Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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909 JUNE 909
v mom tui wto thu m sat
12 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 II 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 2122 23 242526
2728 2930
t moot mm n.
Radolpa . Swoboda, Public A
New. Occupation Tax Ordinance! Are
Changed but Slightly.
Ordlaaaee, If rMf Drnwn,
tmn Kaeftva tmbfr Neat,
bat PrMlrr Flrat Ta la
Marrk, 1010.
The new occupation tax ordinance Intro
duced at the taut msnttng of the city coun
Omaha Money
Will Erect New
Bank Building
Local Capital, it it Planned, Will
Put Up Structure at Sixteenth
and Harney.
Question Now it, Did John Brakefield
.Seek Dath on Track t
Jehn r. Flack, president of the City 8v.
Ings bank, returned from Chicago Wednes
day, whr he went In company with di
rector of the Inttftutlon to discuss building
Letetr Konnd la Ilia Pocket Calves
Rlee to Belief that He Wn
Drepoadent and Waated
ta Die.
.....p. w. iwttou, public Accountant DUtra "l "" v. ' Plana for a new benklrg house and office
Mel", art' J,hotoP. Farnam. cil are practlca y Its sams a. thos fall,- fcuM t s)(,nth .nd street.,
eya, photo, removed to llth at Howard, ered by Councilman Zltnman In the last . . . .
" P"t opt.c..h fH0ruri council. The public service corporation, C
Xtaalt-bl Ufa -poiim.. .i.h. ,.. 7. I , . hand the bulging propo.ltlon of the bank
maturity. H n. Neely. manager. Omaha, mm th. nt. i...rv . ... nf & n,r cent h "n P1ed- rtl1 nm r,urn nA no,h
ja. Moor la now with til I .i,.nin,. 'ng coum ne given out oy r. rum oi a
If oae.ed a orlelnallv drawn, the ordl- n nature
nancea will become effective on Beotember 11 una-rstooa tne laiesi pian is io
L 1309, though th first tax payments will hv building erected almost exclti
not be made until six monthe later, or on slvely with Omaha capital, except the loan
..... a ifttn Th k. imiA I which It is usual to secure on such build
ings and Ixwn Association earn six per Lnuany' on Marcn l an(1,.mDer i 0f Ings, thus giving them an opportunity to
, Marts an .account. 103 Farnam.
-nion uumiimg Co.. 1315-17-11 Farnam St.
IdlewUd Butter If churned from pesteur
lxd cream and sold only In cartons. DavlJ
cole Creamery company
aTlnsf Acoonnt. In the Nebraska Sav
Commissioner Busy en aVoads The
each year on the gross, receipts during the help pay for themselves.
preceding six months. "Looking over Omaha. It seems to we
Under the original draft of the ordi- the city Is going forward at a rate not ex-
conditlon of 'roads has taken up a good deal nances and as passed the first two read- celled by any city In the t'nlted Plates."
of time on the part of the Board of County Ings, Interest of 1 per cent per month will said Mr. Flack. "From what I can learn
Commissioners, members of which say that attach If not paid when due. Ijt not paid at least four sky-scrapers will be erected
complaints to lliem huv not been as ln 8lx months an additional tax of t pet here within a short time, counting the
Woodmen of the World and the Cnlon Pa-
tiumerous this year as In the oast. The ce,lt wl" b 'Med.
1 . - . . . . . . .. I
chief work now In progress Is the reoalr u" lne lxr1 a" of March and scpiem- clfic headquarters buildings. All these
of the Military road from Irvlngton east, bel the ,fcted franchise corporations buildings seem to be demanded to make
which has been torn up for a long dis
tance and will have a tarvla surface laid,
Jo Levin All fed Bankrupt Creditors
of Joe Levlna, merchant of North Six
teenth street, have filed a petition In the
must file with the city a complete and horn for expandlng business.
Vnlted States dlstrtot court asking that raonth
detailed statement of Income and gross
receipts. Should this not be done the tax
against the companies shall be fixed as
Mtreet railway companies, 000 per
ho he declared a bankrupt. The petition
ing creditors are the Luger Furniture com
pany of 8t. t-sul, the 8t. Paul Table com
pany, the Art Stv. company of letrolt
utid 'lie Brown Bed company of Kansas
City. vhoe aggregate claims are about
$1,500. The petition alleges that the firm Is
Water work companies, Ib.tolQ per month.
Telephone companies, 4,000 per month.
Electric companies, (2.0U0 per month.
Oas companies, $2,000 per month.
Telegraph companies, $300 per month.
The books of all franchise corporations
occupying the streets and coming under
"As to Sixteenth and Harney streets, the
matter Is ln the hands of Mr. George.
Nothing had been signed up when I left
Chicago, and I have been Interested In
the building proposition only a little more
than three weeks, but It seems to me the
plans will work out without trouble, and
every one concerned Is more hopeful than
ever before of securing a good building at
Sixteenth and Harney streets."
A note found In the pocket of John
Brakefield. who was finally Injured In the
Missouri Pacific yards near Fourteenth
and Nicholas streets at 11 o'clock Tuesday
Ight. and died this morning at the Oen-
ral hospital. Indicates that he might hve
aken his own life ln a fit of despondency
The note was scribbled on a piece of
paper and was at follows:
O'NEILU Neb., June 8.-Mr. Wads-
worth: 1 have had a wrong deal out there.
So I have quit."
The note was not signed and evidently
wa left unfinished. Itrskefleld was "dead
broke," having spent hits last penny for a
box of snuff, which was found unopened
Irt hla pnekcta. He had evidently been
looking for work and from the contents of
the brief note had ben disappointed In
some "deal."
Coroner Heafey has taken charge of the
case and In conducting an Investigation
to establish beyond a doubt the mnn's
Identity and locate his home and relatives.
He will hold an Inquest at 10 a. in. Thurs
day. A memorandum book found In a
pocket of the train victim's coat give an
address at O'Neill, Neb.
Communication by long distance tele
phone with O'Neill failed to establish any
proof of the man's having lived there.
No one by the name of John Brakefield or
Wadsworth could be found.
Inaolvtnt and already made an act of bank- th provUloniI of any of tll. Blx ordlnance.
,u"u' "-..".erring certain rea. estate muU ,t Ume( be Qpen , ,he lnFpectlull
f"""" -rr.....-r. .or im urpur. o, of du)y Buthorlle c)y offlcials.
defrauding the petitioning credltora and
others. I Chaages May Make Troablr.
llttla Out Qoii to Jail with Mammr I A th ordinances were drawn by Harry
A $-yar old ghl lucktd up at the police E Bui'nam, city attorney, to take the place
i-tatlun Is the circumstance ln the case of ot B,nllar ordinances drawn and Introduced
little Larte Moore a colored child h former Councilman Harry B. SHmman,
tas just passed the plcklnlnny period of bul thre of ,hm ther Ppear to be
litr life. But she is not a prisoner, except
changes which, according to Mr. Zlmman,
Me.rly On Hundred Delegate.
Opening Meetlna; and More
Ceme Later.
Nearly 100 veterinary surgeon are ln at
tendance at the annual convention of the
Missouri Valley Veterinary association
at the city hall. The convention will close
Thursday evening.
No set program was carried out at the
opening session due to the lateness of ar
rival of some of the delegates, who put In
H,.l h.- mh I. ,nA MA "1. '""-' "i "l""1"1 ""S"i
Iha . a t. m. I cause irouuie. woe seciion i.ccliiib .ireei
at the Brown flats In the Third ward, waa the gross receipts of the .aid company de- the tlme visiting. The program called for
ai iested fur being Intoxicated and dlaor-I rived rrom its business as a common car- election or orricers at tne nrst aeasion, but
derly and sentenced to serve five day in " ?. -.T.1?, .""aA. " 1. . X th,B PPor.ed until Thursday morn
Matron ti niiuna' 1pnaitmn' or the p v ih. lt nmha 1 ui nit
1.11. Hm llttlp clrl Is with her No tax or portion of tax In the ordl- preeioeni, ur. j. i. umson or ues Moines.
naii;v iJiuuura lur nii.u ue nKnewru in mo aiiernoon tne veterinarians at
agalnst or levied upon' or taken from any ,.,., ui t-.- r r a i
out the state of Nebraska, but the same mere w
shall. In all respects, be exempt and ex- cases of various kinds for surgical opera
cepted rrom the provisions hereor. tlon, for diagnosis, and showing the effect
According to Mr. Zlmman, It would take 0f previous operations.
lot of figuring to ascertain what It was Lagt nlght the visiting doctor attended
to pay on. la banquet at Hanson' cafe.
Th ordinance governing telegraph and The program for today It:
telephone companies specifies that a tax I Election of officer.
hall not be collected on business done " JdL?'- j:LUTrJ-J- J3"??0".
outside the state, but only on messages Animal Sera and Vaccine.
eent from Omaha to points within Ne- ; Dr. A. T. Kinsley.
while she serves the term.
lugger. Better, Busier That's what ad
vei Using ln The Bee doe for your bust
100 Years Hence
No More Drudgery Just Live To
( Enjoy Yourselves.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox believe In a hun
dred year all drudgery will be done by
machinery. ' We will fly through th al
jn the nlngs of the wind and have tlre
brabka and message received ln Omaha Treatment of Suppurative' Conditions by
from points ln Nebraska.
Tax Within the City.
The water works company' ordinance
the Production ot Opsonins
Dr. P. nnmrl
The Cardiac Mechanism, and How It la
inriuencea ny Drugs. .ur. K. F. Bourne.
Keports ot eases.
provides for collecting a tax on receipt I The Score Card System of Dairies..
for water furnished to "Inhabitants and
Dr. Oeoree H. Olover
nupiure or tne oesopnagus.
... tp. see. gnd enjoy ..all the wonders of the con.umer of Water within the corpqratp . ";-Mu;- ':("'Dr-T,B. Merchant
vorld and pcrhap. of the heaven, which "mlts of the city of Omaha.-" South rjiarTlc. In Veter"Sary Prarti..?!!.
are now sealed books to the majority be- Omaha, Florence, Benson and Dundee bust- Dr. D. M. Campbell
c-uce of the eternal grind of every day ness Is excepted. P'!""l?f.. '.?. ."?.??. 'd? "cBeamont
lite. - The omaha o company is now paying Equine Pneumonia Dr. C. L. Barnes,
Look back a 100 year and the change the city a royalty of E cent on every 1,000 Hg Cholera :'-rir- J- w- Connaway,
..i... v. " J"i"- " . ' -, I irri boo vwifau.... a I ( Su Djrct not given)
Dr. R I. Fnl.a
how we travel, how we communicate, what olty. gas old the city being exempted; Hemorrhage Following Castration ln
Morses ur. w. K. tiarnerd
.,... ipiny i now paying a royalty or a per
phones, fast trains and mail ateamers. and cent on It gross receipt, from private PROPERTY OWNERS KICKING
hculthful foods.
consumers, and the Independent Telephone
Today Instead of loading our stomachs . to M v - of 2 Isadora Klealer Ask. Redaction la
..-tel. I. . ....... .... k,..l.. U -"---- r r- . . 1 .
' ."T" '".--"". " oer c,nt on ft aroBS receipts, but never ""' Hla Haraer
the bruin and retard our mornings work, ' . ... . , i gtre
I ,. Thi rnvtlMH rnu(reH hv ir!jttlnff I aireei rials.
tat delicious E-C Corn Flake, or Egg- ... "
. .. . nrdlntnrH nr nnntrActs are to be deducted
o-see ntat nakes, maae by tne ramou y; - " A Plea bv Isadora Zleeler to hav. re.
.... - . rrnm r rt ak ransti tj m n.rnra ina iirriinBiinn i - -
i-.fW-o.nee process tnai insures perrect ' t " r duced a $44,000 assessment on hi flat at
dlglion. . nign nutrition ana greater ' Twenty-.ixth and Harney street wa the
strength. . r" - principal one which came before the Board
. -m ... I mta STl wr7 in itlA ' I r atM nvt ire. rat I '
Always ready to serve, gooa tor oaoie. .K. of Eaualliatlon. Ziegler said he
Greenough Steals
a Loving March
Superintendent of Rock Iiland in
Iowa Slipi in Town and
Gets Married.
H P. Greenougli. superintendent of the
Iowa division of the Hock Island, ellpped
into Omaha unannounced Tuesday after
noon, secured a marriage license and on
Wednesday morning was married at Ben
son to Helen M. Bllne of thai suburb. The
marriage was performed by Father Mol
arity. After the ceremony Mr. and Mis.
Oreenough left In their private car for a
tour of the east.
One Against t'nlon Purine and Tele
graph Com ponies Date. Bark
Twenty Year.
The oldest esse pending In the United
Mates circuit court for the Omaha district
dalles back to September. 1RS9. The title of
the case Is The United States against The
Union Pacific Railway Company,
The suit is based upon controversies be
tween the t'nlon Pacific Hallway com
pany and the Western Union Telegraph
and Atlantic Telegraph companies relative
to the merging of the Interests of the tele
graph companies under governmental sanc
tion whereby the United States is forced
into the attitude of plaintiff.
The case now stands on the mandate
from the circuit court of appeal, to amend
the finding In the decree of the lower
court. No action ha. been taken In the
case for two years.
Another relic In federal legislation Is the
case of Annie Gross against Llbhlo Gross
and other In a suit for an accounting of
an estate. The case 1 a sort of a family
affair and has been pending since 1&9.
Since the beginning of the case some of
the children of the litigants have become
lawyer and now appear as attorneys ln
the case.
The Grosses became possessed of con
Iderable property ln and about Omaha
at an early day and through the death of
aome of the original possessors of the
land the case got ln the federal courts
with" various groups of lawyers, Some of
whom have died or withdrawn from the
ease. In the meanwhile much of the prop-
erty has become dissipated In court and
attorneys' fees. 1 ,,
One of the later attorneys I ex-Senator
W. V. Allen. Nothing ha been done in
the case for a year or two and the case
now stand upon the exceptions to the re
port of the master in chancery. The rec
ords In the case occupy an entire lower
half of one pf .the big book case in the
office of the circuit clerk. -
Prom Wandering; Prospector He De
velop, to hren-d Man of Mean,
and Parpose.
All trains to the north and west out of
Omaha Tuesday af term. on and evening and
Wednedy morning were filled to the
guard and most of them rarrlrd extra
cars to accommodate the large movement
of land seekers. Tuesday wss home.wkers'
day and thousands took advantage of the
ow rates to go to Wyoming, western Ne
braska. South Dakota and Montana ln
search of homes.
The movement this spring has been the
argest In the history of the efforts of the
railroads to build up the west. It Is an
entirely different movement from those of
the early days, when a man with a one
horse wagon and a large family went to
undeveloped regions and h"oke the virgin
soli. Now the settlers are traveling ln
first-class railroad trains, with plenty of
money In their pockets to buy the land the
United States government and private en
terprlse are offering for sate. The new
settler Is often a son of some prosperous
farmer In the middle states, skilled In
farming and supplied with plenty of money
with which to erect himself a home and to
buy farming machinery.
Irrigated land I. in the greatest demand
The public has been educated up to this
class of the new land and whereas, five
years ago. It was almost Impossible to sell
an Irrigated tract, now a large area of
land Is thrown open for settlement and Is
almost Immediately gobbled up.
A Pleaaaat Surprise
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Giaranteed. Sc. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Lest for lnvallds-the sensible breakfast for con.umer wi..b reet ot gaa ana to tne property not lon for
the business man or th. bu.y, energetic S"" wT "ZllnZZ leT y
.'''hatmaTeTt;. .0 '. Sn.T. l.TrT ...,,. not falrly be deemed
proceva that make tne riaxe so crisp ana . . ., to have Jumped over 100 per cent ln twelve
Cool Summer
Nicoll's Special Oder!
vi Mnt lai nn thla total would h f13
.v. - I . , w.
fust TS Aa it nava a rovaltv on rltv exrvnted ",u"1"
h..ln..a of ISb.s.71.17. deductlne thla. the -n'K. es.or onnver am not think
Lrrnnatlon tax. according to the reeelnt. th "sessment unUlr. figuring on
of last yea.-, would be about $8,000 addl- rental Income bast. Action waa deferred
ttnnal. DV lne DO"ra,
In 1WM ths Omaha Ki-rtrlo T.lrht and winer compiainta or ma day were
Power company paid $14,451.80 ln royalties, I "mailer. John M. Ware had $2,000 cut off
on aalea amounting to JM81,82.71. The extra "Is personality assessment. Last year he
1 per cent over tne I per cent now paid, i "u men n pui it
making the 5 per cent occupation tax, I lnto building on a hitherto vacant lot,
would be charged only on It totul lalex. I t"l Improvement being, of course, duly
which last year amounted to $553,809.23. A assessed a realty.
nr Mnl aililltlnnal tav WAlild ammint I 1
m " - I f f r t r- I . n m. - .
according to the 1908 figures, to $U,0M.18. I J. i. LUULLT MULUd I Kit SACK
Receipts of the other public service cor
poratlon are not to be had, but the orlg-1 Depaty Sheriff Steal. March on the
tnal Zlmman ordinance were estimated to I Lawyer. Gettlaa Avar with
bring ln a total revenue rrom an companies! His Client.
of approximately isw.wu. oi wnicn tne .-But he ca.t hmv, left towni.. as.ertM
Street wanway company wouia nave to pay j, s. Cooley with vehemence.
nearly heir. I --He has left town,
r-nniDtl I Ulc TUC PAT MCC I Br"ey-
VtUbrxntLU nsj int. uai ortot Cooley had tried, through an Insane war
I'se What the J edge Terma Unnarlla
mentary Language and Then
Bnrk. Up.
Dr. B. Prlbbenow narrowly escaped a
fine from Judge Kennedy In district court
for "unparliamentary language."
Qulzxcd by H. H. Bowes, the doctor wa.
moved to remark of the assumption In the
question: "It's an infernal untruth."
A little later he employed an adjective
more popular In England than America
and brought down the wrath of the court.
The wltnesa apologised. The . suit Is a
small one over a building contract brought
by John Routzen against Swan Swanson.
Dr. Prlbbenow was a wltneas for the defendant.
returned Sheriff
With an extra pair ot
Trouaere of game or '
striped material
Tailored to your measure ln the
the Nlcoll way with guaranteed
8O0-11 Booth 1Mb Si.
nothing Too Good
for you. That why we want yog
to take CASCARBTS for liver an3
bowels. Iff not advertising talk
but merit the great, wonderful,
ldng"wit of CA5CAfeETS that
w want you to know by trial. Then
yoq'll have faith and join the mil
lions who kep well by CASCA
RETS alone,
CAsCAsarrs n a a
Uaaiweai. all drug rlats. Bil Ml'ar
(a th vetld. atuUna . uwaua.
I rdnt In nti. 1 I c fihwul.. - v .
He Get. It aa t h.aae af Yea.e t rom . " " 7 J.. J T.' "
the Justice Temple
tng taken weat by a North Platte deputy
sheriff on a burglary charge. The deputy
heard of the other' maneuver and sua
A...fllu i. ..H t ttA , K a In ...... n,ll . I . .
,1.... - .,.ll k.. th. n.. .. ... I """J - .... ""Hi mo irmui
the way Judge E.atman put It In 'telling P' VL '"l ?0V hld lh
of the transfer of the case of Haselton . """" "'
i ., , , , . , , ,Aition wiin me .nenxc.
the Jubtlce court of Judge Cockrell, whei
it will come up for a hearing Friday at I
p. .... The change of venue waa granted
fuei-day at the urgent request of Mr.
Murray, one ot th defendant, in the can.
Judge Eastman aald Wednesday that the
kittle. In the litigation, born to the cat
while In the home of Mrs. German, were
now ln the possession of Mr. Haselton,
0ner of the feminine feline and plaintiff
In the pending case.
Those Who
Do Things
Braadels . Makes tpet Cash
f a Prominent Eastern Mill.
We announce positively the biggest bar
gain In rug ever known in Omaha at 'ha
sale which will take place next Monday at
Brandels titores. -
We bought the entire stock on hand of
an eastern mill.
9x12 Axmlnster Itugs, -worth $30, will go
at $15.98. .
xU Wilton Velvet Rugs, worth up to $5.
go at $17.S.
xl2 keamJesa Wilton Rug, worth $55, will
go at tJSM.
Hi room ! Brussels Rugs will go In
on lot al $7.i.
Small si Wilton Rugs, 27x54, worth $5,
will go at $2.M. i
$8 Wilton Rugs. xJ. will got at $48.
And hundreds of other extraordinary bar
gains next Monday.
The men and women of today who
do things must be strong, healthy,
active. Their blood must be pure
and rich, their nerve forcea strong
and perfectly balanced, their brains
clear. In short, they must maintain
vim. vigor and vitality in every
function of life.
Pafcst Extox&
is the surest agent to bring about
this condition. It stimulates every
function of the body to work at high
pressure. Those persons suffering
from vital exhaustion, loss of appe
tite and general debility will derive
the greatest comfort and benefit
from its use.
mi' ( It Bmt Pal a
Fort Omaha Aviator. Are Mending
Ballaoa. Wrecked la the
Last Plight.
Ballooning at Fort omaha Is taking a
rest on account of the unfavorable weather.
Repair, to the damaged dirigible balloon
have not yet been completed. Part ot the
machinery to supplant those put out of
eommlsaion In the wreck of the balloon
two weeks ago are of such a delicate na
ture they will have to be specially manu
factur'd and the Fort Omaha authorities
are awaiting their arrival daily.
Captain Charles DeFoieat Chandler, who
has been assigned to duty as chief dis
bursing officer of the Signal Corps, will
leave for Washington thla evening. The
actual balloon work will be left in charge
ot Lieutenant. K. 8. Bamberger, J. O.
Winter, C. A Dickinson and J. F. Ware.
As soon as the dirigible I again put In
repair another detail of officer students
will come to Fort Omaha from Fort Leav
enworth for Instruction In th art ot bal
Brandels Store Offer Fine Prise, for
Children. Compositions.
Hundred, of cameras, tennla racquet,
gold watches, gold rings, fountain pens,
gold pin., base ball glovea and other things
dear to the hearts of boy and girl will be
given away at the end of two week' time.
These article are prises offered by Bran
del for th best compositions written by
school children on "Gas and It Uses.
Hundreds of children have registered, at
tracted by the Immense number ot prizes
that will be distributed.
An easy way to get a fine prlxe. Every
boy and girl should know about It. Any
clerk will explain It at
lys.mrannr its siretii .nth awnsssi, a ir 9 a-
Order a.
Dose a from Your
Local Druggist
Samuel Burna. Jr., ha gone to Chicago
Lieutenant Colonel Eastman haa gone to
the Black Hill.
The senior class of Cielghton university
win banquet at the Rome Thursday even
Brigadier General Charles Morton will
return from his eastern visit Thursday or
r rlday.
William Flvnn. Henry Relnel and M. W
Bradlev lrft Wednesday morning for a trip
to Tuiais, CfcL
:r go
Willie the
There's one so
on the
grab your hook and line
Among the
Seymour I'ark Attraction.
Green's band announces an entirely new
program for Its concert tonight at Sey
mour Lake park. The band, playing every
night, as well as Saturday and Sunday
afternoons, Is proving a strong drawing
card. 1
Several big picnics, notably that of the
A. O. U. W., have secured dates at the
park. The unequalled facilities for picnic
parties, extensive wooded lunch grounds.
a large dance floor, boating, fishing, a fine
bathing beach and good roads, will make
Seymour Lake Park a popular picnic resort.
The park announces an Innovation In the
operation of Its dance halt. On every
Monday night an old-fashioned country
dance will be held. Dancing Is now In
dulged In every night at the dance hall.
As the result of great effort, the new
streeet car line has been put In condition
to handle any slxed crowd. Three car are
! now In operation, giving a quick service.
In addition, the connecting link between
the city syatem and the Ralston Intcrurban
will be completed this week, and Sunday
will see Seymour Park car running to
Sixteenth and Howard streets.
The Seymour Park theater will give It
first performance Thursday night. The
Tomson Comedy company, which will
occupy the theater all summer, will
present "My Daughter's Husband." A
special scenlo production will be given.
Northern Pacific
Thourmda of beautiful lakes
abounding ln game fish easily
reached by convenient train
Those who get their requests
in before the books are all gone
will receive a copy of "Minne
sota Lakes" a work oi art to
make the angler's mouth water.
Well illustrated, with oover
in handsome colors, it describes
the various outing spots, lakes,
hotels and rates, how reaohed,
kinds of fish. eto. Address
A. M. CLELAND. Gen. Pass. Agent
Northern Faclho Railway. St. Paul.
d-lnn.. or
DlHtrlt t Passenger Agent
211 Century Bldg . Des Moines
-ex-" . v . j rnt "ear i m - m t w f f
terrrvn aos .
s te k nvraT .
Drawn for Nebraska Clothing Co. by ll. Cory Kllvrrt.
teQuite a Trick"
to clothe the boys in such a manner as to milt both tholr parents
and themselves.
We favor and strongly recommend the new Wash Suits (or
boys of three to ten years.
These Suits ars the very choicest we were able to secure snd
sre made of the beat, fast color, washable materials, both domestlo
and Imported.
The styles are all new this spring, the colorings exceptionally
attractive and the patterns exhibit a great variety. Prices range from
Sl.OO to $4.00
Extra Special
A special lot of Boys' Washable Bloomers, ln sizes
from to 10 years, offered at Just 23c 07
below their vslue; on sale at C
Suggestions for
Summer Trips
To the Lakes of Wisconsin and Michigan; a trip over the
Great Lakes; down the St. Lawrence River; to the Adiron
dacks; or to the resorts of, Eastern Canada, New England
and New Jersey seashore. Hundreds of places to Belect
from, all best reached via the
Let us plan your trip and arrange every detail, includ
ing reservations on Lake steamers.
Low 30 day summer tourist fares to many points in the
east. Information as to routes, etc., at City Ticket Office,
1524 Farnam St., or write,
F. -4- NASH, General Western Agent,
Hew York and Return
Tickets on sale daily, good returning thirty days from date of sale.
Correspondingly low rats to many other eastern points.
Liberal stop-overs at Chicago, Detroit, Niugara Falls and other
points of Interest.
Reservations and detailed information at City Ticket
Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
expresses in a limited degree only, the magnlflcanc. of th
scenery in tn. Canadian nocaies vieweu enruuie ia u
Stopover without Vxtra charg at the famoua resorts:
Baaff Lake Louise riela Olaaler.
This "Iand of Enchantment"- la reached only by th
Canadian Pacific Railway
Through train to Seattle from St. faul'datly at 10:1 a. tn.
Low Exouraloa rates from all places to Seattle and all Puget
Bound cities and return.
Alaska and return from Vancouver 1st, by Can. PaclfiS
ttetmrn. Ticket tor sale by asrents of all ratlwaya.
Send for literature and Information.
A. C. Shaw General Agent, Chicago.
The Elegant Lake Steamships
r varus,! rrv between Cblcv ! Mark.
. una v!
dm Ilid ana other famoua puhioh
Noribra Mtchlgao, r-ina- tifi
1'ralwatar llnd
Ludlntrtoa Sortbport
lth ai) nawiisffiaAk,
-toaains V
MuUtM 1 rax-iarClty tlarlKr awrtlta tt JSyJ5 ' Tt
Frauklurt f barlaxaT. fct. Itiiua ' 1 1 fit
(iIm lla fatuakrr Mm kiuac Id and Ma. Maaltou Her View OiaboT.e A
1km lw.ul at4amhlpa r laoni tl.a Aat aaa Umt agulppw aa tba ttrval Lakes. X.T
So tare au'l ilmli aa tn amir souilonahla iaaw Ui th.iaa avsne to Uka trips.
Ikar offer the trateler every uoaern ebavvnleaue iuat aatla le ULe aail.uu of aa
outlet oa tbe eater, for boo er tur&, aotfreaii
e runyru r a i njt.. J n-k. I VJ awk la I t kAj rWu.