12 THE BEE: OMATIA, FRIDAY, JOTE 18. 1009. Extraordinary June Clearance Bargains SCORES OF ITEMS NOT HERE MENTIONED EVERY ITER A DELIGHT. FTJI - , SPECIAL fUl ill Ml' JVJS THE RELIABLE STORE 1-1 r. wmm If SVMMEK STYLE HOOK and any lBc a 11 M AYD FRIDAY WE WILL SELL All the Remnants - Odd Lois FROM OUR IMMENSE SALE OF SMUGGLED GOODS and Our PurcKne from the New Yrk Auction EXTRA SPECIAL 50.000 YARDS Plain and Fancy Silks Chiffon taffetns, loumenes, bengalines, poplins, foulard", mepsalines, pongee and tussah Bilks, printed Tuscan silks, etc. all the remnant pieces from our auc- f f e f C C tion sales purchase no remnants but good H I 51 lengths from 3 to 20 yds. bargains quare. . v Remnants - Odd Lots Laces FROM OUR. BIG PURCHASE OF SMUGGLED GOODS SEIZED DY THE U. S. REVENUE OFFICERS Hint crochet and Venetian embroidered lace bandi, medal' Hone, appliques many very various hinds worth up to $2.50 yard, at yard Remants of Smuggled Laces at 2c-5c-15c yd. All kinds of Val. laces, fine torohons, also cluny, baby Irish and Venetian laces, appliques, the New York auction and smuggled rtg Iq A f"Q goon saie -worm zoc a yara ui, rri yim REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES From Our Dig Purchase of Smuggled Goods 18-inch skirtings, flouncings, corset cover widths, also inser tions, headings and galloons medium A A" ! LTa and wide edges 2 big bargain squares, I If "" I fjC worth 35c yard, at, yard . Remnant Sale ,n 25c grade striped poplin, all the leading shades pongee and solsette that are worth 25c yard an extraordinary bar- iflg gain tor Friday, yard .... Natural linen color suitings b warranted pure unen wen worth 20c yard sold lfl from the bolt, at, yard..."C Sun bleached India Unon will compare with the 20c grade on bargain square Frl- g day, at, yard FORENOOX 8 to 10 ' Short length! cotton goods, various grades and 'kinds. Including a big ' lot summer 1UC FORENOON . 10 to 12 From the bolt. 3 Ins. wide, full stand ard percale light and dark waUt. dress and shirting lawns, from 8 till 10 a. m, per yard , . . lc worth iz oo long lengths per yard LONG AMERICAN BEAUTY RUSES On SaU Friday Cut Flower Dept. South Sid NOTION SALE Friday j. 6! King's, knd Saxon Boys' and girls' skele- Bias seam -tape, at, per 200-yard machine ton waists with hose bolt.. 5 thread, Pr doien . spool ;. ...15s importers, aM ageii . -' for 10 Four crd "of hook Women's hose sup- . and ye 5 porters, 25c and 35c "" grades, pair .. .15 24-yard bolts tape. 5, - Magic hair curlers, 2 T"7 v.niters nicKie 00 card, sold every- Sated folding hang- D"nln cotton' where for 10c. per ers ........ ..IOC "Pool. dosen...lOf card.... 5 Robber Lined Traveling Cases Cases worth to 60c, at 2f)k "Cases worth to 11. at -GOe? 1 MBRAHHliK Oplly Oinmples will be ihcharge of Mine. Prayers' department and give you a sample of "Sempre Govine." If you will call at IVIeoeatli Stationery Co. ISth and Fnrnam V ) From two to six Friday afternoon. The Bee for All the Sporting News ' very novel, ana unique ejjecis- 25c-50c-$fl novel and unique effects insertions, edges, etc., from mJ 11 Printed lawns and batistes in dress lengths. These are the 15c grade, in all the newest colorings and designs, at, per yand , 5c Extra fine cambrics and muslins, Including Fruit ol the Loom cambric made especially for women's and children's Q fine underwear, at, yard. . . JC Soft finished 38 Inches wide nain sook and lingerie lawn the right weight for summer l 1 underwear, 18c grade, yd.2C - AFTERNOON . Beginning 1:80 Yard wide bleached muslin, cambric and long cloth In mill lengths worth u p to ten cents a yard. styles 'j - - 6ic win go on sals at ....... 3ic Every Person Should Have One. I Cases worth to $1.50, at . . .98 Cases worth to $2.25 at . .$1,49 u n t OMAHA A Quality Counts In shoe leather, so when buying Shoes or Oxfords for comfort, style and durability, Insist on having the "Walk-Over Make" $35000 and you will appreciate the value of these special lines for men. BBS OVM WINDOWS at the Walk-Over Shoe Store 314 South 15th St. four Doors Booth of Beatoa Drag Co. Hi. m. Thompson, Walk-Orsr Bfaa. Bulletin From the Auction! The following souvenirs were given out Wednesday, June 16th, at Fred Brodegaard & Co.'s Jewel ry Auction 109 North Sixteenth Street (Opposite the Postofflee) B. Mahoney, 3849 Charles St.. city, Cake Basket. Gus Johnson, Continental Hall, A Vase. M. J. Clnek. 158 S. 24th St., Watch Fob. H. T. E. Breckert, 1116 Dorcas St., Ladies' Gold Fob. Auction commences every day, 10:30 a. m., 2 p. m. and 7;30 p. m. DOJTT FAIL TO ATTEHD. GREAT RUG SALE MONDAY, JUNE 21st. MILLER STEWART & BEATON 413-15-17 So. 16th St. So You Must Store Your Furniture? Then call us today. We have the place you want. We nave the facilities you appreciate. W have the vans and the men to relieve you or very detail. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. 1009 Farnam St. Doug. 1559 Ind. A-1559. I rnnn mi) Weak and nervous me IUUU who find their power W IS1FR VF work snd youthful visor 11 - J gone as a result of over, work or mental exertion should teas OKAYS NUUVK FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat and sleep ana be a um again. $1 Sox; S boxes fa. 80 by mail. SXXBMAJf Si KcCOITNEI.1, blOO OO. Oor. 16th and Dodge Streets, OWL DtUO COSCFABT, Cor. 16th and Barney Sts. Omaiia. Befe. DOLLARS STORIES D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. H. L. Ramacdottl.) ASSXSTAJTT ITATK TXTIIBXBAflAJr. Office and Hospital, 8810 Maaon mxTx. Calls Promptly Answered At All Hours, Tboae Office Barney 997. SVes. DeogUa 4m. CffiJiii, left, HOTELS. In the Shopping District. ai5 !; Ma!- asm Hotol Kuppor llth ana KcOh. Kansas City. Mo. In the Shopping- District. Hear all the Theaters. SOO Beautiful Rooms. 100 PrtTat Baths. Hot and cold water la all rooms. Spacious lobby, parlors. Telephone la erery room. Beautiful Cats, Perfect Oulslas. $1 to $2.50 Per Day ' European Plan. KIPPER-BENSON HOTEL CO.. T. A IEMIOI, Mgr. PLAZA HOTEL ift COOLEST HOTEL IN Ajf W NEW YORK W S flFTH AVE AT CENTRAL BtRK V SUMMER. GARDEN AND TERRACE, rr aTTtsT manaoino laccTosi 11th and MoOee, on It I Friday J -Not a single Item in our advertisement, but what is a big vatun. It's our weekly clean-up of small lots, remnants, oddments of all kinds. Prices to clear ont every vestige of each lot In a day: TAIIORED SV1TS About fifty last season's style wool suits, mostly all were $25.00, Inventory Is takt-n July 1st, and not one must ffO nr be left. Skirts alone are worth double our price UJo DKKSS SKIRTS Small lot about twenty-five in all, light checks, sicilllans, a few panamas and voiles, values to $5.00, &i Aft for quick clearance, choice ijlevv LINGERIE WAISTS A good assortment of season's newest styles, but a little soiled or tumbled from display, $1.25 and HQ $1.50 until now. Choice UL CORSET COYKRS AND DRAWERS To freshen up our stock we 1iave picked all garments that have lost their original crlspness showing marks from handling and regularly on 75c, $1, and $1.50 CAa tables. These garments are all lumped into one lot, to close . . . DvL COMBINATION INDERMISLIXS Fifteen sets of three-piece com binations, skirt, drawers and corset cover, all In one, beautiful gar ments, worth to $6.00, only slightly soiled, f nr choice, at e)ll3 GINGHAM APRONS Full size, band aprons, worth 25c and 36c, best Ginghams, blue, green, brown and white checks, 4 r choice, each 13C Extraordinary Friday Selling SILKS DRESS GOODS WASH GOODS With inventory only two short weeks away the closing out of short lengths and the reduction of stocks la Imperative. We begin Friday with these truly wonderful drives: j SILKS, LOT 1 A broad variety of silks of every wanted kind and color, all remnants of silks worth to 75c; very useful kinds, too, at 19c WASH GOODS A sale Ginghams, Madras, etc., best and most wanted wear. GoodB worth to 25c, in this Remnants Dimities, Iawns and Batistes, at 2Wt $1.00 AND $1.25 DRESS GOODS FOR 80c 88 pieces in all. 4 pieces, Vi pieces and dress and skirt lengths culled from our regular stocks, to close before inventory. Lot embraces panamas, mohairs, wool batistes and gray suitings, $1.00 and $1.25 goods, at. . . EMBROIDERIES ALWAYS ARE INTERESTING These special lots for Friday are especially attractive: 7 He and 10c Embroideries, will be on sale,, at 2 M d 10c and 1214c Embroideries, will be on sale, at 5 The China Section Makes These Splendid FRIDAY BARGAINS 600 Japanese Bread and Butter Plates, values 15o and 2uc, at, each 5 Footed Punch Bowls, with six sherbet glasses to match, $1.50 For Putting up Fruits, etc Economy Fruit Jars, pints, at, per dozen 90 Quarts.' per doaen 81.10 Half Gallon, per dozen ..$1,35 Economy -Fruit Jar Caps, at, per dozen 20 Economy Fruit Jar Clamps, at, per dozen ; 10 Fruit Jar Rubbers, extra heavy, 3 dozen, for 25 Patent Root Beer Bottles, per dozen OOt Stone Jars, 1 to 6 gallon sizes, per gallon 10 7 to 12-gal. sizes, per gal...,12 WHITE GOODS REMNANTS Lawns, . Madras, Dimities, Em broidered Batistes, including many Checked and striped white fabrics, were 15c, 20c, 25c and 29c, for 7Wt STOCKINGS For Boys, Glrl, Babies Heavy black ribbed stockings for boys and girls, best 10c quality, sixes 6 to 10, for So Also Infants' stockings, lace effects, pink, blue or black, 10c kind.... Bo Hardware - -, Challenge Lawn Mowers, 16-lnch, for Friday, at 93.00 ulantlc Lawn Mowers. 16-Inch, reg ular 17.00 machine, for $3.60 PAINTS AHS YAKUTSK BTAHTS c cans 1'alnt. Friday for 8 So u cans Varnish Stain, for 85o ..ic cans VarniHh Stain, for ISo ijc cans Varnish Stain, for lOo 10 stamps with each can. Hoc Paint Hrushe, for ISo Put! Pomade Metal Polish lOo and 16 sumps. Bennett's Best Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday CHEESE Full Cream, lb. ..800 and 10 stamps. tiwlss Cream, lb. 850 and 20 stamps. Koauefort. lb 40c rx.ouK Bennett's Kxcelslor. Including 60 stamps for $1.85 Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds .. Bennett's Best Coffee, one pound for Bennett's Teas, anorled. per pound .. Bennett's Tea Sittings, per pound .... Diamond C Soap, ten buls fur. Hayle's Horseradish Mustard, bottle lOo and 10 green stamps Japan Hlce, regular lOu quality, 4 pounds for S5o lMamund Crystal Halt, two sacks, for Hartley's Fure Tult Jams, jar . . . Hlu Borax Starch, 2 lb. package hUU'HU'inuri! OUUJ, rin, uai s iui hex Lye three cans for Yankee Hose Toilet Soap, three for Poppy Condensed Milk, largu can Sweet Pickled Peaches, quart Jar Charm Table Kyrup, bottl Wiggle Stick Wonder Wax, bIx for Shaker Table Salt, three packages for Bayles' Boneless Herring, No. 1, Jar Bayles' Boneless Herring, No. 2, Jar Bajies" Boneless Herring, large Kddy's French Mustard Eddy's Salad MuMtard Iten's Peanut Wafers, package Iten's Tourist Biscuits, pa kaga Before You Go on your vacation you will need to get a fountain ren either a Waterman or Conklin self filler or a small traveling clock or a safety razor or a sliver puise. These are necesalties and our store Is the place to buy them. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler lSlf DOUGLAS BTBXZT. WHEN THE PRIVILEGE IN EXTENDED YOU TO MAKE A GRADUATION OR WEDDING PRESENT Take time to look over our line of Classic Jewelry, it will pay you nnd you will te pleased. Bracelets, Diamonds. Watches and Kings a specialty. MAWHIKNEY & RYAN CO. .... ISth and Douglas Streets GINGHAM PETTICOATS Plain or stripe, with deep flounce and tucked ruffles. Our regular prices 85c and $1.00, 59c Friday, choice SILKS, LOT 2 In this assort ment you get silks from our 100 lines, coat silks, white wash silks, dreBs foulards, etc. 9Ca Don't overlook these 4i0t Batistes, Mulls, Percales, Shirtings, goods for summer lot at 5c 39c Big lot of Laces, worth to 10c, going, at 3H Laces always selling up to 15c, on sale, for 5 UUI TSULT UZj A.B AH UXJ Men's Neckwear OF THE BSTTEB SOBTI A clean-up sale In 1M truest sense nothing Is reserved. It's our regular well selected stock bought to sell for 60c, 75c, $1.00 and $l.fi0 and marked at that up until Friday. Unlimited variety of the very choicest colorings and stylos of the season. Price Is a seemingly Impossible one but we 1 "nt to mnke a quick, decisive clearance so here they go, any of thm. at 42c BOYS' STRAW HATS Friday we ' will sell straw hats with soft roll brims for boys C to 16 years, very good styles, 25c hats, for 17 MUSLIN REMNANTS 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, In choice lengths of 3 to 12 yards each. Quality is of a heavy ser viceable 8V4c grade, Friday 5 CORSETS Three Good Models .... We shall again offer to Friday pat rons three lengths in corsets, adapt ed to girls or misses, and medium and full figures. Choice of Batiste or Coutll, nicely trimmed, and hose supporters soo Friday Bargains Galvanised Garbage Cans and Vails 12 gallon, $1.60 value, for 98o 1 gallon size, 11.75 value $1.88 Clothes Z.lnes, 60 feet hemp and cot- ton Oo and 80 stamps. Gasoline Ovens, up from .$1.8S and 40 stamps. Wash Boilers, up from and 40 stamps. B. O. E. Sad Irons, usually for , .So $1.36 set, 8o BVTTXMCXX.X Served free In butter department. Fresh Country Butter at lowest prices. v J l.OO and 100 green stamps ,.36o and 30 green stamps ..680 and 75 green stamps , ..16c and 10 green stamps 10c and 10 green stamps 86e and 20 green stamps . . tfv 8So and 10 green stamps 860 and 10 grewn atampa lOo and 10 green stamps 35c and 20 green stamps 16o and 10 green stamps 86o and 10 Kr.cn stamps 89c and 10 green stamps lOo and 6 green stamps 15c and 10 green stamps 80o and 10 green stamps 12V,o and 10 green stamps lOo and 10 green stamps 10c and 10 green stamps .lOo and 6 green stamps Tiisi Jil'i " Friday Is Remnant Day In Our Famous Domestic Room All remnants must go; before invoicing we will put pricea c. that will tnke them. Remnants of prints, of organdies, of batiste, etc., worth up to 15c yard, all at, per yard v2 Remnants of 8 Ho Bleached Muslin, per yard 3i Remnants of 15c and 19c Printed Wash Goods, long lengths 5 Remnants of Percale, 36 Inches wide, dark and light colors, worth 12 He, per yard 7H High Grade Woolen Dress Goods Remnants i All kinds of suitings, dress I High Grade Linens lengths, sufficient for dress waists, children's and misses' school dresses, etc. henriettas, serges, diagonals, panamas and all weaves that sold from 75o to $2.50 yd., all at 15c. 19c, 25c, 39c and 49c yard. Pre-hventory Notion Bargains A grand clearance Friday in our big domestic room. 25c Pad Hose Supporters . . 10c 20c Side Elastics, all sizes 7VaC 35o Skeleton Waists, at. . . .19c 60c Pad Hose Supporters 10 Cotton Tapes, all sizes 200 yard Machine Thread, sp..lH 100 yard Linen Thread, spool ..240 Gold Eye Needles, package 1 Dress Trimmings 1S and 4 yard; regular value from 6c to 25c. Iiaces at 1, 2S 3 anl 74; reg ular values 3c to 16c yard. The Following Time Sales Will take place during the day, each item will have one case of goods and will continue on sale until all are sold. At 8 A. M. One case of the German Brookdale Muslin, full bleached, 36 Inches wide and sells at 8c yard (10 yards limit) at, per yard At 10:30 A. M. One case of 81x90 Sheets, regular 86c values. Dreamland, as long as they last, at 591 At 2 P. M. All the remnants of the high grade stuff that accumulated during the week, at, yard 10 At 3:30 P. M. One case of 19c heayy Unbleached Turkish Towels, 4 pairs limit, at each 11 10 other specials. Clearance Specials Misses' Lawn Jumper Dresses that sold up to $2, choice 79c Dainty Lingerie Dresses worth $5 and $6 pinks, blues, whites and tans, at $2.95 Women's White Wash Skirts regular $2 values at . . .$1.19 Women's Long Linen Goats regular $10-$12 values $6.95 HAYDEN'S BIO GROCERY DEPARTMENT LEADS ALL FOR QUALITY, FRESHEST GOODS AND THE LOWEST PRICES 20 pounds Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for 1100 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 25o 10 pounds best white or yellow Cornmeal, for 20c Corn Flakes Breakfast Food, pkg. ..7Ho Worcester Sauce, Pickles or pure Tomato toe Catsup, per bottle ., 8tie Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, pkg. 7 He 1 -lb. cans, assorted Soups, for 7 Vic 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 4o 16-ox. can Lu Iu Scouring Soap 6c Large cans Condensed Milk 7VtC Small cans. Condensed Milk 4o Gallon cans Apples 28c i.ii, cans. First Quality Packed Toma toes, for Voy HAYDEN'S FIRST FOH It aont pay to ralss them when jroti can boy them at these prtoaa. ... im EA n 7ft n n. we save yuu " .w w - - rresn epinacn, per p.t ... 5 bunches fresh turnips ... 2 bunches fresh asparagus Six heads fresh lettuce 4 heads fresh head lettuca Fresh peas, per quart Fresh Cauliflower, per head g bunches fresh onions ..&o . .60 ..6c . .60 . .ic ..6c . .6c ! bunches rresn oeeis ...to ,4 bunches fresh pie plant ...60 -MYDEN's imkumu area A Tremendous Stock of Women's Dress Skirts and Underskirts on Sale Saturday, June 19 Most Delightful Bargains ever offered in Omaha. ' Watch Friday Papers. TRY HERE FIRST. OONT roriQtrr TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Remnants of S5c Shirting Madras 10 Remnants of 19c silk Mousselln 100 Remnants of 16c silk Moussellne. Remnants of 6c Apron Check . -2H Remnants of the genuine Red Seal Ginghams, worth 12 t ..7 He Remnants of 10c Dress Ginghams. 5, Remnants of 2 Be Tongee, all colors, per yard 10 Remnants of Sllkollne, 12 He qual. 5 10 other specials not advertised. 5,000 yards of all kinds of linens in lengths of from 2 to 4 yards, that sold from 50c to $2 yard all four lot, 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c yard. 10 other specials for Friday. Embroidery Clearance Extraordinary Friday will continue our big Embroidery Clearance the greatest event of the kind ever 'r known. .-r . Embroideries, at lc Embroideries, at 2c Embroideries, at,.. .f.3c Embroideries, at 5c Embroideries, at 7VaC Embroideries, at ;.9c Embroideries, at . . . ,v 15c Embroideries, at ...... . . . 25c Embroideries, at 39c Values from 3o up to 75o yard. Curtain and Drapery Clearance Closing out all odd lots at a fraction of value. Curtains worth $3 to $6 a pair go at, each '. . . . .98c Curtains worth $2.75 and $3.00 pair, en at. each 75c M. r C r w Curtains worth $1.50 to $2,75 a pair, at, each 50c en- di r.A .. " i: uw iu spL.oyj u pan vui laius, iu close, at, each 10c Rope Portieres for double door6, values to $5.00, slightly soiled, at . .$1.98 and 98c 15c Swisses, Friday 10c V 25c Swisses, Friday 18c Cable Net Curtains, 2V2- yards long, at, pair $1.25 3Y2 yard Nottingham Curtains 52-inch wide, regular $3.50 values, at per pair . . .$2.37Va in Cloak Department $3 Heatherbloom Underskirts on sale at, choice $1.39 $2 Long Kimonos In challis or crepes, at .98c $1.50 Percale House Dresses all sizes, Friday . .98c Children's Straw Bonnets Reg ular $1 values 49c Children's Romper Suits Reg ular 75c values, at 39c X-Ib. cans First Quality Sweet Sugar Corn, for 7 Ho 8-lbs. Choice Japan PI ice Kuo Fancy Muscatel Cooking Raisins, lb. 6a Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb IHo Choice California Prunes, lb 4o Fancy California Seedless Rfclslna, lb. Ac Big Batter fad Cheese Bala Wednesday Fancy No. 1 L'airy Tablo Butter, lb. 23c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Putter, per pound 26c Fancy Full Cream, white or colored Cheese per pound , 18a Fancy Full Creani Brick or Llmburger Cheese, per pound j.,.. 17 He Sap Sago Cheese, only ... 7 Ho Peanut Butter, per pound 20o FRESH VEGETABLES. Fancy ripe tomatoes, per lb ...60 Fancy wax or green beans, per lb ..60 2 ,large cucumbers 60 Freah Cabbage, per lb 2 Vic OAK I. OAS OP BXT&A PABOT X.ABOB PIBAFPLXB POm TVBSDAY. These are very fine, extra selected Florida Pineapples. This will be the last week for canning them. Tuesday, each 6c, 7 Vic, 8Vo. lOo, 12V40 Per doxen 0o, Sic. 6o, $1.10. 1 16 Per crate, any six i 60 HAYDEM's tmc at Liaaus stmic MONDAY $45,000.00 Stock of Strict ly Perfect High Grade RUGS the Greatest Bargains ever offered in Omaha or the West. Monday, June 21 Watch Sunday Papers. TRY HERE FIRST. IT PAYtt T