Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    TF1E HEK: OMAHA. MONDAY. .TUNE 14. 1000.
1 1
W want to convince you that
u nt a
Home iu Omaha
Just a little better than rrnt. Nowata
Land and Lot Co., putt M4 N. Y. Life
Hldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red
FOR SALE A nine room house, all
mndtrii conveniences, lorated nrar Han
acom park-or will trade for six room cot
tage in good location. Address. M 6t care
$7'.n-Thlrd lot south of Ohio on Mth.
t(10 pine lot tinr Field rluh. 61). 70
down. tin per. month. MiHarhron Realty
Company. 11-24 Lake St. Phone Web. 1(151.
city property. I arms, ranfn landa or mer
chandise to eil (,r trade, Hat them with me.
It costs yeu nothing imlos I effect a sal
W. W. Mttrthell. 332 Board of Trade Bldg
BOl'L.VAIlI JIOI-SK. 2218 North !th 8.
roins. moitern, only ,2,SO0 Thomas
liret.nat.. Iioom 1 New York Life LOdg.
LIST your benperfy with Chrl Boyer. Kd
and Cumin Stg. (13) tut
Farnam St Property
p.'xl, ntai, a loot.
m ft. near 24th, brick building worth nearly
the asking price, llfc.OuO.
1M ft. near 24th. brlt-k Improvement worth
nearly 'he asKing prli. U.00u.
2i' It., ln.-lucca tlie 2 pieces above. Will
fell the buildings and throw In the lots
o - ll tlie lets aitd throw In the buildings
87 fl.. Improved, near 22d. iS,000.
22 fl. Ii or old I'. hV'bank. $13,000 Terms.
1.12 ft . ttaVl.klly an extension of Farnam
a. l:ttii, .M a ft the' long way.
4-s;orv am! 1ikruc-nt brick block near city
hall, tia.ou ' '
Harrison & Morton
Dundee Home
We have, for sale an eight-room, all
rr.-xlorn houxe In good condition at 4927
Da. import rit., for Can make reason-
able terms. Party In leaving the city and
s '
' It mut-t be aold at once.
f A. R Tukeyfc Son
t '. 444 Board pf Trade Bldg.
Plione Douglas 2181.
; Colorado.
LAND for sale In Colorado within mllea
of Julesburg, nice prattle, $10 per acre;
' down, balance ( years' time. Addraas
'llion.UH Coctnan4. Lincoln, Neb.
1, .
Itoutt Co., Cok) , Carey act, Irrigated lanyl,
$X.i0 per acre. Cheap enuf? W. 8. Rip
ley. Mh Paxion Block. Omaha, Neb.
30 FARMS 4 to :S0; also 1.000-acre ranch.
James Pearson Wray, Colo.
Folt SALE 7 acres of land, I mllea south
east of Council Bluffs, telephone D3K1-K.
(2U)-Mi4t 14x
1 ,570' Aore Jmproveii llanch
Joins the town of Basset t, 20 an acre; can
divide and veil off one-half and have bal
ance clrar. This la a snap.
Auk for my Imt u fumui and ranches;
also exchanges.
: Mitchell,
Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
BEND or long list; rarms to $100 par
.. 1.- , 0 1 1 i in j
ti.. Dr.mici, ei khuci. diuii
IV arm Dalxvts.
FOR tALE-fiO,000 acia best wheat and
flax land lit the northwea'., for further
Infurmatlnn call or writ John J. Doyle,
Wlshek. N. U a Mali JIM
oak Dakota.
FINE farm lands In Hand and adjoining
counties, South Dakota. Hustling agents
anted jay -. morrui, .mi palace mag..
Minneapolis, ftlliui. . tat) M747 JUX
r - ,: X
$100 TO IIO.OOO mad promptly. F. D. Wed,
Wead Bldg., lSin and r arnam. (22) lt
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood,
61e Urmndela tildg. - &l
PAYNE. .EitSTWMCK & CO.. N. Y. Lit.
Private money. $600 to $6,000; low rat.
$300 TO $200,000 00 Improved property; no
delay: UAKVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St
Good 6
.Farm Mortgages
Always on hand and for sal
amounts from $300 to $3,000.
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room i. Now Vork Lit Bldg.
LOWEST RATES Hernia, Brandels Bldg.
M0 TO $6,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keef
Real Eetat CO., iwi x. i-e. uou,
WANTED Cltv loans and warrant. W
Farnam Bniith 4 Co.. 13iM Farnam St.
MONET TO LOAN-Payne Insment Co.
I desire to announce to horn owner and
home builder of th elite ef Omaha and
South Omaha, that I am prepared to loan
money on rcsidenoe property at th same
rate that th building and loan associa
tions pay Ihelr depositors for th us of
th money they a.e loaning, thereby effect
ing a savins' to borrow! of th x pauses
of managing and maintaining building and
loan association No commlslson is charged
for making loans, only a nominal sum 1 re
quired to cover th axpens ot recording
mortgage and examining abstract of till.
privilege grahted ; borrower to pay 10
par cent to 20 per cent of th principal on
any interest dar. Interest payable semi
annually, W. H. THOMAS.
60$ First National Bank Bldg.
TeUphoae. Dooglao lets. Ind. A l4g.
WANTED CI UT loaaa. Ptr Trut Co.
8 SCON D MORTGAGE loan negotiated.
Apply Rooms 417-1 first Nat l Bank Bldg.
ball Phone Douglas tZ u
' WE HAVE BUTKRJ tor a t-roora nous, a
(-room house and a coupl of vacant lota.
Suit (24 N. T. Lit Blag- Omaha.
Pboo Red 10. Opao Evening.
U2 Oa
WE hav customer waiting for 4. I and
7-roeru houa. If you want to sell call
ua up and a man will investigate your
property at one. Dean-Andrew Co.,
ill N. y. Dif Bldg.
NEW lurnacaai hot wkUr and hot air com-
( blnatloa beating. S and 4-hoi laundry
hot water healers, mantle grata, gas
tovs repaired, waaor fronts and flower
vase. Omaha 8lv Repair Works. UOS
121 Douglas 8b Phones Ind. A-tU. Bell
Wugla MA M
LKPT price paid for second-hand furniture,
iliptli cloture and shoe. Tel. I'oug. T.-;L
PEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture,
fovea clothing Wm. Rosenblatt. Tel.
Lougl M01. s
WK buy Jobloti of shoe. Address H.
Mirks, 1S0S No TJd 1st. Phone Webatar
WANTED-A female coyote. Address.
Rudolph Kovlgno. 1erchantsHotel.
WE are getting Inqulrlea for well located
houA-a. Must have aole agency. Nowata
Land a'rd Lot Company, suite 634 N. Y.
Life Bids. Phone Red Omaha, Neb.
Up?nevenlngs. (Jb--3
For high gtade men, call Umaha Y. M. C. A.
POSITION fur summer by young lady.
Address A 571. care Bee.
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
To the stockholders ul 'lHK MlbSOt'KI
In conformity with me requirements of
tlie ronstitutiuns and lans of the states ot
Missouri, Kanxas and iNebiasKa and the
by-laws ot the Company, 1UL AKk!
iiEREBT NOTIFIED that by resolution ot
the Board of Directors of Tho Mibsouii
1'aclfic Riiilway Company duly adopted at
a mi t'tlng ut bald Board on toe &nh day ot
May, A. D., linw, a 111 feting of the Block
holders of The Missouri Pacific Railway
Company has been called to be held at the
office of tlie Company, Room 7uti Mmsouri
Pacific Building, in the City of St. Louis.
In the State of Missouri, on the sixth day
of August, A. U. Ixjj, at nine o'clock In tnu
lorenoun, '
U) tor the purpose of considering a Con
tract and Articles of Consolidation bearing
date the 2tn day of May, Iikij. nere-otoi-j
made and entered into by and on behalf oi
li.e Missouri Pacific Railway Company and
tlie following named coi'toi atiuns by oraei
i thth' respective Homos of Directors;
The Kansas and Colorado Pacific Rail
way Company, a coiisulldatca coipjiauou
f the male of Kansas;
l'he Central Branch Railway Company, 0
consolidated corporation of the Stale ot
The Rooks Countv Railroad Company, a
orpuralion of the State of Kansas;
1 ha Nevuria Bud Mllnlpn Kaiina) coin-
pally, a corporation of the fciaie vi
, 1 1 , 1
Nevada and Mlnden Railway company 01
ftansH. a corporation 01 in rum 01
Kansas; ..
ki.j I'itv anrf Kouthwestern Kauwa.t
Company of Missouri, a corporation of thti
Male of Missouri;
u' 1, n.n i'hv jnrt Southwestern naiiwa
Company, a corporation ol th Btate of
Kansas; f.
lh Kurt f'pntrai rtauwajr v."
" . . . ,t,A
,.f WanMBM-
Company, a corporation 01 tn mai 01
Th Kansas Bouinwetern v-vi-
pany, a corporation or, me o 01 r."-,
"d . ., ,
Th LeRoy and caney vaney r m i
Railroad Company, a corporation 01 in
State of Kansaa,
u h.r..v,v ii i,r anv of said corporations'
and The Miasouri Pacific Railway Company
have agreed to consolidate in tn ni"
mnA tn i 1 1 . I iiiutA the stock of the re
spective companies making such consolida
tion, and to form ana ram uuuti
suant to the laws of the States of Missouri,
Kansas and Nebraska a new, consolidated
corporation, to be known aa The Missouri
h-iyyric Railway company,
troiXig, possessing and bringing under on
min.imit all and singular th lines of
railroad and other properties, real, personal
and mixed, powers, rights, privileges. Im
munities and franchises, belonging to any
of th companies, making such consolida
tion, upon the terms and conditions fixed
and stated bv said Contract and Articles
of Consolidation;
(2) For the purpose of voting upon th
question whether such Contract and Ar
ticles of Consolidation, so made and en
tered Into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consolidation
consummated or whether such Contract
and Articles of Consolidation shall be re
1 (a) TO constaer ana voie upon me iuhii
tlo of -a resolution accepting . the provla
Ions of Artlcl II of Chapter 12 of trie Re
vised Statutes of the State of Missouri,
lfSXt, and to authorise the ruing tnereor,
all as required by Section numbered 1069 ot
such Revised Statutes In the case of con
solidatlon of railway corporations; and
ill To take anv other action in ipe pre
mil to transact any other business
that mav properly com before the meeting.
Snnh Contract and Articles or onsonaa
tlon will be submitted to the meeting of
th tn.-kholders so called for examination
nd every stockholder attending will be fur
nished with a printea copy inereor, ana at
anv time before such meeting anv stock
holder will te furnished with a printed copy
of such Contract ana Articles or I'onso
lldatinn upon application therefor during
hue ness hours to the Assistant secretary
of the Company, at the office of the Com
pany In the city or st. iouis, Missouri.
uatea. May win. iw-
President of The Missouri Paclflo Railway
Secretary of Th Missouri Pacific Railway
r ' fltoA
tlllery Horse Chief Quartermaster'
Office, ..Omaha, Nebraska, May 12, 1809.
Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be
received at this office until 12 o'clock
m., central standard time, June 16. ltut,
and then opened, In th presence of attend
ing bidders, for 2o0 cavalry horses; 60 artil
lery horses, for delivery at Omaha. Neb.,
or other prominent railroad points. The
animals to conform to specifications for
cavalry and artillery horses. United States
reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all proposals or any part thereof. Par
ticulars and blank for proposals will be
furnished on application. Envelopes con
taining proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals
for Horaes, and addressed to Major D. E.
McCarthy, Chief Quartermaster.
m aster, U. 8. Military Prison, Furl Leav
enworth, Kansas, May 17, lsM Sealed pro
posals, In triplicate, will be received at this
offlc until 10 a. m., central time, Tuesday,
Jun It, IhIV, and then opened, for furnish
ing and Installing machinery and furnish
ing building material for one power plant
at l' tilted States military prison, Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas. Plans and specifi
cations will be furnished . by this office
upon deposit of $10, which amount will bs
refunded when plana and specif katlona are
returned, or they may b seen at the fol
lowing offices: Depot Quartermaster,
Omaha, Neb.; Depot Quartermaster, St.
Louis, Mo.; Depot Quartermaster, New
York City, and Chief Quartermaster, Chi
cago. Information furnished on applica
tion. Envelopes containing proposals
should be indorsed "Proposals for Power
Plant" and addressed to MAJOR THOMAS
H. BLAVENS. Constructing Quartermas
ter. I'. S. Military Prison. Fort leaven
worth Kan Mavl7-1K lt-2uJiin-l2-H
I alow Pacific
Leave. Arrlv
..a 1:30 am all:40 pm
. .a t;a pm a i uo pm
i .M am
..a 4:10 pm a fi:u pna
..aU.6a pm a . pm
Overland Limited....
Colorado Express
AltanUo Exirea
Oregon Expras
Lo Angeles Limited.
ast Mall...
..a 7 010 a 6:46 pm
China and Japan Mall. .a 4.V piu a t it pin
North Platte Local a t ii am a 4.4 pm
Colo. Chicago Special.'. ..ali.10 am a 1:06 um
Beatrice At .Stronisburg '
Local bl2:40pm b 1:40 pm
Valley Local (motor via
Lan Cut-Off; ,...K:00 am a J.4S pm
Valley Loial (motor). ...a 6 iK pm a t.uO am
Hastings-Superior b $16 pm b i-M put
'Local resnger not cxi led on triaiu
No. $ and J.
Cklraa at Nsrtkatttara,
Chicago. Daylight .a 7:40 am all: pm
Ttaln Cny Exprs a 7:46 am alt. JO pm
Chicago Unocal al3.Ui pm a $ SO pm
Sioux Cuv Local a iM pm all 00 am
Denvr-Chlcago Ex..,. .a $10 pm a $ 28 pm
( hlcag bpa. lal a U pin a oo am
Callfurnia-Chlcaao Ex a ( 06 pm a 31! pin
Minnesota-Dakota Ex . a 7 00 pm a S:M am
Twin -City Limited a ( 00 Din a 7:06 am
Lo Angelea Limited... 10 pm all pm
overland LUruited all 50 pm a 7:14 am
Norfolk-Bonete:l a 7 60 am 10:Q pin
Lincoln-Long Pin a T 50 am all U) am
Norfolk-South Pl't...b 2:15 pm b 6 20 pm
nasungs-superloi b i U pin - b 20 pn:
Dead wood Hot Strings a let pm ill) pre
Casper-Lander a $ 66 pm all 00 an-.
Frwmont-Albiea bi Mpm b IJupu.
Chicago, Reek Island at Paciae i
Leave. Arrive
Rocky Mountain Ltd . .a S 10 am all lift pm I
lorn a Ixical a 4o am 4 4 : pm
The Mountaineer nl Oim f !; tin,
Iea Molnea Local a 4 U0 pm a:j ' ptn
Iowa Local blO.30 am b 9 bS pm
ChlcaRo-Eairrern Ex....a 4 40 pm n 1 1" pm
Chicago-Neb. Ltd a t pm a ?:05 am
The Mountaineer a 3.00 am a 735 am
Chicago-Neb. Limited.
tfor Lincoln) a :30 am a 5 47 pm
Colo. Cel. Kx a l.fli pm a 3i pm
Okl & Texas Exp. . . .a 4 lb pm a 100 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd.. all. U pm a 3 05 am
tlllaol Central-
Chicago Express .a 7 15 am a 1:45 pm
Chicago Limited a :tw pm a 7:1a am
Minn. -St. Paul fc.xp u 7:1 am
Minn. -St. Paul
L,td a 6 'W pm a 7:15 am
Omahi-Ft. Dodi Locl.b :U pm bll.10 am
Miaaonrl raciiic
K. C. ft St. L. Exp. .....a I 00 am a 7:00 am
K. C. St. L. a.xp...; pm a t.ov pn I
Chicago Great watra
St. Paul-Minneapolis 1.30 pro S:15 am
St. Paul-Mlnneaopii . JO am pm
Chicago Limited
:10 pm ;! ana
1. Louis Express a (.30 pm a :2S am
ti,. Louis lxcal tirom
Council Ulullsi a $:0T IS all 15 Dm
Etanberry Local (.Iron:
Council Biuirsl o 6:00 pm 010:16 am
Chicago, llllwaakr A Ut. Paul.
Chicago Ac Colo, spec
7:36 am all:40 pm
Cal k Ore. Lxpre....a S ou pm a i:2i pm
overland L.imuea ui: pm a J:lu am
Perry Local 0 o:u pin bll.iw am
Chicago. St. Paul, UIiimioIIi A
Uuiabl -
Leavt. Arrive.
Town City Passenger.. o v.u am b .M pm
aioux City Passenger... b 2:w pm bll:6o am
bioux City Local c k:fc am c Al pm
tuitrion Uocil b 6:U piu b t:lu aui
sliasoarl Pacific
Auburn Local b $:60 pm bll:W am
a Dally, b Daily except Sunuay. 0 Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday.
...a 4:10 pm
..a 4:lu pin
,..a 4:10 pm
,.all:ou jji.
Denver ft California..
Pugel Sound Kxp
lilack Hills
Norinwrol Kxp
Nebraska points
Lincoln Fast Mall...
N'-braaka Express ...
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Plattamouth-lnwa ...
a $:4fi pm
a 6:10 pm
a (:10 pm
a i .ud am
..a :vi am
a :lo pm
b 1:10 Pm 12:16 Din
.a:16Ju a (:10 pm
u.w am
.b 1:05 pin blo':aoivrn
.1 iii am k u, .m
a (:56 pro
Colorado l.inutea all:au pm
a ( 'til Mm I
Chicago Limited
..a 7:Zo am a 1 1 .is nm
Chicago Express
Chicago Flyer ..
'l?5pm !:Kfm
o.jupin as. warn
Iowa local a (1:16 am all :30 am
St. Ixjula Kxpress a 4:40pm all 30am
Kansas City ft St. Joe. .al0:46 pm a. 6:30 am
Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 11:16 am a (:10pm
Kansas city 4k St. Jo. .a 4:40 pm
Now York to Havro-Parls 6 Days
Comp&lnie Glnerale
Qlgarrilo Twin Soraw and Express Slsamars.
Naval offirere In command, wireless telegraphy,
submarine safety bell signal system.
La Barilla Jane 171 La larota July S
La Lorraine J una 1411,4 Touraine Ju.y 15
La Pro ran ca July ljLa Brttajna July it
Special On-Clas Cabin Sarvieo (II class)
1 $)40) to $)60 alternate Saturdays.
Naw York-Bo' Smui rvi (one class cabin)
only o anal tou,
o r.
H B.
W. B
W. O.
Weit ..
1401 Parnam Street
191 Farnam Street
lt National Bank
Bock ....
1&24 Farnam Btraat
M South lath Street
usi hah rovm days at asa.
Waiy SaUlag Btwa Moauaai, gub
aa4 lUvarpooi.
Two day on th beuufui 8c Lawranc
river and too shortest ocean rout to Kit-
Nothing I oetter on th Atlantis tha
t'.mmtuca Wireless on all steamer.
first olaaa. $90 cend, g&u on elaaa
cabin, aa.
ask your ticket agent, or writ for aj
trigs, rates and nooKlel.
c. b. axxjaacnr, o. a
B 3S South Clark St.. Ohicaro.
Clock's Light Oos Oat After July 1
the big clock In th postofflce tower will
cease to be Illuminated. The government
has reached the conclusion that it cost
too much to burn thirty-six gaa Jets up
there Just lo illuminate the clock dials,
that cannot be distinguished two blocks
away. The gas cost of maintaining the
clock la about $60 per month.
In Company of Bad Grips Because he
had two grips containing property that
" f '
1 evidently stolen, James Murray -of
t.nia. uki., was arrested ounaay anernooi, MiBa Tr.ey ,e(, Tud4y mornn)r to
by Detectives Donahue and Heltfeld. tend the postmasters' convention at Lin
Murray is charged with drunkenness and coin. She returned Thursday evening and
being a auspicious character. He said he " w" ln0 b'V mteUnH she ever at-
. ... . tended. She was elected cnalrman of the
uia noi anow w nere ne eecureu mo gripe,
uoiorea vanrai ai J ail A "song . serv-
Ice" of the old touthern negro variety
wa held at the county Jail Sunday aft-
ernoon by th colored women locked up
. . . .
there In the matron department. The
women started to sing about $ o'clock nrt
kept It up for hours, attracting attention
from ne-inln llvlnar hlnrke uwav
Physician Grows Snsolous Former
c J . .
xoniB ourgeon J . i-ugi-iey, wno re-
ported to the police that his physician's
grip waa stolen from the Dollca station
av wwn. ago ouiniay, wiuia ne waa visit
ing there, now thinks that hs has been
aone. The grip was found Intact Sat-
urday tn a small room in th Jail build.
lng and 1 thought to have been hidden
there by somebody who wanted to "put
one over ' on "the doc."
raoarai Dtotiv Leavs The post-
office Inspectors and Pinkerton detectives
forte called her to investigate tho Ovor-
land M.-iil robbery, from Washington. Chi-
cago and other outside points, have about
all left the city. The indictment of tho
. , , . ,
large, Saturday, has concluded the
necessity for their service in Omaha un-
til the trial. Th more imDortant wit-
noaeo. h... W ......
,.EaGU uyu lueir own
recognisances, put the government
keep In constant touch with them until
they are needed to testify before the
I nited tits tea district court In the case.
no H.o for Banks Henry Banks is a
colorefl man living at 2209 North Twen
ty-fifth street. Saturday afternoon he
decided to make a little friendly call on
hi wife, from whom he has been sepa
rated ror some time. But Mrs. Banks
waa "not at home" to him and told the
police that "some big aiggah was gwine
to shoot huh haid off." Not until Banks
reany did open hostilities by way of try-
lng to become reconciled to hi former
.. . .. ... .. '
"'" " anion, anu
men umcer nieaaerman took him to Jail
on the charge of wife abuse, Sunday
uan aa uiiioiai toucii Within a
hundred yard or the police station,
Marcua Nelson of Superior was assaulted
and robbed between 1$ and 1 o'clock Sat
urday night by two young men, who have
not been arrested. He told the police aft
erward that h had been drinking and wa
approached by two men, on of whom
represented himself to be an officer and
told Nelson he wguld have to go to Jail
for being drunk. Th two then seised
him and hauled him Into an alley west
of Tenth street, between Dtdge' snd
Douglas street. H waa robbed ef hi
pockatbook, containing $16,- ioim old
notes and receipts, his checkbook snd
liver watch.
News and Gossip from Suburbs of Omaha
What the Neighbors Are Doing and What They Propos to Do Entertainingly Bet Down by the
Chroniclers for the Edification of Others Who Are Interested in the Doings of Their Fellowt.
D. II. Christie ot Omaha was a Florence
visitor Wednesday.
Mis. Klmer Taylor returned from Shen
andoah, la., Saturday.
K. A. Snell hounht lot 5, block 82. of the
Merchants National bank.
The city council will open bids for the
new paving Monday night.
The volunteer fir department will meet
Monday evening at the fire house.
Newell Button and Huph Sutttf visited
with Omaha friends Saturday evening
Miss Anna Potter was a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Iterson at Coffman Sunday
The Modem Woodmen of America drill
team gave a dance at Fascale s hall :jnt
Mrl: Charles Crelehton of Omaha was
th guest of Florence friends on Friday
John Lubold sold to Mr. White of the
Germanic insurance company, lota t and
7. block 6S.
Rev. Amos, the new minister, will con
duct the services at the PrpHbvtArlan
ciiurch Sunday.
Lucien Thompson la now working for
the .NeorasKa .telephone company In tn
1- lorence office.
Charles t l ost of Omaha w as the truest
f L. K. Urlfnth at the Mandy Lee poul
try iarni Saturday.
Wllllum Thompson attended the encamp
inent of the Omaha High uctiool cadets at
Ashland this week.
Mrs. John Drlsbin. Mr. Harry Brlshln
and Mrs. Ross wete guesls of Mrs. John
h.yler t riday afternoon.
George Gamble has recovered from his
recent Illness during which he lust six
teen pounds In one week.
Mr. and Mis. George Sorensen celebrated
their silver wedding anniversary Sunday.
About twenty-five guesta were present.
The Florence Tribune was made the
official paper of the city Monday night by
unanimous vote of the mayor and council.
Owing to the death of Harry Martin the
Royal Neighbors of America. Violet camp,
postponed their meeting until Monday
YIrB t," 1 .i . r- Tu I'lu. nf for. rati-n nf
tlim fnr lha return nf lh hnHv nf llac-v
Martin, her son. who was drowned In the
river last Sunday.
- w Nelson sold lots 1 and 2. block 72.
to nr. Ramsey this week. lr. Ramsey will
immediately start the erection ot tour or
1 I ' c 1 1 II U a IT V 1 1
Ti,. I'Uv.n,.. h... kail . n. .m 1
the Iee-Glass-Andreesen team at the nail
park today. Next Sunday they will Dlav
tne uennington team.
Last week the Farmers' Btate bank made
a change In Its directory by the addition
of K. jl. Olmsted. F. T. Parker was
elected cashier of the bank.
The Fourth of July celebration commit
tee has been Instructed not to have any
thing on the program that will conflict
with the laws of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McClure were guests
at tne wedding of Sidney u Edholm and
Alice Twiss In Omaha Wednesday. Mr. Ed-
holm Is a brother ot Mrs. McClure.
The school board will hold Its annual
meeting at the school house on Monday
evening, June 28. Two new members are
to be elected, that many going out each
The city treasurer' report presented to
the council Monday night showed collec
tions of IJ.SOs.So durimr the month of Mav
The balance In the general fund June 1 was
Mrs. F. B. Nichols attended the memorial
services of the Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica In Omaha Sunday evening. But few-
others attended, owing ' to the death of
Marry Martin.
Charles E. Ady of the National Life In
surance company purchased lot 16, Flor
ence neignts, this week, and will erect a
handsome house this summer. He paid
$3,200 for the property.
John Krickson and family have iusi
moved from Sioux Cltr. la., to Florence
and are now occupying 'bne of Dave An
drews' houses. Mr. and Mrs. Erlckson
nave three pairs of twuis.
Hugh Puttie, scoretarv of the school
board, starts Monday to take tlie school
census. He will also take the censua of
the city at- the same time, havlnic been en
puuuea Dy tne mayor ana council Monday
Miss Anna Dletrtck entertained Thurs
day afternoon in honor of some of ihe
grade graduates. Those present were
Pauline Sorensen, Stacie Ketchmark,
cieanor juorxan. liaiel Kelson and Mil
area Allison.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Olmsted. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Lubold. Mrs. I W. Reynolds and Willis
uurber formed a theater party that en-
Joyed "The Marriage of William Ashe" at
the Boyd Tuesday evening.
Mrs. E. L. Platx. Miss Alice Plat and
juaster Kills Platx left for Lincoln Fr dav
to visit Mr. Piatt' mother and sisters. Miss
Alice Platx will remain for some time,
;n"e the others, with Miss Elizabeth
Plats, will return Monday.
The meeting of the Improvement club
at the city hall Thursday evening drew out
a capacity crowd to discuss the paving of
Main street, and so lively was the meetlna
that no other business was taken up. A
nmtet Bffalnot fl.a n.ulni, ... u .. I
148 property holders.
executive committee of the League of
r ourm (.lass poatmasters
J. A. Scott, manager f the Minne-Lusa
Lumber company, was married Wednesday
!.0,.Ml8S N".'6 ,ey'n'"01n ?f,
coin. The ceremony took place in Lincoln
nd the couple returned to Florence Fri-
day. They will occupy the new house of
Charles Baughman when completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Burton entertained
firl ".' u "lr. rv " "eynoins, nr. and
airs. . n. uimsiea. Mr. and Mrs. John
I.ubold. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Suttle, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Haskell, Mr. and Mrs. William
Thomas. Messrs. Daniel Kelly, Charlea
after the hlRh school graduation exercises
l r-aacaie s hall.
Last Wednesday evenlnar the rltv mar.
shal arrested five men for having too
many shoes In their possession nd trying
to sell them. In the sffternoon these men
entered McClure' store and while one en
gaged the attention of Ihe clerks In the
back end of the store the others made
away with the shoes. Two of the men
eSCSDed from the mai-nhal Th. tiiv.
sentenced one of the mpn to'thlrtv 4ave in
tn cun'y Jail and $10 and costs.
-.Tony Minardi and llss Rosa Maxzerl of
isy and in the
........ p, m i , v i luiiiu n. riiii ai r-nscaies
hall that more than filler!' the hall non
w were present to congrntulate the bride
,na. Partake of the refreshments. A lar.r
" r"nnl ,ne music. ftir. an
aire. Minardi ivIM live with the
parents, corner of Fifth and Wlllet stret
It was tbe Isrccst and most luxurious ivoil-
dlne; party Florence has ever entertained.
The members and friends of the Pres.
byterlsn church held a reception for the
Rev. Mr. Amoa and wife at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Olmsted Monday even
ing. An Impromptu moslcal program was
given bv Mesdames Hnrtman and Rey
nolds. Misses Van Svckel and Kmery.
piano: Mendnmes Price and Selrt. solos,
and Mr. Amos Cottrell. violin. A most
enjoyable evening was spent by sll. Thoae
present were Mr. and Mrs. Allison Mr.
snd Mrs. llartman Rev. and Mrs. Amos.
Mr. and Mrs. Olmsted. Mr. snd Mrs. Price,
I "r. t-ievnoins. Mrs. cottreti. Mrs YodT
lwi M.t"'!" M,H" KM'"?.V'n
Svckel. Miss Anderson. Miss Mahle Allison.
mis Mildred Allison. Mlas Curry, Mr.
cariaon and Mr. Amos Cottrell.
Miss Bertha BrewMer spent Sunday with
Mr. S. A. Bates.
Mrs. Rooney and Miss Olson are visiting
with Mrs. F. A. Knight. I
Mls Nellie Rice la spending a few days
with her friend. Miss Irene Petti.
Miss Brelvlck of Council Bluffs Is spend
ing few day with Mr. Knudsen
Tbe Congregational church will hav
children's day exercise this Sundav mom-
Mr Chapman, the new elevator mn, I
binding a reridence near the elevator
Mies Klnvnun of Huron.' 8. TV, visited
a few days last wrk with Mr. 8. A.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Chritlian church will have an lc cieam
and strawberry social June 18 at the home
of D. C. Krati.
The children's day eercl'es given at th
Christian church last Sunday morning wer
well attended.
The Christian Fndeavor society of the
Christian church Is preparing a program
for the evening of July 4.
While Klla Knight's nephew wns visiting
her he was taken III with appendicitis. He
was iakn to the hospital and underwent
an operation. He Is getting along nicely.
The paved road from Irvlngton to Benson
Is closed, by order of the county commis
sioners, until It Is treated to a coat of
tar. It will then be like the paved road
from Irvlngton west.
Mlrses Elsie, Flliaheth and Carry Sand
nan visited a few days with D. C. Krat.
Misses Elsie and Elizabeth left Monday for
Peru, where Kllxnbeth will attend school.
Mls Carry left Wednesday for her home
In Harbin, Neb.
The memorial services given bv the Royal
Neighbor In Woodmen hall were well at
tended. The report showed only three
deaths among their members since the
camp was oinaniied seven years ago. L.
A. .Maguey or Omaha delivered th addres
of the evening.
West Amhler.
Mrs. L. McCoy Is keeping house for her
sister. Mrs. Kd WlKh. during her visit In
the cast.
Mrs. Rov Fraxell and little aon have rum
to St. Joseph. Mo., to be at the bedside of
ne, iiniri, who nas open quite 111.
Miss Moljeka Shearer and mother of
East Ambler went lo Ashland Thursday to
visit meir Drotner and son, Martin.
A. J. Jackson of West Side Ic bulldlnir a
new home at Fifty-second and Poppleton
sirens wntcn ne win occupy after July 1.
S. Hayes and family, with other relatives.
formed a fishing party to Seymour lake
me nrsi or the week and had good luck
A little daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Leeder on Saturday last, and
one to Mr. and Mrs. Lois Waller on Friday.
Miss Julia Faverty was the' guest last
week of her friend Mrs. Words In South
Omaha. She leturned home Monday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. L. Steel and little son
Robert left last week for a two week'
visit with Mr. Steele's parent in western
Gola Gantr and family hav had aa their
guest this tk In Monmouth park, his
sister. Mrs. W. Rider, and children, of
Lander, Wyo.
Mrs. Warren Oantg Ryder and children
wfre guests of her friend of girlhood days,
Mis. L. Mikesll Hennlng of Avenue C,
Council Bluffs, Wednesday.
Earl Henderson returned to the university
at Lincoln Monday, after a pleasant visit
of four days with his grandparenta, Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson of Grand Island
have been the guests of their daughter,
Mrs. Lou Frazell, and family, the last two
weeks. They returned home Thursday.
Mr. and Mr. Lou Fraxelle and little
daughter, Wlllodene, went to Grand Island
Thursday for a four days' visit with the
letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Culbert
son. Miss Myrtle Blake will leave Monday
evening for a months vacation on the
Paclflo coast. She will be the gust most
of the time of her oldest sister, Mr. A. M.
Frank Davie's Sundav school class of
young women gave a succes-ful literary anl
musical entei tainment at Uoodmen hall
on Saturday evening and netted a neat
sum for the benefit of tho Southwest
Heals school Is Jubilant over the news
that the Board of Education has promised
them the addition of four new rooms to
moir uuiinirg. inis win relieve the con-
aesieu condition.
Jdrs George Armstrong went to Buffalo,
N. Y., Monday on a month' visit with
relatives. Miss Gertrude, her daughter, will
tay with her aunt, Mrs. Adams, at Bemla
park, during her absence. (
The Ladies' Aid society, which was to
have met at Mrs. Coglirer's Thursday.
June 17, has been positioned to June i4
owing to commencement week and so many
other events the coming week.
Mr. and Mis. Kd Walnh left the last of
the week for Detroit, Mich., to attend tbe
national convention of the Woodmen of
tht World. They will visit some time In
the east with relatives.
Miss Virginia White, principal of Beat's
school, and Miss Wallace, eighth grade
teacher, have sent out very fine programs
for commencement exercises, which will be
held at the building on June 16 at g p. m.
The claxa color are nlle green and pink.
There are oeventeen graduates, nine boys
and eight girls. They will present the fol
lowing program. Processional, "Pilgrim's
Chorus;" song a, "The Blue Danube;"
(b), "The Three Chaffers;" address, Dr.
Davidson; solo, Miss Arnold; synopsis of
"A Midsummer Night's Dream," Juel Jack
son; class play "Midsummer Night's
Dream," Shakespeare. Dramatis Personal
Theseus. Duke of Athens, Edward Schuett
Egeus. father of Hermia, Jerome Knrlxke;
Lysander, In love with Hermia. Margaret
Grose; Demetrius. In love with Hermia;
Sophia Hbener; Phllostrate, master of the
revels to Tt.eseus. Julia Faverty; Qutnct.
a carpenter, Byron Ganti; Snug, a Joiner,
Albert Jorgenson; Bottom, a weaver
Harry Pederson; Flute, a bellows mender,
Alfred Johnson; Snout, a tinker, Vladimer
Koriske; traveling, a tailor. Floyd Hens
man; Hlppolyt. queen of the A mason,
betrother to Theseus. Sarah Glvens; Her
mia. daughter to Egeus. in love with Ly
sander. Haxel Toye; Helena. In love with
Demetrius. Carrie Wlsler; Oheron, king of
the fairies, Lyle Jackson: Tltania. queen
of the faltles. Serena Jensen: Puck, or
Robin Goodfellow, Nell Rvan; Peablosrom,
t onweb. Moth. Mustardseed, fairies, Llllle
Glvens and others.
Dssiee. .
Norman Dow i at home from Bellevua
and la III.
The Dundee school closes on Tuesday of
this week.
Mrs. John Ross, Jr., ha returned from a
trip to Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Children's day will be observed In the
Dundee Sunday school this morning.
The graduating exercises of the Dundee
school will be held Tuesday evening at the
Dundee hall.
W. A. Taylor of Chappell, Neb., wa
the guest during the week of Mr. and Mr.
J. W. Trebllcock.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Edgerly moved into
their new home at Fifty-first and Cuming
btreets last week.
Miss Jennie Fuller of Fullerton, Neb., Is
the guest for a few weeks of her aunt.
Mrs. W. S. Curtis.
The Alternate Card olub heid an evening
meeting lasi night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. N. Douglas.
Mrs. Miles Oreenleaf and Infant son are
spending a few weeks at the home of Mr.
ana airs, it u. need.
Miss Louise Hunter and Mr. Stuart
Hunter of Nevada, la., were her for the
ioouh- uiara wedding.
Esther Wenterf ield gave a large hll
dren's party at her home on Fiftieth ave
nue Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. George and Mr. and
Mis. Clement Chase dined at lha Country
club last Saturday evening.
Mrs. S. It. Rush and children are at home
again after an absence of several weeks
In Arkansas and other point.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shephard entertained
at the Field club last Saturday evening In
honor of several guests from Kansas City.
Mabel Henrickson, daughter of Mr. ;ind
Mrs. John P. Henrickson. graduated with
honor at the Bellevue Normal school on
June 1
Dundee graduate of the high school this
year ar: Mlfse Louise Curtl. Zella
Beebe. Lucy llarte, Jennie Peter and Har
riett Sweesy.
Mrs. E. It. Hume entertained at luncheon
on Tuesday and was entertained herself
at luncheon Saturday by Mr. Eduard
Johnson of Omaha.
Paul Johnson, who took part In both the
musical and oratorical exercises at th
closing of Bellevue for the year, Is at horn
for the summer vacation.
For Mr. and Mr. Kitchen of Atlanta.
Ga . and Mr. and Mr. E. A Benson, Mr.
and Mrs W. L. Selby entertained at din
ner at Happy Hollow club last Saturday.
A. G. Elick gave a stag dinner at Happy
Hollow club Wednesday evening, th most
Important part of the menu being roasted
pig that Mr. Elllck won In a golf match.
Cover were laid for ten.
Dundee people having supper lsst Sun
day at Happy Hollow were: Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. T. Belt, with guests; Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. George, Mr. and Mr. Frank Car-
mlchael. Dr. and Mre. li. w. Lmere, sais.
Henry C. Van GIson and Mr. ana oar.
E. K. Klmberly.
Ou-of-town guests visiting In Dunde
over th lodds-v nisra weaairg rr:
Mrs. Henrv of Prlncevl 1. ill.; Mrs. r-s-
telle Avery, Miss lngersoll, Miss Robinson
and Mr. Silas Wlllard of Oalesburg, 111 :
Miss Huntington of lost Rapids, la , ao
Messrs. William and Wlllard Lamp.
Thursday evening, at the home ot cv.
and Mrs. J. J. Lampe occurred the wed
ding of Mr Lampe s daught. Mlaa Cor-jiaii-
Wlllard n Analln r. Hod da HV. J.
J. Lampe officiating. Ofeen and whit
were effectively used In the decoration
throughout the room, and a reception fol
lowed the ceremony, miss ixhiibo mm,
sister of the brld. was maid of honor,
Miiinn tiitdda brother of th groom, was
best man, and th ribbon bearer were Mis
Constance Hurlhurt, Mis IHrothy Dodds,
Master Claire Dodds and Master Bruc
McCulloch. The ring wa carried by Ml
Adeline McCulloch. Mr. and Mrs. Podd
have gone for an eastern wedding Journey
of threa week.
v Benson.
Miss MM Nevln 1 visiting In Lin
coln. Mrs Horw of Omaha visited friend on
Charle Sprague 1 recovering from ro
cent tllnes.
Carl Llljenetolp has returned from th
tat university.
A son wa born to Mr. and Mr. A. B.
Rice last Sunday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mr. Frank
Vail on Tuesday.
Wlllard Chamber of Omaha wa a caller
in I3PHSOI1 xueeaay.
The Misses McDowell of Omaha wer
Sunday guests here.
Albert Brogan has returned from th
university at Lincoln.
Miss Elsie Baker of Omaha visited rela
tives here Wednesday.
Joseph Mason of Pittsburg Is a guest at
Dr. E. A. Mason' home.
Miss Marie and Ella Schneider returned
Monday from Bennington.
Dr. K. A. Maaon and family are visiting
relatives in Newport, Neb.
Mrs. A. C. Thomas has returned from a
short visit in St. Joseph, Mo.
Mr. Frank Loom! of Blair, Neb., spent
last week with local relatives.
Sidney Johnson returned Sunday from
a snort visit in vuourn, iru.
Mr. Godfrey of Riverside, Cal., visited
at Dr. Hall s home last week
Miss M. E. Simmons has returned after
a year's sojourn tn California.
Mrs. A. B. Ruth gave a Kensington
Wednesday for Omaha guests.
France Smiley of Shelton, la., I
visitor at th C. E. Clapp horn.
Th local Knights and Ladlea of Secur
ity give a dance next Thursday.
Mrs. W. H. Loechner entertained at
high flv party Tuesday evening.
Dav Washburn ha accepted a position
wnn tn nen leiepnone company.
Miss Nora Trotter wa a guest of friend
in Omaha several day of tha week.
Miss May Patterson of Papllllon spent
part oi th week at th Speedl horn.
C. A. Bryant of Fort Dodge. Ia., visited
at th Raber horn part of tha week.
Lawrence Nelson Is confined at th
Methodls. hospital with lung abscesses.
Miss Hilda Turner of Emerson, Neb., 1
a anieat nf her elatei Mrr Fred Ralatair.
Mis Llda Rewey of Denver t a guet
at th horn of her brother, J. L. Rewey.
Mr. and Mr. Charles Looml left v-
iar1 a v frit a t An Hava' visit In f'rkl nr s I r
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tost of Council
Bluff visited at the Hodder home Monday.
The Presbyterian Ladle' Aid society
met Wednesday with Mrs. D. E. smith.
Walter Schroeder of Sohuyler. Neb.,
visited at the William Butler noma Sun
Mr. and Mr. H A. Searson have re-
turned rrom a snort visit in urana is
Gorton Roth ha returned from th re
cent conclave of Yeomen held at Minn
Mr. and Mm. Joe Neal of Kennard, Neb.,
are rural s of the latter s sister, Mrs. ft
o. wuirr.
Mr. snd Mrs. J. C. Peterson entertained
Thursday in honor of their wedding an
niversary. '
The I. O. O. F. of Benson hold memorial
services at Mount Hope cemetery this
John Deer Plow comnanv talesmen hav
been receiving Instruction on Implement
in tne neia on me junn usvia property
last week.
While the
" fishing's
There's one so
grab your hook and line
Among the
Northern Pacific
Thourands of beautiful lakes
abounding in game fish easily
reached by convenient train
Those who get their requests
j i m ,
1U UOiUlQ IU9 DUO ItB are tUX gOUS
will receive a copy of Minne
sota Lakes" a work of art to
make the angler's mouth water.
Well Illustrated, with oover
in handsome colors, it desoribes
the various outing spots, lakes,
hotels and rates, how reaohed.
kinds of fish. eto. Address
A. l. CLELAND, Gen. Paaa. Agent
Nortbern raoino Kail way. bt. raul.
mm., or
Dlitrlct PasaeDger Agent
lit Century Bids.. Dea Moinea
. on Sm.
Nowo Stands
Tho Omaha Doo
Atlanta, Ca.
World-Toma New Co.
AUantic Vitf. N.
8hep ft Pro . Nil tmtiOe Av.
Penn New Co. t
A ralon, CaX
A mo Heir Co.
BUTng. Mont.
D. E. Wolfon.
Bolae, Idaho
Oray-Btubblefleld Co.
C. Bonettl, SJ1 Main.
Boaton, MsM.
Young Hotel.
Vendome Hotel.
Buffalo, N. V.
C. H. Iampman.
Hotel Iroquois
Genesee Hotel.
"omuel Cohn. 1M Elhurst.
Sadler Hotel.
F.lllcott Square New Stand.
Butt, Mont.
Keefa Bros.
Chicago, 111.
Auditorium Annex.
Empire New Stand. Jackson A Demrfeorn.
Great Northern.
Chicago Newspaper Agr, 17 Madlaoa.
Grand Pacific Hotel.
Palmer Houm.
Queen City New Co., M Jarkson Blvd.
P. O. News Stand. 17 Dearborn.
Kalserhoff Hotel, t7 Clark.
Cincinnati, Ohio
L. Peterson, $4 Wort $th.
Cleveland, Ohio
Colorado Sprinjra, Colo
Antler Pharmacy Co.
Colo. Wholes! Newapaper Agency.
DeaedwOOal, 8. I).
Flshel A Co.
Black Hills News Co.
Franklin New Co.
Denver, Colo.
H. P. Hanson.
Majestic New Co.
Jo. O'Connall, 1716 Was.
Western New Agency, 100 17th St.
S. Wldsm.
Kendrlck Book Btat Oo., K4 17th.
Brown PaJsc Hotel.
Qeg Mrrlnea, la.
Fred Gels. $47 W. lath Av.
Moe Jacob, W 5th St.
Edmonton, Alt, Can.
Dominion Cigar A News Store Co.
84 Jasper Av.W.
Excelsior Spring-, Mo.
B. D: Hlgbeo, $0$ S. Marietta St.
W. C. Slsk.
W. C. Collin, The Royal Hotel.
Helena, Mont.
W. A. Moor.
Hot Spring. Ark.
T. Mark, KM Central Av.
Fort Pitt New Co.
Dan A. Shannon, 184 Central Ave.
C. H. Weaver Co.
Hot Springs, 8. D.
Emll Hargan.
L. H. Jennings. r j
Houston, Tim
Wnlt New Co.
International Nw Agncy.
Indianapolis, Ind.
World-Toma New Co.
Kanaaa City, Mo
I "
World-Toma New Co.. $3$ "Wall it.
Rlckekr Cigar Co.. ton and Walnut,
Retd'a New Agency, 400 K. Kb,
Loa An$reiea, Cal.
Amoa New Co., 711 Bo. Ollv.
M. B. Halltday.
Way News Co.
LoalavlUe, Kj.
Kentucky International News Ca
Memphis, Tens,
World-Toma New Co.
Milwaukee, Wla.
Hotel Pf later.
Frank MUkern. Grand Av and Id UL
Minneapolis, Minn,
Century New Co., Bo. ltd.
Nicollet Hotel.
W. J. Kavenaugh, 4 8. $d VX.
Mew Orleans, Lax.
Hotel Grunewald.
I New lOrk dtj, ii. Ye
Edward Dorf, World Bldg., Arcad.
K. Toporoff, Times bquaxe otauoa.
Imperial Hotel.
Knickerbocker Hot!.
Hoffman House.
Grand L'nlon Hotel.
Holland Hotel.
Murray Hill.
Hotel Belmont,
Waldorf-Astoria. ,
Hotel Manhattan.
As tor House.
Harry J. Schult. Time Squar tattoo.
Oakland. Cal.
Amos New Co.
A then New Co.
Ogden, Utah
Han-op Ooddard.
J. Gabe Taylor, 24$ Oraut Av.
D. L. Boy I, 110 $4Ul fit.
Low Bros., 114 Iftth BL
Gray New Co.
Pasadena, Cal.
Amoa News Co. ' ,
Philadelphia, P.
Penn News Co.
Quaker New Co., $06 Green St.
Belle vu Stratford Hotel.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Fort i-itt New Co.
Portland, Ore.
Oregon New Co.
Central Cigar Store, $7$ Wajh., Cor. ta.
Rose City New Co.
Bowman New Co.
6t Joaeph, Mo.
J. Berger, 61 Kdmojad St
Pioneer New Co.
Robldoux HotL
St. Louis, Mo.
Southern Hotel.
E. T.
fit. Paul, Minn.
Cleveland Nw Room, 101 W. 7ta $K.
dw, O. Fltapauiok. HI Wabasb Av.
N. bH. Marl.
Savcramegito, Cal.
Amos News Co. 1
Salt LaUie City, tub
Kn on Hotel.
Earl McKal.
itosenield aa Ludwlg.
Hotel Knuisford.
Baa Antonio, Texaa
M. J. Hewitt.
Ban Diego. Cal.
R. M. Child.
Haul (Van dsco, Cal.
North Wbeailey Nw Co.
Hotel St. Franela.
United Nwa Agent. U Eddy SC
San Jose, CM.
F. L. Crego.
Seattle, Wash.
Amo New CO.
A. iMcrlia.
ch. H. Oormaa.
Frank B. Wilson. IDT Puts at.
briiiit Wyo,
J. C. Jackaon.
Warner at Canfleld.
H. A. Floyd.
Sioux Citf, U.
West Hotel.
W. F. Luncan, Iowa Bldg.
Marshall Bros
Gerald Fltigtbboo.
Spokane, Waah.
John W. Graham.
Stockton, Cal.
Tourist New Co.
Taroma, Wash.
Trego New Co.
Washington, D. C.
National New Agency.
Columbia News Co.
New Kalelgh Hotel.
Arlington Hot!.
ftlgg' House.
Becker Orndortt, Th Fairfax.