
for 25c
6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 26o
5 lbs. best Pearl Sago or Tapioca 2 Bo
Gallon cans Apples, per can 25o
Gallon cans ApricotH, jer can....25o
Gallon cans Pumpkin, per ran.... 25a
Gallon cans Peaches or Plums, per
can 80o
Gallon cans String- or Wax Beans,
per can 25c
011 or Mustard Sardines, per can..4o
RronianRelon, Jellycon or Jello, per
package 7 Ho
Hand picked Navy Beans, per lb..5o
Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb 10c
Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb... 15c
Fancy Cooking Raisins, lb 5c
Fancy California Dried Grapes, lb. 4c
Fancy (Seedless Raisins, pkg 60
Fancy Oleanod Currants, lb 7 'io
Corn Flakes breakfast Food, per
package JHo
', Fancy , Sweet Cookies, 40 different
kinds, per lb 10c
The best Soda and Oyster Cracker.
per lh 60
The beat crisp Prejzels or Olnner
Snaps, per lb 60
Butter. Chesse and Mckel Dent Bale.
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb 23c
swept the lozenges Into the bag, which he
placed In his pocket,
" 'Nlver molnd," he said, 'nlver molnd.
Ol'll fade me wan to the cat.' "Washing
ton Herald.
1 One Use of the Weed.
Several years ago when Chancellor Melt,
ot the State university, was presiding over
one of the Baptist conventions, a speaker
who was addressing the body in the in
terest of some cause launched Into an Im
passioned arraignment of the tobacco habit.
He came very near defeating his object
But Dr. Mell adroitly parried the effect
by some good-natured remark; and he uf
ward declared that while the man was
making his attack upon the weed he was
himself almost dying for a smoke.
On another occasion one of the
parishioners o:! Dr. W. W. Landrum,
merly pastor of the First Baptist church of
this city, saw him with a lighted cigar lu
his mouth and expressed her dlhapproval
In horrified terms.
But the ever-ready clergyman was not
In the least Isconcerted. "Madame," said
he. springing an argument which , the de
vout lady could not resist, "I am doing
what the Scripture enjoins I am burning
an idol." Atlanta Georgian.
Snpcntltlens of Bismarck.
Bismarck had an Intense aversion to
thirteen, but a veneration for the number
three. His reasons for his predilection
were that he served three masters; he waa
responsible for and fought In three great
to be closed at about half reg
Black Dress Taffeta 3f-ins.
wide, oil boiled, every yard
guaranteed the greatest value
ever, at 890
$1.25 Plain Pongees 3( ins.
wide, natural color, big snap,
at, yard 75o
Muslin Underwear at about
Halt Price
Mammoth Juue Clearance
Sale of All
Bed Spreads, Pillow Cases
and Sheets
In High (trade Linen Dept. Monday
Magnlflceut, Imported Marseilles
Bed Spreads, knotted fringe, cut
corners, full size, tulip patterns;
makes a beautiful gift, worth
$6.50. Monday, each $3.50
High Grade Crochet Bed Spreads,
large size, fringed with cut cor
ners, good value at $3.00, Mon
day, each $1.80
All $1.25 Sheets, Bize 81x90, each,
at 85
All $1.10 Sheets, Blze 81x90, each,
at 75c
All $1.26 Sheets, slue 81x90, fach.860
All 85c Sheets, size 81x90, each..6o
All 65c Sheets, size 81x!)0, each..49o
All 8c Sheets, size 72x90, each..7Go
All 90c Sheets, size 72x!)0, each..65o
All 85c sheets, size 7JxD0, each..59o
All 79o Sheets, alz 7l!x!H), each..65o
All 60c Sheet, size 72x1)0, each..39o
All 14c Pillow Cases, size 42x36
each 100
AU 17c Pillow Cases, nlze 45x39
each lOo
All 20c Pillow Cases, size 42x36
each 14o
All 20c Pillow Cases, size 45x36
each , 14
During this sale Mall Orders will
receive great care.
Monday ?
Our Famous
Domestic doom
Thistledown, regular 11c value;
10 yards limit, at, yard ....5
At 2 P. M.
1 case of Turkish Bath Unbleached
Towels, 20x40; extra heavy and
worth 20c; 4 pair, at, ea.j.m
1 case of genuine Indigo Blue
Prints, worth 6o, at, yd.. 4
At 3 P. M.
1 case of best Shirting Prints; 10
yards limit, as long as ease
lasts -3H
Domestic Room
75c Sheets, 81x90....
65c Sheets, 81x90 ....,... .37
59o Sheets. 81x90.. 35
Pillow Cases... .....8W
16o Pillow Cases 10
18o Pillow Cases 124
20c Pillow Cases 14
22 V4c Pillow Cases 15
25c Pillow Cases 17 H
.Fifteen other specials not ad-
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb 2 60
Extra fancy Creamery Butter, lb.28o
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 18c
Fancy Brick or Llmberger Cheese,
per lb 18o
Sap Sago Cheese, each 7H
Neufchatel Cheese, each (0
rrcsh Veretables.
It don't pay to raise them waen
yon can buy them at these prices.
We save you from 50 to 70 per cant.
Fresh Hplnach, per peck Be
6 bunches fresh Turnips Bo
2 bunches fresh Asparagua Be
6 heads freah I-ettuoe Bo
4 heut fresh Head Lettuce Bo
Fresh Peas, per quart 60
Fresh Cauliflower, per head &o
8 bunches fresh Onions Bo
2 bunches fresh Beets 6c
4 bunches fresh Pie Plant 6c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 6c
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb.... 6c
2 large Cucumbers 60
A. Carload of Extra Panoy, Xarge
Pineapples for Monday.
These are very fine, extra selected
Florida Pineapples. This will be the
last eek for tanning them.
Monday, ea., 60, 7 Ho, Bijo, lOo, 13Ho
Per dos 60 o, 860, 91.10, Sl-35
Per crate, any size 3.60
wars; he signed three treaties of peace;
lie arranged the meeting of three em
perors; he established the triple alliance;
In the Franco-Uerinan war three horses
were killed undr him; he had three names
(Bismarck, Schonhausen and Lauenburg);
he acquired three titles, count, prince,
duke: the ancient arms of his family are
a leaf of clover and three oak leaves. The
family motto, "In Trlnltate Rubur"
("Strength In Trinity"), was surely in It
self to give a leaning in this particular
direction. So closely were his feelings as
sociated with the triple number that the
caricaturists represented him with three
hairs on his head. He had three children.
Forsakes Her Race to Wed.
A girl at New Iberia, La., evidently pure
white haa decided that she would rather
be considered a negro and be married to
a negro, although JucK'e Simeon In the dis
trict court lias forbidden the Issuance of
the license.
The girl does not know her real name.
She was dosrrted In her Infancy by her
parents, whom It Is thought were Syrians.
A negro and his wlfo adopted her seven
teen years ago and all this time she has
llvfd as the daughter of the negro woman.
She fell in love with a light colored negro
who lives In Texas. White persons learned
of the matter and the girl was haled Into
court to endeavor to prove whether she
was white or bluck. The court decided she
was pure while. The girl pleaded to be
designated as a negro, but the court cava
orders to Issue no license.