Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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Xttdi of the Woman Who ii Coins to
Europe. . .
mm -
sil Prevlelosi This Tear for rark.
Bm' Hat Little Cean(rts-oa)
Shipboard Hat, miwM
ad Clothe.
NEW YORK. Jane 1T.-Ods ( the mot
important problems that the Europe-going
Woman has to face thl aumrner la that
of the peach-basket hat What to da with
It MA how?
! Tou might as well try to pack a grand
piano er gramophone in a steamer trunk
a peach baaket bat. Of course ona an-
ewe to tha puxzle ta, wear It; but vou
know how a woman loves to waar her ipe
olaj love of a hat through Scotch mlate and
those exaaperlng ahowara that make Farla
and London aaem bent on destroying every
thing of American Importation. Wear HI
Parish tha thought!
A woman will do anything rather than
( that, and In consequence tha shopkeepers
I have put on tha market an interesting Una
Of hat trunka especially adapted for tha
season's needa. Not only one, hut halt a
dosen, peach hata can be accommodated
In ona of thae trunka, and besides thart
are compartment for shirtwaists, stocks,
atatlonory and tha overflow of toilet so-
oeaaorlea. This trunk has tna disadvantage
of height, which precludes It from the
stateroom, hut otharwlao It anawara all tha
demands made on it. In enamel leather
tudded with braaa call, or In tha regu
lar trunk leathera, the price for such - a
trunk rangea from 2S for the smartest va
riety to HO or $12.
With tie Wardrobe Trunk.
If one excepts the wardrobe trunks and
tha lateat novelties, which may be turned
at will into atandlng closets with gonna
unwrtnkled hanging in a homelike way
from patent stretchers, tha newest trunka
attract from the combination of lightness
and stability. Soma of them have half a
dot! trays, easily lifted out separating
the wardrobe ao that tha varloua articles
may be readily found,, an important Item
to consider when traveling about from One
place to another on an extended tour.
Into such a trunk every possible piece
may be stowed that would be needed oven
by one who has social obligations to fill
on tha other aide in addition to her travel
ing ambitlone. Such a trunk, of tht beat
leather and trimmings, mar cost 146. but
It la practically indestruotlbla.
Steamer trunka are shown In wicker,
oovered with enamel leather, a combination
which aeema to be approved by tha experi
enced traveler, and theae eoma at & for
the very beat Aa the steamer trunk has to
fit under tha berth, not much leeway la
allowed for novelties, but thla year the
lining's are specially trim and dainty, soma
of them padded and many with paateb:ar4
onipartmenta. A good steamer trunk of
ordinary make may be had for 117 or $18.
Advice Irene Experleaoe.
. A young woman who takes a party Area
to Europe every year gtvea the following
' advice on tha subject of steamer togai
I'lrat and foremost eomea a comfortable
Steamer rug, which one muat buy, beg,
borrow or ateal. Aa an additional Jeok
eomfort a little pillow that fits snugly be
hind the ears ta a good thing to remember
to take. If you do not want to bother tq
take tha pillow, a ehlnta slip that will 'fit
' over a berth pillow that may be taken
'. from the stateroom answers every purpse,
51-V The-steamer hat la -naturally one of thai
ahust trying articles to decide about unleaa
.. one- la fortvnaM enough to be of "the aort
,," who aay "Wall you look like a guy any
' way on board a ateamar, ao what's the
aef't, ' Naturally that simplifies matters
Immensely, and if one feels that way really
your husband's old camping hat or your
brother' oap, even a worsted abomina
tion or a so-called fascinator, may do.
But for tha woman who takes 'pride in
looking well under the most trying circum
stances' a careful survey of the ehopa'
'-. harvest in this class of merchandise may
not fee amlaa
She will have to take plenty of tinge
about It, she will have to remember that
her hair' will not always be colffured as
daintily aa It la when aha trtea the hat
on. ami that It is absolutely necessary that
she (study In addition to its becamlngness
Its adaptability to a wind and to reclining
Soothed and Refreshed by
And Cutlcura Ointment
For sunburn, heat rashes,
summer eczemas, itchings,
irritations, inflammations,
chafings and bites and stings
of insects, as well as for pre
serving, purifying and beau
tifying tne skin, scalp, hair
and hands of Infants, chil
dren and adults, these pure,
sweet and gentle emollients
are invaluable.
toiitiuwietioetttwwerld. TWeJ teBdoa.T,
i Autio: Aurri, R. fovus CeFrT. loj'ja.
B. K. Piul. Cfctoutt; Ctohi. Uomt lCo iru Cu t
ItOfcM ! Blf. riwr ItnM A ae.
(urn r ii,. . It) UutuiuUi At.. kl.
-r-tn l-lM (tnu untloe,
ai)imM4 vn M uleouxei w luunud bur.
In a steamer chair, which necessitates; a
brim that will not break In the back.
A ate Ilata Leak Good.
Tha automobile hats offer mny good
models for this purpose, and many of them
made of pliable atraw or cut in the back
are unobjectionable. The Downward elop
ing brtma covering the hair are desirable.
and at a price ranging from $5 to $10 one
may find a very awagger hat that will do
to wear on many occasions on land aa
well as on shipboard.
The moat popular hat is tha Panama,
which comes In overy shape and slse and
tha prlos of whloh varies of course with
tha flnaneaa sf tha make. A genuine one
o soft and resilient that It Is like a rubber
band may cost t-X while many of the
steamer tables In tha department stores
offer a very good variety of Imitation
Panama whloh will certainly wear tha
aeaeen through for less than a quarter of
that sum.
Tha automobile and steamer veils of
ohlffon and mousseltne de sola are ao beau
tiful thla season that they cover, like char
ity, a multitude of hnadgear etna A long
ona of four or flva yards of shaded tints
comes for $17 approximately. A beautiful
ana of thla class, showing a deep red which
softly blended to the palest rose, waa pur
chased for $16.K by a brunette with flash
ing black eyea who said to her companion
that she waa going to economise In other
directions, but hays that aha would and
Vary simple and pretty chiffon veils pf
different colors and long enough for prac
tical use ceme at reasonable prices, 13
and K and for the woman who has to
study axpendlturea these will prove more
satisfactory than one that suggests her
momentary lapse from economy every
time the wind blows. But there Is a dif
ference In quality of theae veils, and be
comlngness should be the reason for de
rision. Modern fashion seems to demand
that a veil of some kind should be worn,
Klmona and Other Thins.
Another Indispensable article that should
be tucked In the steamer trunk is a kl
mona, which need not be of Japanese
Importation or make, the word at present
being used to signify any loose garment
with flowing sleeves that can be donned
In a second. A dark silk Is preferable
to any other; It la not conspicuous, does
not wrinkle and takea up little room In
tha baggage. If these are too expensive
a cotton crepe is useful, and at any of
the department stores you will find these
at as moderate a price as la.
There are many little articles that add
materially to one's eomfort and take up
sa little apace that there la really no rea
son why they ahould bo omitted from
tha menu of the trunk. For example,
tha hot water bottle, la not a particularly
ornamental piece of baggage, but It will
furnish lota of satisfaction. Bo many
people are afflicted with neuralgia en route
that It la well to remember that the tiny
face bags will help to avert pain and
should be added to the equipment
Stateroom slippers are a necessity, and
here It Is well to again sacrifice mere
beauty to utility. The slipper that may
be put on quickly and yet hold so that it
will not fllpflap along the corridors Is
best of all. Oftentimes on rising In the
morning seasickness may be averted for
tha whole day by slipping Into the loose
artloles of attire, throwing about one
tha long coat and getting to the deck
and the fresh morning air without loss
of tlmo. Then then Inconspicuous foot
gear Into which one's toes are thrust.
which has no buttons or ribbons to hinder
progress, will be found to be a blessing.
Silk nightcaps are not really the luxury
that one might think, and consequently
their -use peed not be scoffed at by the
woman who designs to fill every Inch of
available space with strictly utilitarian ar
ticles. And as long as one wears them.
make them aa attractive as posrlble, the
wearing helping to avert toothaches and
neuralgia and keeping the hair dry. These
bits of lace and ribbon can easily be made
t home or If bought nearly any price
may be paid, depending on the fineness of
Just m Mere Trifle.
One charming bit of perfumed satin, hand
embroidered with a real laoe edge was
shown in one of the linen and lace shops
of Fifth avenue for $50. A fashionable look
ing woman trying It on explained to her
friend that she only needed that one article
to complete her summer outfit In a bride's
trousseau of recent origin, the owner of
which was contemplating spending har
honeymoon on the ocean, a pale blue night
cap with chiffon ruffles and dainty rib
bons was one of the moat admired pieces
on exhibition.
The long coat which fashion decrees at
present with one's tailor made Is very suit'
able for. the steamer the short 0ot al
though easier to walk in, is not so com
fortable, taking all klnda of weather Into
consideration. With thla, of course, the
ublqultloua. shirtwaist comes unless the
princess dress Is worn underneath tha out'
side garment
The number and value of tha shirtwaists
taken must ; be determined Individually.
It la well to have at least one warmer
than the lingerie variety, a light flannel
or dark silk preferably, which will save
continual laundering, a problem difficult
to meet sometimes when the steamer has
been left and the European tour begun.
With these. Of course, the separata stacks
and ties as many as possible.
A good sweater la another article some
times forgotten, but which Is asserted by
those who have crossed many times to
be one of tha most satisfying of any gar
ment easy to put on, warm enough, and
yet not so heavy as to become unendur
able. Every year the shops put out a va
riety a little more fashionable In model
than before and thla year for $8 or $6 a
very good looking ona with high collar.
single breasted and tight fitting la in tha
lead. Those, of course, made -of the finest
wool and hand work are to be found for
prices whloh aeem exorbitant unless one
realises that like the steamer rugs, their
life U practically eternal.
The price of the steamer rugs, Incl
duntally, Is praotloally stable from year
to year, as the style does not vary. The
ordinary rug shown, made of cotton partly,
but with considerable warmth .neverthe
less and a showy appearance, costs less
than $7. The all wool ruga do not come
lower than, that and for from $7 to $10 a
fairly good one may be obamed. One very
handaome rug of black and white with a
scarlet thread was shown at $10. This waa
of vicuna and waa considered a bargain.
Rugs ef Ulgk Degree.
It is rarely that the finest ruga are
Shown unlesa specially asked for. These
are of Scotch Importation, with all the
tartan devices, and the prices are corre
spondingly high, $3 being a conservative
estimate, but if one has the money to
spend a good investment, and one cannot
realise how much value there may be in
one of these until the imported variety has
been enjoyed. Its softness, beauty of color
lng and warmth making all others seem
sadly Inadequate.
Whether or not one shall Include a rain
coat In the equipment for a short Euro
pean trip Is a question. It will be useful
many times undoubtedly. Zn lieu of the
raincoat a great many travellers prefer
the loose tourist coat which protects from
the showers and may be worn et times
when the raincoat could aot
The raincoat problem, discussed at length
C) For the Service ot the People; the GREATER PEOPLES STORE Is the Largest, Finest Exclusive Home Furnishers In the West ( )
We offer June Brides
Our assortments are most
bays a
o -.-.ex
f-1; . : - . -..V
Obio '
0 Wagon V'
Q Umbrellas sr &
q St"- sue
() Direct 111 11"" in .
Terms: $1.00 Cash, BaUnca 'JSasy.M
They are clean, cool, odorlesg and most economical;
and are guaranteed In every respect Have many patent
features not found in other ranges. Give Instant action.
Extra low prices all this week. Large assortment PA
to select from. "Wa pffer you $10 value,' at. pDJf
r 1 ' '
with another tourist agent of the feminine
persuasion who advocated Its Inclusion with
many arguments, led to tha question of
overshoes or rubber tlpa, which according
to this authority are absolutely necessary
If one is doing Europe (rem the guide book
point of view, which means visiting under
ground, curiosities In the war of catacombs,
tomba, cathedral vaults and other places
where, the damp floors are oftaq the cause
directly or indirectly ef afflictions In the
way of coughs and colds.
Sheoa aad Soaa.
American women do not care for the
foreign made ahoea, and it la well . ta re
member thla and go prepared for every
emergency. Two paira oi anoea win taaa
traveler through the summer trip and
one of these at least should be very com
fortable. A pair of slippers for dress up
occasions is desirable. The steamer shoes
should, not have high heels.
Dinner on board aoma of tha ooean lin
ers is a more or less function When the
weather ta fine, and far this It Is wall to
be prepared with aa extra gown not ef
the tailor made erder. Any dinner dress
will do, but the lighter weight it Is the
easier to pack and tha leas space It will
For the Mediterranean trip the white
gowns of duck, linen or other material
are very nice and they are not amlBS on
any ship, although the preferenoe seems
to be for a crepon, figured silk or em
broidered linen In aoma fashionable color.
Slue Is alwaya a good eolor on ahlpboard.
A safety pocket for money and valuables
Is absolutely requisite and chamois pouches
are to be preferred with good daaps and
plenty of room. These are usually worn
under the skirt and are fastened to a belt;
the aame styles may be found In linen or
aome cottok material, and are, of couraa,
The careful traveler takes her own soap.
The matter ef underwear la again one to
be decided Individually, but many travel
ers . claim to be able to get aieng with
three complete sets; theae are ef course
easily added to, but a wool or partly wool
combination suit is stronly advised.
fatter ef Expense.
Point blank the question is put by many
travel rs still In their preliminary arrange
ments as to what the outfit for the summer
tour wbloh will take from two to three
months la going to cost, and the question
Is, of course, impossible to answer, depend
ing, as it does, on the simplicity or luxury
studied by each Individual. With the ex
pendlture of 1100 In addition to what one
may possess one may buy all the neos
sary acoeasortea of which tha wardrobe
ia deficient Even lesa than that may be
found to be eufflclent One woman Inter
viewed aald that aha made a presentable
appearance and ahowed an Itemised ac
count amounting In all to f2a but she
started with a fairly large equipment and
counted on presents to fill the gap.
The question of excess baggage cannot
be too strongly emphasised. One has to
pay and pay heavily foi every piece out
side of handbags, and the joke that every
Italian laborer In his native country wears
an American trunk strap to keep up his
trousers Is fast losing Its point, for the
Amrrloan traveler becomes mora wary
every year, eliminates tha superfluous and
In learning tricks from tha travelers of
experience. ,
The travelers cheeks furnished for a
small oommlssion by nearly all the steam
ship lines are, ef course, the simplest
method of taking money. They are Insured
as far as possible against toss and are
available In even out ot the way places.
It is said by tha several agents that the
face value will be refunded on any re
turned after tha European trip, hut so fsr
as could be learned It la seldom that tha
companies are called upon for this apodal
aot of courtesy.
SavlasT teat
"I have here an opera," annoonoed the
robust oompoaer, "which win be tha great
eat production of the century. It Is called
'Paradise.' "
M Tu'edlse,' roared the impresario;
"man, do you realise what It would coat
for scenery V
"Ye."' answered the composer calmly.
"but do you realise what would be ad
on cosiuiuei r i own topics.
Values and Special Inducements in Complete Home Outfits
and Grooms many special inducements during this month.
complete and our prices are positively the LOWEST in the
city. W have many complete outfits at very LOW PRICES and on excep
tionally EASY TEEMS. We want you to call and see them, for it means a
great saving to you. Your own interest
demands that you at least call and inspect
our goods and learn of our exceptionally
easy terms.
Carpets, ftugs and Draperies
Ingrain Carpets,
worth 76c per
Bmnnela Carpets,
design, worth
Ingrain Room Ruga,
$8.00, sale price
Brussels Room Rugs, slie 11x9 ft, worth
117.60, special
Velvet Rugs, else ltxl ft, extra high
grade quality, worth $27.50, sale price .
Lace Curtalna, very latest effects, regular
price 11.60, sale price
Luncheon Sets That Hay Be Easily
Carried by Hand.
Hat Dexes That Hare Secret Com
part meat 'o VpJuables Newest
ta Wardrobe Tranks Bags
to Hold On Dog;,
Many new things are designed every
year to promote the comfort of travelers.
The automobile Is answerable for some of
the latest, but not for all, and persons who
can't and don't travel In motor cars have
been equally considered in this year's
Fitted up tea and luncheon baskets, for
example, , are pot new, but until lately
most of these were high priced. Imposing
affairs not easily portable by hand. This
season's designs, on tha contrary, rang
ing In prioe alt the way from less than $2
to SUM and more, give prominence to two
features saving of space and ways and
means of carrying them aa easily as a
hand satchel.
Strictly speaking, the tees than SS kind
Is called a lunch set and consists of a
folding knife, fork and spoon and a turn'
bier fitted Into a leather case about five
inches long, less than four Inches wide
and twd Inches thick, which can easily be
tucked away In one's pocket or In a
Now Tra Basket.
There la a real tea basket, though,
which folds like a suit case and has han
dles, and Is equipped with , crockery,
knives, forks, spoons, lamp, kettle and
ao on, which costs (S and is about nine by
eight Inches in diameter. Another variety
costs leas than S10 and includes, besides
the things mentioned, a couple of covered
dishes and a straw-covered bottle In the
latter, which is a small (edltlon of the
newest destgna in the highest priced vari
eties, the architecture suggests a two
story closet, and when the cover is raised
the front wall la let down to form a pro
jecting shelf. Thla, like moat of the newer
etylea, has upright handles, and Is square
or oblong rather than flat.
In a brown wloker case, to give an ex
ample, Is packed, without a quarter Inch
Of waste space, a luncheon outfit for eight
persons, which includes an alcohol burnsr
and several covered metal dishes. Thla
case is about twenty-six Inches long, nine
Inches wide, eighteen inches tall.
A beautiful brown and yellow basket,
twenty by twelve Inches In diameter and
about fourteen Inches high, containing a
lunch outfit for six persons, wbloh cut out
cups and saucers In favor of straw covered
tumblers and two bottles for keeping
liquids hot or cold.
To Carry the Bottle.
Manufacturers of these bottles, by the
way, have had in mind every sort of trav
eller when putting out this season's style
For the tourist who a good part of the
time foots it, a leather harness is provided
in which the bottles rest and is slung from
his shoulder, and the bottle itself is of
black metal, nickel mounted, whloh is less
expensive than the all nickel or the leather
covered. Varieties of ths latter are pre
ferred by the autolsts because they come
in all colors red, green, gray, brown,
ecru, capped with nickel, for It goes with
out saying that in the smartest ears the
appointments as far as possible match the
eolor of the car. In many cases these
bottles come In pairs, with a long sandwich
box tucked between them, the whole done
up In a smart leather case, shaped prefer
ably like a suitcase or an elongated hat
box, handles on top. Tan ptgnkln caes
are perhaps the best liked and red leather
oases are next, although coverings of
brown and of eeru wicker are very popu,
lar, as well as trifle cheaper than tha
The aame attention to colore Is shown in
tha newest bouquet holders Intended for
autoiWbUus, many of tha designs in plain
glass being mounted in fancy colored
$5 Cash; $4 Monthly.
Terms: $6.50 Cash, $5 Monthly
finest quality, all wool,
newest patterns, swell
$1.00, par yard..,.,,,,.
reversible kind, worth C4 QC
, , ifw.J
in Plain
aNNVx f. h5k ure
(The reeplea ruraltore ft Carpet O. BstaMlahed
leathers. Cut glass flower, holders of
really beautiful pattern are ornamented
In some cases with small clusters of raised
flowers and bunches of fruit made of gold
and of silver. Other designs have tha
rim touched up with gold, and there are
varieties trimmed with decorations of
Leather Baedewer cases art, included
among the small conveniences which ap
peal to persons going abroad. In the hand
the case looks like a flat wrist bag with
out it fastening and with two handles.
Under the outside flap on either side is
a pocket for note books, memoranda, pen
cils, eta; inside is the receptacle for the
guide book.
Imported raffia wrist bags, anywhere
from seven to ten Inches wide aad nearly
as long, are aa Inexpensive article whloh
la bound to be popular with travelers.
These are mounted like the ordinary hand
bag and also to form three pockets hang
Kohler &
Co. Piano
Sold on
Easy Pay.
Tor this elegant 510
w nreaent you today with the greatest Iron bed proposlUon Ter
(vfared to the people ot Omaha aud vicinity. They are made In n en
tirely new desisn, originated for this geason. Note the handsome de
Blgn They are strongly built of the very best materials, hav -very
heavy castings, and artistic chills. They are finished In th popular
Vernls Martin finish, that Is guaranteed not to turn black, or chnre
color. They come in the full site only. This W without doubt, the
greatest Iron bed value on the market today. Remember they are act
ually worth $10.00, but the special price for this sale la C J C
only ' pa a
Extr HixtIiU Terms of T5 Cash and 75c Monthly.
595 for this Collapsible
- Co-Cort
Complete With flood as Shewn,
Terms, 75c caah, balance 'e8y,'
A mpst exceptional vale
In these popular go-carts. They
have an all steal constructio
rubber tired wheels, and
the seat, back, sides and
hood are covered in
guaranteed fabrlcold
leather. They fold com
pactly, and can bs
easily carried. They
are a most exceptional
value at the above low
ing from a vertical rod and concealed by
an outside cover ornamented in aoma
cases with fringe. No end of things can
be stowed away in these pockets.
"Pomeranian oases" are one of the In
ventions whloh delight owners of tuy dogs,
All sorts pf leather and of many eolors
are, used n their manufacture. There are
beautiful red caaes moat becoming to the
brunette Poms and blue cases especially
adapted to set off the beauty of the brown
and white variety. A buttoned flap at ona
aide and a hook and eye pleat fastened
at tha neok after tha dog has been put
In his oase oovers him snugly-rall but his
head- In other words, the case Is nons
other than a stylish canine bag dressing
gown fitting snugly around the neck. En
cased In ana, tha dog might manage to
Jump out of a oar or carriage, but te
walk or run would be impossible.
Black patent leather hapdbsgs, shaped
like a vqry small suit case and also in
Ik Maters of
Have eKown tKat genius for
piano-making tKat Las teen
described as
"an infinite capacity for taking ains
Hie result ef over eigkty
five years application of
ttat genius to the production
cf musical tone is shown in
the matchless Chickering
Pianos of today.
enneft Company
Terras on Tbese Beds
Cash, 75c Monthly
Verols Hartln Iron Red
1 o
the ordinary wrist bag style, are voted
"too stylish for anything' by woman who
want to carry toilet articles with them,
ens side ef the Interior being fitted with
poqlcets for eomb, brush, hand mirror and
toilet preparations. Seven, by nine Inches
Is the usual glxe tj these. ss dainty de
signs, suitable for both men and women
and mounted In silver and In gilt, are also
Included among the patent leather novel,
ties, the sixteen Inch alas with a compart
ment for toilet artloles being perhaps the
most popular.
Space saving seems tha chief object of
manufacturers pf hags and trunks and the
results are simply marvelous.
"The man who Just bought this," said
a salesman, "told me he Intends taking
no other baggage as he tours through
Europe and that whan he travels by rail
he will stow it up in the car rack. They
must have pretty Strong parcel raoks on
the other side if ha can stow this away
in one."
Ivcr &
ii. & s. a
sohn The
Co. Piano
ll if
a J
fi In
i os
I 38